HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-10-30, Page 4yr.
4 Thursday, ().tuber 30, 1930
highest quality
Frits and Vegetables
Telephone your next
order to
Geo. Price & Son
Telephone 248
Corner of Square and North ren.et
DONNYBROOK, O('T. 27. -Tile Y.
P. S. meting for. last Friday night
Was withdrawn owing to the young
's convention held ut Itelgrare
LUCKNOW, Ont. 27. -Mrs. Rohr. Rae
is reported to be w•rloualy ill.
Wirt. 61111/1 ', of town. who had the
misfortune to fall lila day tarot week,
le, we are glad to report. improving
lock to
ler Festival
One MIII.Filland Forty Fowl DL.
y Magda- BUC
society. Next ,IMdaT s " un or
t, { {sMw'rs►4004 ••• t the -Ripley Orton+ In the town
Mrs. Norman Thompson recently oil Friday evening The lrtiyital to,
spent a few daY+l with her xtrter•td- i 'Nit. Mac N'ah0+u. of Stratford \or 1 ohm e►Mreh
la•nI the week -end at his Idiom.
law. Nino. Pearl Tftnulp!aw. of WIug•
haul. 1 i ar}' srrrl. .tf the
Mrs. \Pard wad family spent Sunday
at Seafurtlt.
\Ir. J. I. Johnson, of Srafurth, spent
few days •with Mr. l:. 1\'alirei•.
Mrs.-t'_„lefferapil had as risltors on
Sunday Mrs. i're'Iericksln of Valley
City, N.D., Gladys Jefferson of WIl al-
rteek. Mr. and Mrs. J1 11111 R. Jefferltn
and family of Munro, lir. and Mrs. ti.
M. Jefferson Will family of t'lhtton. Mr.
Sm Jefferson of Mildmay and Mr. and
Mrs. C. Its Jefferson.
The Princess Pat is the
last word in stove making.
DoVt buy until you- see -
hrniture Exchange
main dotal[[ M mom"
Vrr:teYrit'I,14. 41*'
Airs 01Iheft Woods. Exeter. visited
one day last week at the home of Mr. sou. under the .ilc'blr leadership o n1. 1r . o
-fed- Mo...I. Wotan' Campbell. Mise I•cun Carrick. of 'leen W' w"n d.
Mrs J Klllough. of I►ungamum. •fAr7r, iiui tl (Ms mime M Mr Mr'. WJII lee'. w meld -Baia -pet,} .The C. ti. I. T. are holding a mak.
tau I trr..Mrs. Wm. Eelly. C. 11. Douglas. tions. -It war a c Tisk well done. I oinerade party h1 the hall ou Friday' ■ -
e The HE • +'1' wax the eltlaing evening. 1 tetober :dist, when ghosts and
Ihrwn through ti
11 11 enviable rep
territory as an
the Indies of th
p1a•r of 1truwiller
'pad reiwat*r.
i. i1 111411 ranted
liter a wide
.4.11 1111011 which
x• nun tl ••11 aer•e a din -
1 uihrl ilTIa. will Ix• held ami Nurem ro raw of hlgb- I vhe ort \Vrdutwlay.
Is•r _mid. Tlu• following er•enlug a taut ucr t e hue wi g
.up$N•r told alu luten•aing ai grew qutlllty 'r*tettal thrown In fir Mr. \Vm. 1.. Young is
busy picki
1 will Iu• giveti.
, the Dur prier of -lou. Little wtto- 1 ata! tacking lila apple.. a llh•h are a
_The firemen lire staging a Ilollowr'en 1 der that pee •4 ptrg4e wade' light crop but geott sample.
-- fhcl.r w mitt; to lhr pk- The county truck is drawing gravel
fwasyuerudrtilauce on Friday. (M'tula`r i e iltaeei
dirt. The dance will c,ntomru,•,. mit tl; hlnrapue tlf Itee into of organize- for resurfacing the road from Dunlop
for tion to flew ti ,wiser of hungry to Carlow.
1 P.
r• tocapably Wled I i• Young'sbrother. M i Val F i +cit•
1 •hl •k fur with mitt Sunday last.
alacrity and it tad in Inas than Many old neighbor., amp friends at -
CARLOW, Oct. 29. -Many members
of Carlow euugreptton attended the
anniversary services at Wwwiler
United church un Sunday and enjoyed
the sermons by a former pastor, Rev.
