The Signal, 1930-12-11, Page 4a-setabissaser U. INOT6 tinilier.n. OMARIO Meet 14itY unset Designs ISxpert Workmanship All Work Guaranteed Reonsoable Prices R. A. SPOTTON P. 0 Rea 141 Goderich, Oat• Peter the Printer's Mistake 8e Mafgeret [ Ilan int The New OuutIWk OODBRIC W !. ••lff courlep,I'p take all the Ideate,, 1 Dot being a prised. I'm (reed to It, I'erple bias, as for w' many rola- inti', us ars. whetter we eek. arm or not thalt one more won't 1 t. The thins is. are you agreeable?" ! "I am," law eoruttwn Rome Kehl . a _ DI 1ntP' tp. ge1-te. M.. milled slwpattrtica'dy, xud Pe'tPr t1R"'m"Ilrrr w11A lir �hft. lwakYu Solan (lefts Was very busy.---Mes.1 !tinter went tau. n1 11e fa*tenwt ohala'iwxutu me.^ 'libels: "Rut." atsld )kn'„la•Ile May wlsthtBJ. Nauta ('Ines was evtta busier. The little white mother North Tole F:Ivve, who bare IeeHn' els: "You're gulag be etc homes. stet "du lou t�k me such useful w'sistruts in the ('taus' two. Dorothea Inose w111 have a dear Kerala era,l-s-wl1r'. t it.- sand. trier tlrc worksieu. for more years: limn our 01d• I little yellow-haired tl vI 00000 and Omeren autia fine Printer. "we( two i s*I of dulls est grt'at.gnmt.grawlmt111. could re-, iiiirsnitlt , with a e' Swell. eII When l'eterlltht Printe gots er Indwith aYellow single p curls %dh asilk llack (see• and member. were healer still. for. being at for air She'll Ince yeti. 1 few h...4 . 1 rears younger thou Santa' would say •'sw4•11,'• in spite of lire. x gingham guru or din. *tante. they vivre rather were Santds l•uldhlg him ter it again and know drat." ole. ns.. Kid F'lurr- ' o Iw•Ih• \foe's new' a'l'ien vin �ri rc '4"..Tior the reindeer. Dasher and au. ked l lr ra belle May. ASPHALT SHI ljj.i.7 'thenen and Prancer and Vixen an AS Ilnga,efh4t' Ix one of flu hest children 1 Io. atter that. The ROLLED ROOFING l'owrt and Cupid and Render and k ,,,, Her clew is as black as your The days nee illitwII. they were busiest of x11-111 own. Florabelle Ray. but her !WW1 ie gh'e•44 darted .fere +wi atter. taster and least, they ti ght they were. Fur, white as oh, as that snowflake on the taster tach (tauutll they listed had' tae You'll not parr a fine Iwe,tth•ely IikO 4-'0, nrW of radia d Mur - B. C. WOOD SHING v LESas they would fade tooled tllll. they N 11111..\\ -pal (� emit a long Hud weary Journey before: unrse•ry' and an automobile, but you 11 Hardwood 1 l theta. that they waist ulrl14 go through I have au awful lot of toren Yes, you're• ung lP I,tllle•1 ., vows.. of physical training. , lucky• yam tau. PRIG I the direction of Tl" Timothy. Nauta e toAlit! Floralw•Ile May and Dorothea GET MY 1 Claus' Rtablr -Moe-right hoof, )eft !ref•! were wl lulppy Uma. telIn a latter antlers raised. eyes front. right wheel,. RtsNflu' Printer had gone on t.. label the }11ck march, tl0(1 so on, and ear on. rd fire -engine next them. the) hugged lint they Iiket1 it, Just the same, did cane soother hard. dud S did S.,.11 a awl 3Ini . TI u late that night when Santa tie white bean' - which 1 saythe sand deed. wh ing 1 is celebration of come kind. areal you. 349 gaol -__ R. STANDISH waaamea a dyeawe arm. I'e Harris Wells IIEItR'S the Christmas tree, ►Ilse Jelinsoa. That's that.' Tom Ulodaett. who represent- ed nne school beard 1n the row -bound rlllage, stool . •-. back uud surteyed the nne a"':� symmeirlc•ul fir he had Just _ `- made stable In the center of the schoolroom