HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-11-13, Page 22- Thurwlay, November 13, 11130 THE SIGNAL • sb0ien+►i detabnahed 1848 GODBRII'H : CANADA limber of Canadian Weekly -#lei papers Asemeletiou Published every Thursday morals% eabocription price $2 00 per ys strictly to advance. THD SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Telephone 35 : Goderirhh Ort• W. H. Robermon, Editor and Manager of tole brainiest men In Rrltt*h public lite, raid, what is perhaps'. less (•uwmlw among' poll('lrus even than the pbo- serwitu of brains, he has backbone and courage. If the Irborit(s do not want him. the Liberals would no doubt be ._wjtvist,e, plot as au ally in the raw wbkll '11uy are pre 'wring to submit 111 the 4TWtors of if T-ftl?P(1 1Ktngdnm. Lloyd George and Snowden would make a tram that ll -u1141 go fast and far. • • • '('hl• Imperial Conference has turned out to be a •'dud," and diw•Itsshng the mows for the failure The (lobe Mpg: Thurralay, November 13. 49.791 ' EDITORIAL NOTES Well. Bib. Is nice w,a1her the 11/•n - nett Government i, gi\ img IIs. an»WNY. - No more holidays until l'bristmes: but that'• only sjx weeks away. • • • Naturally, most ..f the a I'.kw the Liberals of Ontario are getting with re- gard to their fortl.ouing c.nventinu cronies trona that hottest of Liberalism Toronto._ • • • There is no rush this year to get the Western wheat 1•rop duan the lakes before the elo*r ..f navigation. Tic wheat market has g • dead Will the .44 conditions ever return'' • • • The pwasiug of another Armistice Day reminds us that '.we P * t!llee years past the colaw of the war. slid that to the children 11f today this greet struggle that fillet men's winds for four years is wuthiag but histor7. - • • • NOW we read that the sausage is celebrating Its 125th anniversary, bov- ine been orIRlnatrd in the year 1$Ou at Frankfort. (iermeny. And we always thought that •saussigm were as old as Melchle del(. One Bios sad Tearns. • '• -r - The ...Tremendous idelightrr of geese and other- towl,ia_tb*athr- last few weeks has been carried on. not against the protests of the S.P.I'.A.. but with its active support *1x1 operation -t be lettere to thief new statwl- nig for the F4x•kty fur the:Terfectl(u of Culinary .Art. . .. J. __1. _ The I'rovittclal Minister of Health says Were will he so mere deportations without full Inquiry. ' TMs, says Thr- Imndon Advertiser. Is good so far ns It goe.. Ml there moat ie full inquiry tato fbr deportations whk•h have lil- t/00 (slackened 4'..iacli7 good name. • • • • A Toronto newspaper man, address - los a gathering of student journalists the other day. warned them against the pnoiI$iil In reporting sports, and with 'fir Canadian voters who re- Jectel the 1►unuing budget and au- thorizedl Mr. ilrntw(t to rulrtitule wane other plan, have this to think al«rut now. • It wee the Dunning budget which reused expectation to mount 111711 11) ant k -bp* 14011 of the ('omf1•r4wr 1t was the offers and the spirit of the i)( ing bud- get which let all paditical parties and all huslurss luter*ts in the United Kingdom ala In the I)uwfu- lona to wax enthusiastic over ihr opportunities of the 4'ouferenee. 11 111111 r f0uudat1o1 *cspRablr 111 tiny political party In Britain. The Labor MInietry timid have t I in it nnttt*wg to rrje14. 1st .would -- hate found hi it a' high mark for •' mil help) 141)11 "inten•hauge of trade." It was an invitation and a challenge to the United KilliO1o111__ 111(1 1114' various IhIminlols to go a lung distance in reciprocal treat- ment. Under nny light by which It may be viewed. it offered the bet- ter way t0 make N ('nnfenmee a Bank Robbery Here Remote Passibility Goderiah Regarded u "Tough" Town !tt'11lladite•-Banks "Ts t-4Pseautioas- Itank mttmattptt•ers here nye agreed that 1ia1erich "uloid haired I*• a "1011711" plRee In which to stage a daylight honk rollwry. 