HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-9-4, Page 3The Signal's Clubbing List will save you time an4 money. We can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. """6": '- emit itsi rummer; 00., I AM1TIID, Publisher,. J. W. Craigie Real Estate anti Iasaraace Geo. Williams Dialer In DOMLNION, PROVINCIAL. MUNICIPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Pore, Aetide'ot, Autanlobfa and General /osurgsa Agent Office, next to ilammerce Phone 53 Ooderich _ a . W J. Powell -Itoeks,`Roods. hisurance and Real Estate Car. Life aad FL'. Mmes. :. Pbone 202 P. O. Bos 488 Aggressive Advertising is the key to succets in merchandising. As a medium for reaching the people of Goderich and district The Signal is unsurpassed. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1930 `r1J•rr •r tauT> i[ . AR, Nt). fls - t tc - NORTH STREET W. M. S. The W. M. S. of North street United church met un Monday of last week to resume work after the summer vaca- tion. The president, .Mrs. W. J. An- drew, on•upied the chair. The St•rip- ture Inseam was read by Mrs. W. J. Me•NevIn aid 0 devotional leaflet on "The Seelig' for Happiness" wag read by Mre. 1'. Joluatot. Prayer was of- fered by Mro. M. W. Ileawell. The treasurer. Mre. J. Y. Graham, reported collections and fees for Judj amounting to 116.03. Mrs. Tlsorneloe read an excellent Palter en "Candidates for the Mission Field," reporting a great need for workers. Nix young women are ready adopted at a meeting of the local N0m- nuw to begin work. but they are not mimston held on Tlrorw sy evening of enough to fill the racanelea In Japan last week. The service charge remains Alone, leasing no workers to all for at 11.00 per month but the cvmsump• Muse Ih0 10e tial ellarge Is reduced from 3,4 cents.. spoke of the return of Dr. and ra. o , .. (P1111 itRtrwerririntr"Tnr-ttte Wilford to China. Dr. Wilford. after tirat fifty hours and front 2.2 to 2.1 Sea (1r1._e In that country, had eentN for tux• second fifty hours. There purchased a praMtcr iii 1114 ('hinge ter-the-0:0,3-e'ette- pe* was was beginning work when the need for owatt hour over one hundred hours. physicians In- China became so urgent The charge per horse power from the that he and his wife responded. at Provinee fo the town remain,' the whet. are•rlfleer no nue except their same. $42.(NI per hor*w power. Some Maker luuscb. dleappulutuwtit was ecprrss•ei .at the - Mee. lay. of else Elmitreet.mlalton- meeting that a reduction hall eatt--been !Toronto. gave a most interesting talkmade. e• Hydro Rate Here 1 I Remains Unchanged Province's Charge of $42.00 per H. P. Will StandLocalPower Rates Reduced A alight reduction in Hydro power rates In Goderich is contained 1n .a tee port of the Provincial commlcsiva .felt• lowing a recent survey and which leas The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency V,- on the work -among the -new In that city. Besides the work done ,&molt& tIw Il1otheri., the children. and the girls, there are night classes for the teaching or-Engtbch. These are at- tended principally by