platform. "Not Altar bottle flies: the reusle•r tte,k tbrlr reit teschert" "physleal jerks.. as Jocular James 1, Peggy Johnson laughed catty: called tlttls, strenuously sed Morel `Next. we hent ■11 the Christmas etrelluoudr: MN. Struts bustled aiwnit. ornaments late been able to tel to- (hwlering that _she was reducing err -I tether In this community, and 1111 the riblc In weight. while Bente hlwsrlt stringa of popcorn and cranberries worked ARU the IR•rsplvatkwl rolled the mother. could •pare." off the end of bis little round wore lntu I -You're hound to have a Christmas be reindeer..•_ -- ---' ee . that his gaup ; wo did all flie F:fft�=T'MT•1 "'-' 1 *tea !t we have beet hemmed la hen and err. were 9: PPe fists ta 14.lalwtund bottle its almost au cup of the \ueth for tour have straight cera a all the F. '(1 a Then. x holt. t r i've never ewer &fpr)' Nrmw1 1"14 r made ell they know toys like to stay awake lows talk t'hristtaas eve. .1final w ea' such a steads saowta'h Toa1 con candy) and Peter the 1'rhlter• Z'hP1 with erre another lit the pea e.•ful IgM with everyone Smits In everyone N such ; "not • chaacv ter an ante 0 lit PIw w any Mex Klruta remtuding Manta workshopfairlynoir,, more was time to Ise suer hr to eke that test) filers to the (147. al Timothy. l'tlNlr the l sok winking' r fuAewr were mttoys w t WIUI J Ruler Levis Artist Andy its'(' P Out the tuts weren't, for you ' h ibrclt. f 1 I It was sewn Ire been Street P`aBt faadttle` . e [ I ihl ramble I W src•t-, 1 uuhic icily- 1 r e((tddrn snit oat and Inv trot die- Iona illi(gcPo. which-metafun ttPun the a11eit, and owe*, was I tl nineteenth le�w d U rix f l l rwT-fGlunrl Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal • Pea Coal Coke Pocobontaa (1 4-a i can supply your wants in any of the above fuel. Pr'empt service and reasonable prjcte. Le FLICK Telephone 178j Lion a n. has color Get Weirs&& Si Sudden and Contractors We specialize in the laying of nelw Hardwood Floors ELECTRIC SANDER for sanding new and old oors. Window Caulking ALL KINDS OF.aROOFING -SRL us- Ss Phone 366w Trafalgar St. Goderich t� e n m n grade es It is. The 7.bapters hs terra walls rand spin the Printer rRa4n a era • 0 1I s rho st 1 e1 iAw'►a I3 Tim- 1 will get their tat+ la Meta Claes the n �K 'Meowing m` , rat dtsturh n.a:' ttgetMhwe y giving Wst s to�lie-viii"t sheterw Fat *hold. this par. Pet with wonderful things for toys end whispered, ••but I've been thinking. dear's Della old latter the Prlutrr m girls the world over. and 1 Isn't slew until 1 stop it. cud Vat sty w111sk tutrarl t )44 I'rIl dials 1 /m the topmost Awl( there Mt i can't stop it until i make a mistake." xud I)urotbes Iblw and they wen• Ride by wide, Flonle Ile May and Dore- n)Florahelle May and Dorothea Rose ft. thea Itos•, fresh from the sk11(411 hands opened their eyes wide. of dfrs. Santa. Plorabelle May and ..Why in the world," they asked lath The fleet Ming of which the ,wo) peerothea Roar were not a bit alike: in at once, "do you want to wake a mix- dolls were aware was a hlau• of light tact, roe ronld 'cares' ImaR4nP -teas take, Peter the Printer^."' and color, stat heimuilltad..xitde by skit dolts more unlike. Dorothea hose •.Yen, see. It's this way. I'e•trr the to the brindle. of a great. glittering tr..... 1..,rrla real WAS pick-eheeked Mud blue-eyed, and wore a fluffy milk track the color of Printer sat down cries, legged