The Signal, 1930-9-4, Page 8,r
4.nv' V
$ 41kgseday, September 4, 1190.
and •
for School Worst
We have them at
prices. A pen
to suit every
The (lederkh lawn bowlers have had
an active week. A numtir of contexts
were held at the Pieton street greenm.
In last Friday evening's tournament
of doubles the first prluw were woo
by (leo. 8ywuods and ti+bpk Saunders
the sewn 1 • Fled Hunt
ners were: First, .Dt Wes. Reid and
Geo. liymonls : 2nd, 11..1. Fisher and
James Hemet. -
In the tournament on Wednesday
evening Albert Taylor and partser won
tint prises and second prizes were won
by Geo. Symon it and Dr. Fisher.
Three Gmlerleh rinks were at Walk-
erton fu Monday taking part in a
Leber Day tournament. A local rink
composed of F. Toole. I. D. Eastman,
11. McGee and J. R. Wheeler (skip)
were awanled eecoi,d prizes 111 the
trophy event.
The Goderich lawn beefing club will
bold a twilight rink tournament on Fre
day evening of this week. flay will
commence at 7 o'clock mud there wilt
be the ten -end games.
Albert 8. Reid, of Vancouver. who
wol the rmluiou lawn bowling
singles champ lonahip at the Itriti.h
Empire game held at Iluwiltou recent-
ly, netted the local green. Monday even-
ing. and took part In tilet.•urnasaertt
Miss Beth Cormier has returned tot
Niagara Falls after it week's visit In
Mho Maty Howell was home ftoIn
Toronto the past week for a few days'
To Automobile Owners and Drivers
The new SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY LAW ia now in force.
To protect your Driving License and Motor Vehicle Per-
mit conn S
F. WOOLLCOMBE, Hamilton Street,
who will gladly explain the eaeiast y_to secure the neces-
sary protection.
millinery openings.
Mr. Darold W. Doak, of Owen
Sound, spent the week -end visiting bit
parents, Mr. owl Mrs. W. H. Doak.
Mr. Douglas Nilson haft returned to
Toronto after a w'eek's holidays in
lioderk•h, the guest of Mr. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Doak had Y
their visitor,' oa Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
W. Cory, of Auburn. Mrs. R. Bean, U .
and Mr. W. Ntwu. of Carlow.
Mr. Will I)ohbie awl daughter Mad -
'gyms. of Guelph. visited the former's
sister. Mrs. T. A. Shields and \Ire. 8.
She•artluwn. at the week -end.
Nr. Harold Itr.kow hos wound it
p,wltlon on the teaching staff of the
I public school at Sombre. tint . and left
this weak to take over his new duties.
Iter G. W. Itutt is at Whitby this
weak repreceutiug the Presbytery of
Huron of the United Church ata meet -
Int •,f the
for O.A.4 Student I w►th the teopenlrtg et shoots "Intl
we hope both teaehera a
KIN08BRIDOE, September 9. -
freak IlhEkni Conn',
The Huron county ,.,,wcd has voted
*50 toward. • scholar -hip for a county
boy attending the Ovum,' AgriculturalCollege. This amour,/ •. ill he supple-
mented by a slmll..r ww from the
Maaary Fund at th. +',liege. Th.t 1.
to say, the lucky pudent'w•ill receive
11100 during hit fist year at the Col-
lege. This amount •should represent a
large part of the flea se
year's expens
of a boy attending that institution.
The conditions are briefly as fol-
1. Applkants nhnnt,l lm farmers'
soa residing in Hn1„a .vuuty.
2. Applicants meIs rigbtet'n yearn
01' age on or teforas • s.'ptember 18th.
1930, the opening da' cf. College.
3. Applicants slay eater either the
(two-year amociate 4..11T,.• or the de-
gree court*. ..