11) no other town in the l'rov- ture Hound they be called upon to run the gatinttrt to the Pillar manner *14 herr anti. uulrooter. the avenues of eio- calw are Minitel. The bandits' haul. too. w1)111(1 IN. small. because only mufficle•nt 11)roey is kept i1) the teller's cage to meet 1WW4'dlate iw*'*Is. The bulk of the mt1)ry Is locked 111 mlaler1) safes under joint cu+tail the su/assfnl working rows that 11 f u t again lake their - • pasts 141)11 (•olI1I11a1111)e1 t.. pxty ow ( opentheon (+«•tern 2.:141 pews . GODERICH, ONT. " gjiWLE TAX" IiIP 3, 1:'I" (I Rodger la ptesmnthl lay e$14117 on the rniF Jret of tie 3' ger Ins N)'NIPw, I might relate that tt,. suhJ'*' was partially ezplalned b \Ir. James It. itrowu On the aftrruuutl ,.t 141'11«•1• 22110 to the . of for I�rh.•alkk Ca1::Ilgli►ltt u1r. and h, the ,-'suing at Mat• all. '. Mr. Brown 'a Amen m: New York (144 •'1)'i diw•usaei taxation w•ItIi *n IVSrjt•:11 humor. But If 11114 14y*- telu of taz di..., 1» uduptet, would It sllnpllfy, or r 1),•'I' the errors of our ry4tem today' . No doubt tI, , " ,:Iv M• ,trots 111 the Ilethlld. of 4,.' �h fuses U«1tiy, but the policy of •.ucl'• 141 is slap 1411 PR - (Prow (liverish, to the prewelt l7*tem that, under (,1,,•l in small doses. 1t might mime a great revolution In the 1141)11101) wsril Mr. R Ili' tiled our government 0f (lire (r)wbi11atun$ being ne•(snary texlay, by uayliu (.4111 i1) 1114' 11111' cheer (a a arc -Pio e 1 n x t 1 a h safe In the r.udt Two r wan petnte,l hi• bons, It was just own breed. make their own wwp and o[ the there crwbhwtk«n11. (11 croursr, 4.a fair for til bun her to stud r hill du all their own (-14111)1117. are unknown t0 til, third custodian. for twenty 4)00 'l- "f went 4wldch 'vita Spirllkltlg of ihr k-lul dlsastrr Mr's, "World pea((' drpwnd* o1) the Ptti- rim' (lank managers state any efforts of never ordered "r uccer drliyenYll as Tlchlrurur said that tl Pieuls of per- ,leaf pndu(•t{o1) aid ilio• 144)) (14tr dls- 10)441-111) men to have 44)0«1• safes opened it was for the town 111 w•11(1 a tax 11i11 Nfllls N'tm N'rn• I«'gillil{IIR ill larrrue adv could easily be frustrated 11011 that to for that impm"•nn 1)t. Then under \Ir. 11111111481 would. a, n n•sn14 of tb.' dho- tralu t4*-DrIrfw11111)gs that 11ruunn 1«•Inga any event the Iwidits would not tarry ltnnyn's meth'.1. t'e• alight sa)' U. tIN• aster. I(gai1, give esu)' to their old In - -------- that long, but rather would seek to butcher, "Nos 111:,1 lar only pay for 'tiao•tirr (481rs of flying and decide that getaway with 441)x1 ons in the what the town d"-. for 1111, hand 11N ,,er ell the terra ion 1•unl-ryrll/.ws AT ANY HOI'R mak, a t•Ilrr's (ash brewer. over that quarter of beet • pntimo'idr ihr 1«•st mrr!in11n 1)t trN\t1. High Th.. 'I'rlcphoe way In ihr modern Ihr manager latf(lhcrl who "hr Sig '('1e policy .d .1),o,, t141rt1uu. as 1 Vi. 1111111 were attributed 1111 the (1111x0 of Pia. to "701 th('re and back." Inatant- nndrrxtatld R. .-n'to*' allntfnillrtux be eittraif"Vt/r• as fhry w•Pre- 11) ihr{ly-anywhrr•. And 111 r very low owl a4,'r (IumTflil� ntwlf N'1) hiddiiyt (a1wN o! the �hrurudlah 111141 Ih,lln. It revolver practice. as reported in a nun- 1,l« land sod n,1 what the towel dos furl coot. 111\-Itrtio1)N, hominess lnumre- do i 11 R 1 r 11 4.y Its inhabiting. .u, 11 as chime supply, utensil Ihar lighter than -air machines tarns. 1)r just plain Talk* with old Women's Institute Is Ready to Help Organises for Winter Relief- Gbaap Whig Not Sole Cavae of Pooiiir-"Hard Times" 'We have had silt)- and revisit) cent wheat before. tint never at a Ono. when (*aide were maintaining for cars. enjoying 04( 10 and radio«, Mrs. H. 1t. M. Tkidalnne• told mewlwrs of Goclrr- Ich N'uwru'1+ Institute 111 r pwpwr 1)u current topics at the Ni.%ell ler meeting last Ttnlrsday. 11 was for these rea- 1011s, she said, that how priers for farm products hit much heeler thou during previous periods of (trpn•sslots There were more plans. for umu.'y. To help remerh• the sitdatlon It was suggested • MEXICAN TAXI -111N HOLD UP T *:nun$ atexkrr.