HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-12-11, Page 9Second Section
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'41111r* "Vie
Second Section
=' Pages 9 to 16
AY DECEMBER i 4, 1930
I,?Il:RiC13, ONTARIO, , : D
Was Once Familiar
Figure in Goderich
>rajer Joseph Beek Prises at Tor-
onto attar it Long and
Active Life
In the death of Major Joseph Beck.
which oeeeurrsl at hbe home, 14 How-
land avenue. Toronto, on Saturthey In
his eighty-sixth year, there passel one
who for ntauy years took an active part
In the affairs of Huron county. as it
pioneer manufa(eturer. Fenian Raid
veteran, active militia man, coulicillor
and reeve of the townehfp of
borne, Warden of the county, and can-
didate for the Provincial Legislature.
The late Major Beek had it color-
ful career. Boru In County Down. Ire-
land, in 1644, son of William Beek and
Margaret Lartner, he tame to ('auada
as a boy with his parents, who settled
at Plcton, l'riuew Edward county. He
was educated in the public and gram-
mar schools of Piston and as it young
WAS learned the tanning trade. In the
lady 60's he and W brother Andrew
,a1tt1 d . at datittord, thou known aa,
Maltlandville, a thriving place ho those
days. For a time the brothers worked
Ia the tannery of R. H. Kilpatrick and
some years later they started in ltumi-
Many Signal calendars for 1931
have already been handed out to sub-
scribers renewing for the coming year.
It is said they are the handsomest
wen around town so far.
• • •
Western Canada Flour Mills will re-
sume operationa Monday morning next.
The mill was closed down three days
last week and four days this week.
Lack of business and heavy stocks on
hand are given as the reasons.
• • •
Mr }'rack McArthur and 'i r. and
Mrs. Jtulaert Bisset were in London ou
Monday attending the funeral of Mrs.
Fred )toss, who died in ti it city the
Payton. Friday. The d. eased lady
was ■ cousin of Mr. McArthur and Mrs.
• • •
During the ret'ent cold spell a start
was made by (aretaker Rutledge- In
flooding the rink, but the Ice has now
all disappeared. The building has been
put in shape for the winter. Mr. Wil-
liam Wallace Is in charge, representing
the owners, who reside in Toronto.
• • •
At Mondry night's meeting
of the
tmnpitet"board *-berme of 1191{ +meMMA
was granted Miss 11lt4'orklndale. the
superintendent, as a recognition of the
splendid progress the hospital is mak-
Ing under her direction and supaervi-
s1on. The bonus was made retroactive
to October 1st.
• • •
Th• Collegiate Iustitnte will close
for the Chrbtmas holidays on Friday,
December 19th, Principal Hume stated
today. The public schools will not close
until Monday, December 22u11. the
.nate teed try the -Department sot Edw
cation, Mr. G. L Parsons, chairmen of
the board, informs The Signal. All
reboots will reopen on Monday, Janu-
ary 5th. The separate .cts* will close
on the 19th.
• • •
Doctors attending Mr. `IchoTu ..
lie state be ha making favorable prog-
ress auci that hope's are now held that
the amputation of a portion of his right
foot, which was feared for a times will
not be nettsaaary. Mr: Alliin had
both feet aeverali fat en on the night
and early morning of November
when he was overcome In the blizzard
which raged that night and was nqt
found until several hours later.
The News of the Town
Mr. A. M. Mclunes, the well-known
chief engineer of the steamer W. C. Mrs. J. W. Smith left on Tuesday to
Franz. galls on Saturday from New 11 Npeud the holiday inmost at Sault
gow. Scotland, to spend the winter :
York ou the Transylvania for Gl*s- Ste. Marie, Mieb.
• • •
months with his children. M. Mac- . Rev. A. w. Brown ant la, Sidney.
Wail forced to postpone his Innes bad intended stalling sooner, but f Thorndnlr, are makluk'e brief visit
to town and vlciuity.
• •
owing to Vines'. He le
New York today (Thursday).
Mr. rend Mrs. Wil
fort -hs were guests list
START MADE ON ROADS nam 1 111M and Mrs. 1i1
A start will be made this week un • •
stsritying and grading those streets I Mrs. C. potter.d jpgrelt, stent the
weekend at tits IMM T bar parents.
