HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-9-4, Page 1CLASSIFIED ADYTS. 11 you have lost anything, anything, seek a potation*hovehelp, have a hoe for gig es have an article you wish U. use the classified advt. 0 Thi Signal EiOHTT•THIRD YEAR, NO. rib AY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1930 YOUR NEEDS Commercial and Society print- ing neatly and quickly Clone by The Signal Phone 35 anti a re j rrsentatiee will call on you. Quotations glad- ly given. :ieN1►L PRINTING co, LIMITED, Publisher*. Over Eight Hundred BRIEFS • War on flies. Get your 'supplier at Back at Their Desks Canpbell'r Drag'store. Mee. B. RMII, Bromine's, teacher of and voices. Pupils prepared for Tbrooto Conservatory of Murk. Schools Opened Tuesday -Con- Oodeeks' Rehelitlt ge No. ee, re - on at Victoria Presents exp all wt,o e.o gl.e gem a jar of fruit Waite benefit of Odd - Problem for Board fellows' Home to'fAo so no later than September lath. bruit may be left at the hall, Kingston street. The caterers at Maitland Golf Club, Mor Catherine Jupp. of ()rill's, and Mins Louise W albrtdge, of Belleville, returned to 'their homes this week. Miss Eva Somerville. of town, will continue the service for the balance of the season. _During . the yaat. _week.& group which to the years to come will do so deter have _teen working es the much to moukt their careers. For these roof of St. George's clawed. This roof, tots of the kindergarten it war a with repair from time to tame. has done service tor half a century and , t_(coUU!tet- is ('ompieted will be practically ra goieraTTeew. County Traffic Officer Lever points out that under the new traffic regula- tions every accident on the highway, in which there is personal injury or property damage to the extent of $50 Over eight hundred titudents of sep- arate Institute, public ante schools of Ooderich retnrDed to their Wadies Tugyday taorntng atter '— the long summer vacation. For some forty-eight of these the following day, • Wednesday, was one of the most fate - int of their Itvere, they entering for the stint time an 1neti[9tIe n Of Iearittng :day of dart" While it will be some days yet before tbe exact regtetra'lon is known tbe at- tendance. et the Collegiate Institute will exceed that of a year ago. For the first time In many years there Is no change .10 the staff at the beginning or more, must be immediately reported. of the school year. Tuesday morning officer iw•ser:a telephone number is there were a formal program to mark 191, Cllnttm. abs opening of the term. In giving s A swimming meet for the students 'sesame of last year's work Principal I of the Goderich Colltwiate Igatltute • PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKay are spending a few days to Toroetu. Mr. W. Oe Prldham left this week on a trip t0 Whitby and Toronto. Mfrs Verna McVittie, of Toronto, spent the week -end at her home dere. Mims Gertrude Lumby, of Toronto, spent the weekend at her home here. Miss Irncy Harrison has returned home after a tiLe Visit in_.Te- rmite. • Mr. and Mrs. /'. Doak spent a day last weeLyisiting friends in Londes- bortre uhat•a .._JMt_.and.Yra jt,-. p-umby, of Kitchen- er, were holiday visitor at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lumpy. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Murphy. -•of De- trblt. spent the week -end at tbe'home of Mr. and Mrs. now Murphy. Miss Evelyn Clark left this week for Centraliato remume her duties (n the public .shoo) leachlag staff of that town. MissRorty Strang left on Monday fur Kingsville and Minn --Grace Strang Attune announced that the who,' had `wIIl be held at the Goderich bathing for Guelph to resume their (halm as obtained t•7 per cent. in the tapper l teach next Wednesday afternoon, Sep- teacher. school examinations aril that he trmtwr 30. at 4 pin- or immediately Mho Ruth Martin has returned to looked for even better results st the I th atter school There wig be junior. Taranto to resume her dutl1e ee- es sh- end of the prevent wheel year. Ile Intermediate and senior e*i.ts. This 1s sistant registrar at thte t'nleersity of urged the new students to make the • line of sport that ralould he enconr- 1lpremtn. Leet .4 their opportanttlsa aged and the public is Invited