HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-9-4, Page 6Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all
Lours, day or night.
PHONES: Store...12CL_______Res. 21i
Absolutely NO
ea Summer Astbma. this year. ff
you'll start taking RAZ -MAH
CAPSULES before year attack is
doe. Relief guaranteed from oass
$4 baitar rocineY beck. NO,FO10,, kelis
spray*, snuff or serums. No karma ,
fol or habit-forming drugs. RA.16"--"------
Holy Spirit, Truth Mine,
1lAH baa stopPed Hay Few.' pawt,947 'hie mall_d_11111121.--
where people had it 20
rear16- -Word of and inward Lint.
las Wake m spirit, clear my sight.
Holy Spirit, Power Divine,
P111 and nerve this will Of mine:
By Thee may I strongly live,
Bravely bear, nod nobly 'drive.
Samuel Longfellow.
reunion at Galt till. %eels
- tables of stow. but now the Ian shall in the study of housing. clothing and
PUNIER wruten in their heart. by the fin- nutrition problem*, the Department is
, •SCI•k•Jf• ,•
. -
!Sunday Afternoon
Goderich, Ont.
has removed to new
quarters on Kingston
Implements and Repairs. General
Expert Service on all Cockshutt
. tag&
Baer & Straughan
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calla promptly attended to
Of night
Iffero *Br Residenee 3.15*
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Boots and Oxfords
These Calf -Roots -Anil- Oxfords -
are made with Goodyear Welt,
motature proof, double soles
front toe to beel, and they are
leather -lined.- -
A wonderful bug for generak
Agent for Goderittb
Mum* 43w
of Him messengers tuay-iiiiats repose.
They know that. while their own ef-
forts may be thwarted, that will is
inconviocible, that though they may
fail in the conflict, that nerd will go
00 conquering and to eonquer. until it
*hail have satisfied itil things unto M-
erit. "Behold 1 sw the Lord. the God
of all fhsti : 11- there anything too
rittd. inlitig_.E.rtwealkikt with
children of Israel
took them hy the hand to bring Om
out of the land of Egypt. Now by
the mouth of His prophet God pro -
tE7er .
AttigArst)Pritahtfat--", '.!41
..... .
I Intended /fp id - I N real
t'REWIC. Auge( _4; Mr. and. ANL
1%u:I.Ifired,rennesPluthk.s.to tool (swill'. a Ain
burn, spina 8uaga, „! \Ir. and WA-
tarMuedrK. tfto. UsalC°13:r" gelid( k:alli•niaCishath1174hrtt: Farmers who wish to obtain AO- potash fertilizere. gave an Increase of
' '16111erla he.
.SlitimW"..7"7- , menet .4"withv4"routabi""nd.Perveing ;Medea of area. fall wheet fertility testi..
%inter wheat and Other autumn -sown the iwerage yield tit alt fertilized plots
May. Of Paramount,
erns's, may °Magi, this nuiterial, tree of wait 4--4 bushels iwr Mere, weighing 80.4
Ili:Mil:1.8. awmillaniatnws. II: wGitituille.vh•earne:ufagitilu-' Fie.id Husbandry, ontario Agricultural ittillsise•mli.msp.Iii:nititid:apesr3-itnigthoustelltela, weigh -
charge. by writing the Department of pounds per bushel. The yield of miter -
claims that lie will make a new cov-
. The functions of Ili mato plautfood
Up spent Sunday sith the formera t'oilege•
meet with the house of Israel and
aimuiterra.. Mcrelien. Tsugitiltacilimd .40th Auolf.uprnu.ugan. elements ,yvere admirably shown by
the house of Judah. It la spiritual Royal Party ter Girls
crops growing in plant volutions, and
blessings that lie promisee. The law
tiosin,its viribetingl BeIt at Mr Nt. Shackleton's. III recognition of the apiendid work
the parture fertility work in operation
given [Willett. fathers was written on
.titled the Reid being done by girls throughout Ontario
in ciumection with the If 'ollege farm
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer
Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture
________ -- -
Our sins of ignoranee and of knoW:- there shall he a widespread know-
" gr of the Spirit. lie promises that
PARAMOUNT offering free tripe to the Royal Win-
ter Fair next November to five farm
ledge, the sins we reMerilber and ledge of (;oil atuong all sorts of people.
things we humbly elinfess unto Thee.
