HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-10-30, Page 5Newest in Toilet Articles
Just Received
Armand's New Symphonit Face Powder, Salle
for blondes and ..i■ siamltrr.•• lattatiMISMi
offer, Powder and Crata - _
FREE DEAL. Woodbury Swap- a-ttd Woodbury
Facial Cream, 25c each. Just a few left
for 25c for both
"Evening in Paris- Face Powder and 50c vial
Perfume both for $1.00
tier the \, o yt at Campbells Drug Stele
Campbell's Drug Store
AND FANCIES ! I1nsuli. INtnI1Pr 27. -Rev. T.
\Vilkluw.u, Mr*. R'Ilkimm l, MIM
41.1. Jul...ton. Hiss Lila Hum -
IPopular 1 azaar Collegiate Notes
Window glass awl glazing Phone
480. AI.F. TEBBI'TT & SON.
The Salttord Hospital Auzllt*ry will
meet at the home of Mr*. Herbert Mor-
tis on Thursday. NovrmLK•r Rth. at
Draws Rig Crowd Maegtuerade Big Murree&
Last Friday's prumenatle, the and
Dinctimi put uu by the Literary the
Arthur Oh.* of Presbyterian tete' this tet•W, wear a derided au•r
Church Nets Over $400-Or-
r aisation Splendid
.. _1$.( 11.00tlnt(-L'JLrlla.-.. i.... ..:1g{jNi •.r.'tan l7tat`T - •'
SOON. jeweller, cant aide of Square.. urdull tares Ihe.lrthur Circle of blind. Wcyk, e
t tindertr't+, -- - - Knox Pre ,ebur h. booty* este- nor presoa • anti a tiskaiL._Cuulest.
The i.adies' Aid Kipper will be held lecture roam.* n'•• 'htur i, exerdel -Alex. Mac1'icur. dressed no. r ft,.
1111 Knox church on Monday, Novem- the most eptendide beets of the ladies year-old lad. won the Lew.' ilea pair
Iwr 3rd. from 5.30 p.w. Everyone well- of this organlsat1O1. There was a tial. with Raymund Iran, attired u•
come. Admhesloul 35 tents. lowe'eu touch to the wetting, with n ''k,wu. wand. Effie Jewell. lu 1424
Entry forme for the Lions Thanks- general color schema of -black ,old or, aid-fasbioued cewtume. sun the girl -
giving day races way be obtained at spec also carried out ll" the &were- AFq chwith
rie Da Ertl rsca neg.-
('ralgle'e uiwatand. ) i ttles wti
ay be ons of the apt`' attraetiee 1Notb1,
made up 1w Saturday night, November with here and tb• re Juei(-(i-lanterns, pertained
0 li•rn twe'en. wile others
ew re
Rth. witches and Bowels. The hbeiteetfes lards, cies The revue was tailors. slot
A euchre and dames under the aus- were Mrs W w•,1
O. \Idol:n and fin-- 1 tl
paws of the Canadian Legion will be
held In the (.kldfellows' Ila11 on Mon-
day evening, NovemIAr loth. Yards at
8.15 o'clock. Lunch. Dancing. Mimic by
4he Driver orMKetre. ' '
On Thursday aftenuoo, November
11th at 3 o'clock. the Ahmeek Chapter
I_ 1. D. E. will bold a patrioticpro-
. greasier brklge In the Oddtellowe' Hal
Emery woman who enjoy* a game o
bridge 1* invited to attend. Admission
10 cent*.
The sidewalk- on Wellington street
was cofnpleted today (Thuredau).._a
with it the contractors, F. Bell & Bros.
{rletiel their~-4Ootract. which. - year amounted amounted to 24,(11N1 square fee
not Ineludklg Wellington *trent. whit
(•ontraet w -aa made last year.
