HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-9-4, Page 2I1-Thurwla7. September 4, 111811.
�etsbUahed 1$46
Meaner of l'aaadian. Weeld) News
a••► ltaaa1t , t
PuhilabaC ever Thin-inl i7 morning
Subscription price $200 per year
strictly to advance.
Telephone 3b : Gedert. Ont.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Thursday. September 4. lit all
(Exeter Times -Advocate 1
It you were W Prime Minister Iieu-
nett's place what would you do lu re-
gard to unemployment? We have et
suggestion for the townahlp and county
fathers -start gangs of men catling
Mlle weeds by the roadside.
Letters to the
(Toronto Sur)
By way of reply to an article on
this page asking the Quentin'as to
what 1t hurting the small tow ns -with
a view to dlworertng what wonid aid
them --Tile Goler ; aSignal suggests.
Get ready for the Goderlch Exhibi-
tion, September 11 and 18.
• • •
School is open again. Three cheers
from the flops and girls -no?
• • •
The new Federal Parliament is to
meet September Silt. The iwrotinl prom
leen t0 be an interesting one. '
• • • .
P1x Bummer f ilPaitii*
at an cud, but we way yet have some
Of the heel wea(bee ett tp-yait'.------
a -
The weather man Must have gotTits
lines mixed. The vote on July as
didn't mean that the country wanted to
go dry.
(Fanners' Advocate)
It Is claimed that wish the latest
combine harvester -threshers the aver-
age time to harvest Its acne is, forty-
ticc minutes. 111144 is a relucton of
1151.1 llv7 per cent. trout the (Mae re-
quired lu hurc.wtittg ural threshing an
acre a ventury ago. Nlachiaery has
greatly flcllltatel v.ork. ell the farlu
Rh well as in the tactory, but it throws
wan}• men out of employment.
• • •
Montreal interests are trying to de-
cide Canadian Sationel Railways pol-
icy. Will the Bennett Government al-
Ie$w this kind of tiling?
The editor of The Signal visited the
xOrouto Fhlbit►on this week for the
,y.: ;out time 1�'some years. And even at
that tIle attendance showed a decrease.
-� •
Ian Sinclair Macpherson WW1 the
first prize baby at tlw Toronto Exhibi-
tion. whaling kW nod a gold medal.
The Mac'" start.early and never quit.
• • •
1Te attendance at Toronto Exhibi-
tion shows a decrease of over .200,000
in e-ompatlaoa -with test year, ` a
willing to wager there will not be
"peek a dry in the crowds at the God
Wltb, no market in sight the price of
wheat continues to. drop. The Dunning
budget was au effort no facilitate the
Sale of wheat and other Canadian
products to Great itritaln. What sub
atitute has the new Government to of.
• •
Premier Ferguson proposes to Anse
school grants in future on attendance.
eft took.-ttk•e a-w•hwele to-feree
"dated schools by freestni ouLtil .•
ler sections. The new AllyJ1l.191_te
by that time Mr. Ferguson may have
more light on the matter.
A great` Canadian benefactor would
be an Inventor who would enable
householders to buy their heat from
central plants like they buy tbeir
-hydro light. -Toronto Globe.
The • Globe's editorial. page -4N so
much improved M tete that it he jar - IIx better than f r . igbt
ring to notice the repeated Mae of the
word "like" for "n.." RS in the wen- F•%RMERS' REPRESENTATIVES
truce above quotes. There Is a little PROTEST
look on false syntax that *mild Ire of (The l'armerii Sun:
every rditirea desk.
• •
Anu,nneement ie made that the (In-
arlo Government is employing an of-
ficial to ndcanc• the Interente of re' -
(London .\dcertiser 4
Dr. Pratt• former Oiled of the Amer-
h•au Bureau of Foreign and Domestic
Cowmen*, says the u•w United States
tariff has injured the foreign trade of
that country more than any occur-
rence In the past generation. "Its very
existence is lhelang1•reI" hr say].
Probably this is true. Canada should
try to rapture the trade forfeited by
policy which w cansiug tlw forfeit.
If_Ia P •t
given why the bylaw 111101114 i floss n Tl
pmts. One says. if they were w, a purity T: "What
lu asseasmeut 1ri111 some wruk plums Towns?" The-
out of town that can out sell to Johan. the alma!
taw their ns.es1uienl s11u19,1 I.t •r,' selves. The
duos!. II.µ would the) like to be 011 answered. T
a parity with rowilelitice pl41.te that life and aloud
are stweessfnl•r It they were, their as- The small
seesment would he very much in-
n ('tensed.