Mr. and Maw W. 011i6 -
Mra. K. Tin )eft •a Wsdue•wiay
for Waterloo where she•Iuteuds to
spend the winter with her daughter.
dd. ut See-
k of their
A auccemeful tea was held by the
C. G. 1. T. itt Knox church on Satur-
day afternoon last. The lecture room
was prettily decorated for.the occasion
and the girls, in the attractive regula-
tion dreson of white middy and blue
skirt. Served from a table at which
Mrm. McDermid and Mrs. Refditt
poured tea and toffee. Various Christ-
mssarticles were on rale at artistical-
ly arranged tables. The leaders tit
charge of the four groups are: Miss
f'bwln, Mrs. Me=. Smiths Mrs W. it.
Rothwell and MIMN Mary MacKay. A
substantial sum was realised. .
included In the relief program, In
preparation for a treatment of crushed
rok, which awn be lipread at any
titer, Mayor MacEwan stated yester-
day. The mild weather has Riven the
public works program a real fillip and
it.. -e•n ',ow nn'tTfirTst11111 e- i•very
Sundry night Atwater Kent radio hour
will represent a Christmas peak of
entertainment. on the night of De•em-
if It continues a start will be made im- I Iwr 14th fru young amateur singers
Tinker -
mediately on the curbing and gutters bis. Alex. Mcllunald. elf Tticker-
eruunl the Square This week civic em wulth, spent the weekend with her par- in the United States will c umpa•te for
ploytrw have been engaged tearing .sits. Mr. and Mre. John F'4i. ramhrht y'- ri sh and mnute*4 l"arshl
ItOwrt-thr'tlttt- Eerie' et-- the. *revels -044 rood. .- In the. final. of the A
on Maitland road and aw'9t of the • • • I ' national radio uu7Rfieifi: A 6ptv[at
e nitural Park. where another gang of with rore-er, that Mrs. J. P. Brown, Dee tab r 21st. and on lk-•e mbar 2Ath
Ilia re ce Tlbbett the famous baritone,
t,ltyftl "}lIkNTIN(3 Ot)« LLIS1TE1),
CHURCH NOTES Ten Boats Tied Up
The 1 meeting of Knox church •
for Winter Season
auxiliary. W. 'I S., will be held on
Tuesday, lksember 18th, at 3.90 p.m. i .
At this meeting all secretaries will _ _ _ .
iter their reports fur,thc year. Four Grain Carriers Put into
The services At Victoria street Port on Eve of Close of Navi-
1'nitetl church on Sunday next will be
In charge of tine pastor, Rev. 0. W.
Butt. Sermon subjecta. 11 a.m.. "Ye Are
the Light of the World ;" 7 p.m., "Dras-
tic Operations.'•'
• • •
At North street 1'uttd church next
Sunday public worship will be in-
ducted by the pastor at the usual
hours. The topic for dissuasion at the
Mena Club, meeting at 10 a.m., will be
'"The Benefits of the Use of Tobacco,"
t`e be introduced trylair H. L. Salkeld.
gation for 1930
Lake wtvigatfou (dosed thla week
after a short and uneventful season.
hut one which has bwu marked by un-
usually fine fall and early winter wea-
ther. On Tuesday there were only
three boats above the Sault leeks.
downbtund. On Saturday Inst the Can-
adian put into the harbor. on Monday --
the Faren1(w. on Tuesday the Turret
('ale and on Thursday the Anna 81
• • • Minch. TItetN• boats brought the win. '
The Arthur Cindy. of Knox chun•h ter feet here up to ten, two leer
will hold its regular meeting.% the lot- than a year ago. Four of the eight
ture room ou Monday. December 15th, bats tial up with storage loads.
atlt-p.m_ Mrs. haat. JMtuaton will have The following boats will whiter at
rirarge ut itte meeting and u {epee wiV tioderlelt' -Emperor, Home Smith,
be given by Mrs. Donaldson. There Onfndor, Anna C. Minch and Durham
Will be a social hoar at the close of the (with storage cargoes) : Turret (els•,
nese lug. Farendoe and Canadian. The Valvar-
• • • tier and. Martian have kern laid up
a 1s At the sweat aervit-te held in Vic here all summer.