A young Howick township farm
hand appeared before Magistrate Reid
of Tuesday morning charged with se-
duction. tie pleaded not guilty, prelim-
inary trial being fixed for next Mon
day at Wingham. Bail of $1,000 wa
nee. The rtteMdane was barge and This is an important matter to anew
rhea the student!' ddapered at btu*►uess arra. ll" wy opinion, the set
alis{ i everyone agnea that re mo.4 rice after Christmas, and through t.c
lensinut amt happy time had be•1h r'•t . L tin• winter. is liable to be peri
noe,•I. .•fir T h, a otetl will send a resell"-
vrtt•ar ter it1,MtMwi •u1t.-ltrs:.ltwd. ,
Thursday. Oct $ r 30, 1930-3
people ll" this district am being treated
fairly." he said. "Frew all that 1 can
learn, people are strongly opposed to
the plau. 1 do not believe that such
equipment w•111 give service In the win-
ter. when the mutvdrift* pile up.
There la soother angle. also. The nee
train arrives a1• late that It is Ines,.
alble• to reply to lettere the same d.1y
E. Wiggins, asslete•I by N.ta•cy of spree- wine. enhanced by the a *cora ow.
tfve young ulatrIes and girls who of yellow and Idack' which covered w s>r • 0
looked after the ab•ely stream 01 put the assembly r.x.w lights. fruw nhieh' H ` i
roue who came aid went all afternlou, paper ribbons were hung ' in canopy
There was not a Little in the pra•wd- fashion. Near the clam' of the pro-
tnga, owing to is•rfis•t erg+inizntion, gram nu appetizing hutch of 1(e cream, 1
The preparation of afl.•ro.s.11 lea and coke. etc., wept served. Evelycl tweed
•supper was in tit.' effireeut, bands tat gretlident of the Literary . •tioelety.
1. Mise Belle MacVicar and.-'-eirs.-M. b.eu4d air utlh'er.r'r•spamldbll fi r,thel
Ainslie, the tea remit. to. in former eveuiln* 14 elltel•Iatllment and had 1tde `
years, proving the busf.•.t spot of this assistance from Miss ('oNalu and \lis. 1
popular bazaar, the re.--ipls totalling. .1(Naughtoan of tin• ttalhhlg stud'
Dearly $7R. t._
The next bawl sumer game will take
Th* $"mystery booth .' In e•harae ofI-plots -ae ll r4*I-V 14,4* s.'*i. MAsii.-.
Mr. W. F. Saunders and Miss Edna day afteritan( at_It't1 .'o`e11x•k, wln•nI
MacEwan, bad tR-,l tripods o0 which•tl.afottIL n1a,ys •re. The lea : te
t. hung the witchea' kettles. black cats shuttling 1* ns follows: r
h and wltchee, very appropriate for this.
reason of the year. "Mystery". parcels, Mitchell
- found ready buyers and the Tooth was Mltenet
Rei a splendid aucceat' nuaur•lally.
Many lovely articles, 14o4 '1114'*, em- (➢udrrfch
broldered things, of errry-drwrrtptlon, ?Mafort11
- children's wear, aprons, to*els, etc., Exeter
s were to be had la the fancywork booth, ['Untie' Wins at Seaforlh
which was divided into earkrtu. deyoa H- (Tinton won a Huron tm tercollegiat-
inerts. Those in charge were Mens,, soccer gem, at A....G 1(11 Monday night , _
George MacEwan. Inn. C. ME14. Mrs. Iry n se1.n• of ' o. Campbell notching
HERE is • merry sight to behold.
E. C. Beacom, Mrs. l .elute, Mrs. H. K. Someone 4* laying In a stock of but
se Revell, )Ices E. Jones. Mrs, W. Webster, lath goats for Ow tisanes, one in emit and good cheer The coal boys aro
n lira. ]sines I►onueldwnh, Mrs. Charlet' ia'Hal. L. McKhtighl ..f Clinton teres never so Joyous u when they enter e•
t Black, Miss E. S.uae•rvillt•, Mee. N. ('. referee. happy household They are the Ilia
of Lentiaway sad Yrs. W.TtWtclif_, - Lowe to„Leatden of the furnace. They lighten the
The homemadR lekint table war •Ip -._ti. -(`.'i, host t0 lh' league leaders. work of tending fires. They go about
so the capable charge of tint. W. F Oats_, Mltritf'1.'Tit the Miter town Wnlnlatlry their job without fuss or dust and sae
low, Mea Rod 7ohnrton art `3t1tG> 4y -y „y„b ^,- (i. 17it•'plai'
ro. Rivers, and with the randy table, 1l" W It that you Ree Int with ilea maul-
fairly even. but the heals were mum of ash.
