HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-10-30, Page 2.y. • THE SIGNAL* 2--T urgday. Ostnb•r 10, 1990 4 sbM ed 1148 pQpo_ 1 : CANADA ■ettanee et n Nona- /r Pubahel iV: 7 Thur�f ttaor*1* .' Oeb•crlptlon price 12.00 per year strictly in advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Telet*one 35 : Geleriel% Ont. W. II Robertson. Editor and Manager tires in England and that her {wile I M but were ed. informed that person was to Fifty Years Ago I aad t be deported. Whether r {a�raun e'ho � retU week' ht1K1imt. r, ?tern yearr 1n thb (mate here were prepared to take eare of her arried in Kirk NILE NI not -_-- 14W __ - tvwa>btr try 414 or �ItlsrnM p way 1�.g _. 1 w • Iwtt_ at._ •W rate air. wound) , � Mrs. Robert E11T"OR!9-7' -ur should 1a trea� ` Godericht "Helve - GODERICH, ONT. The Story of Tom Thumb Golf - Mrs. Henry Mathew* Bernier and Gordon. a, t\'tlur.at*Y otter • the house of their n4 \Iton. of Aahtleld act in Nus L•rtlweYt y�,... '1.l.r'11ay toot sod oiler. for the'ErT fllec' ..�_� attendenee w ..orae..Wedding quip& ! lieortWss proceeding., chieed. where it titlieti. kointVtgrsary of their wed* Illt• over the wee11,11,1 ..1 the home of Mrs. THE GAS TAX with their wives., husbands and fatal- 1 retreat,. EDITORIAL NOTES Bonier Cities Ittark 1 ft last week f How lllll !kr fowl slippers have yon ! Ite., were protept and With intimate • "taken illiS fall? • I rive (*cuts tier gallou iA 100 high 1, (friends some twenty-030kt Sal lION II to dinner, the centre of I bite of this Province. Three 41.111S ails the table being adorn's' With foaLr- Hallowe'en pranks si ttttt he kept ktufficient. More merlon. than that. I ttttttt short' wedding cake Wks • wr (laugh - alt. (*oiler, of t 'I IA tankage. Tenn. le me-iii-trwilu-1"thutub- part of it comets with his • Southerner Who Originated the erase Doesn't Know How II anprined slate the days of little hit -Tror ner- -may school child will tell you about if it so happens you hake forgotten the atory--tikumbr and plums have peen 104110eLated with rash other Wlir nor! They make it per - He war then making $1,000 a doy but &diet believe it. He war sure it war a dream and afraid he might wake Ducked to [sough 1.011rtle$ emit it 1,410u; we *old them for $2,000 and then ducked arotutd the corner to laugh at the twoo* money." lie goes tat. "But I don't know which was tiw fool, for tiw fool -_ nualth_gutt the rest Wale I doesn't begrudge the profit made by I l customers nod is apparently quite 1 satisfied. He quit feeling very friend lit* and very, very pleakwd with him- ime gloated contentedly. "Anti 0 110 feet rhyme. this matter-of- fact time. when ttunwry rhymes are perhaps a little out of date. the rule atill holds good. Witness the exiwrietice of. Garnet ter. Mot. Jack coenell• of G Riga Jeanie Niet'aittm. ======= L MPS wouldn't If they otumbleol on a darn - foul piece ot heck like I did?" in the Gode, hospital. spent elev. 1 introduction in A.turrit.a of the Tont mA HEAD and ego. Vrienda eral days of la., ,,,••1: at the ho trithin bounds. Itey. will be boys. lakt ever. is tike Opposition charge that Hilt -bride lir " h"1141•"1"11. me of I vbs. they should not be nultatnees. called during -the day to extend fetich lwr introits. bit Uric J110. MO( 111111 Ntiall Annie beet The Baltford gage predicts' another the Money collect.s1 in ill . 