iR• idt• (hrlstmae 474 em, xnn np11oRr :Per ,e,ttly. "you' bustle, tacking up of gen houghs oral the sky. the load theApre ttlest white two. AA I've said beton., ark. !studied cps rkIlng them', lighting of tapers and kid slippers uta hear -feet and a dear for wonderful little mother,. One of ar'nnging of seats. much laughing and little blue velvet hat on her g11hien them IR white and the other (lack, faking. snatches of song. 4)+414 Ng doers earls. Flor*belle May's gown was of but they've got the some kind offlueg Ille tlR d them. Itle�le F'lorxlxMay `Ilr - PM (Tlmp. checked gingham. with a white hearts, both of 'em. and (hale what I hntdrerod, while Dorothea Rose whim and apron a big suIIwcount,.nnet ; and she count,. with dolls." couldn't poeslbly hare had pink cheeks. "Quite [aur." Flonlot•IIe--M and I P01044 hark tint she was sure there even had Artist Andy worked for ■ • Dorothea Reese nodded agreeettly. were m11110011- -every arm milt week trying to make P(rme fur her, Iw' I Now," prw•eedcd Peter the Printer.. broadly as If !w ..r she were certain cause her Kittle ta!!-Asa black apal[rl "1 m fhlnkInl abnat the• little_ l+lac_kltblit was gift': to e hapPiest ChCeristmas ever c,rtRR llon,elle "al black, like polished ebony. mother. 1(11e never has mnetl fttn. Flora belle May and Itarothea til14.4.4 that little girl, tense her Keiner�at►d Ibnrtheel Kew• didn't know. e�( V they rbatte.l the beat to friends. for what does t doing other folk's walahing l l new, that flu• Iwrtl(ular little townrge tree was hat bseeleieg W tis eolor o One's face and she has to keep will be mighty srarte. "Sears* ail right," Peggy eiteee1111 agreed. 'Brat (bey ro gold a Cbetsteas as It M pada* tsr. M to Oele Mat." lbw'silt "Mr little IMlfs aid all ate G me -ttitddtea are iota• lag forward to ebb Ore aha■ they ever have to aa7 Cbriatera. T b t Mg folks an, tow lime Idea of yews. Mist loins.. Everybody's kora it 7 swag to have as miff, t I num LeRdllrl•01 Hy Reny �eetay Each year, with the twining of wetter weather, finds the afternoon or gvealaa demo save asmeriug • *ewe of attention. Bridge clubs are bed. friends drop In during the after - 1/0011. ■ gnarl') of chilly motorists call In the eveultg, or perhaps the Ladles' Ali or Koine outer orpulaatloa meets at our home. What to serve la, indeed, a problem We way know how to pre- pare re tare downs of attractive dishes, but most of thew• Imre already been served by 11nwenw elm• and we are very an- xious to avoid repetition: • Coffee Ix an important tatter and • triad of meanie kind M. of course. ex- pected. Tile le fortunate. for there 1a no red to the wars In which 44ate(Ia may arc prepared. It mem* that ens eau blend alumet any of the lomat Peace, React will to men salad ingredients with happy r.aults. (hie attnitive glad for bridge "rester new the I)aw'ning lUucheou liners ao the guest in the That arrives today, torus of a little wagou. Take a tooth F'or the Heavenly Kingdom pick and platy a round cracker or Mrr•hr44 on Its way cake on reel' red. This slakes r cat fears hnvr surely bnwgllt It of wheels tau 1111 all. .t raisin way he plated em Mt•11 send of the te4Rhpick fur a hub. Ota two of these ax les platy a thin strip of teoley, ndtm t p11) a leaf of lettuce ratiteLttg • pore d day dawns that Morning tlotln of your favorite rrlyd. This -- �1 all men shall show I1I1e a novelty that will imprelw guest•• By hent