to be an Mr, and Mrs- J. A. McCracken and band to witness the contests. son, of Elk Lake, slatted the past week Thirty-seven exrurton tickets were at tbe bone of Mr. and Mrs A. Mac - sold by the C.N.R. to citizens of God- fie, Victoria street. Pricce deatrtag to visit Toronto Exhlbl- Mr. A McQuarrie and children r•- ttnn on Labor Day. This Is about half turned to Toronto on Monday, baring tbe number who trek advantage of the spent the last two months at the home same oppertoffty a Naar ago, railway orf Mrs. C. A. Nairn. efflceels state. Tale same is apparently Mr. and Mrs. L Oster, d Cayuga, r true all over the Province, for the Ee uestdon, Mr. Beacom saig.men dI hRltion attendants, was greatly re- st school meant added doffs tD Tatetr fes (m the ether report motor hand traffic nofy- laspertor's Advise Speaking on "The Value et Eames, non," Inspector fleece's stressed that 1t taught self-control MAN. the dta- cipllne of school life, hi an acad- emie and • soela1 wa7. J. with an education. be acid. knew -bow to employ his or her leisure betas. Touchingon the pr that Ms of ed - life n travel as "v **Warships Presrllftd bra:7" at the weekomd and holiday Principal Hume tis called upon Al4DCRININ—WASH1141 TON Mayor H. J. A. MaeEwa to present A quiet „fns was molemnlaed at the Adamson mchNarabdpa His nor boar street Potted church, Toronto. ship, following a few ineeedatory to by.. sr. ('rneley W. Krog. on Mond. teacher of kindergarten primary work marks, pn•ownaed the Tint Id"' September 151. when Kathleen Waal- le pa school of that town. 1w•hool s,hnlarahtp to Eileen O'a.ion. tegtosl, daughter of Mr. George Wash= erairll, 11. Roleeon has returned to Mertes of Toronto. became the beide of Ar, Gordon Audersno. aro of Mr: end yaw Atsderaoq of Dungan - SOS. Mr. .-_ Anders. will ma1K nee_ • and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. atbh, of 'neat - ford, were the guests df Mrs. Ed- ('astie over labor Day. Mr. and Yrs- Ward Oil son, of Sault Ste. Marie. MIch.ewere visitors 'tbta week at the home of lie. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Etgin avenue. Iilse Leon Henn lett on Monday for llmeoe to :take over her new duties as A Qdev teak nth repo for was left Tebbutt's garage night. The garage Mlxter left the keys In It outside A In the list of erk•b Fall Fair, to 37th and 18th, ae wheel children's stipulations set ou reed: "not more it should read: " pupils." The given by the W During be open two days and day night 11 or•hestra hes the remainder of pentier's playing al Q the mark•. W and popnktr Continues to those who enjq}' the mecum! to Iesoglas Middleton'. The fort middle shoal ebelarelde was presented to A. Brown and -the Wend to W. Sstbsr4and. • s7. - tem et the present dry: hie audience to •pprte the gets portan(e of the habit of Industry and to learn to use the power at their will. He said the difference in atadents hay not in the number of talents but to the applleation "(Inc wills are oar and our duty M to nee dream," speaker said. Overlain* at Vk15ds At Victoria public school the emroll- -wend is 330, about the name- as last year, but that of 11e jrrnfor third class was so great (ova r eeventyl that thirty-five had to be transferred to Central school. Thr, has created coa- dderable discontent among parents, who tonight ■re votting their patent st • special meeting of the school • board. "This condition moon periodically," Principal Stonehouse told Tie Signal, -"Last year we were forced to transfer twenty-five. We hair had two emend • classes teeding"one tiled. It will work said,out next year. As 1 it MUNI. periodically. 