•i agaAtwater Kent torla [reef L'nitld cbunelt on Sunday, l4wtlorrherebfate' tfie-nacIgation--+a'a-
M.cC. arr, f London. occupied the profitable slur for themselves and ob-
pulpit and preached two fonwful ser- ' viously nal for boat owners also. Many
mots. A thankoffering of $500 wail boats were not outfitted until well
asked for and $451 was received that Into May or June• and some were laid
Sunday. Amounts since received bring up as early as 14t•ptemher and October.
the tori well over 454)0. The movement of grain. as la well
• • • • known. wee very light, with other
Following are the newly -elected of- commodities in propiMlou. The sea-
flan off- t-iio ±eTperM ('iaMM of TictaPliT lm wltt-Err down in Matory-es one ,4 ____-s..
street United church: l'resldkIG Mrs. the quietest of the present century. •
O. Miller; vice-president. Mrs. John 'flu' last four irate to arrive thin
year earrhd the following cargoes: the•
anadlan 100,,000 bushels of wheat for
,wteru l>anat a "Itlour Mille, the Far -
rutty(' 100.000 Anaheim of wheat, the
Turret Cape 102.1(81 bushels of wheat
and the Anna C. Minch 291,000 bushels
or wheat and oats for Inc Goderich Ele-
Friend. in (loderich Last learned ('In'istmae concert will be broadcast tm
towbar salvaged far being used at Agri -
workmen IR engaged en a drainage toys- naw of I.w Angeles California. ort torr -ren
teem. lousily ill will return to the Atwater Kent hour
_ . . -• for his annual engagement. These
COM-'llU`VITY CHRISTMAS TREE Mesons. Gro MacDaa4d and P. J. breadeants commence at 9 o.'ka•k Sun -
W S D Croft again has ('anttelon attended tb• neral of the 41117 aventugM.
Ikderlch poultry fanciers were repre-
wuue or late Robert Musgrove nl Rn,
charge of the community Chrl'tnnae
tree which 1it to be illuminated and Tuesday.
• • •'
decorated on the Sq itare during the he • over gaited at the Stratford poultry show
fe'stive season. 'rbc illumination. which MINN Lama Sturdy 1P'
trbetmr undertaken try the water and the week -end from Turimt'e. %here she roast week. T. Bowler allowed ten of hie
light eUIuierai011. will be turned on is taking the nurser' tsmiss ,'.tire' buff Orpingtons and took five first
On at the (letters( h'wpitaLs pries and two seconds, a rover cup for
Saturday evening, December 20th. • • •t, the best showing of Orpington. and
he will •
Christmas kto
te t town tp
play /tants Claus to the small boys and Mr. and Mrs. Fred *to, a
girls,. as was done last year. Candice", Benson Weston, of Dalton Is
and fruit will .be distribut!d, Or- weekend at the home of Mr 111
gaulzit tlons prepsred to co-operate
this work ass Invited to_do •o by. Mi' I f the trip by mob*. ' and carried away • flock of prize.; in-
in touch with Councillor Croft, so . • • • •
#Yintling fire[ for silver laced Wyan-
t std d f 11 ts;
The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. v. G
ham, Bayfield road, was the nceoe at
• happy family reualon on Friday last,
when a dinner wr Riven in honor of
Mrs. (graham's w -, Mr. Join L
Johnston. of Toronto. who Ieaees
lid Mr. several special prizes. He ORO exhibited
cut the a pair of pigeons, white muff timblern,
.d lint which took two first prizes. Ow
i{Nay-Jk+alt-stere}- tt- hied« et -elbow
fo Tatif Wewllait- tennett start '
that Banta Claus may make an auapi- '
Thous arrival In Goderich on ('hrist-
msa Lev*•
'Pis• w'MI satlsfactury •reports in the
history of the W. M. S. of Victoria
street United chmrch were read at the
nal meeting held last week. The
amount of money raiw•el during the
year showed an Increase, totalling 4181.
The election of (officers resulted rig fol-
lows: President. Mrs. R. H. Mew ;
first vice-president, Mrs. Byron Wil-
mot; second _*it - t, Mrs. a
eetpora bmtoedi wile R. J.
Du -..r ek e
1`est e at sllattterd
Major 7tss[ took an ae(ive Intoned. 1n
township politic`. HP was • ceatne•Rlor
of Colborne for yearn and auto served
several terms a! reeve. He was elected
Warden of the county In 1861 and twice
was a candidate for old West Huron
in the Conservative cause, being de-
feated by very narrow majoritlea by
J. T. ("arrow, in later years JudgIDe c-
row. During gthe hitneyal e Par -
was app[ Par-
liament buildings, Toronto, a position
be filled with dignity until a few years that the
Circle for the ad iter. sed l A allreootk
ago, when be was ntIicek was
it on "home mission night" at the The late Major Reck wan t very ittg of the General Council at meet-
neIntManson Irl. day and had don was given by Mrs. Jas. Hamilton,
Lon -
gone far In the ngorder. r was a Vs. ge teat while Mrs. A. L. Cole and libel M.
