HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-8-7, Page 7, -.4.•••,••••••ra , -- 4 . . ---4.....ara.....,...--4'i --....... • .. -74-....-.----,•-.7..... ...---__,,*,,.,__________,.. . .,.: ...7.__ _....L._ _ ' * r -----'4-- '..... "air..." ---k.: ...41./4i, ... , . • ,,ev, ;,1‘. Zali.P.Irteo: 4.. ip.ttee:- 7,.iirwrorrat 4rrf' a • .},e414 ' ic -,..).zrt . ' . or 4.Weritailtek ...c.c. . . Tut SIGNAL ... .4+4'41.1 GODERICH, ONT. • •-• .s • -• ,- WA* *NM' Iri • Arlri 44r441144 4,44' . ' ' --.7 , - • .. • '7"-- - , /L.."... , ,... ,.. ,:stao.o.4116-5‘. ......,ahoiettatWarVreare4,,,,staa _.^ ' ,^oirsessir"Irt-o• - ' - ' County and District - A torn 'Thetiih' IOW rbtliwe •t Llaiowed. The Forwleh Record be annual holiday this wok. Harold Shannon, of Toronto, has opened a law ofthe In leistowel. Thos. McMillan's majority of 26 in Heiman In the recent election wan ex actly the some as in 1926. • The euntractors •re working twelve hours a day on the Clifford -Mildmay road, which Is being Paved. Many from Bruaftein attended the raves in underlet beet Monday, it &leo being Brits/who civic holiday. Following are the prevailing egg prices at Fordwicle: extra*, 2'7 crate. finite 24 cents and seconds 21 cents. No harvesters will he taken from pitmen, Canada to the prairie prov• Ince« thix year, the annual ext.ursions having been cancelled. Thirty yearn ago on August 1st, the twit To phone co. opened offices in Wroxeter. Eordwich and Gonne. The first mi.nth's buminesa in Fordwh:le amounted to mix dollars. Mr. Salmitn Meirstrial‘ariltanleY. has purchased the old Rumhall farm on the 14th coneeenion of Godericle township from Mr. F. H. Powell lend will take posiseweion itt Ilw tali. Reginald S. Fletcher, • native of lirtieuaels, died suddenly In Hamilton OD July 13. He war with the T. Eaton --.._.Co. for * great many years and at the time of his death was imperintendent agencies for the lite Insurance de- partment of the ernapany. - I). M. Wright, Conmervative member- eleet for North Perth, only had • majortfrbt aixty-ftve in the rural Nee - :imp of the riding, the balance of 979 tieing secured In towns and len the city of Stratford. Listowel gave Wright 295' and Stratford 914. Mrs- Aenr. of Heiman, reeentky, ob- "served her ninety-uinth bIrtiiig-9 and has preserved all her fseultiall to • remarkable degree. Iler metoory Is clear and bright and her hearing and eyesight exceptionally goOd. Many friends called to congratulate her. tthe ho a native of Prince Edward At Jowett's Grove, Hayfield, on liaturday, July 26. about semety-five COUSJOIS of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bartley ii.!.d.41;10Pc. 411°•••se . Mani - Kr:LY TROUKLESJ BACKAI:14E dApaisaau ads ma -P.M= CH: eas. senelles name min. Wood Maki an enjoyable after- .-- alk 'ember 11 .* tialuty-pirale-augnes. before the gathering left for their 110tUell In the evening, he cream was served and imeecties were made by Meteors. J. thertley, Manner : W. Me- liurney,b.i4n R. Stonehouse, tioder- k•h: N. Curter, firsforth. Guetote were prevent from Elgin, Maultoba • %Ing- ham, thoderieh, Blyth. Lontlestero, Clinton and Seaforth. --- Mr. Joia.pli Johnston, who recently it toe of one of his feet •mputated is !Het recovering tes rapidly as wax hopeol and it second operation may be !Weems.' ry. !Myth citizens band last week -end took a boat trip front :Midland to l'arry Sound, preventing a number of programa ton rite Way. CLEVION clIntotk fireaki•nliffendeti the todillit- pout in Kineardine loot week. A well-known (Olsen, John A. Walk- er. died -illi" Wedneintay, July I0. from the effeetoo of injuries received when struck by a (lir ten weeks ago. He he survived ley a wife and one Noll, George A. Walker, of Clinton. two brothera, itotwrt and Willisaz, aline of Clinton. and one sister. /gra. Thomas Rumball, of theft. - -- The lo-sel efeaMerY has bunted an emphadde denial that it never luiport• ed New Zealand butter to supply itt trade. an election mentor to that effect !laving leen spread around. SEATOWn1 Melaka* Proves TalaL--Little four- year-old Lindsay Haney, twin aon of Mr: NW Mrs. Matthew Haney. 2nd coneresion. Tuckerxmith. died Mundt', morning na a result of an actideut that happened to Nut on the prerlose Friday evening. While he was play- ing some other boys • motor- cycle fen 141 top of him, breaking one of Mx legs. Pneumonia developed and Sunday morning ithout 111 o'clock he passed away. Lindsay was just four yearn •nd (one meth old and he he wirvived hy his twin brother Lloyd and two older brothers, Gordon and Mr. T. Y. Smith, manager of Dorain- ion stone. beam leen moved to Owen Mound by Isla eompany. Chas. I a Wingtiam boy. succeeds him. New uniforms have been purchamel loy the Milieux band. They are of navy blue trimmed with wide Week braid end a tumuli strip of gold braid, giv- ing them a very distinctive appear- ance. A tato° ia lichee held here on August 13th. Rev. W. J. Taylor. a Rockwood. formerly of Delmore, met with painful and rather serious' injuries recently while playing baseliall. The bitt_slIPPed ant of the hands of a player and struck Mr. Taylor In the eye. (mell:et a ati3ht fracture. or the froutal hone. He was rushed to the Gnelphltdepttait::`-' 12.01 GaININIrtgessi Stove Coal Chestnut Coal 10,.. Pea Coal Coke Pocolsontas ( 2 by 4 egg) oan supply your wants in any of the above fuel. Prompt service and reaaonahle pricee. L FLICK W•Phoss Goderich SPEtIAL CLEARING UMW- \ WASH WHITIC:EID 4, • AND wifin "ds,ineas FOOTWEAR, WITH LEATHER SOLSS, AT W. HERN'S SHOE STORE Phone 43w • LUCKNOW Tlw renewing is from The Globe of ilaterciey. July 211: -kir. And Mrs. Wil. yt liani Mantle. 1.ticknuw, an ounce the engagement of their on, daughter. Elizabeth Gibson 18e:whet t Malcolm James Armxtroug. KA., Port Arthur, only mon III Mr. and 'Mrs. A. 1). Arm - krone, Seeforth. Ont., the marriage to take place quietly the middle of . August. - It The death oceurred in Toronto on , July Vird tot Mrs. ()purge Aitchison, i, daughter of Sir. and Mrs. E. Malcolm, i Lueknow. where site woes brought Nome H time age when doctors decided she I) 4-4,91,1 not r.-.-to.-r. SIW WOK 'fortv.tive year,' of age and leaves a lowborn! and one daughter. Evelyn, Eel a son, Al- bert. The three-year-old son of Mr. and Its- -41;-11' Lino& . Gotten ~Ape -from drowning otittretTPirsdaFov eloist--ntealt. He was ..wading itt, water shunt two feet deep when be fell. an older brother running for itelP• Mrs, flotilla was knit lvi-tlene to rescue her son, 144' (sing IttlefltrielOttA, but stilt breathing. The mother weed emelt re- stracitathei , am she knew And worked over the prostrate body of leer child anti, a doctor arrived. It wax a very dose mil, , John A. Mooney Has Big Job on Hands Brother of Goderich Kan Has Sleds His Nark iu Oint1P" - than West tlett MOM WOULD Min 00AT TRIP PROWLING FELINE approach. and an it did so the drum - r. John C. lit.Contiork. of Detroit, ming *terve became louder and closer. who he employed with the putolic light. BALKED BY SNIPE Now it was only a few yards above the ground, and the angry male snipe on guard •bove, was mooning at the enemy. drumming loudly as he l'he cat crouched with her ears flat tenet!, Hoff with her eyes reduced to narrow slits' watched the bird *hove -king ratio time he struck. off vis- itoring this week at the belle of Mrs. eounnittalon of tbat city, 1. ago Mr. McCormick anent indidays Arthur flatter, te.wit str.w. itt .1.2,; Hoderkt. peeing c.otne up on the ..,#z!ndua. ty. w tripe revived end litieleverrntw- .. to make them profitable. 1 r '11eCor- would tw atm -ordeal rallosdem Under the heeding of "Pronlinent mirk wad he WW1 Aorry haled State* Men in Agriculture.- a recent issue of had token the tortft attitude it had The Canadian Colonizer of Montreal toward l'auada and telt ME publishes an interesting article on Mr. had (web made which would shortly Join' A. Mooney, brother of Mr. H. D. be eorrected. This, be laid was the Mooney of tloderich. Mr. John A. view of many Detroiter' Willi shout he Mexonev itt the -big num" behind the had talked • invitation *nue months ago of the world's grain eongrees, to le held in Regina, during August of 19.32, and which preemies+ to l*vonw one of the world'is historical agricultural events. He twinge his experience. together with a good business training and a owver•failimLfund oof energy and enter - prime, to the porition of -managing director of tie big event, to which he has lawn assolguid. The Colonizer days, txontinuing: "Born in Quebec provinee. US drat Job was In it martini!l after leaving public 'school, but be entered Olittitio Agricultural College in PM. and al- though not *hie to eotuplete his stud- ies, was awarded the amexiate diplo- ma. The call of the West lured him to Dauphin. Manitoba, in 15199, where he secured a homestead and bought additional laud. Fie soon had 71le1 acres of heavy is -rub land under cultivation. While attending to this, he found