HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-10-30, Page 8BO K SALE Your opportAsil, -to-jet Boos et r w ne price. All the Books in our Lending Libras t on Sale. 25c each 5 Books for $1.00 COLE'S BOOK ` STORE 31uron (fat ¢ SPECIAL *UT SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNER from 12 7,0;8-p.f'i„;, 60 centi Special $113i nen Mena Lunch daily at 60 cents. Hugh Wong Infltr Ertningt lelent fsl*kty 162 Find Relics of Lust Str. Jones? Wreck of Goderich built Bout ill Georgian Bay Many Years - 0 Recall.r„-•• r. - THE SIG BLYTH 't Mr. S. 'A. l'opplewtoue bad returued to town fr lit London, w here be had been lu the hospital fur thaw mouths. His 'tirade are pleased 10 knew that hie *smith la much lwprured. Mrs. (lore' Toll and Mlar Clete 2-4/WEN 1(ull'NI). Oct, ::a. lml uncw•I tiers of the crew of a fishing tug bilis, up fthe bottom of Georg- ian Hay relics of the steamer Junes. wrecked wore thou twenty )...ars ago, w when, 1» drahtg suave nets off Jack - roses Cove. at a point l.rteeet Barrow Irlond and the ('ore of C nuNrk, re- cently. they found in .e of them Shut they determi ic., was a portion of the bile of a Iluwau shoulder au.t a piece of oilcloth. which uI.- pat ty p•d t0_ Ill of the le U.4 joy table decoration of hake -going craft? Whether or not 111e bottom of the lay 3ieide.l Up grim reemiuders of thatdifsister, or Whether or not they'4x•- long to souse other craft. old;titnera are new discussing -Nw grim ---fee(.. and many profess tu'ls•li.•ve that the: purtluu of n skeleton-- for that is what the fishermen claim the bone ea- amL )he po• *..• yeti sed .r1 r •elle_ _ln:_. louto a member of u• taill-tuhol' crew and to the boat Its.lf. which had been taken amt of fifteen rot loons lit:water and the unmeuat ,d.}..t. inaw.rthl U•ty-►tttl•aehd anew. r -"w GotL- - Jones -diappreired ound` where t.t(,1J)g-enter' in the hay ; uu „114.,can fix the exact epitt. awe• l all agree that it is justts..stt.le that in setting. that pariiculut u.•t flu• fisheroi. , i ' .ein.t .xt Yb.• -io.t where the htttk' held In Reign** ea From of lack wetek. Lr. and ltr(A }4hiplq'� of ,IJtirklend Laity, were visitors with ]Ir. H. M. and ,Mrs. McKay this week. Dr. Shipley la a former medical practitioner of this town. At that time he was not 111 the hest of health idol citizens will be pleased t.. horn that he is much better since moving to the northern climate. !►r. J. s. Mct:Owau. of Cedar Reptile, Lowe. spent a few days this week with his brother. it. B. 11r1:uw•ru1. and mho suit of ill r., I,•.t that Mrs. Shan - .ter. sten. W. leukttlx. akar[. of W. a passenger In the uhdl ]Ir Findlay M,(,oseat waw, sun of Mr. front at o Taylor ear, w s0 _,Mcs.iuwan.,of East.Wal severely cut • tt the be*d withglass wh.m.sh. hes been appointed Nnn eh that se eye 1 Ir• retnoved atter she manager pf the Beatty Washer stop' at hai1 levo t.. �• a da•tor's office to Clinton. where many old friends gatb- \\'indsor Ile spent x,•trrul day• with ('llntow. - err(' et the graveside to pay their last I.i- parents kern art mete from Toronto lYlieY t!s was called Taylor respects. Surviving are three dough - pleaded not- - ply to the charge of tern sud our sew, Mrs. Me(:rattan of to take up his dutiVo. in tlw 1«,Mer r.rkleag iriv 'though be later ad- Go.Itrich, Mrs. Lovett of ('lintco. Woo lic. Adele and John of Toronto, also • brother and slater also residing in To- ronto. Alt but an aged sister were ,•hwte•it on -Monday' Nrmemt.er loth. and -'-flay testi +ro third of w „deo prCec•nt at the funeral. The pallbear- w-ill b• followed b•; the Iw,uoroom td*v, 1 .1 undenti.O , n as Moore's Hills. en were grandchlldren std nephews 'n,t'•L• : •_ylosager !1 _ 1: dflartt-t►y 16r, S. from. Port Cutlruase tool Tomtit... I Ther.. n ill also be a musical program R. Mciia-tb, :nudred feet away. There were numerous floral tributes Pb'a-c l,. -.