young men, and from thew there are many recruits for the ehurit. Mrs. Day deprecated the eaperinrlty.rumples exhibited by mea Anglo-Saxons, and spoke of the bead for.thepersonal touch in winning for Canada and for (:.ad tbe+llp_[ttw'"tides to our sharers. Mrs. Parker, a vlrltor In Goderich works awrvice and $40.0.49 on street from Northern enmtario, stake briefly righting It is recommended that your of the[ W.M.S. work In the north. The commission refund these amounts.'' aloft g pryyer was offered by ales• ()Irvin. NO Change ter Hews There tit no change w"rthy of nwn- tlon in the dom,stfc, cumruercial or street lighting nitre. The new• power go -into effect with next billing. The report adds iu part : "In the analysis of °potation of your Nysten each year. the commission has deter- minist and recorded a 'surplae, fir de- ficit, on ptrw•er supplied for municipal ,ervleeet (waterworks „fid street Ilght- ingl. Thew. resod* Nh0W nit nevuut- ulated surplus of $I0lt'.(NP on water - TOM MIIEVIOL • CARRIES ON - Lees ia. G1s4 k and Fennel --'iia)heer t n-atsap)n*nt_ilw for Salo gathrsid to bear his address on Mus - member IieSsd to choose fran• sdmi, an A110411. soldier, become peace- L�nge tine Ire•Iurer, carried on before a Co- balt audience. the emlle on his fa masking [lar grlef in Isis heart. Ten minutes before the evening pro- gram of the Chautauqua was due to begin, Tum SkrShlU was need to the long Ilietance telephone, and a massage from him wife informed hie that their infant daughter, /Gym, had fallen downstairs in their. Lang Inland home, The clitld could not live, the lecturer was told. s - Skey1111 gave an address oft Musso- lini la tha..iecent Llaotanqua !erten 1a Number of cheap houses for sale: much leeA than cast of building. Just a few : House. lot, small barn. convenient to Square. 1e00. - .. Brick houae, well decorated, near Square, $1300. Very neat house, lot, small barn. modern. $11400. Good Krick hooses from 12300 up. Number of fine cottages from $1400 Number of good properties from MOO Mayne rine farms at about cost of tat- - melaae ed- wares.. Bee location, only small payment r'e- 'quired, 14300. 290 Steno. well Improved, 70 acres _ timber, $5500. .+ * -•. Many others. Ask about theta...: _- - Ma or writs J. W. ARMSTRONG REAL NOTATE Qederki a MOI1ESTOMACH TROUBLE fRUIT•A•�a���K To An Old House In Goderich--Once A School Mrs. Allan Pae8..Toronto. a guest at Hot'i Sunset. Is an appre- ciative visitor 40 a:44cri'b She visit cd a certain old house on \Vest street, oilstone ITarbor Park, andwiet inspired to write the lulus w'bil'h fe.iiaw. ., There m ax ,.ld Map's of s..0}e' reuuw',a Strudlui fa 11sis old-world tow -°--- A dear ',td home leoneath the tures !