HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-11-13, Page 1•
New Sub miters
to The Signal for 18,E will receive the
paper FRES for the remainder of 1930
Two Dollars pays from now to Januar
into 1.94. Each yearly subscriber will
also receive a handsome Calendar for
DAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1930
Loos church auxiliary, W. M. IL,
will told its licit regular meeting la
the lecture rove' ow Tuesday, Novem-
ber 18th, at 3.30 p. m.:...:•
Mrs: A, M. Rim of Auburn, took Goderich Officer Assists in the
` GODERI('H "ON THE .11R" part iu the wuslcal st•rvlae •lit North Arrests Of Culross Township
PERSONAL 11 ELATION I •"� starer clued cnnrah Mousley
Lural musks' talent will supply the YOun Men
program ovrr'.etatton to BP 111'ing- eveulng, *Antrim effectively the solo 8
hang. next S lar afternoon. Aies- Light of Light (Wooler).
aorto for Tk1r . irini� Services at the itaptist church- nest ILENTII'ICATION UNCERTAIN
Mr and Iles. A tiTufleld spent
awptlonally mural progrn nil will he mivete+, �uuJay as foliose: 10 rasa. Bible _-
including broth vocal ainstrumental
the week -end at Icer wilted; public worship ut 11 +..w. ural t , ovinci tl Officer roes to De -
Worthy Black as helur from mottle. It will erommeuae at 4.15 stud 7 p.w. Mt'rwou bubJ.ets; "Another ('veli
continue till 'dwelt 5.90. fautur:" craning. "Thr Light of Mair' trolt, Where Accused Had
Toronto for Ttwt■kagivt�R
Mr. Reg. Smith wad.. ben, from
tkr." been Living
Tu to is r the weak♦+lt. N•ALPOLE-M'ILLANS Ti.. regular (rthur ('trete seating
St. George's Church Filled to' PERSONAL MENTION
Overflowing f Annual
41? Mr. Morrtaon Maa•Key was home
Armistice Service from Toronto for the �boliday.
Mr. stud hire. J. A. Lawrence spent
COUNTY VZTZRANS GATHZRi the week -end at Niagara Fall..
Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Walker, of
Toronto, spent the weekend la town.
Mr. and Mn. Roy Lloyd .pent the
week -end with relatives at' Stratford.
Many Wrathy Reverently Placed
at Base of Soldiers' Memorial
--Glorious Weather
The News o
the Town
The board of governors of the Alex-
andra Marine and General Hospital
wish to acknowledge, with slneere
thanks, a donation of $1,000 from the
Maple Leaf Chapter, 1.O.D.E., to form
au endowment fund, to be knowu by
that name, the income to be need for
the upkeep of the Maple Leaf Chapter
room in the hospital.
Mr. S. I.'. Washington, K.C., of Ham• .
Lion, vatted his relatives In toetr• ea
wertthe pre" Mrs-adeldrose Cuts, of the 1'n/v The reulark*14e teat- ot-. dl
ratline citl$ens of l:oderieb turned oat of Termite, was hove for Theatre four plays in six weeks hub Just been
In large numbers Sunday attrruoon to giving holidays. -made by Coral 1Vinnifred Brown In
roaaemorate the twelfth annivrraary Mrs. 1'. E. Castle tut returned atter Stratford. la each of these plays
%f the dining of the Armistice and to aliasing a few days with relative. she bus .Iso taken- the leading part
at llemllton and Cayuga. with E. Dr,+vrr Robertson lila) nag
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mende and chit- .j,(Nosite. Th»Mf• tan nib:014l and
dren. of Aura. Tialted over the holb�highly experienced stars will take the
day with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McLean. principal roles In "Thr Gypsy Rover"
all sea orf the sower Miss Ruth Martin, of Tnrontu. spent in It,slerfrh next week. ,
parts gathering on the i:haialcWttvfl.g holidnya at the home M
]at.Ita(Iun of *heTaal post of the Can- I • her parents, \I r. and )irs. F. H
adian Legion. Hundreds of citizens CARTER SCHOLARSHIPS
lined the route of march as the parade-afartin. the
panted around the Square and down Mr. Clayton Edward came up from Cert,ros�hollar'shfmett cpm torr 1030e rthas t Jn t
North street to St. George's ehurek. Toronto to spend Thanksgiving with
been made. The. thiel whotxnhlp for
pay tribute to the memories of
those who least their lives W t1-te Great
War of 1914.141.