master p Morning deputy. and had Ik'ae'om read leaflets. The election of
low), a W offieern resulted as follows,: President,
akin his as the seconndd
degreet Shriner rine- Minae Emilie Buchanan ; 1st elce-
ts Onta war the whorl mora toTo- resident, Mrs. Robert Johnston; 2nd
ts Ontario. becameter
his ember) to the Fire-prsldent, Mrs. I). D. Gray; re -
he be w' e a member bod of eording n creary, Miss E. MacNaught-
and h. aoif Bruce Masonic bodge there- tet; treasurer. Mise E. Hume; cor-
he was ar a dti eat ttishf lRite.
ident Chctpte
Ills military -career also was n Icing
honorable one. HP was a member
Of the Huron Rlflen who were mut at
the time of the Fenian raids and later
roue to the rnnk of major and quarter-
master In the 33rd Huron Battalion.
He had a fine military bering and
took a great interest in everything per-
eraining to the militia.
in religion he was a Prenbyteran
and was a member of Knox Preahyter-
nate also for
all mat down to , oar, Including
Mr. and airs. ,
field road; Mr. ane a'
tum and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston
Huron road; Mr. and Wm Fred El
Mott, Porter's Hill, and Mrs. McIhoy
At the annual meeting of the Mis-
sion Circle of North street Unitedna
church, held at the home of Mrs. Rob-
ert Johnston, Waterloo street, On
Tuesday evening, It was announced
tan church, Toronto. He
half-a-tsntury a member bf the I.O.O.F.
One of the moot genial of men, he
had a holt of friends by whom he was
held In the highest regard.
He Is survived by his wife, formerly
Miss Margaret Kernighan, a cousin of
"The Khan" of literary tame; also by
two nephews and three nieces, Edward
Beck of Goderich, Foster Atkins Miss
bottle Atkins and the Misses Lydia
and Ella Beck, e11 Of Toronto. _
A funeral wervice held on Sunday
eight at the home in Tortmto was eon -
ducted by Rev. Dr. .1. G. luk.ter- The
body was brought on Monday to the
home of deceased'. nephew, 'Edward
Beck, Vietortn street, Ooderieb, whence
the funeral took place that afternoon to
aitlatmt cemetery. Rev. R. C. McI)er-
Id tondncted the service, end the
vial rites of the Masonic order also
•re &nerved, member* of Morning
tar and Maitland Indent joining in the
remonlet. The pallbearers were
ayes MacEwan, Reeve A. J. Goild-
orpe olf Colborne, C. A. Robertson.
,P.P., Wm. Bailie, A. C. Jackson and
W. F. (lark.
Those present from Toronto were
re. Heck, the Misuses Lydia and Ella
It. Mr. .1. N. Kernighan and Mr.
array Kernighan.
The annual concert of Central school
1 1.' held at MacKay Hall on Tues
night next, and the program. which
pnhlishtd elsewhere In thl. paper,
promlae of a very intenwting
ing. In addition to music and
mime, An operetta and other
by the pupil*, the pre eenta-
nt prise*, including the Robert
wsemorlal medal. will take place,
et-itrsweii that throe wilt be a
attsndanee of pePPrtte mei other
of the Reboot
respong wca Mrs.. A. L. Cole ;
rreretaryndiof 4 bn•rtttJabry, atewatdab)p •ml_
finance. MIM' I;rats-fleltirtaml ; liter-
ary secretary, Mrs. Arthur Curry ;
'up.ld}' secretary, Mrs. .1. T. Fell; pinta
n creetary, Miss Ileac : plantit, Miss
C. McClinton; asnlatant pianist. Miss
line Andrew; program eommittee,
Mrs. Waiter Neftel, Miss E. Buchanan,
Mrs. ('ole, Mise T. Cheer and Mies
MetNenghton. There was • large
vera; '• • .. • -stew-
Mrs. R. T. PhIWps; financial
Sliffitses 1►. Hatt'allitts
T. Tabb; strangers' necrea21. M Bella
Horley;- nepply seorstary, Miss.
Cox : asxoeiate helpers' secretary, Mies
Annie Hayn; Bkby Band superinten-
dent, Mrs. Fred tkeahreoke ; secretary
of temperance, Mrs. R. T. Phillips;
secretary of Missionary Monthly, Mrs.
