The Signal, 1931-4-9, Page 1READ THE ADS. i n THE SIGNAL each week and Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop. eteRSIRRISMIllimaewooloaaar --- _ TIL .11& 11 lona Don't Waste roe by Trying h Do Bnsliieas i tie Dub If you have anything to sell, let the people .know it through the columns of THE SIGNAL. ERICH, .ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1931 tlItE SIGNAL .PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers ......---- Choice oon,. - f ho ce- el Handsome Automobiles Is Offered Free by Goderich Signal in The News of the Town Contest Open to Eiitlre District PERSONAL MENTION RAVE COMPLETED INVENTORY • Messrs'. Dan Harrison and A. lilg- Choioe of Valuable Cars to Choose from Offered As First Grand Prised -- do"eend, appointed by tlw town rounetl In Attractive Prise Distribution Competition Being Inaugurated Today by The Signal ANY ONE SAY ENTER Contest Is Open to the Whole DLtriat screed by Huron County's Leading Newspaper -Candidates Are Urged to Enroll Early and Take Advantage of the Maximum Vote Schedules --Everyone Should Read the $tory of This Great Offer -Contest Will Be Short and Snappy -,Lies date It is a great pleasure for the management of THE SIGNAL to an- nounce today the inauguration of a great prize distribution Competi- tion in whieh the choice of high grade motor ears and mak whim will be awarded to those who enter the contest and secure new and re- newal subscriptions to THE GODERICH SIGNAL Every paid sub- eellfption iteenred by -a eandldatChr jtald• by a subscriber,- whether it is new or renewal, will count votes for a candidate and will help win one of the valuable pins. Another purpose-etthe'vent est•is ambitiOt i PisWvering and dote r► mea woa►� en' an�'S�'d'TIiS girls in the territory covered by- THS-BGNAL: .It _emits absolutely nothing for candidates to participate inethe big prize competition. The management of THE RI4NAL furnishes the valuable ears to choose from and the Bash pr'ises,:while Mose who enroll in the cam- paign and compete for the prizes furnish the new and renewal sub. scriptions, in their spare time. It is only a spare time proposition and it will be an easy matter for yon to secure one of the free autos or a a» hatantial each prize for your efforts in wnhaeription-getting darintr the next few short weeks. A IJheral This la' the most liberal offer the ,management of THE 8IONAL las ever made. Never before has the choice of such.Ligb-ande_moter.tean.and Val- uable eash prise* been offered to those , Who will join with tMa popular news- paper in Its plans for progressive ac- tion and extending Its field for cir- culation and peld-In-advanee suhaerie- tions: The Idea* In`olved in thl' cam - sign are wound. became they are reasonable from every point of view and practicable. became there are no **st rmountable_ obstacle* or unreels- - nrrs-- -1111/ 611 motilstls r - r-.41.1eldaa -M1 any way eannereil-wlrlr'tlte eeeme1l- med.erery man or woman or.boy or girl who enters the context and turtles to even a small amount of sub- pilae for the work he or she sicca. Yes Ars larked te Enke table persons whose residence is within the circulation ZIAIIP of THE SIGNAL, and you am privileged to get subscrip- tions anywhere_ Thin means that, n0 .mutter where...Jun-lbw-sun nee *WOW to compete for one of the worth -while Wises: therefore. you eltoald enroll Tone name at °ewe. Teiephone the tsmpaign manager tor receipt bookie no that you ran get started right away. Ont.. A. B. Hull. Quitted= Miniver. Get the early PQM It wilt help you win. The bright ennehine sod beauti- fulilitayo make everything tine for 'get- ting around, and by using yonr 'mare time during the next few weeks you _can be reedy to drive away le one of the handsome free antoe, or, cash you are after. you can have a -cash oPtion In place of taking *your Ouderkhaer_ret___ne help to get etarted. Do it NOW. You will find it eamy get- ting auberriptions for THE SIGNAL, everywhere In the entire dixtriet. The main thing In winning IN getting started early, an MOM