HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-11-13, Page 54
Mitchell in Line 1 BAYFIELD
n I HAYFIELD.a.. Nov. 11.-Mbuwa Elva
for Football Honors awl Amu Dewar and David Dewitt., of
1 Toronto. spent the holklaY at their
The lake level at (u,h•rich harbor
bas gone down mite„ iw•hra
iigewW4.4ne•wofww ��Enamored with
Ladies' and Micas' Sets and Men's Sets
85e to $10.00 . Goderich Boy Speaks in Glowing'
';*ii per. i tihavi ii. BON'lr Shaving Stielt
6 Terms of Hospitality Shown
in Scotland
1 ,
Perfumes. leo in several Odors -Lavender, Jasmine, O'Devon &m
and Bond Street:- -..--
Campbell's Drug Store
i Phone 90
▪ "To begin with," he says. "1 ant ab-
LEE111'ItN, Nov. 1. Church M•r-
vlee will t.e held next' timidity rt :t
p.m. Senday 'who'd au hour enrller.
}lay. It. Snell, of Iteumiller, who is ex
changing pulpits with Rey. W. Slaw,
Will ro
WWII Flora Horton Nod Iris Ituth
Shaw, of Tornowa we,w lath here fur
ThankegtetfC - -
Mr and -4ee; erre 11erteri--4114-rW r
daughter, of Ashfield. afar ars. Ellet
Horton. of Ashfield, were In tau burg
to enjoy TtrankMglvtag dinner with rel-
Our sympathy goes out to Mr. odd
MM. Oliver Cook to the hoes of their
house at the Point Farm be fire
enee of four thousand, "so enthuafartk p m eeD
\1,\F'....d., .XoygmlN•r 11. -llrs. I Mild marvelluttM to slug to." As one of Considerable wet f. lacing d.xu• ou 11
1'n.11 It.Yel. Ili Lut•knew, • snM:ut the N [Dr GtMlrrlch lxrY wear met tike rxtrualOn W Ile• Uuitlslal Cult I,r all are ex
and •oB p P NpeY•ItnR nrzt Je11r. T1u. is • slat' aYl a, 1 at Cllatrrt l
Messrs. .\rthur and Sydney Bream . felt like a eekdrIty and gut the hest 1 1.ast ThurslaY'• game at tlhtton Sir. and Sirs.
provide nee a sixve wore h. d. Auld the was la ed Int Gia illli 11-0 ruow•, which family, of London, Np nt the. weekend
direetgh hoar rvc ev r... to round ant P J
an eighteen-Iwlr swiss• Forty-two 1 made foot hog wort show ria f \\'Iib al- 'and rs. II. Lasso Day nt their rry, e.
„1 f roue was tins 11 Lxwxuu and son Harr}, of
+ Gtr uud Nees. F:. 11. Julius mntl Gab!
leas Juur efts cantina,•. M reed Need Victory Today to Clinch ,p,•Ilt Ion week -end rod hulidry at
perdu}'. Top Rung- a"lerich \rlrrl'.7.
Mr. rod Mrs. Orut'l,• 11;u Ununl,i ou ; SI r. nod Mrs. GIIIN•rt Knight and
Wedn.eNlry mored their hou..•buid rf-e (Ido d ShOWing bola.. of Toronto, and 1H,uglas Gewria-
c t hl lice -- runup. „t th•illir, lent the w -4•
reqs tiro
fir, --. }TI(Mg'1'rc un
triuek W '1r1�`i F�. to---- jt+��` #{r« PNNIt w
Tbaruday• November y 1030
ver anent the week -end with as form-
er's parents at uridine of 1lacDooatd
Mise Orate Jowett. at her
Hall, Guelph, epeut the holiday
Mrs. C. K. Webb, who spent the past
mouth at her house In London, re-
turned here on M say. Mr. and Mrs
(Webb are occupying N. Heard's house.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Poth, of Toronto,
intent S lay with the letter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett.