Again. ib"'s auyune believe if fife ting utter (
tax of the plant In totereuw•y1 It w•111
make harder times In town. dr it e111
!RIse' the price of flier? The price
alight iner•asi' unless -111e shareholders
would he willing to take a smaller
.1ivielend. Itnt they do 1101 want to do
that. Tu defeat the hylas' will not hurt
anyone. except Make "nlaller divi-
dents, for tlw shareholders. Persons
intereeted in the plant claim this le and tlw old host, town nature without careful examination.
tlw baht paying plant they have. - 1s left to take care of Itself (wave for There is a steady Iwalruc'y to merge
A. E. MATHESON. an occasional elat, trim wine former' anal amalgamate Industries. with the
town Isl}•. Who In the Arlin return 40 result that some of the factories and
ANSWERS I their mmtfi,es,.. as the owners Iwurl's in .1 id 1 In the deal are p
• truces, rti•.1
rowdy or temr•Ties SRI
I\'.slhe•atay. allgnwt
grime -the Small
er is u- simple one:
rr, hurthlg them -
;question IN easily
ni i1'I,I.try are the
14 *11H1 imagines lw
.l other people (nut
ue1W - thereby put-
ritir• to work and
s(wntfiug the alp.. has to 110 1t.
The r•Nu11, both IF his money (or
',tumid ray 1, - .nterst and his
:money) lean . tb• "uuu1411ity and
others being Cpl•, of by it (nut in
his own coansanalh' his neighb0re and
friends dependent on labor. business
contracts or day nock are tercel to
go tdscwhere tor 11 Iicelihuixl
WISITECHUIRCH I Ernest, also Mrs. Andrew Kirk.
Seaferth, motored to Detroit on Fallot
last and spent the wesk4*d with the
latter's daughter, Mrs. F. L. Creigh-
Mr. Fred Tiffin b visiting this, week
t the home of Mr. Alec. Murray,
ehlrf detective of Toronto, and attend-
ing the F,xhiblUon.
Mr. and Mrs. liarry Peppier. of Tav-
howl.. spent the week -rod at the home
WHITlICHI'RCH. September 1. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Little, of Ashfield,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Miss Mc-
Quuld. r ,
Mrs. Marcie, and Miss Velma Scott
.I are tit Toronto 1114+ week attending the
t y^t]t�: :: !' •J :� _, j `Esc GLIA'Atli -Trine •fin ices ed -Kai•
'more. *tan lir. ares . ldrs. l;to. water- 31x.. - t(gTpg_1i11d ion- -
Itrlustrirl centres hos been for yean field and set Jack. of Toroutu, ostreil „meat tlw week+ad
ht}sMng the smaller pines. A new in-
--on Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Dawson. iHarry' t.
lustre does out establish Itself 111 a� Messrs. 'Alec and Hugh Sutherland, Iw1ih Mr. HrJrM ;Vier, �il`il. RPritletl - -
meall place 1f it Iwo Ret clasper {Newer Int Hulyr04ae also Miss Harsh fiarbutt ITlffll.
hi n large cite. An misting industry and Nils heti and Mr. Joe (:aunt, I lir. and Mrs. Albert Cameron, lila
may .- uwu}' ur if burnt not doer wen• Hwalay %Ishtar% at the 1 • of ►n,o-Ik brother Jr114 atN. sister Mrs,
not rebulld. " (NI r. and Mrs. Jas. Sutherland. Marler. brother
l and sou Jack. of 4r Mrs.
Thr pr."I4N•rity of a hundred or 11 \Ira. Craig: sr., Is visiting with her
"t"'lir Su11dap at the h ul Sl r. and
couple oftl hunlln'11 of the smaller eon- sisters, Nies. I:relg cud Mrs. tl'Uuud, Nlrs. ]'111. Portion.
f the 1'ruviucr, cud some not so
tree a of Brantford.
entail, Is of great Importance to On- and Mrs. Alfred Naylor owl
trrio and to the I►uwhtlol. Some of the daughter, 01 l'lialhaw, also Mr. and
weekly 1•ewspapers have for years ad- Mr,,. Aka, Naylor alit' family. u1 (4(nuh-
raatal a'`nat rate for Hydro pNIV.er, rmphIQ. irpeut the week -end at the
and while we have never leen able to f M 1 M lir Naylor
home a r. •w rN. a r, ^r.
give this agitation our support we are MI„s N- M rtln left uu Tuesday
prepared to Kay that 110 proposal hay- t„
touch In a µ•had at wow Station,
ins to do with the rejuvenation of the
north of the Sal.
town.. and villages ought to be rejected Mhos Fitments. Purdue, R.N., Inas re-
turned to Toronto. She was aceom n-
lL 1LtIU[ttrr:� exted
ricer slq jt,r*R•s. t(
.c tor a le•KTg'II1 " t111,tpltr
Ik'ar Sir. -Map 1 les slider In the bpi of course must 1. enacted by law,
VACANT STORES AT LCCKNOW (-►lawns of your paper to reply to A.