"t• sIl these This refers to gospel times when
I Intended to, 1.1.1 week 1
v4,4_2,1.-111% awl- . l!ave taken advantage of the histruc-
girle from each of the mutate.; which
those. we remember -
0 God. We preise Thee for the assur- preaching that there shall lw less twist
there alkali be ativii a plenty of public
Mrs. Hugh Andaa...f Buffalo, and ion eontineted In household Illierlee by
ancy. that with The, Is toraivviess mud than there was in the days of the law Mrs. Brayton', at Tst.„0“,,,, ,._._..teare..re- be Women's institute brunch. (In their
plenteous redemption. Cast the monde • . arrival in Toronto the girl* will be
knuw rent PleArn Of Mr. WO :*.k.74sra "ew..haperoned in groups by staff M-
ot Thy charity over our sins, and li_ft .o. neighbor or hrtalter 1.. aay. -
us to oflr feet again in the Kure murk Tioi stringent. A splendid program. includ-
,tikat Timm 4044 trus„ u, .01uv4slythet:wiA'ritaIws:.11•11,4414.14.4uwouuttinity ituieaustutIr ilioforer: 4.114„-. itivrol,k. and 04,w_.,... s.und.,,,..„,m_-_ 7......
", ""'"-- ....“ " I tug visits to some of the Industrial
-town. plants and business centre,. of par-
' - It-iialu that Winne Pala things from
y with friend, id 1-1Ines•-' .• , muntry, Is now in evotnie of prevent -
Shull, ..1tPriti Ocular interest to girls from the
844het, "ti• I itiii.‘...tot ha Ito itati•nms1..tliwiikt4rreivAlatyiltbyfipsitalter's i italtir'Lle_ain'al nlid I'Llialirge,:`,1,ht -\iitt, ialoison.
- middle vetoed - .e-xantimitione,. nitto 10
Kineirdine, have rcArtiel twine. whh,tin 1).T the Department. which is *leo
provhilng tranwportation for-tist port?•
4. ILIONOON FOR SEPT.- 44116-101111?-dealug tooter.- and the otisdn*tioir .. their holiday. a r
Lesson Topie--Jeremialli. removed.. SIMI Divine gram runs deem Tom Ilt•nry and Richard Kilpatrick.
Miss Minnie Ititi,:ati. will The plan la implemental to the -Itoyal
oho were aps-essful in their middle
Lesson Passage -Jeremiah I:1-10: :itixake'ititi"tr,n"..etrient.lyikr, a ,nligli_IY litrealg." Liatowei General 11„..idtat on Septente.suer;1•5(1°
been conducted so successfully during 'xs°111°Itimis•
party" for farm boys wakii has
claimed considerable interest. Soil feed-
ing for at•klity and general discuudon
of hull survey work provided much vat-
unble information for ealirrm.
- 1 Intended for last week 1
MAFEKINKJ. Angus' 27. -Mr. and
Mrs. E. Johnston and Elmer sprat •
try reeoular with Mr,- gad Mrs. Wm.
11. Johmiton at Exeter.
Congratulations are due to Elmer
Johnston who sorrowfully passed his
. -SI. - - -- ____
lialden Ted-slitonlatis 14:11. 1 .