VOIPPI see given for inbectiptione during the swirly pert of the contest. Make your etart just as soon RP POPINihh., It will pay you and pay you well. Hew te rater Cattiest TIM arm thing to do ix to clip out the infonstition blank on tblupage or the entry blank wnkIrt velh he totnrd in the contest pege advertisement. Fill it in with your name. address and tele- phone number or the natne of the psis, son you wish to we win .one of the prizes and send It, to the campaign headquarters, THE GODERICH pTTRn manage . T fe -piTtte(ita number tt24. (lnderlch 1. open every evening nom 10 o'clock. Immediately receipt books win be MO _7 I€I1t xtrlSllil that ou will need to help you In getting start , o make you the winner of one of the handsome prizes. After your name ix enrolled as • candidate, get your friends and ae- gnaintantw to renew their subsnelp- tons or so-`fiiderlbe anew for THE SIG- NAL. teas the telephone whenever yon possibly can, and have all your friends' promise you their support, Do it n vailo they it s is Ibet sohsretptl wtMd taMsA* -aspic -eattdldate - D0'Itbefore n_omeeee dot fete inlay ie your liar. rides 14 lot of promisee which you ITaibt beas b411..-111ltt ,tor askwtr. _'there are ..•yaw -N! `yeiwli-:..•etoss - telephone', and by phoning them early you -I11 owe of their import.. Early Went Cuts Moet RubmerlptIons secured the drat pee- led of the campaign meant the most votes and the first vote period 'bass April 27th. The eampatgn will he 'short and - intsp y: - wed the rued- fact is, your 'pare time spent rightly dur- Ing the next few 'Mort weeks can mildly make you the proud possessor of a very handsome automobile or of cash prizes of $n00.01, one. of V100.01 or one of $100.00. Besides the choice of free antomobtlee and regular cash prizes -offered. tact' -wilt disc he given large extra cash prises, as well. am .ubstantlal testi eommirdon prises tc all who do not win one of the regular prizes offered. Utilise your spare momenta -get fain qhs, bf[- rot petttiem early, money In your spare time. Every worker wins .omethdng. Reedvt Reeks Ready - The management of Tmc-IIONAI has printed a number of receipt books wnlef eandtdates nee In taking enbeeriptlone. These reeelpt books will be mailed or sent yeti oe wm ate given to you at the cetl- teat headquarters jurat as fest as nom- fnattona are 'received, or It fen amebic that the campaign manager will le able to deliver the books right to you and at the same time explain every thtng fully, whieh will help you In getting warted. The system of, amounts which is used during the campaign demands that reeelpt'bos ken he uaed.by all ean- Mildesw. They have been prepared in such Manner as to -make the work of the conteetents easy. It you win cap- Rai ap Itil prise honors, and already have 9 site, you may have a eash option _in place of the ear If you wish. Get -mei -Mart_ 4. INFOR MA TiON COUPON Prize Campaign Department Headquarters -The Goderich Signal - Telephone 624, Goderich G.ENTLRMRN : Kindly' send me receipt hooka for taking subweriptlons td THE SIGNAL and full detaile.relatf'e to the choice of Free Autos offered and Cash Awards to hwinede In the great profit-sharing campaign. MY NAME In ADDRESS .... ••1 PHONE NO. .4. AT. NO. •.• ..... Oatsdldat a ebmld enroll their name* now' and get started at air- >liii let 11ii*1p!'twstk■ now and gest the- wretremsesr--- of the bW� winners, 100v1( .Vrwrr Vet05 g1fllf"wit� •� t M raci waev Y•ei uter' inn condi �. •.'�'-`� •�a� �' 's%� '' A FR17•F iMR AVMA/ ACTIVE WOMEN THERE W iLL RIO NO LOMAS Mas Gwendolin Colborne was home from Toronto for Easter. Mr. Bill Tobin, of Windsor, spent Easter at ,its borne here. Mr. Gordon Woug waM In London on Monday on a blames,. trip. Mr. Walter Heitman spent the week- end at his home In Stratford. Mins Nora Hurley, of Parolee .apaadlag the Easter vacation in town. Mr. Floyd lodge. of Dutton. spent several days the past week at him home here. -i11S UUI*I Raises. of St. Thomas, 114 visiting her cousin, Mies Eleanor Detroit, rd cues laaat*t ,� the -week- end Whltty. Mr. Bedford McLean, of was the guest of Mr. .1 8. Bedford the holiday. - - Mr. and Mrs'. Donald D. Stratford, were among the Dorm In town. - Mum Ethel Stokes 'pent end with her @later, Mrs. Wt®. son, in Stratford. Rer. T. F. Ilusewy, of Kinker*, vie Ites.L.friends_irontown a i dosis-- t@etJv---�.