-Fullowing cam- L Mlxllerr,-. plaints of severs. tourists that atone Monterrey "ewltwros" or taxi drovers are diel est 111 dealing with, tourists, tourist Interests herr are seeking to ssowdy ter sttsstlan. Tourttt irowplalnts recently have 11011 that tilt (rwh('4.(w hart been inert- ia" thew at the "IMlapado," Monterrey night club. lute et Mehl Idling them that "Ilio car they ordered b ready" and detailing far., exorbitant ('14.11 for tourists. If the tourists hal.' 110 de- sire to take Ihr car they hale Ihr priv- ilege of either going ageing* their de - sins or (wing taken forcibly to the prl- hr station by the text ern, of whom there are usually two or three on baud for .IWrgenc7 porpoises. All American newspaperman who allege. he was the victim ..f ibis -game." clime to go to the pollee station, where hr was (hod We have •a band a Inge and choice as- s�rtmeDt of JUNIOR BRIDGE -A N D - TABLE LAMPS Now is the time to make your selection and brighten up that rel paper .1)c• m• rulve 11 ,. 1 e lati 1)/d - yet ell1N tSerwl tie rlrtlw•nts. "',Vial good {s x revolver 4'hen Ilse IIRhtbuR. .rho,-!' -• t'.'r'. strw•ts, tool -1 friends. are handles' ('1114117 and speed- --robber has ihr drop of/ yool'!" le asked. 14N• anti fire pi ..to r esu. etc. 111111 elsuns still plays the title rolei1) ily by Iwx1g 1►bstan(e- your 24-hour •• would antic. r OWL, 1 11 hat a 11) h Irut ie igen. 111 hams • ter I(ro11 ,a( vvsuggested tow destinies of air prenge•rs. Nns o ewwuger! e tun under lay desk t 1 to P0111111 14 ■ uniform s t4.: , 4:1111. 111• (441 not hr power had 711 leen discovered to eon - in the store Iext door. This alarm has Ileve that the I...w' of streets and My- troll the direction of w'1111144 1)r their vPI- prur1d.rftectire i1) 3luultola. where at Ing of sewers. .4161-ideaAMMA 141141111)1 Io• Wit,. 410 wdll such time as these are our Tian.' robberies were quite fnYtltent. crews' the Yalu, ",lel hens the taxe111 posher$ th""e w11"11" mp hl the dentis of tow load 11,1).111117 these. improve- take th('ir lives In their hauls. maids, as nor .oft t1rfe.0 old after re- Tribute was prod In till. iutrnwting maned the aria.• Itu .'ter land -11- Io•r t0 Mrs. SnPyd. wilt tiled r,.'rwtiy no value to us nut. -s« we nee It to rap In Toronto. and who for years wag a ply our needs. -Se-. 41 aIR-awa► manna. YR 111441 armlwr of the Institut*. able that ihr lawn __apse_ nrbkli the yore. ('hold,r YeW oUI17 ihr rRe arecur bey' IF York hotel, T,rnato.-jp 4N111c trnatlm7 Whr.'t. more and Helm,• nroeld Ire faxen convention at Hrrriatwl. to wide"' abe. m(rrrl than a to-,ult het? Yr. hrotre w -n4 11 drlrglat.' from tote lord bnneh- dld 1104 b.Bev,bi t "le ihr Iru11(141 R ,If a •� lrtt.'r Pia. IIIb (nem ihr (,idrrk1. 'school the pal's and the taxes of the ARrlcldtunl 41o•Irty asking support in neighboring laud •1.1111141 Ila raised. lie Meeting 14 fllwn•Ial deficit "neon -sal suggested that /hr' raise a single tat this year. Tlw ladles agreed tlwt the to pry for the shoo!. MINI then, 1 sup fair this year was better tlean for assay pow, to let (he• weft trach on charity, 71'11 r" 1111.1 that tow )4.-k'(y dt•srr'48t rn- and ihr taxes 4.h.•' 4'011141 nave by the cvxingrttieit. It ors xtrtrd flat the' new system. 1\' 1 was ready anal willing to prover 1 do ogres' "it11 Mr. Brown in refreshlarls for any [bury -raising him opinion not r" tel Improvemefta as social f111N-tiN1 *11,111 the 1«ani 11117111 old attacks, painting of or/tinier. 4 the beautifying of personal property., Mrs. It. T. I'hillljw wax appointed ii Thin W rhe, the Iwautifyhlg of this convenor of the relief ispouslttee. for the district. .afternoon tea w11 served tlEtel auenjoyable nodal tone ispeat._ __ Pueeew. dejection by the ('*nadiall _f, /1s1d1M (coming front arrow. the . woLlr orf (11F3 "gnfor s gr«a d Theme has 1"4 bee" a Iauk' "'ben' and the substitution for it ofa de- in Manito a i1) a long (mow." Ila saki. wind that Britain cl►rngr ler hit' Of (-tourer stualler places have not the cal policy has had I1Ore to do than trolls and Pi1(ty with which lialrrkh aa}UIInR ala(' with the talltur of hanks are equipped. Very often only a 44*icrow•n'L L'/rnLrrmtetuh[i1i[ kqy etparatee the robber.