'wing U11011 for road building Rad MAW. fathom. and 1,011,1n. Thittul, glilf Urea*. You've heard I BRONCHIAL about it?' Very probably. Then, for I the plum. In his 114AV 14 was a COLDS "cool- half million dollars, tor 1401110' ineks___Ns Ignors_as sea month rit own. hut rustuttr,--rwet.., woo-, _11,14441,1LS ciatr'st, that tlw " I the gond old days of yesteryear were friends here 'RA, 'wt. sikee.s.s. 1 Very easily could Mr. Carter tom. Ant Swallow II RAZ -MAN Capsule Master Horner. anti (-rim. ••thw Restores normal breathing. Quickly. anotoriat is In.itig espei-iairy taxes or , II • lir 1141 V/64.. Flank TakublY111 101allnintr tee, see how good be is at tills+ f It lig_ tr sate pa • coi le. • mates,.."ei 10,,k tit.er wlutt goal boy am I." He tiovan't. stop& all choking, seeping and moons 1 in bronchial tubes. Gives flantly unfair plan. 44. haa Octiever Nth. Boa, that 1...iiile-distro, Imre nte-sts at tiw 110111e Pre Ime 'knit' Is, hi itt.lake_too fatha ltutwrt Kay' anti llargaiwr Grain= lir. 1111 MM. Fro414,1 NIN011 011 T11014 - other -Ite'a just • little afraid it's ao injurious or habit-forming n 11 it credit to himself. For an- ong ni% of restful sleep. Country said he einild nettle the Em- Liondoi. Advertiser . Preohrterian church. Kincardine. by ths op. till parties in (Ireat , the late itev,,,J. I.. Murray. The lorkile plry trade tirolsiem in five minutes. Britain were filled with 'goodwill for 1 wils I"" 1""1 0111 fr0111 FASII la OIL her Woulti he adopt a 4.4 tariff? • • • 11‘1,14C (ituernuutul. It meow, a the *tires hi Huron W*10114114 -11 WAS 41 )1.11111 t how it all happen "Just stniall,led on it' and non count less II sands are stumbling over ob- ner course,* alai' popularised then - selves. almost in spite of the Tenons. Irove without an overeiifit ten lir. and eel. ta-orge took lu the fowl woofer saw Purl 4 Tell7 enjoyable even Mr and Mra Ceett Maw kg with Mr. his vicinity concert at lag. Ali ra awely a dyeatu. from which be is goon Sheer Accident The golden -plum" extracted by the unto ho atarted ever). city 011 th puttering about little gol emanate. vy as alkeer accident, lie de- I ciares. and he atilt buk't quite clear 1 *- ell to Mut lie 1 SLOOent box at drug stolen Sand in Z -MAH We have on and choice as - softest of JUNIOR BRIDGE AND - TABLE LAMPS NOW IS the time to make your selection and brighten up that J. R. Wheeler FURNITURE DEALER &ad AMBUIANCS =MICE RA&mitten Street times. anti vrIwit lino' times come the in oreditiii: I. miles fur hIg britle-to-lw anti. after the The cities get the (Teem of the good whole olountrj is tomst to ht:III thefe market. Shaw then there loot twen a i veretuony• 11411 3: to the fannikotow for Thounta. okUell at• 100 S1011111 11 brother. ‘1, Herb Pentland out, ishile4ellef ix deuied to the smal- ler place.. 31 hie clutuge-Johilintitt,w Canadian t•ocernment's at ack upon 'Wish trade- upon the eountry which he best customer_ for. Canada's' agri- cultural surplus aud- which buys from Letille, seventeen -year-old French-Canadian. won wecomi place the international oratorical, contest at . Washington. comiwting with young men of eight nations. Quebec bait long . Mr. 141141W111 shies_ALthe idea of a the wedding break at Miewyan000 tripe:mere not fashionable , Monday. -, Ili (Now days. the connie grilling down t lir. anti Mrs. Nisi I. Stefanie. Allf in Kineardhw. where the groom was now. visited on sindity With .1111r employed by tba ate Andress Malcolm, :Mrs. Jame* McIntyre. - furniture nuinufacturer and father of --- • Malcolm A few rearm later When 1411e Wall ginning. WilITECHl'i -Thumb golf. Vanua' putting AlturDer Carter didn't even origimutte Tom „for every dollar's winit -itNo-hrty from - AWING THE WRONG YARDSTICK throughout Bruce and Huron round's*, .011 tint. 27. • Mr. and I have been in existence for retie yearn --- tilt. Thome* Tinwa-Jouraill_ following this calling for . Ow greater Mrs. Robert Putd,-1, al111 kindly open, i on tiw grounds of a few European 14 tor with bcr -,,ster. Mrs. Irchm 1 hotels. Rut he built the finit Mort+. A Signal reporter called at the Kay IlettrY• "It 1141"11"" : ran cours -on Lookout Mountain. LW . Tlw wrong yartistiek is tieing Nosed to Pert of his setiVe day*. sure the value of atocksomatintheuet lionie CAI Moseley and lir. Kay took The trustees of S. NO. 10. Kinks*. 