HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-12-11, Page 5-Jae k..5- And en441-1101cr
been her confident, her pal. iter mam of un•heol)gical, geslgraphic and ger
luglt•a1 imla,rtswe tI*y' plan to uneart
-See t•snarra from Idle syr. HPttdlmg tl
R1RIF'S e11:1�f(i AN('t1��t bronchitis.
[rosl taw momntrta-CITIIo kwl .ill thew Important tnrublea arise
as bro
heal tnettlnd the --Ira ii'tan - Andre ele-thecauar the body 1n 'starving for want
•acts that have remained hidden forj of particular attbetant•tas which are nor-
eeuhlrket i( the purpose of tie young' Madly present in foods like (nutter, milk,
• .egga. In some couutriest men and
* annals become ill for want of a ping
at salt in their diet, and In We same
h way rickety ehildrrn cannot dere-lap
re properly because they lath certala fat -
expedition la George R. Jelmson, fellow , bone substances l vitaminal _ kd are
M the American (lsographltil Widely hasTeasa
hr ry for growth,
an/1 chief /dosage -eller of Hee 4'ern. Ttruth 141wn+t rickets w „obi
vier Naval Air Service. Ilia partner scored hemline it wee known that
la Hobert Shipp•, urologist. IdatorIsii hubfes wh.s«• (0011 is Inadeapratr may
and w'conl pilot. remain perf.c44r well 11 they /pear
Two monoplanes, the '•Wa*blugton•• ninth time In the open air. This *oper-
and the '•t.1ana," are carrying the re- eta exception has now been explained
plor•rs, The planes were rhrlla4Pllw1 (1y the dlw'rltwry that 54*. *14.0114)
by $$'Mora Jwah 51Pndorw, weft• of the Ii, 'tI pr'%rllt5 rie•kets 1« (oruted Int the
$•haul t)C1h.' l'rnI*latn F;mlaM><y, Issly it elle *khl Is rxptawd to sunlight.
rat tahiiengrtutpnoliavttf,it teiSl K
by35*'�»trlN11aPh;ets-- - 4lnd thy hfrilgbt
chp titre , ncmatheertps tforaw
(1PaFrei .tmmrrerthe
Weacltl•_tJtPiet, Auld fot_t>rbt roues 4
nmlIlxan,lor. stop officials of the State,) ricket. commonly ahuw-siii"re terw.I(4 t
Kee and rtmPnta. There the (yid of the long modem; winter.
\ayso Z� Whea an outdoor life la Im h
n -r rr xis.. prteme•nt Iri[it tat+_ - tet - PeMin'i k
. rri rd "artiMin I sunlight" front it special edge•
lieol0ghal �tuvietle•a ohs n art• •lull)toted
Dick and r
tlgQ bachelors'
Modern---quiet axIn
fI N., ',rltrr how m
Nch esudy
you ntr•ren which flee ILelr owf,qe(By Betty 1
venlent. Neither1wi touch time fur
m Christmas Trees
(v,rrdpgAdeuee, whish as Peter utter •here•• (.hristsas Oerer
lP"id a telepiw w." Thry nasi few bomr�lua(Ic randier on the thing T����^ww'-
tbelre whenever trier wanted to hour rM•n. table. 'rIo• sugar to thew crndltw "-•fa Supply Available Without
1s n exewlt.nt !w! Nod for
from someone -steer or tar $ ttwldt-ams
- winte•r,_1) a the froths r of Depleting _j
Illi_._ ..__ red touts 141m, -.-...-"-{.-
are valuable. the Supply
Canada's Trade
e 1,
l hrhrtlaR alley to be
said, "L w unue>,a/srrry anyway, If unless thereatxr at least a
Yint ..are like parachutes • tl
only function- when they are open "-
/Aird Thomas R. Dewar. I egg white 4 utle•r titie of The Christman Tree
/,y cup t•onfectltwer'.a anger Trade Dt l'atwtla, the Fot•eet Service of
cup almond.. chopped theIteprartufent of the Interior at Ot-
bruit Khans(
Bay your Christmas
Gifts for men at
The Store Werth While
its: Pack _
TAoea 111 Goderich
tan/1 has a pamphlet dealing with the
rah elites, pitted had chopped
teanp son v11111111 subject of the annual harvest of
low grains salt coniferous trews -pine, +spruce, fir, and
Shen the nlwfuds. Plunge into boil-
ing 'edar--tor oar at Christmas. Thr atm
hug water. Ruh off skive. Chop. Pel the
1114(15. (lure.