•p this event -in mind. Driv'lag a tq .Irl with two -wheel fr Goderlch and Ol)t-of-towel tolnts. ' Crakes, he al. 'hem, but only cine _TW/1 MLNI'TR M1LIS.fs: eized Thlsy .,iw to nue aide and .lf)HN OLtVER MURPHY OTT.III'.1. Oct. 27. --Canada will oh- I.c released ti k.• and dw•klevl to Death came very suddenly, without servo th.. customary two -minute silence take • rinlu: nee dwell the hitt. warning. at about 2.30 on Mends,' obs the morning of Armistice Day. Tues- Ile was nnat.straighten kb. car ftrrntou of this week to John OHirr day, November 11. The-fnllowiug srnte til•, howeverin, Filed into the Mc- urp)hy, of Stratford, son of Mrs Con -1 , had been stopped Triple Minister "Di accordance with . well over to 1, 11 Side of the road. - GODERICH. ONT. Nuns Amok Down Long Hill Driver Ci Car in Accident in Which Lady Lost an =r Is d in Police Court i, ,w an automobile ran chid Tawe . _ems -foot hill, swerving Nut ala es,. '.lit. and then the other, eoaip'o,,t "4 control, crashing Into a @tending " ..k at the bottom with disastrous , • -. ! ts, was told in Police Qb Court In 13(.1,-rit41 Saturday morning drne•r of the automobile, �•rlor. of Walton, was fined Ms or in default ten days in .. paid. It was as a re - hist. Joh[► A. $10 and jail. The OBITUARY RS, MWILLIAM GAULEY A native of Heroncyunty, in which sisal had lived a Lifetime, Mrs. William Gauler passed away Monday in Alex- andra hospital, to which insttutlun she had been removed four days previous. Detoured. before her utarrilll}ge Month Cleft. was true at hgamdvtlle date: nine year. ago, mad resided et Clinton •sad Seuforth mad in her declining • with her daughter, Mrs. McOrat• tan, Angle•sea street, Goderieb, ler the past ten years she had been en luvalid and for tour year. ass blind, but with- al she was seeheertul, evEI witty, porno es.ing a kern sense of humor. Her parent* were among the early settlers, having come out from Ireland nearly • century `ago. Her husband prede- ceased her twenty -thee years. The fun- eral was held ou Wednesday, Rev. 4'. F. Clarke officiating at the At -Filer at the family Lowe. Interment wog made at ••• .Crowu the M' of Crou witnesses - - - - - - -- - sat t:orreet ,'rideut occurred at The :.mstntl 'I'hank.4tiv iiig supper will 11.30 aoft r 17th, two and &- Lc__ surveil et 1'ieturia street United ! -a- half (� tun on the Clinton- new- Clinton- , . new- Mr. e'rawtor.I of •Wlarten, sun of tlw late skipq»;ri.'f"tbe' visited Iwr1• Since slut ,( m 44114 hoe t bit or; oi:• Iotl, �iii4* a ■ t •-• j mix • IN Nam IN +Continzred Display 11 F 4>• at Makins' Hat and -Gift - Shop • •• •• • • • -Oct. 3#, Lind Nev.L,,: r • offer on Fur -Coats i • a ■ • -11UNTERIOR---01. -LTD. • TORONTO • GODERICH Attend w'a. issIted fruip the office .1 the Moth truck, 8hatala, .s thrown partly Arinlstl.;e Day, waitcton,'d by his Mev; through the .•1d, head -first. by e'sty the Kiel;. the pimple of ('anhds are tin` IIDl#M.'f. 11 "•'ripg wheel saved invited to mark the Orea>ilnn hy n two; Taylor. -The b, woman's hd uslae I 1 m e w th a a tui►lute thence lit 11 u.i*. on Tufewlay, , Isct a ;h 1*4 i sh k- \oc tutMf 11,, J030,_" , t ;up. 491ted Iw did nett outage 1i ear hits t gtoar, Taylor r• s - .. SENT FOR -TRIAL- -lids tbet-he •• -tH-lie conk! do to ▪ When they appeared for preliminary t steer the ear v ,r bothering about a triol at- Cre.11teu this 4Thursday ) /t Sears. morn I, - •fleas,--Farbers and Joni _"Is that a a. r to have on ▪ Htwston. atweeed of theft of fourteen ' road's" aake.,t -trate Reid. "You are guUty by 1 . n evidence. Your rear was not in. arty fit." Traffic• Offi.