Front_ the Expositor . Bilde we glean 1 %ramp' MlftSIONS
Death came to M1,- in.. Webster on
tiw tollowiug information about Jere- Japanese Reformer
August 1$th. Den.o...!. oho was In her . Autumn -sown (*repo
on the paptagerfOrliStirg'Intinitt.- '''.i. "4". 1°.W.--e441ThY..tItb Year' L'I "4"11 failinittexAperimuettifsore:1)trilit attat0ittu'u'-sorwent'erepalli-°1
ninth and his life -work --a commentary 4. A iverwm.. 1.4,-4 4 'o..4.!_s lit i?..,trett I .lue
,,oit,_.htildt:nr,„_."-t a... -"^:e ttlabb,...:1,117121;ittenderly
,,i,mmi , cared torby her dw z, •-r. aoe-gritid. i."11/- A. 4%, W. J- riquirmil' Pr°1".1".
A priest by birtir,Jefiggralli-elinirvemperaiwe ervelioo.'"::fornseti. with ten
a prophet by the special call tit God. prominent vintagers already et the of field husbandry. Kays: "Extremely
. . i ;_nrridtkortmod goes , , . . . t 1,,,, in their 117 weather during tin. latter part of
lila priestly -origin linftlies a gMd 'lit- :up. unit "many _of Ow others Mooted -
titre witii largely In th,., hantisnt the a --40„... dower. , 1404 thiwa ,,,,,,ly 4 ,Itereutent. Friend- • -al Varna. Sea. August and the ttttt nth of september
, hayfield anti \ ..- were present 14 respenwible for consideraltie ..dee
erary training. in tittles when Mere- ed. Te he sure t w 1 .
Priest& The Prieethood.- indeed. t1/4- .nlittlera.rp.of tairktni".- ay z_lreet_ 0 illiit,i1......ra,:iiittei- i afrwillor finwriti. T1,_,,o...___fors went, resse
in the area of winter wheat
atituted , a .priociptd motion itf the aims --emu lu onterio in-IWO. Winter killitm,
Israelitish nobility. Kings, orbiters and mayor. 1 beeid. of 'floe young (rota's(' - ierlosisons• although severe In tome distriets,
Iirlegs are often named together in married in the villages shore -Nang-
•BAYFIELI7 • ,444.1U• to have been about average for
the Prophets,' writings ne- the aristoe-yakisto- 140114111114 its doors m Dec•in- I
• Stfibt_llind• " the i'rovtiwe. Growing etitiditions since
Even iwfore hie birth Jeremiab lea ',,:tee•pa-fly, lit Thelr-liouor. and trivelv4---RAYFIELD, August .1'.-alIr. and enligruitYer"Crroingps weep htli";rneeteriel'vttntlerlient mad
,ber. *les aryls. be•Invited to a stasial t ... 1 intended for la.t neeki-
been 'Predestined by God for the work ow.- -slosiesonse adykr about the right 'mrt,,, winin, Grier mei eiiii,iven have ,pnommily „mil mimiition.. Very ,.dight
itt Itis nection with his call front God to his. Wakatis i. a happy. Christian home.. (11111„11.,14(n. nf-aa tmh,I7rejedltarmaloygerittbber: w..eu.
If . Heks of this in eon.' way to estahliali a new Atne. Mr. returned to their hotiw in Toronto.
Mr. Raid Mrs. J. i' Nolan anti film-
ic 11•044‘..•.,.---111WXI1evuleutotilLAILYin 90. iff-1:11'. •117- have returned tottnatiou after LAT- llamt. howerer, wait oecasioned by the tr.._and... Mrs hitit-on Ruptteteh and
He had-• calretT and anted -M.4- btu- to:work, - and- --the- - aeronnto , he brings of winter wheat. Yield and quality of t.entiy.
divine influence. God skid to hint that,erhool. but intereated itriter husband's Lakeside Park.
the office -et a -prophet. On bearing 'Winer Oil bis weekly visit -I iward,
that_be given expreseion to hie lack of ton, of __the hope that weddings may
urepabigh ,calling: -"Alt„ Lorit God: behold. 'wine and with Christian trremony.laiad
Mr. and Mra..Kenneth J. Maclmnakt la the variety tests of winter wheat
redneam had Miters for such -a take place. at the '"Centre" without Month at their t•ottae.r.