E. Poulter, uow oS Varna, and the
special music by the choir ender the
efttrettes en Mew 440e+.+- it, !Nett. The
supper atul a'uiwert nn Tulveday nitltll
drew a number also.
The township council meets on Tnrs
day, November 4th• the first Tuealay
lnrtead of the sec mid as usual
The Lord's Supper will be obaerved
in Smith's 11111 church on Sabbath.
November 'AaI. with Preparatory ser -
o'clock harp Belies will be grae•1t people ie so nab, hut *eala 1t wax I M anti Mrs . John Young and the
the lace wsotuuM•'. •af the lent wet Misses Rub)- amid Bawl visited w•tti
TIt Uuit'd olnu'''11 • a ' carters of the e. vide, with sleeves Milt. !rut ter. r. ,
chid- to Teamster for a tuaxquerudc rolled fp en( uc hutldrld and and .Mrs. Fisher to ltalerich htaushlp.
aoalxl tri Thurssluy, rl' linter itrth. \• forty geese du, •• t ' e
' good time is expecte!.
of llrwUUn• four bats al ,at retained ars tended the funeral on Friday last In
Mary Wilson,
slant the week -end with frietds in .arcely worth 1 win ' g The naves ..onset... of Afro Joseph Tew•slr) late
i ARa
\I Itoalet Atdr'w. D oar 11 t►t.
Shatz) wT11 111alMrenrs. Mr. tttxt-Meaf-m.•nts teethe ea •••n -e-. tow 1.at110* Aid 4 1004144 of ltuckwhent from Mein -set ata-
.af the a'ns.• work of prepare- ! tion. paying the farmers 1111 events per
Gwt. Yudtvw•. - ' f 1 •I I
stn•)- "frllb" wPi ulauy ata! tasty. the of l's, pr), a r
f Toronto. spent .0 , ser tneritl .1.•111-omnnrl ovomplt- I,• Lir. This. Wlllton shipped [nuc etre
■o■ ususimaa■•■•was ■aa [■aa;
1 -
at Pridham's
Saturday, November 1st ;
$5eoo,.$Io.00 and $15.00•
Men's Suits
vlslttalg ha r g l
I1u las Campbell and Miss mr It. It 1's, wenn,. of Ottawa. is
spending a few days .
lir R ¢ observance of the witches will be out with games and
Wlnuifrel Gambit wrre'Seaforth Vis- s f t s at Ills hoar Iters *jpr
$15,00 ant $zo.00•
auction u,,- •' `
t third analiter. •.t the remodelling of 1 •h. all fur a moderate foe. ■
;tors ou Sunday.•
and Mrs. Ernie lltcht uu, o[!the clta jeDuwt•Ihhwl iu lir'7 ata lies. A. I. Heuderttai attended the
t+tau• called on Luckuuw frtt•adg era[ of i IN ole• intervening years banquet 1n Clinton, given In honer of
Mr. Wm. McDowell was a London
liars ■
visitor on Monday. on Tuesday.
Several of the men in this vicinity
rittendetl the farm wile of the Wm. Net. and Mrs. Itr,ewu cud family i by the board of 't
- r1 n 11 •ss United (church of Canada on Wednea-
Youngblut estate ,ru Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tyerman, of
'11aforth ; Mrs. Norman Carter and
daughter Joyew, of Alma. and Mrs.
James, Eleley, of Londestsoro, visited
at the home of Mt. and Mrs. W.Campt. the annual thaakotferlug meeting of j remodelled and i•ftlrulsllel : r base -
the occasion
being Mron Wednesday.• Campbell's seventy= the Victoria lflsrton Band will be !midi went was built. the nuperatrutturt
ou Friday evening, November 7th. brick-teneered, a new entrain* ami lob -
birthday. ----
.te•1' and. Iles t. 11 a
on a been a sub- day of Inst week.
