The Signal, 1930-12-11, Page 6$ -(bier allay, December 11, 1900
ToPreserve Local Nowadays. when such ,enormous . Preliminary
sumo are apart on advert 1 ing in the
History of Hurd► per' 1t Interesting to rcdrat
this particular furormof publicittyy started
May Be Held Here
1n quite a humble way. Strangely fir
enough, one of the Met advertisements
IPPIIIPeal lest MU* LiD><ary las connection with wbteb money wits KcNeil Brother. Are Again Itel-
Of Books paid for insertion had to do with for
ISS lues of a hone. says n writer las
Ourmonied When They AppsS1
,IIt110f1 Animals. Ina London publku
_ n Ig''1llE 1100100 a a Jurrial
Withw�rther reference to -tine ma`C-
kar of n._biatory of Hurrnt +t11tUtJ,
which he proposed h s TRter' to 'IRs!
Signal telt week. Mr. John Elliott.
B.A., of London writes:
"Goderich as the comity town is the
logkal place for county records of all
kind. If there be no regular history of
the county, the next best thing would
be a collection of the books written by
Huron men and women and books that
moat. matter of local historical value.
-..j pad -.Js ,19111. there w l s
printed the following notice: "
READER. thou art entreated to en-
quire after a blackish kind of piebald
nag. very poor. his tate. feet and
flank white and at little white Hp on
on Bank Robbery Charge
It u, 1',dter Court nn re-
nal Tore 3tagi.rrw(e - Wlct stat Wed-
neadar-'Ifternonn He*wo! and Gllfa'd
McNeil, brothers, accused of robbing
the Bank of Nova Scotia. Brussels, on
October 20th. were further remanded
his tail. He was stolen trues grass from until Thurwlay• December 1Ntb. The
John Rothertuan, of Barnet, In Hert- preliminary trial is o*heduleld for
tordshlre. \Vhoaocrcr will euqulr., find • Brussels cat tint day, but there in a
hint out. and bring, or send tidings of ! strung likelihood that it will he held
hint, shall hove what content they will I eat t;uderich.
for their pains. The McNeil brothers were brought
i have In mind works stx•h at.: 'in the Front au atwuuneement In a later 1 to Gaderich a week ago from Walker -
Days - of the Canada Company.' Sir ieme or Th. )(narrate it iK pleasant to ' ton 11041 have since leen held in the
John lVillisou's 'R*•wiuiweuows,• x1141 know that this advertisement 'was a 1 eouuty Jail. It Is said that they are
others 1 might wore. Sir John was a I success. A few days after the appear- 1 model prisoners. When they appeared
Ntanley boy, tnlrn rt }sills r:reeu, std ane• of the undue the hors. was located las Polite Court yesterday bath were
bio sketch of, the fifnt pw'ut-1ll Wee♦- by as person several miles from where' smartly attired and looked the picture
ing h4 attended at the 'cross, toads in I it n•ss choler.. ' of health'. They have engaged Mr.
Yarn* where 'Big 'Thunder' stw
hunder' Waar Campbell Grout of Walkerton as coun-
the star speaker Is too good to be lost. i RIG PI LL FOR FARMER '.t i. but be was not present yesterday.
'I commend to the public library, it IseIni understood that ■ remand
Would be asked for and agreed to.
Inspector Hae of the Provincial
should ie of the greatest assistance to polity was In Golerleh on Tuesday on
there which the owners would gladly agriculture. It ns.s not petrol but the case *nd it was at lila (Instigation I
such donate to ch • relle•ti n, books that Il, a,'S' emit. tail, the prie of which is th,' i'rnwn ,inked for a further mamba.,
_weultl otherwise in time be treated as.,only ibouI 8211 m 1,41.• Willi this food It is a pr•ted. however, the trial will
_.. ._
junk. 1 Tiii sitin
r e now t
It eTts•ihe tritctbr deiriojw enormous 1srwPr�pos i11 l'bTil*ijIgy 0r next -week, -1
boos work published hi 1572, the author I at one-third 1110 working coot of a slm- bill nothing has been divulge~I an 10 the
of which was Ile•c isnws I)un.wu. a liar machine using p•tn,l. Further,'nature "1 tIn Pvid,ne. Id.•1111fi.•atiou
WWI of rare quality as * ..ebolar and ■ !lusty oil Is safe to 115e op 1111. farm. of the prisoners and 01 a Klan left In i
sinister, who settle) with his family since it is non-inflautufable. the (tank by the robbers are two of the!
in the t,.wnship ref "tank.' in I1.:e4 at- The tett wnrhlne• is not n flier. for i most important points ,c»t which the
ter au eighteen -year ministry(In the( its lushness is to pull and not to lent trial hinge.. The amount stolen was
North of England. He ministered to the I eve.,,,,, teeonls. In tort. its three speeds g(I.laem.