(.11 • . * '141314V-.-#1,01111- 41411-4•004._gh.._tassiesg_tinse of fonaity,...inzie mereygreater than for (several years:.
Jeremiah does hot refuse to obey his iyear ror ow fernier*. Mr.,Wakao. too, returned -
Salk tbe one a the wordii-"Lord.(1441T!'ilill,.- SIMI !Overalls and strive to maketmepen.tio,imhpit., $L4 444...4. in..r. ReNell.4 -SW H.. -pa Pfnaleisl •
right to his service; mere y -a `,.., Announeement_ bas _been made., y
don that he is, on -account of his cal---anki feels sure theme villagers mnitzer..14.11 nu-T,,,.„1,,y morning for rtnent lewrill.latinch-ali- -iiiitelnire14. Grttexr41;
tional campaign to encourage the buy -
implies__ * Te13/111114.9* • Of 01.111g. -Tilt arm a .
cafes a natural objeetion. The_ °Wet- fain:hig-eithoth theorreftical aod practi- Pilltrkeiwileller. 111.alrLriesi-Pa-ri:3;11einagClind 111-artikrrtirie
youth. naturallystImill and an inexper- eould live much more eoinfortably end N.i,.,,,. g..k .. , h,. h. .... ne 111g and eating of Canadian product.
ieneed speaker ba met by thp enema- with leisure for culture. if only terry ---- -----" -..."r"-- -' "-" --- in Ontario. Radio. leeture staffs anti
aging promise of „divine aseistance: knew better ways of fartuing. Ile Intintli.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni MacDonald. His- DeamPaPera will a" flaa" la -i'131 Pro-
p to all tbat I shall send thee. and his plan to make this place "an Weal gram. "We are determined.- saki the
"Say not, 1 am &Atilt': for thou shalt wants ttr-belp them. It is all a part of ter Norval Agnew Ilea
whanstierer T commend thee -thou -shalt mristiska village:. Ing their parents. Mr anti Mew. Hent7
mall son holm. 01 14.4,:pie. aVreailvia."'llt. Prime Minister. "to -show to the people
ITelliC ,... .• • ' Mr. Wake° has a beautiful bumble` the real qualities; of our products, to
Orientifrmode of thought and speech spirit. and his face light,' up radiant- demonstrate the ratite of our oven
invests everything with bodily form PO I witen he speaks of his work and diMtigrcilinerndretlinrririLedNtqliood' 1 ssnA inarkets and to prove to them the ad-
In verse O we read that- --the-3M14-put pietas.- • WI* a life job and he knows das after spendlag -levers! weeks with
1148:1.0,7n Two.- vantages of buying at home. In short;
to we want to establish a greater mesa-
th 110______Lkas laid his all on the altar. Miss J. Stirling. - -nre of cooperation between._the MO -
and the -Lord said mitt? me. Behold • Bhall_.we... not all support him in hisi J___ , ,...„___......,___ , .,__ sumer and tbe producer. In commeti
ihave put My word. . In tby mouth." great undertaking by our aympathetie eonau=tat's""Irnaj 7w''onl-liine ficrile4a 111161"14 -1"lerted7VW3Ifigni-
g point of his eareer. was due -to laws. if T may make--fts thigh! sanne,.;:v.4,V.:7,47..vet,ThipAa.;674:41aaniali.hlint; toharigrty tore. Amid t ytTuaMthtl:1nadiana would- tett for Brig Inlet- *here else has se-
rnttst,..rersonlah at the turn- _ "1 care not who makes the nation 11 ,Rend on Mond,,.... a .1,.... , 0ougb..... nit til wiikb,the large Ontario illidributors
of food will be asked to join. Mr. J. B.
• -a- ceetrossia frasciti•ni as teacher.
II:Stripped tit its symbolic form the verse prayers? contest held in Pavilion at Grand
"(Imply itsserts that the spiritual change - .
inward change was init.- poi:erne -- ---: • Litium LinstrAmez , Mrs Stewart WEB and mon 44,tariee be aston
t•the.t(Olwal manifestation of this gaffe imported id_the very time of year Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Agnew are hot-
. __,
the inallediate operation of God; and -George Gershwin. I Hass.
preaching of divine truth, by which he rand dainfilter-Torntby left rev
when rausdkuta are ',mincing similar idal‘ylaing. Hatabtkbelir:seein:ip.rhro:ncinisme:m.
iting his aunt. Miss C. Graham.
was henceforth known. The nature of Folks felt morry for Mrs..Burns. when fur their holm in Grand Rapids, haw.-
ing visited her grandmother. Mrs. r
Messrs. P. M. and Donald Grant and
i'verse 10. "Mee, 1 'have this day self away. "HOW you must mho& her:" they
Mrs Adelaide Iirbeod. who solit-elso Several Oiling,. limit. re. en ,
t'hanges. in Reprossentativea
his commission _to, preach is seen in her only daughter married and moved
Thomson. They sere mssolownied hy
rtrnsio Grant left on Saturday for To.
kibelloms,----to-root out. and to pull as far away as the telephone. We are her son and frientin in Toledo. .. made in the agricultural reprementa-
downi-tind torIteitrop-.-and-te visiting -hi lung Distance. it
, „aaa-isio cialii rig,. Mrs -Alf.
Dr. and Mr- Maxwell Brown and *Ives of (hitario, M. F. (ook. who hall inzers'. KI:nr:iiyib:ryrilrilmai lomna.kies ;,timiltr.
tag her (laughter. Mrs. (Dr.) emmell.
Ithee over the nations and over tbe 1111td. "Yea, I do. but she's really only
of God is a rotit upon which the faith fectly . ' Boy t-ity and Mr. and Ilfris.--Theo, ',take the Mite, 411 Nevc-Idelward On
. Caldwell of IlidIend. Mieh..-wpre4-fteptenther i, The mirth. country is not
H. Caldwell of been assistant in Mititlienex county. will
ft to-1mnd inet-to-piant." .The word hems lal In tc'hch *Rh t."'`"'
I hitt! 1111514V4
& 515VIELS
„ nor Tar train for ,csr.-Her- -Air. mist! -.1-110Ipstri" k Mims
friend* whsh her ev, .oecess. , thewst- few -years -- Olive autl Rictutni returued Tuesday
frotu a pleaaallt motor trip through
Michigun. They genii • few dap. 'with
Mr. Kiliiiitrirk's slater. Mrs. Engine
Hatisott, and Mr. 11*moms at East
Tawas.IliI titre tinder/ton, be. spend int this
-week with her -ouuldn._11/buLltary stU
dermal. Kt London.
NIlisses 1 ) rat*. -1Iorothy Me- -
Quaint and (Olive Kilpatrick and Mr.
Palmer liilpatrick attended the Nor-
nehtiol reunions for their
the year's wItich took place at Grand'
Bend on Weduenitiry )11141 Friday of!
-air. Jack . ?poems, lest
clerk lb Mr. McKlnis drus story.:
1.ucknow, entered on_ his diitiee last
hoe week.
In verses 5.10 we see wider WWII 114411Ir 10 keen tile eiirvil la ling occupied the 15, 1)..tiagli cottage in of harrep apikelets in the befall tawny „pen! a ,lay at onns Balla Ast._
Mr. and Mrs. H. .1 Peter ami &Bali' ;autumn -sown crops in taw experiments Rime,. slheate_ sessg____Itats____sestaktes_
and Mr. E. A. Ball returned Stria- !at the College were very good in the make areosetoting Re, R. Johnnie
f°r411 gundot ft.-oPendIne this 'crop benefited In BOO. Yiehlit twr acre title week
submitted -
Phone 127. Box No, 131
John Pinder
(Intended for last week •
August 2.5. -Mr.. W.,
tiracey. Hotniltott. supplyi
the itank of Coimperce for Mr. W.