�@.• .- Mae MtXamara, of Toronto, was the guest of Mrr.-t -H:--eoibwne for the Easter week -end. Mr. and Mee. Frank T. Shields and little son, of Detroit, spent-Haster with relatives in Goderich. and lire. (`aW-Campion and family, of Toronto, ire spending the Easter vacation in town. 'Mr. and Mee. W. 11. Farrow and /Ilse Miry, of Toronto, were among the Easter visitor( in town. aNss Naaenl McDermid, of :ovoids Euler witch her_ _parrot@, Rev R. C. and Mrs--meDarrala. Mia@ Olive Goldthorpe-. of Toros * agent the Emitter vac*tioo.with her de- ter. Mrs. W. G: MaeEwan, N - end Mas Macklin anent Easter with their so., Dr. L. A. Mack- lin, and Mrs. Maeklla at Stratford. . Miss 'Julia Hunter, of London. 11 •visiting her uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. R. C. McDermtd, at the manse. Wool Margaret Strang. of Toronto. spent tbe Raster week -end in town, the guest of Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Reynolds. Mint Catherine Sale, of the Culver 'itf of Toronto. Is spending the Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs. ('has. 'Yr:''lbilet--TrritehiM retarneg Torted° on Monday - after open weease holidays -with friends town. - Mrs, M. J. Bellinger andA sora, 11 of hoe Mater, Mre.� re( Maoday. Mrs. J. tI�']g*rrlaon and ewe Chil- dren, George and Ann, of Kincardine, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Jas. Hamilton. Miss Dorothy Weithrrook, of Toronto' was the guest of. her parents, Mr. and Mrs- G{ _�tbr�ok, for the Easter week -end. - Mr. Laurence Talbot, who a atteod- Iag Westervelt School of Business, ion - don, spent the week -And with his parents here. MIAs (neva lamprey, of Toronto.. tipeht. the l'.aster week -end at the lame of her parentts:AIL: _ Herh. Lamprey. Maws Evelyn Reed was home ftem Toronto for Good Friday and Easter also visited friends at Donee and 'Iwcknow. --MU* ]nary Clarke, of Toronto` a week -end visitor' w'Ith her {areata, 1r� t" 7 Rev. 1'. 1. and Mrs. ('larks, North T{,., change is efflrtive ion itullela', last week anti her *titer MM, (Bev, ale Anhb1*hep. Toronto - ;Tile new ba {Nlstry, .treat peredonage. Apt•($ Nth. it i+ e'mPeeted Heat the as"- Gordon Butt 01 the orTrs ia11ty..' t t« ami iAedl sty tat . .. entre 1_ A. 'IAWJI1P�r tTrteedM tri car w tie weed exclusivelypar w uu� - ('1111 j� f daring the mummer month*. Li -k of Mr. 1111.1 Mrs. 11. It. Currie, uf-Jus-rte -a. renege --4""1lMeR'on-4ie" *eituott44 o e 1 _ r". ('D'rie's in order, to get something' white, yet the cnrtaflmen(• , on Wills, Mr. and Jlrs. St. George of subdued lone and not ghnring, the Price. Mrs. 1'rl.r .returned to Detroit "tone to the nit wet. querrl«I under daughters, also Mr. J. R. Cott. all of ! BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING with them for Nivisit. lin' w•*• on tlje cwr14t of Dotter, Ellis I ith 1 tl i lend, foal is .'jtt11. •1 ('aln stone. 11 was The board of health held its regular Mrs George E Wilson, of E.rieuu , mnrved to Trial design at Exeter, Mr. and Mr* Ernest Colborne and rubor, with Dr. A. b. Hunter, JLu,il , K. MchFilzlr. Wilson street, and will Englund. Jt !ell not a standard type of daughter, Mies Helen, ef Pontiac, Mich., (:e41. W. tkhaefer aril Mayor C. C. *pent the 0uuuncr months in (iol('ricll font, but.a alwrnte ',twee of art. "It' 1. doubted if it hue an equal In the Martel ear) - t'wrtehtly there fa none other me. It a t'xtate•nce," the Bulletin comments'. ( in February to take an Inventory of the Maitland road and Brock street plants of the National Shipbuilding Co. aril of the btdldlne known am the Art1•raft factory. have completed their task. which rowan hetwt•ei two and three weeks - Their rt will be ready for the town which meets Fri- day night. W. T. MURNEY ON BENCH