chars* i, Mrs. t : 'Soul awl Mrs.71. {y1t11t1r't r ael•'r 17w„atruujt'S[iTtlf(rti1t(r ^'• - - CALL THE
he Mitchell, pretreated- a room temptLlg r . -
state. 1 fence.: t.ralerleli line-up was the shone
,---ct--poet fttla•4tve--taa+t14-saw t • as In prevMua_Lsmea• Otis.. year, with s s 1 a
e- "eountry store,- with its jellies.. 'yin rtsti+tyt1- v--• *tirl..et replacing glesav rWc
W pickles, catsup, fruit. ryn•tehles, etc.. 1tE.. COsold by Mn. M Durr. Mrs. (*orbit* Mil- 11I11lbin thank* Mike ■ B U3TAR CO AL
ler and Mill Tawe- Thomson. Along- Clinton Colleglatt• tootbellers ran tip Yi ,IJS COMPANY
phrey. qtr. torn Wood, and
In tlw eWr, for the a1mlKhtr duller, Helen Miller attended tete Young
manute1ycturerfr and mall -order hoimet-1t'01 t'a 43tU rn1j941 of the Huron Pres-
have flooded the market with font- by'tery at Belgrave on Friday. 1Tieliif
Iw•o attended as delegates.
wear of ouch l► uw standard n' ggallty Mrs. Archie Harter is very poorly at
that even the low prices tlw eon -maser
'resent. Her brother, Mr. Graham of
pays for these goods must be consider- the W'est. and her sisters. Mrs. ('amp -
ed exorhltant:- ron tidert lg the Ins' bell of lYingliam and Mrs. Brampton
standard of the material put in these of Port Stanley, have ween with her.
goal w.
abet her nephew, Mr. Jack ilramptem,
Our many satlsfiel oust •rs have of fort Stanley.
demonstrated to us that a little more Mr. Weston Woods. of the O.A.C.,'ttstd but was not forthcoming. accused
money added to the price of a champ• Guelph. was house for a few days last not having any friends or relatives 1n
ly-made 11rt1 -1c w•111 give mere than w-e•k. thishaving
twice the wear •m1 aatlefrctlol(, sad Iles awl ]Ire. Phrlp*, of I'urt F:I gin, A degree team from (loderleh Re -
Rave you real money. were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. mi
Won -Loot Tie
fi 0 0
:1 1 1
1 • _2
1 1
1► 4 41
Iwkah lodge No. tet, composed of
With our thirty yearn' experience
in Shoeleather and Footwear we ran
give you real service: and let ue tell
you that we get more satisfaction out
of our eattsfied customers than nut of
profits. Let un demonstrate to you, as
we have to others, that we put *revise
and bawdy before proltts.
We have just got in our winter
Rubber Footwear 'or work and play,
and It la the beat that (*amide pea- The autumn thankoffrring meeting I \ovrmtnrr 0th, at :{ eielak. Thr del
duces. I can safely gay that the Good- of the Herrin Mission Band will be i
rich Rubber Footwear Is the neatest, held at the manse on Saturday, No- r gate to -the ort. and
convential w
lightest, tnugheat awl menet r.nufortable I vemb er let, at 2.30 o'clock. Mrs. ( Rev.) f e her report' and the roll call will
t• stet today. t t rn mitt address the
Ed Thom.
