HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-9-4, Page 44--T1turda7, September 4, Mb
AUBURN, hiepteutber 3. -Several
from here are attending the Exhibi-
tion at Toronto. Among them are Mr.
1'. Paterson. Mr. A. Rollinson, Mr. E.
Stotts and Miss :\uuie Straughau.
Misses Pearl, Hazel and Florence
Lawlor visited their sister. Slit. Jouea.
.q,,.11s•th, the bast week. returnlna
Made -to -Measure $27
The Suit that made history last season. Made by (elnla-
da's oldest established tailoring house.
Royal York Clothes offer, we believe, the best -dollar-
for-dollar clothing value in Canada in style, fabric, work-
Fall Samples consisting of English worsteds
Y '
and serge: and Scotch tweeds.
Made to your measure at S27.50
- -"rheas,e- ti silt -Taispim«ts S7.- _-•—
tannin.•/rte p ttrl,alrek of Detroit.
Mrs.liar/ IMIcKeanzb•. of Oot1eriek
visited at the home of her brother
Jack on adndsy,
Miss Orwee I*rhennie, R.N., has re-
turned to TurtlaG„ atter a fortnight's
hnliday spent aa•,„,g h. -r tuauy friends,
11r. James alta \U- i'lurela•r Ashton
rare seeldtue „un iiuu with their
grandmother, di, -Iepheusen1. rDel
uncle, WUfrwl ,ill a -on.
'witttd_eldieee a pine tn.tne of
ins lleKelplf Ili, 1' ,i_.n-Y-hlirr--
x»...tIy nutderin--+*•+.--►..soar Pereea4.,
While n isltltag at the house of her j .Ir. Harvey el 01^"i• of Winbor,
nephew. Mr: Gee. Cowan of Earl 'and Bert perepr,i. of Flesherton. vis-
Wr,wnnush. Mrs. T. Strattghali had the it.al uudea f>it,•ut„! rant tinting the
misfortlwe to fall d0w111stalrs. Al- ; w.•.•k.
though mo lames were broken. she re- i Mr. and Mrs. \l'w. lteunett, or Chl-
art%lsl 11 NC, err shaking up• cogs,, are sp,eddI,t a couple of weeks
Schea,l reopened Tuetsedry with MWaa With the furnaer's hooker and sisters.
j,. Johnston in charge of U.B.S. No. 5 Re.v. and Mrs N'w. 'l'aylor have re -
and Mime Redmond at the continuation turned to their Geld at Roekwoud
rt'hool in Auburn. Seventeen pupil" iafter a month's h lisu> sprat at their
registered there. summer cottage.
Auburn it well represented at God- \\yah the opruh,e .,i s howls the most
erieh Collegiate this year. Attendingof the summer tcitors have gone to
are lbs (aadya Trylor at Mr.thelr respective bases
Horttey's, Miss Phyllis Tayl r at Mire Mr. end MIs ,\Ctlbtir Stewart have
Me{'llutwn's, Miss DorisWagner and ®Dues to Kitchener 'where they will
Miss Mary Houston at Mrs. !furrow's. infuturereside.
Miss J.mpphine Weir and Mlases Klemm- \Ira. Frank K'illis is visiting with
or and iorothy 11-11'41h at Sr'''. M.' her daughter. Mr Earl Mrltlwuld, of
' iMontgomery's 'near Mutat'.
Mr. John Robertson. of Hutlett, has Miss Stella Johnstone Is to•tbtag at
purchased the t•esldeas(rpom/stmstuu et the late Cedar Valls
e, Spuhi and takeSeer y
!ember 22nd. _.-_ _--_-,_W
Mr. Byron Reid. who has been rt•
relatives during the holidays. re -
Men's and Boys' Wear. Gor%arieh, Ontario.