The service. in ()Wench this year
were of a 'pedal nature, veterans from
in the precession Were the Guderlcb if itLIntf a _anal Mrs. rhtirlee
l'ollegla1u 4natltute ca.let., (loderieh
Bol Scouts. G.Idericb halal. Clluton
pipe land and the veteran., Aeyeral
hundred In numlwr, including contin-
gents from Clint.. Seafurth, Winghant
and Exeter. Major A. F. Sturdy of
Hnrus R.•giaoent was to charge of the Mitis Olive Whitely. of Twee.(, spent both students of ('Briton Collegiate In -
.1.0 atter atly e, ht the day wt a Tho holiday with their mother, Mrs. +(►tufa. Leat pear all three sckofarahlps
also attended by member of GodettehT101 WhlteIy.
were won by (:ollerich student', the
town council. L.O.L.No. . F end) Jim and John Pnra..ns. of St. An- •'lass being a partle•ularly 'strong one.
Hump lodge, No. f12. 1. O. O. F.
Edward. -
Miwr,. Bert McManus a11d Rill Web.
titer., q)1 Vntverwity of Western Ontario.
iAldan, spent Thanksgiving et their and second. with a valve of 4100 and
itomeirlitne ---- � * u wcthaay. vivre won by T. An -
Was Ethel Whitely. of Ter(mto. and drew Fraser and Margaret A. McLeod.
-Hurn tmmty. wfthY `'atne nt-$40. was
won by Maws Mary E. Ferguson. daugh-
ter 0f the late Me-, and Mrs. George
Ferguson. a G C.i,-student, The (brat
At; 1�tarti Sesikr drew'; College, Aurora. agent Thanks-
home of .tltettr_parenta, LUCK OF SEE HUNT
The service at the church waft an Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Parsons. IU.ensee to limit deer taken out fn'
lmprnrtve one. As the church choir Mr. A. J. Maelfay has resumed his (ioderleh thl. season rnrtnber ten, as
and veterans marched Into the church dntkea a. manager of the (tank of tempered with eighteen s year ago. ,
the prsewlonal hymn. "Before Jebo- Commerce• after several months' rept For the past ten days n. part' eom-
vab's Awful Throne, Ye Nations Row following All operation for appendicitis. peed of D. D. Mooney, Frank Saun-
with Seer(td Joy." was sing, G. R 1 Mr. and Mrs John Roulette Mr der* and florae. Fisher have been at
Davies. organist and choirmaster, be -
__tai( at the organ and the Gedertgb band
anyWet Rei. (anon D. W. C•,d-
rector of St. George',
chnrch. Sarnia, was the Mpec•tal prea-
cher for the orisslon and assisting in
the basat{ful service were Rev... N. H.
Mills. actor of Mt. tieorge'a cburcb;
Guderfeh, Rev. Canon G. C. HW sad
Rev. 11. l'. Me1)ermld of Kant ireet)y" aawrm►panlvd to HattaTlt(m .hy bac dog-
behest!arty. An hlr Johnston..4Ultaw Rna-
rhureh. ter, Ilea..#• C. Prldham• who will Omit Ieraaet Ne'atnel�ttxtrr: i[ikd tin s
Sarnia Rerier's Message relative* there. glitttipaa nt ant: The tatter Q1ses, w
(aeon ()Alba took as hl. text 11 San- hunted in tire Tesegltrami lake k«N,
set ?d :1(E-" :_.., the U► ,1� raid hot
and Mrs. Riehani Wickens and Mie41-t icl.s(one Lak.• hi Muskoka district.