Religious Fel .cation 4. Applic.nts rrhit+i,i Curare on 1 •
lug Ol! tarmlal[ as e,. .tion at
imimll and aan ; eondnaton of their be • ,
tees. days 1• 5. Only use sebolar-'fiii• is available
rm Ifnr the year 1890-.t1
Mr (.,.well' Rt
' res. u, rat Toronto. spent .
fon It Flw pest we+.k,.-Myitis(-
,ell'• parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Ituwlaull. '
Mrs. V. H. l'eardon anti eel. Harry
left ON Mowlay for their bola. -at
Windier attar epeudiee awtrpnl weak.
at the home td the lady's mane?. Yd.
Alex. Lawson. - ''
alts. J. J. Han. Y'.N.R. baggagemas,
1 who was serlbasiy tnJnred at (:oder.
Ich station early in the summer. re -
pursed work last week, having made a
gotal r cov,ery
]tiwret un ne(I
f letra ori Slat
t o weeks vacation
it. The total amoul.t of the scholar -
Ishii' Is $100. pay,.!lc in two inatal-
menns. our at the oe..eing of the fall
term and the other ,.t N,.' opening of
the winter term.
7. Applican tioalt.,: •• .11, character
. and other recoummea.,1,•a,- should he
mulled to the Omar,. toepartweut of
• Agriculture. Clinton. 1.••; later than
September loth.
1f a towner of $1, •'atteur are re-
fl./ell it may be nor- tin rn have the
applk•atan appear bet.•w---. committee
to decide Cho winner
y 11.., ul dwell
course In
.n 107!1-
•i,. a scarcity
'I'I erefore. it 1s
, ,.ntemplating
this fall will
., worthwhile
rum a
spent at Toronto, on and Coiling- It is not neceswr.
wood. While at Toronto she took in upon the advantag.•.
Exhibition. agriculture at tmcit a '
Mrs. Keith U Quarrle and sons. talon. There should .
Keith and Jack, of Kentvtlle, N.8., via- of suitable applk•ant-
ited frlendae In --tow° and licitllty en i,hoped that any I.•
GodetiCk IDduslriat Exhibition
Wednesday and Thursday, -
September i and -18, 1930
Keep these dates in mind and plan to visit Huron's
greatest Fall Fair. •
Copies of the Prize List, with entry forms, may be
had on application to the Secretary.
Afternoon and evening program-
before the grandstand
`�--W. F. CLAW -7-- JAS. CONNOLLY,
Secretary-Tr�atef. -- President.
route to British Columbia. wbere they Ientering the (1. A
i11 .p)wd the wintermake an effort to 1•
Mitis Beatrice Lauder, M.A., and ,scholarship.
-Mho Betook. Hrlwkombe.Teft this week
for 9t.' Catharine/ to resume their PROM MAYOR,
hers on ills staff of the
duties as teat
1 Co legbite institute there. oderkh, BevMr. and Mrs. RC
. F. Allen and mon '
Raymond of_.lietroit who spent two
weeks in town, (M Monday.
a mother, --Mre. Alex. -LAWNS, Tett
Cur their homy on Mopda7- you are being looked to vete on a by -
1 for
Mrs. Goetz, Mimes M. sad N. O'Rell- law granting it fixed assessment to the
t ly and Mime Margaret Nolan, of But- Wester Canada Pieta Mille Co. Lim-
-; fate, were In town at the week -end 'tad.
and visited at the home of Mr. anti
Perham; a few wont- of rxplau.tlun
Mrs. Wm. Haley, Ligbtbouse street. W*y not be oat of place at thim time.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brownell and eon Thr director. of this �mtmpwny met
Raymond motored from Windsor on your town council als.ut six weeks ago
Saturday and spent the week -end with and made the roque" that •a bylaw be
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Graham. From here Drat before our ratepayers asking them
they went to Seaforth, to visit friends for renewal 01 nae fav ar.angrment*
Mr. and Mrs. _--•--- TM with the Company for .• eiteher period
'ani Mrs. Duggan and daughter Peggy
and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. rate of opinion ammo: rh.• unch am Ur
-" daughter Betty *'(turned to Detroit on the wisdom or hese--'1' of this Prep
Monday after spending the summer las voltam_ but after a r• ry thorough d1s-
town• cession of this e' stein from every
Mr. and Mr.. N. (loti�n�lnelle Me. viewpoint, and atte� �a�ll scatter* lad
into meattaa4awtlrely frog•
every angle, your'llne k unanimously
To the Electors of tt•
the [aceta Of Mrs. Al- erkh.
Mac E W AN
pupils are taking up their duties with
reuewrd energy, plearaut wemurkn,,
, . et;iL,.11ett LaorL •Cee..
High Sehool teacher Oils term in
S1ngabrldge iii Bi. -St. Omar, while Sr.
Maury le again the Junior leacher.
Mina Helen Bowler has left for Lon-
don. where elle will teach.
Mrs. M. Turle and daughter Louise
and Mime Viola Theodore, of Windsor,
were v4sltors here Oat week.
Our Labor Day vtaltors were not as
numerous this year as formerly, al-
though there were quite a number from
Detroit over the week -end, returning
Monday. Moat of them had extra paw
eengers from anion; visitors who had
been here for the summer.
Miss Sintiva Perry has returned to
her home in Duluth.
•,,,her Ith:'igGWd
'Town of God -
. I have hundreds (If choice bred-tio-lay Pullets in both
breeds to sell.; Some are March -hatched and are ready to
lay. &venTbnndred are May-tiatrbedind arse
m$ke elutes winter /aye ii: Mao t(everfI-'hund'estt -
yearling hens in both Rocks and l.eghorna.
All priced reasonably for immediate delivery.
Let me quote you prices on the quantity you require.
H There may p>omsibe tn. .uwc differ -
Harland and
y re-
tured home Wet week after a two
weeks' holklay. While away they vis-
ited In Mt. Calvary, Wie., with thetr
three sisters who are nuns In the Notre
Dame community.
Fannie Quaid, of Detroit., ' as the
real of her sister. Mrs, O1141r Cook,
aver Sunday. - - Milt. Jean Mason and two wens re- I*OOM1 TO RENT
turned to their home at Toronto on
Saturday, after spending holidays with DOOMS TO KENT.-FI'KNIBRED,
Mrs. Mawrn'a parents here. n uu Square. Aptly SIGNAL OFFICE.
Miss Ruth Shaw has returned to her
whool at Toronto after holidaying
Mrs. Irving Hueter and son Jack
motored to Toronto on Monday. They
were accompanied by Reg. Ti'llit'ms.
returning ase Wednesday with the
former's sister. Mrs. Jessie Llnklater.
Mr. and Mrs. Hallows and two
daughter•* spent a short time on Sun-
day at Kincardine with the latter's
[wether. Mee. B. Courtney _-- _
Mebools reopened on Tuesday with
two new .eholare attending .for the
first time.
Anniversary nervleee will be held at
Leebnrn (*arch on September 21.1.
Marlon Dlaher, daughter of Mr. and AUCTION SALES )" ''
Mrs A. P. Dither, was united in rear Ii `�..-` t'
rlage to Mr. Earl Swan. AUCTION [ALM Ole tit) HEAD 0:'
Mr. and MIs. Cecil Treleaven, dangh• cattle at Lot tri, Huron road, 2%
tura Wilma aad Luis, and Mra. 8. Tre- miler north of HolweevUle, on
leaven, motored to Niagara ou Sunday
and returned on Monday. MONDAY, SEI'TEMHER 811,
Th.. l IIIIeel church 118,4 aixlergone eowmeneing at 2 p.m., condstlug of 45
*Tikes t!► ' Mr. Acer .boa. calf' 4,0"- .rWt .,J sen and heifers and 16 .
. _ mad is awe ready fur re-olw.JL1Int a1vM -.1.-6-106-3 �+
au Sunday September 7th, when the T' ...edit 00 •p�
nee. Duncan McTavtsh, of et. Jarues proved bankable paper. A discount of ---�
street United church, Exeter. will ale per tent. allowed for cash.
preatie both worulug and evening. EIRNEST TOWNSENI), *Weir
Special music will to furtehed by ate Proprietor.
choir. 0E0. H. ELLIOTT,
Mr. Allan /teed le spending a few - Auctioneer.
days at Toronto visiting his sister.