1.. W. /lurch lett ou
t`t teat afro t,_ eithoduled Mee.J• It «akt rr-eii.e.1 j titmth
tJrt the eveaing of Thur,tjyty, ucent- for
\\'riting front Edinburgh, Stmt an t u
{to hit mother, airy. it. H. Putt, under
date of Ik•tber LNKh, her sou. Sieg,
.n1 it tour of the -Oh1 Land N'1111 the
' Canadian choir of Brantford, of which
he in a tenor cutout, speak* to glue tug
terms of his wonderful visit to the
ancient Scottish city.
solutely charmed with the beautiful
buidtti .t, spired, ueonuweubi, hlatortc
pl*tes, slur 1 never saw such green
grans {it wy life. There are literally
millions of 'MUMS is the gardens and
praxes o11 1 1 \ r ew F vet
1 p /Kb u Edinburgh ruati- R K this datein urirsl •• Thr
parka."annual ar
At time of writing the Cruadiau ter Path. Afternoon rn +v ill Int serer t''
choir had Joel onflt*11 its tour the night from 3 to 5 p.m. and supper from 5 to I well
re ux before •
ler 27th. "were mid .1.111..,. under the I,N,ks
nusplter ut the t'rltn In \Woweii'. ,YolliR
Lague w•Ill be hell in Ila• .hldfell, w, Isoiut
Iall. Crtds at s•1 •. Ltw, 1, ;unl t;•.,sl whiel
word.•. fort►
Misr Geur Gems"u anti S1i. IJou$lMs pe (.
Campbell will be heist at lite Capital; rine'
next week W two -p(„ iso ' urcuultant-
incubi to "The 1•Yett ` heeler" as ; IMO
well as ill the v'er> brilliant overture.' I'Ilnl
The Women's A••NN•iatioll of North G.Nlr
street United churl will hold their `Yrf
ate. . . .
the. _-aTllisredtai afternoop.- 11 ing this eek visiting r•lolire'r In Lou- Mr. and Mrs .1. litwart, of Barone
like \Ill.'hi•11 for Harm' inter- . on" "" -' ton, .Iwnl the week -end rad beadily
bite football humors. Only one Mr. 11a tildlt ,Ihelweer o the Bh I.. with th. Mr a11.1 n. s. J. ounce. Ills'
sepn.tet Mitchell and 1'Ilutou, l.uelph. ► 1 Tues- , of Toronto, the
1 tracts writ Fy. Bo Ger :4w- , slut' by his sister.rMisslllled on t• tothy,, W to j week .•Melia'
l Iwlth Mee N. W.Woods.tMrs.
t texlowtn sly today. Rola are rite'_
d to win their 'games, leavini the left to visit her sister. \Iris \v.wkea; it
J T;nchtut, who hr. vblted for the twat
standing -- 1\loss tilde. Alta. w tit at 1 dile and.. Toronto. ay -
W.1. T Points I Sirs. A. ('urrfe left on Friday to tsnu►wnled them here.
tett 7 1 • 0 14 visit her daughters at Hamilton and I Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker spent the
It 1 1' • 13 \Wludwor. week -end he Loudon attending the
.'n S Miss I.Illlru ('lurk. of 1"uluu, I hit., 1 w.sldfu4 of Ntrir ester, whh h took pb1, .
diel►' •
5-` . 5 'meal Thanksgiving with her aunt. t on \Monday
ter _. _ n M u Il Mrs. /`has. Tows. urs and MMS. W. R. Jowett tett on
ash Hell t t the O. C. 1. team Is Mr. Jack Knorstem, of Guderich, j \\'elueslay 1„ „lieu, the' winter in
pleased with the swsou'$ results. slant Thanksgiving with Mra. J. Thorn- I Florida.
majority of his tram this year sou.
el their first football mad as twer- Sir. Jetties l'rweruu. of Tyrolese l.. v{ko. language is M, internottiural Ili
with its brother. , s
expected to he back at at4tuol earns lhauk.Rlvlug t love. Lady Astor.
the rwloint l rub course, the Platt pl qN It} being strung tram Is in prusnNrt SI r. John l'n Gerrie,
week -dud eith-ler daughter, Mrs. Thos. e . Miss Helen l:rrr{e, o[ Uurhnmrs{wilt
at asked to door r attune fr pe. plowed re1Knte ' 4o tilling in and for 1!ial. Thnuksglylug.vvftlt Ufss 1.. \Weals.