1 Tennenswe- -and otahed in an the .1. reit- are 1141dIng davit w• boo' re-openhig on I den pointlarIty of the pule which CLOTHES EXTRAVAGANCE! iluttallgiT1 Noveluler 10. in the sau miniature 4.011171411 ensilaging up sent time according to a pr tariff on the peoplis'a food. HS Labor New l'oe-iinker. He .slitd iest week -.mid Liberal opponents perhaps would 1 that there was 114c, mt.kre rkeatsonittso mea• afternoon,. A sood pothing better than that he shotild offultleprq lotweithrann- were more friendly /1141 41114'111111e pared and an the former leaelwr. 111%1' tion. Then the inieotion amid he hefitre the kwople without •ily "Ifs" or -buts." The preacher who dubbed the big • nickel tfie "tieril? quarter,- because it appeered so often on the collection reflect that there must be something P---111rring with-tbe preaching where such The Menton' Mirror report's that the council of tlint town at Or meeting hod week for the first time in its blotory pailawd snow -plowing amount for Oc- tober. The maid *Winn left ektht or • ears ago and there wag toot the toren requ to he prowent. did it.- moue Carter. atLi slightly :, length of time. The valour port or this, i ass. A man's word ruil-M-htore thaur, Lengatt and a., -I l'ollorit attended in tercet within two years; from e wall Itkely to be maintiktned for any shun' practice in im.doeso there is to- , .he asserted. wag that during's period- -it 4'44' Ill'w• mid skIll"igh irsires were the Sunday orbs,' ...nrenlital In Hilary 1 ttager-41111buill hIn fairyland counw. twf depression the melting' prim of .a Lotlir $1 00 to $1.70 a mon And his wife lost Toeottor afteriass and evening. -The meows Just sterna •-rolling In. stot.k wax genernlly at a lower ratio of I wlee better off than they' nre todIO on Miss Ida McQuoi.1 •pent a few days and it kept on etuullag, .11 .was aU last week with Mr. Patterson. of an neckletit.- when stin•ks ginierally sold at from I Why. rent WR0 01113' $3 li. ii4-1 a. l '1 lll 11111•r ""110W - lir. George Garton. sr.. 111411 the min- Tiw story of his fairylantl courar 1 Berk lard Agousentant earnings than during a boon, ma.rind 1 t 0 or even three timem that looney. .tometimenitMesa-The value of a stock, fortune to have hi. Chinni. cut in the is the itiotory of uminiature gulf. Car - twenty to thirty times earnings and 1 A atilt of eldthes 'Iambi lw hail. custom - he held. 1411011141 he conaidered oti the t front in to 1.3 cents. beef a-fe-1411-ramita..1 raw -mill last Friday. tie is, improving , ter www, president of Fairyland Itin I made. for from K. to *In. Butter toAsi I basis of its earnings over a perital (4 MOW 5 to 10 renal". cimicketts--i-Weet-MG-m ii/www. (Wm" the tuinry la still_ MUNK ion Lookout Mountain and. desmite a ' yenrs rather than for a short tinw. ,, pound or 2.-• vents each. Shoes could be PlIkriful• riaeody flow a ridicttio. *tartest put': 1 inol for front $1 to *A.