- Fanned , ' sweetly by the summer breeze. }'rum its kat„ia+nde winikew,+ -*fill Iannai:mule doors A spirit of p,•Icuhue'eeaatinually pouts, There Ore stairways long and stairways short, It's always levo a friendly port. Thereto Ills atmosphere fit bygone years, With MUghter, sial play. and p roslbly tears. :Vivi• Many a lad hood a homesick yearning. A priest. a JI((•r. and yrs.,, flue wieder Passefl-1140101-I1,.d.Nww-witioatt w+tukiaz; - The worldly leiter, they say. today' For soma of the sea who lralw'd'that way. Gaolbye, ukl hulls•, with your pertllltt wide, May alt, he.bless(N1 who" go inside. E. M. B. Pay Visit to Heart Dairying Industry Goderich Township Men's Club Elated with Vint to Oxford county WON)D8T()('K. Aug. 30'-Oodter{ch Township )fen's Club, 040411 tweet' five strong,'fisltel a c•Irpple of Oxford dairy farms Titurwdar evening. iu the course of a olay'a motor tour. and found that smolt a brief leek oyer the holstein anal Jersey purebreds he cal»,}lis w•am nut Satist•Iltg• r -We should at least Image spent the Ptesl F.Ni.nt, pus{• 1 it 009E"SORES NEAL IN QUICKEST TIME KNOWN '•So,es on le,, ulcere, lar months. Lectors fated to heal Then 'Soothe -Salsa healed them tutees dam'. holes Simard.'Soothe- Salve" heals sures, ulcers, bods, burst, welds, eczema, l.ka maga. All druggist: 444 Insure Your Aulornobele troth F. WOOLLCOMBE ,,,• 44.",•m,• 4. y.., I:,i... OFFICE: HAMILTON STREET 14440N10 296 Dramatic Finish of Endurance Test Man Who Visited Goderich in Effort When He ocher. Iluzel May: second demister of., Ciollaple8 Mr: Albert (loud. Watt united in mair- f 141 Ow h11( At ---betw(r>ktl_ 14""".'xnd .-.-1rIsgo to Wingert Alexs,i4. r Thum. '•1d- 14"1"111. At Worpos' l titer liras ane, 8 rine • est Nun u( Mr. ars, Mr Wu] Thum Iwrd of dust jmrpaa Nw•anee Earl ran m114CIPtl 'Tn44;u. aa orchard al-yaweni Uwe which at - x11 of Colhorae township. The ceremony olq,e }ere„} c,,„„n{msl.xt will elle as in[ tbV fad err 'mord fu his Rev_ p.- thrid trsctef attention. In 11'1»x1»tlx•k the New Power Users r aatomddle drive st week. Thr en til The bride sea» Iwcuwhtgly attired pai[y Up. ratIve te' the' />>> F The following applie•stlone fur elec- erf the attempt la Med 1 a Urn In.x gown of Awn pink georgette .with Tani 'tour tRe. tris power svvices were passed: J. ('. dun paper as. fol �: The tour was purely rduiat{(inal, Muttering he-ea.,ealiv - hp, {nee bootie and shoes t°. match and wore a sial 'without specific purpose, themgh !Salton 40 home power, for grain chop- White mohair hat. she woe attended ant farmer,. ci Elliott »sled. are ter hat vaanatet ristrr. )Manta who ft 'iSt�t'eM. ter as mar.... ie extent in purPhreci dairy cattle.• and lap soil other wrdulN•rs of the party �y fe•w• Holatel . eh fit. .' oti}gsiee iN a (l pn week in thiel county and Ilnt vee idl the good her'ls." lir. Elliott. Wet -rare herb (1.s nod f the remainder of the, 11uron t.Iega1lup reached Springhauk Fairl{h`Past of the icily. just Ia•fl,re 7 ucla•k. ufte•r N clay 11 driving. and spout sew time 1u- spwtlig tete chole°. Hulstldll' o1 T. R. iltra<.'.ifi itis *bill' t 21r1L.t: {ivlds..T1Ny i eept4il all invitation to chert E. -W:- - 1V -yNe.I44:1I_Jaltat;}Y-un the way lyes•. vela ■• �$trutfurl. • `_(eddin. s---- strait uulluR, as ><muuh .1,114 Iaigau at 7 41e1(Wk In tile morning. 'and- llthe 'titterers ' coverlet Byron- Atom- ''''''''' tom- , .. .: �l�„ ,Itorium farm. near l.coudou, wlx•ne [herr If ''- -11144* b1Y61' .' IIIia .1*:r ll+Nstrf.ns'Mad .fora-?s;.i,ferrt.