..:1fatislefla11 ,e mjrr(*".Non the }V
-' rqut-.almeat.!ee LLsilsl 1111 ales
114441 road for +ixteenyeerwT. -
Mmees- I slower and slowest : On top gear 111 Million. of goisl null uwlwge to
51011 to Het .1.ohn 1.54114. 5nluther pion- can reach five miles an hour. whilst scold def*w*li,u br remaining in I
s51 minister cot Huron ceouaty. I tau b ottow gear It e.0 exert a dead pull obtav►wity, -- -
"The nos "lie"'. thaw {art art this' of nearly a ton and a -half. •
board of Goderikh the idea of a Huron -
don book department as a special fea-
ture. There are many books Jere and
London. -A wonderful new form
tractor, Just developed In this'country,
•, -1 C. BAILEY
book for me 1s the biographical sketch
of the author. written by his fricend, 11 has lwen specially drsigrle41 for Lrisultie is tae mother . of pittier
I f•a y operation and .h0ap n
runing. ' y and semmionwe.Rh" the
Rev. Mr Logic. Two of the sons f a„Vh
Rot. Mr. Duosan went brilliant trawl %a.").
hen the bore of Its single huge cyl- mother of 'peace" and 'leelw7e."�
nates In medicine of the University of paler beeomee Morn. fv,009d7tt011ing bt -
a rapid and remarkably cheap proem.. I
Toronto, loth Dow- deceased. Mr. E. I, The odor of onions or Ash can be
H Duncan. barrister of Toronto. a The wearing part of the cylinder is a ' removed from the frying pan if a little
well-known Huron old boy, wan the steal tube, whkh int eaelly removed *ucd I vta,•gar Is poured into the pan while
repLtte) with r new one. Careful pre stili hot.
cautious have been taken to ere that
Ir drawn into the engine when the!
Il 5 coming Christmas."
meld Gertrude entering law
eiggls la the Brest *sport.
6 r may store. 'lar said
Mia replsslshing spool
ems. "1'm going est to
Code Mutt's -e•• taste tar
Mb sod nine, pie 111110M
naw." • Bill and I are
rived t• Mutts They're atavism •
awe( party.' said Battle sorting dream
Betty res the comb tbroagb to
wavy hair of the dummy thosgbt-
fally sad dotard a hair curler. Reso-
lutely she snapped the rubber bead
into plsse. Betty oats a tanager.
Her mons was comfortable, her satsry
s dust. Det companionship obi ad
not found. Holiday sinning was sa-
tirNy apart from her. She bedded
with Mesita, of that rubber bead Mat
there amid be a puler la aka
ass toss••-Mtwbere-fan-bigt.------.
Gertrude noticed the ditto fa
Betty. "abNt teal'.♦: hS SS." mid
whispered. then -What's W same.
8uashla.r she teased, sspNcbtag
that t'aMlteelty whish appertains 'to
those they tido "You'd be su, I.ed,'
Betty laughed.
On ted sliest ens_ tM fogad lits la-
spiretlaa 'rMsmgatn.Je Ice Oafaleal..
the handbill Lead. ' North RIMS at
Beaver Dm* Beset. ter QI*/s*.
Children. Clslsimas cue .1 1 Ili lb.
y0ungeet son of the family.