- Mr. neltePt 514.1.1 and NIT% Barton. of I ting 111 tiny gross, hazards and tun- 1 HOW .1 GOLFER SERB IT ' Although Mr. and Mrs, Kay ioi.ire Brantford, Mint Saturday here with i Reis. 111 a miniature golf cuurkw among t From (III- NatI4/11'S IIIIMilleart I liWeli ill 61141eriell for IhirlY-fiVe yeuts. i the former's Nlottiriwr. Mrs. Alec litchi. i ibe boulders. *lumps and tree., in The business visitor responded to tlw they have a mitt gpot in their 'warts ' Mrs. Murray solo ti fest dayo laot i his Inn's backyard., kle thought it - - - - with this loirohip. I on tiwir golden anniveroary day , Mr. and Wm. 1.••• of Toomto. visited It *Tread from eity to city in tiw 1 woad 'nest I'm a -Flow'', busm,,,,,,,,,?.. for Kincanline. and their conversation 1 week tip Twewfir" -I Play golf and enjoy it. My nor., harked back to tlw early days or the over the weelvecd S, ilil lwr parent's, South. Queries as to cads arrived M Freak Coulter. Mrs. Wesley dazed after retiring with lialf a ' mai game is somewhere around the I Scotch settlement by tbe lakeside. Mr. Mr. and Mtn Ale, Baton'. of Fordyce. bo every mail. In a few weeks lie n ine inclose of snow iti the town and s▪ tates". or hinder the game. The moult was 1 Nell,- "Mr" middle Tfi Oh* tvery-kKay- 11,.. 1 Liberal and his Mr. and lbs. Anderson •od wap tiw Pee -Wee Gulf Baron whetiwr was ---sre lo...tis• thing w Plat right, my temper and ismeivqr invirmin that I Mille Se‘enty-nine. as name% to tw reekODY41 with Bruce Almost' side by aide tr. kr thmity pryer are accounts of tio. enibezzlement of over $1510.000 by the Heeountant Ot a 14014 and pateinga company at LondOn. Ont.. and the ionviction of a maltreat broker for theft of approximately $230,- _And that $ inn. a the trouble. it when I'm *eked llll Id feel that everything was wrong every time I 111110 11111d 111 the 7110t. 1 What kind of time would I have am a golfer? 000. l'eritats this does not Prove "01- ' alth business. Many companies 'briike thing except that Fiume peottle are ter- , so' in the first half of 19'.91 ami be- neepie.,, cause they failed to do it in the ribly tareleos with other first half ,,f 11.13.1 they think they . 111,,ney,.__ _. i are completely ruined when. the truth Those present for Monday a vele ,ra • • • . , is, they are playing a good steady tion were the three nuirried daugh-, in the stgl,h- 4 yr. gee. Lownion. TIMM engaged In the it.etlwr 111414164 tennis anti, Inipro_i_Nly a little hit every i ;wren*. plying rise a susiwitt7,1cIti-OTTlar Woman; I AN ExTmu---siArri----c-17_____________ rhildren atilt Mrs. l'ercy Johns,- lir. nod Mra. Henry • Kalman Wage Art. They claim that Tits -Mimi.. •is ut the week -end with her Mr. And Sim. Wilbur Thoo, of Au - te-Inplalit tie it- Wend had his nkoney back thre,e weeks after %tailed another for his father and it comity politica. They were John Tolmle were otendonta. Mr. Kay's I J°1/111L''"'L took in more WW1 ,on Its first y burins*. took him all over the tiding __,, , IIIr. and Mrs. Jos. Cornelius and Mr. that. tlw exclusive --aliihiginoli-nt and he had opportunity to do more 4143. P."- -"4" eprne1/141 ',VIII Similar 1 his Porenes hotel t'rese Thin Spread than the average man's diary .of cam- with friend.. and relatives at st Ati.1 paigning. He also played in (lie band 1 trust hie. Mr. Anon' of Brussel*. mar in Bile were besieged. It spread to Florkla 1 1 It wits a erase. Tiw three courser , yes r,„ end ,,,,,„„t Tememt,,,o. e,„ e,,,_ coin mu ti i t w a ith Id! whiten lolling out- •nd it was at 011ee open. that North - anti belonged to the fire brigade for eeichig a eent for his wolves. It fit and a 1011,, asked the strider of Mr. emery' winterina in the South were not simply wasn't ilime in Blow days of Henry 11.1',.... ma Mr. J. 1 II. Hirerroft. at all averse to attesting bails. through wholt-lwarteti, genuine rick service. Niko-Callum are pitting cement Ranee It went to the four corners. of the coma - lir. Robert Mackay and Mr. Nell 1 hollow logs. ',ewer pipe.. and barrels. Carter wa• Kure now that be had really plucked a golden plum. anti started a factory. "Mince them" he 1`... relates, -I've been in • whirlwind." i - -ink making more than a1.0(111 a . -royalties.: he told W. T. Goill_ inlay, a bond salesman. • "few weeka 1 -- "Tou 'should be making te7 times! that.