- _ ( • e-tfug erml 1(atk pct•atI(1 ... 1}i,,.tt MeI we'u'ssr.fIi„ stock farm,' t let free ,yterts11l manse.. Gu4erk•h, , i Mee, larr'lu kill l Wednesday- AuRn.t 27th, et high noon, "'sr lamtlrld, [lm Welidwaal Farm, "•rrtet be The Fanner). Advocate cal min; H. J. Sutherland. 11 horse lined with dirt aael gt'itpv. Sw-atee e{-.nth..was power for theater. New e)eettic ?gage Earl, stunt endunmd,i r wag prettily gowned to metre crepe .ervieeas are: J. P. Hume. Britannia attempting} to shait.•r tie world's Mick matin with hose ne4 to watch, lolack crepe road : Kenneth. Stowe. Eau[ 'tree,: record for contlnuou- nowstop driving,. wtln sHpja rs and u (Team mal !tett McDoohld. '. Tata' taken from the tatbouand1e_ Tun._ Iwr of applications for electric light; which he had piloted for- more -than ing serviee a were also pawed. 100 holm, shortly before n a.tn.. yeeter . The Ontario "rommRnfot1 is to be day. The etdurafl a driver. who .had notified that 11me• twat eomn11.s4On ex- put up such a strong battle atalnst pe -to an allowance for transforming sleep for the past tour days, was and conveying power for rural users. practically in a stale of !oma. when. 'Fire-sfip•rlideudent will be asked. Ip lack • Into a complaint a the town eenmell about a daugeron, brace wire at the corner of Montreal and -Water - too streets. After Delinquents In a letter from the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission to the oral commgaalon the practice of per• witting power ..04 light neer* to go for menthe without paying their bills wprf-ntncki er w-Jlocal ••ommL •ion was asked to take immediate i te,.• t rectify the condition. The u have been overdue from four to nine months. There an• nineteen dogaestic ���ig�," UzeT,; nerve' trmnnercia)- osiers -once '4i, mesa .eb tro14M- Ca eat i�•l{ss' power user in a rr••x rs. • Un - writes a rt L w\Me• .1 aseish 1 mtto ma� nib The letter says the condition Is un - ohm, heartburn. pe ties, � iseedectees satisfactory from every point of view es"Trt oar eiget Cor�t9a esd4r.eretsbe.Aat.«.IwrtpMgeoaadewv• rr well. ns (vontrary to rules and asks Onick.RheumatismGot gluts fro ddrogrittWes. that the services be discontinued and arrears placed on they tax roll for e•ol- ,air hat. '1tiEe'[N'eittsg= w-as-Ntrppna.,t- hy: lir e. c•ousitt:"'Mr.-Dawson.•1'mix. of White- t•hurch. After the eeremonr the bridal party proceeded to 11w home of the bride's father, where a Numptutwa welding dinner was served. The bride's df.loa(1 from behind] the wheel. table was centred with the -wadding Ii'arl etoppd drlvttl 0f r-' fieri rale aft# the calla scdheme Wats',* a.m.. 101 hours and 4 „„,j WSW wishes the happy couple lett me start of his drive' last Monday by motor for Toronto. Niagara: Brendon morning. Shortly after '4 o'clock yesterday and "trier paints. For tnvellfuR the bride domtnel a rnyrl bow flet crepe morning Earl's ceadition became ex- tremepq erttieat ' rand drams. with hat, haw• i qd those to tit sura vrJfJt..Lii /� Itftealt7 match. and R navy trlcutitta coeT Tia that he kept tie c; ks �in motion. With brkle 01141 1714»nn were the recipient. of hi+u were 41a manelep, Card t}poffar(l, many beautiful and useful gifts. Till dirfdr• xl•u rw•ciyed a wi.cell,uNun 1,1714.1 • . T[eetio WESTERN-- _; F LONDON ONTARIO SEPTEMIER stag -1311i, 1930 Make your_ plans now to come to the best Western Fair ever held.