And, Gut ra h rtrgrrmr. W. H. Robinson and
of 'I'hurn.I*te, spent the Thanksgiving
Iholktays with AsltflNW friends.
4 Mr wul 3liss Alfred Alulrew, ynd
cal. at Owen hound, and ltlae
Jessie Andr.•w, of %We. visited their
graudwother, Mrs. 1). .\udrrson. on
lMr. and Mrs. Brun Moffat. of nor-
uI/..ts•ut the weekend at the home of
Mr. and Mrs.-Jtichard Johnston. "-
Mr F:huer_Johnston was bene from
T f the,holiday
- - - re
oronto or
Mr. Finlay Shackleton, of Pikeville,
-awed �ieter.re.
spent the weekend at their home here.
Mr. Harvey Arduan wad home
from Guelph at the weekend.
Mrs. %Vin. Blake spent part of last
week with relettver in Ltit'know.
There was a good attendance at the
r.mne people's n.o.ertug .latt_Prtd.L
evening and an interesting program (ever before Bearer[ ming.
thrill of my life," he stater.
The choir was given it civic reception
at every city they visited and at Glas-
iuw- weave+- ssuterL►ined, by - Ute famous
-Orpheus choir to a luncheon. The
writer says they go to bed early in
Ault( Scotia, warmly a soul being seen
onthe streets at 11 p.m., and practical-
ly all restaurant* close at that hour. •
t'uder date of October 24th, writing
from .BletiPool,.-England, at whlrh
plate the musical testtraT etas; -held.
Mr. Putt again has a word of praise
'Otd-t'truutis-peopke •pasie1ar17
modestly sly iuclined.
"We could hardly begin for the ap-
plause," he writes. "Every face seemed
prance, l
so Interested, but you t'ould hear a pin
drop %Ville we were singing. At the
close the huge audience jollied halide
Mtn& 'Auld _.Lana. pyre' au I've
vas given.
The- letter dewrllred scenes at the Arutstrotllg. Ktl lu R R _ _ lin "mount its ount of Mists Mary Cranston Lr.rsrtnor hotel, Glasgow, where the slightly more than lase year. it is an- l'ru,st F:. /'rwntlrell. S. Cook. J. alms. I \\'. Ferguson.
ts•llg Thompquarantlnel. Misses Perri and I party wax tendered a dinner by the flounced by officers -d the L,sgl.w. Ther mere
alta' Aunx Elliott-. sot Turtrtlf0• apllht
turn Thompson and acute dela Cranston , Orpheus choir of that city. "Thier twit exact figures, however. have nut INwu b I-Ealtlr • I Thanksgiving withbier asset -Mrs. 11
Isle 1 released. Quito i n...,J r ..f -,
were unable to spend the htrl4.lay atnp�-prtt[y . tr}1}r+T'rrNrttr.--
hat eo the object of our colt. We I girls participated in selling to those in Tek•
_their hoer. hate canto to to food eewutry from a 1g ed en- Sir: and' Mrs.--Fim, t1," *tut
Mr.-� Sacks b, renewing_ .,.- Ihomes and ottitrs tad to jN,i,, rhos F:xrt• r wa+ - a wellylltJ
oar so stat culture11 has
might. grow 11] I[rat. Putti near the finish It 1 I.nwr•n.c• Fuw lies Qf !mullion 1,11.1 Sir.
quafntrncre in this neiRllls,rhootl. our new i 114.-ry. It has been praised as on the offered
'reefs. �" looked as though- It would 1....,1 Airs. 4.. K cit Zur1cL apel[t
a tic(tep In the right direction. Fahr 50 also
pow•a'eYlst'an•r e .. h e II ed fote in several r}rri .' silt in a draw. G.Ntrrieh searing just I tlw week..nil and holiday with their
musing to 0f the fah Land app• ,un -haler of food. fnrHstrl-ether Ge'nt'le'- before the (hod w'I.INni•. TIt/n11ul I1.Iw- 1 sisters. Mime* P. and E. Foville.