- mid Godfrey. 'rifler dleln4r-eartnitre-bilk.....-• agalo.---eirorral letters hare ' sirs. Broome" memath a Hohne.„,mp w.., t 11:0 • o f dash tariff sawing tit be oinking ....tight- witielt _ he stre llllll wily urges the , pilot. Its ' and Mr. tool Mrs. t*Ims. Itionett of God - ling by cuttiug down wnges. Tilllt Alsip- been received from blip recently lw l; tea, hag north of Sault Me. ! iminufaetnrer. The regula, meeting of tbe Womeria -They kitinappssi toe. brought me to el nauseam in a car and bought nip , Cueumbers to Course* , , -tieorgirti Bay empire" to link it- - erabie trouts'.. ims4 various ilins-tions. Poring the dry Mr. sod-Mrst. Kay Miss the extravagance of paying almost as much or Ours will add to your -appearance and kasp_pott looking right. We're showieglisits that are packed full of style. Re-lining-i-temodelling and repairing. FRANK H. MARTIN- __TALOR AND HATTER Phone four suipt7- sure iitotight-of the -old Sun Life satentwai under ther AMAN, a mine foreman in Ofiio. took out a policy for PP A2,500.00 on October 16th, 1926. Four days afterwards, a sec- tion of the mioe roof fell aptyweoty-Avs epos of slate pitiaerbitisla Idling it kietasetely foamed an in - have bees crushed. Two hours and a bald lam • rescue party esifirecTSIAL- As be was being carried so die surface, his first words were: - "I sure thought of the old Sun Life when I was under The Sun Life of Caosda will protect you too, atmoderase , HIGHWAY BOOSTIIIIIi.otTI (Tena 1. husband and children, , _ ., . the Iteimett einemency tariff has in- ' (Gwen Sound Sun Times, Goderich: four f.11115 With their 'Her. mr' ''' itrwerwww• • 'w.-.`wnwIrr=-.7'.4w6111111114114,43XL4P1-"..2-wr "f their rnw ' That eccentric and entitualaatir ;veit Dlinillifnit.nitii.li„t „ nal Jeek unit is visiting soh her uncle end anat. ....---vn..- nweL-numpetithin they must reduce 0111o. Virginia. oho 10 the war in mr, mom peasbrok,.. mr Jana, tint 7 I they promo* to do ift war4w8"4-thwierielt• is °I Lia lerrer-iNr. hay. all of Detroit : Mr. and le,' "Pe"? Johnston 'null of tile Sontlwria Siate ail effort ' intro. of geld front their ren. At Toronto the other day /I fifteen• to keep the tourists from going 0114 titotli tore enjorIng romparatively gond year-uphl boy. ntfenipting to escape front 1:stlifornia way. R1141 111 divert It nit health...lir. Kay ints two gireent living ' - • In liettoit were unable to lie Kea - tile 11141-k 111111 ilis IS probable, to officer* who no, firenoto, this eompletely off the map. Ile know* (.0444,14. lir, inipp.4. Hot optimt,tk in A ihillow.•cii social is being li fashlon.-If the boy Ivi this case ;lies. a 111' VrIl 1101 40 Ally 411111 !IP 1111Ple their reing„rtni,i, hum. und both Ihe loins] .1,..rch here on Friday even- ion in yeah. has ceased to bottle VII - 1104 1114,114RIO Ma,' Rii111110/11 111111 stuwd focniariv es the reporter t14.- cumiwrs aud started making midget style "nay not lw exartly what most • • . "..ow tile 'AP 1111Ve g golf (smirks.," n nit the e•pect at ion of • newspapers would prefer. He lutis un- far we think 44 I' Will go through MI REA'ORD-WRICAKING TRIP l mutts 1110ro than Carter's 10.1 1 111411 1111. %%1;1 be held at the o Mrs. fano, 4;lain on Friday., November ont the twist day.