- You'll derive Profit, Education.and Pleatntlrnl ftrnfn j>j�__,:_ Stock, A -fit Manufacturers' Exhibits,-iovernlment Dis- plays, Women's Work, etc. Rubin and Cherry Midway .Extra Special Grandstand Features. Evening Horse Show, 'Trotting_ Races. Something to interest everybody. $50,000 IN PRIZES and attractions Entries close August 28th Write for information and prize lists. J. H. SAUNDERS, Pres. W. D. JACKSON, Sect'y. Minllteio' liter aid white, Auaiil Frio i: 'fit ht" •- HARD-BOILED MISS Corporal "They any that "girl you 11*1r duc•sl to io pr-ty.,har. . eh?' Sergeant "Hard is right. 1t would hake a dbunoud•to make an tntpr•ssien sapljer."- 1 Army and Navy Journal,. CHAMPION BREAD WINNER Modest Nestor -"I have only il..000 a year. sir, but I think I eau support your daughter on that." - -Father" l eatlrosia$Uai1I31T'tln�°rt her. my dear boy? Why. you can sup- , • port her entire family -tin jt. -(Royal Arcanum Btulletin 1. . . d his rarer. --A4 +htr=fiIt was �sc.wa• 149`"'"w i leer ri.t44'llres anA 414._ BUSINESS? We find Madness good! Week bt;week our badness eontinurm to grow, doe! to 'TM -M[et-that we, "sell for less." • t AR the radio seasii, drawn near we must make room for a new and enlnrgel radio 'dock. Thus we offer a brand new APEX VACUUM CLKAeNER (All attachments) Seg. $67.00 --to clear at 160.00 Our radio repair department U now in charge of a competent radlotrtclan, and we ahiiolutell guarantee alt our repair work. •4144 teat ti11Nw. RADiO-LECI RIC C0.--- CI'T-RATE MERCHANDISER Etat Si. N ;,oncke :tad it leets m (ed. kitchen slower from her Stndxy whorl i Shortly after130 M �rrd (glee'. • \ lett the **shim to meek a physician: , .. ,�.. Able tau oh,ili inks. Qia1NAt�- aJLL MIION - and return to the ear, the drtye_ a1 .Trhtlty United chariots. Burlington. over. P. C. Knight of the city pollee was the rM tic of x charming rcrut_on tore, who was ',Angling his -heat in w.41ltthe e , :ttagtlat 27tl1• when )Ilse , the vlelnity. relra=:1I Swanee from tlae violea (Iertrud,•, 501111501 daughter °f police handMt�fm w hkh bad horn p18(44 Mr }cigar Wiltiarmw,U heanar 1tae on him by High Constable Arthur bride of 1'htttp t111vrr, only. sum of Nr. n. barter:. -._-__ - -- - Anti' . There Were tear- * 8wunt' J'yee •as {ti-e,rlit;g eesr - lt1„• s' .YntTLtc+n• INTERESTING KEI'NiON • the was atsai•o d from the mxchiue, half,pastor fit I the chtprclr, offIeIni . held at On Saturday. August 10, there was staggering. yet still defiant. with his the ctertwml' taking pie,• i,wI.r mil the home of Mr. J. (4. Lath-'Npirlt uubrokrn: 1tterly exhausted.- archway ,1111110 of IN•antifnl summer (ilen'4k. r family reunion in �wam all that $wxlo•P could may se. I* ier....... Willi.' 