The Women's Institute will hold
their meeting on Thursday, November
tltb, at 2.311 o'clock. at the home of
rs. John Miller. The
roll call
will toe
8. Noble. D.D.1'., and .raft, were 1
Mitchell on Thursday peening Of las
week eoxdurnng the tnstaitatloa
officers of 1l* lodge of that town. M
1 chaplain, al
Grand .rad
Abel. Re D
answered by quotations of frlendehip. 1Ym
The subject will be "Hospitality, Old
was present. rats (Ithrrs who etteudwl w
Mrs. Fred TOole. Mrs. Wm. Doak, M
and New.' MIM IL C. Rutherford will ,tltwrt Shore and Mrs. Mc•Corwell.
be in charge. Hotifesaiea am Mrs. Mc- The regular monthly meeting of th M John hiV N
held In MacKay Hatt on,Thuredt.
Ka•uzle Webb
• rs. out e u - (;oder1eh Women's institute will
Ian. Matters am always wek•otn4'.
refounded th with suggestions Lilt
In the nnadtan ma Ys L Heoble, of Beige
the beat method of keeping vegetables
over winter. Current events will be
taken by Mrs Harry
there will Iw a demonstration on hilt
your heat Investnent. n* aur prigs. are' meeting. The ladtea of the M. M. R.
right. are Invited to attend.
Whet km treed et Leather or Rubber The Young People's Bible CIass will
Footwear. give um • trial. and bring in hold a masquerade Halbwe'eu modal In
your regatta for a gond and neat Joh. ' the church school room on Friday, Oc-
tober 31st, at 7.30 o'clock. A good pro-
- I gram of music, pitmen, etc., will be
given and lunch will be served. Silver
reflection at the door. An invitation
' is estended to all the young people.
RFtiy. "
7 bet -Street Footwear and
ilk Slop
OTst l edOA
"Tbe.. etturrh does not vote as It
i.rny*."-(:Ifforcl Plnchot.
Altman nature Is dominated not by
1 mamma but by passion, feeling, emotion,
prejudIte and instinct•' -111r A'l'tar
Skin Covered re •
Now Clear and Healthy
Marvellous Healing by Well Known Remedy
Titers is nothing so simple in its
Origin and afterwards so difficult to
get rid of as skin disease. On .the
■rit sign of irritation, roughness, or
eruption, anoint the place with Zam-
Buk. This herbal ointment will
speedily banish all trouble.
When the skin is already aflame
with eczema, or poisoned or ulcer-
ated, Zam-Buk is the one external
application powerful enough to get
to the root of the disease. It quickly
replaces unhealthy tissue by new
el! r illnir`•Ttru w'i14 ire'alsed
at the quiek soothing and healing of
"My daughters tare and neck- seer,
covered with a mass of sore*. which
our doctor diagn'a.ed as eczema• He
prescribed treatment which we tried 2iC. taiga.
- for two month* Rhee( Ilei. The I
poor cMM'* fare had to be ••w ached
In beiodaaes Sod she was confined to
the house. t was about to call In x
skin specialist. when I heard how
Zam-Duk had healed many sufferers
from this dread disease. sof purchased'
a box of ointment and tablet of soap.
After a few days treatment there was
a greet Improvement: day by day the
sores disappeared and within a month
my daughter's tare was entirely
cl.sred of any ■IRn of the terrible
disease. without ■ single sear 1
can't say too mush of the wonderful
h•,111n2 power of Zam-Ruk."-Mrs. H.
A.. Toronto, Ont.
+er aea.
hlotehy skin, or suffer from' salt
rheum, scalp,' trouble*, poisoned
*ou*, o-Vpiles, you will And Earn,
Ruk quickly soothing -nal henll'S'r
It it -also n marvellous flgztatid for
cut*, burn., rte. Zam-Ruk Ointment
lox, 'Lam-Buk Medicinal Soap
*fdr the ii. I. T. Rroup had a thrB i ngntusf n Nurff + j
Moth In charge of lire *Ira. Smith, in :day afternoon when they fell het°r' g -
TIchIN)rnr. and which many iranlivdulls of all tnr home h•utu. The score w**=--11.ln-
rifntrm*:-cleverly end
mapper dl.he *. *lzee and deseprettily attired, were offend for sale.; favor ut Mitchell. Tido games
Blyth Standard : The play •'Dalry,•' Mrs. H. C. Dunlop• pre.ideut of the played on ('oneglate gee Is harmed of
presented by Rt. George'* Anglican Arthur Circle, expr.wel barge ! as LRecrtatiun
church Young People's Agroe'fation, particularly wen pleased with this (,sdrrkb Wise at Exetertet
uairrlch. under the aurpke* of Blyth year's bazaar and speaks highly of the I (;,xlcri' II 4'. 1. wall fr^nt rm r by
continuation school .In Memorial Hall efficiency with which the ladies of the I a were o[ 1 -f1 on the latter'it grounds night, was received by only ti
a small audience as 'the result of the
disagreeable weather which net in to-
ward evening. The play. which con-
sisted of three acts. was very credit-
ably preaentad and was deserving of
unstinted praise.