willing to du alt In their ismer to bras ' t het' Stu• ndrnw. :Mier tin• Rsmr flim} -air. url airs. F'. Mallett, of Iuudun.
us. 3he` tree tk.'trh hospitality was �.arire of life Ler_ vetl'nkns and their were [Y,irrtalneeel to tunrh. The earns etude,.
he wr5,. +. 5 welsh Mrs. K. ItvT-
r m1, saute as that ton, Marton IMriemt anti AMn{F
tAttl lib' tee. Nov. 1'J -Tier N".\LS. met wonderful stud we all het o ea r.' .M
ua to oleaBlackpool,.l Its llOds who
Sw•hk41-fatwl Clinton he the pretloun McLeod accompanied them seer n
Ti 1 lent Mrs W M rah, pre- mere was made by MIN through a t'1 ill 1 C- W
posts have been Gunk- alone the hie molt[ *-very kkk r 'shower „ .
entrance to tom, a.,.....,}., ...d _two wet Into the air and there were 'natty I Stratford Vspent Sstunlay in the .11
strmuix of heavy • ride ei11 be.slrung l Villa. file -U11 -teas mnat-ctiffi.'ull-. to--lallr_
4 Miss Noma Heard and FreT'lTra11•d,
to provide protret11.. -Clinton had things pretty much their, of 4'lInt on, anet'ut Thanksgiving with
An enjoyable fel Anne Pa. Gales at Mei own way in the that half. scoring thaw .1 their unxher, Mrs. W. Heald.
fridge tea held andyr tow alewivesast t I goals and holding Go erlch acoreleset.' Miss .\I1.1* McKee and guest, Mi..
Ahnred Clean .-1._!.)._...11._);,,_ Territurtal play wa* ravened .du the here ('urrle. of Toront'., spent
nn',tshw then she owing to __yew'�.fitwl hat however, Irtt .the- - -best 1 Thanksgiving with --tbi former's par
reins weather the_ YUPrutam•e-. le eats.Mr and Hrs. N,. B. McKey.
ir('T t i1e eras wit+e 3 1 Irtt last week to
' spend the winter in Seaforth.
rather 'mall. The bridge bo.tiarel were 1 wYensary. The line- Mims .\. Steri ng
Elliott doing t to u ,
Mewtrmer 13. J. .% Mlr.•F_wan. F. R.
R. Mtt. w. F. x- . i
Emilie '1luehanatlr Te•r wee- in -Autry.
of Mrs. Macklin. lin. George Williams.
Slew. J. M. Tield:-Yrs. Isaac SNlkeid
and Mrs. W. ('outburst The prize -win-
ners were Mrs. A. 1'. limiter 111111 Sri..
111s•ha na n. -
The rale of poieph:s_ttuYtLditl.-_IBA
ltaturday last netted a substantial sutra,
1;odrrh•h--;.a1, .1. Johns(&t : u
(lacks, .1. Kneeeltaw•. J:"Taylor: halt
Tacks. H. /'ooh, i.. t'ruwfurtl, S. Wal-
ter; • forwards, 1. McKay'. It. Erring-
ton. W. EIjtott. E. Elliott, P. Page.
Clinton - Goal. K. Pickett : full
tacks, L. Stock r. Weston: half
backs. H. Sffilth: - 1t.. M tdslletun. J.
•tures• rill, J. r . 1
f \tY ater-SffIr" 3717.. King tube sou
Douglas, of Toronto, spent the ss
end and Thanksgiving Day with
1:. King.
and Mrs. R
Mr. awl Mrs. Harold King. of t err•
Ma, spent Thanksgiving with \1 r. and
Mrs. Chan. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson, of
t London. sent Ihr Bolldav 'With -
The Priheeas Pat is the
last word in stove making.