"Another book of the sswc tyl�es
which sontetsaly e4ite has apprapoltnd
1s the lite of Rev. Dr. Rees of Dreee-
field. written by his daughter. Many
to prevent dust from getting Into ins
other books and pamphlets of various hearing
----types e•rmle4 be eelleefert and- preserved _
where the would-be historian of the I THE MASON-DIXON UNE
future might hare a0rewe to them " probably for
- -=mat widely _ known i
le Tary In the Uri ed Mateo L the
SOLVING t NEMPL4)i MENT ••Mnwai and Dixon Line," between
William Beck has purchased 200 Prnnsylvauia 11ud Maryland. nm by ;
acres of laud near Trout Creek, in the I two honour' English mathematicians
Parry Sound -Merv-let. rind he *ml -=117413-1747. Their work was stopped
by Indians, but they had run 'from the
Delaware River to a point about thirty
mitre beyond the northwest corner of I
Maryland. The accuracy of their sur-
vey is shown by the fact that In l
resurvey 1311 years later, with modern
The men will spend the cxoauiug mouths!• and method*, the poa4-1
rutting it lull hate prospects of a prof-
itable winter. The wood is to be de-
livered to the nearest railway siding,
some eighteen miles distant, bat acces-
dble by f good toad.Ferguson Highway, Both Mt. Bet'k sad
Mr. McKie are sailors, having Just re -
tra.tor is working is carefully filtered'
Archie McKee lett 1111 Wednesday of
• this week to take up residence on the
northern homestead, on which there is
a good house. Only ten of the too hun-
dred sere' are cleared and there is
much good pulpwood on the bush land.
Hun found for the northeast sorter of ;
MaryJand differed only 140 feet from
their position. The original stones for
five -mile park, on this line were'
Carved 1n England from ilmestone, and
are still standing, with Lord Balti-
more'. oral -of -arm• un the Maryland
e•ntly come honor after their (sats 111441 able marl the Pent' 111115 on the Penn -
tied up for the winter. sytvaajda side_
HOLY NiGHT. lingers were tenalight
4,i,, ght
4) light (he t' a chi as candles with her matinee. White tar trimmed
And ring the chiming Dells: the bight red lefsej. Golden haired
Come, shout 11)4 �etyuu5 tiding»Betty knew ,Dat to star.
A Yuletide message tells: grl•new etre fund her radiant
Glad m sorrow,ngs of painredeand
*JNaapPJ. nes ,,., favorite sport
m gheWast and death _ - set,tem alone. Sod -
Onfling the sin bite.t WNW- �y they W . ,hanging partners
(hl every pulsing breath. ilett7 fount) Word FkatIng first with
(/ set the candles glowing 4* BMW then a'"'tO•r. They enjoyed
Agrlast the passing night Mf we glide mud g,•N:eful turns A
And let the bells' quick music ' kI1tke-eied .6cotehe ,a seemed •Iways
Our earth and Heaven unite: -reedy to take Iter end when another
Until with angels singing.
While great stars wheel and shlae,
We kneel in adoration
Before a Child divine.
t s Tight the Christmas candles
.ind chime the pealing bells, know abs was alone and to aerept h15
To apresad the good -will greeting Invitation would he to WI* disco',
Theirevery clear note tells; "1 m5at,1•..1 my Mewls." line
We'll sing aloud, "Hosanna." -prevaricated, swiftly away.
Again and let again, Ravtag obelisk •,•: wrap from the
"Hosanna In the Highest ei,e-kroom she 1•.i. J a sleigh "Tor
For ever more, Amen." I We" lastest et a pempkla chariot.
. -Anne M. Robinson. , and used ams orethe - MOW.
let 1t go. "Arent you nredT' be
asked; "tees a'e lunch." It bad not
occurred to M r be Bred -her
-skates were Clhderclia slippers. The
ncotrDan. request was like tie mid-
eight bell. T►l+ summer meet not
-F `ty '-
aimal ad her dr • . a1leNet Aorto
air: 9 Ain't damn 1 couldn't beer
t0 Nva klo tam I esus stone
Happy rellectlotie dead tier Chilliness
INext morning bailee store girls were
,elating e=perb SS while petting
their stock In or.* "Wel, Bwnsblne,
1 did he comer
Gertrude folding
the roverclolk � coahe did,-
said Betty cur tit dummy's hair.
On the Broadway of Goderich
# 6 New Dressers, $13.50 ea.
1 Chiffoneer, $25.00
gc -New Diningroom Suite,
. reaLbargain at $75.00
Foot Stools. See these, -$2.00
Crokinole Boards, Black-
boards, Kindergarten Sets,
Doll Carriages, Reed Chairs,
Christine* Decoratioas
Pleasing to Travelers
A 8 Tilt* R teals passed masetho
towns me wild me freer the
train's wlnduws the IIg*ted teems 1•
the Mmes. The shades left so la Ds*
pies' lassoes 1 ►n. could see treat
twlsellna within, wrasta •e wlsdew.