-.man Lever was the lnforteant i,. t!::caw, i ala $c. and Offence George Relg. :if Zurkli, glee charged with re, -- driving, departed Courts from menu- � � and cost and • • ■ hags of clover veal from a Hay town ' enter former. were wfmt np for trial to ' n higher court. Bieber,. who heti -ieuetl a statement confessing to the tb,•ft of six bags of seal. was unrepre- so •-' ' fort- a judg4 and Jury- H)wstn, al- leged partner in crime. elected sum - • 'nary trial. but Magistratt.i.1 re- ■ filmed 10 accept the plea or try the cease. ins •h as lite two charges aro • closely iuterbs•ked Mid trace the sxure M wet of cire•umstrmws. For that reason Uneaten also was went np for trial. lie ▪ wan given Ids liberty ..n pre.lne•tion of id *S,tss1 tail- put up by owl0,4.r*. incises was remanded in mist.»Iv. ooday • • •• • • ■ way Murphy, of Goderkh_ For twenty- four yr*ra deeeeeed had torn employed with the Bell Telephone Co.. rising steadily In the service to the rank of const ruction foreman. On Monday afternoon he was on duty with Ills men stringing cables near the C. N. R. depot, Stratford, when he was maddest. ly seised with a heart attack, expiring lwfore medic -al aid readied him. He had Jost apookeu to an acquaintance. William Richards, a Hydro employee, when-ge was suddenly stricken. late John Murphy war a very sociable nen and his treads were legion. He _1 was born - jt fn,•e. In Mullett township, forty-two year;* ago. Thirty- one hirtyate years ago the family moved to (to deriel.. his father. who died ten pare ager, being a member of the polite - "1 believe that existence 1a Ca ntina- ous and that death 11 not a break In Its continuity, but a mere aloughing oft of the material body." --411r Oliver Lodge. WANTED WANTED. -POSITION FOR GEN- ►t ERAL housework. . 'Ti't'le t►!'rlc'E: li:ACMES WA N'eND.--(tK)t)Iiliti(,'!t a Public School Board las filled the vacancy on the staff and wishes to nntlty and thank all applicants for the Position. TO RENT FOR ULE rtt BALK -GOOD RANGE. 1eAAC ()U$WDN, li.R. iio. 1. Goderl.•h Telephone e01re. AD 1'0,IOHILE FUR SALE (1HEAP._- Engine in good eosdltfon; Price 215. JIM Mu88, East street. Ft.a, MEN'T FOR SAL16-APPLY T() F. HELL A 11R.0B., ContraClpre. R.R. No 1, OoderIch. Phone 002r1S. gQ118E P011 BALM. -TWO-STORY . uu __red brick Deese on Gloucester Ter- ence, with sun porch and balcony. In first-class condition,' Apply to M. J. BOWLER, Anglesea street. ROOMS TO RENT. -FURNISHED, TILE. DRAIN TILE RANGING near Square. Apply SIGNAL - from 3 to 8 inches. Delivered at any OFi'll'F.. time 1f necessary. BWNMILLER TILE YARDS (Chas_ Kerr & Mon), R.R. No. 4. Uoderteh. Telephone 1322, Carlow F •' -.w torkk Apure I.onf Bty Cental. PatrkATk's:1r street Twe•min t k rom FOR RENT, ",'RIt18HLY -MOOR - TOM pnatoffk•e. '3hree-plcee bathroom, gar- age and garden. Possession at once, M. W. H(iWELI.. • AUCTION SALES i AMRIt 71116 'SALE. - • t►\FURl)- gi DOWN aged raw rotated by Henry Arlie), !lutetium : 1 ahearllug ram; also nm lauds, Apply to FRANK I.. YOUNG. It. R. No. r, (3,rlerl•h. 'Tele- phone 1'.111ew PIIK, AI'CTION -$ALE OF FARM STO('IC. R KALE. TWO HI;NDRED •• Mt'p k atch-haed Tow 14areeat � At lot .12, Hayfield Line, three miles S. . - W. foghorns at *'L48. Sell east of hayfield, on nun: truly strain .',wkerels _tit_ ft, t'Rtsfmi.:.1,4or lend (Rh 1111 -.