HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-9-4, Page 5GODERICH, ONT. •lrnMMlSB1• AA/1♦11xli1!/!1♦■11!.10r11l1�nlnnll1111•�i1041♦�11•E11♦1♦�•1♦�����1N11�111■�11•El1�11��11♦1♦ 0111k, 1111 r -+-7-3711111 a ► • S UN nMI■ nrd Thursday, September 4. 11146--5 • • a// KIM III alWW1 M///>•■RII[■■I11•••••r■lsa>t1•MNu•N••1111••■•mm•a>•■■a•l/nasuu•••■•■■•••Wan••••••umnM/!t Our new Stoves are in If you need a new Quebec Stove or anything in new Furniture REMEMBER THE SPOT - Blackstone's Furniture Exchange "fin the &otsdway-of Goderteh ' Many Gather to 67 Honor the Dead Fraternal Lodges and War Veter- ans Held Impressive Decoration Day Sunday • We.st Street SHOE SHINE PARLOR Service and Satiefactiou Tobaccos ConfectioneTZ. L. CONDOS NOW IS THE TIME to have your fall and winter Overcoat' CLEANED and PRESSED Last I(ulday 'afternoon _ Vletorta_ Ledge No. 1M2. L,(►.L., Court Ooterleb No. :12. C. O. E.. and the (Treat War Veterans held their annual union doe-' oration services at Maitland twmewry. (hie clay the past week an antotao- bile driven by Mr. W. Brandon, of Chadian'. stru ek a cow on the Blue Water Highway near Grand Bend. killing the animal. The cow was owned by Mr. ltesjarrdine of Stephen tow'u- ship. The car was badly damaged about the radiator ami lenders. Goderich Beauty Shop The weather was ideal and there was a large gathering of town and country people as well as many vtaltore_at the service held In memory of the departed. At 2.311 o'clock the various orders, headed by members of the Boy Stouts, marched from the Square to the cem- etery_ At the entram•e to the cemetery the Goderich citizens Itand joined the procession. taking Its position in [root Gderiei Kraut) Parlor lags thio nrornkng when Mrs. !'utter, • and leading the parade. into thKCYme Vi(. libate..si. Iswrleeee•---�Cay..a wltaPls['rrmtpltNrly i.reelr tte.itti icry. Rev. 11. 1'. M0i)ermld was ha I�:dn• M. Camels -II .I; rotor when arcuated was w•nt.'ti.'erl. Given Wk. which opened WEST STREET 18 CALLED teaks Down as BROADWAY of GODERICH Breaks $ •tdvrnt of Coital 7•ieslrr and Peee-tree Sentence Is Passed Goff ('ease is %retreated by Str eed'k IlerriaMs The upruhl' of ■ talking pie pure Crown Witness, Mother of Family, theatre and miniature id( course, both Feels Keenly for Man Whom within the past mourn. has given a de-, She Testifies Against tided impetus to' the deaelopweut of i West sfroet. yM ole thio, 11 has de -1 ..,t.d much traffu' fnnu Thr p)urre � This i'1'hur.e4.v 4 morning at Clinton 'awl Harold Blank -tots•. ..tN• of the - (io,vtaa, liawiu. rliargwl w•IUi breaking. and entering. was given One year de- _ ..'sad one veer indeterminate 1n anOntario reformatory. He entered the Ilona of .1 II Mi{'lure, Gtderlch I, anuli_ $.1!J. also the lane of Mrs. Phillip !'otter. in thnderirh • township, where he stole x wrist I watch and $4.'23, The offences were. ,committed two weeks ago. \lasou h t 'Pmtyseven years of ape. Tin -re wee t dramatic touch 111 the ,curt prsveed poring merchants on that thor- oughfare, has chrtwened it "the ,Broad- way of (lodertch " Me Ypttow-mer- chanta of the same street f 1t -the same way about It and they -(tel the world" on page 5 of today's isstw of Tlw Sigmal. AB that is meow-waenteal make West street a bigger and Better "broadway" is • few more lights and • few more eteetrir signs. but there will ,same. Riad ataae'• Furniture Exchange H. Blaekste r. Proprietor charge of the service. w sobbed: w Meat )larkd natant*ancnatant*and sedan. Mrs. Potter so with the offering of prayer by Rev. J, u vise own Irovb hymn. "Onward Christian Soldiers:: r tblrlaal P ���. -maid bo.did not know his father was were sung and thwn-fnHowed the Scrip -Su rcip titre rea.uug by Rev. Mr. Scott. The - 'hymn,. "Neater. Mr tied to Thee," war �e.lwww. followed by, au address by Rev. J. N. G.der Fn Ilr>_('leanine Works' tarok) at Guelph.- H. Mils. Mr. Mills gave an excellent J- H. Vrooman. Proprietor 1 louring the past few days there has wt, address dealing with the real purpose (kePland Isrn the usual grist of 11 T. A. and oro! Fteblwrt.Nr Two verses of the I► M t Itrn 1 was thinking f ter was bolsi Alf. Tabun 1 G;rlt deed. When sNdPny woe ,nosed'ae'- 'tie- ( -lewd remarked. "W11v. they one give to TTiree toofirtiw- for T.rra[T.:w OUt un Life Assurance Co. of Canada WHY DO WE WORK ? EVEN those on the "Broadway of (lode -rich" must work. Wh'T We and thaw who depend upon us mAddleve food, clothing ROB 511,1104. We fear that we may die to soon --Mo we Faure our lives. But we hop' that we may live to be ofd, so we carry an Endow- ment Polley to mature at age sixty or sixty -ave. 'Thus If we five or die Life Ass%Irtowe will provide. Consult us regarding out' many plane of Assurance. • (Itlice 11•i 'Hoses Residence .%4' H. R. LONG, District Agent AFT A-STROIJ..ON-BROAD_WAY DROP INTO BL*CKSTONE'S and . enjoy a dish of- -Heel ntadt3 Ice` £ra>t► `" of such a gathering. People were not Raker poi 1., t'. J- mates thrallghuIt the county. re gathed here today simply to place I law of NCr• flowers on empty butgraves, ut the true he WM Golf Coursealso our caw of iusanfly, tie tion of wife and family. using indecent I:mintage un. I.tdoesy and. assault.' Tomorrow 1 Friday I Wellington Rotald of LIstuwel and Artlulu Isle phew) of•Gorrie face charges of UMW titan or taking a girl i siren w re v a to (, en e• kreydng her sway two days. _ purpose of this serve was to pay re- sper•t and honor to the memory df PHOS,g those who have passed on. said tbe speaker. As we• think of the lives of ,_— our departed mars we should gather WE MAZE THEM LOOK JUST LIKE NEW GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS • • On the Broadway of Ooderich'' 'P J. H. VROOMAN, Proprietor. —=r.•:.� eneenragrmand_rnt a DO you realize your person- to carry ou life's work for God. al appearance and beauty startevrith-yearJiairt -- Tey us. We speciatice in Whop' _' i►I 4 Etats' Hair Cnt- After the address the mil of 11w dead was read by memlwrs of the or- ders, Major A. F. Sturdy read the roll for the veterans, Mr. H. Leggett for Orangemen rangemen and Mr. A. Hadden for the Foresters. The "1.t)lt Post" was sounded by Bandsman Rolwrt Henry.After the singtug of three verses of the ruse hymn, "Abide With Me." tbe b.nedk'- Hon was pronounced by Rey. Mr. the lodges then to drtrorate the grave* of- VIC. HARRISON, Barber. Edna M. Campbell, Operator. SFE • • FRIDAY AND SATIJn -Old FRUIT CA REGULAR 36 CENTS ii& 25c per • COOKIES REGULAR 15 CENTS PER DOZEN Two dozen for 25 cents Try our Milk Made BREAD. Lt is different. Telephone your order early and.d9p'-t be disappointed EA J. . A .� .a.t� ty Bro.dl..� At .w PHONE 114 Tit y� Y j EE Scott. The members of proceeded their departed brethren. Chairman's Vote Been P Has A. Maxwell Proprietor Staid Staid - Jihibe iesewe awl I.ry ('leaner yg Me.trthur 111sa�ilal Store -..- - i. tom• Proprietor •R. r targe ! Sea �O' Res. Fnrniture Dealer!.k FluieaaLilreetora grekiame's ReNtsuraat • ice !'ream and Confect lottery III.R Long lesunn.e wa) Breidinn J imago. Proprietor MSI-MelVOR The marriage of fuse •..011 -known eitloens of Goderi.ti, i t • Dorothy Fa- tter McIver attest- u McPhail, .toel• pieces'abetrnreta manse oW •aas. Atat The ceremony was :eerfort to d by Rte'. ft c. Melfi rmid. "the --beide, and -brill, 0.