1 cannot explain It unless _. more children are born In cne year than ale aY tragg - _ There were thirty-six registrations in the kindergarten elate and four to the primary. all new etndents. There la but one new fats, on the staff, Miss Edna Ilorney teaching first class book, replacing Miss Tnily, who resigned at the close of last term ow- ing to 111 nwlth- At Central Sebes' T11e enrollment at Central school is 226, an Increase 4.1 .one dhirty-five, but tele 1s doe wholly to the tnlnefer feed Victoria school. The only change Cas staff 1e MIs. Vera Elliott, who is teaching the primary class after a year's absence. An increase of eleven Is reported in the attendance this morning at Rt. Peter's school, the total being .sixty -aft. There were eight little ones who took up their studlee for the first time. There is but one Slater who has not heretofore been on the .1mff. Idle Fleet May Move Out Shortly? Renvoyle Hag Steam Up and Captain and Crew Have Reported Hers t Telt"-iireetzemat under the auadlees of the Ooderieb rowel, nye. was-trom Toron- to, a • stance of 150 miles from here. The birdie were released at 6 a.m. and the first bird was reported home at 11132 o'clock. The result of the race was as follows: Owner Band No. P. Johnston 74 W. Baker 296 P. Johnston 8 P. Johnston 24 J. Maerleaar 331 J. MatVlcar 43 Tine 1L32 11.35 12.17 12.22 123s 122 BAPTIST LNUIDCH PICNIC There was a spendkl attendance at the Rtmday school picnic of the Bap - net delimit. het." on Wednesday of last week at Mesesetung Park. The after- noon program of games and races was thoroughly enjoyed, as was the bathing at the Keach- The usual supper, with ice cream aplenty for tbe kiddies, was not by any means the least Important number on the program Results of the 11114441: Five and under—Verna Miller, Lloyd Wootton, Five to eight—Wilma Griot. Boys, S to 13—Wheelbarrow race. There Is evidence at the harbor that the fleet nt five •sesta of the Canad- ian Steamship Lines, which have been tied np all season, will shortly be platwl in service for the balance M the Reason. Steam has been np in the Itrnvoyle, a 350 -foot package, frelahter, for several day!. C.aptaln William Tay- lor has arrived from Sarnia. All crews are saki to hevereceived orders to re port on twenty -for hone, notice. Far- ther than that noftling to known ter rally. Yesterday the siren and whistles of the Renvoylt: received a thorough Mating. -Two of the ve tadla, tM..Mag- tarty end the Aoteente. were quad -fes-. service this spring. but never Ibft the berewr, The Agee [np ' 44, li Atom bushel;of ewits . el nrkett Ar Ifni" Meer elevator Senday mnrntng and left for the head of the lakes at 4.30 Monday' morning for another cargo This has hetes the only boat In the local harbor Pine. The Sternal as. Immo pnhllahad. Wal>Mlvf 1' with Iwr grandson, Mas- ter Tom'Retissin, after an extended vis- it with her Meter, 111 Wolk-sal PARSNIP The mash Convent. whe conducted by of tbe Toronto 2nd, were the WOW whoa Plante; Morrison. Padlne Maxwm demo. Mildred duh. Leda N Mary llaeeiler, The ted for the Dag Thursday. Saturday. ieMl, rhe Town I by N. Mu -1 PERSONAI, MENTION to the Weal * Mr. Reg, Smith was up from Torun- outing. orun- o id,..w 'row to fur the holiday week -end. . hour t ,Mrs A. Reid, of Sarnia, visited red- t, hour Ia.t .•.1 cud Mr. th, ignition rage. • for God - September ors to the p cHUR (TEs To Tender 1)eler,ate+ Serckerl in Knox chunk to Sunday Civic Banquet Here will be conducted by the mtnlater. Subject of sermon: 11 a.m., "A Word of Cheer:" 7 pm., "The Way of Faith." Sabbath school at 10 o'clock. Town Council Decides to Enter- Faith." services at North street 1'gited • church next Sunday will be hew at 11 1 tat mbars ofABlue nater a.m. and 7 p.m., with the paster, Rev.Highway C. F. Clarke in eharge. — will meet at 3 p.>o. and the Men's Club. At a epw int luowtluR of the tow■ fellowship class and lll.slon Maud et roAnrll held last Fttug evening ar- xtivee in town the past week. 10 a.m. rangemente were mole to entertain - Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Honking have ee ('tetunwneing next Sunday Sunday the,dcle•gates to the lilue Water Htgh- the winter with fritude_el_PIrinonlh, ,rnmel at St. (in is's church will re- tray_ Assodatfon Willi -1i is to meet Kesel ,us with thenext 1 turued from a visit to Toronto. n1IDe afternoon Mtge A. Har-ieft last week W *peal mala aehtrol eoavmgalag- a1.1..45..,yud the bete onprimary department st Wtdntexlay of c weak. t 1jwas-deetded to tender the delegates, of whotu once huuddr -iii O?tp feted, -a - banquet at the Bedford hotel at one 3[kh• adult Bible class will Mettln /Mins Em We Ituchenatm has returned Itwo weeks time. from Toronto, where she ape4t several mouths.._ Miss Mand Howell left on M ay to resume her duties as. teacher Al thy Baptist en ii, next sundn9 .preeldeat tcutd_ wrru(arr3 4t tfie As