*eh. June -hatched metelelw ___ at i.:itt spirit. has strain. 7'k- each; (I (I4l0. g Ideal 1lwutators, 2 •t(,0 -egg Daniels halt. Ai.itF:RT T(rN'N$l:N•1► Irn•tllat,.re 2 lt,-ogg Prairie State to has Instructed the undersigned to sell cuiwtors. Colony houses Poultry egnip- by public suction the following: meat. MAITLANI SPECIALTY Hones.-MAre, five years old. sup- FARM. .lubtlrp. posed to Is• In foal.: •wwral port».se mare, five yours old; good agricultural Dour, nine yours old; •lor'nR fail ` CRAMMED ACCOUNTANT Cattle.-Hurhatu heifer, springing; Cheek Heifer. springing: Holstein i,R K -' - - YERiili heifers, springing: 6 heifers, supposed Accougtant, 1 r Ontario street - to 1.e in .' lf: 2) stock heifers- Stratford. Phone 1580. Rea. 13303 Fluty year-old Roe'. hens. a quantity of hard wood, 12 lnrhee; also full line t- - a--!etcbloe(I,.it .hfell ithenld rte.. • MIMIC . - _a __ __ . 'TERMS: All sumo of $l0 -and ulster. *ash; over that amount, 10 Month.' •redlt w111 le•0 ive1 R t.. n f}trulrhfrhR 'a pr proved h•s,kanie paper. rats per cent. llse unt on credit amounts. 1. TOWN8END, GEO. 11. ELLIOTT, Proprietor__- - -- -Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Or HO17SE FURN- ISHINGS. force here for years. At the age of Property of eighteen be entered.the nervier of the the knowledge that his driving license Bell Telephone Co. Surviving •re his 1s1 her residevn•e. Cambria Road, on had been cancelled for six months. T1w surrowtng mother and one brother, W. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER1.f w. B. R(YI'HWEI,1,. Organist of Knox Church, Goderkh Music Muter Stratford Normal School Teacher of PIANO, 81NGING, ORGAN Preparation for all examinations of tb Toronto Conservatory of Music i Studio --Corner West end We11In, tot. Pbbne RBB. MRS. WM. MILLION _ AlUcearlo Ta0MA1110UNT?RY, GODERICH, ■■ LIVE $TOCK AND GIONRH _ . A CCTION FJCII Telephone No. 11 6. Mks attended to anywhere and every .ams yOung mama -.r -r• fund gttifty--ot E. Murphy, rallpay mall clerk on the at 1.30 sharp, practically all tN lam" the same ofteae•.• •eine last May and ',London -Southampton run. The letter eD Y I',th he and Taylor .er.' told that nn- receiver) the news of his brother's tents of the home.. including: , I Hall nck. hogany library gam'-ofert made to ghe eetbfacdoa less they carried ample Inwuraw,•, as death just before leering on his ran matt walnut Tittle. seftae, yeaei}a1: called for in resent am.ndn4. th to the Mwmday afternoon and ween[ straight dlnln Tamers' sale motes discounted. Ontario Motor 1'• ole+ .let. thele car to StnttoM. coming with the body to groom aultq, complete; a noun oak __ raper oil Move. burners; ice box, 2 1V. r18HIf,R teningr Com cha rap 1 coal oil stow, 1 time as they had t eu un• insuran,w: held twiny (Thursday 1 from the red-Amort{n• • markero would f•• • ,l1i.l in until such God crIe 1 on Tue,wlay. The funeral was ESI EY w • - - complete bedroom suites, mattress attd neer '.'lrlrtyla..haat... Rlceu ftp Wtruittg._tu.. The set ldlalt oris : Reiterde1we M Mr. and Mrs. Witham Mer• ' poetry.' --Julio MaoeOrld• ;need happgeed on otter 17th in Hay dock. Wrap street. to St. George springs; brookcnse and bootie 3 large will medal re sales anywhere. eMy township.near Zu t At•.•used tnebsted church. of which deceased was a mem- ryp arscing machine, large cedar rete°" are reasonable end 1 will e! 'There are cats of p».qle who prom• ctte)trt• cungnleum runner, seven yards; des to give aatlafactlon. Phase he was tearing • illy thirty miles an bar. Rev, J. . H. MID officiated - u • 2r, bat tJse�t-' r'•••'•1 to ire, •, f 4' � Milted crams daring the year who w.Aela3 ►e.rt lmv«-vista-we-i} -thee hmvt'.