neat the egg white until stiff. Add
sugar gradually. while continuing tin,
0f the pamphlet 1R to prevent the view-
polut of the practkal forester on cer-
tain phases. of the trade and it in of
particular interest at this time of the
beating. •1411 axil and cnnllbt 1'014 ht year whey cronlmlerable attention is
al e %
almonds M
d and ng txA tU
u I d •s tt1 the
dates ) • mat[ r
Drop a o!
frau dwxrra-
n the
of a teas{weal on na well buttered bxkhig Ilona for the festive season.
pan. hake Inn -luwe ll bu tereut thirty t'hristmyar trees),are, In the main, fe-
llow ea. ('(14)4 for 1, few momenta b•- 'sired trout altos of three kinds. The
lure re lug from twit with n *)afar. best I, w s for the purpose are upen-
ihate and Nut Roll grown, with many sturdy branches;
usually aeedllults on old pastures ad -
cups sugar joining forests. The supply may also
cup thin cream _ maw from land being cleared for [artis-
t cup dotes. pitted and chopped hog or, ffnatty, from the natural forest,
`4 I'M/ nut mim(s, 4•11099td the plantation, or the woodlot.
['(sok sugar and cream together until It la evident that then* twit it• no
5-444t4.4ae.y104 lta.xuk!iajaet_fardlaa_a objection to utilizing trees from old
Int halt. 439. degrws F'.1 Add the ItitsfutFa or. from titiattlIi operations.
deviled dates and cook two or threw in the first came the trema are detrimen-
mlPute•,t more (242 degrees F'.) Remove tel to the pasture and. owing to the
from fin.. Beat until candy begins to many knots, unsuitable for lumber. In
thicken. Add nut nwat5. Continue teat- the second, falling their rale for Christ-
ine until candy is firm enough to make Inas festivities, they would be tut and
Into a roll about one and one-half Inches either burnt or left to create a fire
envoi. Wrraap hl a wet -clothand lease hazard,
iiawkcAt cloth and. ,eh rose
wise ill rli/eN.
sorss1Trnoxa or
YOU 0s? tis NCR CENT
M deal overlook the
. added
comfort and contentment.
here ars Rome Ile lir saperatitlolie
I beliefs of Europeiu peasantry:
Tie wet strawland$ around the or-
ehard trees on Christmas eve and it
will make them fruitful.
tan l'hristmes eye put a stone gen
every tree and they will (rear the moee.
Heat the trees on ('hrfatmas utas`
sand they w•i11 tear more.
If after n Christmas denser you
shake out the tablecloth over the tare
t ground under the open sky. erttnlwort
Toe nuraratur-tinn-turee---enci-
Jt J( ontejak_Ahe case of trees from
objection to thin traffic and this can be
+mrmomtted by intelligent selection of
tete tries removed. (11 the total num
her of needling tines on any acre, only
about Z per cent. (and often lens)
reach maturity. The rent are crowded
out by their Iutt4'r neighbors in the
batted roe food, mol*ture, and tight.
Experience will lndknts in ample time
those Indlvitenals in a crop of yo
trews that nature will eventually slim
i.ate They any' be tolled oat and an
Interim dividend thus realised on the
ted area. Not only dope
a revenue
result from thin thinning but the trees
that are left to mature benefit by the
lessened competition.