Don't -buy until you -see
S 0 S
Furniture Exchange
'es IM Mammy d sus1cr
- Saturday and Monday
.YI t I v funnies wbo err
Weal line -op was the I 1 n - at
in the towu.dJp hall on 1utYd*y of The trip front Glasgow Siunlay.
Iii. week. with tett memtwra peewee. a dlstahee of tau bemire, and fifty 1 , 411111••.'
.-. - ti "r' --^ Mr. and Mrs. C. \\•111 and MIs' Agnea .
BIRTHS their eMtaRr.
pa 1 English 1 k district, rolling r \l'NITECHCRr'11. Gecrmber 11- elle stork and the grim realer are + \fess t). K11lbnrb'11 uud Mr. A. Seen•
di.. e f for d quaint- old towns with narrow R 11 Krill of Brant-.- n rhe •n tdv r,t••. • Ill Gssleri, h. tie.
111 some •1 bb w ing ere I v tile 1
r.• pees t
.id.Yi. Mrs. W. Walter read a paper on country of great historical interest
In n. After the muting there WIN a the • e 1111.
t ..run on how to ra oe money ' an qna n l r. ami Mire use , .
the allocation, which la somewhat he- streets end h thatched
building'', k.• ororerbint ;
I thio year. it Was left with *-scow- of thein with Ihatchel rexofs still doing ford, .pent the Reid. with former
4 h.tuber theft herr five births 1
srchw wutleer. )bras Ahtr,.I d. CI'IILDRENS
wittw w have ■ social evening with a Mr. and Marr. stein TI pint. tit and f.nr deaths old the figures for the
drloat. } t the w.'ekeud at the nest ten mol t -..
IN,y.; s, look forward to a pleasant the Itlncktemt toughed featIvel: to TuruuLf M TI mji,alu'..i.trr t -thre1• mer- w
i tonatord.1 rhraee• In Mandl and .Iu1y shirt• were .
M. Robins
E event Thanksgiving
�� 1rItC of Limas*, tape at
• b • wows of the Sunray school The letter was written on the eve.of
social evening In the hall 1n the near
t hs of 111:0 are sixty-nine
lentt" eicty reppeeth'.4 '. Darnel the name
which the 4'uuadisu choir sou fourth home
o r"• 'e twr1.N1 there were tw•ru y
honors. Morning awl afternoon reit-Joe Tttfht.
tutor .
Mrs. A. JullnatlNi" has returned from els were held on the day of the con- Mr. Hared Rp.11 -
-- -._..___ en extender visit wink friends in Ham- test and mrmlwr' of the organization where he la masse' a business waking
ent'Ifns I1ttw. Mexico. 'N.Y.. Toronto, Kt. Cant- were naturally "keyed up- in antide•
hat no friends tFSociety and businessbusinessinpa- besuppllttn..
Anyone b M a sore
ism ales and Niagara Fane. Goa of the .•%ening 'which program, in ich Miss ida 1 eiplo tt-sOent -theWry
Mfr. amt Mrr. R. Y.- Young ' and they eprtel with the hest choirs o[ Old her eeelsia, Mn e
gaaddauoa ghter. k'1[ihtb. Mit Muudnth l►11 I'ne
)aiMd mrd Walls $ LudttrLLxr
Yr. Rhys
alike are bared on friendship. A
doasn times a day. you eat -ft'
open hand --the mark of friendless
yk iadrsd times a week. yea 1M
world-famous trade marks -the s0�,i
to spend the whiter at ldnmto w•
their daughter's, 111ra. Jean Walter and
Misses Isobel and Julia Young. e are
were all here for the weekend.
nurdal sign of friendship and !AMS Weaned to report that Mr. Young
dealing The Heat Polka are MI stood the trip ween. We sincerely hope
friendship sign_ for coal. And d4Q!tte fhapae will do him good. Mrs. Tut -
they keep their friends warm. thio ford. of Dunlop, %limited with her she
keep warm friends, as well as mobil ter. Mrs. R. 11. Young, and family he -
them fore they left for Toronto.