Mr. W. T. Mato, J.P., oerupted the trench to Police Court this morn- ing in the absent' et Magistrate C. A. II 1 l IIURCH NOTES 1 Tiverton Man Is Killed in Accident Rev, C. C. Raine, of Dungannon, will have (barge of the services in Victoria street I. sifted church east Sunday at 11 a . and 7 p.m. Rev. G. W. Butt wUl take the services at. Dungaunou PERSONAL MENTION L'nleed church. Mts. Leona Hern, of Simcoe, was home tor Easter. Mr. L. Duusdon was up from To- ronto for the holiday Mr. and Mrt, Geo. Bender spent thio week -stet In Wingham. Mr .lack Abell was home from Tor- onto for the week -end. Miss Gladys Murray. of Toronto. spent Easter with friends In town. Mr. Robert Hetheringtou, of Toronto, spent Feaster with friends to Owe - Mr. and Mrs. 11. Earl Millett, of To- mato, are visiting to town for a few Mrs. P. Raines and daughter, Miss Rid. A Hensen garage man was Marion. are •visiting in Toronto this t.ned $20 and Costs for advertising In "'as. 44 k. • uewstwper the he was pal' Mn. Jones, of Weston, was an Easter pard to *crept :Ind execute applf- ' visitor with her daughter, Mrs, Forbes 'oilers fur iusnrd lar. luvestlgrtion {Miller. dleckaLi that h.' did nut haver If- Mr. Jack Herald, of Toronto, spent cense to carry o11 s Insurance bust- .Erste; with lila_pgfaigyaktftwas and a sumungs to Pollee Court I Ilerald. ofian , The -Millman= line was lm ' lin w-RJ F? n -- n tsrit, t Ern ns, n Ems. ter bii iwittdrents, Mr. are Pat rick Finn. NAVIGATION OPENS Mr. Murray Hetherington. of Tor- -_-lelirii(iP ol>__L �y orator is the guest ef Mr. and Mrs. J. afternoon with the departure o flip A- Iawrener- steamer Parandor for-(hoHintcwts+d tie¢ Mrs. 1'. W. Currie is Mpe-nding this dock to undergo repair" to her rudder week with her daughter, Mrs. Beattie, daruaged III the ko of the St. Marys In 8t. Merys. Itiver late list fall. The Canadean a Miss Marion Mnnloy. ..f Toronto, aoe tomorrow, spent Easter with her parents, Mee sad +- { nnitnoieu:" The �'lfra. !'led ttnrtlry. -- leave this week- Mr. John Pote, of Toronto, was a end for the head of the lakes for a visitor this week at the home of Mr. grain cargo and indications are that and Mrs. 11. L. Salkeld. on her return trip We will ire the first Mf. Colin Hunter, of Sarnia. spent arrival at the local harbor. the week -end with ba parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Hunter. xpected to leave d her destination be Antes C. Minch wil SPLENDID 141-M RAISED e hospital benetfa given at TRy Capita] theatre Monday and Tuesday evenings, under the auspices of the Mr: Baroid Walters, of Toronto, -.eater wit-$- b s- p,trrwta. Me. • Mrs. E. 11. Walters, lienmttler. Mrs. Harvey ('utt and two children Women's Hospital Auxiliary, were 1 are spending u few days' holiday. with /▪ ,1„n.,ldtp y�.•nls ri ,and .tj+t: aum..�f. Mr!. Cates. parentx� t. Marr , 3101.53 was realised for that organize- Mr. Leighton Walker, oT Toronto, ition. The picture shown was "Eyes of was an Easter visitor with his par - the World," a dramatization of Har- edits, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker. old linen Wright's famous novel. Nurses Messrs. Rill hounder", Reg. New - from the hospital acted itsnshere. The 1' he, Mai Cormier au(1 -Tel Plant ladies of the Auxiliary express them- motoret. to Toronto for the week -end. selves ea deeply grateful to Mr. Ruth. Mr. Bert MrManets of the University erland, the proprietor of the theatre. of Western Ontario, London, Is spend - for his interest and e,roperation in ling the Easter holidays at his hose their work. 1 Reeve. J. W. and Mrs. Cralgle were visitors at the eek -end in Toronto ANNUAL T N�07t1iD_ with Mr, Cn,. e@bee4 The Signal staff on Tuesday were, W- boner. the' reeiplents of an annual- treat, a1. 