'N �t'ettr"4' LE. Ntotlienou. on IN•hatf of the R;. .
(t jut•i"irt.:'eiin+•'•itw•.rtiWtuares. their
How' Is business" 14oµ 4th ofd w i• • s art8 faarOtlr•4. and• 11w town a
t0Nn doing? are questions oftei asked g.•nerat !'fast. may 1 unkind 3tr.
by thaw who have been awry from is
Mathon that no wan can Tice unto
Luckuow for a number of years. Well,
for the enlightment ut these and per-
haps at
w he"nr
Nr" to ba
it ill
home as well. we can site that every
aline and shop at all suitable for
bush:eua is occupied. TTift fact was
brought to ourattentionlast week
when a temple. of Fount fellows n
about town looking for a suitable
rearm in white to open 'a radio and
Wel by her brother Hector. who at-
tended the Nihibition.
. Mr. and Mrs. ('rh•In Pluses and fam-
ily. of St. Marys, have been visiting
i)' clotted down. They Err usually the her with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
alter Forks, with the fewer ~piny-t},Julie ('filth.
Mlle Eleanor Sprung x1441 Mb.. Kalb
or If this Is nntoetel then each torn- I Should public
acs and the• older class of warhfurry.
key m•utltellanle
1'^I sewn I'rtterwe, who have been vl"It-
ottnitc must becomea Mw IIMW it- merr'rw whh-11 in this wry extiu(uWiing'w1M their aunt. Mee. Clematis, ('sox,
self stet take ,rah ,ul,nat.t itself (If i local Industtir' Could the pulley
lltalued at lie
retorter} to Auhaten.
ndel ale
tun% ,z.% sot er ee vulhcatr a spirit ort fairly de•larei and ma Mr. IN1wwm 1 nig• stir
dlarnship then with Lh1nk first. last a merger .must. for a 'Oren tlue at IThuw-Gaal weldlttg laat weak. act -
tat all the time of their 1µ'n towu or last. c•outluur to operate all plants
Ing as "best eau."
himself alone.village In•lodal In the deal? I Rev. J. Pollack tack the service in
formal, Mr. Matheson la.a newcomer .Ivy clepartaseatSi .togs. • nu been mac returning from 1 p
show resterIs
do t ho )Toronto,
to town, and. Ns such. has hardly had our amu town or village stores. Some the smaller towns n R Mrs. Sarah Irwin. c [
Nmr to gear with regret open the first say. Het they are s., much chea{wr." progress is the contention that under ap•tuting this mask with hrF cousin,
Installment of taxes as hr luaus it Not a bit of It. There is an established the hunch bank epitome the lours -man• I \ i
useeTii the tax collector. He remarks market price for qtt article+. ut Pur-
t4te PeuPlr would like ili be better- rhase. barter and r•r rhauge_ The only
informed about the bylaw' that 1s to way
the big deparlineital stoles buy
la submitted for their ap►procal. and at such big dlarouot is this: they are
elictrlc store. We couldn't direct them Ithat Its merits (t[ 11 has ■ns, 1 should buying from tie pen they have ruined
rip oilP cacwut Place... a -_dict. which they tar explained_ lir. Math:ste . do jun by (nett saeY-_ .skid-calrl/rgttr
thought spoke well for the tows, ai-1inafutalu that the peorle of this town business.
thoggh, they would rather have found (art. any leas intellIRent than In many 1 nerd lards) i.nc if veru Map some
other towns and cities in this country (eayt tlrirs ur turnitute
that you should take upon yourself from your r Ii.•r hr will Wesws
the task of raising the mentnl stand- either cash or ele.li' to bac anythhlg
ard of this town's taipsser,0 it is
yon bae•e to eHl pr.cidi^R the pr11w 1*
right -keeping mou.y" in the home
- The big mal 'I.•r 1114''.'• do not
pay one nicks4 1 taxes for stealing
the rightfnli traQr of the small town
NIT. Editor. If i ■m t•ot'reetly ht- Boycott all mall ond.'j halts•" or big I Among other suggcsfous that have moment t'Itun•h here 0n Smuttily atter
Patronise tae Ir to its 1N to why certain of �, his holidays.
elle pito* vacant.