Mira Evelyu Reed, and taking in the
Nights at the Exhibition.
Mrs. Arthur C. Fits and daugheer,
Miss petty Jo Felts and Mhos Ruth
Milner of Lima. Ohio. were the guests
of Mrs. C. 1.. Moore this week. Miss
Stlner 1. the daughter of Dr. Stlner,
who was Mrs. Moore's family doctor contents, Including:
In Lima. M►se Stfner Is a very brit- Two upholstered leather chairs, 3
rattan and wood rockers, 2 small par-
lor tables, 1 hall table, 1 hall rack,
1 couch, nearly new ; 2 rugs, pictures,
ti new blinds, 1 electric lamp, 1 dining
.utte, extension table, buffet and
chairs; 1 lady's writing desk, 1 drop-
bead Singer sewing machine, 1 new
uebe esok store gud pipes, I tall -
leaf table, 1 kitchen cupboard and - •
kitehea utensils, 2 complete bedroom
.matlrems and springs. 2 feather__
mattresses, 1 commode chair, 2 bedroom
rugs, house pinion, garden tools and
other articles.
Everything must be dlapoetd uf, as
Miss Roberts is giving up bousekeep-
TERMS: Cash.
will sell by public auction at her home;
Quebec atreet, on
commencing at 2 o'clock sharp, all tie
Haut scholar, a graduate in dentistry,
and holds certificates from the State
coUegts in 1'eun.ylraula, Uhfu and
M ichtgau.
PItASER.-las ,lotterlrb, on Sunday,
August 31.1. John Fraser, In
*sus year.
to thank the many fronds
of the
.•lair Jobe Fraeevr for their kludu(laa...
In sending floral tributes and for tlw
tube of their carr.
There will to ,',ectal music. As title
IN the fiftieth anniversary of tub
ehureh plans are being made to matte
there serviced of special interest.
ESTFIELD, September 2.-M
Shepperd and Miss Alice Shepperd, of
Nile, visited last Thursday with their
friend, Mrs. Howard Campbell. .
Mrs. James Tunney received word
list week of the death of her son-In-
luw, Mr. Edgar Herrington, of the
IWeat. The sympatby of the commua-
t/ is extended to Mrs. Herrington (nee
Maggie Tanney) and family and recta•.
Mr. Edward Rodger is ,'pending a
nuple of- days at Toronto Exhibition
1 his week.
School ham reopened for the fall
erm In the various sections in this
leinity, _-.
Mr. ani Mrs. Gordo* BI9�ti it>ed'
Have the Second Instalment of
your Taxes paid by
September 6th
and save 2 per cent. discount
._ Tax Collector.
Dancing Program at
The Pavilion, Coderich
for .September,
Saturday, September
September Dates -��n s snappy
l>l�t,�ee orchestra.
" _ 19
Leo Carpentier'' Ory
cheatra, late of Grady
Bend, every Wednes-
day and Saturday for
balance of September.
Admission 15c
and Mrs. sir, an ams. Ser moon,
Mich., and Mr, and Mrs Bert Taylor,
of Wet/tilted, wileweek
at the bola* `-711 lav tamseer
• A(ao'atant, l e Ontario street,
WAN • Steatf i . Phone 1580. Rea 1830J.
JST market prices paid. --PHONE
817, Goderk•h.
WANTED.-LIVE prices paid. PHONE
qT. Godertch. -
for general housework, Apply to
MISS LANG. 143 Richmond etre.!.
Loaders, Ont- •
U of house on St. Patrick's streel
rear et skating rink. maid brick. warm
bouts. Recently dea•orated thrntgbout.
Thre -pte,v bathroom. Hot and cold
water and garage. M. W. HOWELL.
"(iwon: TO KENT. -WEST ENI) OF
j] Motile house on fit. David's street.
etween c'ambrla road, and Victoria
treet. Rent *10.00. Apply WiLLiAM
(Y►NNELL, tialtford Heights. or to
prgsnlat of Knox Church, Goderieb
Music Master Stratford Normal School
Teacher of
Preparation for all examinations of the
Toronto Conservatory of Music
Studio -Corner West and Wellington
streets. Phone 083.