1Ile 1'1110111, @•a. decor S. Westbrook & SN B and Contractors - release iahiG mild My1Ds of new Hardwood Floors ELECTRLI SANDER for sanding,' new and old floors. Window Caulking ALL KINDS OF ROOFING __ SEE US Geo. Westbrook & Son Phone 366w Trafalgar St. Goderich rt KEEP YOMELTTREE OF THE POSSIBHATIF, OF -41.061P14-401,111 DRIVING LICENSE AND KOTOR MIME PERMIT ' UNDER TME NEW SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY LAW WHICH COMES INTO�o EFFECT '" BER r a J. W. CRAIGIE hfljIo . hM;or of Mr. in•MtbridgY s having at- was bathed- ,bent -rhe face:--------- .. 1mN:: fern... a.trrs a(nl f At a late boor afwT "tlfhi PR li t -OFFICE Z4 RESI ► talIned him Neveuty-fifth birthday, Thome yesterday he wise ltladkoll. in .41110es 01 cushy, yellow. lire ant Irtl'lndel alt tete immediate mail steeping-moan.11y in -the sweeit ,4"tl ami "1aiiclk. mi., tirtetrewn rte -hs* ,fives, fu family: Dr. and Mrm.;host Lethbridge. la a local hottol and gnder mwlient marriK• ;'? Tier-frttrc-r. -wore' a lovely' care. of Maxon. Mich.: Mre:'1t-(" Marsh. of• prtnrc•ss ,t0ww of +c•,cy briclxl .xthi. Toledo, Ohio: Mr. and M . George put a •bentltiful v, it of silk tI 441s is l Lethbridge, of London., Joint T. Jath- LUCKNOW net, wool t l net illi, Ince, (•x(IRhf . with bridge: of (:breeds; Mr. ata, Mrs- W. P. 14115 0luug[e bluxow«.-She ulwr wlrr/ x -1930 , - -- tell . of Mr. and Mre Wilfred • �'o* tiny' .01 precis, and In•r 1,1114.1 t suns e., .tlrt°u. of Amin:. )Ir•.�Ilgil ors._ P Ll'('KAOW, 1tlPl,r•ember 1. -ills. acrd . sheaf of culls IflbN The brides- t . u*rolrn. ref-Oteenene.-mid-Miter fel- -'.3ltw�... 1 iiLpTerse linea std,--T---in jr'ti'4'�rge ,L ori lit Inlet.; T• ebrti Men who wear fine Shoes are demanding COT- trere► rrMtires. •+rNel �ct1eL SE .'!t 1'plut •r 01440.'104W414001 Alt n11014* w,ltsi, wiUi sect at and fine appelirrynee in their Olifords. TtiFe alafier f the l.eogre sive1>a 21 " t lark. - : ot, t,Nw : yellow . meahtaiC_1ital_ umT yellow -1, - . leader of tin L're,Rreesrive patio in . the The _w Tirirail- 1 1114 xcr 1N oLtttand'u1 .fr T(r 1r1 •I}1G_C.t2lTtliilatlf! Qn S sfiplFis. 7n•,• INniquct 1»•Ing i7 T`11rijer'- are -many g •_ latnn ae.r the •sun A sten hats tw1•n 5 , stykiiwation. Bila ars•- -1101 oriel 1 d heir .4 bridal drilled. Thio well ens a text one. and mos, up the aisle Were tin u' '7 PROMISING El Tl RE waw rucrunferaltl qt •twenty -flee tern 1►1•uuis Smith. 0f Iktrlingtnu, and liar-. These features are CO be found in the new 1lxlrr x. picture of Bob Stlrldxrt', will rare, to xrml tba water save nl ,1,,,, 1,,,.1,„n„„• .,f Wingh,ana, epic, models for spring. All the leading manufacturers lines +itwee-endoothtr-er►p'nip Toro e► ahae.th 41:,:u"rdLim=i dePtlt (nf T1rlle t., 1h••�•�..h4s.rltat(e Nupjsntwf Mt..rsCanadian t4edfmnrty." Ther Toronto mlxty-fl rr err se•t, rag a -Hest a gn'tirifi are TO fltOst reasonable -pncsL•--.- -.-_. Star's mprrtt( after makes this follow, the• }fLlolw all.