+ from the spot anti Ipa4wl restate. In'adopting wlwre all 11w cash is kept. For this budget the Mackenzie King rte• this reawal the small country banks ministration shiowel au under- 4.n pxrptdrr will Iaudlts. standing of the situation which Rural bramrhts of lank. have also a was altogether lacking in Mr. Dew- •Winn of haI*ncltppt their task before nrtt's proposals. 3 o'clock. Customers are few in the • • • dyinRNnomenta of the business play and 1'n•wlir !halfwit 1e- being reminded 144' staff Is in a hurry to get through. of his election promise to (w7 the The cash 4s taken from the vault before ' entire cost of old age pensions from the the street doors are locked and In tilt. Federal treasury. The Provincial Gov- wilyw the stage is +11 set for a Plle04,- f 1 rolIIWry. In li**lerk'h the 11154) is -Ferments whielr-lleve--adopted the -/ removed from the w eW until all 'where would wtk'emp relief from tow doors are secured. 11 Is not with any expenditure Involved-abn,it three mil- cK•kxurenlss that lank managers *plink lin dollars a year i1) the caar of (lin- '►f I:al,'rich', immunity from Iwnk n()I,- town. and tberrfore ,u, uumeasurahle !writs, but in vires of cnrlltbols they j amen. These IMAM' not be taxed. Quit tail... ui t tail.., according to Mr. Prig -all ulun- feel our is a remote po«albllity. Ing Shakespeare -with n slight Inver - Wiped councils In this Province also . felon. - would be glad to he relieved Of their The Inas That 4* not mover! by 11w sight of oiyllastlous under the sc hemp. No mat -beauty •, ter throughwhat chxnnrl It Ir col- 1* fit for treasons. sttet1Reuls all er. the money court- Mut 'voila?' of tilt pwkets of the people. and In- the next ,•ewlo of the Legislature, 1 1 do not ben.•cr $hint taxation Is 14*' rotes[ agstnst a Change ip the baste eanoe of the eon -r and unemploymentf Passes at Detroit After Practising Federal I \ETI BASIS. OF SCHOOL GRANTS 1 l7nesley Enterprise TII4• representatives of the ridings In apara017-settled dletrtct'a,shouM, at Dr. W R. Henderson' Was Student Here, J. R. Wheeler FURNITURE DEALER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR �iCE Phones: Store SM. Res, 855e, Iloadlue Swat Codersra, test PHONE 146 for your next order and treat yourself to the finest quality of Groceries that ton be procured. at rpt prices. Ahs %ISM Eggs, Meals. L.4 Sikora Fruit* • and Vogetableo, -- . - WHERE CLEANLINESS IS PARAMOUNT --, ` . - FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED SILVERWOOQ'S ICE CREAM A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU., Call in aad Iook UMW. Everybody welcome. a - • SPAR'S GROCERY �- ■. -u!H�E BTOP.$ OF SATISFACTION" iU�L SaRiEa,"� - PHONE TODAY - NL 111M TOWN w -r .�• 'r, . LOOK , AH EAD. e e dlrt'tt taxatico through the• direct P k today sa Mr. !toot'. says is true It is O4w rain* tt costa nitre than direet 1 rta@e1 se gtsats that 'rill re the was in That Cit for sec tf pay tdgJer srtwnl nue* and vim It f Industrie, lrhrr y te rather resu '• aIi ssaeiehpai taxationRoams of the Prov, ti1! suburban a t anal i lens. It hook 01111$011' where tl'• machinery of tedey litany years inti atie not isolir Oiled oa�e scheme, the Provincial Governments hi time caws not being prepared to as - *nine their share of the expenditure. The people of theme Pe...lans there- fore are paying a portion of tea eel Government's fifty per rest. of the a floe Penne of the proprieties as well Petitions and are not resolving any benefit from the fund theametres. ('on- verw•1y. Ontario and the other Prov- isoes that are participating In the fund are Ratner* from the now -participation of the other*_ The people of