• fhttl
(The New
As every ooe knows. moor spectacles
and eyeglasses are worn now than ever
before. We are told that the waiting
rooms of o'ulles are crowded to the
d -pots. Anda learned anatomist has the t,•ctilg of a_few dollars in tazeu tndt'smru end tifi.rr. Tlw -'11r
)g thet rte tar nty-fi. Heores ince Ilk tkir rx o IDe at the taspty-- t Id It dues Parkhill were visitors at the home of
during past twentyttvr years. since �rfirtww await' be'lint amt ref +msiin w►; ho last automubileN tN'canw common. there has wry
been a marked change In the human
physiognomy.' The bridge of lair 1111s:e'
the people here who need enlightening,
It is you. The whole time of your letter
hounds like an individual effort of •
man µhu has enough motley to last
out with careful manaEemeut. such as
ager centalt authorize small loans halt
as readily as managers In larger
ewutres eau authorize larger loans. -
Then, tau, It Is asserted that the
small town Is unable to absorb its own
natural Increase in population. A boy
enters a hank and an norm as he ae-
qulree • little experience he Is morel I Luckuow this year. while Miss VI 'nut -
away to • larger branch. A INry wants fowl lett to join the Ripley Hlgi
to be a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer !k•hlwl staff.
- the first step up Is o111 and away. Mr. and Mrs. (s'o. Walker and nems,
sgrs.\' 11. !'err er.
Mr. Ell lot t Fells, of Whighs in,
est Khoo' on Tuc.day do S. S. No.
10. Khios... and Mies MacDonald,
Lochalsh. started teaching In P. S. No.
14. Waw•n(M,.
_Mks Olive Farrier and Carman Far-
r" attending Htgh Iktiad
He must go awry to college and on and
far -
on from there. lttllers Ret work
tortes iu the big cities or they go oar
west. If they stay In the village. every-
twxly scams to iw minding. taking care
of them: if tlwy arise and go away
they. escape all this Intrnilve gainer -
vision and fancy tler will hare a
of Fest Wawan esit, *bled un Sunday
at t1µ home of her 'Mother. lir. WUI
Humphrey. St. Helens.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton. of facet.
agent the weak -end yetwe-hetore leav-'
Ing on their holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sutherland. of
"It Is knot's fair deal to take a wan
from a farm or a factory, clap a tin
hat on his head, and then shoot Ills if
lits nerve fails." -Ernest Thurtle,
"Really, BIII, your argument with
your wife last night was most •wlr•-
tug "
Wasn't it, though' And when she
threw the axe at the 1 thought I'd
split." -Annapolis Log.
Made of pure vra .
his in modern sunlit factories_
No •zpenao spared to have It
(peace wholesome and Intl flavored.
Y wrapped and •µlad to bap It as
good as when it loaves dm facture.
W RIGLRra fa bowed to be Me best
that men and machines sod money
can maks-
The delicious _peppermint
- Haw feadesie do swank
ere who areilti•¢rr f11eT atµ ( (ant opo an ,•norl11ous turnover mance to get ori In the war Mo. .tel Mn. Jas. Sutherland as
lnpr^p•rly clothed and Led. You have and a small rte. -lenge. It i" legal not really wand matter" to know that Nfa1d.7
already Rorer to 11* trouble of diming enough Ina way. bur 11411 lndlrwtlp they always 104)14 stark 1(14x117 on their Mr. and Mrs. 1). Reeeroft and
alit about the... 1111
�r tax peter% arestraint of Common trade and fair- attire place and will rarer 1)e as toad
le widening, ear eyes are naming
round to the ski's of aur heads. And
this evolutionary pro•ra 1*'due to the
effort to look "tideway's rbc e neves-
der -I Now as a worklagsanaand taxpayer. Rene in the plate, and head otfllwS
hare undertaken to educate them into rhase la very gerbil's charge.. Tla•y. of any other ale long ■s they lire.
tsar weds �e bettrring their own col too, +pend little m,•,... ill the common- Su far In the suggestion"
dition. it even the clerks (wing stun- have reaehrd us there linen not seem to•
tlorw while rnxwing a streewould it wouperhaps toe better if 1 mask alty of keeping an eye on aerial traffic tieing w either the big 'hien or in
turtlwr e,rwplioa lee matters. Letman ' s of this matter from a poor maIr Want America outright. They only bol (141 a
think nhout something rise' of view. 'The N\'. C. F. M. is an old very email diessunt .11.1 Enc reputable
lishmt hare. emplml41R • large tradesma■ If he t1a• Initiative enough
T OF MISTAKES number of mµ1, and has groan from n t -u Id meet t pries, but he moat
PiiI1.OSOPHvery email concern -to IM present vat' bare the sins Wwer-_ot We
I Hoiden GhdN•, suer of business. It haw leen given place behind - to do It. Then If be
A responsible public hoard was these bylaws from time to time as tbe) I le .ucreit.tnl will Ila .employed, a
akin errors in jalg' Ili. '�
charged with making other (Irmo In other places they have
by entice. 11 was 51104dimwit that kept their employees M etesease words
this board had over a peeled of �a than almost W Miser plant we kalirw mow.
Tot this, or unshaken til. I Ali deln-Dtgallw in 46.11 I a"
taw tailor Will lie Ilk
To thin, one of the area lane •flack- (Ewa, ■od proper() •o, bat the _mam•ait7 t" always
e8' 'answered. "There are anew. N>K: 'soot er% praettcally as may � �y : � 8{ y�g.pi. j!>t'�r t10Z is the order of the day.
types of person. who never make mix- men as all others combined. and It rlty In On 'atnre from am given? Mise Agar. of 1,ueknow, has returned
takes: the liar. because he never would he quite reaewwuhle to may that date, more rradeemen and more hese sitar spending a few weeks with
admits them the fool. because be It is the.wage-roll of this cooewrn that journeymen. cietentera. mamoas, paint- lwr uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mia.
doesn't know when he mniiee fiSleal. of Bill town Tter,r —
sets the Property ern and 441 on "Fr* nIIITed= ]lei"ARat'
and thirdly. the• oyster, because' he .Now, Mr. Mathewn. enppxre we take tore all tndeYurn sad arlleano should r a
uvea does anything. your advice and turn down thin bylaw. have apprentices; thew' young marl (Heeds
"We do not think we are either let us see what might quite essay be will Rr^w 4'p "Nh tap community and
fonls, liars, or oyster+. No one entrant- the result. You have stated that after serving their '•ppr nth -whip will
td In a large enterprise eau foresee the meso loosen $200,000 In ten years.
etthrr IYlntfun.• t6 wort with their
everything. `tometlmeolhind-alaht Is Yon figured the loam toe • i,erannal }tIIagtPr "r"P"'"1"/""" of ttwlr ?en/ -
everything. let us figure It for the future ll•ter will sial. a
ce repaired renewal ; compared with lad) c rk. boy verbal*, an appren-
Hoe will also
will employ
trivet' work: then he
home tailor, oboe -
i.1 .: and then the
and w) rah.
be anything very constructive of con-
clusive In Itself,-- unless It be the sug-
gestion made by one reader that tease
ought to he appointed a mann
like the P. i). Row commission which
hare hnve"tlgated our Wb111• institutions
10--jevest for and report upon rural
life sod tile. state and progress of the
small frowns.
t intsodad fdr-.iaaC'6!'h ^:;�
BELFAST, Augten 2•'S. -
MMU ■•UR•UR ■!■R�.*M ■ ■ ■ ■••�I•>iwon
M 1N1 Mryt Pam Sherwood. of
ianes. visited with Belfast r
last wee..
Our gimlets.. Mr. Watson hauls, I•
expected tol•r'rlve this week with his
bride. 7hµ aloe piglclrg_tkelr hone b
the iurt. We wiilt__thrt•
"life interest" 1n
welfare of the town and all mot sties bun- the Warr of their birth cod raper mini
payers. nits con/wrn emplol to leave it.
lees and fifty mew at an average of
The mltuuliniity Itself must 1.11141 ft -
fifty dollars every two weeks. As you
went to en much trouble to figure the
Arthur I)nrin'. secrterc of the f'en- tax Iles 1 thought It would Iso quite
Kilian t'ouncll of Agricnitur•, ■1r1 In order to 46 00121eview.
u rin141rom r Allhze
Bruce Mi•Ncvhc s president of the town'Pot(tt of __re this ('cm1{rm• pope
;'olid Fyrtnl•rs of Ontario. are to he that In tek_years this
bout $21aiQta•t s
commended for their part in Islet elft In wages. just abort flat Is spent
week's meeting. -of the Employment say nothing
of theturned soldiers among the employers ISortie the �ruttilvid tat Ottawa. he Darbyobjecof the in around being nhaand at the rbor sat a Isiurt
of .exit throughout the trprltxl. The
cal to the: tariff hatttt{�{p injected tato the lar. Yet no "veno arkoner p the urwRirkira(twr11
�. Gul;etnmetiT'-;,.jj�,yjf shunitf'Wi"Qf'r: ..,wt,.µ yf; ilrµatjlt _ tiff, hiwrr••ek•w p Iilwd-J,ern atl.d�lelr
self together allotrat theme invaders
stat the email 1owf win lie "i).i�,,. an''
Your. trine.
Toronto. 4I1KNI IN l:. TOSSELI.-
Salon,' reop•ta next week. Phill
Stewart Ices given the arbor:11UOm
iresh met of paint. which Ins made
Attire an Improvement.
Mr. and Me. William Itlw•rwod vis-
Itel with their daughter- Sirs. R,awrt
Niel nuts s. at T*eswater.