ST. AUG I'STINE. September 2.-
Mles G. Jefferxon, it.K•. of •tile Wood-
-Keck .hospital staff, who spent the
month of August at her home here, re-
('REWF Sept•mterr 1/=Mrs Frank turned to Woodstock this semi. ,
McIntosh. Harold, Cirlyle, and Jean. Mss Olive Jefferauu. nnrseta-ttals-
ot Windsor. vlsiteel lir. and Mra..W. lug et WA'oolato•k hospital, spent the
Drennen Sunday. -weekend at her home hese--
tri •k. Ml
s• r aft
. K t
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Duncan and Miss Don -
filthy KII{rtrk'k, Mrs. Harry Mh141.- whir Mclhanald, of Hru»sela and Mies
tun cud Mr. Will French attended the Faknnwr, of Chicago. called on friends
"immlgrnnte' Pkn1•" at Norval last Imrebrat 111ursday._
Friday. Over taros-ttttndred tmmigrael- Devotions are hell* obwrt (o the
Iwys xtterultd. church here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Swan and family at- sirs. J. C. Robinson atilt children
tended the Swam -Dishes re.epnluu liare leen on the sirs flat. ,---
held last Wednesday night. Mrs. Archie Messer and'- daughter
Mr. and hire. T. C. England and Margaret are aletitag. Dere this
children. of Galt. oleo Mrs. J. Englandweek, 1 {,oda Mrs. ('armed Feag se and two children.
of i ee know, spent Ichor Day at Yr, 7,. LOIS and Edwin, :prat S fay with
Swan's. Mr. and ilea- N`C: L.nnt Monday and Mr. anl Mra. 'Harvey Fisher. ltgh eon -
Mite Ruby Kilpatrick has rerdte [d ctulldreu, of G.oderkh. pend erasion.
her duties as teacher at Rockworl with friends here. sir.. A. Johrutoile appal a few'daya
d \\ Reid ami baby
with fret datugbrpr. Mrs Weir. this
ODERICH _ face`'
CARLOW. Attg2'"y -=-Ther Anknnd
meetlug of the W M. t(. was held at
the home of Mrs. Win. Marsh with
ten members present. The meeting
opened by singing; ' Sot.liera of Christ
Arise." and prayer. Mrs. .1. Treble
read the 100th Psalm The secretary
was abeeat ■nd• Mr. --T. Wilson read
the minutes of lase meeting and acted
as secretary ifer-4b.' dry. It was &-
elded 10 have a booth a+ usual at the
achoel fair on September 11th and dif-
ferent eotamitteete were appointed for
the work. The hymn "From Ocean
1.. \ Amelia
y' Miss ime
Unto s lure.
Ocean- was
Mcllwain gave part of the last chap-
ter of the study Ise.k and Mrs. Hen-
derson a short O.11 --uu-Maas'- 01 Our
hymn writers. The noetinr closed by
singing "Abide with Me." written by
Bishop IL F. Malo__ -and -_prayer by
Mrs. Itende•rao •
Mr. and Mra. Jake Fisher. Mr. and
iRieflatelemee /areata. 1 .v, and Mra.
Mrs. A. Ile and two sons returned
to Windsor on Saturday, having spent
several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C.
W tdcuwhe.
Mr. and Mra. R. W, Clarke. of ('leve -
land, visited, the tatter's aunt, Mrs. F'
W. Baker, fur a few days last week.
Miss llwern Holmes eluted !ser gill
Chop ony M o nda y' and returned to
r. atlLL • .LPE itte ! "" •e •! .,•, ' . i
lethe;..tlf 9h,r,nt.;--Mpea$--4h -weet1-el . t
.with her parents, Lir. aksi Yrs. F. l'.
Itev. end Mrs. F. H. Paull leu •e this
week to spend their vacation at Tonm-
tu and Loudon. The foruner's mother.
Mrs. E. Penll. who has been visiting
them, returned to her home lu Loudon
this week. During the alatence of the
MONEY buys a lot of things but it
can't buy a place in the Hall of Fame.
hi the GRATE Hall of Fame, the
Haat, Folks hold the honored niche.
They trims -plumed there, not so much
ell the reasonable price at
enter our service, sr be -
SERVICE they give for
- The Heat Folks epe-
eist- a on clean coal, chock full of
beat -no clinkers,- and little ash.
Thy are -justly fgh4ous: -
%tee ~ In file Exhibition.
- Mr. an Mrs.
o[ Ashfield, anent Snead with
ra l ii . Wilton. Mr. seals Mra .
Ism Mallei field. of Ashfield. sidism_ add Mrs. llrls'eas Inst, Mn. G. (Mie, of
\tr.ldd Mrs. Masan Mc.VllattK
e'ek _ Wlugbrm. ridt.d with Mr: Ales.
- re esti Nam. H.,alental ns. !'rL1ty:
rector, the Venerable Archdeacon
Jones -Bateman, of Goterleh, will con-
duct the services. For the next two
Sundays there will be a united service
for the three ehurches of the perish, in
Trinity church at 11 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs- lt. W. Bristol and Mr.