- mid Carter, won - T. whet, the loll call 0 Ill be atigwerrd deriug perluips if lie hadn't hero by tile nienai. 4 giving A 111WP1 or apron hasty. The DeW 111 the -Total for The r for the t-omitkg !Auer Thumb- trade -twirl. the lomat rectory on Fri.'s% \••,pintwr 1 4th in t 'lin ttnuotata. stud several patent,' 1 It I for which cost iiint $200. - charge of matislituithterrshould he laid Nitainat. the 111/III W1.10 100k There hate been thrt;e-oi• four Ititell lifttlirlt hi 4 Ontario the last few years, vloubteilly mode ii 'study of thy high- ! the' distiltend annit-ersgry.- Citizens of. , -I tick'', merry. traveller fur thP Anottwg_tittune him been 111l11111. by.; way problem as it affects the tour- cm,.rteil wili_join In the leas' that.' Mow *Ss Printing Ink Co., of. Toronto. W. S. Tiownsiensi, of Rochester. Pad anti there will -114,' more i o ce ' States and Canada. Newt t.teat meal- . Ist business of both the United . their u -1,,,i, mAy• _ be more than fulfilled. I was 11, tisit,,r Et the Signet offier 1m ,, ,..._, sse oiotpit one course. Installed It in r'ttoroisi. 4 1111114.n.41 for the righta In not 'severely checked lip proma- About every second olay sont..tualy reported In the firily lepers slat: lug ilia toratfiatfiti cow that. walk the. Italtiotrial 111.111.1,1SIOn has holy tilts Georgian Ilay--kw-iO3-11. With/ 1/31 -he highway from • Detroit through to Miami. florid*. 'and IP sniffing forth WS best effortr lo that _u I "'bleb 11/. InItdP rerfirth the Southwestern States'. garret! to pay g re It ti iitt Reed: of lbfire-M. were ' derv -Inv nu tatting the Presiffle' r!"•- surtfIrtir plata" .111t0 4114. b110111 I.A1t A lit oi • XT. (Pet. A.Ts. Mises in eight. .1 'intim and ten minutes, ...el: Isla guests llst: Johns Web. of -41 to ten Haim Mr. Merry says twit stoked -ite there wasn't some trick ter. twat roads in the in 14,-, reselled Carter. "I told him , there moot las but I emildn't find it Ing about the inthastrial 11..presmion it front the United Stalea. he Ihma se- ICU k IKON HUNTING TRW SUN LIFE ASSVRANCE COMPANY OF:CANADA BEAD OFFICE MONTREAL es Mr. eoliths boa taken wit ri Mr. Nod. Mos. t. t Illn beet' intostift and that toss' times are Lilt:tend of 'uniting SHrilla a/4 the gob- 14 m44,414,.. who. 4,, in Limi000 NIrs. #1. Coiner. Of Omit. who ',hilted .leta ...I Sled Ih•Orl[P RIVE ther. Mrs. Ketettallaw. for st 1 Innv,„ „row from hunting trip in .1111rrietg4thl. ‘nl"anst;1"::: ;I::4:;%(:\":11Intlisollieherr:stin4"4:1 ':110enAinilell:":7":1:1111141:7441;"111111I'rruilia7;': 1- 'W....mak Clifton and NI rs Guest item re- 1,5C,;14.ki•legniik.,1,1.1,11 Ire. '''',71,7snorroisttl week. has returned to her lllll I • don't is MAW 11.11r More mhoitt it than that rho town,' aloft; fhe lila, Water Mrs. Whitney. tlifittetrult. 1.011 MI et • ibIl$101144, 144104"41.‘stiti.i401111sitnitihtif*Innnth: Tienut:514mminn:li tint ettospether please(' tended visit 0 It 1, father, Jas. tellt.tre. tw.-ty mulles up the lak.. from the people who nutke /lose predictions • by way vf gondola. huitput,„,, 0.51( ini.,00 a mr. it , 011 -the atty. If people o quit talk way to the I:eerghth IMY binterland pita! as a nurse -in -training Y4fil WP. Praimilirr-nv?"t lite. Manner lit whirl, its Affairs 110P Of tot) naileb !tar IN•frt,11. AM" Innur ftrattend the woad Itsve,,14,,confess flirt they were iHsv* batKIIPII at Sarnia. that Nfr and Mrs. limns, Mact,entinti. of tray wiles" aittrta Lake Temaganki. I parry just tient the Iviat 76•11r /IP% 1 oda and owl enough Blue Water !Ugh.' erni of the latter . aunt. Nfrs. Ken's nilassl ,111 the- *irk mark' 1 11 Ins • • • i , ! wry. hitt urger that Ontario c t min. , , ".. twenty he le, (idling the night sifter ---- •,---- . ..