Mr. and Mrs. Ketillat>, Mstfe, of Mott-
'rm. Mich., spent Saturday math Mrs.
Ajnsile's setrwlsi 414.. and Km. J.
6sstafad-40.01see ane bylaw before the Mr.lemstry 060k Thad the mtefortnne
8tonebouse, Bayfield road. / elle tors
elti with th. ...ascot h
Mr. and Mrs. Bedford McLean ana the citizens of oar ref/en. car of his home.
ripe and ex- I 11 having a bone 1n his leg broken,
pectation that is .16 be approve/I by ne day last week by toeing kicked by
-daughter Audrey, Mrs. William Har- 1
H I and 'timlly and Yrs. Nettie Randolph • The company 1+ now paying over f. Wingham.
:of Detroit, were greets with Mr. J. S. ts.coo per year in taxes out of $113,000 Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Brown, Miss
;Bedford over the week -end. per year collected b ale town from all
Health rand Meas,'. Wilson and George,
Mr. J. Archie Tom, of Toronto, is ;orm,a M Roseomh, were the greets of the
his parent,', Mr. and Mn.. J. It also pay+-tetlite town through 1rrmer'a sister, Mrs. W. F. Campbell,
Elgin Tom. and will relate to the the watir•and light' commission large' ver the week -end.
city on Monday accompanied by his amounta >tor wafer, fight and power. 1 Mrm. Wm. Kealy and' eon Jimmy vta-
wlfe and infant man. who have been it empioyr about 16p hands. most of ted last week with the former'. par -
spending several weeks here. whom are hoiiwbdderm--easily our I Mts, Mr. and Mrs. J Killough, of Dun -
Mrs. Eugene Hicks and son Lionel. largest single erplger of labor. it gannon.
of South Bay Prince Edward county,
has worked praetkally twenty-four I MI,'N Cora Dickson, of Port Albert,
left for their home on Saturday after hours per day for the past,twenty'tfmited /amt week with Mrs. Bert Tay-
Hsiting relativew In town and vicinity. years while ether =Ill. of the- sande or and Mia Elaine Hamfonl.
' While in town they were the gueeta of Company were compelled to shut down Mims Norma Snell in elmlting her
Mss Hoke' sister, Mrs. James F. for coneidereble,p•dlods from time to' cousin. Miss Evelyn McDowell.
Thom(on- time owing to lack of business. trade Mr. .0d Mrs. Reg. Jennings. of
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bennett and depreumlon and ,Nt,9t causes. Windsor, spent over the week -end with
tla0tber of Strathroy, Mr. and Mee Jas.. Flour mill, uwald by other com- tie latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bennett and family, of 1)etrnit, and orales in oth, r Pbq'i dating the poet Waiden
Air. and Mr,'. Theodore Beaupre and
fumifj°'7)T flt'meee'Tntntr -
a1 the Jypme of Mr. ed MM.=;.L
Young, Colborne township. -
Mew. L. E. Day, who had-•ka5S�-re-
euperating in town for the last figs
' weeks, returned to Toronto today to tea
aume her work am eupenIntePd*ot Of fhag:to the Perim+. t�heat mitnation and Lag old acquaintances here on` Sunday.
' the Elm Street Mission of the UultednwIlt9 to 1 tretrsuadatt* Inegn 01 export Mies Bertha Kilt. left for her school
�Charch. While In town she was the ordeal' by reas.m ot keen competition at Walntleet on Monday.
Intent of Mrs. M. W. Howell.
pts hi the lalillnx Lnalalme all over .the Miss Mnrlorie Campbell Is attending
1 Rev. C. F. Clarke and Mrs. ClarkQ M Collegiate at 0oderich this. year.
returned home Ch1,' week aftefr a So far a. Ili. tg41ts of the Wester'
month'm LMtdsy,'. They made s motor Canada F9onr Mills Co. are concerned,
tour of the Maritime Provinces. ac• Goderk•h iia•' undoubtedly leen es-
companled by Mina Mary Clarke and pedally favored.