Spiythe. who i. ei vacation.
Ws.. Pearl Nixon, nursedu-training
at 'Victoria hospital. Labdou. holi-
daying at her lawn. here.
Mrs. Harry 1/axwt and little tittech•
ter. of KIttliern4. are visiting at the
home of itr. and Oliver Johnliton.
MI. mai Mrs. R. Smith are visiting
friends Guelph. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hornell left on
Monday for Toronto. where they will
the Exhibition.-
tritoott," In Tot Into- thte. week: -
Mary 14aelean. ot Timmins,
who was via .11nriltriends, here. ha P
r. I1or4441 harms. a - Fort William.
N all 111111•111111111111.111111111111• SIN • • MI • IBM • maw •••• nines and Virginia. of MY t'it)". and,InineYenr".
---7,7--- '''''' guests with Mr.. J. A. Ferguson over 1new to Mr. Cook. as he was II retire-
. the week -end. Mr and Mrs. Roy Jen- laentative in the Kimura
Iii""1" g4.4. Lou:hunik. is viltiting his poreals, Tdr. and
' Mr. Lorne MacDonald. of Peterbor-
is visiting Itis perents, Mr. and Mre.
, - a Tid and Billie caktwen a midignek ; J. A. Berry. former audatant in
My* Thee. MarDonald.*
. 1 Ilic and Mrs. W. it, ;York county. succeeds Mr. Cook at
London. He is a graduate of the 0.A.C. • - . .
a Mr. and Mr, Hog ri;5147ortoronto,4r0*tTlbit originally tem I/morbid-a, -T•
a .., opens OW V1•••k.iit- With the latter'a Carleton cenn17. .
Ill CANA:HAN THROUGEI AND THRIDUGH! - m parents. Mrs a:Um w ii. jowv..L,„,,....17-14, Barr. aesistant agrkultoral
II • Mile Evarffseleillis, who spen ireirrenentative for Hitralrlrounty. With
vacation wily Miss N. Ferguson.st Viintoll. bus been IIPPointed
INI torn's! to Siralford on Saturday niirelentative for Greorille. coon
Mr. and Mr. -Alfred t'hedwick. of with offk'e'at Kemptville.
IntiOror4stroanahrandwith their ,inctrulAreque has been appointed
_ .eousItt.'--Mr -4111.1 Ara C. A. FAlwardit. '
m .., lifis, ilt--14•444,..upent the weer-4-04-1-eount17---stteresslioll-L-A-11-
= , with her par:ra.. Mr. and Mrs. W. .1.1wIto renigned. Mr. Minninv•
• !Stinson. Mi..i•Ane• Stinson. R.N.. who from the 0.A.C. in 192.5 after taking
gg . spent the pilaf t'li d month,' at her home, lanimal hood's:id-1.y optIon.-XFWV14.