__ • riff,Prol_ ^ ht. sportunity slip 31r wad lint. T. Miller. of Wingliam. filitatrated In it came that hoot Alto. to 1 ern highway, no Matter whirl' ri t m -e Forest. wowe 1,11a1.114I' 4.11 Hera in, tint- t., Lilt HiPt't Ion. There *NM light in fhli l'rovince. A %canon whew ' Is *elected on tiallide 'he thor,urtit.r. , )(wont. question 0r "le t very plewsistit afternoon wa• spent ease from England eighteen years asgs Ther* 4 Is ahicerity of lif.' Intutte Mt his in, . nt flip home fif Mrs, hick fi...iiiitint elm hei,,,,,,, ,,,ouditt,„ e.er,. ..‘,141,11 , pod 'rho aid, living with her frilrenr" ,,i,,,,•nt detwando that wonwthing lie. when the 1'. y, W G. held thw•Ir 411. iilthohuh 4::, witithoT wit. Cold The , (irk. Louoir . for (h.. 0 llllll 01 ,a.b..... iii".;;:.1; .trili wils 1,••,,ie by motor. like foor I lllll • later wag Rent to the Prortsnia 4sso woo! it ia unfortunate that the dr,41"Vibinst ire, Itswerrah to TemagrmI other onitant. , mental musk x11.1 ..nmittit bettnr 3n3ntr• Ast * little aver eleven rerY Bob _oar at North Ito( o the Venni- ,, highway. but about MIR inches d the ground rile bosh Newt beck to Rburiand, deportation order woo obtained atom t ww n. the woman woo shad te pls,..s1 on a esswel leering la !below,' when lower cereal Penresdinis ."" emit' ssenced hy her frtentia The eau, are ft tari intereort the people (4 the Georgian W is saki that the woman luta tali rale- no, matriet his hroh.t.t 'Board. of Tro trim for the promothin "f was corrtoi tot An soca way, have paterais tittle attention 1414„t,,ese,,, .ierr„.. 9.00 mar). meLesti on her Mr 'DIMS *A they have "ler" I" trip to California wan ranch ellwiese, little lineation of the growth of the -- touriat tossinear from the United Mateo Into Canada and everything nowlible shonid done to encourage It The letters. front the Virginia ',floater the right spirit, and WOWS, Nit.“.r11...W04141 ROI! Mat o'eloek morning. towline ler t i 11% hrso, The road wan 1 exeellent all Or way The boys stat'• el.:len to Had top Man.- onyx • heed. as thick 4. num %were on (ht. *ware POP'S WATER1,00 1 lillilren 'See Their 1lond Give 1.p partridge 1,, till. Temagsrui relwr" '1" line. And the Kansas" ('Ity` Star ways It Septeall•er, mother "oat hen* it waa -kibarte "Trite '.,sagyire 111 I Ile trile.10 sogewsaws they'll raw biz and ten 1 knickerbocker Prow tots', lett', -Ferenc Boleti,. Mode of pure • in modern sunlit horovies. No expense spared ao have it clean. wholesome and full davored. IGLUS Is wrapped and sealed to keep it es g ood as when it leaves the factory. Wit toter*, iv hound ro h• els boa that men and machines and money con make. The delicious peppermint &Ivor freshens the mouth and side Analog% • L -ss 1174/0TID ST MILLIONS 300000000C XXX DOCOMCPCXXXX ood Cheer" CIRCULATOR CAST IRON INTERIOR Beaut ifully Designed Nickel • and Black Front watch *a Large Mica Feed Door Concealed Ashpit Door Duple: Shaker Bars Cast Iron Combustion Chamber and Fire Pot iiand firepot •ppeals to those alio have had experience with all grades of fuel • and are acqnainted with the strain on els the metal plteta, canoed through the hunting of certain fuels. Which too - doer a very intents. heat Closely Pitting Parts - linhe the' Motors' attest tight as potable and this haa a womierbil effect on the amonnt of Ina eagottmed. ilentitiipo tile llor ill "We illt• tire" at nil i hilt. MO tilaalk to the cheer- fulness' of the 11,,me THIS STOVE SELLS AT $42 50 T ebbutt & Son x West' Stteet W e Deliver Phone 486 Ili XXX XXXXXXXXXXXX3C0C<XXXXXXR