Mies Esther Hume, and afterwards
It in a matter of•common knowledge
spent some time in Muskoka. that Mr. J. W. Fraser, the local man-
MIPe Florence Mooney and her nfsee,
1 Mies Flora Mooney of Regina, have
returned from a two months' trip to,
,1r.•.et Britain and Enrols. Miss
Mooney leaves in a few days for St.
Thomas where ,'he will tate the pool-
tion of dietitian at Alma (Idles". Miss
Fiore Money after a viwit with her
0R RE?4T'.-A Ga1�.79twSE WITH
laaaae rind eenvesismses;
nice lot, garage sad fruit trees: sear
Collegiate. Or for sale on easy terms.
Vacant Sept. lat. MICR T. HETHER-
INGTON, Telephone 189, Box 322,
Telephone No. 119.
Salve attended to anywhere sad every
effort made to give satisfaction.
reamers' sale notes dlaconnt d.
will conduct ales anywhere. My
terms are reasonable and I will en-
deavor to give sat�ftaetioa. Phone
Carlow 1314. or address R.1tt A (W-
siii Anetiooair -t!'....
Phase 70, Umbers . "" :-.
Sales *standee ■ny'wbet . Aid. ex-
perience. My very best efforts put .„,,
forth in each and every sale
Mr. and Mrs Wiliam �e op a ti ome. f We_e i• -ora for this are as rs Robb. Buchanan spent a couple
)'7• 11 follmvn: -cif days last week with Yrs. Tlpling
rr h ve in . cams not aver-' Mr. Wm. (;ovler had the misfortune
• more f en •.T W eignu113ntM 1111 r bilis'ify"> ilittif'llIWIP7inr',rtr+F"""
the ye.L._'.' the smaller I Meme.. Norman and»•$r C. Rodger,
miim have been f. -.oaUof business of ee,NN1xteNwk. were home over the
lit"oRetbe�. 'peek -end.
All the di til aighont the country 1 Mr and Mot. Jock Sowler, former
have leen hating a difficult time ow- r-midents of this vicinity, were renew=
*ger, ham been most competent and ag-
gre+ul a the( management of the bus- Int the home of the lady's parents, Mr.
thew here and at no time has he per- end Mrs. R. A. McKenzie.
mltted the Gederkh mill or ito inter. Mr. and Mrm. 1). }tickle, Mr. Ed.
eats to teesldetrach d, It it could pier Hackie and two boys, of Hamilton,
mdbly be prevented. Motored here and spent the week -end
in addition to Cols, the general maw with friends.
atter of the Company at Tornnto,. Mr. Mr. Kruest Krorler, who has beta
DUNGANNON, September 2. -Mr.
.aad rain. 3*.. Mcl acbern and children.
nary and Keith, spent the week -end
J.. 3. I'aga.-le-oM Ooderfch boy and d n the Ooderlch bdapla1 for a week,
wt+erye�mho ie iri f(ti+ * Tf M T J' t'n1" with a comhlnntla of thin kind 1t is was able to return home nn Maturday.
versill ..
not hard to see sky the (inderich mill Mr. and Ma. Robert Davidson
''r cre im an Mea that It to hnmfllat• has teen kept reaning, while other nd Allan Reed attended the funeral
ing to run aftet one's bat:'-'-Gilttert pfourlantsdhNv.ew,rk -t"eit. working three or aa cousin at Bayfield last Runde,.
xys {'r I Mr. and Mr.. Wm. Begley and tam -
K. Chesterton. , s Galerich cannot afford to Jeopardise l'y. of Leamington. motored up and
AND RiNG THE RELI. Its poeitien with say of It. Industries. Hent the week -end with friends here.
especially at (lila Clime when iwlemploy- Miss Islay Ryan left haat Saturday
(Tient / Joel' areetitterl on burglary meat thrrothout ,the country Lake, where she has Men
rhnrge "Well, good by. I'll drop In on engaged as teacher.
widespread. •
in no f••r Kirkland
relatives herd . wAl proceed to Regina
BUICK, Master Six, 5-paaseaplir
cos*,cos, In good condition. with four sow
tires. J. W. CRAiGTE.
i HORN bull calf, eleven month,' old.