• fernng of cusineres and cheer.
where It wee snowing use could sae
snow fsllIAS ♦Rally es tram
Rha grew tru
IaInkllaa Ilk, jewels over the flighted
trees. The snow seemed to !Ike to
take per In the Christmas eclair's -
Moon of the towns
to tows after town there were gay
tights down the streetsand shove a11.
a tree In flit caller of the lows.
And while the people In the towns
were rlgh117. •nd without • await.
ppud of their Christmas deeseastmu,
thele toes showing cheer sed l.asty,
time could His people In la towns
ever know now much joy and bappl
,rem Ikea. lighted Ime. ureetrl le awes
traveling on trains.
They brins thtlatmas to the travel.
er. They almost mesa to carry- •
wktff of the Mae woods -it whiff M
1'brlama• green.
And as sometimes happens, le eats•.
thew, oh then. the Christians trees en
lighted mess anon than ever DIP those
,rets mar travel areeu4 llerlstmus
thee. The decedents sad We dull**
of rrla al r'hrlstnmm nem r ell metaled
hi its Nights twlnklkig es the Christ
---msf-trats of the ♦awns
Tltaeks 14 the teems for an (bey 40
-oat w•ly few themselves at for trav
Mere at 1'hrl.smae Mel -Mary Ora
m ht.wner.
Christiana Wrappings
YIFORMITT In Christmas
wrapping is no longer
wan rt. FJch gift should be
eMaked in wrapper -4.1604 Ja_
its recipient, aecsligeg to the
American Home.
Papers, ribbons, soak. tags
and lsimtmiwge of W sorb are
delightfully varied that by
thoughtful sbopptng yon coo
individualize to dressing of
every present. The appreciation
sure to foie's melt evtdeaes of
personnel etiolation will mac
than Jestlfy the slight extra ex-
'TM said (6d Planta flans one time
Told this Joke on himself in rhyme:
One Christmas In the sariy din
That ever leads the member tn.
1 heard the happy children shout
In rapture as the toys turned out
IN bulging little socks sad shoes -
A Joy at which I could but choose
To listen enviously, became
I'm Just "(Rd Santa Claus"
But ere RAY debts sigh had get
To 11* first quaver at the thought,
It broke in laughter, as I heard
A little voice chirp like a bird -
"Old Santa's mighty good, I know,
And awful rich --and he can go
Down ever' chtmbly anywhere
1n all the world! But I don't care,
I wouldn't trade with him, and be
Old Santa (fans, and him be me
Fer all his toys and things- -and 1
Know why. and bet you he knows
why !-
They ens no Santa Clans when he
Wm bit a little boy like me!"
-Jame, Whitcomb Riley.
Man was made to monrn, but most
widowers think he was wade to mourn
only one year.
That man Is to be ' pitied whose
future lien behigd him, and whose pad
is constantly In front of him.
If you ■dd a small amount of soap
flakes to the gasoline when eleauing
garments ypu will have better results.
There are six requisites in every
happy misrelate. The first is Faith,
and the remains five are l'onflgeenee.
Where there are three mein ootne to-
j To give their gifts 1n any 'weather.
la QlriPtaas being done
every Mother, every Son.
Wherever we make shpt to keg»
A woman warm, 11 eblld asleep,
1f but one team str.tcb over them.
There and then stands Bethlehem
Here lathe towers of our pride
Where still the Rabylone •hide,
If one heart open just so far.
It may admit the mngle star.
ilOtr the acme planet that once shsstk
IklHver over the ahepberd'e crook -
On every birth, on every dream.
On every vigil 1t w111 gleam.
Christmas is not • stock event
With oxine and date and Aced intent
it W the giving you and use
Gar e�W�ood's immortality.
Joseyh Aualandes. fa
Following is the report of the Weed -
field school, based on the autumn ex-
V. -Jean McDowell 7M per cent..
Viola Gooier 61.
Jr. IV. -Mary Cook 64 per cent ,
Kenneth Campbell 61.
Sr. 11i. -Alvin Snell 70 per :eat.
Mary An (lower 66, Allan Baird 42.