• alnrgnrej (hilt+nr.,t4r• 1. Ing comment t pressure. Thus fa totted that the NwaiNldhag muss, x„Ill, xfi sic w•rvtrr GEO. MaC ♦ I�AR- ••Thiel plate winner in the itritish dlNl It the construction 1 11 ' R (tit'}' Empire genies pole vaulting champion- grandstand hampion- ,( the VpN1eI11 I}xir tela Sw t 111 Ir }olluw Its ship was It. Stoldcirt. TIN• folks in the to (d th' „rt !( DE SQUARE 1 I 41 111 t k who young Stoidert Wits tor where Il xm FOOTWEAR FASHIONS errtrrfrm or wetter s :, fa ton with'greltt. ulrt Gr1er-- moi° yr1fl•r: l+dttye4}-tixt+ water con y '1Nan t ej11c r1»•rt alxfu. of t not kn• TMC PjiACTICAL SHOO MAN .r nut •o ,, MISS Florence ll:.mnt(►O returned to nonv rweptiai w•aa la•Id nt NORTH SI si.ODERICH 17ranr .txn1 4 1 uo now her hem.• last w,. L after spending -a Tana w Cultutn. the hemi• of the a• c from few w,ek. h, Tot to. ,Ise later stmt i t groom's prretits, who. with the brides; 1.111 When til• ynmagster pr»csdel to to Chicago when -tae has secrtfed 'a father. ale 1t'fllfanas,u, mud het' aunt,, hexer himself oft the Rr•xsy Rrulnil p/ Itlun. ills eaatics .trnastroi,1. nssisksl the and fling himself over the bar In the The Illlnllnl h411..Idy melted pienle of Ihrltrrr_n1141 gt•r4n„ he mud lief17 the lead of •ten of England's beet pole the Llteknow 1 ni'.•'I cllmreh waa,held glnirtr...lml•islit fit figs re.-eptinn"1(14' vaulter. R. Babbington -Smith attic 1., on Th11rsley aftct•n„rnt it Point C1nrt. ' afisse • H0(ep t"1 F.. rB-'r'T't(ke, T'f T. Ilond. and Harry Hart. the South A good crowd atn•,:•led and many fork 1•„i..,,uyrr. R.C,; Nus. N. S. Crake, African iron man. to may. nothing, of pert In the sport". delightful after, ,•Nmro,ireri ,Its. }Rlitlt L. (rovls..To- another (•Rnatllan, R. Gilbert. t ,nese noon w110 INT( ro ill nMl t .-I -.' s-utwa jelly frH•neis c ht I lag. a Mr. and airs. 1,..:t....4‘1,111. JuhIlMlone atsL, tom, yrs, .Lutvr lJh hrtdal t•0uptt' rrtrn dangh4.I 11.04n don. rlmit(r7'�et heft for the i',ir•tftr• ts*uut agsE Nonllt NNl 1 etivrs In town tb -week. far x, Cnlif,,rote-- visiting at Int(r--t- flr Mtmm Ada eat .•r. of lwmdcm ga�ilt;%. 1,45 INoh_iW of interest: The bride J Ing 'spotlight for Golrrlrh. "Yrfimg the holiday:sulk',•n•MIN In (awn. gr,Nnu is th,i Kinterest..f airs. %V,1 O Iltaklart fs a titalerfc•h High se•Iewri Mt N. John Lulu is i an(1 Vera and Kk{ �,_j, i her and he wean him sehootlotp (him- Graham have nrnwl homy Rifer No no with a metre -breaking a eing leap. **sit vie the sumo + r months at timer- '' pjo•r- -- ` qou be A.... Now fi(dPr1cIF ,>t,n,'tslnPtl are bonding *atilt lienal. � - BO\' N(IRKE11 FA.gT- ;- S' tog then fo mend the bay to Toronto or Mr. net Mrs. 1'N't1Pron Macitonahl' L(►NIHIN.--Going toy 0pcncl his! d .- ' Hamilton for mime real Instrn•tktn /n 14 ft "0 Sunday tot a flip to Ni„gnnt I IMn„ al h1w father's mach% 1n South r • art of pole .vaultllrg. They think Faille ituffxlo anal Toronto. AtttPrpta, a se•Iteol lw.) of „, ; a 11(105 that they have another Vie Pickard Miss Margaret Ritchie has returned I • College. Sussex, ram (need with the to the making." longe• Rft4'r siN•,hling a week with Rik flu [ thrt he had r mrro{t friends lu Ite•troir Cotler , . 11l�illi 4��y Qa/ '� dt}I(,FQR RRC`O(3NITIiON Mr. A. E. McKim. Mary and Alan ImgNirtawt rxanihaxthft( Ju rut at the' e Y Itif phi .tyutte minting aN the lI1 Scraggly, ttnahl beMMs are like dull,unpolished. radar.-- r fes (N'�eopa�s tie ear- irMratiiiiA Tarune•, .nrt>ttttnlwy antil- rying the fight tor crust reeognttion to inrued home en SGIT'-erkty• I'M whMh bis jaswol�e -.WWI' book.,F .hoes... With the Douse 0f Commons Mr. ('Mas. Mae•e.rcgnr, of Kltchem•r, was. to Nail: In .fact .the liner start- hot are etitUlh out OTT(MF1Tng with your ch .t widely-slgnel public petition mop• called on Lneknew friends this wore. ed juin hail an Ixsu' after the exam, pride of personal appeatanee... so keep yqur a6pes tootling the claims of the 0114144,41 4h11 1s 111ms Margaret vlu••1kmxld, Alas re,:..- The ,rtgdent crold neer .afford to inter at all tiniest smart with "Nugget" whiz awaiting prN»•ntatlnn to the Honor, turned home xft� r mp•nding-"a fs1j► the examhtxtIotl. n,Ither c•MmM-he• at• waterproofs the shoes an -it polishes. sada hill Is twine ',ripens] by a come weeks with r•IRtle. s In Toronto, i ford to miss fh"ee Iwinii-, AceoefMnst, he faiths, which Includes ('yril Atkin/0111. alias Imrrle•1 Ityntoek his retnt ibe arranged IE ,or lee ('(NAd twt(;li lootlt., M.P., 1VIlfr,l A. Streeter, Keith Eros- home from \Vest Lorre, xi: she ReaNv Rtdte siw;ole thps'o•tla,rm• 110.1 kit* and Eimer i=/e•IIN, event U[4' summer menthe. =It the'exflmninntlon fir t. Am lie "Man} memlN7s of Pflrllxmrnt, in Nr. .%t y trill•'. of Toroatnt ik, wap writlup the• IMIN•rli the Ilner sea, , the Lcatilt end ComnionM RIIRPI ave .ldnying aT-TMs home of him darpnte, steadily itfedminR mm its -appointed. • riwdy, to beer testimony to the bene tr. anal airs tete' storm, way, Ile flnlatnll tom 4'xaminntlnn. ilte of this brenrit 01 the art of haul (Mr Malcolm Wotton 1,1 Iia eon, Theta dashed !y car 11 Shnr•ham sir - MS. t0 whirl, 1114' tertheal Art of lours gretnl t+(t 1,}er..}al .)l (' in drrtme-f,ot�wtr?e-w'-Dew-t0 at Jn. �Iatt1R ,iAtutnry tO•ngtoIfTiin." ail Winglfe% lift 14"', R►�1eing won M4 ( ,r t f '11o•n ley a.i.- t* ill er told The 11a11) 'Herald. science wenlarshlp. w�rre Lc wfls ales fol will be In the }.Pitt.• Interns, Mrs Fronk Mectafit4S-Oif i?on E.M' 1i ibP tCndor R' 11, "7,iit tn� tRkP 4*'#a11 tlw i44!. for it will enable Ns of Wtacllsn^c.Ud.i.ea I.aeknow flung' - ,r , fk,• arra'. - m nyaal [r whom lnalfflel sting lrm'Pt. t1NRt' ww•In almpt+l, 111.111. Tn'fM'1't he rilgttaltw ft 1 maul of whom are imposkaa On the Mr. and Mr,. J. + Ritchie spent w more dol' than 1hP exam. ' public talkie:. ' - Monday with friend. in IAatnwel. ass ,.eltlifl�; wN . sof .a a,e.t... Building Supplies In connection with our Planing Mill, Anglesea street, we carry ae stock of Buildi Materials -Cement, 1:yme, Gyproc, Wood an' Patenit Shingles, etc., ett.' - FRESH CEMENT ALWAYS ON HAND: Rough and Dressed Lumber, Plooriog, Doors, Sash, Antall Planing Mill products. up and 4-heere,Fh mar' -have lipt•n a trifle nn fame at ilamikoIT:-lett tight he the chief claim to a place int s oft •' -'. SHOE POLI SIS_ ► I� . Wilt a ar a 1