Oetarl,-do tvls1`i ..xti 4' iatsnii7e-of 14111 of the *deter Provinces, but so long aa the situation remains its it Is they will not lw overly solicitous shout the re- demption -of isne-of air. Itennett'a etre- ▪ 'go Englieh,emarkPd, "Ikm't *11M yonr team If It lows 11 711111e • • • it Nap *117g4Mtwl 111 this lolunin Inst week that the yard, like the dollar. had shrunkand saw tette/KO a eabtr-4Pe Iaudos, England, published In Satur- day -a papers told of the discovery that ih•• standard Imperial yard had shrunk two lflW tholl4aadtllm n( an Inch since it was cast In bronze eighty years ago. -'rim 4olle r. ort trNlrs •. has shrunk - __moi THE DELAY? portetion and other Industrial opera-, 4'14'1117 6114.1.1e41 today. T111* law ia one O 1 (IN tike the thin edge of the wedge to dtelplaciarlseit lnlsrr. le Pradesh* be- trustees hs the someone not d. Ted the ptonmpt1o11. 4)c(rolt. Nov. S. In. - tea 0 -4-- )went es the larger reties asto bend- Mrcontradicts lib, own Hetd4'rlxro. levelly leg teasMhmitosis. osis, stalatneuts . h•• earb "PMa Angle] Sears old, for thio 114= es Wei a(thiet eft bntldli i, t7l Jean m general practitioner of rtie to 'Detroit end a granpate eat-Mirka eeaisid. now. - PASSIM irb ThE WHE4T The letter whirls fon- -oink published In a recent (neve of The f141,1w le of interest from the fact that the writer (Rev. SVm. Ralthhy, we presswork he. buts to a well-known Suisun homil)I, and ale-beeaes.-e( thtlswrigtuwiit --i4 hie propaul : . To the Editor of The Globe: Your re- cent editorial dltesiss ll and condemned a lung-c•herisbei conviction of m7 orw•n, that the Government 'should guarantee n profitable .price for wheat to the farmer. Grain -growing let out In the Name Blame with manufacturing, trawl - and they. it'�Rjll ha... •...R ••••� /4.f fife 4 e.IPf4MeWetrt Medicine. *Heti nature." 11 n• them, not many plants -tads? 1a Marler Mrpltal_ HP had he -n 1 grow o1) land that r• of slue and 111 three weeks. sh/ b• tl\ett? A II tree la not -''''''r"In ExePr, 0111., IM. Hen(lerpoe cold much. aur perhaps 111P bend R came to fhb city while still in his early gems urn'. but let it "nature. 'rhea. (wPntMs "al ltitrretr! the 1)etroht l'ol• both the tree and the land gustattenre lege 011 Medicine and la 184414 was it Ild be le ta1r4 end ihr 1411e 1 awarded Ili" degree. Ile wear a member should la• taxed higher. Ser do ball,II of the Presbyterian (7tureb of the l'ot- grow also v,dt•elewm land and immortal roam : of Ambler Lodge, A. F. 'k A. M., Ka value_- -.:111-120:_ctmMg argntaeet:'#'D'-not believe, a. air. Brown, that taxation la the 1.111180 of the our' -.'n dlmtrihutbu of wealth today, oat neillion*Ires ■1111 our pauper.. 11e11eve that pwopie should be taxed. to a Certain degree, acYronitne to (Jfeir smith. And perhaps If the wealthier nee had peke more of the p)lp b'r's (1,1)01, money would be more rather more thea that. • 1 Woodstock Ientinel•Rerteo 1 tions. not ere!' (h4' task 1n(111atrllr, of of our oldest • u team from our first Final retnrne of the United States; .1 1Imtrmporary publishes a picture m1111ng, (b11ing. lumt*•ring. .'te. All book of 1,1N. It was sadly ridkrtle41 by dar'tlois re''•,i1 '11 situation that to of the room II the Itritish Foreign of- trading. milling, etc.. does not add on ,1r. 'trout]. wben he Raid, In making :herrn air. Iteunrtt "made Ida • to the original supply, rather a Jest of "1)r taxation today, "As the :'Ttahg'1" 111 («'111 11 ou-4.4 them 4 --pray +-vit;N1N deelatatioa 111 facto •d lleally n toe xs I«•iww•n Rrpublicah« Imperial tariff union tai a reciprocal _---,,-411111- 4ento'Tata. -Wilk. a -1Konset+ltalsor- kooks." I. r•"'•'onu,A.••'1)•I'-5 Uulr't' is_up_bLlrff, LIMA -0- _. ' ihamiwr in each Houses holding Ow huwrrrr, aboutut •tom....fxb rt $Bing-. 11111 6 LIKIN aia41 , of w•heat,l mrd ta_. prlrplrt3J,•xpu, come aeras. 1n the h1411d of the fanner and Ina few In the..