-him. on tit: �-T hill x meet been fishing." --Herbert Hoover. wagona 10. suddenly •I in front of him, (w0 nods ahead. h. :ruined down 1J• HUGE LAKE FORMS. _4.4 ", net ,.d ,,,to the tight real cutlery. dishes, kitchen ares ��w 1314. or editions RR d Ly pnhcn tools. eighty-three feet of ark*. _..:___- garden hone and numerous outer artkies. LLIOTT MILLER. Everything will Iwo dismissed . of, am Ascus•••• Mn. Mhtltea M inning °Wena s. . Pl.ote 70. Iadmos Reese Baan lrmptniade SK.- 000.000,000 0,- 000.000,000 and Meet of Wins. Oates In the huge dam at Oonkitag- ♦ills, Saratoga County, New York. were cloned by the Hudson River Regulating Board In March, sm com- mencing the impounding of 20,000,- 1 000,000 cubic feet of water for stor- age and control. The project L said to be the largest of It. kind in the northeastern status, and involves the ■ formation of a lake 27 miles long $ and from one to di miles wide. The new lake will be filled to about one.thfrd of Its capacity during 1930. ■ It L approximately the else of !ALM George, and will be croawd bl new • ■ ■ / / / S / ■ bridges, one of which 1s a mile ion XXX XXX _ - - As a result of the control obtained, o river wwUU�1 which wW '- - -mow- �x ww�wc be reduced IIVe t1r *Ii feet, e be of mach benefit to cities of the _ Mi14tm!(SA J3r1/F,•SP,gi(111.. wheats( tie•t�a.y, xpluifes i tsi�el ell oyer 16e high- way. To m,keT:,ttata rause exciting the hens- ran :,veep. Retirees car -earo�d -offr-rhe wagon: *Pe - around service and int. rm t cemetery. -- --- - --• --- -- L ate+ NOTICE TO earn TORS �+wrA*ew-s�a�'dt"M eodocted anywhere W ; A'asor JOHN � "`y °it e TOM Of the Town of OOderteb in the 'TO 4321111111iPPORS- Pa /N THE EST BLOM . • Auednatera forth is each and *very Bala fiitwty sa.Traton, *hoot lnspertbr, AUCTION SALE Or-EU'1'AT14 CBAS and settled f)a th. ditch. feeing in the derrased TELE ANI) REAL ESTATE.. opposite dir.rtiot,. The accident hap- AU persons having claims against erred at :et:. pan., Just as it w,- get- the estate of John F1, gin Tom, retired ting dark. School Inspector. deceased, who died "We must nuke Oar highways sate. o,1 or about the first day of October, Yoe didn't *anal_ your horn end you 193e►, are notified to send to the wader- dol not hay. .ontrd 0f year car. You signed executor, The Trusts and Gu•r- eonldntatop Its sift! yon were travel- aotee Company. Limited, Toronto, or Guer- tin, loo--fa.t== still the magistrate :n to the anderwlgnwl, Hays A Hays, Ooh Impr)eftg-taw' Orkh. Ont.. lit solicitor. on or before it A thatgi• ...f . to carry.* teed the setrnth day of Novemlr•r, 1930.withdraipt against William Sehelle.-1 . light on _the rear his vehttie_,wra[ t)wtr names ■ini addresses end futll also of Zurich and the driver ed th! particulars of their claims. and the nature of the securities elf any) held At Dungannon. on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER fib, 1650 at 1.r'19 p.m. - - ---- There will be offered for gale at public annti'cin, cub �o a resew- b and the conditions of male which w111 he read immediately prior to the *ale, he premises. of the lair John Hasty, situated in the Village of Dungannon, un the main street, and toeing known as Lots 11:,, 110. 