- rentravert--es-.I_ with ewe •tor a-tnallert be...ipenikt.rsr at 1113 abattoir
N Every Superior Chain Store is owned and operated by Independent Canadian Grocers--
,-axery.cent invested in the Superior Storgsis c,,auadian-all people connected with them
Are C3.nadians. This is truly an Ortirattlen-eirE -one thsr--ail -Canadians
should be proud of and glad IrrinippOrt. -If you wail -Whelp VW growth -11.661PamPeritY 01
▪ your own community--suppert.- local enterprise -watch the stores with the 01111Ige and
Black fronts, they-
Clark's Pork & Beans
Medium Size Tina
2 for 19c
Old English Wax is G9c
"Gives lasting, hard flnish'•
Interlace Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c
Benson s Corn Starch per pkg. 11
Lealand Sweet Mixed Pickles 12 oz. 29 -
Princess Flakea-with 'Arial kg._
• foie p19r.,2.ic
Kellogg's• A11 -Bran
-"lb* Yourself to Health"
• large pkg. 19c
l's 5f5C
„IIII• loyal York Tea, 1/2's 28c,
'HI Ivory Soap, medium size 2 caked 19c
Il Chateau Peatenrixed Cheese 1/2 lb. 19c
N Premium Tea -with Vase Orailritud
l's 59c
a Saucer Free
• Vi -Tone, "Delicious Hot or Cold"
' I; 33c I's 53c
....i,„ria • Surprise Soap :,:,,LJ Jewel Shortening . ... ...., .,....,,,,,..... nu, weak In one ta the Box
r': -4:41 a „„...... roots. corn" vegetables. hity
J 7 . 1
'.441 A Pure, Hard Soap' 44%
,. . 1 's, "Made by Swift. - '4,1, ' ill ' Nilir-t.-ti •4reitit mei (lien, of Lfon, and ntherwrodnete. A giant tnap of
,,,,,• ,, • don. AINI Mr. it K. King anti Herold the Croat 'idiocy,' the loeation of the
5 bars 2c , 2 lbs. 29c ',„,•.,,,,,F0 r , Attwood. of Sarah', are visiting their :4140 fertility trat phda which the pe-
a noitht•r, Mrs Charlet; Parker. meat I44 opentting thrtatehmit Olt-
• ' imi.........„- is Mr. yard Vint -W. I, Barite*. ansillario. This_jent with nearly every eron
. PH01 YOUR 'OR DEilt-410
-,...-.......... ...... ! wawa.. a.; ,fraiiiri4.441. wilb....,;aasaia.,7s..,„ thebir1:0:R::::;t1tittinedthi.f. grmvvosientyinotOtif,tsratriiriosor.n thheinca. iplreei:101AIIpilledde
the farynene•nwn Panda onsier- tliPir. I.
::: • J. J. McEwen. Go rich, - ..
w e.'" Neeliti on inintlap,
' . .... or
, PHONE 116
, 111 were impala with Wt. end Mrs, I, 11 lirl•r• And equally itreffrare 111M -eating
of teat area. The reeorda allow Inter-
•iwaistiwkw. anninis t ion at„rtrriti.
' WE DELIVER---- _ - ...... MI Mr. and Mra....T. G. Netibit and tam letting and valuable figures. Memlowa
mg, • ,,. , , III Ity returned to .london on Monday I fertillicti with a high nitrogen fertil-
wa;r_... e.,r,,,,ww„, ,., ieteld while Alfalfa fertilised with high
illingWrIMM"'...... --................
NI al ii ii ji a ji mi an wi li ii in isi a ii i II ii a ii sum 0 Lin nafretnor ng 4110.... (month in Jowett's lizer VIVI. an incresae of 45 per eent. In
Eagle Brand Milk
per tin 19c
Green Giant Peas
Large and Sweet
each 25c
each 18c
8 oz. 25c
8 oz. 25c
2 pkgs. 25c
Nonsuch Stove Polish
Kraft Salad Dressing
Kraft Tasty Spread
Brillc-4 Pad
Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon
1/2's 26c
New Honey -7
4 Ib.. 8 ozs. 53c
Glacier Sardines
Pumpkin, No. 2 tins
-• Licorice Allsorts
Clothes Pins
2 tins 25c
each 1-0c
1f2 Ib. 17c
3 dos. 10c
Whiz Fly Fume 8 oz. 47c
sly coils -Hangers 4 for 10c
Beat Quality Rubber Jar Rings 3 doz. 25c
Allan Tops for Jars per doz. 25c
Zinc Rings per doz. 19c
1 short chin la•foresoing to New York. in Toronto. a 'ter rettilinWiVi
• , sti. Marton Balloon return's! home , terra near Walkerton IMring his etay
I i :fin, s.....inr,47Thatri:7ridesit,:r.ndiiize i 1 the ra be became nnt-of
a t Mrs. %IMO That and family,
Isaptio1:1(7x. "snrunty
wl ber parent.. me. •and Mrs. F. W. ;
. aysimeat....11r;:1,,:ent In community develop -
Am Crop Situation , -
. • London. art. 'i. -tilt this week with , .
.._ _._
IIIBaker. . - 1 Reports of erop enntlititma for the
I The Ineniner- of the Bell Telephone i latter part of August hellcat*. .that the
Fat I* 11 1414 111 Trbieb played n team ' • i h f II in mood ;willowa of
limier the Mattngenstint, of A. Steep In Itionthwestern ()Mario' were badly
Jowett. Groie on Oslo IMy are coin- needed. as pasturea had iteen'Imirnt up
ing back (in Labor Day tor a return !find corn and root crow were Rutter -
genie. *Welt sill be played In Ow Agri- Ant eecerely for lack ot moisture. Har-
i ti rmIghout the I'rovince hal
Siherwood's Ice Cream
for your protection
Evonymewav iOnagemeat
Spares Grocery
"Thu Store ci assisieesisa",
Godariel 146
• (littoral ground.. 1
Illbat.terhe Nietealt. of Detroit. and been completed and excellent yields
IIII Mr. *William Metcalf, of Baden. N.C., 4re: report's!. Alfalfa. alsike anti cid
m tire •Priellillar: 1 I wit* vacation with their i Tyra yielded very an thdactorily. as
Parents. Dr ,,o,1 Mrs. W. F. 'Metcalf. (high as 11161) Inothela per nen, of red
II ---ble”-tos4-44., IA. MciAreal Marion ,clow having been reported in Kenora
I anti Christine vil i
-..e.Aren tire visiting ' diet Het. Many drovers and erathnnety
10 thin week is Oil' Vim J. Stirling. ' isa VC report 041 ilea vy brumes on their
1 Mr. NMI. Mrs. Will Tippet left ern growl , cattle. due to low prices and
ai Monday for their home in Billing. itesireity of 'posture. Many nre holding
6. Montana. •Alter orpendhig the month :their cattle niter for the Christmas
llt41 I 1 r I I IP tornies parents. Mr. and Mrs. !Ovule.. Sono. excellent crop,. of barley,
Tippet.. ', onto and mixed ernins 'nice been Mir.
Rev. anti Mra. R. IL F. GairdnerIvAlted this unison. In Norfolk emery
1111 sod danglitet itetty left for their home one fanner neertred a yield of FOG
mu ill Wnshingtfin pa, brogue staid six bindle's of oats from a fifteen -acre
MI weeks with the termer's brother, J. field, n nearly IMO buithelS per aere.
aGaInhier. - -----
. Mr. wad .Nits. 1'. W. unto" ""'ll Iwo Valuable 0,A,('. Exhibit
hope Monied to Lptulon on Satiirday. Taking AM It• keynote the I Top-
iluseing-spiso.- Lisa_ season at their „OA.. ming power of Ontario ions. the
I hare. .A.r. iii•vortfeeht - 4,f Chemistry elt•
N11•1. WAII•,,,. and dnnghter. 1%/ina- Ittbit at the C. N. E. hiss Attracted
IN 1..th. of Urals, Rapid.. Mich., are flail- tweet attention. It embodiee A inige
N I . log her mangy, Dire. .1. Thomson. co -opia picturing the fertile •••il• of
'''' Mrs. 41-. 1, 1141,k It 04 twO children °uteri() pouring forth hundreds of
Ill itffil Mrs. winat, of Windom% are thousands of littaliebt of whottf, onto '...
*lid barley. and thousands ot tons of
for a few cents
j: So easy to get Health and Strength for
a few cents if you know what food to
buy. It is what you digest that builds
muscle and bone and furnishes energy
to') the body. Shredded Wheat is the
whole wheat -in a digestible form -
proteins, carbohydrates and mineral
salts for building good bones and teeth
.^# -and it costs but a few cents. Deli -
emus with milk and stewed fruits.
.•*•'''r •
\\ •
- -t•