CALL THE Mr. and Mrs. George l'aterson, of To-
ronto spent the week -end with their
` resets
COMPANY relative. here. returning W- Toronto on
Ina .w a clue batted on a report the
the name fire gong which spurred Victor F.mersm of Kinloss. sixty•t{r,• deaths. The (faun' for Ill -
Ahm.wk Chapter. LILU.Fl, will hold fiery steeds 00 to the 5.1•11[• of teen M1 rand Mr- Hn'thleu, S[arlon.
Its regular monthly Inciting In the pub- 1 ,1 to gird bloodyRondo.dean end Milan Fa' mite Pat- falser last year were three births. five
❑d flee (bottle.
Ike Ilbrary-tJ<1t9mf.y, \ocewl,er 17th,
at 4 p.m,
�a � � Gtrdrilrh I .•IstIR of tonal quaff
_Qu_. 6routo,
WHERE if THE rtni GO", glen "- m"°
pbi� and
J�.tnatlminnnt-Itwking paraitn
in the haat report of the fire committee
of the town council asks that Chair-
man McLean put on his glue whom and
do a little sleuthing in an effort to
recover the fire gong. which has mys-
teriously disappeared from the old
horsy+drawn htxww*gon of the fire de-
portment. There 11an MO far been no an-
nouncement ■a to where the trill may
lead, but Councillor McLean is work -
no weddings whatever. Figures for Ibe•
first ten months of this Sear err.
rtlrtte-Huffs- 1teetlis
Jgnnnry, -- -
MMMve.sry -._._ .....5 -----Z_
April - 0
May In
Monte °Speakin Gloves in grey
and earls brown Reg . 12.25
-Pike $1.45 .
"_ ;:DOTS' X11fx?101f "
with•fua-sized goggles,-madeitt
good quality quality leather anti leath-
-- -erette. _._--.-_-
4 ---4
x O 10
• :. 7
all }',,
Kennedy spent T11aif atin1 with the I AuKast
forsuer a daughter, -11111M-- Theibortte, Meptemlwr
M (ioderick. . - - it k•tolwr .
Miss Barbera Welt, e1 . Deflators.. eve �l Mt
.pent the week -end at her home her'. po -too into iu last Seer's mord there
Mr. and lir. Andrew Kirk, of Rea- will have to 1.• twelve marriages Ie
forth, ep•nt Tbaukagiving with Mr.
and Mrs. J. 1' Beecroft. 4; sleroui before the cud or the year. for
Mr,,, A. Taw raon. James nod hth11 there were thirty -fern 11111111PS utilt.d Ill
inntrit1uuy in Heel. In the same period
slatted on Buu,l:.y with Mr. and Mlrs. there item seventy-eight births and
�Mtrt `ant's- all -wool pullover
Sweater-. V-neck style Size.
86-4.1. Regular :,t
Special $2.59
nagratinit was marriages t•
glndlatur' of the prize ring to Action at ter.uu. of Toronto. anent a few' drys _
the prof.•ssional Nana held here last
quail -
Several Goderich gpwtator', r JI r. Mirlrill' o
mein. are said to have leaped from their 1•nit•crsify. 1,,1,108• apeut the week.
summer. A c ang-
tl.'S npproai•bi"R that of the (lolerieh Mr. owl \ir- Jae. tllakronee -nd ■
relic 15 .rid to have facer bearer also chihireu ',twill +aa�ai► srlth Mr. And
1 1J i E R' O R SR ES ■
at the Stretford trouts held recently.
M. Robins
�t for Tip Top Tailors
IIOP4E 384
South sidle' of Square
Inst w,s'k ■t tin hsme of their brother.