e•ennrte e. ' w the services will be }oddue'tAlT trljKk'e- - ltrlse list pastor, Rev. W. T. Dont. Sermon nab- ( aoclatlon. wants headquarters at - lar - ••u pupils." jectr: Morning, "g,'neouragemeut to nix. The greater tart of the meeting• cuthan fifteen holstein. Pray rvrDlug, "'!tie FYIr of Jcrleho.", of etourooe, will be taken up with a dls- Mrs. Walter Buchanan and daugh- At the close of the morning rervku t.Ite,I of mem*, the -stake dun's affairs. for Juan ha\'e_relui'ned from a ''Isit-- urn(r 01 Ibe Loads Stsplier will 1s Progress Made to Toronto. oleserveel. Bible aebopl at 10 a.m. t At -the same meettnp it 'was reported PAl• • Dr. anti airs: W.,7. Reid returned to The re- ning of the Salvation that progress was (wing made In eun- to'or cilluu will 'Detroit today after spending she emu- i Army citadel, welch has been under- l-neetka►_ witsthee propesition for Cite i t going eeliteaelve alterations, will be !ILthe Maitland road bu11d eT- held text week -end. Fitting prepare- tLrua are toeing made for the opening In the way of a program. This week - :lei teervices will be ro nduettd to the officers' quarter, for the last time. - o'clock. The program is in charge of Wednes- meat n own. test Satur• 1 Mr. and Mrs. F'.• 0.Flagle• and sons, ' eight -piece ' of Hamilton. were among the Lolidsy 1, and far , visitor ,n tuwu, h Leo car. i Miss Beatrl(s, .,Benry• was a week- end visitor at the home of her father, Mr. W. R. Henry. Mia. ()live Whitely, left this week Tbr Twced,Arbere i11e 11itB'I 1tlorron resort for I rhe'Hlgh School staff. - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warne. of De- • troll are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Wallis. Mia. C. Holt left title week for her home at Toronto. after spending the summer vacation in town... Miss Olive Goldthorpe. of Toronto, visited over the week -end at timehome of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MacEwan. D Mies elphine Sho ebr idge. of Ann Arbor. Mich., .pent a week to town,._ tbe guest of her aunt, Mn. A. Stokes. Was F:tbel Whitely left this week for Torogto to take a position on the teaching _01*Sf of .ws-- eld-pnbllc school. — .311l5. M. pion and Mr. E. P. Chewn- ing, of Washington, are holidaying at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cralgte. .Mr. Wm. Ralph, of Vancouver, R.C.. was the guest of her slater -in- lay, Mtn Wilson Herald. during the ..77 past, week. „78 81 I Dr. J. B. Whitely find Mrs. Whitely 20 lett on !Tuesday for Toronto. where e8 the t • several horses fostered >o bl the has been will tarnt*_ lion c Pnviliun N.%TiONS tat. Joseph's iswinatione McLaughlin ory on July (lowing are Primary : elemen- sty. !torts 1'hristine rie Turner, try srhool atric•k Mur - tory violtp, ndall. LR in Uoder- as follows: Max. Min. 64 Mr, suit Yrs. -fl--R: Mrs. William Birnie, Last street, spent the past week In W having hes called there by the ser - loos illness of her friend. Mo. John Hazen. Mrs. Dudley Holmes, sr., yesterday accompanied her mothe, . Mrs. R: - wood, as far as Toronto, Mr,' rt. wood returning to Ottawa atter • peasant vigil with her daughter here. While St- George's rectory is being renovated the rector, Rev. J. N. H. Milts, will make bis come at the Bedford hotel. Mem. Mins and hm- illy are etaiting Mrs. Mills parents In Lendon. Miss Mabel Strang left on Monday for Toronto. and on Friday of this week will sail from Montreal en the steamer Letitia for Scotland. where she will wpend several months with friends. Mrs. J. A. Harrison and Master Gordon spent several days at Detroit last week and on their return were ac- companied by Mas. Mona Harrison, who had leen visiting in Detroit for of month. Klemsnline lteview-Reporj _ Mr. Erie"- Wilton. prtm'Ipet of the pnhlie acholia _here. was successful In passing Boss Pennington and Ernest Fisher, the required teeth in physical train - Jack Graff and Itilly Joe Johnston. tug in the county (•ondncted at Torcn- Girls' slow ratty --Leah Grill, Ruby to University this mummer. Clark. Boys' blscntt race—Eric Groff, Bert Campbell. Tie race—Mrs, Donaldson and Stew- art tlrtft', Will Male and Mrs. George Johnston. Most graceful walkers -Mrs. James Campbell. Yonne ladiete' baseball throwing— Dorothy Wootton, Lehi