George Bae•hler; seereary of litera-
ture, Mrs. G. W. Butt : press secretary
Mrs. W. Rivers.
Milder Weather
Improves Roads
Provincial and County E
Bare -Township
'Inch Better sY'h
Louis Condos, who has conducted a
tobacco and shoe -shining businein to
Goderich for the past seventeen years,
with the exception of a year or so
spent at Or1111a, has sold out to John
1'. Sneer' and will move to Ingersoll.
The new proprietor will take posses-
sion on January 1st, 1%31. About a Hardware Stork
year ago Mr. Condos purchased a two
story brick business block on the main ,
street of Ingersoll and he hat+ 51nao
had it rew4elkat l...6 i Totiewe' "w"`+
Ime ae.t he gave his Misstate notice
Betaking Glass
Mr. and link GeorgiaIiia had as dotte hen. f est a txron or pit e
their visitors Saturday -and Sco
Sunday send for cockerel, first for golden
their daughter, Mrs. Harold Currie, Rased Wyandotte hen, oeernd for rose
l;eatest - ben and second
b w en testa w or .
children, William s,s. rtlu, all of
Detroit_ The visitors on'ei here via C. 0. F. ELECTION
London and eaooMsed very little The annual election of officers of
and her husband+ also their gra, Mr erten blst'k
Martin Price, r
He I their two t pullet
snow en the highways.
In Issuing this special sixteen-pege
Signal this week, the publishers would
like to point out • every bit of It.
including the _ front page. 1s
Orbited in this , .. papers buy
a e'_
ted lnac
('wort (1 wierich, No. 32, Canadian Or-
der of Foresters. took place in the
beige rooms at Mi Stay Hall on Tues-
day evening of last week. There was
a large attendance. The installation
ceremony will be held on the first
Tuesday. of January. The following
a 1teesrs-- sere-- eieeted : - Chief ranged.
Pries; vice -chief ranger. E.
It is practically certain that .e jun-
ior hockey league will again operate
in Goderich this winter. At the last Contests in public streaking or ora- I ,miens Refreshments were served and
meeting of the LIoist Club It was do- tory are much in vogue It present and t for the program of addressee which fol-
coded to. give assistance again and co- I form one of the prominent features of lowed Wor. Bro. C. M. Robertson pre -
operate with the Athletic Assnetation. I educational programs Ihrouet t ('nn side'd! Addresws were given by the
lent year's contain' tee composed oflada mut the 1'nitel Slates. The wine, following brethren: E. Mitchell, Alex.
done F. E. Hibbert. (1 K. Saunders,' nee' in heal (entre enter district cow- tit1g :tluiv: M -Xi -i tr, itcrt Vacate;
Snell : seeretarr. Mrs. 11Fl. tiandersen;
treatatarre, -Mdse flare!
Is•raldp convenor, Mrs. Reg. Jewell;
touvenor of flower couruittee.-s-iilrx,
Frank Ih ; teacher. Mrs. R. H. Mew.
• • •
itegttlar services will be held at the
Ilaptirt rhumb next 'tumidity. Roble _
si'Ttolii'-Ar Trelinvene at itFrn+, Q•epei Mr. John Campion fell .0 the Nide-
servteew at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Th• t Lb. "ruff rollorte s( sire
stet ttpx'aker iiia' fie day will -bi and the Square het !"'inlay and broke
IL E. Stillwell, of Toronto, secretary bene 4n his moulder.
of the foreign minden board. Dr. Still-
well Isa rehaving
turned missiouary,
,tet- 110Mhee of ye sit -,>r, war
-owl at
Don't fall -to hear him.
The epidemic of automobile thieving 1 M. s Cs Supper
for joy -riding, prevalent here last ,
mouth and this, ban been laid at the
feet , of two fourteen -year-old youths. Honore
'They were caught in the act by flow*" Candidates for Municipal
Cotnttable (Jmalry outside of a church Present Unique Policies
Sunday evening and couteswsl. The,
boys are on probation. to the Electors
Albert Harker: ehaplatn, W. M.
Knight : senior w,malward..1. Barbour
wuodwa tris J.„.1 tl n
A Hadden; junior beer e, .
-liarjJectPr ; audlture. T. _ preanal W...31-
---- - - ' eluded, the brethren adjourned to the
PUBLIC SPEAKING ('ONTEST • aeitembly hall. where aNodal hour was
-e was a large attendance of
r meet.
b a: jr , , - r; . , •eenthg. War.
13 rnest Mitchell. master of Morn-
erikdr. iCi:Z:: z
s1 au staff
of offlcerji unIaidelL_While_* second de-
gree was confel D. 'After the care -
montes In the lodge room were con -
G. L. Parsons and 10 Graham was re-
appointed to carry on this season.
There were four te:uns in the league
last year, and the age limit we, MacKay 11x11 tomorrow (Friday) even -
eighteen. The Junior league was found ing amongst studentm of the middle
to be a very suet -es -foil medium for the and upper w'had claws of the ('olleg-
development of hockey players. ' lute Institute pr.mitiee to be Toth in-
t' r etin l and instructive. All (Mende of
tests and nay' Own :Wynne'. to Previte TIleM. 11 ❑s'.II. Frill N'lll,
tial and Ituminlou groulM and even to Munro, all mends'rs of Morning Star
international *The. The contest in 1,tmtge. and Geo. Mae%har and 11. ('.
Dunlop. members of linithunl lodge.
'Maitland and Morning Star testier
will hold a • joint 'nstallntlon meeting
in (Selerlcti on Friday evening. 1►ce•w-
her 26th.
to vacate adif";-ii l the flntt"ut the new
year he will establish himw•lf in A
Imstnnte sindl*r to tttat_whith he has
conducted iters. Mrs. ('ondo*' mother
and brothers reside in Ingersoll and
thin was an important tactor In the
decision to make the change. A native
of Greece, Mr. Condos has been In this
country twenty-one years, seventeen of
which he has spent here. fie is known
industrious worker and It hes
the students and of the Collegiate ore
invited to attend and ere urged to come
•early (before R o'clock 1. no that there
may 1s.• no' itlterrupAkms while few
Later form.
--- N11A/- W)ATHER 7.11 r<A s.n -4
Entry Made by An it tont mBd ftpa•11, whkh Meet hl
-in Front Door Made .Ltst_.taa nnlai,, laatin_wilttt.ns ani Istr-
at the tiara ometer Indications are that It w111 ear
'nue, the w•eethermmu prelicthlg ruin.
l'he• Mcuew•tumg (:a t'lub varied
its usual program of owlet- events by
vin last Thursday night a supper
one of the moat
In the history of the 1;gs s-':t'n4y M.
deet itfd thtrty' 1t•rsttlMf -xftt
ibt-taM.ss -and en joyeh- a -racer--aL
which- goose was the 'pelma• fester..
Mr. H. T. Edwards, chairman of the
committee. gave a huuwrout introduc-
tion of his fellow -workers on the eom-
mittee, Mesar'. O. Gluts T. Murphy,
R. Cockburn llmys, 1. D. Eastmain' and
11r..1. A. (graham, and during th(1-
eveuing they nrrit•wl 11111Ily c ph
!penis twirl the mnVY'$N of the evening
"Sir. yaetwau presided for T1 ' after -
'topper program. which opened with
*dor by Mrs. A. .1. MacKay and Mr.
('. Moak WI. and w'Is•tlounby the mouth -
organ and banjo quartette. 11111 and
(ego. Itoss. little Theinwm end Geo.
litmhnnau .ill of thecae were revived
with appreciation. Mrs. MacKay sang
-Love's a Pedlar" and "The Mamtalns
of Mourne'." Mr. beaking' numbers
THIS REMEMBER GODERN'H were ••IMuuy liuy.. and "When 1411110.
The Signal Is in rtce'ti .4 a copy of mor Is (; Mr. 11a -vies played obs
„Tia' Shooting )iar,:'_a-tunidature free plait.. sweomlauiweytta..
I dlatributlon newmppav puhlishel by a Next the 'tethering wee rewohvvl in-
t group of 1.otdou ('olle'ghtle students to a mock mli,ih 1pl1 nomination sweet
WWI ommIssl on the hike shore near nig. 'slr. C. MenkIliw 1n the chair.
tlfltt flrt1_tglit -lnlffinlersand wbo pmdd t 1117--vnem- --
The Signal u visit at that time. Tb'se' hutted slid addreewsl the electors 'iii "'-
1'sfnturr torr., W nf-tite_r►eseepsls'r eea+ere -- a
issued a eomm'ndnble 5'hrietmas • 'take -off" om mtnttctptl elebritits of
Some time Moielto night or early
Tuesday morning A robber or robbers
entered the hardware store of Alt. Teb-
butt & Ron, West street, but so far it
AR an n
hen not becn'nsrertaittel what wax
not been lack of support which stolen. Entry was wade by breaking
prompted him to make the change, for a pane of gds^s it. one of the front
his business han been a profitable one. doors, the thtlg tel kissed beinom g
in -
moved to his,present site on Went ped
street in 1921 and previous to that elle.
was locate) un the Square. The movements of the robbers atter
they had entered the stow can easily
TWAS A BIG SUCCESS be treetel and the theory is that the
The euchre and dance at 011dfellown' thief was someone o who knew the lay-
out of the store or had made a care -
Nall on Friday night, for tate benefit [iii imrveF litter,tee4nm he v
With the advent of mild weather
there has been a marked Improvement
In the condition of the county rondo,
which, owing to snow aad..tce, were
In an aimo.t imptssable condition for
motor traffic past week -end. This; wag
particularly no in the northern parts
of the county. In the southern willow(
the snow has all hat disappeared.
Provincial end Bine Water highways
are reported bare and both county and
township roads are In remarkably
good etnlitlon for thin Rca.on of the
According to County Traffic Officer
Norman Lever, glaring light. have
again been the cause of numerlut com-
plaints. Motort.t. Are teeing checked
up end many heve been requested to
have their light! focused properly.
The highway! hereabua have been
remarkably fro from Residents of rot
cent we'ks. A rear -end eolllsicm oc-
curred near Exeter em Sunday night
when F. Wong. of the Intron trate,
Gndsrich, while meeting slither car,
stopped ehrnptly to avoid what looked
like an Impending collfaion, canoed by
,ruts. As he did so a ear driven
Hawklna, of Exeter, pit
auto from the rear. Some damage was
dim* to r11s' cart And tie drivers ewe
[sped with a shaking up. A Mettle -
mew sots s,ntle-ahly arranged
*1'the Agricultural Society, wan a the office and took a flashlight from
Mr. Tebbutt's desk.. The open drawer
of the cash register with one coul-
pa4tmeut partly fills•; with coppers
was unmolested. .after slipping a
I.olt entry was gains d to the workshop,
but a side door by which the roble•r
could have made an exit was pees;tl
hogs rn•eees. Arrangetnents for the
evert, including luneb, were made
chiefly by meminern of the Women'.
Inetltute, and they did their part In
a manner that elicited warm praise
froth all concerned. The first part nt
the program waft progressive euchre.
The mercury' row' fourteen points last
Friday. 3S degrees being the high nark
am cuwpansl with 24 the day previelis.
There ham been no frost since, ther-
mometer readings reile'ting a higher
temperature each day until Ttu•N-
day. when 43'esus reaclisl. FiRnrs for
the past week and thmMe. r.t Ow 4.0e -
responding period a year ego are:
19:111 11129
May. Min. Max. Mtn
Iles.. 5 . :t.s 27 :t6 2:.
ileee.6 :Ss. :iu 32 21
Ike. 7 39 :i,I 26 21
Iles. 8 39 :tet 33 12
Deis 9 43 "tet '1^
which wan follower) by Inneb. And then tip, probaldy on at+ount of the prox• handed t11 the Instltnte. The mann
the decks were cleared for dancing, for Imlty of apartment dwellers. in the script eontAfn..ome vary inH'nwUug
which magic was furnished by the workshopa pinch -liar wee picked up,
Driver orchestra. There waft a large t p and Important date respecting; tarty
the robber passing through two slot- daps twee And Truly eventually find n
attendance and everything went with r
'wing. The prl*ewtnners at rArde were 1 At tl 1 n rn'pared
Ladle 1st, Mrs. C. lirowniee - 2nd,.
Mrs. Adams; eonaoatlon, Mins Cham-
bers; gentlemen -tat, Stanley O'IJridy ;
2nd. Mr. Ilarry llunt; consolation. Mr.
Wm. Spfoml. The petals were dI.trllt-
uta) by Mayor MacEwan, who in a
brief speech thanked the Indies of the
Women's institute for their gotei
work end also i'hrpr*Ased appreciation
of t e stutr'ex* of the. fall fair board
In ',ringing the talc up to the high
standard it had reached this! year.
Thi..iteves was, he pointed nit, the
nation for the deficit in finantrs this
year, an all clarets of exhibits were
PO well filled that the amount of prime
money ;mkt out was much greeter than
The weretart of the bard reports
that the net proeseda of the affair were
in the neighborhood of 4100. The exact
amount cannot be't rminset nett) 00
the ticket sellers report
.....#0-- r1= J
HISTORi('Al. WORK ('091I'1.ETE1)'
At Inst Thersdny's monthly meeting!.
of the,Wome•n's insiiltib', h,'Id
tn.?, her etalindttee on hist.rk•n1 re
scorch had complete) its work on the
early history of G'derlch. A copy' was
Kay 11a11, Mrs. J. T. Sal ell reported
agerooms after removing the liars
which fastened' the a oors. he
rear door the padlock was pried off
with the p4nehgbse, tors lock, flashlight
and pinch -bar being carefully laid on
top of a barrel Just tnaide the near
Sony. The Aeon was .4esed a• 110' thiat
took his leave.
That was the condition of the More
when Mr. Alt. Tetd'utt entered short-
ly before S o'eloek Taiday morning.
The police were immediately notified.
Mr. Tebbntt and his son Gordon lett
the store at 6,;10 the evening previous
and did not shaft It at any time dur-
ing the night. Both are at a blas to
amount for the robbery, for a. far
nothing of any value has been mhrwsd.
They suggest that the thief was after
cash only. Sergeant Ross panned the
store at 4.90 a.m. sod dM not notice
anything nominal. This Is the second
time to recent years this *tors hoot
hewn hrnRan into.
place in the erchivea et Toronto. where
so many works ofthis us. u e l
by women'.. hiRtltntes thronghmat the
Provinee here hetet filet tear safe
keeping. -
Last Thimelay'a weft the ('IIrIsImtR
ln1'etlrly of the- Innfitote and a lar
number were pi-esstlt. The president.
Mee. G. liles't, presider The roil teal
WWI Answers) by an erchtulge of
('hristmat gifts. ,each member In t11
drawing the gift from it revered bee -
kit. A goodly member of the calendars
handed out early In the veer Mere re-
turned well litiet1. Mendtera who
were not present inlay hand their
calendar* in .1 the January meet-
ing. Mr.. .1. 1'. Stewart pitve a 'splendid
paper on Northern Ontario. Mrs. R
T. I1IIIItpa read a passage-of-dorlptur•
Ina (ltrbdmae. There was 4 'display
of suitable gifts for ('hrlstmai and
Rome very pretty gifts were *Amt
Refre•timPnts were sw'ev(si
her, covering school, 1SILC.A.. Roy 1he time Oue pnsfeswd himself a
Scent, church and sport news. A col- "Red;' but Ire wile hardly snore re -
num is devote) to horticulture• The
Mhtoliite Starr" Is In Its IOW 1 your
of publication and has a free circula-
tion of two theneend. It hoped that itn
Muff wealth' again choose Goderich for
their sunsmer vacation next year whet' 4'a'kbur,: ilia'. i.v ,1. A (;raham,
for two the loth school and newts Ned Sale, 11. it. Nairn and Bud Sturdy.
paper worries are forgotten. on the N,a'lless to say', this fart of the pro -
gin of the palwr Is written : "Please. grant wee received with gales of
eit•hange. we ere the hoe, who vim- Innghter.
itel yon Inst 'dimmer." Merry 1'hrlsts Dancing followed. and was entln-
nice' to lilt' Kluft of "The Shooting les! until Ittidnight, the Davie' Or -
Star." (beslnt furnishing the music.
voluti -y than want' of the others,
whose• policies range) from municl-
pally-emanate' prize fights 10 c pel-
ting "Doc" Melee to buy a new hat.
The "candidates" were F. It. Darrow,
The Christmas Shopping Number of The Signal- is pre-
seated this week, with the hope that it will be of material ,',"Z
assistance to readers in solving the tutu' -problems of gift-
giving at this season. in its columna will I. fount) the anLINA
nouneementa of (loderieh's leading merchants in praetieally
every line, and readiers are invited to study there tulve'rtise-
mentli earefulhy while making out their Chriatmas lists.
In there times of depressed trade -441s mAre titan over Si
incumbent upon the people of the community to stand by $i
their hrme:lown.bu8inewitmeq•_Our merehanta have with
their usual enterprise provided large stocks of goo(Ti Willi
Christmas trade, and it is only good common noise for those
who live in our eommflnity to give their patronage to 'the
.r' home merehantx who II 1p so materially to keep the town
1'n alve.
'three good.rillea for ('hristente shoppers+ uw►c be serial
CT theta: 711
' -
Do your shopping an early as p(M.sihie. 14
t.•1)n your shoppNith the home town merchants
On emir ghopp%trgwkert. 7011 ere invited to shop.
aztaasity gym. 9 g ta F, f