F. Mrt>vrauar ._ ■■■ t■■1111222■■•■1111■ ■moll■■■1•■■■■■■■■■Ill■■■ ■
Sorg. John Fnl••MMe 11QtlnrMs
ex -fire- Reeerat t Western
Rosy Cheeks
for indoor days
d o
Crisp cow air brims a touch of color to
evert one, but it soon passes unless good
health kept it there. Shredded Wheat is an
ideal indoor_tia-Pa acrC,fO: `J• it contains the
mineral salts that make healthy red Mood
and the bran that Promotes regular habit
even though exercise is restricted. Plenty'of
nourishment -and easily digested too. Eat
Shredded Wheat every morning ---a biscuit
or two with hot mi-kar a de (clow,-vl a •
izing breakfast.
• 1
.ants with Nu• same cR h11.that wilt , end with hi-. father, Mr. John
the warriors to the centre sof the Ile.' soft.
'squared virile "mist -*wends scurrying The Wuwels Institute are feeing
with vruterplils. towels anti chairs. Alla bazaar
in•th••Ir hall on mien,
this Is bat rtrrwtn«tarsier ecklerlie NovembNe;
r -TIM. trod -are having n con
Isowrcer, and will have to IM• verified 1 cert In the 111111 OM Friday, November
lefor.• the fire MOM( returns to 11'. reNt- 1 .rent. Thin premises linea to M a splendid
lug phew 'neatli the fart dash of the , ioamr is th, lone" tater ehos.•u .
h.MNwagolt, which In future will teaks eldra Bbl are }witting a contest h. see
Its public aptweranees only on state
occasions and bonfire nights --a mile 8111,'h .Lle aur- up the beat ten a
or for good old days of the yesteryear. htlwllers.
"The 1i}IN+y Rover- bill that acts It wilt be=.af interest to many to at
and is built it 1 the character of hear that M1iss Itrl>/etta O'Malley. who
Rob, later know -ti aSit GIlls•rt Howe. 41a• been nursing on probation in 1
of the Engl1.1, nobility. Role 1. tit. Joa•loh'. hn.plhl. London. re.-.fves ■
stolen whet, an infant, by Ilia nurse, her nuns x rap this week.111Meg. who IMt1•I' INY the wife of 'lr. and \Ir• Desiree .inhes stud
MArto, a K)'Vsy Bob grows to tuner family. of Pr''-'; -'prat the week -end ■
hoed aukougst the gypsies believing with his ;,inti . Mr. and Mrs Eli a
Meg Niel Marto to be his parent.. Jn.Yitr,•..
with her fiancee.1
It happens nue dxy, vvhlle rldlnRl Sl r. and \I r.. Murray and fwuilp.
nLordCraven. Lady( from Walton. split Pundit,. with Mi- II
Constance Marteudale herr •s toes In, Mrs. ett„an1 (Nllesple IN- wools. They wander to the Little Kenneth Roast, Mu of St r. and
sup where n'onrl[An.1• and Rtrh )1r4). Hobert rise- Ig teoYrrnring rite ■
d fill where
Mo to 'nisi sT n'•"'� wtis'rattun. "" in
• Nr. sins. It••- ,Sud Mr. Rabt Mlac•
Donald. of 11„1• • 'Nl. spent a day last ■
week with the •rmer's sister, Mts. 1
Mr. and �1 r- John tette• made e
business telt) 1„ 1.ondou o. \1 ui'hi
meet at In
/Craven olJe•ts to Robs attitude, lett
In a very filmic comedy Minn. with
Martie and Sine, he Is made to Irl(
Kir George, win Inter comes In parsKatharine Ito..
h.ners thirty ' lies gatherer at the 111of �Cnnatmle. that Heti I* a charming' r
hones of Sl rs. Lu ...is Grain nn Friday •
fNlow•. In oet two libb 2,...., to the( last for the .•t' nr monthlymeeting
horn.; of 1'unstan.r and ,,,,,,,,,1 p, 11
of the Women'- I ratltnte. Dr. Crider
a)44_ .+'. -- s
They titan to nope unr nn• 11
bili Winaaeln...!ti': prevent and gull n
mteNtrnrd by ('ra5itt, Who illl'Intna splendid talk n,, The ':ye." which Q
Nor (:core. stud plana are made to I wens eery -inlet, bile and Inatrwtier. ■-
Capture Rob. ,Th.l Is .Mcwssfnlly 11r• I •fie society teed. •••d her a hearty rote
rennpli'died and Ruh Is thr8'II lot" or Ihmrk.. She - dd next year ah.• 1
prison. hot Talar esea eg. s E w otrl.i ij*oa yPft gig. ransr5 of hill
Two years Mamie and Roll has envie 1 11,s'l , re'i.nrr. \Iter a short musienl
into his este tee. his Identity Leung program nut ti;• tmain.... meting 1 SPECIAL.