Croft. Balloon race --Alberta Oehaldeston, Ewart Cornish. Peanut race --Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston. PRKSI$NTtD W1TH BLANKET Before leaving for Toronto. where she will in future make her home. Mrs. 1. Hetherington, for many year clerk of Colborne township, was presented with a beautiful blanket, the gift of the township camel'. members of which were pr'went on the on•anion of the presentation. The happy event took pate at the Iady'a home on Keays Street. Mrs. Hetherington hes since left for Toronto where memhwth of her family reside,. The following address, signed by Reeve A. J. (oldt.horpr. was read by Mr. Herbert Morris: To Mr. G. J. Hetherington: We have gathered herr thls evening to hr, you farewell em the eve of your de- parture e'parture from our community. Words are bet a poor vehicle for the enema - e on of feeling, bat with the words we find at our rogsmaad, we wl.h to ex- presso our eleeep regret at your contem- plated removal frogs tat We frost you may have the ocean for which yen look In your change rat sphere. We shall not soon forret you and we mays. The farmers there hod plentyyt e honld like to think that yon will not rain in Angnst. Mr. Riley elicited To- mos forget ea. Will your accept, as a unto Exhibition on him return trip alight token of our goodwill and ss- home. teem, this blanket with our hope that I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Taylor and yon will en ny Its ,ocafort in your nest hams ao. behalf at. abs Reeves and Councilor. MTVItelliertngton,la e fiver (-boom words, thanked troperesent for f11tM$lt'ktxrtRrw'Irfl*l*+Mat ttr'ntY'itf the past seven years. She maid 'she would long remember tbe psnasnt days mho. had spent at couaril meet• legs as abs hod always found them a n ice toting, rrthor than a teak. Mr. and Mrt, C. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarke. of Detroit. Mr. and Mee. Geo. (tliddon, of Vinemount. and .Mr. and Mr- James' Gliddon and fam- ily, of Stoney Creek, were week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. W. Glkwon. Mrs..W. E. Amaden and daughter Eugenie, of Brooklyn, aeeompanled by Mr. Harry (lark, motored from New York to (Inderieh on Saturday last. Mtn. Amsden will remain for some time as the emelt of her sister, Mr. ('has. Henle- . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linwood and Mr. Hugh McKenzie, of Winnipeg, limited at the home of Mr. and Mr. J. C. Stewart haat week. Mrs. Linwood re- marked on the great improvement on the highways in the lent year, the trip (eking a little over three days. Mr. and Mrs. J..7. Moore and arm Robert. who hese been vomiting at the home of Mr. M. J. Bowler, left Weet- newt secompanied by Mrs. Bowler, who Intends visiting friends en ratite at Detroit, Chicago, Mlnneapo es, Duluth, Superior and Rainy River, Mr. W. D. Saunders, local manager of tbe Bank of Montreal, with Mrs. Sannarre, left on Tuesday of this week for Nor$h Sydney, N.S.. where they will again spend their vocation In Mr. Saunders' native country. This Is hie fifty-sixth trip to the land down by the sounding sea. Mr. Frank Riley and soh leigle have returned from • holiday vlalt to Ot- tawa, where they vlaltd Mr. Riley's Adept soon. Frank, who farms to Ren frew county, thirty-sh miles from (1f- tawr. The linseed crepe in year are re- ported from Renfrew county, Mr. Riley Tittle rale. The vane dineistmeasect Indere for Aogust o.f AN INTEME6TI --111r.--Afbere-O, Rent -demegglet, efaiss- cowver. B,C., was the guest of his sis- ter, Mn. W. J. Carter, Routh street, this week. It is upwards of eighteen yews since Mr- Itedd's last visit to Goderlch, the place of his birth, and he had an interesting time looking up former acquatntateres. He was very much tmprtsseri with the appearance of tbe town. especially with the way the residents keel' timer lawns and gardens. Mr. Reid • ane east to take part in the British respire game.. which were held at Hamilton recently and In the lawn bowling (Nonage he had the distinction of winning the mingles champlonshap of Canada. To achieve this he defeated lawn bowlers from Ontario and Que- bec in the elimination series- Mr. Reid came very close to being crowned champion Iawn howler of the Rrltlsh Empire. He lost to \ew Zealand and Fngland.'iT•dhe-natruw margin .