The reopening of the PresbyterialIauntie omtrlbu'ot Formerly Meth -
pallet friends in town on Monday to say. the Ltdi, - Ud Ila
church will he held on Sunday, Novels- ,ailat, fiieamtlder rhu,•ch dates lack a1-
nowt to the foutsbae of the village. A DUNGANNON
Ier :1t h. Rev. Kenneth McLean. mit'
h at the murnittg' faux• Mandl f••r tears attest on the
\\ it1 ghaul Kea, a' ng
•i'w. present site ars ?brow )ears repo it was
• be built at the trout ,not choir loft and
ocicxxxxxxxxxxxxvonocmccecI{ SEE T
DUN(:ANN/ON. INt. 20 Mr and
Mrs. Harry Ryan end daughter Marls,
of t.italt•rlch, spent Sunday at the home
of the former's mother. Mrs. J. Ryan.
Mts. J. Barkley hats returned hone
pulpit ad41•.1 at the tar.
from Westfield, where she visited her
greeted t former -pastor. -Rev. 1.. A. 1 Mr ]as. McFat 4 rn. of iwln10a,
1'oulter, now of Varna. It was indeed spent tilt week -end at tow home of Mr.
a heartealag re.,•Iaion for Mr. Potdter. an(' lies. R. A. u. w.. lt• Mra. Me-
+etas was alatltae 1 +tt ltrumlllrr when Feebern and children. Mary awd-
the chartb entered union. ItoUi morn- .Keith, who have been vlalting her
parents. returned home with him.
the m.
1 h1 Aanday •:11uirity '1ngry tutus daughter, Mrs. Westfield.,
ingsnd evening he sate his texts from
Boys' Overcoats
at $8.5o and $9.95
Everything in the store reduced
"The Sion IIIOIith tide ser 7Wiiilielse 57
Men's aOntario. ■
ri_ 1111 n . _ - -- --- --- -- ■
■■■ ■tiiil•raaa.a■aaaraa■aa■■
tl 42nd Mal w the aliening [roam flies Annie Moore spent Sunday at
/fig ` _
/'♦ FALL (7T TL: the [teat verse t taro the subject was Vj Lw4 -Soul F)Matistsiun and dlatJsfae- her home in R'hitechurch. "fiuif la the Nimbi" misty Mrl'
lion.' and is the evciiuC [runt the neV- Mrs. Donald Fowler. alio I1alt been •
J Path Vernet with thee .ubje•t. "The tall visiting friends at Flesherton, returned d txfa `
ON DISPLAY -AT -OUR EflR Both mere simple, *ern home on Sunday n
est appeals to lead righteous lives and The L. O. B. A. will hold ti" iF lral a4 riot on ter pp
thus at•hbe s true happiness. in the vacant store In the Allen ldet't whir: pfis." 3eortte tOgr,M and
1 The retif mu.i, on Sunday was In on ins I Saturday a Rea h. n , gni
Stuntiiiii-New Fall Frocks
Lovely new -silhouette anctrattecliine
styles for every occasion. The new FroCks
are elegan.tly fashioned of 'smarted DCW -
materials in die newest favored colors.
and our display includes adorable Evening
Gowns in diaphanous silki, races antgeor-
gettes, in • lovely pastel shades.
" choir leader. lad wife of the minister In the Goderich hospital, swot Sunday
AD i In the lidilliille the ,•hoir rendered the •1 the 1111•10 01 her miriade, Mr. and
11111 he= Valle 1 lie 1.411-11. 0 1117 SOUL Mrs. Burton Roach.
and in tnenrallei .11 Lord. How Mani- Mrs. Rota. Devidaon. who attended
fold Are TIly Work.. " In the morning asi executive meeting of the Trustees'
At the ocr, fee iineta were rung /dra. R.obt. Hasty has returned home
Long le, neem0Pelliast• to. has returned home.
by Uric W. tang and Mrs. Pitbiado after a week's eleit with ber dangh-.1 .
--Cleverly Fur -trimmed Cloth
- Coats
at savings such as were never
offered in past seasons. These
new c,oats have adorable new
flat An -Slavish collars, new cuff
effects. See our special values.
- -New Fall Blouses
show stunning lingerie touches dainty frills,
jabots, collars, etc. Sleeveless and long
sleeves in shades of eggshell, sand, flesh,*
white, powclet:blue.