JOHN W. SALKEI.I), Bayfleld road,
Goderlcb township. Phone 000r2. God -
erne' Central.
you Rome time."
Counsel --"All right, but make It in
the daytime, prleata•."- Wamhington
The Reason Why -
Min, Weak Children Need Baby's
Own Tablets
Malnutrition, or inabUlty to derive
aorrlmhment from food, is a common
trouble with little children and in en-
tirely flue to etomseh and bowel weak-
tpflvm. Another ranee of Imre of flesh
anti sleep le worm,'.
To t'orreet tcnrlfgrb sett . bowel
trmthlae • and thus hnntah mnetIpatNm
rad tndleeati*S,- break up colds and
mple fevAlk: etre ammo' and allay
the pain whichStair
the cuT
flag of teeth Is what ttaby'is Dern Tan
lea were deafened for They never
tan to to of aka and can he given with
safety to the yonngemt hate.
Mabe'. Own Tablets are sold by me i-
��a► dealers or by matt at 25 cents a
hos from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Oo., Brockville, Oat.
This U one of ear most Important
indumtriem--always paying its way and
ow Ing the 'taw n •.pritbMg.
it spent large tamino' of money last
r in Impruviag Its power plant and
tainghtR it thoroughly rap to -dant, and
we U1111PTMand Itt eantemplaten further
expentlltnree on id plant If hn.ineme
eoodltlonm Improve and warrant the
outlay. .
feet not hope that it wUl anon to pow
able to nuke lbw contemplattel ex-
p enditnrem.
Your (Mini] ),eve no per.onml or
financial interest l the Cempwany, but
do feel as ritin al's*st out beat Inter
eats will he serby supporting the
bylaw anti i to mmintwin our
Yours ars
- -• 11 • A. Macr1WAM.r..
"•1 reeve feu wbneasakese the natIot'w
lawn, If I mny task, 1t■ theme montA_
Georgy Iler•.Iwil
On a Marvlsnd form. a Cabey tot(
Mer Is sitting nn twenty ctseeggs- the
big sissle rear 1 Newt
f th
The reviler monthly meeting o e
West Wawano.h Fire inenrance Co.
was held in the mecretery'a office on
141es Margaret Ryan left on Monday
for (Jinton. where she will attend
'eminent) college.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Melfi and
Master Malcolm spent the week -end at
Owen Round.
Mr. A. 11. Popp, of Detroit. motored
up and *pent the week -end at the borne
of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie. He
returned to Detroit on Monday. Mrs.
Popp and little daughter Bertha, wb0
have been visiting her parents the pant
couple of months, returning herrn( with
111 m
Mr and Mrs. Frei Rams and Mester
nal/ have *yenned. aft r .kiting
s et Leamington. Winders and
D'ietroit They were am+mpmnterl here
1f1 Mr. R Ryk of•hanet
Mr and Mr*. ('hen. Alarm rand fam
Ily Ppent the we(k-end at Owes Mound
School re opened on Tneeediy with
Mr. Palmer Kilpatrick at principal
and Mr. Resat Mott a* amniatant
A grief wedding took place at the
w. on Wed
itrrdaytMeven ng ien r ALugn
u.t 27th. when
ROOM cottage o0 O'ra dna.
all conveniences. WW sell 4 ow
terms. Apply to T. R. W.3L1J , MNM
Victoria and Picton stTNIL_,_.
• ' _�.hJr)i►�.Uasilfir-oAC$�
111.1 and 4 -room eottegr,
eorporatlon good" lake Ocoee -moven -
knew. electricity. good ,emeut cellar.
Fruit, henhon.e: - reaurnlahle price.
Terms. JAMES LAVERY, Eldon street.