•.t 21• ., 20 to eaefi gialtir-ilf ttild And aart- n er, W. W. Moore, sloe od-ltseeownver n were entered in ti.- doubles tourna-. anent and were anti•. -sful in capturing' the Dominion ehaminnnahip title. The Vancouver pair won from Routh Afri- ca handily but Into to New Zealand and Fltgland by tw'- and three points' • reepeetively. The howlers from the ('oast were presented with a beautiful trophy as a memento M their bowlines prows.. In these bietorkal contests jest closed. the National Iing t'n. The-dbtvesiva of both subjects took piece ju committee of the whole. Prior to resolving-ltwdt into commit - teethe council heard ('.1. C. Crabb. of C111caeo, who had several suggestions , to make with references to the upkeep KAiei 113147'44)-111 8] F1Rg, ..- --anti p•rpetnai etre eef plea*-tw Maitland A targe barn on the farm o1 X,i1 ,-'nus tory unci also the care of anti im- provements to the Square Park. totulIy de•atroyed by fire at rn rxrIY Col. Crabb sugeeeatwl that tiee (erne - hour Inst Sunday morning. Thr Mc- I. tery be placed in charge of a commis- Sion and that the present fund for per- , piquet care of lets he paced on n larg- er la.ls. to Include the providing of flowers for decoration of cemetery pots. He said he had placed $2500 in ' a basil bank to take care of hie owe __- plot. plot. He went on to speak of the con- dition of the Square, which be termed - a "disgrace to the city." He_ swig sl Id be re -sodded, some of tl.e cut down, and a curbing put amend It. Ile declared that he saw no im- provements In the town, except a few residences, minae• be lived here sixty- five years ago. He would like to see Goderich "get a move on and do some- thing." Referring again to the ceme- tery, he maid there was no more beauti- ful ,rmrtery in the country than the (.115 here, Mayor MacEwan expressed the plea- sure of the (•ounell in having Col. Crabb present and congratulated Dina on hol juts age well (Col. Crabb ad - an 'stew -I friends and relatives at Floradele, being_ vee. L$itcheue ani-Tnranto ' for the month Mr. and Mrs. Frank >ijt Zvi daughter, of Mellon year. •' past week at thebeeei father, Mr. Henry Snyder. -VISITOR Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Ikan and fam- nr-har t -mnvads ,ter,-fusmer .L Repel' residence on East street, which Mr. bean hag purchased. Wright and Adam family were out of town ant tint origin of the fire 1s unknown. The fine alarm wounded ,,Il4 the fire bri- gade responded promptly. When the firemen arrived on the scene n-ee:i.ing Could be done to pave the atruet,•re which was a mase 01 iia lle0. The wields wrre nand ie *tome extent. Fortunately _ the wield irlialetmt tin south or the house dot,: by might have fallen prey to tbe Seinen. MiNIATt'RE 4912 POPULAR Gtrdeiich'r miniature golf courew at the southwest corner of Writ and Waterloo streets was officially opened last Thursday evening. Therewas representative gathering of c itizens present to witness the opening cere- monilw• Mayor 'an in a brief uddress es Mr. A course,. tulations to or of the The Mayor one to the (:cxlertcin. Iii. Worship then declared ire. cunt'ete 't _(awned by I a k imp first stroke. This new game i. pan' ar In (:,slerlelo and since .M5.L7 'people have leen trying their luck. The game 1s truly Intereeting to watch as well as play_1rt_the avenin when the colored lights are on the grounds are very a tractive. Garage Employee Has Narrow Escape daughter left by motor last 13atnrday on tbety embalm trlp..tn their fume At, Long Reach, Calif„ after a passant s M 5i*yrr et the 'home M /F Ta lor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. rtif'tMt 5SlEnt tivwt1i4e: sij atlag ales"3. W. Taylor accompanied there as far as Port Huron it was eight years eine, Mr. Taylor's last visit to Soder- lee end he was phoned to meet many of his odd Mende Orville Precious Rescued from Monoxide Poisoning Death in Nick of Thee A narrow meals. from death by monoxide poisoning was experienced by Orville Prelm, an employee of the Ford -SWAM t garage, Routh street, yentsrday afternoon. Another few minutes and Mr Precious would have been taken ,ea\ay in an under, taker's wagon. Instead of an ambulance to Alexandra Marine