siughg vok•ea to Much of the success gained by maul p'Itat title [trod (lea rt ►new burgesses may Wben all natives. jotnl•R - la grand eborns thee. t11as to listening angels !FACE, 0000 Ink 710 ink O'er the hula the Dawn -Break In the sky a Star, 01, the alr sweet singing Pchutng afar! Hark, sNeIle voices Thrill world again! Mont How the strain seraphic V lianateea through the s1v. Telling all who l(atru Going lure cannot die' Earth take up the chorus' t4rluts, by tongue and p•u, l'asel along (ho tidings.. "I'esee. (nod will he men' I:rexl was that fair lhewutug When the 44hIpherds heart LktId hem's green 1W.Wer Sounding back the word! How their hearts went iounding With the Mystery duet. Portae world wax yearning Chewer to our keit. .end the world la learning Peace, scrod will to torn ' -ft y he laid t0 the tact that 14* hate mastered the secret of mak- s good cup of coffee. Coffee is a update heteralrSR;!• i a bridge I usclie ei. Almost everyeae like,. It. and most of us rind It bene- ficially stimulating. It slulyros our tscultira and warms the torkler of our heart. without letting as dowel below sawmill later. out cotter, to be fully •ppre•tated, tenet ire-�e'oVrell PrsYan'll Many pre- • ter the drip ttsettsald. which •wilds the eaoklnR that so often ciente from boll bug coffee. Thew It.,xtrtme" pour the coffee through the grams% but eastw. • Coffee retold be frohlj roasted, freshly gr .4, and served right after'' It is made The grind should be fine, so float all the particles of the bran are broken up to release their delight- ; Tts1 lootenta. Coffee that M tuft grru d ; flee 1s not fully utilised. The boiling! et Coffee extracts nndeslnble elements' y.oi the bean and Atex the beverage. .n !Atter taste. erre rc ws goes out a ug o u had only orae church sad only nue . t nce•,f the hostess has raaseend the f f I metier wheel the hcnteP tidy rartive la lit lAr� the nal coffee flavor., ' and look atter a little trotter and- a } lhrlstAas (1*.. ail teat, cvusvpurntly, Thal hoe woo altellM ela4a art " f 44e•ur1nR it's one's heart that elnntx. Wtlb r- I them w,iu,'t • single soul for wiles art teas aur quite sure that her lunch -I Inc would sthar ed (4* new homes estriIlttle dater. "It's fanny, but ,cysts Isom th / fres o N etI•tia4 eon. will Iw• entce14wee. ,1 dainty salad would Kam be thrdlx, nue thy earl doll she has ever ha -gym y one o around. yarn "r old each or eRor who fist It eau to would have W. -el that t f t hyiswN of eemr detest' stews. a nseo wUl -- Donald A. Fraser Fortitude hl that (mallty of mind whloh does ort* care what happens wa leer as 1t Mew not happen to us 1 1 d had -only r 4 edea with bastetr set t detsrrt a llttlr mo;tit: the? Keeton hair. they two, really --happened to be black. cel great even for i►e a enmmwlty muse, t u on that to a gonad deal few rotate or eels, and a real crap of were rry happy' V P and dreamed in chekt(t gingham. Not latent t igniter ate the dlatAhetl•a tallat cater l'eter they that." lacier (110 Printer went on, Now caltte the I;reut Mo cut 44iI*a. d W few pesssls they had hew 'eoffew galls pleasing to mewl Icrinter hr meetlytypal little hestity lest Flonhelle Nay's feeling' •ta4Cltnlr owtipt14 to neatens them, San- aloe -�-W..,JJ_ from the I. U s or ns. labels to mark all the fiuishwl toys,might Iw hurt,"hl•ck-free' dills to to himself 1111.