Evelyn R,outllffe, of Toronto. were: They are experaerl name this week -end,
week -end gnu -sats of Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Owing to Miele James Donaldson was
Bropl rya unable to nuke the trip thts year- the
MIN. Mary Sharman. who had Men firs.[ time In has mi -sad In twenty-six
visiting relatives In town mdse her re- years. So far this year only two deer
turn from a trip to Europe. left today. have Iswn-grogLht-_to Godertch,_ (ate
to make a visit itt Hamilton Is -fore pr()- •sal, by lark Roods and George Math-
ceeding to her home at Regina. She was Issn.n. (Sher memtsrrw of the mune
Mies Helen Straiten ire, up trn(u '[0 -
east wn.i he held 04, Monday, Aurember 17, -- - -
' Jean Andrrwil '4 tit Chalmers ranged eburdi manse. - ; ",:::1-1..,."..*.,,.'
;iwi4 . L1 tUe lorhtrn aeon of 1'rutiii i*l.pulkt Mfr worktllg on the
r for +rihp ' ` :Chatham township.- the wielding took al - 1 v r 1 , r . 4ha.'ry that t11 • 1 rulh.•i /:►Yuri and
!tt!•u \c„..1.pre a ,lacca t a 1 Jo • • •• , t� t
�r-`p7i_ _irn uivlsj-atrnam TA -4. oF- prxide and a paler will lK• trod by Harvey McNeil, urns . uT'a�eiaTitiil
ItlfFs Naomi )teJ
from Toronto for
ring. ('nngane lzeror May, elder daughter hums iseur Th'xwater whits Jhey slept
MI.. }.tl+l )lac}:wnu.
Mlxn Beatrice [a .4 fir cathnr- of Rev. Harold Widens dens and Mrs. 11'11• Ai Kurth xtne•t llgitael church la h• IaMt Friday night 4,r earl) Matur-
la�, formerly. of Nile. to }:mer At, dry murling, are Lha• pair. who cum-
Ita..,.*aM home for iki,iug: l
lfr. Rear. $cryo of test.., -*isle."► ll►ur Halpulai, only ion of Mr. and xlr's,�ttrxt Aunt,.)- , tt-(b the bill .More witted the bunk roblslry at Bruited'.
Metals In town on Tbtak ilsg I►ay. Robert Walpole of Kineerdine. The TTA'tr to Tlue, t► l'hrl*t." will be ren• 'two weeks ago and got away with
' 'Mist. Gladys Murrar, of Torouto, marriage was solemnized by the bride's tiered by a male tudrteste cvuutsnsed g-,1100.
visite(' friends In fawn at II IP weak father. The young couple will reside in -c .f J. It. Wheeler, C. M. Rutwrtson; The MacNeil brothers w.•r.; taken into
ctrl. Kfucen-dine. 1;. 11'..'h,uu111 1uN1 1;. Belcher. .mstoly on churg.s of forgery and
week -
Mb.. Mary Fattoir, M T.Nsata- rix Iteti.vi.ets in Knox church u.•st Sun- false pretences by Inspector !tile of
'Val frienta in toll*'si: Tt-...l.gI%Inlf• .1DDRESSES HB.%RD LN CHF'M) s.)j IN in charge.. t the minister. Kitchener and t ortst.hte Whiteside of
Dar. --:,r. }riu4s4.rfr.at •..•_n- y} a ... •'t ht * tiutrrlth__ in Walk -
w•• Thr aufdnrrsei o7 HIK �jia(7 lentkb. 7 p.m . "Tie- H.'at.'nh . aeon Jail and 140 NI lay wcic.ii.n.d
lllms }:u the
Reed . • from
King gavage ata( Prise Minister Item-'
Toronto for the week d anal, Thanks- Fatlwr"-firs In *•ries nu the IAont's� b) F. M. N'llmut, m:u.aK,•• • ( the
Walk -
giving Day-
say. Mralhewr4.1 welcoming "Ihr' (lair 1'ra)'er. Set -Math srh7wW1 and it1Mc Ithn.wiM !.ranch .41 the limos ..f Nova Mr, 1'r)de, of cater, WAR the gates at 1hP opening of the Italia Con- elass•N at :t ,irli'k. s.e.11a. The latter. 1 ever. could tit .