C. C. Motheraead returned to their
homes In Washington, P.C., after
spending the past mouth at Mise M. E.
Garrett's ..,stage.
Mlas Ethel Cameron. who hat spent
the summer with her aunt. Miss E.
Cameron, and Misr Mildred l'atueren.
who spent several weeks here. also re•
turned to I►etron (►n Sunday.
Mr. and Mets. 11. McLaren. Marion
and Christine. who spent the past
week with Mies J. Stirling, returned
to Port Elgin on Sendai.
Master James Fisher, who spent the
past two weeks with his aunt, Mrs. F.
A. Edwards, returned to Waterloo on
Mr. Pollock. Mho B. P. Pollock and
Mims N. Smith. of Kitchener, were
goof* Labor Day at the Lakeview
Mr. William Metealf, who was hol-
idaying at his home, len on Saturday
fax Pittsburgh, being transferred from
BadID, Y.C.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Newlin lett on
Tuesday to spend a few days In Sea -
Mho Helen ('ameron. of i)etrolt.
t spent the week -Ned and holiday with
her meter. Mies E. ('arnoron,
Mr. Jas. Cameron. Isabel and Evans,
returned to Torouto uu WedDeaalay
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johns and wale
spent the week -end at Wtartott.
Misses Elva rod Ann have returned
to Toronto to resume their teaching
Mb.s Dolly ROW., w•ho has been in
Toronto for the past two months. r ltlyrhel 1 Mrs, \\'rhetrr 1 of I tK'httow.
Mr, and Mrs. I. B. ttmith and eon s E. Rlid of ucitnola Toronto
nd Jane Misers
Olen. of aywithon. spent the week -end field. e►ne brother, Lautmeetot. prede-
f Ray
and holiday with Yrs. C. Parker. of Ism In 1910.
M • Andrew Currie. r.
t;to RICH TOWNSHIP. tteptem- with
her 3 --Mesa Lthf-Swell. of Ieuring The following fa•lhetzti returned 10 Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton andsou.
torp, visited with friends here during =tar. road MIs. 1'. 'meet's' of Wlag- earllale. spent the week -end with their I The funeral. which wa. very largd7
their achada ma week : Mr, Sam Jet•
the test week. ferson to MIIdm.F. lfLa+ Margaret Jet- Wm, sprat the w.rl-elul at Mr. R. M. . G. Hamilton. at the Ritz Hotel.' attended. was lochs from his rwmldeooe
'•Jerry," •a moat know him. left on
Wednesday for hie vacation, then goes
to Hamilton. to wbk h city he has bees
transferred. He hate been here in the
Bank of Commee for over a year. had
made many friends and Will be greatly
misused. Mr. S. Spemrr. of Pundits.ols
s. s
verde him and tc,mtarmed his dutfe/
on Wednesday.
The following who own cottage/ love
returned to their homes: Mr. a Mt a
C. B. (apuan_and family, r. atll5
user Typdall and Mrs, E. Matinees and wane -illy: WA
have Mrs. W Robinson ager land', 1/r. atoll
Have You
w t r- ty-tor,
Whiz, Flyecide, Wilson's Fly Pads,
Tanglefoot Fly Paper.
Campbell's Drug Store
after which they left for their home in
Stanley township. where they had livor 1
eter slues. To this happy union was
bore nue daughter. tiara Elizabeth.
Mr. Reid was a moat progressivepowfanner, A quiet borne -loving man, po
,awning a character of sterling qua!-
Ides. he ever put into practice the high
ideals which dt.tfncula ted him as a
kind and loving hneband and parent.
good a goneighbor. and a ('hrtatian. He
will be much mimed in St. Andrew's
United church. of which he was an
elder when he was called to a higher
servlee. He had been Al mentls'r of the
Presbyterian timet' from the age of
eighteen. and for a number of years
he nerved oft the board of managersde
I'ntil the past winter. the ceased
fwd always enjoyed good health_ Dur-
ing 14* latter part of May. he under-
went two aerlous operations in- i lc -
tort* h,wpital. London. and was
tug good progreaa towards reeorery
when he era* stricken with pneunionla.
After being nine weeks in the: hos-
pital. he recovered sueen
fftcttly to be
t ..fn. au amb lanes, and
for the de
seemed mrat month after Irk was hone.
he smed to he aklni. a little pro-
gress towards recover-. but he sank
quickly during the last week. Itewidee
his sorrowing widow and slaughter, he
Is survived by tow hrelhers and tax
slaters, J01111 of Daaliwood. Robert on
the homestead in Stanley township.