•! den n F'loralw•Ile May , alleeger resrete s. -Make quite sure, PPtrr." /rolled dfrs.gingham deemw'e aren't oilyi think and Dorothea IGS.- from the glittering it wig wwi the games were me tree, and celled out 111r neaten len eery limb it that the trate eines--a sn•r • carefully typed crash that tatted the Ilttle rental' 0 little dull hearts last amuse and brought the II11ervy)Shdag uwdu"t 440111e" then,. _N wa fillies siren ens forgotten lit t4* A that,- set *e e 410 NS1Mb. - ugh.) warmly In thaw -mix �d set; *ea esti t'taL girls: tlorabetlll - irsrlst is name Tem NO 'tiro bow Celts ants pasta anxinnsly, "that you put (1u• (or- I they're lovely. lout faun year bre Peter the trot Isbell. on FlmMay ay and that little girl- rangy is her name- horothea Row'. They are to be hung; wants more than anything elme • white Whew. on the same Christmas taw, and it 1a'' doll with golden lair and silk dress. fast In iImportant that thei so t.. tlw right I :ibe hasn't told a Pond. but i know. e(Mtyth p tete.' 1 Rlvrs get In know thew• tttthgP- sen Ay of Peter the Printer (tattled. 1 tetter than Ponta hiunatstf or Mrs. asm•-et "SIR thinks.- he erp)hted to Flora- Nauta, because we can 1111p in and out ligh7'M wit belle ea - itostt " r,1 4 _cracas whetA Santa er. dtFa. Santa Aid you 0*. a aldstake. Finney that people deodand?" The dulls nodded agaln. . bed twat tfut to ma . Hants Memo think telae things *iron* pesters, isn't .]eau want to make a mistake, and 4,dtted 1l)r the bead Ig the; At " char our labels?" they Paid. fluffs' 401' tl. u w'111 prove t31 1f you have any dlffa•tity keeping' your how. warm In winter. madder faring weather stripping pmt oo all 1 wt your whowu. They are well wort ld the expense. 4 'Heron Taft SPLCW. FOR *ARRAY CHICKEN or TURKEY DINNER from 12to3pwe.40c 3peejar awsier- ileew's Leach &My at eft Frei Woes aAel 41411414011.1114 MOWN in little girls Claim b� SZ wManbw,se&a M d 11 Ids M R ' retie ow live t j t tip .. WI: . e • tea . •Zttelliter Zit eir: tbe'belfe IIIpr•ai Dli a tele "teen» ." nand Pefee- tie Prlateer: t1t►tte4 at 4l. lo11Rh• r eater the l•a(G wbM doe W d the dolls. nrkd w, 11t e.ek a, ttwelr n+�;W 4t i sisal sirs I attemuctrvetectectateettit v Gifts Men Appreciate You canmake no mists a in buying. your Christmas Gifts at Pricdham's. Everything that is new and best will be found at this store:- -7-- NECKWEAR .fNECKWEAR is is going to be "Neckwear" Christmas- gorgeous Neckwear in Italian and Swiss silks at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 SOCKS Interwoven. Holeproof and English Socks at 75c to 11.50 MUFFLERS Beautiful Mufflers in rich colors and designs at $1.00 to 14.50 • C3LQVES Gloves from 11.06 to 13.50 SWEATERS Sweaters in a large selection from $2.95 to $6:60 HICKOK BELTS Hickok Initial Belts $1.50 and $2.00 BATHROBES -Put, Bathrobes have been much admired. You will Wee -thea at $6.00, $10.00 and $12.50 • HATS'- r FORSYTII PORBELT PAJAMAS`"' tgae'11 Peter the► l', -inters plan n( h 1 were all•4 V s great b pie teat tea. - workt,o i v ‘41•117.41.11,0104‘44; 11 •sdilar. ti/m• Ant after aU ebb gl[ts had been talo' 'IM 401 waslto saSUtte Kitt► en from the t ie'�t �Is�e blg hall walla 411•12-1, /peyeti tear' 1ss1At • r with ..-1tembflt and I(ant* Chins, aa.•asecat Tim n4 aaata Clara larking a hale weary Ian well nue ,pi i d141sbt lae Ipss Jt tU1W_ might 1, sit- coating down from the I oasts Chas rated d the great for platform. a tat, lo, Ply lady In a furl sow batik sista Claes and Pear elm): tntre•h,.' Mm gently alt his site earn let .b.