-A nepetrt-tawne et The Poplar Wand-
ard, a newspaper pubtlshed la Uwe -
reit county, Montad, Fa•ord*. thar-a.
H. Meliwain. brother of Mrs. J. J. Tif-
fin and Mr. D. MellwaJu. ut Goderidx.
la having Arimwiderable 'Innate as a
horn breeder. At tbe..rnOf
hi* entrk•e included two cows, a yea°
ling heifer, a hull and two'ealves.
Each animal was awarded first or 'sec-
ond place and rite herd was plated
ae(•nnd. Mr. Mellwain farms about
eight mile* north of Brockton, Mon-
Experts from Hydro headquarters to
Toronto were In Giderich this week
making a test of the new electric pomp
and motor installed in the waterworks
building last May. The elnlpment was ' ens was guilt.‘ of illegal practice 1l"
puniti v,' muter gusrentcr from the transmitting to the returning officer 1 New Equipment on London -Wing
The annual treat of
Victoria Si. United
Monday, Nov. 10th
Supper served from
5 to 8 p.m.
i'dluwed by program •'I
Mask aaJ the bursas Play
Admission -75c and 35c
Special Clearing of
All -Wool
Wind Breakers
Men's and boys' all -wool
Wind Breakers made of
all -wool blanket cloth in
fancy plaids with shawl
Men's, 34 to 42-
M. Bobias
at for tip Top Tailors
South side of Square
Special Removal Sale .
y eenori Radio,PhonographCmtabinitiott--Thiainst,JMM
'tient t1Aee the new' power dynamic speaker. with the latest ra-
dio ehaeis; 8 tuber hou*ed in a 111".t beautiful wadi nt {ibinet,
with --inlaid doors. REGULAR $4Ti4) OO FOR
Senora Highboy' Radio with 1v'reengrid ehaa i, walnut
cabinet and herringbone veneered doors, prt•ae!ting a moat
pleasing appearance. RN;UI'f.AR dl' Gfi (No FOR -
Circle wrecked Ot1t the details of or.- en Thnrwtay of last geek• The lose
ganlsatlon. The reripts of $401 are not tglly myna morel by Cook halt way to
art to he ma, s.11Itardhr silo the t Mures the first perks{. TIW'.rM'O t'4 O40 -
are to be made and a bile the total will
be eomewbat luw'er thau last year's cats temporarily in s *end pleee•. The
thea was•espllgbbl. The crowd wag even I teams :
larger and taarrr.om receipts broke all Gegleribh Gonl. Johnstone : I,ac .
rbs asa`atkgteMwot fwthille beCln
r.rtt ITaylor
nw: halfback., Fen
%) AllIZZD PLTTOT Eau. (instead awl waiter ; turward*
Mtea; Kay.ll'(nag'4Idket. Page end Fmug
rN NORTE HLTiiON -gnir. 1*erk«4 $i7=
than and Hrrtu l -Made
= } {IerinRVon : fert►afid••1
_ mad INTO, a wt. 29. .\ modal w 1
eta_ made at ()sgrode Hall on Friday Joynt, Mustard. S*►an*e`,-tttanlake and -
ea ►whalf of colt)) Murray. w•bo 1t4T- irenp+'r- subs-C-achrxua•-_____ ___ -•
sires to unseat George slottou, re-- Referee -1). 1. 11111. -
cently elected in -North Huron, fur -
leave to ■mend the petltluu. T'I..•. _p •
Petitioner wish's to .old that the_`.• Oil -electric Eingine
spoadent did ere transmit within the s-__...__.-
ascribed 'tion• a declaration of 111- L. -
t lerttn r e[iK•n•''•e -- - on L., H. & B.