Notice I. hereby given to all persons
baying claims *gained the *Mate of
ench,John Fraser, late of the Town of (W-
ench, In the County of Hnrou, golf pro-
fetunnal, who died on or about the
31.t day of Aortal, A.D. 1030, to send
elopedtheir clalme. duly proven, to the under-
eled MC or before, the, 20th day of
September, A.D. 1090, as on and after
that date the Exe entor of the aid es-
tate will Proceed to make diatribe**
having regard only to fed
elsims of which be shall then Italie
had notice. -
Further take notice that ant pMq
owing any num whatsoever lo-tha gall
John Fraser, b regneated to pay acme
immediately to 11. T). Moib4r; executor
of the mold Estate.
DATED at Oalerich this meennl day
of September, A.D. 1180.
Goderich, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Executor herein.
(lode**MIND Ma •
Rqutpped with steetiO-p
loth. Electroatc aortae trootabia
and chiropractic. Chronic organic and Magma*
nervous seaaMagma*lady In attendance •-
081e hours 2 to tis aid 7 to 9 pm.,
excepting Monday and Thursday andntm
by appotent.
Residence and oee-Corner .1
Rooth street and Britannia road
1'. J. It. FOR11Tl1C,ht,
a BoPerrone Peron New York Ople
roand Anrai Hospital, assistant
if..MooreSeld Eye novelist end Golden
Square Throat Hospital. London. Eng.
53 Waterloo 8t. 8., Stratford. Tel-
epbone 287.
-At Hotel Bedford. Goderleh, on the
etening of third Monday of each
month t111 the following day. Tuesday.
at 1 p.m. Next visit in September.
L Barrister and Solicitor
tans Llfe Building. Adelaide au.
Victoria streets, Toronto 2.
Telephone Elgin 5801.
TAT1C OF JOHN HARTT, lot. of the
Vtllase of Dungannon. in the Comity
of Huron. deceased.
TAKE NOT1('itt that 111 creditor*
and othere having elsime or demand,'
aga Inmt the estate of the said John
fisaty, wan died on or admit the 15th
day of August. A.D. 1930, are required
no or before the 13th day of RPptemher,
A Mimed *ell
'elicitor fullmirttcnrm laof theirlvef to the
AND TARE NOTICE that after
each haat mentioned Ante the evocator
will proceed to distribute the ammct* of
the std (teepee/el sneer* ttte p.rttee
entitled thetet(t. hewn* weren't only to
The claim,' of which he *hall then have
notice, and that the said eveontor w'UT
not he liable for the Moi ausetm to any
person or persons of whom' elalm no
tic. Khali npt then have been rereIIN
by kis aoI1 itor
Ooderteh. Ontario
Stlleltor for the Eteeutnr.
Llarrister, RM,
-011ble-Hallsllton street.- 096sg1r
Mae TV _
Succousor to J. L. Killoran. ,;E
Phone 97.
Once --The Sonar.. 0oderteh,
Raps & flaps ,
RA RRIIR'ean, Pyre. .
AYR-RC.T4AYR ts..>r.A'
Hamilton Rt., *Amite-. .
St1RA1VCR 00: P`srm and iso-
lated town property intrad.
(Iffieer. Jaa. Connolly, Prem.. lind-
erkb P.O.; - lee 11111,011311, View'Prns,
Bsecbwnod P.O.; D. F. McGregor.
Sec.-Treas., Reaforth P.O.
DIreetnr►--A. Rroadfoot. R.R. No. R,
Seaforth; James, 1iholdk'w, Walton;
Wm RInn. R.R.. No. .2, fi.afnrh ; Rob-
ert Ferria, Herta/et; John RPnaewels,
Rrndbeeen ; Geo. McCartney, R.R.
3, 1Piforfh ; John Pepper, arm -afield
Uplift --•W. J. Teo. R.R. No. S. (21n -
;'alloses Watt, Myth; JA K}}ncb•
ley, Seeforh; Jahn Murrdr Roelof*.
Pn1k•pbntdera Case mete alt payments
and get their cared rereI d .e R..1.
-Morrish'. (Aothing Wore. Clinton;
Calvin ("n'fr% 11 merry. Kt newton street.
Goderiek or J. H. Rel/rs General
Stowe .,..,a ., 1.
'r a _ -.... �..._ _•iii