•re • 1 "0 !" he atasmerot. •'Itis 111 Mrt7,' she tal1A. ice • (1144 -1. re i•ut•mmered14.rk '\Ybere Fw1 i,.ii�'haYim iTrti3f-`11I�Wy "etf'7ReAt _-_., hie las•u a rrlMhke. Stantx. My llttlr Oseta Clam fogad his tower:girl nrris'.d dk 4'rong do{II." "1 "tweet beslled Ivrc 1 dId t keow Sant.'I.a.k.d quite . how od. lea aero hero. 1 heard the tows eau "i),- t 111,•. dear me. how did flint. - .nnwhognd a s 4 hapten ' h.• ire:%. '.Another mdstt,ke of I'.t. r the Peintl'r. I'll be hound' Let me w.• now, 411)1(11 11011 wax It?' - "Ir should -here began a yellow- haired one. to tine silk deem," ex- pleltles! the lovely holy ; •'inxteld, " ihtty--tint r,eet'ived r bferk•fwr•rd roll more beautifully mamas ... with the mien Forsyth Forbelt that doed way with uncomfort- able drawstrings. Intruded fur ' P11usy-, my wa.hrr- Welliau's Iitt117, jlr1. 'Pansy. of (ourx►. I must hear hes* Oven liett7 L0U'a." "T.w, bed, toe lad," said Nanta. slink- lteg his head. "very careless of lacier, the Printer Hut 7(111 know, Madam. 1 when thew' printers are like! b'e'll chimp, tiw'{n ta'k, however. rat Y• tt'here's I.111s1'!" 111. 1.a,kel around, and the leanly lady !peke.' 1 and there watt around FORSYTH OLDS ENGLISH SHIRTS See these. splendid shirts in smart patterns with separate or attached collars. Pajamas - $3 IN to 24 SO 014. Eaglisk Shirts - $3.00 Brock fiats Cslliide ft Regi - $6.00 SPECIAL One man's Camelpik Overcoat. Regular 560.00 for $42.50 One lady's Camo-Llama Coat. Regular $60.00 for $42.50 'moot rs be same to (taus. It4t IJ 'I tbotg4t It ?far aka miles berme.. 1 figured m7 big car r.wlld get oho nxt. to the dove grade. 1 tinted tr think of kiddies having no ('hrlatme, R u t the car get off the trick In the drafts .4n4 we tame down the side of the hill like a rocket until we hit this school" "I'd «7 7011 444.- T n to Interrupted i'unsy. fig: Meek eye sparkling, sa 11e earned away fres (Iles. little black fingers tenderly smooth- "1 thOught-1 wet dose tor," Reg coo - lug first the silk frock load then the tinned. "Instead no :sane 11 you say golden earls of Dorothea Row, who 110. l'et(l I've hunted all over 1..? lay on her lap 44m111ng happily. And yea nines. your father test Ms money there ,m's Pansy's mother iwwlle her.. and you ma . a7 from me bemuse int•$.-xNrmerten hsnets Plarpa' in rad• Jou thought It made • dlRerenee." mtrnttim. her kindly black face brim- Peggy's eyes glistened as she !lag las IIIU1'll OR 0•,144) )' own. Tilt` feugbt 111•1k her tears: nom she lovely holt• looked heck at Santa ('Inns. /taught Reg by the hand and dragged 111111 Stints Platte looked tack rat the' aim Into the [roup surrounds' g the lot ply 14141, The lovely hely began to, gifts. pest . iltl mysprett. Mental ('1a41s he- "Hero's Rents ('lune already to dla- glnl lit 'peak, and then 44tup1wr1. '111011 ninon,. the presents'.. n small fienr4 came In between them.. Rants (faun caught her spirit find holding ;t I.lack-fie'tsl doll In her trues.' held her hand ■ Mt tighter as he goy- -1 l.nrl want to change 11111114,1 ty added: "Aral the future Mee eon- >lottei." slip 11.1(1 edits. "fangs to 11.4111 already to help himw'e likl•s that one awfully, nal ',lie likes wish you ell • 1lerry ('hrhetmee"' I'nnsy. Iles it know who dlw•s. Vv..; And the little room. that all the cot 1.14.. silk dulls and pink dolls and I evening had hen so filled with good story kind of (lode of home. 1.11(1 will. Mott hrlmmed ever with laughter I'loisy. Inis11't. 11Ptldes, 1 11ki. 1111,11 sad tong and Merry Chrhalmn... 