Further, petitioner elle•gen regptnt
Turbine Equipment Co.. of Toronto, r elglled Herren rat rletlon rx{orus*i bad Run Said t0MorSe PIIuC
rml i. snh)w4 to periodical teat*. I)1* whkh olid Ih.et uh(iutlr ell _ exl •ms _ e Economical
crier Engineer Par -ker. -Or Toeonto, a*• iucnrnsl. '
signed to this db*tric•t, was In charge of
the 1nspe•tlol4 with Mr. J. Illman is *QLD LONDON. (het. .1. stn Interested
port will be the manuf*eturrrs. A re -n tfa IE wimp on the 1''t 24 m 24.--.An
port will be merle In the near fuMre to VfOrnt watched--lIW Huron_ rand__.
the local ble Trkk
sfon. ASITY1E tv TDWN$HIP, tier. 9k- '" 1 tr•tin move one yrsWrinc on the
A i Ialle abk NV. Wm. MacDonald recently went. dei of et In Tlw ,T.T skhlln ermine flint
Rlthe the Literary Society women_ ; to I.otKMn w'Itb a -load of f! z.=------ in+' wr faithfntly `mKadr the •(,'Ilty'-tw'o
n " i..tat"'post rrd'at.-ane- nkuoR1`t MlFR 3ltd(nct•m . rule form-. amigo to-W11Ighnw
air Inetltutr last Friday an unkuowro `Dent t6P` ar'ek s ma pulling thelralui *Melillo.. hot
thief rebeltin the front wheel of a with Irlring in Goderlch.
bpkw4Ing- to "Ted- Carrie, I lir. lienee \Irl)onald 44 ‚.ti("l to ina,ad• i powrrf-eight
b U.l'l l,trryllnder"
f• i,d tttttalde the school. Theeet *ft : hie bed with colt. is to IN T' 4+rth4_• t•d ^k III)ge fnite•, :toy
was not dlacoverel mail late and as around in a 1'•„ days.
Mrs Wr. i I:alttwr, est Lu•kuow, vie heir tial n straightaway.
Thr trees' rughlP costs tent three cents
Iter) at the Inane of Ynr. Albert Beckett '
last week. 1 ht nolle to rum es ngalusl-eiKlrte•n to
s required fur o derrin
rte l•Ity-Inn erns:
ii. and Ili Hugh Fergoaon re- I I w pwllyr 1'l"„1 •l1 is nrd to feel Ih'
u tu' ut
yet there him) clue to tfilr-Tdetlty of
the thief. The filet that only one
wheel w -ns taken has made the prom -
of recovery, . remote.
nit Billiards Teurname`iit -"
"Bud'' Sturdy w'Ns the whiner of the
4an,IMap Engtgh bIlliarde tournament ! 1le.Itb. 1'
In pyogres* at 4'rnlgie's parities for the r. Ilttrl.e•h I/acK'nzlc, of f(iut111. hitt Ka K, rnuhlnit.rue.ltf, Ig•hlud IhrU
past two weeks, the final snatch rat} smoker, tial lady • InuK Pt(' lml
which was played Monday evening. The !
repairing R his horse this week.
A very iiiolns loan nam locurred crnu{strtuhrlh,. The cua.•Ih iM of ext r,•lo•
runner-up wear Douglas Nairn. There'
Ilse flu sUl at Klntnil mus l'1' 1I. nlld is flecllrk• to nll4' It t.'