Two Wietkes ere to he contemned.
will grow on the (pot. First, the felling of mature trees from
If on Christmas day or err yuu hang which only the top la removed for
n washeloth out .on the hedge, and ('hrlsemas tree use, and, leveed, the
then groom the horses with it. they whites51e, indtarrtvinate hacking down
will glow fat. of yoaag growth. lbs taw that err
As often 141 the cock crows un Christ- marintab4e bread afterward( aelectet. 1
I may eve, the quarter of torn will be while the remainder are Intl to waste.
' as dear. " "I11P pamphlet. whit•h mar be taety.
It you steel hay the night before upon applkatIon to the Forest Asrthe,
Chrbtmat sod give the cattle Rome, points out in c*1 Winson that as area
they will tbrhr., and you will not be of nlnetjilx square toile* permgmwN17
•aught in any future thefts. and entirely devoted to the snoring of
It in ualtpeky to give a neighbor a Christmas trews woukt tate care of en
lire coat) to bindle a lire with on Christ- annual harvest of 5.000,000 tacit -a
Ilea* m erntag, number eamdderably In metros of the
i If a dog bawls the night before Present rat.
eh,istwaa, It w•1)t go mad within the
Tea r. DO NOT CU?
If you steel anything at Christi
i without being I'abght. peal ran Rtes - - ewes. Out 8
yah' for a year.
els ihaeMtmaa .veelilraf ' the afet.aa -`_-
'lUhrbday, December 11. 1930 4
Looks for filminess
Betterment in 1931
Kellogg Company Executive Says
Business Largely Built
on r.
Riietiri+n•ett. Sikh.. Dee, T.-liJociar
i it 110is confident that bushman gett-
*ralbushmanmoon will show signs of 'gradual
but certain improvement, W. K. Kel-
C)lRIaTF(A8'ere Marion logg, chairman of the board of the
swayed her apartment- ' Kellogg Company, leading manufac-
anufaiHirers of cereal foods, today announced
that udvertiring pians for 1931 call for
tht• largest expenditures In the Com-
pany's htnttory.
At the same time Mr. Kellogg dis-
closed that the Cowpony will cod the
current year with the greatest volume
Of wiles It ever has enjoyed.
"The Kellogg Company, which has
been built largely upou advertising. for
many yearn has been one of the most
consiatent users of newspaper space.
(Our appropriation for the (owing
year provides for a material increase
over the pre•w•ut record year." maid Mr.
smooths of hotly In Out win-
dows and a tiny tree with
colored lights la the living
room. far three Christmases
-all •4055 --shed dune this.
Ewen baked ■ chicken to-
well -make It seem Chr4tmasy.
Anyway, *he wasn't ?worry or
homeless. NarIom's smite ens wlstral
and perhaps • Ikttle bitter. There was
Ivo one In the whole city to share her
Christmas. $M'd worked no to a
good Job, bat her business acquaint-
ances all had their own hinny faille.
Mee How lbs alma who worked un-
der her had pleased and chattered
for the last [seek! They called
1't'el and slier oranges,
"At the beginning of 1930, we au- gtw, rejecting ail
white membrane. Cut wedge -shape[•
(slices from rel apples, without pertas.
Arrange on lettuce -covered naiad plataie
Llals alternate slicer of orange sari
app e•
Ct rlatinas walling
Se cup butter
1 cup sugar
:i cups Mott bread crumb..
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon Malt
tetaptnt nutmeg
- 4 tea•puon mace_..
eft Pup seabird milk
'.S run chopped orange {awl
It cup rhopiwd lemon peel
1 Pull raisins
i/ cup rurranit
14 cup chopped flits
1y cup nut weals broken in Melva
cup orange juin•
orange SAWN.