Milliner:, Selling
Men's and Young Men's
For Men and Young Men
of discriminating taste our line
of Overcoats of superb, exclusive woollens
are sure to appeal. They look like custom
products of expensive merchant tailorsi_ Try
them on, note how they fit. They give you
most value foryour money.
aad bY Mr- Arthur rteber and Mr. ter, Mrs. Jobn Rieke. of WInglianE
Jacobs the ffittaing 111,
Grained and varnished
with glass, galvanized
screen and hardware.
LER? Door made of selected
tuber by tbe choir At a happy gathering of yelling whi handicap/y(1 with unsightly
letnuelt els.. Nests • Yoga, Pe4vie'fi or- set. Dancing and ca a
Co-operative Sale' Friday and Saturday,
October 31 and November 1
This Store is co-operating with other merchants of Goclerich in putting on a
big Co-operative Sale on Friday and Saturday, October 3Ist and November 1st
1 values in all lines of merchandise prevail on these days.
'Shop where you are,,invited to shop"
- Pine 40
dillittiTt' held blotches on the face., eyes with yellow
: iffl,111141" 08-41$01 nge• The were presented with- Headache,Dinninlalgana ifiliONIIIIM113-
1.1111ire Aid. Rev. Byr.n Smell Weig_krewn Rmikime with Carter's Little.Liver Pak
your lazy liver, start the bik
.1111011111doo and, es is wen known. an inroughout the eeentnig., without
eirasent ht. Nee Wee all smit,o4 as be held on Monday froni the family mai- purely vegetable. free from calomel
seasoned ptne 1 1-8 inches
thick. also -instal Window
. albst pre•wilt Meambent and TnendaY funeral of Mrs James FAwards Wee They also act as a mild laxitivi, tributed upward. - -
-NILO: ...c1. was early hone out for and friends gathering to pay a final and poisonous drugs, small. easy to
swallow, and not habit forming. The) . _
greeted ti... numerous rblitorg. The dence here. many relatives, neighbors
Alf. Tebbutt & SOD
the entert.ionnewt. tbe Wale. and choir tribute. Mrs Edwards extend- are not a purgative that cramps ca
. Canadian F,nter- with great patience and fortwitandi el"1". The pains, unpleasant after effect follow-
ing, on the contrary a good tonic
loft being pronged Into ',service to ae- mg over aeveral months,
tainera •.f I. pretended • Tar
death of a daughter -Stria Minnie, In All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. Ws Darer
program of valet Ini0/. duet's, trimil (slimly summer, had proved a severe
and quatteitoos, popular 11 114 I eInnn11721* , blow •nd left Its mark. The late Mrs.
Edwards was born near Barrie. Ont.,
with dialogues and much wholesome!
comedy ilitorsperard. In the Intermit,- !Res -platy -one years, ago. She was a 1
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil•
dressed 111.• :mattering. Mr. Snell made itam Irwin, 141i, i„,./.s. ty.suipa her
an appeal to fernier/ to make a speetal husband. two sons and two daughter's:
"'ff.)" 1'. 1,11'1 "MO for straw of the un- Robert of Los Angeles'. William of To-
employ...I m the eltleii." He mtated that rialto. Mrs. Jordan of Belleville •nd
hundred. ..t good men were willing to 1, Mew Senior of Toronto; also eight
come to th.• tarns and work.. for their brother,' and 1/114. sister: William Irwin.
board NI, Penner extended congrat- Wiarton; Robert. Kincardine; Thomas,
Wm • I- to 1 11e officials of the church ['Risley ; George,. Dungannon ; Henry
nut, sine ,,f tile ittinit'er.ary services cancer: James (a half-hrother I. Thorn -
who eonsineted the fullers! service,
voted anti faithful mother anal wife
Al'Illit \ Oct. 7M-klibas Mildred Rtid a woman 111 111511 Christian rhar-
Mut -111twTtlilrlIKIIT" liTlTr"MWPMetretw"laarty_. -*net beautiful. The
Vartin. 1, at 'prevent at the home of liam. Thomas. George and liobert
' Irwin. a son-in-law, William Jordan of
MrN*D.I..111,411 NAItiralikligh.W. Tn.. Riddell arrived Belleville. and n nephew. Hamilton
I ttttt ie at. sattiftlaf later "siting with Irwin of Marton. Interment a -n,.. made
Mr. Itidd.•11111 father. Mr. Wallnee, of in Dungannon vetnetery.