• atxtlme•uts. rather than nn months he will return anywhere 1111 to e•sly. I 114111041 nay views as i unedrr- twelve Im..lwls lir even mom He Is the ' 'iii1 Ili.-iibje.J and nddreie M Mr: N lch4m iso par .reel lams. Itrow m. - !Imhoff,. ittJNrwer." However. the wxyi _ EDITORS 1 jilts would twenty to Involve the nen.. that n combination of /pioneer 114 tool l11',. haven't vet discovered where the llnntrits, but there is a difference. 111 sl"'akei• In give 11) our I a•orompre- 1114' sttmntt0hI win -Mete work -inn is I JI's(orl Mirror)of snb.4,1L1..,e the other baste b. Felit.r''e_Ne 7 It is imp esible for a Iun11wrlu • We have wilt' the harvesting hens$ a address on such a mubject as 111111 a harvest easily controllable ac-, the single tag, and wrong iolPee*lnna cording to demand. but the farmer does are easily , rtatnl If the fundamentalm k•4. 011e hundred the reforestation as writ, a .e .of td..Ih. .'.fleet ntwler dlprllteon are two years thorn will Ilan deadlock 00 consunuvl noel n•rlr .\Iliston w•t•Pnty- lumbering highly Ntllaldize•11: or with not grills,' it Is not xtMngP, ttl0rr- trolt. Both retained a strong attach - far as •+I(I111010ns matters are 1•011- fire nett n similar fate on n similar o- (lehing. It !Wain its hut the bertewtlnp fun•. H .ono• of the young people who nwnt to the county of their birth. Tom the far1)N•r thaw the reatwking, a p111)0 iii inn air Brown's n(klreas at the 430d- 111481 I«0nw yturs ng(. I remember cow «•enol. is,'io1. of f4.hiug that ap warn to airports un- Prh•I 4 "ile•tstr tlxtltntP trreet'ly 'this him during the year W11Pn h1• wall • • • limited (;0 -.rnnw•nt ninths with ab«itttr '" In1•'.n,etstod nod ndslnterpretel s1) rhltrtwlruL or s* w1• wand as Mrs. A • Anderson 1'4.rry•. xrdlre*m• A WORD FOR THE MOTORIST lute faller.' i1) eery teeny pixies, MIfl. t"rotl 'if it 111(' 511171*' fxx IN nit "a 1' 1e►ttxw14 Jouruall nniforu' Inc on bund." Very fur from 'chairman, of the Detroit Bonn' of Fwltt- Ing two hpndnd teachers at Toronto. inR IN Jnst ihr hnn(stlug. Apgwre118) cation. Will 1 have not son of late The owner of an automobile re 1'xnnelx hu* Lewu proeidel wlfh unlJn,. It. \Ir ti:n'Na deNs Iwller.' that 1141111* years, though hr was a frequent sum dwrlwl the tendency to standardization The no favors from anybody. He itel supply of minerals. yet the Got should 1.• more heavily taxed when im- mer visitor to the co)1nt7 it Grand 4.rnne•nt funds provided) toward this t'r'ISr,1 I', ;evensong, mewera and aide- ik'rwl. and of ihr Maccabees. 1lerrlving are his widow, Ills.. Emma 1. 14 -bribee*' Henderson. and two sons, Dr. William E. and Ili. Harold Hen• deraon, all of Detroit. laid 'students of Godcrkh 11174 &boot, festooning to ihr day.. when Owns was 110 high 'wheal at Exeter and Mouth Huron Rent a strong contingent to the old school under Straug, Halls all Moore. will real the furt'gofng notice with regret. .1040117 the bright young mon who earn.- to the w11o4 from the wroth of the county 11) those days ware the Ilpntier.s►ns. Tom sad Will. That wax the .generation of students that in- cluded Holman. fmale, Mrnntng. il(rgarth. the l'naswellrre, John Tay- loo. I'd. Duucau. %%'Ill Clutton. Reg. x )*11smton, John Swanson'. IL i(frton. An -hie Hhdop. Fred Blair and tunny Insurgent Republicans will rule in flits go in the winter time. but law have R K others w•lbd 1 cold name. The ileti- after a ter am tea- , .'('Rom brother,. m r f0w'1 ores 1 (f e r• n lir R u Nil r IN lull !louses. N1111 Willi R ItPp1111111''all , f sial P Yawls mod 'ripgrr, the ability to ears and this freedom so speed .-m titters now President firmly witted for the next e•%err fell. At a fon'1 suppwr at Ik•umll- I 1 1•h.'r,, studied norlk•11e and became I 1 I anti forty I. w•Prr phase' stWorprflll practising ph)-slcIlIIN 111 1tr- in 141111111 JIM, 11110 eceu went sit far ns pays for the payed 401111s. far. the to declare that if would be N goal traffic p ll(r. the mnl-hiery of con- thing for the teaching profession( 1f trol 111111 regulation. Ile *supporta most of the educational expert** in the multitude" .of public offICININ who 1* world could have to do with 411' 1.11M111111.11M11111 of hill couldt to M414it . *Mild � 4affairs. Ile consents cheerfully to �dntere*ting, 11.'11 were poesibIr, to be taxed, regulated, directed, checked diNmer Jinn what w01iM Ila the r1stllt and im4111'14481. ,He 1x wintn7 to tit' If dPprtnlr•nt1l egtil*tion* were shot- told„ whru• he shall park and when. tidied, hl*pw.ctor* should cease theftyL• *1)d ethP speed at which he *hall as fwe,1xWINO will b• the Molt of the . 1VeenwId recommend the reading of ItN and feA(4ers were left to theft own drift,. iie has 1)t prlcfl'gem *lnllllnt to resell tool IPsttnNtion. Many 14•nry G, -"tear'. "Progrems awl rover - Its, he 1kw'' not Icy, xnd M• 1,,r):, talents of five problem make 14''I3 ' t11 wooer In(.'reetd In the enbject Initiative. til.'l4. '.Pin •Jndgm.nt and powerful factor 111 the (blwneIaI *4 11x1,144411 .m1) 44'11- leas. unit ss ihP orf-iKxnti"n or the Minder gltPstkua their 1OWn (h'V1cs hl 1114. p•h0to1 eor1n0. I m"Intenancr of government. ... ,•Imrnr11hl, curt of tilefributlon Is to le of w•niionli'• and lxxlal reform. (tans might 4- rivet degree crenae 'Mint-. -_-_ _ . /w 4.‘l 111 '-hxrge on the tnxpay'r. ( Mr 11,17.1',' le the roar PNx*y re-, standardization. While we have N "sya-, $N.U.1. IDEAS IN OM'FI('1.\IJi4)M ))thlwn ass 71wn41y .•tnbnrrxsslrl b7 vol in ('01411. *1• to'111r Mlgnsl'x In- 1lrrttla PackN wed Titers1 ltlie-line of Provincial npresentaftves tftilff':- :cd he therefore fereiV/w to tem" o[ wlucaton, tlere noun Ila * (4.r• The Inhntn*nity 1)t -tine r'•1'.•tl1 de- /•Mnlorheg for their- Time. 11'ho pod for fir.* I of let fain amotinf of h Rllfat14)n sort t'tlpr0r-'l p«1)411 tons n( PprllPptlos who herr been th4.1r thulslxert"tlid. ,1)4 •' '1a11�--. vi*Icm, 11)11 fhe•w• thing's should 1101,4,41' resbticots ff ('AnAdA foe yvnrs, 11hI.h nu•nt'' 771«1 fir 4'rochntal otflew 41111 Thr r"1)d 411 Nmrrsn disc not lir In rorrird to mllr'h x ILISe4' am to Nmoth,.r lace sh11e•kwl the whoop (4ruutry• Is It sinilhlr,sps'rietwe from the '-'.null',,. I.sw'ncl "•gel• hat In le•Isuro*rl ('0418 1 1.1/rYYhYt only by ihr *hlpMfty of til' ma; the cnniti,w front inmllclpxittkyt, ti. soli; „f high it•agIa."-Hrtnert H. lndlvhitl*lits-.osier n blanket df nui padlry •that prowlltYt them. Any i TIN'n there w111 he ctnlr11oaors' fes ++.et,TIIan w.11110 rank.. fur farmers rich 1111,441, w'Alk• cow -trended fly till• c..tumiinIty, It Is not asking x spY•lel favor for Inst not if improved by the owners, as 1114' firmer. 11114 asking for Mtn tow In tis• .011-traeti►n of btllldinga (here - /411)1• 1«'neflt" ns 4he other basic 1111114- 1,11. Ili* ;ngament was that any in - tries wHrn int-1udi1�7pI tie. mn11• s41.114e. cjyirs, of volae rested by the cotnmlmh- Tln• Goo 'rnmwut i'ATIiNI ns Y p •' w l 'Nor«- 177 rlr.,ghl ae saNraRPll for the benefit mMNr to qtr-MOI1tt itikaee for Yt.f ,. .sowJeennIty : siilPR'i'Acrestw of 1114.10. Thenrt -ally this huge "nnnmt'rattii. crcnr0d by (lie owa•r should so, w•as t.. g1) to the (Ionics of tnvrt. whet,- ern, to the owner. fnrinitypo*ibte`Naying wee (strain to h1" Oft- i Mc. I' Ir1R4Nwg x(1 this 1. til' -num. • • • • •ct many timos over 1ry til' 111 feeling seen4nrinl staffs to be provided (01,. 1. 4IVO %AIWES T%PEW RITER Rumor attributes to the British fo NAs glireto Arnp' In til' ot(t mon-I Int the other 441411,1 this amount w-utl11 Ih•turl,4 .g 11x1111 pix rummer hotnp. ry. Some h,rleMl 'mtnwl few Par- have added 2'. cents per /!11401 I to the 1'hi•r1:- Bate," At 11..clerlch. 4'olou-'l com«seyr•,inperf4. ec+ndttioa. I PATI Prime !(ini,'f's the intention of 11('111, liam('ut building* needs M h wheat r Hs t pp for .hipping. The exists. 1 It. LaInR. 1' 11, found R,•c'ral All of in goodntar is sealed tuft fpm for tis appllcntlon already 1'x1.1. rhnu7.•• in the city of Windsor. he said, inthecteanwaxwra ck O ng Philip Smowden rhauc•llor of the e!xamhlel. pD4.dDa aims. 1 Join with other ofiTiinie In offprint my word of tribute In memory of Will Henlo•rsm. and 1n .xprraring N7mp*(hy *1(1. 1114 ,.orowiug fnmaly. JOHN F;LI.IIITT. Lonldoh. Ontario. A1•ttte laryngitis canned the death of lienrt'14 Washington. . OR LAv Full of long lasting delicious flavor and made of pure chicle and other ingredients of the highest quality IGLEYS - *:xa11wptter, who le le said to he too rigid (tf the "1111P "111161.', 11) the "'4.mhe nrtlMl of lean. PX/VP/1111( n central staff. As mrii•h I Init 1)h,• of til' cluing.* not to his The days work goes muck easier mule field. w as t wrntld hare gone Into our factories A* I franc) ns 4M *bets of nn old Smith with WRtcnirs to sustain aad In his view" f0 gulf +srfnln elrnlrn(s In '(IftawA anew. In putting to slops- coil now• rrlch the hnhmploccl xtNl �-1'Irmh•F ty(rr'wriler, mol'$ No. 1 which afresh. CJI • Iff amnia the lad ship mot of New 1l 1•11 ' fh. Tahoe party• The tnntble Prol.jelly lien 1M• dumbing +'louses of the tar- (hex crotid epic c n hArf emplocml1)t b'- Prep Aril •n from I la offices f tl M that Mt. pewwd4.n Is tmr altolPrxtr .lilts MP Addifin to U•• work om fee- , n M 3 HANDY M rwanind hotter ender the "treaty. siswinR il�{rz over t1w 1Mr1k of Nora , PACKS y ff timer tort two hero enough fret• mitrals. r"Ilmoe*I 41(161 st,{ppl,a 4V1.il'• - •!• s Is AU vM,ws eat tl,e•eterrre ld mel. rSrignb 0r•onontlr• 1oxaplurl4w hl Ihr o�ja* said that ' *fide ie did,. tion et the qty-trilerxvorld meth Into t- stirred Pip *ddliiwIrls-tfe Mater Drools, e1w1*. f Nfjj1 ptriiil Ifni lar shonl•I Wit sol 444)141 40 *ice nuv m s rinn1 s of 44400 h• uwrllwt _- without adding .,,lp, the boos �R�' •4'Ae• !Rat*! ttl'rl►�Attai! -Pa. 9i>iflRtt oK thatw7 oho tayslrt dailittiti,a'�s+tiPiexr. the dean ono pRF.•• • as sod tltfser N1Rr110PffllEtritif A11 xddlrlonal p1A,Of1O IMA been COI- furor. MO Ila moor nnsious to be fair bduwl hoe lye*ltrlte•r shove) poxrt • pie poopi4. fish Giving a LAMIr (iort•rn- fectel In duties, Mot ff i* finite eon - now moat newt neer obtaining the is worst ready means some eelr.rhle that the Action might roe* moat wonderful of our 11114110 Induxtrl(•s tm*hYi MIRO11,ne which Pia• more and In t somewhere At re.• a. it 1* est URAL bowed', that r. y Yartlrr.M IIoo111 break with who has wrowf lie t•nefh4eoce pewee e t Dense BruIM. R* bM- 'lose Chancellor 10 4114P Canada A hundred time* that by the a w(' w R( p n 'bah ta'nty v,*M old, from the Inn.(' the rimentment It would omelet It looks Nr. If an ad Is necessary: "i.omt. $'sing , qie iMt unlonctiort a asolPrn (sanadl•n official. will At,„ to fe Strayed or Stolen. p'JII,n n,ff441 roted for t)p•wrlter 14 1114. outer office quirt. • larger moi•Nrk dealing with 144' nn.mpinywl." 1 1'0l lain has melted the pn11.r to quetlnne aff*rtlrt people ()Weide one WILLIAM RAiTHItY, I asm1Nt In WO s.'Nteh for the typewriter. Annndarffel. `. ., 71411 ..._. Wf,'21*. not -.....�..„.._�`.__.....--,-+•- 'birder ritk s Ptnr . "`_ ..._._.- • Evening follows noonday. Will the mt.aieg of your We be hang .d poeasfsl? Will you ban assured at all tie condoms and rosea of that luxu- ries secret You will if you LO0 AREAD. aad PLAN. The linea that you will soisselr miss now. L..J.pssd in the Sue Life Policy best seised to your regeirs/oat/R`. I bring Y"a splendid Mures woe. y.lur earn- ing Lys are over. Ard in the meantime. chows dear to you will be fully prowled. Toth wersLosr rawerlttsi ear wish a fes toe win. .. SUN LIFE SSU--W-ANOE COMPANY •OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE' _ _"-,1)„t,"""-. MONTREAL-- =COO= ONTREAL•-- 8 •iphaMwlAe/til XXX XXX XXX rtltlAefl XX>AtVC "Good Chi" Cream Porcelain Enamel Oven Heater A WONDERI'1'LiN PLEASING COLOR EFFECT A Range Thoroughly Tried Through Use For those who want the beat in Kitchen Equipment , SEE THIS RANGE ' AIf. Tebbutt & Son West Street We Deliver Phone 486 § xxxxxtXXasxaOtXXXxXXxXeC)Cglt