Mr. and Mr*. Joke Ruche. from
l'oint ('lark. ca Ref an friend* twee on
141 miry.
lvf. HFLl;NS, SeptrmtN•r Hc,µ- would yell define a nation and
19rtrtt+ arluwrF:q+i'ee+t'ao.7tilrsdrJ willkte eerpies• A ganm •�••.rmastly pop.
•-•we ittals.'i=ta{vr the releral Gortrnment b.. Jayter ed Labor. t µaa . t if dfiT im'n *fie eratai elltaa rte Ya.-.s+aaaluD•iitaat who
the -fatter •sti1 shake fl )(5rtit!►tr,-1 tire' xtul ha
eel 1' Corti resenting the 1'Nnn.lfan Manufacturers .rr Iand
1have taken no notice of the
there is statutes}• pr^vfsiuu for the lip
meat. positions. ThereIs no ouch pro- give. on behalf of his clients. that
- vision In regard to Pruvhll•1n1 appoint prIe44 to mesntuers would not he
n 1 Tie 1'lolN• 1NIIIIte ant refilled If the tin•if1 wail ingrained, that
t„„4' c�1ildT3fttt1lt41'.rf-*'k*w a rrrt*rr4t
yr u1QM)w vctei t0 s'•• r.f the s•tI"( an1 Mlss Keeatrkce• Harrel *t -f:enevu for the nal'etlnpr .
more prl"q,rrity brought NIIQuuillmw 1::".4111.11s rg.• of the Junior.'nf taw iwwR„r of !(xtl,mn. Tbie anasei
0r At ltelfast s heal Mr. \\'neon Davits, 'wan an Ingenious entities( to iew•rtlre 11
ItrmP of Tun. Is the teacher. at Nn. 9 Mlew, fl(i'{i/1Ie rnees.
w 1.. H,uekPtt .11'1 at Ftwdyle Mg's (:n/' of the English it waw urrt:iadly rv- -
Nlr. suer• Q,-te,, rf 14-afwt4. vis imarked'1►a• Englishman -un h�e"•tie.
ttel at h,itnP t i •t we k. Two l:nvllahmet --a club.
pointwrnt 1 war-,eirfN lo ./, �,twataG11i1, what aNMnrstar he you rr.
adyi(w of men who try M live f
merits. and, xr the• comu-U of ,tgrlruttMr r•)tefary
the upas Sen .betweed Teterams Put- 1 f 1 f aha t(ti ;Sikhs;
la 'n ;fritrnta I Int ra a uR
I P ..fli ik nal thatit would
themselves alone. 1 have h
nen sly. "Kell. bylaw or no hyla .
they can't hake the plamf away. end it
w•tmld m1 flay to keep It shirt down...
To there men may 1 say this: Sitppse
to the tnxpaJ
Mr. .\Ivin %r ods. who ham liven at Thee Englishman --• wrest Laspire
plupel be the Fw1en Peet...flee not hMp tins country w ern ^f (11(5 town
partnlwl( tall i veterans employed llv the he harmful r. in ng ke Robertson
obe tso Nn H" eery granting
,.anesei0ns to the .company- Hamiltol far meatier. le spending thfr IK tlw Germans it ware .x41.
w•er•I: w'.itll his anr/tht•r. M. R. ]. ante (arrear n prnh•swre.
tellin n illi Winter Itoard affords a veagute in hisreference,.ethe effect of to tine Mr. Nlethesm's I:iciir8*rn 9 .- W1NId+. {N•f,ln• nwot! t. Tl . R. ...Two German. -a eheashrR.
lost R ice appointments
entst}' ler moue of n higher tariff on 1)rleer. The mum, 1111(► every tan years -1 r. Miss .\rube Pliers ten nw Taoday tar 'There err(nal's " *44041 .
I'I/etoffic-• xp{Noinhnc•nfe bare gone to fnrtnrers, hr std, meld warmly iN• es• them fo orpPnti more a1)110W 5fl7 and Ssm iss A after mpendien • pleasant Of tlw Swiss:
pee il4 to Rile x IowantPP tint prleel. keep thin mill peening steady. Theft holiday here with neer neither. (areIsw lieSw�a pastry-eluop.
war veterans. )Assn than ter per erne 1 I f It alrptl41g Sfr. Nethewu'm advice de- Mr },rad Nies. Raker. ..f TO -prima. Two Swha-an inn.
Ing thin
the coat-
Yom- formerly
Three o:Mane Grand, time
The Rueeianm erre tJI1M drw•rt7s•i:
The t:lolw observes. the'first (Intl of ed that the tariff lw excluded from the,trruv de. xi then It will • n•sident of Furl)ty. Thr RuaM n --n rand,
plake d(Ncussio11. The tariff ruuld not carr �ita111e torr transfer
the busbies,.
lnR tNr Wirt- res. a .4 'Nherde e. snit wm mr. 4 M Husdnnn-ter fools.
the Il4(1. EthelvIncislimily' lel to \lithe NIIN 4(.D a flunk. n. M slat Thaw Ill .inns—,t Nue foot'.
mire that the hotfaarclll empl employees,
neve mired
otherwise It In the uld
on Thursday. atter
on frfrtwM here TIN• H,YItNnlrrl 1'altll" off fal[iy wt•II :
1fw•}f, with its 41tt►ife11)N1s of rmldoyoaes, hxcr rSho n'0..' armert the I MT.. are a ..r (t le, epI' junk operating having visited in Montreal. TOneh* 111•ntsm n1 x 1," s brae.
Pers' 1 airep. The harmers. lie emid.fttfe ,this mill far 1M a°I er a 1111/4111e1414.llitlf- ,and )jr.v sl ted i Mo tr al. ref itlyth. II Two H,Y1..11. n a game of bank.
*Otte for taw oytrs t vliu. .- erre not timbieIll to accept any p riffs lh dI'y so Jort 0fwr,fu1 11 111 i.1*. il)jr. Stith theta ne11'Isyl Mr. Cheater Threw et•otmman-the Mallick on,. Goners-
askm prlvafe rwp{111yrrTt^__^le'• ufothe uld n^tlisr5,1.44 to rause high
mi11 1rivea• ciliation 1111 this town]' w11111rW011141 1Ie ,�ltited -ilk tin• weplie rl. Ila rch.
STT. Hartle Mmriglre. of iN4rntt. vb.- Of the -Xmas -loom:
• A RIBLIC OF 1834 !Inter Int liIn WW1 hi•• -II 11,1' t am -'the anuli? tlnlf, at Ienst, of the buil- Itel with his nitric. Mr. hl Thom. Ins Anarriewu -+• milllwnwire.
11'llituu News-Ibrurl, plinth* in his a Wings a the t: ex• Wens inow•N would lw cf wne Instead have ion Leberit IMli Two Amerlrnmr-a tmon*ll party.
placnNgt problem 1.. t real as su ex• of. .a now. Only 11 Pr'. few who have Mr: Cyril Hyelc' was hour• from Kiri-
in- Tlree Anieriestne-I'rohlbitirn.
r•lnhryt the tariff un nnann- •not euol,gl, clothes bletlfo polys 11 11V half
tnxlrn -
prof -
of the !Minor Basad employees are world not IN• 11bgh,•r, •11111111(p u e 'Rgt,INNI them de*tn,!
wall to ince weir s•r-Ic• r''rnls. As "'Ire his 1lfeu1s wo11111.tfy t11 prolog handing $-
consumer \ h1 Mr 1Mrbv Insist-
railed 1n friends here ea route few
Donnybrook. Mr. la• was
fulls a aY►tlomi(al prodm'tIMna.^
M' Prate Shepherd last week held
"...... far
"St rimes,* for WRMa' .apladity
and lower prices its µ1'11 as tower
costs." 1h•nhy Fui'tI.
11444 Il
elle sod dis•ontiuuel Ihr Loma! farmed Rn 1'I9 -M -%w 4(11(4' of fnrni',woiknagnien no rafrRtw for iA,IN r
which had been set np it ('lithos by i"""- Ile +x141. team alit of all pro- at all. most of then needing clothes � stn and Nt,x Thtta•" Lyon and Mr.
ami Sin;. (. F:.. Thai sans thea wenn. a
her parehep floe fate Mr. and Mrs. fa ante tar.to the , Th of fliCed the and (ism'. \f cilli }'11l'• Nlh e' th Net- lid Sits.. L, erre is mil 1-Isit' 0 with
Jnuws Shepherd. mStty years ago, farmer had to buy, The ral14.411 par then step forwent 14111' take' the re Mr. end Mrs-. 1\. Taylor.
Tiler goitre over flit effects in the
(.1n!,h1R p+we of iii• farlhrte M'11s inns N1sm.flel�ltV tlonerof tile
(1,. 4.nrl.'II' f„hppyr) Nhssls. I'or4 Mrl►.ealcl ]INI }5arl
couer NIfNN S11e1 111 a pri tingsn a;1rf nw rontrar,,I . raM,- vi uwho *vetlr p 1'n41shm. .!f al Mellly, eel* ail
couple of rh.itslies of the printing art plot me.14e declared tr. N1cNrefn, who ,eon minty as In the tax ante increased, I ...
.wb.' she handed to us. One be a Ile IIII n•lwo to the fact that
:ilef + �' iew,1►Iw14' 1 lor,aehoitkll3-ou.rAtel 1r "!� fhelorlr the hotilhip.
little. �Ilantlldit. u,.l T>i1 (1 't♦rhvtb'rat tlremaii-(at 14,e to
_witzit "aMh411111Wra. 1!rwrlwr.w of l'LIuMm.