117 and 118. portion of Isabella Street, Pavel . wagrm' The mnglMnte bele lot havelrerveet•d simply • matter !ed on. the.pert, that a light "oat the m'klon 1t of tuo..,..le,n, i.._. Seager. x peri e ' t 1 from Olen Falls to Albany. ai _ In addition, approximately 500.000 Subscribers X horsepower of hydro -electric instal- -Ti„ A • lotion can be obtained by the chain sof the late tt_iii of power companies In this territory 1day was v4.11 at §- W1•th lire -power already-proddeed, terere ri'l1tt this w111 bring a total of 1.000,000 , paid for the pf horsepower on the upper Hudson, the north of flu le largest developed power area In the state, pelt to Niagara Falls. The project coat $12,000,000 borne principally by the power companled, which paid 96 per cent:, cities of the Hudson region being assessed five per cent for flood benefit. Clearing of the valley to make way for the project was begun in 1641. Thirteen villages were removed wholly or in part. with all structures; The Signal X to any address in Canada or the United States for the remainder of only 25cRxx - 5. X and highways and trolley tracks ham* ae, been shifted' to other locations. by them duly verified by statutory dea•la rn t lou. Immediately after the said 7th day November, 1930, th* assent of the 1 sold dee4'a,ecl will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto hair-, Celan! only to 1lieclalms of w4leh it shill then have notice. -.lotted October 20th, 1934). THE TRUSTS AND OI'ARANTEE 1 • ('OMPANY, LIMITED. 302 Hay .atueet, Toronto. HAIR k HAYS. (Jorlerlch, Ontario, Solicitor* for the eald Executor. 'y and ` -erred, ut on Tam- agni good prieea of SLOW' *sr. *Crow the road In East Wawa - ninth. 'rhe !mei .y.di re portion south of the Low..-• •' mot purchased by Thnnm- 14, .O* for Nifai. The ilei.' peek at Itall's cemetery 10 again L, aged for religious ser- vl•e•s, the I. ren conducting n eeriest of evening sea this week. ' - Large r.s ,. • to loge from thew welkin are brine loaded at the C.P.R. station for ext.'s-. to'Gtaegew, Scotland. - . til'NURVi't $4,LIK REGISTER Friday. %, saber 7. Auction sale of *x, estate chute, and reel estate at the Xh An Early Riser. prisec of the pate John Hasty, Dun - "1 reckon," said the first farmer, ' rn);tontine. 1'.14 Darrow. solleitnr tor the X "that I get up earlier than anybody •'x •t•ut"r. • In the neighborhood. I am always up \1'erlle.d,1y November 12. -Auction I. before three o'clock in tb•-morning.b •.sale of 7avew-o,,a91, implement, poultry To new yearly subscribers, The The second farmer- safe- fie wan - eprei yore t. - --poultry and household always up before then and had part furniture. , prr-rpOrty of Mrs. Colin (3. of the chores done. The first farmer " ('ampbeil \inlliand Specialty Farm. thought he wee a liar and decided t0 lot 24;. , oe 6, Wept Wawannsh. flnd out. A few mornings after he -.-� Rot up at two o'clock and went to the back door and th f the P:N?tU Al1 hoe pit 1 Signal will be sent from now until e� the neighbor a house He rapped at I M January 1st, '1932, for the pnce of a year's subscription - - $2.00 Subscribe now and get The Signal for the remaining'part -of the year FREE xxx Every y ., �, riber - will re - e of the ' ban a some \1,ENDARS FOR 1931 x`‹MOCXXXXXxXX At exam woman n e exan t. ` house opened It. I Goderirl, SetnMay, October 26th. "Whore 1s your husband?" asked to Mr. Mn. G. M. McKenzie. the farmer, expecUng to find his Plungettia a daughter. neighbor In bed. v.ttttltl's .11 JUessandn hrwpltal. on He w*a around here eery In the �tirrfitn. )ober ZR. 11M0. to Mr. and morning," answered the wife, "but I don't know where he i• now." MrN• Ileot.'ti• a, of GGeorge's('reesr•rnt. c; • daughter. FO1'�C. .tt antra hospital, God- j The Detroit river, which connect'- to Mr. ,r...1 t 211 Yonne. ora James A. Yrnang. ILake Bt, Clair and Lake Erle, he R, K. t:., ftoder(eh, a daughter. sometimes called the "Dardanelles of I America," and 1t carrie* more ton- F I LtOltte m Welnewlty. (letroher i nage than any other river In the lr'•'H1tk' • Ne and Mrs C. 1'nlfnM, world, Immense shipments of grain, ..f .. (nee Ftnrrnlo Rutdnoon lumber and ore passing thrhugh 1t. "f 4,4:114.141,1:' • a°n (('h*fes awl• _ wxrvll. Gulgnol and (m►fron. McKF:NZIE. -.4 Alexandra hospital, The characters Onlgnnl and Ona- I .J3r 'rk•1,• ,. 