been proved by M.K. HP let•omes a , the htlst.'Ns.w s ,d Tench and n ■
snee*'situl cnmptesrr, a friend of ehP,.•MMI I+slf-h.N,r a ttpont. PI Fresh Rolled Oatmeal
Prince and a ..x• 111 lion. ('on'.tane0Whiter came real earnest, last
has remained true t.. Iter love for w''Pek An'I .soh„ +'nrdon had to help
IHob AmionhMrearstoEnglwlM114. cats. t(I t
, were hopelessly
■ -- -
■ .
Full Count Boxes
per box
Interlake Toilet Paper. _ . 3 rolls 25c
Benson's Corn Starch . • per pkg. 11c .
Kara Coffee, "The Secret Blend"
16 oz. 59c
Premium Tea with Cup and Saucer
or Plates Free • 1 Ib. bag 59c
Bovril. 1 oz. 23c 2 oz. 45c
Lilly Chicken Haddie
per tin 19c
Marshall's Kippered Herring I Plain or
in Tomato Sauce). large tin 23c
Jewel Shortening I's 16c
Standard No. 4 Sieve Peas, 2's
3 tins 25e
Blue Boy Golden Wax Peans, 2's
per tin 15c
4 u -,se end wins her for his wife. API strngglh'R in 11 - ,tow, trot of trmfil.•
link stir.. "The gtnsl fairies 11115.' 14r11 TtI,.' I.. to MAO
h• "v had
drit o turn 1.. -k 1 1
ore to the beautiful ''.vnntrr after all.i Mr and Mrs vv 1Mtfjnlllan spent N
and .w1* story, ('onetanee. dew end In, w i s ,,l tis lr1 . MeWI& i1red Aunt. 113
the prettier rear. 'They lived harRlttt, . and Sirs, than. McIntyre, of 1
Tv, pre PrP also Y•llr"9tlt'1+"'a1Ta11'rc Mr T II New, AIM Milan metered
Mwests liar .tett •tet^r •'r r'yn•h•tie 0. fw Tor.a11•e lost \.Ark to market a ear 12
Inad fA'4rr+sr+"4' e,r1 ter John Kam- 1 la
wetly. of Piero-' , as ass. to r,•r.,nt4
fora few day, \ work
...t! T1i11r"Je taste wtM4 1esY w-Ydrt.
MP mint•• rte't100'vrvarr eamn. and
1 NIntn, an.1...1 ".' 't t t1v .r•Pttr• hr
I /Info end Msvte •'• -
6 lbs. 23c
--.O lbs. 49c
3 lbs. 25c
D. & B. Kleenup Soap
Dustbane ...
H. P., Sauce
Fig Bar Biscuits
... per tin 23c
.. per tin 33c
per bottle 26c
per Ib. 19c
Princess Soap Flakes
1 Trial Package Free
large pkg. 23e---
Pure Clover Honey
41 Sa lbs. 47.cc
2'4 lbs. 27t
Mincemeat . .. 216e.35c
Lemon and Orange Pee) .. per Ib. 19c
Citron Peel , per :b 29c
IAcca 90 lbs. Milt,-
.t'9' ■
Ingersoll y.
- Cream or Pimento Cheese
''The Fresh Cheese with a Tang"
2 pkgs. 25c
Groceries at Reduced Prices Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 13, 14 and 15
J. J. McEwen, Goderich Cast, Goderich
mon 46 We Delmar PHONE 116