g�eat of Mr. Lull „a Thinks- f`"•` -n" -iso. Wast•• ••What ta the obligation, of _the intik-flank.- positive idealifi-atioli. Al the
living t)ay, • - i.•slav were heard in tlodcrtrh by ' klual and the con Tty t.� the lisle .11 T1.e robbery 1s.I1, amu scot. a
-MlasT.aura Nelsen lifiric Thinita-' radio. The voices_ Cause through with 1)1gt lk.ted bury9m plains of purr, (a-., hen-vr-emveltri,f--i+enrdwed-weer «tirer-
giviltg betide at 1.. - at-r.•".arkable ries mew( The fInlet ion .theta'.•" ha theiuhject to be Introhwed-rw,.se disgllisel,
ifatme'rst(m. '---•----1'M-a pi... at tisut i1, 14,11401,. whla•h, a) 11 r. M. W. ilnwPll in the Men's The McXeilu Imve lura living In he-
-----+ �luhTay._r'ItTTt_tr--�(oTth-t(err(•t...i-tniM1}_tssatL..aur4l:unrlaWe Whiteside left for
Mr. and Mrs. Ge Newton, o 0...int 7 oe•o' N. tn. 11(nN.•r.'1 [hal eiC yaMlen ay to
\ f 1 k 1 1 1 1 , bench .w Nwu111 morning. All ser -1 investigate
IAaal.Jle were i4, towu,pu Fraley for' their •records.
a brief-iie1L_-__ _- -_ MAI eLAN1j LODGE oy itlain ices ,,1 the du) 4,t the 11susi boon. -- -
Mr. Jerk Herald. Toronto. spent Salvaties Anse BAIL 4iRANTioll
\t to, q•gular no-0ins of Jlui( The 1 . •-hence sale w•hiii will to
Thanksgiving with atelier. Mee. Ill Itnlsepwner• ,R the receipt of
Wtlem Herald IAslge Nu. 33, A. F. dl .1. M. be held this Saturday \urelnher 1:1, telegraphic IubtructlouM fr 11 r. Jus-
landMrs. W. G. MaeEw nd ,hn tt4 terse' beta 04, 1'ue.'day cranium, the fellow- Is I...named until a later deer. flee Logi.• last Saturday John StaphM
'�� I ('ommisstun.•r i11w• of Leedom, t 111., 1. rosetrr and Alex. t'l.ark ea Walton .
-Helen- stip Kathleen. n: 1'ha - LiIIIPvtftcersi.ivere_sisn'tad for the cum-1fff
Lug in Toronto. hug year: 1. P, M., Wor• 3ir_a, C. M. returned mtssiunir) to India:' will were releeed from the county Jail herr
W - visit 4:.ak•rk•II. Watsit for further Gtr
Mrs. it. Arnold a ,lataitter Bea- I liobartirtm ; VI. TIC, -Mrs. H. R. mill i an bell 4,1 li:,,t1W each, provided by rel-
trke visited friends Kiieltener_ on tl W Btu- J A Gruner; J. W.,!nonnrem.•uts. , th' w k nl dives and friends. They had been in
T11ankegiving lay.
11.e•tingM as
4,11111 Is .e e. - 1 41,4(1947 slam Ow pervious .Wednesday
Bro. F. W. -4r: syrretary, 1Vor. Bro. � 4'.wtage .prayer w.'•tings are loeln[' whch theme were committri h Jueltk'e
Mrs. Sam }fie' r� ea Waltul j.y�-M*vVfrnr; tlea■nrrr Biro. R: Ur i
at Tuesday attend' tkr fnn.•rnl , Ihr1d vv(eklr_-N-iif.T'(11t'sctay eccnitkg: aF*1w.gte nn charga�a n( perinrr•Al1/•g/dTy-
Mrl. John
Mwlllir. i lieyuolds; 1 hnplslu, 11'ur. Itro. - 44. C. !� 1i ego k, at the 1 of Mrs. Me Grxw, I
etimmllttel in their rrldrlwe at the
]Ir.. A. Chall 0.0 -ed bar McDermld. 0 was pasltaasIer utghf- Itr,N It- `t l.yt. Yon -sty we•k•.•nw, _ r
end the .third degree wast conferred 1(4tj44cM trifid. T tna'a they alae other -
daughter Mn W oil K7tckenef tele'• they will npgNar fur trial at tbie•
Over the week end.' 1)y Wor. Rro_ 1'. blunter. who was NOT 1114.IBLE 1'O VOTE?