Mrs. IfelvIn ileell. ,if Saskatoon, who
Mi-- I. A. Welsh. of l'ine River. i at present visiting her mother. Mrs.
spent the v•esigend at the home of Mr. 'tlirrist. la "till week renewing nequaltit-
and Mr.. It II. McGee. Laneen In Litvicitorr before retorting to
Stionsadein tba fore part of the week.
il.,,..,..3.i.fti•.1'...:"..6-1,,qrs. Fro*. of Flint. Web..
Mre. Ernott's sister. Mrs.
In Krim: Presbyterian
y morning. the minis-
ter, Itc, W. lir Goodwill. officiating.
nor. 1r ..• liri, Roy ▪ Farrovr and ram
• werV week end vIW. Weather for A11/` fingt 11`W daym;
vrhich he thinks vrIll bring calm, dry
winds. rain. sdos. and fro* about the
-Teo. tearing( the Baptist church op
middle ilf the nutittIr, and from about
rAutelo‘ Ths116110111 WISP occupied by Het.
the W.,,t1 to the end. strong. heavy
ff. W 11 galley, of Jeraeyville. Ont. ,
Mr. Bowen, for yearn knewn iia tlw
mop of IllatoWortft; Una- resides al
Owen Komi& Ile it Atli it atinient
of the weather and hoe forecast the
coodIthitis of the next few monthk
He OOP the first touch of whiter
will her notleed about November 7th
and that the first real onalaught of
her 22tiol. Most of the- 'A inter months
nil 1 I he about the lines of November.
1:::::::: 11114dwreita 1."Itinwev,:n. ialtufinIns part of . laprember will sew the finish-
74.14lietof isnot was ori.„,ai Th. pert of "111.11•411111*114.e. Ile r I nips lasting a
itikard. actor ubt,.h Ing up of the storms of the latter
T114....41;ix • ;be....nwg:t inn ,,, m 1,,, etIve 'undoes* and quiet of December
sm.., ion. •• Next particolarly the cold, tont the compor-
singing of
'111 4 Illi 1 ..:.• et r Bert Margh fir•it sviiirlillyidehe,,,,,,rel.itrri.mis,k,,emn.trvlitymistiiis;,......t.t....:: f.manit nh et he
Xviaryone Is Wele(11111e 141
to aniline but I here err promisee of
ibalf will Ise nowttimi. but -site last
half aboulti be quite etarmy. HOW
for the farmers 1 nehlthiNted (hi.
pant ...inonee. drought von remem
ber. and those who followed my ad-
vice ire thanktng thernselees foe It '
Phone 488
We have Just received a new line of hope 111111 youths' Booty
They •re made of good heavy box calf uppers' with double $011`.,
Inner Role leather. outer pole l'anco. Slid a solid leatlwr betide sole
These are Roots that will sire real ...writs.
Misses' lines of potent. gun niettil. anti hrowu (.81f. Strafe nod
Oxforda priced at 42.011. $2.22, 112.14. SIM nnii $3.35
Phew 42w .7. Inee *rare
' wilt be 'peered in Knox Itnifad
Ossirley, November 2nd.
of lite ... Preps -di irrvirr
Iwiwio . Ts relay evening 0" W'
.111114 ..11elpi Rubenstein
The Picture, that you wilted for!
Monday, Tuesday and Wedneaday
klier Doer Miller's best-R.11er Hassi, 'ha Wallis ...creel. ,ti,
Claudette Colbert and Fredric March
Truly • *crown sensation
Thursday, Friday sad
"SWING IffroiGH"
r he World's Biggest Circus
is the hickgr.11,141 for this three nog 'brill show !
Posterity throe hsotl-pieltod attractions/
'ft* short fedi MOS st 7.14 and CM. liatleawe Wydziondalf nod
- Et polite: MINIM Me : Chthlreer Ilee. Illiatiterea : AMMO, NW : -Swam..
Evening Price. WIII Prevail at Holiday Matinees
4.0111. a