0110. 111111 1 1,01114•, 44he sort of 4ikr'i; "--41/100110111.1111011041111010114*- le You W�ttit the Bei --We Have It Anthracite Coal mined from the Hazlebrook Mines. Guaranteed No Slate or Clinkers Patterson's Poceo�h[o�nttai Coal ... ....0 .. -•North Sita Soft.Coal Solway Nut Coke For Shell . and Heavy Hardware, Palate sad Oils, Varnishes, etc., Plumbing Heating, Tiitlg sad Electric Wiring, give els a trial• CHAS. C. LEE, at the Harbor PHONES --Store 22, House 112 HOP EARLY W. C.PRIDHAM &SO en's andBoys THh. ,(TOR1• IC MI THi: ,'ITOI'X•' - ' Wear Telephone 57 Gode ich 1m•'. L.relt• lady still !1x41411 Clfns 1".1,41 rat ,ate eilotlit.r strain 014.4 the Christmas Re11 Call 11))), girl . 1>,ers44, trawl IRtth xmllel Re 1111re to neewef "present" at the Thor th.y I(w{kwl down of her. Poll Christmas roll call. -Town Topics emtlet again. •4•l t( ta'Il. Hefty lam." 4481.1 the 1.14e17 111.14, secant lease things. 1es What Ambition Did f Joe lIry are. n11(1 my not n wool 1 nne' g41111111 to 4{44h 1'anxy'a Mother a haPpt in. had a Jon In a faotnry. TheuP�t ('hFb.th, s" . , It wax hard. he worked. rhearfa Ale.4p• moved awry. the little girl early mind late. Iowans. hs wanted to (r. w.Ms+esa with Iartae �..e In 01' looked up a ttsmte 11loim with P,. der the, hs merit rev. hit KIN and +wwwe e+4►t � twinkle 111 her Mlle Rh11AMn • hwtesr hnmw T en hs • 1lalt Sonthlr»ttxlly, "whet, the 4wWs vr*a" TANO7•T Ij.,w'unl 1 hag_ ntowpe n "to .ril their fun 't 1f T' , Planta Plage eheckled assist down In bin long .\on14 r1g agreed• "even 414411141 It did happy, ttrssgte a printer* nils take'" Hut •1141 Perri the Printer hen NI the etnrt'. /1sT Christmas n ns 1411 'WI.* he wooed wed find inns bo- oms weary all der lung an. �h�ioe ches�t� �paa'nad bl dn0ttee mid s. hswaoaJ7 ala 14t- Yen' from ha t taw ottani(•t 1�M l�e1e - comfy law a..A that wN fee ((nn.�mptiv/1e.e lt.'at rake Hasp t ap ill ata .los 0 14 It has lak t1*V(hlrJrl lea a to build \1111 •T MT 114 1�e normal. but ha lledeeM w be ebltn to rattiest born* soon an u en Qe mora tha 14.47 nr .npMe't a IP• tamuy. rnr work .tie* 4 thio. yeti? eab- aertptlnn 1. asked will sets ONNM n aa meet, aa rob nae t0 e. f. 11ee., 411 collage Street, Twee pea to feat mitre tired, eau I mem, Look! This is the Place W. have a tart. stock et CHRISTMAS CAKE i Ili the vert richest kind which we are oder t A II a IllµetIat price ----'-- OUR CREAK 0OOD8, SALLY I13EOWN CLHI 13 AND iiiii CHOCOLATE CAHES ARE DELICIOUS A A Get your supplies here for your A Christmas Cakes and Puddings lllgedr Lelaon malt Orange feel per Ili. lbc 9' per Ib. 31k t C'6rrrles , Walnuts per lb 3tk Date*, without stotlee .. ut Currants, the very heat 'rpe{ear Ib. 15c Raisins 2 [4*' 23c 11 I*: ib. 20c IA i�ar`eeCocoanRaisins " �..2 lhx. 26e ,tete Taint, t-. .l.. 1,11:::, 16c Shortening, the very bat 7e..2: lis 12 c F torge Spanish Raisins ! r Ice ase P r 14. 56e Pi • CarAlmond ffnti of 27c Ci�noli 12•41,... . t,;ext�ts:.'c'' '..; .« a latrfi TRI. Ot'R Mme' AND* MILK MADE BREAD It is the very best you can buy fait or telerololttr-1'nm' order lit per Ili laic l E. U. CLEVELAND Telephone 114 Welt 111, tyn(terich We Deliver ladlltaaltaDdialkANDMItailialak 1