Jr. III. -Murray Campbell 71 per
rent., Gene toot til, Gordon Mt•tiuweli
56. Ned Thompson 54, Jimmy Walsh
40,- Meta Wale* 4N, Mildred 'Mors -
ton 44, &)na Baird 42, Mae Mason 30
iJ.-Rob Armstrong 72 per cent., i 1
vin Wlgbtman 66, Archie Mason 65.
Leslie Rodger 65.
I. -Bob Gorier, Jean Campbell, Jas-
per Snell, Bob Gower.
Pr. --Eileen Taylor, Billy Campbell
M. D. JEFFERSON, Teacher.
Report of Port Albert school. Honore,
75 per cent. ; pass, 80 per cent.; below
60 per cent. omitted.
Sr. TV.--Marlatr Haggitt N2, Mar-
garet Ledoor N0, Elton Draper 72, Ar-
thur Murray 4S, Clifford Crawford 6O.
J r. I V. -Kathleen Lednor 71.2.
Woodrow Hoy 66.
Hr. II I: ---Charlotte l'rriwford Tit.
Mary McMillan 74, Nara Martin 72:
Fred Crawford 70, Annie Young 70, El-
wood Murray MS.3, Elmer Draper. ian
Jr. 111.-1)orothy McMillen 75, Cecil
McGee 73, George Frita,ley 62, Marjorie
Mcifenate 61, Margaret Crawford 6f1.4
I1. -Norma Murray 62, Agnes Led -
nor 61, Helen McGee, Harold Nixdorf.
Kathleen Nixdorf.
Pr. --Eleanor Petrie, Horace craw -
turd. Joe Me•Gee, Harold Adams. Har-
old McGee.
Number on roll, 30; average attcud-
*ne. 2r.. ----..
7 VN1f`R iC dlOO tai Tenrh.•r
The Presbytery of Huron, Presbyter -
Ian Church of Canada, met at Clinton
on Tuesday. The auditors and treasurer
submitted their reports and the tetl-
mates and allocations for next year
ware adopted. Mr. McDermid reported
for the budget. There was a gin of
740(1 over last year. The allocations for
t'ongr.gationa were accepted. Mr. Mur -
do eh Rare reported program In Bay.
Geld ; the rite for the new church was
approved and Mr. I)ongan was ap-
pointed interim moderator of the kirk
nesetiou. 1t Wu agreed to have Rev
i George and Mrs. MacKay, missionaries
ton- furlough from Formosa, visit the
}corgregatloos within the bounds. Tt)e
oat meeting of Presbytery will be held
Clinton on Tuesday, February 24tb.
For that Christmas Party
Mr. Mouse -My, won't the children
he delighted when they cod out the
calsus! Dolle 1 _
'Hee fi;, I pea f.• a made her words ring
AOse the aisle stood the depart -
that mnnac.r eg lensly steadying the
Irmo. . As he wearied the counter
each ctrl hos I7..agl41d her. own sec
tion 11s rfippft• flake of wax from
the dummy's ear and said, "11151
-there'* • better heed
In t}te stodtroab. some. let as see.'
Betty fotiord him down long
Wien-. MOS sand saws of
es, silently gibe trembled. On a
table were heeds -brawn. blonde, red.
black. Betty mid them (ritlnily.
`Why did youNalt away lass nishtt'
Iain 'dee smiled strange and an
tafmy n the dss•m14re looked. Bet t y
started, "M.. t -what de you rrwa*r
*Just that," he maid: '1 don't believe
You knew 1 urn* to lteestchman."
"Why. i never dre.tntd It.' she
"Then. won't you to with me to the
-km rink taWaM7 1 Mere to skate with
you, Petty. o (10 110)07 skating. Thee
perhaps you'll tell ase why fA real
Betty Inut l,.•d happtry mind promised
Bark to the main floor they went.
forcettnl of the badly needed head.
'"I it4rre -Me new dolt. Sunshine?
said IlattieiThere wasn't any -
that Is -phut would do." Betty was
thinking more of skallug-tb.n of mar
celled dummies that day end soon an-
other girl had the demonstration.
The girls in the envie did not know
what became of Betty mtil one this
she rams doves the aisle rhattln•
sayty with her I11t1111ad. the deport
Meat manager.