1 M Mellwein and awe sora, wi w oo . • tm -t7t ..ph em lite 1Lhl�,-all �r�• A. Box Masa *agar and-mapTe , the tom mouth fa l; `yte, via for at L not. x eiturch testae, -i gus.tlle, were the good Samaritans lest of his parents, Rev. R. C. and - vampire. were 4elteiousi-lir. Mc } Mari. Hcl,r'rthltt Allister 11141. had a good run of sap Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reid are In De - this spring. him small plot of aeconel troll, having been called to that city growth maple bringing him alorat sixty owing to the Illness of Mr. Reid's, sir gallons of excellent maple syrup. a' ter, Mrs. Sharman. It has done every year for over twenty Mr and Mrs. George Hodgson, Mr. re. M. Hodgson and Miss Lillian Lovett, of Tori$To,-ilriPST tbe week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 1114.k. Mhos (live Whitely. of Tweed. and Micas Ethel Whitely, of leeside, are Easter visitors at the home of their mother, Mrs.. J. E. Whitely. Mr. and Mrs,. Burton end mon Ite•rt- ram._Ql..T(brsintw . are- holida vitsif ortf, with Mrs. Burton's sheer, Mir" Eliza - At the Baptlrt church next Sunday the pastor, Rev. W. T. Bunt, will have charge of the services. Sermon sub- jects: Morning, "Crucified and Living In Christ ;" evenlug • '"the Ceatral Fact of the Gospel." Itlble 'School at 10 a.m. St. George's church choir will visit Port Albert on Sunday to render the sacred cantata, "From Life unto 'Watts." Some of the choir will WHO amist at a concert to be held at fort Albert Wednesday evening, April 15th. The tient baptismal service to be held to the new memorial font. to St. rieor•ge's church was head Sunday afternoon last, when the baby daughter of Hes. and Jtr'a, J. N. H. Mills, wand the baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Bradley were baptised. Services in Knox church next Sao.I bath morning and evening: 11. a.m., "The Tyranny of Thlags;" 7 p.m., Mr. William Weir, of Egos College, will address a young people's service, which will be lu full charge of the ug ',covey. Sabbath school amt - Bible climes at 3 o'clock,- - _Moat Sunday attesaatuoa the ehetred let. George's church will give their Easter cantata Iu Christ church, fort Albert, commencing at 8 o'clock. On the following Wednesday at 8 p.m. there will be a social evening with a pro- gress in- the Port Albert -chew*, when the Goderich choir will sgaln be pres- ent. Irwin Patterson, Auto Dealer, Dies in Hospital Here-Cem- panion Expected to Recover Irwin Patterson, aged forty-eight, was killed and James Sinclair, aged thirty- Mree was merlon/41y injured on Sunday afternoon about 2 o'clock when the cur In which they were riding turned turtle on the Blue Water Highway mile wiles north of Goderich, near Shepparilton: Patterson tiled tn_ anelra hospital early Monday mora- ; ung. $iu, tau' 1s suffering from concuss- shot. H,• is expected to recover. The bate Mr. Patterson was Ford dealer at Tiv- erton and he and Mr. Sinelair, an em- ploye•, were en route to East Wiud.or to bring tack new cars wheu the ueei dent happened. An investigation made by Provincial Constable Arthur Whlte- sfde, who was on the ground half -an hour after the occurrence, showed the lar to have beau out of control for twenty-five robe, It had descended a_ ;rade palsied over ti bridge aid was _ - cbimbing' a hill when it turned over three or four times. The wheel marks dlselooed u zigzag course and at one point the antomoblle wns precariously near the ditch, but it never left the road and when It cafgetot)_'sgoL_jl_svia resting 011 its four wheels. Ribs fres the top had embedded themselves a the roadway over a foot 111 depth as the ear turned over. They were re- moved with some dItllrnl(y- - Flawing - motoriats soon came upon the wreck and Dr. W. W. Marttn was called. Brophey's ambulance' removed the in- jured men to the hospital. They were aemlaonaciouz. • An x-ray was taken of Sinclair's Injuries, but I'atterson's condition prevented eimllar action In Ida tote. _ .. _ APPEilL DISMISSED tuthe appellate division at Osgoole` Hall,` Toronto, this week. an appeal was heard in the eYtl.of Otto Johann v. Shield" & Melluglagr, wtlk•h was trial In Comity court le Goderich last Deeembcr. The appeal was by defend- ants from •he judgment of His Honor Judge Klll4ran In favor of the Plaintiff �r 223 and for the defendant on h1* counterclaim for 816. This action was brought to recover the value of a car- load of turnips shipped 10 the defen- 4wr aerept-them as not being saleable. L. E. Dancey for apIK'llaut, J. W. 