'bureday• (Mttst.er 23, iii term rho French ttitppeta which one- i _4404f p hare' ti „bin M - - respond to the Engl ah Punch and Kewife. TlaepnrlAn Judy, originated to Lyons In itflR 1'M Detroit River. ar ch. 11 October t0 w r eighteenth• i con Df�Jell A Long Time Aloft. t tYbf.4*'r 274i,1,Sth, t 1 titratfO. Mnrd. nt,urphy,ifoto hisMlahL ( feedlots I)nraln, • French tomato- 42nd year . etal pilot, winner of an award from GAI'LRY In Oederive. on MonAey,' e11. Aero Plato of rranete, has a re- • ()Moho!. '27th.(1ntt, widow of I oord in the alt of 11,123 hour. or 673 the lair V► .1.,, to her ienh days and nights. P.+:. os s MORTGAGE SALE rORTGAGE SALE OF FARM. , IN WESTERN DIVISION 'TOWN- SHIP OF COLBORNE Pursuant to the power of sale con- tained In a eertin mortgage, which will he produecd at the tale, there will he offered for sale by public auc- tion at the Bedford hotel, In the Town of Goderieh, on Saturday, the AM day of November, 1990, at 2.30 o'clock p.m., a 'farm compote/4i of d -part of lot Letter "A," Western Division of the townahlp of Colborne. In the county of Huron, formerly owned by one Der- rick Ir. er-fink-1r. Hamltnkr ellnt•tntg.xaw ary atorwor tewt. The land Is nearly all eleetted•and is watered by spring well. Female are rail and wire In a fair state of repair. The Imlldings ermsi*t of a hank kern about 40 x 60 fort with o'mnnt foundation, hrgtpen, henhouse And story -and -a -half rougheast dwelling with cement foun- dation 1Is)111 24 x 35 feet with a leant°. There Is t Immo orchard upon the r's premieanal meld M he shout 1201) t roes. tree ring. The property Is 4ltuate shout two and *-half miles from doderieh with it gond roaa leading to the fuel, whieh M *Dilate very ,-h to Lake Horan, and the form sd}oin* Mene stung. Park. A deocripllon of the form hy meter and brands con he obtained from the vendor(' sodleitor. at Stratford or can be obtained in the Registry Office at fioderlch by examining Mortgage No. 6747, fnwnlhlp of Colborne, at a fent sof ten rnntt. A py 01t drtrriptlon *411 t.• sttaeho.cot to 1).e condltlnne 01 gale. -TERMS OF ttA1.1E.1f'en per -vent e t the time of We and '(be halanee windy( thirty days after tale without ante vet. '1fbM 4rvlpsetys.wlll he weld wwa}eet to a reserve hid. For further particulars end terns of sal. amply to the vendor's sollcit0ra al Stretford, Ontario. 12 Dated this th day of October. A.1). 1930 • McPA0:11180N A MAK1NS, Vendor's 80.k•fte►re. Lots 176, 177, 178 and 179, all In the 5th ('oncw,alon of the ,b whleh are said to be situated a one- story, three-reomed 'frame house with addition attached, a frame horn. girl well, ete. Also one horse, htmwebold goods and furniture and ,'hattels, and farm chat helve, b. 'amt -r d, *Md. etc •isle to he.held.m rho above acatwns by . . t-e.T.y4fJN1)ltY # seta. An. Homo?