Sara I Mrs. E. -Merner 1 of Stanley,
Yotmg'a. esm
Mr. WIII On has finished thresh-
ing and it oelealit' field of ,rate yielded
eizty-two tnak•Is to the sera. HID
mixed grain turned out about the risme
yield, n mood crop.
Mr. and Iles..Awus°Stoll and eon
Allen event t►, jreek-end at Roy Roy,
near ('ollingweed. returning Sunday
-_Yr.' John Ifotie. Loyal. occupied
the paten 64 Carlow very aereptahly
ea Bnsday.
Mine Isobel rt1 Vee
A number from around here at- fe•rson to Westfield, Mr. J. Cranston
tended the funeral of the late Mr. Wil- to Welland, Mlaa Rebecca Thompson
Ilam Reid. of Stanley township„wich to Broadbent, Muskoka, Mies Redmond
was held on Sunday. Heartfelt spm• to Toronto, Miss Moir returned) to St.
path} Is extended to hlw bewared Augustine school and Mlaa Johuwrn to
wife and daughter. Donnybrook. Mho R. Thompson wait
Mr. and Mrs. new. Rear and two ac(ompanied by her father. mother
children, Ted and Itetty, and rills, Jas. and brother John A. to Broadbent.
Itoas, motored to Tarettto last week They made tbe trip by motor and w111
and took in the Exhibition. spend it few days 1D Muskoka. .
Mier, Margaret Pentland, of Dungan-
non, has returned to her school, S. S.
Na H, after spending the vacation at
tbe borne of her parents. Mr. ant Mrs,
A. B. Pentland. Dungannon.- ---•-
Mlm, Ida Bell has• left fair her
'Reboot i Donliot1 a?s.rupt•nndln{t the
holiday at the home of her father,
Mr. J. W. Bell.
• Mr. amt -Mee. -Gordon Art add -babe
and Mrs. J. 1t. Orr. Gerald and Elva
motored to Toronto as attended the
Exhibition over the weekend and hot -
Miss Edna Near, Of Stratford. was
the guest of her friend, M1se Mergner-
Ile Falconer. the pant week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Orr and Mrs. B.
Gedench I t)rr were at Toronto this week taking
T ALBERT. September
Master Ernest ('rawiord. Edam
Etta Quaid. Comber p Dickman.
Ethel McKenzie and Jou Ladner here
all lett to attest -The O. C. 1. for
another year_._._.--
Mho Eunice iattg, of Senmllier; 1a
again the teacher here.
Slims Ethel McKenzie was a visitor
to the Torouto Exhibition.
Stook threshing is almost finished
aronnd here. The dry weather codtin-
tree and farmers are wishing fur rain
on account of fall wheat mowing.
]rhea Ruby D h-kson le enjoying a
pleasant holiday at the home of her
_ _ r.mwsia
The New F611 Sty1es
week at the Ki dam.rambling and family. Dr. and Ni
Sachem's!Sachafans .
Rev. H7rem 14tMl oee•0pied his own Beet Mrs. Stewart ■m1 •daughters.
pulpit os Sunday at Beautifier and
Louise \laedel, o[ Benmiller. fa
_-_ing n 1•11 week* with her
brother. Mr. l',,1 Mae el. Mrs. Weeder
is improving slowly.
Mr. ■ ei Yrs./Carman Materiel end
children. of Watcerdow•n, e{a•gt the
week -end with the former's parents.
Mr. and Mrs -Pall yaedel.
Mr, and its intivge M111tan and
family spent the 'week -end at Hamil-
ton visiting the former's mother, Mr*.
Mlllisn. who Is very UI at the home of
London: and Mr. adtl Mea-. R. D.
Stevenoon and family. Mr. awl Mrs.
Ma -Kr de. -Toronto__- - --.
i►r. and Mrs. G. Atkinson and two
daughter. sod Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
!Banbury and family returned to
Exeter on Wednesday. having spent
the summer et their cottager.
Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Mustard and
family. who spent their vacation here,
returned to Toronto 'le Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dlppel. who spent the
poet month In J. Pfereon'e cottage• re-
tturned to Bowmanrllle on Monday.
her daughter, Mrs. Ben Cox. Mets, Lloyd and Reg. Hodgins,
Mrs. ('has. McPhee to spending a Mem. Hodglna and Mtn Mabel Hodllna,
few weeks w 1,0411r *Mier, Mrs. Thos, returned home to Toronto on Monday.
McPhee. in Ihrnllton. Mix, McPhee is Mr. (•hnre•hward, of London, recently
y with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) B.rnhy. at3(terchased the cottage owned by Mr.
atfll A of Hamilton and is improving slowly. K ik,ng- -_,
Miss Stim,Ie McPhee Is resiting her
aunt. Mrs. lien Cox, for a few week$ in
Hamilton. `
Iter. John Young. of Mexico, New
a eoilieg *_week with blazed -
alive*. and is the gut of 1°W
We have selected the most attractive of the new Coots for
you and are presenting them at unusually lord prices
ing their distintive styling and fine fabrics.
- The --etel•ata have sit returned t6
Goderieh I',dl•R1ate Institute. They are
Roy and Rub) grringenn, leobel and
Eleanor Tyndall. Mildred and Alma
Bailees, Charlie Mitchell, Christine
R,lertsm, )liltir'erl and F.velyn M11- I
Miss R. M. Fisher. of Kitchener.
who recently returned from 11 trip to
the Old Country. vielted her aunt. Mrs.
'. Edwards. over the weekend and
Miss A. Ileltare. who has iween the'',
ingestingestnf4Iliesiaon for the -rsa- -
three months. retnrneel to Strathroy._Isa-
Tmeeday morning
Miss Phyllis Bacon. who has spent_
the summer with her Meter. Mrs. W.
Hall, returned to London e., Wedess-
on Sunday afternoon mut interment
made In Rayfield cemetery. The ner-
vier.. were In charge of the paster. Rev.
R. M. Gale. who In 111.. address priid •
glowing tribute to the deceased and
epokr meet eustfortln`ly on the iahld-
big love eN Gm. ilea. Peddle the
Presbyterian eitaK'b end iter. r. H.
Paoli of the Anwitern eh,n'eh u Bred
prayer. Mies Lacy Wppds The
B e'autifnl Garden d Prayer. pall-
bearers were Charlie Reid. Sl Ke -
/Mk I nod, Ratan..a entre Me4-
11ea, loses K and era Met. -
see at.e.see tithe at -
3 (;
{uron ale
Special Business Men's Leach
ask daily at 60 cuts
Our Sp«iitty - Sande, Daly
From 12 t. 3 F et. 60c.
Hugh Wong
hulas Engem Marg Taiping 112
Th e_ toast awioe tett l _die
tor every occasion
Saws. Serape Kala 106 Cwastiellr
►- Groceries
highest quality
—AND —
Frits alb Vtgetalbles
Telephi.-_ tsar nod
jmetnow, Dosigainven, Myth. Winghem,
Dasbweted, Ment.. tieerRliawd lToroa-
m. lades and-DetrrOtt Tbi.syligrathy
of all Is with $tile eagle iser•dvted wife
and Miughter and ifs br•tleerb sad
• FerefI. . tie f
Telsisbson 24
Corner of Swire and North Street
Any Huron County boy contemplating attending t
Ontario Agricultural College for either the Associate or Degree
Course is eligible to compete for the combined Huron County
and Massey Fend'Sthelarehip. Particular; of rfeholarehip may
found elsewhere. in this paper. Applications should be
addressed to '
The Depalrtae of Agricilti re, Clara, Out
the lifter to public echnol, Irene I Mr. H. Hoover. who WOW relieving
COAStdltr- Slar,H,latetd. Amelia Medlwaln lir. E. H. Johns while on his vacation.
aegau and Winnie Marsh have left (s
on WPIIIIelay for Caledonia.
gone to ('lintsi to attend bnsinpaa ('d- Mr. end Mrs Victor Burt and fano-
Beautiful furs. the finest fabrics, unusual sleeve details and skirt treatments.
Tailored models and the moat formalized styles.
More Than _-_ Arr- Our Fad- its _.
There's a distinctive smartness to our Hats that is hard to find. We've
chosen the loveliest interpretations of the new mode.so make your selections now.
Velvet err felt in every high shade and many blacks and browns.
Sop where you .atre_umt
West >i s Spare
BA turn! holiday with Mrs. A. Newton
lan 31.11*a, of Strathroy, vtdted
1 'e latter •• aunt, Mrs. N. Fuser, over ttredy.
the Reek -end. Miss Anne Elliott. who spent the
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sander, Betty mummer with her aunt. Mrs, M. Fraser,
and .Bnhhv Sander, who were return- returnevl to Toronto on Sunday.