'Withheld for respon- dent. Appeal and crows -appeal die - Mimes' with coats. AJL Elgin avenue. +-,air CURTAILED ('. 1'. R. SERVICE Annonnement of a greatly curtailed passenger service over the Goderich- Guelph branch of the C. IP. R. was made on Tuesday by T. G Common. lo- cal agent. Two treble have been can - No. -Ripa, -whish leasee - here et 7 «•lock in the morning, and No. 039, which arrives at 9 clock In floe even - Ing The train which now arrives at beth Taylor. \ ictoria street. Miss 1N•Ila Manley, nurse -In -training OPENING SERVICES HEIS There was a large congregation for Got. opening servkes of 14 th'a Hill Presbyterlae- church at Carlow last Sunday afternoon, the �resbyter- taa ser,' . R. IMrmld delivered an Easter an anthem wax rendered_ by _the urch rho-lr ejuxlnrted by Mr. Herbert isl«•e:-and-i,-solo by Mr. M. Tyndall: In'asitr•r, Mr. M. Tyndall Sunday fusel superintendent and-.MLw--lir Fisher choirmaster. Sunday sebool was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with a good attendetwe. Rev. R. C. Mc- Devitt(' will .again conduct the aer- this congregation- nest Sun- day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sunday *clued at 2 Welts*. MEMORIAL FONT There a en interesting item in the cnrreut bane of the -Bulletin," St. George's c'horch publication. telling of the erection In that chnrch of a memor- ial font "to the glory of Gott *nd• in tS4liig uieaiory of Captain James 0. Parsons and his wife ammo Mary ('rats and their daughter Marion.`' to within the front Is de,lt et Bfratfs,M e:envral iw dei. draw an rated try harry 11. and (!dole under at 13.4T a.m. will arrive etLionel 1:, t'areon-. Easter visitor at the home of her Par- *hen i1 11o•noorbal 11.4.i ruder the new scbwlule. The eats Jar. wad \lets Fr41 Jturney, window 1a ereted shortly a dedication train which now leaves heti, Masa 1.. Venue, 'Tea at 3.311 p. m. will len VP at 3.10 peri• 'week lenuIon, 14 •rat a few da s June on the (erasion' of the visit ut Ja+�_avfR-44" When the Patterson death was rr ported to Dr. A. ('. Hunter, coroner. un Monday morning, he ordered an in- quest and Dr. Martin conducted a poetmtorIrw;-The The -rentable d 'and adjournment taken until Tuesday, April 14th. Following are the Jury: D. D. Mooney (foreman), Fred Toole. Alf. 'tebbutt, H. Blackstone, W. Don- aldson, W. W. Walker, G. H. Crean and A. Somersall. On Monday afternoon the remain' were taken to Tiverton for tourist. I)ecea'el leaves a wife and one daughter. The funeral of Mr. Pattnraon took placg at Tiverton atterneo i, intSrment 14n5 "'""'�� Tiverton cemetery. Rev. M. McIver, byterian mitiater. was la ewarge of the services. Born in Tiverton forty- algbt years ago, hespeut his entire Hfe---- - tere. ragiumitirtires- man he took over n dry goods and . g�een,eral_ .Monroe from hit uncle lie con.. ducted this successfully for a number of years and 'till sup rvls«1 It at the time of his death. in 1012 when the Ford ear made its appearances he be came one of the pioneer dealers and is the Intervening ytare.built_up L la listalnewa h. ed a ;t was In Tiverton, with bra/whet" in Kin- cardine and Port Elgin, It was while on buslneaa in eonneetlon with thla that he 'met bis death. Mr. Patterson was bun adherent of the i'reebyterian chore'', but he never Joined arty fraternal organization He M aurvtvel by his wife, formerly Lucy Leggett, of t'nderwoosl, and one daughter, Imlay, nor*.-Irt-frnining. T1. rontn. andoneson. Gordon. at home. A' sister, Mrs. Harry Milker. of Van wryer, rho survives hint. Mr. am pleased to see her oat a ter baylog months by innate. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Taylor and two Blyth,were via tore w re a vee. n (laarrieh at the welt end. monthly meeting on Monday after- (int., Is lisi(ing with her father, Mr. spent the Forster holiday at Mr. Col- Ie.' present. I Mr. Wesley 0. Edward, Mrs. E:d- taitt. old home Iters A repel€ fre+m tits inalitute of Pttl► - tsainA ltoha. B51100 anti Ilam. Mr. and-Mre. Wm. Farr returned to Ile Health un water samples takewf hf Tnnuatu; pant Goyl Friday and their hometelast Werk after spom11 from'the town hall tap on March 25th mosoniay III t$.0W-11 (n1 n Omit to Mr. Ing the winter in In Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. nonce Hearn. Mrs. Newton ata' two children, of Detroit, are .pending the Easter term with her sister, Miss Anna B. Mae- donald, Caledonia Terrace. Masa Ruth Bunt, of Stratford Nor- MaL_Srhoolr 111 spending_the -Ester vacation at ale home 'of her parents, -T,.-aeaL (zi, tenni . - - Mew Mary mint` rem r.au,u., vt Almri College, Rt. Thomas, are holi- daying at the home of tbeir parents, Pomona. a L. a 'won Mr. and Mre. G. Mr, WIlI Webster, of Western Unl- C. Moog 24.n home for. Easter, left coli Tuesday for ventity, London. Ix spending the Easter Cm. McManus . , .201,000 24.00 Toronto to resume her atndles at iso- nat{flen with hie parents, Mr fend 'Geo. R711111 7(01,(0]0 27.5 ronto 1'nlveriliy. She wax accompanied Mrs. Wm. Weh.ter, East street. E. Johnston ...30,001,010 23.05 , by *lbwHelenCrosby, who wax her Mr. Stanley Clarke, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff, St. Cathar- ines, spent the week -end at the+ North t!nttCd ehureft parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doyle and chil- dren, of Duffelo, N.Y., are viaitingt at Aaaistant Sanitary Inspector Fred lag through a Winding snowstorm last The home of the former'* par0lta, Imr.1 Weir reported that during February he Thnraclay between (lravenhur"t and and Mrs. Wm. Doyle. Quebec "tr('M• visited two places where fee was be Kerrie. Ing harvested and both passed Insper•- Mr. Gordon Young a11,1 two sons, tion. Howanl and Colin, returned today from a five hundred -4111e motor trip SPICIA1. OPTICAL NOTiCR to Toronto and Stagers Valla. At To- ll* VP o- Il*ve your eyes exnminel by our ronto they vIMted Mr. Youngs cousin, weIl-known and painstaking apcallet. Rrsl, and at Burlington his son Ewart, Mr. Hoghsnn, formerly optleal expert Mi. Ynung reports (hat seeding 1s 1m fot Kent*, Toronto, and Henry Morgan all awing In the Niagara {oenlnwrtla. & Co., Montreal. Over thirty years' Mr llerh. Lamprey, of the Huron road waa at the ('liutgpr,, tring show don '�'hnradey last end psrchawed the three ear -old horse which tool. t, showed the water to be " 'A' gad" isdworl's father, Mr. ,1. i11 Edward.' *r The report on milk and Male - Mr Hvent . 1. Morrish, of Toronto, ' 1K1 m dee c lied Mira' 27th, v4 wk-��iiiI in town end vlcinlf y anti nox.� Mirrigter -�- follows , i xlled' em many old friends. He was lam_„ Coto.r/gasonto *s4ompanhrl by his inn, ('armor, and Ma Basted■ H Butter two demblem_ Missile[ Meru and Mnr- y Ila• Count Fat joule. C. Bisset 800,000 4.r, mr:--end Meru: -3. Alrnms. of $'*,onto, C11f. McManus 25,010 4.5 were, holiday visitors with Mrs -Goo, -Ryan. 60,000�'-sprilesgigelggre�L MV ithil Mea:' 1. E ,ve- 1161x`- :c.;,-• r `Rrvier.---itra. Fester.a(+corn nl.41 theist C` xter 1i0010 4.7 to Toronko, when. she will visit for J. Beattie 10,0410 3.5 two Werk'. _ Cream Mite Margaret Rde1 t t who was J. Beattie 1 200,000 23.01 , gnat here for the 1Rhsfer Vacation. • • An Application from G. W. Inter, Mt. and Mrs,. A. W. core and baby, Colborne townehtp, for a lieenwe to sell 1 of lravenhttrst, with hint. Rowe and milk was presented. 1t was granted I son, Orval, of the same puts., spent 'titbits -1 to inspection and approval of the weekend with. Mr. S. ('ove. Tate premises. and equipment by the board, orator' made the trip by motor, drive 11r. Martin states that Mr. I'atteiso* diet foul cooen.Mlo11 of the tualn_.4wo4_- n broken iteriiim Ilora st-tome t. He alto° suffered mevere.... alp laeerukuna. -• . . �1r hittlnlr sustaiuw4.+wi,-fru awe.