('team butter and auger together. add
bread crumbs, umlN( h
aka powder, It
baking Ww
. as and
spices. Add beaten eggs and mix thor-
oughly. Add scalded milk. Add orange
and lemon sleet, retains, rurrante, figs,
nuts and orange Juke to the first mix-
ture and beet tlwnwghly; Fill «mall In-
tsdi idual greased molds three-quarter.
full, Grover tightly and steam for four
hours. Serve with orange saute.
lUt+iRR2►L DiRZCf•OI S
Anthologies NAIte at all
(sates, day or might.
I'H((NF1R: Store ICI Kos. rut
Ask' and Orange Salad
Marion "Mims lime" and wens timed tneumtd the most nmbltlouu wauurfae-
turtng, advertising and salt•. programs
seine♦ -bar. 01 outran, lb* couldn't weitedUndertaken up to (hat time. aa-
book the ice with, "1't only a 1011,47 sertlag aFthe time oar tronfklevwe in
girl' Don't fila of me as a toss, the hair soundness of industry gener-
I.et Ia. akar• yese°
.' ally and in the country's capaeity to
Al,Ireon psotaed. tuntow. as the passed respond to aggressive tactics. We have
"Jack's" pk4ure en her table. Ply- held steadily to our course and have
fully *he screwed up (sr fare. She'd dune the largest volume of imminwt ha
get him • present, or (dune. A -a our history.
cigarette rase 'Flit his tattlata-ease "l)ur decision to adhere during 1931
hat_atypls• TAat's the taay to this crouslrtrrlt program of expan-
the gids at the ot�ce touedtw wad deur, iniixlMit at1t1._
he'd gat her a -She dropped the es- advertising and sales activity,
largemeet and hurtled to 1455455 the targe measure the moult of this rxper-
f+nlawss-arordfar suppen. tear during the present year.
last Year ',larrkk " had teen • prey- "To meet demands, it has been heeR-
ent froom herself. Her brother. Ren, sary during the year to build a m11-
(kOIi.aneL of tones ■way, bad seat a lion -dollar addition to our home planta
"telai,atlnt of hkantt nk.I _"), a In Rattle ('reek, as well ns provide an
,young non. '$ 01 sad (-He's a important additi014 to our branch at
tet hfarrtkl;I.4450i. hAaadd *astruwMiedtedcrnoae (A"htAo,e (aftromri0o
ur individual rxper-
L••.. In the nI -t tad rarnlnP Mrw teen•, however, we do not believe any
of s Ion, nnrewttxerl dram of romance urrents fined to bootie. It is • general disorder,
of lousiness trends ran degv that 'Al'''.interfering with muscles, digestion and
mus rAale• she had gulllily cit AK nerves, a.wl 1n well -marked cars the
hroH.er's pit -leer .r and had the eek- I gradual hut (•stain Improvement." child In usually pale, fat, (tabby,
•Its«• observer of the
411""1 her. Plasty when tact Christ- ,,ts generally !soon wail enter upon u
Peel oranuit ges and i ad troll and
divide into segments, rejecting all
white skin. Arrange a circle of orange
segments uu a lettuce -covered salad
plate nod 1111 .entre• with grapefruit
Loudon. --We know the rouse of rick.
Etta; we know how to prevent It and
how to cure it. Yet an appallingly
Large proportion of Infanta still sutler ,
from thin avoidable (Hamar and are
thereby handicapped it growth and
heaith. wrItts r doctor. in The \ewe R
Ch rook le.
Rickets ander the bones soft and
bendable, but Rs effects are not on, Hamilton Street (l'odeeia!
J. R. Wheeler
ru.erdl 141rssIir Mad
Embalmer • art
All calls promptly attended to
dor or nlgbt
Store 3J. Kesldenee 353w
' H.wlIton Street. Ooderlcb
DeLaval Cream Elopers
ton and Milkers
Quebec Rangers and Heat
aiding Plows
W=, Sleigh, Wind -
Water Tanks,
Utter Carriers and
Wire Fencing.