* For further 1aurtkadnto a)rl.li to F. R. DAitlu)ti, t3mh•r1 I. ,nu, t4l14.lto1. for ter• Ex., m.o. Tuwnahi of West W^wanoos.h AI CTiON RALE. ;- MRR14. (`('i�,JN G. ('AMPR1'LI, has instructed (he nnderaignexl to sell by public auction, at the farm known as the Maitland Specialty Farm, east part lot 211, concession 5, West Wawa - noel., seoornd cornier north of Auburn e nd one-half mile west, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1030 commencing at 1.00 o'clock p.m., FARM STINK. IMPLEMENTS, POUL- TRY OUF TRY EQUIPMENT, SOME POtILTRY AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE'Bee es. ---One team, 1- i'kr'cherou horse! ten years old, ami 1 Bay mare, - ` years old, Cattle. --Part Holst'In heifer, five years old, due in November; Holstein clow, due In March; reed cow, five years old, supposed to bre In calf; registered Iioletein heifer, four years old, due In May; registered Holstein heifer, five years old, due In March; aged red cow, Ruppmest to ire in eel? ; Holstein heifer, font year. old. supposed to be Irl calf. Implements. -!'low, hayrake, wheel• borrow, mower, set of scale., wagon, nearly new ; erewtm operator, hay fork and rope, 2 sets domhie harness, net single hsrnr*s. cutter, boggy, set of aleiah*, root yelper, truck, tools, etc.. Ail in good eotsdltitm. Feaed.-About 100 Muhelw Argentine eorn, lin bushel(' whoa/, 7G hushel* peas, buckwhea 2110 bushels tats, also tut alpe andatgolde Poultry Equipment.-i':Ight colony hons0a, coops. br..sl"r stoves, feed hop- pers, drinking vestw•ls, egg crates, eldek hoppers. 0 Meet Inrnlrators. (1( etmg rapacity ; 2 Daniels, 400 egg comic - By ; opac-I4;; 2 Prairie State, fon en capacity Other ertiolesMisawm•rms to mention. TERMS: All touts of 610 end ,m.i m mai': over Bass. *Mount. 10 .montWt credit ow approval Joint b,nknhl.• nan*s. Dismmnt of 6le'r rent attnwnt for mesh on credit *monuts Farm will toe offered for sole snhje,t to renerrs hid. MR8. t'1)LIN A Is,CMI'1tKLL� ' Prove/eases T. O. N DRY k -14.N. M tl Ancthantr•ne DRUGLESS PRACTiTIONER uiRUPRA(TOa AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 141 Equlpped with electrtrmagneUe Elect roalc electric tea:ltmeets and chlropractk. Chromic organic and oerrona diseases, Lady In attendance. Omee hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m., escepting Mo1Ma r n nd Thursday and by ■ppalnlweuL A. N. ATKiNSON Residence and office -Corner of Rooth street and Britannia road. MEDICAL a•Dk. r. J. R. FORSTER, EYE. OAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late Hoose Surgeon New York Opk- tbalmlc and Aural Hospital. assistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London, Bug. 61 Waterlcr, Mt. 8., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Redford, Ooderic•h, on the eeening of third Monday of each month till the following day Tuesday, at 1 p.m. LEGAL cit. NEST M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Sun life Building. Adelaide and Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. DUDLEY 16- HOLME;, Barrister, Etc. OMc•e--•Hamilton street, Gatwick Phone 21. - $. Dafit tOW. BABBISTER. RTU. Ktltormn. Those 07.- Office - 111 000erkb, Haps & 1F'lape BAaalwrnU, R.C.HAYS-RC.HAYR .s . H.A- Hamilton 8t.. (Jod•rkn maIMIMEt LYMtIRAN6* LOAM WPC. ile/CILLOP MUTt?AL r11t1 M- BA S►iRAN'CE 0O, -Perm and no- tated town property Inared, Offl4erw-Jas, Connolly, Pre*., God- erlch P.O.: Jam. Dwane, Vies -Pres„ i eeehwnnd P.O.; D. F. Mc(1;,•grrr, See. -Treat„ Senforth P.O. D1rettors-A, Rroadfoot, R.R. No. S. Seaforth; Jimmie dihnldle, Walton; Wm. Rlnn, R.R. No. 2, Seafor'h; Rob- ert Ferris, Ra rl ok : 3oh* Aennewela, .M"H'agen ; Geo. kht"nttioay"" R.R. No. Swafnrth; Jobe Pepper, Brasfield". Aerate -W. J. Y. R.R. No. It. Clin- ton; Jams*, W:!tt, Myth ; E. 741nets- ley. Ratfor'b; John Murray. tteafnrth. Polly -holders eon make ail psym*ntta and get their cards retelp40 at R J. Morrish'. (1lathing Stere. t'llnten • (talvin (het'. Groneri, Rlt*.tnn ekrrnt, (Uwlertrh, or"" , Ae14'. Orson,' Store. Rayfieid.