erre thirty-two entries and the highest rotPlly destroy' l by tire. Ii r. .1 It t.' rnrt+ It i. Jointed or 4l Ile ,
mad during the tohwell. ut. (H. waw Pott, of Myth, was the manager. and In.--meg•.__of the rnllistett•r. "rnrtimi
made 41; 15'. It. Rothwell. The rinnrt'
carried n ellh*radial h,tndlcap. but the Ore will mc7a a great hos to hiu' I'''t In ,1 +1.1a•hhnl the 1'1Ha.'h ,'.int; l'"
. 5
had to play- a (nimble game to I and will throw 0 plumber of men 1,111 1
through the tournament eOlieut el . of work. Hc• hay the symlnithy of the! the hnge " 904"r l." "•"rdinnry p:"
cummunity. +•eager andrtor
heat. He won a handihmw pipe. The farmi•1s 111fa tom trying to finish Ih(rus stated by \\' J. 1'i 4 t'l. sol„
Record t Litt Horses tet,...dent *ted . t,o,a1,,,, di set. . i
f fl w inR front the epergne Trh a
rise dlome of Mr + "- tic
s. Richard ldclmnalrl
neon a Water, \t t
Mr. MacDonald is greatly- improved
IIn foil -Ward `.1114*, -
rw•11c I,, -Lira. the 1.110114P-r,Krm is a .
P - 146
for your n.-xt order and treat yourself to the finest ,lualit\
of li rt*'crie* that can be procured at right Kw.- .
Ao' Butter, Eggs, Meats, Lard, Flour, Fruits
and Vegetables.
Calli0ied ink ime4 Ev trsicerne•
Eveready fT-tube Hatt'ryle** Radio. This set u'Pe the
(}mous 8 -tube. Eveready ebonite and Eveready built-in ETPc1ro
dynamic speaker. Beautiful No -mar enl,in.•ts'
Special at $129.50
Ask us about them
Controlled l C4*4.Ta EATON Co
by IMIT11D
Phone 464 P. 0. Box 468
, •
Ile o .t e fall plulring 7) A recent rain. 1, , - '• . .,,,,,a{, -w+N
The n n hMpwl cllnionr a y.
Hong of The Toronto Star is of toad ('omnnlliiun seerlrr w'fll be lu'M hh pin$^rm better en stn• raft during tin
Interest : `add L1's 1-4. lint rM, Menne)...
Ashflekl 1'm•l,'terlan church MI, son w-Iu1vr Ilton Atli 11y,' st'mnt .1'H•onwtie•r
( hptahl Grattan 2.04 M 4, 1 .1• Nolitilnl*•r 2Rin. T', ice f••it•** b4 (•oinh(o cntctith !tnlw
a R Te Ir the trotter. . Silent
Taft. and the - t -ie tr order, Silent The tartn "+ the late Alexander hie- ; dnrfmg rhe r,ltn.,nel •tY••n,tr.
(1rntten. The lnsf mentioned how hod a Murch)' was's'tlr1 by public election rm'
The emKlne was mode 111 a, .i•gon
Friday' aflennenti at KIMalI. Mr. S•^'tland, 1114444 ("lir y,'114 ace• mud ll"'
terry *ucr. Ite 1 ami ed the
t reason Frrm•le. of Dieknow,- wits the 'pier-. (soft twit. hnih 1n the \I''1'"n),'{I
TI1.y.•ar. trims Need the *tarter to I ehaee•r, It aldol f'".$331111). dnq.*: 44111, tb.• H4*.•inbl)r(K Io,:n:,r
$tram., finished fleet In oosoth1 there' The retch„• 1a Ashfield•I'redrytt•r• h1 \lomtrr„1, 1t.'l'r'• la•iut_1
ohne. m•1•1 4 an4 eight th01•s third. mofieney
I Wlnda
bras never been ont.hk• of the m(itter Inn i•hI1Nh on y were ,•ghtlh•twf 1e114„u1 \Vhhglunnl rim .in• tvstr' i+*'•'
nice he first turned for the word. jbe Itev. 1'. 144 s quxtthnnIle
'gave In and tied ef•l4II 11rhm's•ns li did. 11rterduy nit
Tlttw s mer he hog leen In the 'ban -'i .1 tt'' tour 1-4 will ii di . 1e• all right.-
4 i t
pitnl' three times for treatment Hud on evening. 1. thi, 1st nill•I.. 4.11 niKltt, 11 r1 ht.