If roar Cream Separator needs
repah'fag tiring tt In and we weal
pat it tight for you.
er enlarged, tinter) tad (ntmed.
-The color •f nl. e.' _asked the
•• ti.-47-•twn ws.• Ore said Mid
bluoed._ Met .Imes}lwt akg wanted
Ida) tot -Mee
jumpy," and prone to Infections such
'mow- 'waren -who departed 414 plaaea tar
Penn on December :. These secrets
Look -_ Each= -= aA
Curry's Quality Bak
t of a three-story Christmas cake. The
ht. The cake will be
cake will be given away C
ing rorreetly or nearest to.
on display in our window.
Come in and try your luck
-----_-"THt,' HOME OFT ".,.4
Sanitar' - S•ierviee
Phone 465
Good Things Galore
Geo Price & Son Grocery
things for
dinner table, ,
Our store is replete wl ; 'fresh
Christmas taking -end ---for the-Christrnt.
They have just arrived from tropical and
semi -tropical eountriert in the British Empire and else
I.1MC1oult Raisins, Figs and Dates, either for cooking
or for the table, Currants, Lemon, Orange, Prtron and
Pineapple Reel, delightfully firm, fresh and •lean. Also
the fruits, Orangen, b•moaa, Pineapples and Hammon, AMI
the crisp vegetables 2t-neeegnari for Christman dinner.
Celery and Lettuce. •
A1nroV1fcmta obi QUAL
There in no obligation to buy
. 'sizes- iite.'Wlfking, Talking, Crying Doll, one that will
delight aly_jittle..girl, and an Electric Tahle Lsmp, An
Arti.t.r and useful ornament on all r rii.iinO'Tihtit -.
Thii--Citriatertai Stop at
Mat IfitcP ee. ljl_..? 'ooltrt . .
Yuiptide «*baa-rientlre, meth bolly.
�all♦wed lay' tine .ltd deilelous by
low we tike Wawa: In
`overs e et reed Inetery,
we (lad. Ind*. a keen a tattoo , .
a �tI a , Mill
the incarieln o Cit dinky' Into et i ' [�tNl
Seendtngx tan'
mama.' -made `` The 46.11 ••slap "al" eaaee 41411y
teeth b� were elite!' at featita In I when ►he lamed Int. o. 40 brtwn A BOMB AT ('llltl iTB TINF:
honor' ortne greatttdl `Thor who teen.
peraniente11t- Pontrolltid' the matte of the'
land«. -
1 ater on the good Queen FAltabeth,
thoroughly tutereated in the-Atstoa-
felt lamp can (1' . th ass tut —
rrali:s-Iry-the esperlitiur. stn+• it hens mutt, the wear In u
.,beep skill. o.e4 as sa rola it 1i alJsidar.
to i•r.•,.•ttt at 'sure rickets( by Inking
sure (flat the chilli is getting and ab-
.orhhlg the fats which eountprset 1r
eggs and 4.55*iM n('ttte date she acrd A More al ('hristmastime is no '
"Jiteer ol•ht here a hams of their Ee.tath•ally gay
tam. With .color. perfume, voices, that
But. tested, ■nether empty CYrbt. It takes your breath away •
phare of learning which pervaded Eng- mos 515, fnta11fnsdh Mslaa rwith It'n like x Ixuternwl fnir't*n4,
lane! 1n her day. ordered her "plum- twlaklt.g eyes hennas matter -of -feet New -blossomed in the street.
takes" to be embalmed In sugary MIs. morels of the o$ee. "We !idle- A shore at l'hrlvtmastlmr I5 gay--
figures depicting the fall of Troy. aloes!" she welded "Cetapaetely In )tut, (111! a home is "'eel'.
Masterpiece's of culinary art have since Ise with a Pieter*' t clad he losing 1 1. church at Christmastime is so
passed through many changer. Fruit ray salad!" Ylndleettvely she throat Divinely bright and fair,
cadres may now be p in•haswl from the "Jack" Into • drawer and fat down Win* t•xndn t,,. o 14„, attar
en-Pv«a--•N* Ltut ism lito make,herself read and target. ,t carol in the nic ''
the shelves of our grocer' stores. These 4udderif igir"d"e+•S?llerf elut - p-„ttp,dWa,, a •t etch air ma
taakesce aexceIletmua, itbut� mtSetr _any npenerltpxd. the door cautioaaly. Theo she 1 n-liert.
housewives *till en
s _
own fruit cakes, using a recipe' wllieh Wlipn David Rrure entered he wen
1 ham stood the test of time. Aa the days dere,) why the ■ttrtl•tevet sister or his
1 iwtwe'n now and the twenty-fifth of pal stared at hem n+ If the .,- o unr
December are growing fewer, the cake trelfeve her eyes and tank weekly Into
shoukd be made carefully. wrapped and
I stored away to the extra -broad -box -•hair.
---bread-box ., HeremJ,a,lntaa, Told
and marked "Not to be cut untili._ Ben id look 71/1)np,” he ex
t hristma*-"
'A- recipe to Oren hem. tor_tL.frutt planted • little nervously. "FLonldn t
cake• which cellos for a sweetening t II"' brnkeen 4. on your ('hrtatmao-w
perfect stranger -I ah -was • Ilttte
looewnme. I queen
Marlon manned to sal softly. "tem
glad you came." And tlkix14, lookleg
at her telt that, somehow, sty woo
known long before there was such n
thing as a written recipe. honey in
the sweetening. atxl It hat tit• ad -
dei advantage of helping to keep the
rake moist,
Homey All -bran stint Cake There'd been lots to tart shout.
l'I sup hnnbd orange struts. mete leaving Isle. antidpafe11 with
''. reqs honied grapefruit stripes actual eagerness the dinner with her
'!+ stip prunes (sakwl r tomorrow. And Merlon's heart sons
1'i cup apricots, soaked as she got up early Off Christmas to
'get things done." Darla came early,
too, and Harlon, pinning • (owe(
around him, let him hip. ft weaved
intend she and he had been friends
1a her lmagtnatlon •n long! The att.
in -noon passed swiftly, te.tes Mls11
�Ify west to a theater,„____
When they r.hlrned, "A leek et t t
�t7e tlefore 70o so,'. Invited Uariom
David stepped In -for • look 'al
•Marlon. He flashed and glanced dower,-
i -f told Ren -if his eider wee
, eD-eatlraMive as the picture he-
oerlN me, td -want to Arlo; her
I sup candled chrrrt,.
4 ib, chalk's! figs
14 Ib. raisins
N1 IA. chopped dates
eta lb. (rorrNrtb
y 1 cup shortening
Ill sup brown anger
:1 egg* I b•ettett well 1 • -
t cup bran •
2 cups Hour -
teensionee1 sods
1 temente,' creme of tRrtar
1.'1 teaspoon cloves.
t r ti testament All*pbv I•1 Mitinth me and ile looked age
11 trnapsrm salt '-- - ":11grlaiaty "Please -deal think to.-,
a/ teaspoon china nten.:.sky, i'v — to return SO soon
ai teaspoon nutmeg • 5111 -well, abe's dere than the pie:
1 clip chopped w*)net meats '
1 rap chopped 1«exn 11111 14*'},
'.y.eilp ctlopjt•cl nlnimul+ I
ettp rolfw• ! IIg11111 t +
Mix 1111 l'rint and pour honey over
t ' (,et stood over night If Ire.s(ISi4, t
cream shortening 01141 brown *lytar.
.44141 eggs nod bran. t(1ft together ami
• dry iygrallentot raving one rap to tnlx
w Ith 11114 meat+. Add milted dry ingr+l Por t'ampmers, hunter* tad other.. n
i.rlta lel creritnwl mixture lalte•rnl fel, metal cup that ha. a romper's and
w-It'i the. honied fruit to which the rot mirror motor 1a,ttun, anti n tungnit,
14.0 los lawn addled Add nuts edndgnrl Ing glass on the MI. has t.'*.n Intro
with remaining dr- ilgretlie•nts. Bake slowed.
slowly; (225 deg. F. . for three hours In
tonna lined with waxed paper. Remove 1
from oven *nil pour warm homey over
to of cakes. When enol, wrap in heavy '
waxed paper. !Store 111 covered crocks
or Irre1,l box.
tan. 1 , "
.4 minute later he held her In MS
"Oh. Jack "' M4r1.e0 'SRW.•! la hep -
pr eonfuslnn and then noshed Ru(
pavId's brown eyes rad read hers and
whet her Ile• add didn't Satter.
Nltsft•INf3 Itid tl _ _ y
lies Faa1e wet the kind of pwrmaa
wfm f* sIway* ehoeeria-TMASea'1 rah
1'01r lane'. tllg5PwlPe4 a friend
N11144 I .4,14 El. HST PIA '111924
London. Item. .I„_epi Ilue•t. n _rye
twenty ye:ere#4 Fr••tt•h
charged nt Folkit41111/• with Impert411
.'greet plume+, %nine 1;o, was fln.•d (1114'
lir sheer rne111ette: latiulsortmente
-"?t- wens tgae.t- 114.51 (leant had eon
reeferrl ttrrgphmms•. -War ImpeeteLleat. 1,'
wntei -to-teid pleb on g iso'1 Ow'
errantry' nirrerR' iw errs -nein,- thein
from Thr / t+o in the f
-Oh. sea. often. itnt 1 don't s hMtnnt
fay of • wrier.• ,. De retooled to 111a•1(w.,
Dirt any Hong, t take telephone trips the name of the Pari• ?leen who em
to my Imp-n?•tnw n friends. Tri- flW 1lR Yes$ hem nr stn• 4r%eeline.rw in F ollt
hese stay I know to keep tatlffter r land.
Teta lrieutta' leen o • meet,
A church at Christi na:dime s a
Hut. oh! a hone. la Musset!,
titbits Grad smiles at flirter insert ime
IndNge'ntty upon
.4 star: I think lila Spirit fills'
A *handl ail ('ltrlstmas (11150: 1 •
!tat trh.n Ile ie►Mw•-1 et:r a hottiP 7"".0Y.
All snug and warn, and nen,
tAtsi \lar- found lu-,lja•tlde•hent
N'i,-'ilifeirbijfl' 17W mer trete
1 think NIs eyes fill age with Ware --
For till1 a home ler +meet!
,1 • Sutherland -
• 4, d+ d ., d. .
HOGAN'S \'‘*k.
ANNA Stock o/
Christine, Camel,
Hunt's, Hair's said Lown-
ey ae f! boy gift boxes
at ail prices
- b •rata ss� ur
Big Stock of Oranges
for the Christmas Trade at
Special Price --50 cts. per Basket
_ Osla dt2Qte8Q g,!* per doses
(iraprfruii, 'i'Pxa, Sweet )Brand, no seeds-.-.. .4 for 25 cents
Gropes 2 lbs_ for 25 cent/ b
lies ttuce 10 and 15 cents `eA
BlueSVtite•r Brand l'ele•rj' and Celery hearts, fres t anis erf«r"" i1
East St. and
uare Telephone 470
The Rare, the Beautiful and
the Practical Gifts
Irons Toasters Vacuum Cleaners
Grills Percolators Curling Irons
Stoves ;;eaters - Warming Pads
Washing Machines, etc.
Hydro Lamps in all colors
and styles
WEST SIDE OF SQUARE G 0 O'r.itpee t..