Ing bons from Port Elgin to Kitchen Farewell t• Mr. Hamilton. -On
sI. I'j111t_it. weekend with Mr. and Tuesday evening of this week the choir
Mra..F. \. F.dwar.Ie rind Young Penh's fluc0ety of lit. An-
Mrs, --3, Whittaker. of Toronto, Is drew's United church met In the
the ghost of Sire, J. If. Mclnc.el. church Imw•meut per emend a eoelal
Miss Alms McKay. of Toronto, spent evening nod to may farewell to one of
11M weekend at her home. Her deter, their number. Mr, Gerald Hamilton.
Miss Ella. returned to Toronto with Mr. ilamllton has only been a reel --
her on Monday for a visit, dent of Shi. community a little over •
,Ilr. and Niro'. Shlekle snd family and year. but (luring that time he ham
Mr,llud Sirs W. t'. Clement and Betty nude a place for hlms•If In the esteem
fa Kitchener Waterloo irlo n on •-httit( of rlh Nwhere h speciallynd P has been (choir n eni-
and Mrs Licinast Icer, Sunday shod teacher and Y. P.
Mr a
Mr. star \Ira. L. M. nay arcs fnrotly M. ara•reh,ry. fleet going
vo do teh trmokr e'll•
heft em 1'ue•sday for their homo In Ile- td and the vnung i• I
trent. hntitlg went the slimmer at their *lou 10 prew•nl him with n parting gift
er. Mptp, of a pair of gold ruff links. ret the
Mho R. K..•ne1y and MGs fl Shen name time w•I.htng him musses In the
nee sps•t nz fila weak in Stratford, future- The address wee meed by iter. -
Miss l.mura Parkinson. .1 Detroit, Iirrllle K,lhflelach. president of be
tl.Irwl her mint. Mira Emily Osmond, Y. 1'. S., arod the preeentetton wee
Inst Werk.
made by Mr. A. E. Erwin. president of
Mr. DWI Mea, Hamilton and Tanner the choir.
n'torns,try Merlon on Monday. hating Death 'bf` WilIIam Rein. - There
spent the eumm$er at thole rotten*.
pooled t.. Ills Eternal (tome on Friday,
Iter: Mr. / and Mrs. Gould pond Pugttst 21). one who war molt highly
family who mere! In Deer [edge respected In thle community In the
Park,'drtnr to St Thornier .n Mon- peretnl of William Reid, The deepened,
dmy wtln was born the eon of the late sr.
SrOrEalltlieleeb1t returned from and Nr. John Reidwas Iaorn on OW
by IOW
hfe 1 fM 11tt IWk4dy sad has re
en n s dative ate pritieipal of the
puK3. >tettonet.AM'_IMlaa.:A. i vK da la
Ily. of Lauren. spent the week -end anti,
holkdny with %Ir, and Mrs- F. W.
_- Raker.
Mr, and Mrs, McLean and two ehil-
1FIFI to September 2, stig1• Rd (tree, of Sarnia, spent the weekend
_-- r t Mx• 1'I.rh4S awd arca ('bRhcrn.
Of i irchew*, tipsnt the week -tad with
•'p"'* " 418 RFI: and Via_ R M Gate. Mra. R
• Rlcha rd ern. letwn and Ruth, returned
Nis2CXtrle,Itirelsr 11
to W awe
•n endpomwith this. bar
Ing ps•et sevOral weeks with Mrs
$10,000 Stoc
OF THE °'.
rich PlaniiigMills
Below Cost Price
C ,deR1tR tr'a•s. .
>R gpg4 N in building anterial, drop in Iliad
homestead. now occupied DOA.
ther. Robert field. In ettawkay twee'--+►-' ' ',. s-•+,1 'ae• -
Ire tsoa ()ltolMr.awlws,a. $1?int ]!til. ro'mbefThere he ,d
Th• stock consists -foefing, Lumber. Silass,—Ta t
g„wtr Nn"' ` .. _
IIKIR. he was nnited In mafrtfllte In 7. )ht'awan, nowt% mi. Rte.
Mlas Adelaide
' •-•rrr' — - --- PIM. Q. >v►LBrLSIBas-
i►avld.n1: daughter ge
the late Mr. and Ars. iinhg..lsvld*
of (teslorich township. the ceremony'
taking place •t the home of her hr• /tia +S_ n -
the". Rotel on the Geder*eh ron
, » is
_.N n W _ _sea..