-3. Davis, is Cb �!'Ai�:.`torer -wrae +u+xtrea/MI. Music, but Appoint;n sat 1. Challenged Il. 11. Davies was tonight appolnttd director of music for Goderich public schools, but the appdntment is by nu weans certain. There was a tie vete, three for W. B. Rothwell and two for G. R- IMyles. 4'hairman Parsons claimed -Me prll liege of casting two vote, one to create a tie and one as chairman to break the tle, both votes going to Mr. )Davies. These votes were cast under strenuous protest of Mr. Ruth% ell's supporters. Sendai .&'lai.r Day Although It was Labor I)ay the pub - 11c *•head board wet also Monday even- tu.; to ecatsider, among other thlaga, the appointment of an Instructor of music, but w•Ithout coming to a deci- sion. Two resolutions resulted In a tie and both were declared lost by the •:eralrnnn. The -question was dtacusaed at- emisiderable length. -When the •=ews'ring adjourned -the•••eiaa.-appl routs. W. It. Itoth*i4t -0.-$.-ii*YIP* and A. W. Anderton all being very nowt] in the running. A letter was read from the Women's Institute stating that the annual grxtit of $10I would to eoItimie 1 If an appointment was made. Those present .UtutyIay werg chat Parson% and Trustees Walla,,, ('a Midler and l'11001s0t1. ('.aI Contract Awarded The .rmtract for forty tons of o0s1 for Central shod was awarded to J. B. Mustard. Tbt.eral. No. 1 anthracite. Is to le.welglitr) on the town settles and delivered et $14.25 a ton. There were four tenders. two teeing at the' same price. .Mr. A. C. Jackson. caretaker of l'eu OL THEMOST POPULAR SPORT �;rtar IN TOWN. x H .at game on Goderich's New Course. Situated TN lie "Broadway of Goderich" at the corner of West and Waterloo streets. e children as wettv the$owa ups play this game of$po and skill. IMPORT = 'Si '-Those Who Drive Cars Linder the new Law, on and after Sept- 1st, 1930, you - ta-to:be up. to $11,00Q for -any. accident you might have. U you have an accident and do not carry Automobile' Insurance you will probably be put ""ler detect' a lot of Inconvenience and expense: Our advice is to i t.cda-or tall . insure now and sa�ie troubt� �t'op-' us -up -regard- ing rates._.�. We have a number of Canadian and British psniea_ to choose from and guarantee prompt and eM ieitt insurance service.- r OBJ - .ARY-_-- --'. JOHN F'R.LSER Impress' Vt. funeral services were' held on Tuesday afternoon for John Fraser. wh.lwe ,Path occurred on Sul - day. August :tl, at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. (:.wlert••h. Th.• funeral tool, plate (row the h.ou.' of Mrs lad)! NI, Ilwstu. Newgate strreL' his place• of rr-.idou.w. and wess hold wader Masonic unspiees. the war vi-(- erame, too, wwen t.d, Itwv, _ Mcllrrtnttlla-.t��� bur h, wstngato tttargP The pau- - Meirl�ir rweev7' Torrid t rail: A:eT. Sturdy. W. F. Matinders. 11 arahaR Thomas Pritchard Ind J. H. fonder: 8eautlftal wrntt66e��_ the ('auadlau i,eel Golf Club rested on top of the casket, draped with the 1'111011 Jack. There O. F. CAREY & SON MASONIC TEMPLE GODERICH TELEPHONE 230 •, • were meso many floral tokens fnus (latr1/agkairgBrp!"Trftii t rotitwosrbil ue parts of the Province. from pre , feasloaal golfers in Toronto NMI Galt, who attended In person. •'��" The late John Prater, who was In i eke sit 1 forty-fifth year, was •raphe of i Leith._ Scotland. _where his m . eat4t;lr h etUt resides. For the past three sea- .. - (sorts he hie. meted Na 1'V' dT ftp ave a hot dog or Maitland Golf Club. and was held high ,stens by mienlwrs both as a an ice cold drink quiet. golfer reser11 ved n tIire Ind mad ` • quiet, re•s•n•crl 11nthre and made few intimate- .frhetd+. lie. dewed In the Great- W»'r u-Mes.gsrtpmta wlt4-the • Imperial f.r.es, contraction rheumatic i fever.. /runt which he never fully re- 1 (ravened. SiI. Weeks ago he was with a heart attack. from which It', felled to rally. lnherlaelit w•ate_pia.Ie in • J. smoiEL, itlsur' d lmetery.e--ee, 7'110 Toronto titan% sports enditor', -. Lke:s iit`'Ylletaitlg � ' :-tM: ta Ptopnetor:1: Reny 'friends in Toronto wet eery' Room and Board CLEANING - REPAIRING • trail school. was granter) $2.5 Increase to salary. commencing with this term. 140 applied for an increase of $50..l resort frnln am lusuran.e company -the hoard that central Caiiad fttrrlac4 fireboxwas 111 newel of repairs. it-Weitordered come at once. "1110 mammon rale Is t0 A45 our (0Ma big lapses IIs tiny nothings-"--Jt$Aat• inn C:n14114 We carry a good stock of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc, Course open morning, afternoon and evening daily, sxceot _ Sunday.- :'r... I. Expert service on ladies' and men's clothing Satiafael,i'en Guaranteed W. C. MAIL est Street Me `On the Broadway of Goderich" Choice FULL LINE OF Meats --find Poultry 1V --We-Deliver Dt • M.Brien c 1, 1'11 leant of of the death rtlFTehrt h user, J professional at the Matttgtnrt•IoIf f' ,1 Galerirh, whh h iw-•iirr.iI nn Sunday after a prlet Illness. Mr. Fraser came i to Canada from Edinburgh about fire fears ago. For two years he WON head Iranian liiini A'••-rf l '*a• -a' ") T. Feint ,Co., but his In•Iinatb.a sNiif toward the idlf professional's shop 1111 i. two year:• ago he rvv&'Iv.rl'the Appliut•' 'l ment at tloderich. ice sport last winter, with a golf club In California but re - 'terms' to rescuer -ht. duties at limier -1 ,I ich early In the present season, Two wrr'ks ago Fraser was' taken.Aerlonay Ill from heart trouble and despite the j beet of hospital rare grew weaker until he p om ed,,.aw*y. '11110 ,1.cess4l. was A quiet, gentlemanly., rather seansltIvel Haberdasher and Dt1,,► y'roaR tatfn' Sentsmathu Ito nettle frh•nli wherever lie went ,,meas a Root golf: Cleanp. ter and tritafustaking teru'Iwr. Ile wits Ty.)1)ro lhi!, lsrrsrtslr of 11 very fin,.letciat t the Broadway of I vole') and Trario-nt1• -1rifl qtr a _ . at Hollyw,Nwl. Hardships i0 the war, IngLEPHONS 339 Omit regltnent. are laid to hare lara Goderich'' II resepousllde for the heart r nslitl+a►- ►Fwialeli terntlnaterl lits life. •' Brophey Bros. On the Broadway of Godei to " ,. • • • Electric Wiring of All Kinds A• L. MAXWEi-L, s�Pmarr�o/�prriietov- �iosfh'bl /51�fgiGC3C•e q�1 /h i Estimates given on application Frank McArthur - West Street Electrical Sher Telephone 82 Goderich WE SPECIALIZE IN Order your - Stove R.1rs NOW ! We get Parts kr any make of Stove. Beds, Mattresses and Springs PRICES RIGHT �-'- y 'lretopjrerier Store 120 Resident'* :1T �ouso ertrt.i RRCAPITtAL TH WEST STREET, GODERICH THE NEW ALL TALKING THEATRE NOW PI.A%TNG MAURICE CHEVALIER The_ singing rsonalih snit -'fn another great entertain- mt'tit speetal. THE BIG PON YEA'I'UTRETTES 11FiT`tf-i;VERY• PROGRAM - - Monday, Tuesday - Ind: Wednesday- DENNIS KING -thee alynamie ailtltee'who ealtttvate(l AMC/it'd w'Ili' his fore,•. folPharaeterizatiun id the irfesti`st of Fill were, ll rotuanres. itir,ir-tn teebiliamAit-„ - "The -Vagabond gKing" -- CALLED THS ULTIMATE IN ENTIIRTAINMENT WW'ateh for tweets' attraction nett Thursday. Freda) and Saturday r EVENINGS (AMW40c; CHILDREN 20c. • MATINEES: ADULTS 25c; CHILDREN 15c. Two shown Path night at 7.3S and 9.:t. Manatee Wednesday and Petunia) at 3 p. aa. Alf. Tebbutt & Son _.....8!837 STREET We Deliver Phone 488 ►.._-1'OMING MOON RA POPULAR UPQI'r8T-- _.. with the tour illarlt B;roil6Mtt,- _, COCOANUTS • •