A New Bedspring or Mattress, Chesterfield Suite, a New
Heater or Cook Stove'
This is your Store...V a -it-
V •fi 7i V V V si I Si si I si T 6i 'ri •sa f t ri •si V V V V vvvint®
Beautiful gift boxes of Choco-
lates, from 25c to $6 00. Something
to suit every taste. Candy Novel -
tie. Candy in bulk from toc to 8oc
a Ib. Special Mixed Candy, too ibs,
at to cents per Ib. Jelly Beans,
special, 2 lbs. 35c. Special Christ-
mas "Mixture', Creams, Jellies,
Chocolates, 20c Ib. Gift Packages
'- of Cigar>;, Cigarettes and Tobacco.
Remember, we positiirely save
you money
The Home of Home-made Ice Cream
H. Bia
lephone- 2�-••-y •,..eww">.„we"..:,,1,...,uwe-., ...-
OM -
Christmas 10 Frww.a
t`hrlslma, Is rrsnee V oksrned
cblnn efly In n maid w.f. and ♦--
greet revelry mad feastiag sad ex-
chantte of pres1ats are reserved for
the New Seer.
Ckri.t,w., Tree D...rattew.
The momratfwm /rids oe r.]teist
mons. see made fib* vavi ne mMIelsla
The rw4orv1 hafts ave imamait7 mods
110m very this 0•116•
11110111 MOS
f F Ntee ,M a apt
I l.liibtree MOM.
'Siete* stare:
edit to .Ser. members .0-4ba-
fsmlty. It Is surely Just as op
peprlale to give • Bili fru
hesutIfying the hone willow,
as 11 Is to give wawethlng int
hesutlfylaa the Marie wield.)
The tree Is a gin that will me
wear out mor deteriorate with
age sad will actually grew In
raise. -American Home
Christmas gMpples Halted
"i ant to do some t11rIsrm.s shop
ping today, deer." said a food win.
'that I. 11 the weather N favorable_
What Is the forerastr
At the other end of the table her
husles& eeasulling the paper, reed
elpod: `1011,,. all. arrow. thunder.
lightning and fl.woda'
Tb. Beas'a Head
The Chris/Ines remora of "nrengtng
In 11.0 boar's belts' dates hock to Ow
Druids, whose deity, Freya• the god
dam of poses ra:e Teener. rods Y
golden hew.
Christmas "Wale."
Crrissnm$ "watts" get their mine
hem 'he old Scottish word "waltl4"
meaning wondering or roving. Grad•
welly the tern see applied to wander-
ing muelMana
Christmas Legend tR Swedes
There Is a -legend In Swedes diet
the Chrlstmna tree sprang from the
soil where two true *oven died. the
mulles standing "few rememhrantw"
Haight or Christmas Tres.
The overage height of Christmas
trees Is from 1 to 15 feel or 1044*, the
greeter r• mber probably being 4 to 8
feet taah --
We suggest
Fruit Cake
Pattie Shells
Pecan Rolls
Cream Puffs
Rose Tarts, etc.
Special Orders gives our ossa+♦ .w4
personal animation. Kiedly rode, owe
day is savanna
BREADWhite, Whole Wheat, Hovis, Fruit Bread, Rolla. 14
-Buns, freak every day from our own Bakery
t I ormerly McDonald's, next Craigie's)
pa VIM s TO I I ® V
The F.n�j11Ma 'whet -tient M
Chestnuts carols was published in
KI54.... d Claristtwaa
Time Median's pal .1. at Christmas
le i*r011arly blessed. •• dr all you
possibly e'en. But you Imistnl mention
goer good deny nr the stall Is heeken.
1a derlyed from
01...' Qeaa. Fevered .its►
issues grew 1s sow w1 sae resumes
('aslsares manes of IM Omens_
two As
-Se la
A Christmas Gift
that will be appreciated
aa $'ignat
Send the home town paper to your friend
at a diatanee, or to the boys and girls at school.
T6'the absent one it would be a gift fifty-two
tildes repeated, bringing him the news of the
home folks and reminding him every week that
he is not forgotten.
If desired, a greeting card will he mailed
from this office to the pe n who is to re-
ceive the paper stating that' is a flhristmaa
gift from the sender.
The Sill to Jswary lst. 1932 for $2
'Phone Mi and hava the paper siert on st ono•.