-s-ef- the skull. hart they are not kerions. It is expected he will be discharged from the hospital in n few (1875 end Will be the chief 141(11eMM rat the Inquest o11 the 14th. A brother fr44111 (leen Sound was In Goderich un Mo11d'.y and was great. ly relieved' to learn that Mr. Sinclair world recover. In a last-minute hnl futile' effort- to "rive Mr. 1':ttter.on's fife, i1 . ,i. H- Cnulpheil. neurologist of i,ondon, was brushed Ih' motor to Gmlerich Irate Sun - def night, but - be..was..n+tltl. - so- do onythlug. Heard ('rash in Farm) and Apart froom Sinclair. there were 00 eye-w1t11e414es to the accident, 51) far • an ie known. The ambient oerurred auntie rat tb-e 'l ,fl l- where itotuelan/ .creydtrhsuasen.iaw. $aka , e1N1rc}- awdv 11e �. �. (warn Thr °entimes of the cuupr' were thrown ort of the nut. ideal -111111 int 1 the eliteh se the autotelescoped. Frank Hayden, who Ilvee close to the scene of the aeci.1eut, heard the crash end with others ran to the scene. Itwas only shout 101 yards Haid when Mr. Ileydeftgot there Mr. Patterson, who has sInre di«1, was on his feet walking around In w dazed condition. lie bells -peed shortly after, however. Sinclair. we. Ine(nseleas, • MARRIED IN LONDON, ilw(G1.A1rD ''he marriage of Mies 0,insle uni- son, daughter of Mr*. Wil.on and the late Dr. John D. Wllaon of London, (het., Ind gran11daugnter of the late Hos: M. C. Camerou of (lsiderfch, to Major John Kilbourne eirwwoa of . Yorkshire. En^,lend, took pace oil Monday last In Rt. Gebrgc'a church, Ilanover Square, London, England Tht'-beide -wa. given in marriage by her brother -In-law, Captain (leerge ('onat*ht of Aberieen, Scotland. After the wedding reception Major and Mn Lawson left to spend a Short honey moon In l'arls..Ejarlee. They will sal on the Duchene of AMOR Aarll 17 few - tlan@sbe--sccompansloglfga. J. D. Wtl- sec, whose imam (ttaf wftP'be et "amen Gables," Lembo. Oat.. for a $t. Paul's Presbyterian Church.; Extended Call to Rev. • R. 0. McDermid --Ree . R.'C . Mcike rn.1d minister of - Knox Presbyterian church. -Golerlch, last night received word from Tornntol that the eongregstboit of St. Minn.! I'resbyterhin ehrireh. in that city, had extended a•enll to him. Mr. McDern,Id I" tnkinRR a few days too eon.ider making the change before replying. it Is. meleretoeol, however, Iltaf Fx I. disposed toward ar,eptwne'r, Rt. l'am'a Preebyterinn church. Tor- onto, 1. kestrel at the tither of Batts-. nrst street and Barton avenue, into line maidentinl distract. It has nine hundred' members. The notary 1.34.000. free manse and one month'. holidays each year. Mr. Me1)ermid preached le St. Paul's on March lsah Rev R 4' Mrlh•rneld is n graduate of Knox 4'ollege. Toronto. During hi. ministry of fifteen years hoete-he has ioeen most active, not only M rhumb affair* hot In many eominnatty actlrltlen, rind has garnet the repot': tion not only 0t a splendid tyle or flet gyaaatR, Fr(M eieebd• • " He Ls inttmatenaltitemeiltnalliplirt ort *11 dans atiefon Sr 1`nI's pulpit wad . left 'Vacant bf the reelgnatlon last **situ/, et Rem i)r .1 B. Paulin. ;Mr. Charlet. Grove*, of the Royal Rank staff, Burlington, was a geek-, end visitor at the home of ha parents', Mr. and Mra. C. E. (Imuveo', Harm, road. Meters. Jew. and John Parsons, of St- Andrew's College, Arron, are apendng the Faster vacation with their parents' Mr. and Mea. G. 1•. Parona Mew. V. Ii. Peardon and son Harry, of Windom, are Selene the term - /Ws teffther. Mee -A--11 ,awsom. Mr. Pear- duh tlrnnght them and last week by me- exg•rlener, twenty year'* earning to Aigderich, Yee see mowed of the beet optical work to t* obtained and at tor. -. very moderate cost. We have all the j�rtle 1n agricultural cisme. '1 -ifees 1ia14itee Laaetirptfl"tit'- astbar late style* of nomalfnge, the bit s �me ae1m1 had token Arent prtae at Ines, 1" "pending the Floater vee*tion make of ilei' --TM ' irrRb ve, and ear' Wpm. Il forth ohm► the peevtonu Tnem- at the hemae of her 'inter and brother•, pricey are from $4.00 up. Thursday, day. Herb. la a gond judge of bottle.- MwGcrtrnd0 Uwnder *rad Mr ] H. R,rMay, April 141 sad 17. 4;04110 0ariy fie* and hwllevew h0 ham made a good lander $411T1141 ART RlW TORR, GMrieb "hey." Issac few days before gotag`fo Ottawa, what* they will reside,