nerd General hos- pital, from which institution he was Uncharged twenty tour hours Inter feeling "not,eu iad. The victim of (1, - monoxide polsonl- Ing doesn't remember mach about 1t. He was engaged working on a tractor with the engine running. A mowing fel- Ina-employee saw• 11110 drooped over the body of the trs• tor, standing he, tween the wheels, with hie head in hie arms. The wltnete diel not pay any at- tention to the cirtimetadete, thinking he was taking ■ IItlic rest. but when he return d from the affiest and Pre Mous was still la the mass pomltlon, with the engine pouring out its dead- ly fumes', he pinchwl him and get no resoodie., .nnb¢ damps - pits__ he dragged him ouidtinO a sv'w't a -afore- **Neil • degetegfespe. Martin responded sal tate tad was 1l1111111M•'tea timelemoritsi. treatments were immediately tend and to which II,. Mtlsnt NOW responded He was s the gurus' ties afternoon .1111 feelbuc+ the erred' M his evp.risnce the council had only a small amount anoseety_.to spend in tiu(h ware and__ could not do all it would like to do. The Hydro Power Comm ' on o Ontario has recommended that the connected load of rack commercial us" 11P tnnpectet ut-rmtr aml thin- hes keen adopted by the local commission. Answers to Questions Concerning the Mill Bylaw Q 1.„ --est 1* the present aaarssment of the Company's glantt A- The mantlfwetllring plant is assessed this year at $240,000, of which $70- 0011 is fixed_by bylaw for the general_t1ite. For sehool purposes the assessment is on 4340,1)1) valuation. On' the grain elevators the school tax is based on an assess - menu of 14125,000, Q. 2.—Why is the Company asking. for * Renewal of the present arrange- Ment t - _ A •8eaaiIlsM• (WO?littyt' r Pent. 01 --the ontptrtirr414tdrrieh pleat-ia•aa+h1, in export mai t'ks ttrat extremely tent 1,rirwx. .Miliittr ontittilsn t are ever, osssre "petitive than they were ten years ago. More wheat 1A now being grown ineueh countries as Germany, France and Italy. thus adding to the difficulties of (tteit- adian mills to tnarket their surplus. It is in mach centres employing cheaper labor, atm with high tariff barriers, that the Company must find a market if continuous operation nfetke mill here is to he assured. Ten years ago, and.upto 1926, Russia was importing both wheat and dour, but within the last two ',years that great country hall been so organised, for massed production that in the very near future it will he a eonsiderable factor in the -export markets of the world. • Q. 3.—What' proportion of the town's taxes does the Company now pay, • A. Approximately one -twelfth of the taxes eotleeteii for tar tittillortes in Goderieh is paid by the Company. Q 4—Will the passing of the )s law increase my taxes, A. No. Under the new bylaw,.the Company undertakes to give employ- ment to a minimum of 100 employees, 'Under the oTd arrangement the minimum;. number to he employed was 70.- Q. 0: Q. 5—Will the deftat of the 1,3,1aSit *Reed a-vaTir of my_proprrtyl A. The Company a asking.for a renewal o -i it fixed aseeeensent of $70.0O0 Whelp it'in its, bid for highly compctitiv • business and thus 'ensure constant eim- plortnent for the labor now depending nils it for a livelihood. Any a naition create whish Will tend -to Martell-eperations, of the Goderioh naturally will have its effect on' f I I ole comtitunity. Q.. 6—^nat-is the value of the industry f(i the town? A. tt operates Mx days a week, twenty-four hours a day, giving steady work at grind wages to *bent 160 etnph..5crit, beth rfy 1;t whntwriwllttrlitr-rater titmtra and pay taxes to the town. - - Q. '7.—Why should I vote for the bylaw? A. Because, when milling business is scarce, when orders have been hard to get, the O'oderich plant has been favored. The Company recognises that Goderich is more dependent on the operation of the local plant than is the case in plants located in larger centres. ♦ vote for the bylaw is a vote for the continuous em- ployment of CIoderich labor. A vote for the bylaw will help to avoid the distress and consequent expense to the municipality resulting from unemployment which is wtdsspvetd elsewhere an andisPwhiskilkelericlasowitliaf mi>ia lint:- - - -- • F Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited