HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-12-11, Page 7• • ".Ata. •t at •ictal a. t• THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. • Thursday, Ikeewtwr 11, Ileln 7 v 1 church, (lcderlch, and Smith's Hill church having agreed that any of their Historical Sketch of Leeburn Church members reekling in the aeighborhad of I.xeburn might connect themselves with that (hunch, with their cordial By Miss Helen M Clark sanction: Mr. and Mrs A 1' MacDon- ald. Mr. Donald Cummings, Mr. and Oemwe hurt the fiftieth aupl-.* - w14re• . aulKruu Jnis. -_-_ -- Id sev•rrtary Mr. John ...Q¢.,Jja-,pe" herrn e•qurii was ''ill`.. lam Iflkhrter,tmaid ••••11'"1 •aulcneNtlr.' ite tl`7•e 1"11IktiT(+r;-'tl'easnrer, qr. 7a suited. and an luter.cdlllg feature of 30. the proceedings efts the rending by After the Sunday school moisten di. Sundays by Sir. Alex. Kerlirlauc. also 1! el. Sirs. James Clark. Sire. fol. l Claris f an historical rine worship was ca4htM.e1 fur a few M Jaw* l(tr*s4uau sr Mr and Mrs. J w LInklater, r. r _ rri Wuj. 111111er 1 tit •W4 CHRISTMAS tPT-DATE Tlw l'hrlstmas wafts ao Wager slut; To herald Thrianlist day We tune our merry (end - From maw miler awe Nu more we haul the Tule 1'•r. 111d customs come wed pa, Now Swats Claus arr* rf air "Granny Stuart" to all the yam pi wit. for miler around. It is in dates of steer toilstrain std that real character Is developses during the 7s'•re of the Great War, when Rad !'roes workers mingled with Aucdiary work, viewpotrlts broadened. frleudshtps were deepened Mrs. r n1 the 1a1trs of the church advaueetl Lr tKC •u a rl+ r eartoop,>jrltrre -as true t'hrfstlaus rw,IIMK her servants for lengthy per- Mrs. er r.. ai re adr4N1islust to ll1114nre seen thole 'Erik A:isa Delilah, \iIicl o -,nrld (who later llr 1T T"TTg ir 1S 1 um, Mrs. Jo hu itrilelley. Mr. 11 MI Mrs. N/N hast win her nes e!lielewl HrgwNleei l (scoff me+ T' Ill 1 writer made upon the progre•a of the Sab- bath 'school under the 'oldest* of Mr John Iduklater. Mr. FA. Shaw and Mr. Henry Horton. The Wiest two have bees called to higher service. but thoer of the Sallset1* school executive that re- cant!) have very pleasant 'netuorlem of our labors together. levburu had the unique custom of calling assay to higher service Again In the ripe harvest season he called from our midst a young man of great Christian fortitude in the person of Mr. FA. Shaw. Mr. Shaw held various pNeltlous of trust lu church activity. IIIc pausing is a distinct loss to the community. 1u bumble suhmisales W Foal's all we reply. "Thy will he done." I" G- w,4 ry t' r Mrs 1 1*u Ism -&tars ellen-he r 141Mf. r Thr flow Ot w• was- W U d of RaafInfluence .. yerr that tip' *shoe 4art>tir r '--' Ilrw (:Wren, sV., Mr. .and alta. Petet. Gpr appetites are dsialilw++•*-.- 1 w• r fors; \rs. Aire da 1 I .1 the 7 Mr. us The„ 1' sr... Tlnm u.u 1 1 r A A dt1'aa1L n"T 'wits ie, urea Sin4h could be MMM of the great-ttt`thwvxry -i+UtL ilur- de•ideh to take only two week's' hell M wi Sir Hawlltun exerted over lel• j bp, and the same ...inion f.'r .. this! I day When 1 he returned 444*to w .,ntlt 1w w • 111 1th tits the r n k It x tea 1 hal. nue 1 H ark he ear MINN Heeu mr a Tlw Nsrr (mt w , e was .krleh u1 the congreypatlm which she 4 wart. sr. (fro* Smith Hill l nI'.1. Irgstr.people:lermlll thin retuar' Inter by a Mr. IliAIeN. Itiblr 1s,i.'. inn. t' II lig• site{ 11} w•llrrlr man and lived much with his xrtielr. 11.Iru M. t'Irrk, etas wKlvtrr} u•r+d t14• nsrlu •'f the Junior lest -tiler limo prepared. • le Jrue, Ix7_. a library of ninety ehhrc111. From other churches came Mr. rot our ewlle a (davit}, . hooka, but the b114 lis +r+ ut lila o.11 ItI of Ili.• ler•hurn xnxflinrr of the W. M. ;silo said "\\ell, what has Isru IaaabuR Thom war as fulluws: volumes was purchased by A. l'. fisc •Idnno. Itomr and Mrs. ►tuwe, Airs. Is handled by tow elate. on life did not detrr(t from its syr S. for the long period of 1 tiler eight while i.I been sway'. Shaw, sr., and Mrs. Linfield. sr. "Two weeks." replied tow Junior. The origin of the acme "uteJ ru" lonuald and Joules Liuklatrr, and dor- It might 1 futeresttu* to flute that Ftrllgiou* schisms maw us doubt psethetk• quality. •141 ht* ma•Irl ova- year` title from was in a suggestion by the late John tribute) the following Sabbath. The story of ths_f r (sofa werert ung charming rad up Mr. Hasi►totis Ke.4gttall•o Fv►It/ior TO I'NF, POLE who took the euphonious Diu August 1 411 s Nuuda7 echoer' plc- the marriage of the late Mr. J01111 Link- lifting. As • true secant of lib Mra- It w'r. with deep regret we `rev' he homeetead of the late Mc was held at ,:alt's Point. Rev. Or. later and Miss Phoebe Clutton was sol- A glad modern theerka I ter. "he went rb0tIt doing 6 •" vbhR.rl to accept he resignation of our \lu4valcer. Wash.-Gaorgr Kaltman. lion. 1'r• xddresswl flea children w1 the emulrel in this church in thialwr. eine youthful etalons mar. i Mrs. Hamilton's lufluene war not l*Juv,rl pr' ta*l Rev. Sir. Hawlltun.' member .,f the volunteer fire de rt x71 Dor Christmas shopping robs u' leets effective, and twlitouse of her Rrent t'uulilUe' 111-hea1(11. 14vrlwllated Whim went. %Ma Ittending a nwrting en the { ktarwle Rtral.ni 11(*ar aid Of (•or'- { tt aU'p, which wx,. painful alike tit aster srvaal floor of the local engine voce. was ve•ntrultel t ru" n' dltlons In unisslOa field* she WMM 1i.' and to people. After the pulpit was An alarul s. lief. Malmo!' Jumped by fire. Ar no[h'lg daunted Mr. Mks.- ' Instrument in Hod's hand of bringing duly de•Iaref vacant In Deeewlser.'through the hole to slide down the. For sped'* our pteM ut 'new• r. He forged to take hold of the right, hr again btdlt on lead donated I men! a the flmxd missionary workers next, ltev. R. C. Mclk•rwld of Goderl(h, pili by Mr. James Idnkhttrr in 1441i what I Ata" Jet the holy day Of dry,. and eprlekrrs to masa for us rt Ler- who was at that time moder•tnr of pl''- Ile broke his leg al tie ankle b now the Iawbunl church. Tlds was I Hold* still the mum sweat thrill, burr'. no, matter to what ,rote ant Iluron 1'msbytrr31, e,e up1.v1 tl.r pulpit whet' he Irwkvl oil the fluor below. rne•tel wider trying difflcultisee. Mr. The golden tuewmge sbelthe!is hear► denomination they Irl alp and later sound the Me•rrl.cs or lir. 1+ h r Io•InK the leadlnit I stern hill • smite(' efforts gave iarhurn a place un William Maxwell, a student of Knox lamer lrlrae bank. .\ heavy shower drove all to the 1 n A diary of of late N'WAw emsitytation e,ttage fur Nitric About fifty were el( levee, time end purse, wtalme the tullowittg: "A uersalty Y, Present Crumb Ewa I ll ig$0, Y•i through gresti111;• kilts and long existed for a sultabie building on present : all arrived holt* aafel}. In 1474 thio building calls., the Lake Shore for the purprw• of Early S. N. Teatimes holding Sabbath w►nuol, and also for Mr. P tlrst Bible Green, two of was find olivine worship. It ham been decided to Peter Green, NUd tw•o of hr first old call upon Wo14e in Ute neighborhood superintendents were lir. William Clutton - who may be favorable tV the pro)er1' lou. se. and Ser. A. C. Macdonald. i.., (unun IR to solk•it and obtain srllrw•riptlens fol other tearhers were : Miss Phoebe Clut- , pon that lm s, desirs6le all .Ihjte•t. It Ir to be dlw architectp.Thr merry Yuletide beds(ring out. the map that wa, ....totem given to lydle•gr. Mr. Maxwell proved to be a.'. Wile fly understood when .who 144' 41u , tau. Margam, Nit -Manua, Annie (trees, The preewut generation should ions[ prerchrr of exceptional merit mid was Mary t'IutUun. 1'Ie/m'IM• nits, Ma Letitia Mac- The crimson ,ypole low. local vvowwuultlei•. heard b31 goes' ptional congregations. Hr as .- f,. erected It shall be open and Weer .,Mt linttlhs Mair \hc\!anon Nary Mae- mai revere their a hury h, rs they know Tea heart is stirred deme ber:lug A Notable •lrolvet'sarl' eo any Christian de' urrote. The rem- I t loneer Christmaslung env shiny uutstandlim s11uh-ersary ser- ear. . • vwnr and returned to cLi natter appointer' to (avec out the unlrrtakitUt hair asrrrlala4444 the -.dila, of POO for the porpoise, half of which: - will be required on the first of May and the balance In November, and they feel confident there w111 be no ditfit wlwu the mission war discontinued and ctdty to raising 1111 fhb amount, depending Ile building sold to Mr. George /Gl- ut courser on the well-eatablbhed lib- erality of the surrounding neighbor- A Chi Building hat. y't.. j:r YfAlli.ftiglht, who had Seting held h built the Rmith'X T111I 1're•t+ti) .k mewling oil at the homy of Sl 87 I.r. church h hn 1472 took a grant Interst or the Hp se J•g*nlz !fah, bath in the Presbyterians at Leeburu and de- dehoolpurpose o[ t suitable a building I st vel to build a church where the foroe advbed that a religious bervices I wheal -room (formerly a blacksmith ccur's•.lrtic and dingl4*1 acquired shops start. This was completed. Ihr be occur's'. The the face s, echillyd 11471S •net was known as Leeburn Pres - Mr 4roehal on the property 1or' bytrrlan church. The work was given ow Ell by Wil Warm, tae ir. now gratis by members of the eomnwatty, seamed by William Chisholm, Jr. The with Mr. James Linklater ft. directing - 1)mlWing, which was formerly a black- 1 rat•prruter. smith shop, was accepted and was e fitted up In June. 1871. The following persons were received The officers of the Babbitts school into t sbfq,.the tiesalona.01 Knox little of the hard strllgg esu p • lo• ober. Deal. Mr. e lir •nciled hts-fmreweli -serums in the present church to a large audience. Among those pra•.ee1 were a few of his old parishioners frotn Smith's HUI.lIe referred to the friendly feeling that had existed fur the past eight years. His lwxt field of labor was In a dis- tant part of the Northwest, where he al tidings of the Gospel He proved r pioneer missionary and (tort+ ill t h told in a late. visit to -Lowborn of R wuald. levo. That cars have Ian reetldet. haat win*' wore la'ge. where he received ifs drgt•arrt. }t -- T church kiinw•n as the 141141. earls to t ,W 91 vrigbt TIBii' (i1tPPt ' aa+r sIMe bn11t-+wp••tlatr e ritraeban farm, _ but taring what it known as t1,' Canal rood. Tho was held by Bust denomination until 1884, arr's Grace. s your store for Christmas Shopping WHERE YOU ARE OFFERED A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CLEAN, FRESH AND .WHOLESOME GROCERIES. ORANGES. BANANAS. _GRAPE. BRUIT, GRAPES, DATES. -NUTS. RAISINS. PUDDINGS. -FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CANDIES TO SUIT EVERY TASTE. BACONS, SAUSAGE, COOKED HAM. EGGS AND BUTTER Everything to make ahristmas W. s>a1a to call in and look &wand and convince yourself Prices right Courteous MI,ice SPARR'S GROCERY "The .Clore of .Cotisfnrtion" - HAMILTON STREET GODERICH, ONT We deliver in town Phone 146 WHEN YOU GIVE YARDLEY'S--:, as a Christmas gift, you give it with the aa:uraose that.__ ''mIr gift will tis appreciated. There i* a ►lith range -to eh -oho tour,-- trlrttraetive gift boxes. __ - - ---For Ladies ' 'Bath Salta and Snap Lavender Toilet -Water, . Compact -Ma -Toilet Watrr Toilet Water, Face f"e' der. Talr:ntn I'ow•,ler end Soap Night ('ream, Day ('reacts and Face Powdier 85c to $3.00 For Men Talcum 1'"w.ler and Shay- nig hayIllg ('realll, lotion and Shay. vIn ing' -ream Sheaving Rvwi -11n(1 Sha' -hug fSflt'k $1.00, $1.50. $2.25 `having Iirnvllc- 50:. to $5.00 ___ t.Lta -sAol Alos . After -Shaving Lotion, ERiavinir Cream, Taieum Po,wtler. Teikt seep 4Uuai--aatak Basor R eePtacle. $1 ',il Talus .foi $100 . , as advertised in the Saturday Evening I'uMI rlilAVELLEIit'S SAMPLESODDS Alit EI!D$ _ Toilet Ware Specially Prioed for Christtllaa Mirrors, Hattltirtahea, Comb* *Oa other Aceessorie4, ainifle piece% nr in sets. in icon an.l cbon4. tie•ure•. "f arf34IM,'1.t tt,te fee -lints, moderately twice, at W I GLE'S. PHARMACY -Phan E Lord, spite Of all ovr ►miffing errrels,,, more worthy of• Hamilton's than the one , n11w• rtath114d at Kensington Car- - (Jar_wauld'a ll('rp1 tT• 4Cltlg jlr. Hxwdltmn's wlnistr}- w•hru I o ,ys, iwa4lun. Fnglawt. e Toronto wtlm'tttcj • \• w-r lFr 'it: 6: h'htt= Leet no approach this meant ver rtit Rev. Dr. Turnbull of Thr us xt r7i1, I With child slwplkl4: speaker. This wear u double event, as field, also w student of great prowls". That Peace, so aegel•heralded, It was the thirtieth anniversary of the I bud I* acupfel the pulpit very ace•rp- Ir our fleet aced today, erection of the church and the twenty- ! tidily for lieu years. Ile ars slur gone Grant that the ancient blowing fifth auuiventrry of Mr. 1lrmilt.ri s In- I to the .lmerf.•al aide cud la holding a I)eeseud 00 1'a we pray! duettists Into the ministry. This was In I re•spMtllsible• pr+It11111 in JounK ta0111444 1131 Mo113• Bevan. dm The I11u4 Bell. I Iii leer tete spiritual Ute of the 7otme people and them to lattorm and 14 During lar. 1temIHori e-N+storiite tie• i work. (tomb ,'talon •new• idled was built. which was a great \\,14,11 the vote w as take, with re- bu builder. or a 1ing tie horses'. _ benefit t e liar the I Iho ,oat number of helping il*d their place on Later on top neral of leaner heating „third dt haft,, church fasryl nick i udrwrm.il severed chug9 rl tea had numbers to erect. Two giving .•xpuesslou to equipment for the church was regnant. l$ht'e fir n fl'wrvt e w at Mr. Sher heir thoughts on the arsons subjects. roe the board of wuurge•nwut (after i their l'rrsl 4'(IIi) IA...burn. lb rrnrema4w rlgl►t's tarewrlland-B were "The Her- 1 Rev. M. aieK*Y ani Rev. Ja*. Hi utas heated disc•useloo 1 decided to rattle tow,of tounnittee aide of Zion" bic -Blest le, the Tie i hater on Rev. Murdoch lhclCay was building and build a twwptaeat. '1TiTs loan nary the rmmlltrlueretplaewcl Leeburn and That }}t'. MacDonald Thr choir Ia der, eof s itdueted into the charge of 'arbors) i was completed to 1911. The old school- i 11.17i.M".onaldsos ander, M1.. and Union church. This ntTiar fir fitted room at (he back of the chervil watt 1 with Nile and "'ort Albert ebun•he. Mary MacDonald M so organist, Miss tor about three years, when his health dlspotad of and the Interior of the '*1(11 off NI o /ce at Nile. as Rev, .tor Louisa Jewell,ll, Mist }:Iter Jewell, Le- became 1,iip red, and Ire was rug•- chun•h all redecorated. New carpet. tufa McManus. Annie (}red'. Mr. D. beta d by Rev. JUMP Hmwiltaln, who i choirs and mtnlMtrr's wet were rw- I tIw three newly united charges for two 1, l u. Mora(' Mr, John I.Inklater and war Inducted in ()cipher, 14).1. To these curet, adding greatly to the appear- • years'. Upon nt )1*removal l,the choice opf i f - r. Aonce ed with sr. congregations he nntlrinlCly suit oftfir dlnril In mutter •n. who some iter. Mrs previously of had 1 A•h's ed t Kn•[t fur until r rrrrL- *.n .-.t from Walton into Huron Pres -1 Smith's 11111 and Auburn became a On ISrturtlra.. 143 -trey. 1 sr cartel! stand twenty-eight yards. down In health compiled him to eerie from acthe sen n• Steeple Blown arts November '151, 1019. -we were visited by a terrific Rale which church steeple. destroy. the tell doing +urns , united charge and F,eeburn was as I foe i iorwml T1.. thrnr Charges *err well soclated with Knox church. Goderich, I+ 1tYL1. orrrMrn ert the cuahud IdrraMe [or by Mr. Lundy end lila estimable un r Tit+ leadership of Rev. Dr. L're. ___ in stay. Piet. Uw J.evbrlro .w 1pg sky • n.„_Mr ., Iund7._ for a period of I who might to termed •Yoe gond of tow wasomcn'M Foreign Sl1•siew Bo- 14,.I. r damage- NIPdt ztrrv- i Old minister of l;oderleh." He la ori sniaed_hy Mr. iiamu- !debris, was !Hear.*_ from the entrance three years. 1►obliged s Tieirl li failed b t ,.r views were con_ j t he atilt remembered with lore and V1511- lie er' til assisted by lift* Ras.. tlttn oft dieted Ieand ourlhirv. R..\ Lundy of Walton. pulpit work for some months. He Waner t erstfon by people of *11 drnollege ons• }prusr[leld This orgayll>Jltlots later hadMI NolwithstanlinK the inclement eases -'I a faithful embetitute In the priors of Noted students r Knox11under the who (Iter Alloert Tltfln. a native of Tol- uenevaluable service umetrr the gold- roll thwr. these srrlkc tent of Dr. Ire were tar late John of The steeple u p During MaeOUllvn7, also him brother Mr. Don- ald MaeGUllrrw7• who ham been a suc- cessful translator in missionary work In China for over thlrty•fhve years: Mr. Andrew Meldrum, who later had charge of one of the large Presbyter- ian churches 1n Cleveland and was a noted, preacher. There were followed by iter Dr. James Turnbull, who as - the names of near'? every w.e nail ,, were well attended. the eommuulty on the membership .I ems never wells end the Many of the Illembera were womanfwd to (o, nhgn- lntelletual vulture told (111ri4 lire ten +'f igen-rIl4 1Ul[. at the meetln61' was a stun of In- eloped. *ignition. Some we 'aught emphasise, The manse of tar two congregation' I *6*111'[PlNlyaI,k1, ibth 14441. (rl that whose Urea were spared past the 11.1 beteg senate(' to Geslerleh. W1. were l and Its neat appearance lotted period. *'err M,- ,'lark Ifamll-l fat "roll t to. ie.- /1 oti ,.-i.hit htlnn.l 114' -et 1 Lord.0.oven. I,,terestel 111 the home. lardy spoken of so 1:ninny Clark 1. Ing- \s leas the oYw fn mrn3' oomwwn• : Mrs. John Ntuart. 11[r, John Horten were else aeolst*'-10 . on various sten (also called Granny Horten, owl ' shoo. by the'eholr iron' futon rhtm-h ! ►Iles, union made many changes, but • others. Mrs. Bttmrt w'•n1 (o \V,•ybaru. ' Tile 1101 fowl suppers serrel at i.ee• 1 Church mut r•lCarnets' Leeburn the t'nl .d I Sask., and her life Is s• spared until bunt received their bull whore of pat• I and In mfr e faithful work. D at- she t she was well into Iwo Moltke. Elbe b WwnNhII1 Mr. Tiffin ham miner been called to higher Mert ee. 11r. Ldt1AJ•'s sojourn the church iara mord full (large of Knox church and 1 Leeburn and 1'nlon cher( tee. wttb fix Heels a!tA was I act of Knox ('allege studentri.__TT 1 was lorry- a .wt8! rem Ihr During these intervening y1asa_tes- 1- r meetings were held annually and at one of thew •"esker, Mr. Dan McGilli- cuddy. editor of The Goderich referred to the choir as the "cast-iron 1 (eboir"+•'elts R jgferenee to their I voices, but to pil'm' of 11eitr *Meek- i .e..-rttarmember* were its Ed--1 w Nellie Morris. (isle Roane. San Bogle. Marry Bogie._ Mary- McMaUAa, .Powell MacDonald. Will McManus. Ellen Cowin and D.laale Cowan. Notables of ire CaagTeg> In 1442 Mr. .1. J. Wright. proprietor of Point Farm. a summer resort of worldwide prominence, and at a rea- lsonable distance for the guests -wt the tend worship at ieebnrn. means of furnishing the church with a (leer-sotmdlriR bell to call the real- : dents to worship. This 1te11 was. faith- fully rung for many years by two 1 rfgllrelwaits of the congregation. one of these was the late N. R. W1111ams, I familiarly known as "ricer," who toot I ;great interest in 4nnday school work. ' He was also retorter of Leeburn and Dunlop happenings( for tar local paper. - writing in a humorous and entertaining m*nnrr all it.•ms o1 h tere4l he could ether. He loved to tea .••11444 "the Dun - I ferret' rife." o. was also bwrf c t the bachelor els 1 trllw-MI•. .lames ',Initialler. who was known as the Leeburn Laird." Ile, too, assisted faithfully In church dutiessa ever seeking to keep a crenftn•table t.•mp•ratur" fur oil in attendance. He usually rang the bell for church set-- flee, er flee, N1111 teas always faithful in d114- • tribtiting the Presbyterian Records, as. ' a token of Ilia firm fold' and loyalty to Preahyterlaul*m. In 144Ci record is found of the val- uable work done by Mr. R. E. Brown lu a nnce•tiun with the Sabbath school. Mr. Brown was the teacher of school section No. :i. Ills blackboard work was always Interesting to old and - young An Item mentions his taking part at a Christmas tree concert. Sc•hcd- ioars sedating with recitations were Annie Irwson and Henry Horton, Readin were given by John Horton. 8:-B. jliiiafi and Tlirry Horten. The 1 rouser old admiration. .Manz apprs'bltlr" rcnlxrk' 11141114 1r•1- .' -r veuruluR over Ills Iwl{a•rM and - - "My daughter Catherine is fifteen years old. She was very irregular, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in bed two or three daysat a time. One of`youT 00-1C.L'b wa• sent to us by mail so I got her a bottle of Vegetable Corn - Catherine km been to Ins it regularly -Weld she it gaining in weight and every way. I told the neighbors and four Qother girls are taking it witClar- ence It /Janson, Box 14. •I or foe, Ontario. concert was Wedded over by Rev. Mr. ('►lent. a liuotaman who was then pu-- 1.6,-_ A Much -hived Pastor - [nuc ofo111• beet -loved pastor,. In as 4 ...141,1011 bili 1i1110x eburets was Iter James A. .tndermon. He serve' for man?' years, and for a time was a11lrtel Dry his 'prettier John. who 54115 11 14(11 dent 'archly esteemed for his gifted way of prea'nth1R the Gospel meslag•' tither students who might he men tI 1 were Mr. Farquharson. Mr. • Webster pod Mr. l)rnmm. I pan the re•stelnstion of Itev. 1 K I re. Iter. .lames Arsiersou took full chNrge, of Knox ,herch. Gederich. and .v - tie• Presbytery deemed It wise to sever ' the 1.01111141'1111 with 1ar•bnru and GA rrk•11 towiehlp 111110x11 ehllrub. These two Ia, rec nenttivlrl 31a1m5rninutw toells lre i' , tut Iinstsin 4 lector. [Soule who *misted In fhht coquet' later on were Rev Me.-' -'thick. sli,l WM" a real shepherd of hie I544*k. Mr. liow•. find later Mr. Neely. who we. well fleshed. and the 1 hump pro+jwred-IIINIer his pasturst.•. hM-1 t•*N1n114411y the pulpit was. supplied by of Mmlth Mt 11IIIIpv. a1114 1 by rt Iterfl Alex S1tr"rM'1 lab. who is naw' 1)r MrM111*n and .eihnii41tn of the hymnal eommlltark (*.piled ('heel" of Canada. .. 1)nring ire. NetRrh - /0f r*t h fan Tonna People's Society r.lslearor was organised by the e*rn'st efforts of Mr. J. Iww!an. Miss 11.11s and Miert law retiree 1 Miss I.awretew Is saw the prelim secretary for the titr.M.14. pf tluron r,41., nw t developing aneurism tans wag a gree D ettlibEte 'Me "BR $148 Complete with tubes More People are Buying DeForest Crowley than any other Radio :- because because of : ,,r•_, Harmonic Amplifica- tion --bringing Music in all its Glory. Full efficiency Screen - Grid power. 3. Cabinet Beauty. 1. 2. A Christ-tha!:--:...~ ___... . _ ...iSeci 4-..).t-e THIS is your opportunity to give the gift that will maltel Christmas last throughout the year - that will lighten household cares and bring joyful music into your home not only at Christ- mas, but all year long. Never before have we offered these extraordinary terms. DELIVERS THE SI_ "BROCK"-TOYOUB t HOME -ON - . CHRISTMAS EVE -. This special Christmas offer brings Canada's most popular radio within the reach of every home. But the supply is limited - our present stock' is being rapidly sold and no more are available WL-_.__. after Christmas. - Act Now ! Order Your "BRA:" For Christmas Delivery :` We will install the Brock on Christmas Eve if ordered now. A deposit of only $10.00 is required before delivery. . , L. II. 7. 1 N N Wt S1 `iDF OF ' QUTARF. Telephone 586 GODERICH- Ca! at or 1:art awl see sl`er ■ i A FREE DEM NSTRATiON of gal sel 14 your owe lose