Ikatiti -f Nr. Kate 11e1Jimmin.-'I'll"
?lr. txre tweets'
ern days atter he hod I2*1n t e ho shy ilea plated
fired he juned H mile Inn nice In 2 111 rleeth 1e•t•arr.-I OR Tlnnrgitar 4 h`tolg•r , i ulmeun who w.•m on rise' hh;+ngnrn
1-2 with the last es In 1Jct 1 2' i lard. of Mrs. 4:,•*Jamin a1 the home of r'.a .'f the new 1K"s'I
`11-2 w
et the ait ha tire` 'br,41w4•NI r. Jai1Us )1*ellona111, ou Ih• Lntahxl to 11"lugbnni arra do
A l:.sl.•rlch Inds• w'ho ndtcrt1sel nr*r Lu(•kpi,R"fllrlswd-iras►-4••e1'o 1u.ivetpl 1f the •4.1401 rttittn,• .ar-v'41 (2,44(
In hast week's Signal for H meld real"' 4cotlslKI andkip
1911 tthere whenome t,44n -•111wnrm•, rat and we ne'r
rel t1 the "pulling5,','r power" ri of SIR the
of ed
the 1' f age
:1 el II but spot the re. 'p.i"1' 'vertu
lel w ith ll. et ,' i,,1 a the
nnl want nolo A crrltable chow. r of mnlning yedrs in Ontdrlo. She *'n* ill 11Hr ,•I engine fr T,,rit1t0 (4H•i1*11tIuKe i
appllr•att'eut, err*renal arNl by tele {yr..'. 1ee 111. rthiO4s .
{ohne. ely lift fT ngn gf s mit • i for nearly len iAan and The.fnu - kit us nn the tail
immediately lifter The Signal was out great dent twnr4e the Pod. Thr inner i(i,1T1tt reit' 1w "'w 141
\With the closing of aborter hotel* el took Muer on IMtnrlay to Ie. -i HIsh far n fee more trips to :es' how n -
2many young woman brae found them cemetery t Hey. I'. M. (•ntgnitnin con llbear•rs 1111 We het four hdnntee em the rap trip ..
m•Icr* out of rmploymenf, brat only rinctd the w•ni"ea and tlw P"
n IlmltrA {MrPntaR! are wgnl{rpi!d to
were neer relit Iivon, naaselyMr \1'm eel .Is millet... coming d^'t n, bet this
Ido homework. There la abet • aur- Maelh.u*ld. \11 'Carl Maelhrnald. Mr Iw11t Il('ssii\'Ii11AN PM1TFe(T
ping Of *'had teacher*. •pplk•athwim Fraley. Mr. ''HkM, Mf. Hutu mldl*minl- \t'IItRllw+s• Itul„Nv aoTEayor 1',•11+'
for Hes ,'acan.y. In (IndPtb'b having ton. Mr- \\'m. !(1'2 1U. , an
taws► ryntrnMd to nicer thrrWr'fM They a I reshyterlsn in rel and was a 70'd w ,lr„e H.4 114,lnitl ii meet
s11 I I
mune -Mnwr ever, v ,',*ie izahle part at. t• tl nI m''mlaw de Klbbie Wonn•i, s 'nf tin Aest *In*t thin wHl M,
the Prot Ince, lm.• are from pcea01i4* ttF$lRnilP. site liners to, mourn her ',AIN .pstaslt•>D .re.4haffiln•t 11 tnl', by
two brothers. Mr. liAl VaYTitMmld ,rf-1l'trf►+Mr Iwtleeen Lorelei'dt n4'L "
'ittrrady employed who sloth a change. Nr. Jas etsctic,walal at the C,• Y. R.
ielntait, and The choice bill he merle (1t the Nmol I,Ieknew• alai „res daughter In 11•,reit. Wittei5,JIl.-..
I hen rdend.mw•Ih1n „f the public geh,wnl \Ir* 1'reley ••t do n•4 41'lie,.• Ihnt N Inel,;t2 .ural
Ise. rd s
Churches Public institutions!
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