HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-12-11, Page 1215--Thurada7. December 11, 1900
home after complettag the season m!the Great lakes. Reid laid up Ida boat
at Montreal.
CREWE, Dec. 8. -The monthly meet- Is farmer from Colborne tuw•mthip
of Crewe W, M. 8. was held at the itook rix hueehela of wheat to town one
of Mrs. DYlIIII1[II thepreeldeut-4 its. last a-!o'Rd a.
trtit ltpals e
taking charge. Rev. C. pair of working shoes. When the deali•r al ti of LINIMI011tylieltet1 him mother. Mr... S.
the Scripture lesson The oecretary latahei tor pia wheat
Mies Margaret Peutiand spent the laeld ag gbis,,,,Iton school on Thum-
weekssud with iter frieud. Mita Hazel day, Darest„,,, ts, at 2 0.r:10a sharp.
DUNGANNON, Dee. 10. -Mrs. W.
Wollidge, who has beep visiting her
daughter, Mrs. G. M. McKenzie, for
the past six weeks. return o
read a letter from Rev. J. A. Walloss.iraaai„.dpah„. an .„rdtaaryl•ill load I 11`
Weat China. Mres Maize gave a read- A -roe -err •Monday mrsalug.
ing, followed by the last elluipter in thei __
i en, II -Sunday.
study book .1,y Mrs. J. Knpatrick. As ,1!1.11d .1,11111 the price tile farther had to !coulter '2'2. A good program is being
this was th.• annual meeting. tbe elec- ti a twain his Jeans and Hilda:1 cents 'Prepared. ..1 KINGSKItils,1:. Dec. 10. -Who
non of officers took piece. asiblIOWs: of wiwit. mid y,-;:), he ( ;,,,,,,MMt my,
I tOgthe twin, he t t for Ms ;iv bushels The "44.° Hi"' "ver tile' week-enu wilt:II!' daeryeer iilitaiitikwftropiavtehrhawdeastiherenr dyof . darr;o•y"Dat. jy,' dt3rar. ,,sw.itwurIll! slr,.t whip7t siSs4.1„init
Prteident, Mrs. Menary; vice-Preaident' [Ike hoot and shoe industry -should -, vo,'"".Y.
I tit v.. „het ped the wst..r supply in this
'lid. W. 11. ..S.' of l'ttliai l'ultt;0 'many? oh, yes: we certainly had a
aut.h a whoa ,o, a., expork,m,sd ri,„, the winter with her daughter. Mrs. R.
recretary. Nits. Swan • treasurer, Mrs, s. s. N„. 3 •
. I °Morn... w ill bold its lied her by motor to Sarnia, where ..b.1
was met by her pion -in-law. Mr. '11•1111s.1
3. Kilpatrick : organis'ta, Wag France% Morel' will meet Wednesttai aft.•rnoin
Mrs. Crozier ; corresponding and press •
hall, •e pr,•tection.
Crozier an41 Mrs. Iiretimin; 'wording amnia) l'hrislinas convert on 111004loy. lit
the home of Mrs. J. R. Orr. The puptho and teachers of the Bun- 1
pUblir school are practialug1
secretaries Mrs. 'tasty And Mrs' la laiasesibig mrpate,__The past. I tiorych iia•t lit.t Friday evening in the day
viola tinhvatillt.:r11;!'n.i.:44legatialet seavppayeningandanda glifornlithmeir concert. w Melt Is to 1).• held I
Mrs It. Finnigan; strangers' secretary. W. M. 8. of tItuith'e 11111 ..hurch was which .were in charge 4•1 like I.eini pleasant tins. ili• • • „ ' •
blaize; Missionary Monthly seen•tarv
Ws Gauley ; newer fund siecretary.. W41 on Saturday walla, and ia spits, Colwell. ilev, 0. W. Mitt took cliarra• I„ a all mono kr surpassea.
Mrs Treleaven; Ladies' AI41 president,
- , of the bad roads there wive quite n "f l'he '1i4e1104(4.1. •A "Tref** itsetiv*"+1 Mr. perry McCarthy. of DAD*.
Mn.. Menary ; treasurer and secretary.. g,...I atietuhiwe. The ih,hatt, „.,, et, Ilto progralu was a solo hy Was Pre.. spent last wcel .tuluttg his friends -here.
Mrs MeContiell. "the subJect, "Itesoiv(41, that the fernier iyu 11014. of 11;oilerielit.,whieh was ver:r Mrs. Bowler alai Mrs. Owena. of
Allion Homy. of 4 .4011441.11.11 Collegian,. witii ion -acres .01 go,..1 land mid gym ant4•11 apprecinted. . Saginaw, earawrly the Misses Ckertiatir
Institut... and Mks Eileen Treleaven. of thin' plihe itre 'mending • while
„ in inipleinents alai live' stock Is In a i:oderich townsitip ratepayer.. are
of 1.11.•kiOlw 111gli school. si ten t lite • la•tter (Malicia.) position than the city paying their taxes this week, and Tax among their fricials here.
Mr Chas. Twamicy of Detroit. via- ,
' firtuative Wits upheld by James Coritaintglth'ali.*1 "lifilaw• iltou for the s inter.
'led with Mr and Mrs. Sam' Sherwood A number I.( the farmers are plow- miss path. intwora ia patting „la a
n • Hy ..---..witains nail miss rii,rigay .,Roberteen.;,1ps. aral Ow land is tettngted 111,.be,Jn %%idle amipag hcr Teesweter and Han -
and Mims Cruetta Jewell, while Arthur '
shit • for this work. .. • over friends
Nu. prelpirlag. -Christun.. tree 1,"- - The . wilt has+ chance -of
M. (Or the affirmative by a narrow
Miss ti. Kilpatrick. teacher of S. S. _retied for lhe tiegntirr The deehdon-- -
and concert to he' held- sendm w -
the va•rviee Grace Fatted church,
house. the pubJect very..cleverly snit -interest • gift for a retith it Or la tiwai fro
It 11 C I 111 he hoe t
home. why Doi -..11.1 The Signal for
ing, December 17th
The Presbyterian Sabbath ...hoot are
holding their Christiania eutertaintne,ut
day, Demand* 22nd.
Ueo. Horne is under the doctoiii
care. We hope for a speedy recover'. I
Mr. Melville Reed left Mat Saturday i
for Moncton. N.B.. where he will radde1
tbe "interest of die iltasagyalazrla
to. Mrs. Reed. who with her two rho-
dren has been visiting her mother, Mro.
Sas. Merin. will Joni tier husbaud la
a couple Of weeks --
m wag KIIIIPlanliot.d lb. r(111
siW114.11 Iter. ('. C. Keine United in mar-
riage Stanley Bennis and Dither init-
ialer. daughter of Mrs. Glazier and the
COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. . ____ __., .- seeomit • or tune.. having receunt year? A anibliar preaentatIon card I
(Mite a-nitinher froni TriirTnicumilitp at • "slait. ".. -.- . (moon. priticiiml of Clinton public
yea rs Roe... .1,4.111111 a thaws- ;entertainment given in Graee church A sHolly Berry Beliefs
The Best -Buy -1n
Radio Histo -6
cam. Mr .141, Was in the
1- chair and a good program was carried
Init. -Mr. Fred Elliott. president of the
1'1 ga ve an addreas. Miss Margaret
Pentland sang Jeeyeral solo* and Mr.
Patterson. of Clinton,
holism thq helped to keep Pa-
. red Wm siss allVe;;The
WESTFIEI.D. Dec. 10. --Mr, Edward
114Aier."-N1144ses Maine Bamford and
Marjorie Campbell, of GOderich C. I.,
spent the week -end in their respective
The Westfield Sunday school are
I holding their Christmas concert in the
I church on the evening of Deeember
, pared. A small admission fee la being
I charged.
i S. No 11 school intends holding
1 house On Friday afternoon. December
1 19th. The teacher. Woo M. :lettermen,
busy these days preparing the chihi
dren for the entertainment.
_Mrs. W. 11. Campbell spending al
tew days at the home of her datiglifeicT
Mrs. WM. Crozier. of Crewe.
Many friends will he Sorry to hear
that Mr. Rola. Melkovell has not !meat
so Well a late. W.• hope he will sotlit
mamver.hla usual health.
--iirditrmaertee hi the Westfieid
Mortimore was preachlug missionary
semitone on the Nile circuit.
The Sunday school held their annual
officers for tbe ensuing 1
r. W. F. Campbell: weeretary-treaa-
Comae .
The (lilt StsprOge -- Order Now For
Frank Riley, Girvin Young, Salesmen
1 . :: __X _A XES 'II
-----1.930 Taxes must be paid b
December 1_4(b_tosvold _the penally. -
. Collector
We have received a shipment of the best grade of
direct from tile manufacturers at a very low price. When
looking to purchase a useful Chriatnias gift, take look
--We have a nice asaortment of Teapotm to choose from.
ry- Teapot- purchased we will,give y01.1.
quarter of a pound of any of our Quality Teflit.
i late John Glazier. The young couple
ti remit/. loi lattiationoa, where the .
groom is employed with the }Axil,
1.. 0. L. Offiters.-At the December I
officera were elected for the eomIng
s..11 Writ,- stallion -74'd ihe lit Benson Filin4tan; deputy mamter. Har-,
blood alitit..4.1niordvarypt1171„:74.1::: Alton; chaplains. Rev. C. C. Keine
' tars- William Omer; financial secre-
tary. Melville (Nilbert ; treasurer. John
B. Young: lat lecturer. John Finnigan:
2nd lecturer, Henry (Amen : mar-
PS.0MM, Wilfred 13 la: aid commit- /
teeman. William Mole: auditors. Rev.
F. H. Gibbs and David Glenn. I
of t▪ he Preabytertan church met at the
Thursday, December 4111. with • good
home of Mrs. Rad. liavidson on I.
pion; the to -witty leaves heol
remembra••••N of the sewn of
thorns; the bitterness of
the tlrangti et which Christ
partook hanging Am the
Once, 1I, 'Aft, there wax a
custom of makinit a decoction
from the lark .ohl drinking it
In the wide of th.• (*bringing%
ye i*Jake In -the manger." -
Meat real Swot
Asti% Hari -
We have them siukthey are much efiesper this ysar. pp -
-- 15c to $1.00 _ia.. dams , • - • : _
Our stock of Christmas Pruits is moving
fast. Oet yonn now.
Store open evenings till after Christmas
Phone 164 Corner Hamilton St. ancl_Square
ing. the following officers were elected,
tor 1931: Preeldent. Mrs. R. McWhin-
ney. Jr.; 1st vice-president. Mrs. R.
Davideon; 2nd vire-president. Mrs. J.
'Bennett; 'secretary -treasurer. Mrs. F.
Rom; ,Tidings. 'secretary. Mrs. J. Ben-
nett ; supply sts•retary. Mrs. 0. M. Mc-
Kenzie; welcome and weitare secre-
t tarn Mrs. R. Davidson; program com-
mittee, Mr... Wm. Stotlwrs. Mrs. Geo.
, Anderson and Mrs. Roht. Fitzgerald.
The treasurer gave • aplend id report.
Mrs. Roast Invited the W. M. S. to her
home for the next meeting. Refresh-
ments were served at the elm*. of th•
rafted Char* W.M
-at Dungannon United rhumb held their
December meeting on Friday hug, with
• good •ttendance. Officers for the
pear 1931 were elected as follows: Pres -
t. Nes. Arthur Elliott':
eordlnAr and corresponding menhir:4
Mrs. Jean Williams; treaanrer. Mns N.'
• wh7hrd: °maim. Mrs. James Me -
Whinney ; 'secretary of (Ihriatian
stewardship. Mrs. D. Sproul ; strangers'
secretary. Mrs. 008. Irwin ; supply
1 iodate belpifir-siseretary. Mrs. Mel-
; vine Colbert : temperance secretary,
'Mrs. C. C. Keine; Mixmlonary Monthly
secretary. Mrs. Wm. McClure; litera-
1 tore mecretary, Mrs N. F. Whyard;
prelim aecretary. Miss Margaret Dialler.
Report,. were given from the different
secretarlea. The treasurer gave a good
1 report. the allocation for the year hay-
! ing heen &inmost resolved. Three betas
of clothing were packed aod mat to
at Toronto.
Opening Tableau --Canada •
of tirert int
turtle amnia- -When dr Shedders swab ang▪ le
-The Find :Nowalir-
Primary Chorua--"The Health Song -
''Jolly Old St. Nicholas -
I. Departure of talii,"
A. The Medical Change
4. The Owner of the Slipper Found
& The Prince Again Meets Cinderella
flare_ 'Won Band
nrer. Mr. J. L. McDowell: modatant. iiIiiii41...-
. Mr. Douglas Campbell ; temperance t is quite a ugibie
superintendent. Mr. James McGill ; saw
1 shinary superintendent. Mr.'. Marvin I really admit,
McDowell. with Mrs. It. Vincent and For when one is start
IWm W. F. Campbell am a committee; w ows where to quit?
librarian, Mr. R. Vincent ; Cradle Roll
Isuperintendents, Mrs. Harvey Black, - -.11110,m--,-..--• Me
Mrs Wm. Blair: planiatx, Mimes Win- 41 storm I ordered.
With sledi,ikates and to
''Iroast turkey, and holly
• And greetings meet. gay -
nitres! Campbell. Edna Walsh. Ifary
i for the different classes. Mr. and Mrs.
;Marvin Mcliowell and Mr. and Mrs.
• Roland Vincent were appointed to see
1abemt ordering new hoots for the 111)-
-1••Before. Gordon Buell and R. Vincent
have been quite succeasful in their
1hunting. having secured two re_d_folas.-
Opietats--The Fairies and the Brownies.- or '•The f4tory of a
Charal"etetralil-iTilcid- Fairy Queen: the Fairy Princeliest*: Oiri
Goilag to the Woods to Gather Flowers: Billy Big -Eye: Tommy Long -
Whig ; the Lost Child ; a Brownie; the Brownies.: Wee-Weem : Wood -
Nymphs ; Gypsy Girls; Butterflies.
Preaentation of the Victor Lenriston Medal to Etta Rance--Inimms
tor Beacom.
frogram to begin at s o'clock sharp
n Lomb far -ellielanias Feast
4 4•4141211.1111•4.4044.-
- the family meg, wog steered wita •
. . mixture of boiled ries. ploe seeds lad
art • lee Children _
. rlirlf4(11111111 14 first of all for tbe
_..__,,,,• • _children. thin t forget the tree. and
ihit thee -win auJoy making the Pole
- - Mrs Thaw ahd candy sod 'fringing
bits of cotton to hang froto the
flap the wishbones of fule fulfill your every wish and
make this the Merriest Thristwas you've ever had
All-taIking programs for week of December 15 to 20
transfers to the screen the mystery and pageantry of the Orient
• Christmas 2,497 Years Old 1.„;
of aostos. la the orlereal nod
rorresolen,k to the 1.11r1itlw
Afar Ilet.1 arm. rmil Infinite
,r1191. 101 Often
ion 01 11, „Rearm If I:lien
wilt okrill you with a fascinating lOve story of the daredevil* of the air
414; 11116W4e1--.14
WOITSO as Seam Class
--Practical CI&
the Whole Family
Gillette Razors . $1400
Ever Ready Razors and Cream b0c
Ruhherset Sha ..50C itlid-7511r
Pocket KitiVea • 25c to $2.00
"Kids Special" RoXillitillka 10c
' Junior" Ifoekei Sticks 15c
Boys' !lackey Sticks 25c
.1 iOr toe
Three-piece Stainleari Steel Can%
ing Acts, polished
43011eislc--SiiWIn Laundry Sets for
arms 10c
to 22.215
Tiiirgress Snaplights 39c complete
Ever Ready Pen Lights $1.25
50041 lrbauting Flashlight,: $2.00
Sleighs' .59c to $2.49
'Electric Heater, $3.95 and $5 95
Slood.•fisortment of Pyrex and
Silverware- -
"F G H //
pion Janitarv ft
whet, t, 'men ',rough, their
Two shows as& night. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday *at 3
nf Christ's birth prohattly
NOT1CF.--Iniring the two holiday weeka-1
(Manger. nt -program rech week. with matinees Mon
day, Thormday and ftaturtley
short/co aa. in eke Ienr-
In hem tote wf A oat rt r. home a
In the eirsiaste.'llo that tbe Intent
Lltriat s hen leo tosses thrmith the
C C M. Extra Aluminum