s-.sGa1� IN•fun• .ledge lewte un.i)e
Mrs. .Tea ifamNto� i,., refereed' aaeleted by the following postmasters: Mayor Ma.•}:wnn on Saturday Mated I,. niter nth. Mr. John Itesl of Se•afurth
Wor. Brox. 11 R:• M. Thitherto., W. F. -1 -to The Signal that if the- votes of the, repreiruts lttaples and .Mr. Cockl.urn
term a visit to her tu6hter, Mee.
Morrison, at Etats t. ^HaHmr, H. •' i)tmtttp, J. H:"'Yrooman, Reeve seri !Mindy Breus were a(rairr, 1lar+is+•e.wnw'1-iwa-47at: •-_.--
Mlw Iedla ' - Bimlcoe. ;pent John Galt. Norman Ma,Kuv. ('leas. K. •'hallengwi. as they were at h1't Fri- - -
Thanis geed at o ter wear-.- Sru ;derma-. 1i RC. Mcl�erml- eras. mac, day .cranium's g -11 11114.1 11M when taw FARM I)WRLhIING DENTR411�ts.
este, Mr. -and Mrs. j..Cgtfl.>. e
p , , isle of the National
dhlp- (ha 11 Iny nfteru.s.0 Bast fir' seam•
M r. W m. Weir r .,,HI L jos A . -. "flaws- as the npietely--- destsosed= a -tatmt-_dwelliL[. -
ba reale that owned by Mr. Oliver Cook, attuated (a
atty. t i 'M` .. s' Were 1ne1- the lake hank in (blborde townabIp at ,:•" .
as they are the old Point Farm site. Mr. Cook, ,late
tote, was I rat Me htllaiwey tram.' /htbaatl •'" 'a
time wa.. spent. Refreshment!" were was a;keel for a ruling by (runeIllor awry and occupied the residence de -
/wane for the Isdiday s•r-dinner speeches were MI'Loau1 but d.•ferr,d 11111 answer until strogfd tally at such seasons of the !-.. _
Rev, ('seas (olltnfi ant given by a mintier of the brethren he ciNlR�f 'vs(.' eren•krri the fora nn whl,h •' '4
P. A. ('o1h,e. of Sarnia, were gt.-eta of War. Bro. ( ll. Robertson presided.
that i9 this particular 11111111 MY. Ih1• : it stood. 48* Monday he wit. engaged -
• 1 I t I In cleaning up and lu preparing 111e
Mrs, E. ST, Carrlo at the weel[�ta.1. {
nerve and Ie'• 'entity Reeve were dA,vel
M1*a Yarn , I'4t114 of . Toronto. In tire sattleir 01 1J telfvnring-m'-sett ltmn4 for Thr-erturer.-Mistier- hail-heen
spent Tlieuk*grving at the home ofLEAVING GODERICH-om.•thipg to thrp,w lues. Both voted) In ' set •n, a stove to burn rubbish and
her par.-tits.r
par. -tits. M. and Mrs. H. M.'Vittle.' On the occasion of her removal to favor of the sale of the building audt-overheated strepl(sp or n 44.444.144.'
chimney ore thought to have caused the '
eon(lagreti.11. Mr. look wile /WHIP 1111-
mace f the 11110111. when 111. find - •
{w,tiwieL: -flames. _Ile noshed he stood _
tt, *nd brmntht it to David: ' `:"%