'rates remain at the tame high 1914* emlfrrPs•nt rata nygnistluthxh Inde 1n18- 'lsil*4 rv,YYr11c with the latter's sister.
and f'ox'es Beok mud .lob office, Stat'Mink ('h.wa•r Taylor.
Properly, Ila also prote+tfci n(gigmt the mnJorit ,'t -h'1 l,tloiyi to Nle. end Nle*. W.
p orkwcsl he -b, e� ell. had
on ' paidittilr i 1Ilo- tri charity?
markt', whh•11, ha Nn1A, Iiil,b he be paid I 1'11.• prewcut condition tri this to��.`..xl the birth of twt`ri boys.
for erinswe or later lints t(xt 111441 11 mm1{Nlrell with o4 her, places. la indeed i.4. Err palet welt. r N have lift fat
adding t0 the hl'nln of taxation and, 'very plod"ing this town feaW11 that 1,18 r from Owing; Teacher4 and atttAett
liar Schools. The teachers
ken Square, tioderleh." nndslated Ili. .
' it given 'n list 11f "Joiners' Prices,"
whfth.IgPnl Ur have leen arrived at at
"a meettng held Rt Gtr. MeldaugL'a
llotel, Clinton. uu tAxtllnlay er'enind, 1
February 111th. 1)4.141, for the nor1"ste of In the PINI, only aggravating the ronii• 1*'4)1, as follows; Mho W. h. itnt4erford
regulating - Wage's and prices for the tion It wait supposed to cure. Thr -harm- mentally Inferior 1,, 'hoer t' of roti e
Pr ongnnlzations were'well arr'e1 on piacw. hare N4,owl' NdatvW4 areo Ks f llol lake. MlsN1 MxM•1 nisi
t snmmar of L'kitt." 11 µNs aha day sof 1 t der,( iron' \C,NNIs to 1(Itrharer, Nlimm *11 11
piece work and (WIPP, are RicPtl Tear thin occasion by those two outspoken fe') ammnrerklagme„ of the \1 1'. 1' N \\rrthrrbv to (ism ?.Ills
eacb 'job Money µam reckoned In ctiflrs.
,.Wings end perm'. Making a —
desIr (Ya1 twelve 111(1 5111 •••ylve.pnlltkiil machine triumphal he-
-ter stilt, with hatau canine if ile`a-mtawft-atfwrtt) *stit4g
N .Clijlt, !lid nll1P'-'. allitfufd s dlrh;rt raelorltL' - WW
uttigepo tuwNwl•: (ltno'PSI' Ilttrant.
irWet 4*t Gael (x fifteen , ,-.�•---
11."1"‘. f held workman per THE 10011011th Dit't'f--
1 flint ke nae no 1 Tory 11111. N
with thee taxpayers of (:,Nlrrlrh t10 Wehater M Torr)' 1 Mlmm Dorothy
help 1114 rata1nia1t1 mr tate i,f high WpIsder to IASAMI. MIm" N'era Told to
♦[.minus of 111n1R, our ntatr if Inde- near Klfcl„•iwr,�iax Dorothy M,-Qud1-
gJ,d not be ,srs_At4( d q Men to Sandwl Mien ('anl111P RPh;
panaangp that laJa_.[liR Oft Tin• tandem* fife:
-- Im the rinse t WIllhte.
e(fl. aliases Doreen sail Jean Wido•ter to
fd NPlltrmWendw, the wgham. N1r. Jelin Fnrhan, Miss 1im
their dTµ wf 1'1 of
'ff"if-Wflfl•'* ' H4'Iro '61* ..SQ
so -
their dlaapPrnynl 11f Mr 111i,ypptaeap'n I.gcknow.
ssltleh motive and vote to (-enthuse In
"The eoln.on t'n1P In to oPP our 01441
11H *wee na tiny nothlnIN.•' Menet-
tea I4anthi.
filings Tim names at-
s5:helnle of prieee were:
Won I.ittle. Thoma,
f'jtsrpl"'11. S (3
140511 ens,) James
More than 70.000 times a day tele-
phone user+ in (Intarl) and Quebec 4158'
Long i►fatattoe to give wing. to their the present cnodicondition...b•Iphappy
on ' -u'e
3 Performances Daily at 2.30,I_ ard 9
New Fall Samples
MILES iartarrugugutiliDiritebt1B
You lOok better, feel better, and are better dressed in
clothes tailored -for you alone by Tip Top. the world's
largest one -price tailors.
Any style, any fabric, any color
ALL ONE PR10E-$24.00
CAR .0141-1V E R S
From- this Abite watch our sign for
19C per. g5tIlon
Miller's Service Station