time also to do snow-agrieultural lee- ansi Judging att weed fairs'. some of his find work In WA respect being at the find Manitoba seed fair in 1907, and tn the some year et fair in Saskatchewan. l'rior to thix he had toured the West ou the "good Need" train of the federal dePartment of ag- rieulture, and the railways, In 1906. In 19014 he *old his farm at Dauphin *ad moved into the outskirts of Regina. *lien* be hought and atilliAtatiaa 460 acres. He established the Keeney Seed l'o.. large distributors of the famous Marquis wheat when it first Weenie known, multiplying the owed ou • his farm of PAM) at -rem at Tessier, Sask. ln more resent years. ss president of the Panama -Pe -irk. Elevator Co.. he was interested in the building of this com- panyze-ntillioodeulehel &tele elevator at Vietoria, on the Pacific (sine& For a number of year,' he was director and vkieleteakdent of the (7anadian Seed Growers' aisioefation. and lita Ides -of • world'e grain show and COOferelbee, to he held in Moe own city of Regina. and to be tbe biggest thing of its kind ever held, wad a natural outgrowth of his work along the above line's. As managing director of the big event he has undertaken the bigmet job of his eareerbut the manner in which he has gathered to him support govern. mental aothoritiee 11141 prominent or- ganizations thrtliligliont Canada. as- sume the melees of the affair, which ta to tw participated in by all the grain -growing eountries or the world, and which WIll without doubt rxerellee • very ritaLlufluenee upon tbe future of this bra ielif elf agriculture the world Mr. Mooney timi been • vialtor to proseent in F.ngland. elorterieb on ileveng-ore•HIAMIA.-14slarioiet betiler Uhl . ' • gator, who had grown only orae foot SOONER BE LUCE more ill Wilapttn(n. :versa pairs. He wee ordered a little violet ray treat- THALN WOR.IC ON PARK ment. and he made 119 for 1.4 time hy Increasing his length over Ai -feet lei two yearsA '. y Engliahman. Waage name Is Snakes revel in ti,e tteW treatment. given mo Richard Wilson, played 11 There wax p•T born eighteen rather serious trick here on Tuesday months ago who 'tow xtouter tium of last week !tear Mount Forest. his mother! He Was working at tieorge Bradley's. What happens the elephant'. 0. S. R. south. and fell or slid off • want a dist.. vio!.-, ray!, If an load of hay. lie appeared to -he nn- gator grows six feet lot two years. what otoicients and it wit14 thought hie back would YU elepheoll be like in ter? -aii broken. A town da -tor arrived on Walt and see'. he scene and RtIrimect hilt removal to - - - he hoepital. A truck. fitted up ete am- FALL FAIR PAM ulauce. wax brought, and rotiveyed int tastefully to the Louise Mane/milAIlsa 4."111 Sept. P4-19 ospital here. where he was carefully anilled end made tis Toomfortable ea ROSS BOWL OIIIIPIITITION The Snot round of the belies' rose bowl competition of tb.• Maitland Golf flub, an annual event. lit-inse in. green and will be finished- by-Atignst Vth. Following to the draw. yte.A. Beacom aud Mrs. E. mrs. J. C. Robertson and fldrogy, Mn. C. A. Reid and hits. J..,'1400144. ow, Mira. A. J. liacKso and Mrs. ata. art Mills, Mrs. Frank Martin ani Mrs. W. F. maunder& Kim E. Gsrrow and Mrs. Little. Aliso B. I' Fleming and Man N. Revell, KW* C and Mrs. -BIM Somerville end DC Kan L Tom, Mina I:arrow and Bre C.'McCortnack. 311.s shale, Lee --Missi-g. T. Mitchell and Mrs. Genre. Peggy Duggan. Mrs o; Brute sad Mrs. l'oulthund drew I,re. T --TO END tritexersurrY . nonn't let uncertaint, s“rry you - tura t.0 the telephone. An ont-of-town call it as easy to mak'- a• loral one and *into.( as quick- tit- telephone *111 take You anywhere yid the hit surprisingly low. .ifter ?tat p. when evening rate's Weise. Yoe eat' talk a hundred miles or more for ttliout the prier of a movie- ------ussossousism A pe•lestrian crowned 4 traffic -filled street while looking up 41 2111 ao•reoplane overhead. Three buses ..tonel him AO (lonely that tils besot dioin t Repeat again for a -week. the wend (rote six patesing esrs-"Taked the nap on his last year's salt. one fin-ps..seinger car removed the shine fret» Ole leek of lobe left *hoe, and the driVer, of seven °thee* of assorted makelksilite stripp- ing their gear* in an effort to avoid .-ataix-atripped thcir--vecHt•ntar of every known high isowereol tivr. After stumbling over The curbeteme on the farther - side of use road _the pedestrian wax heard to ItatIrokur: "My graciouri, those i aviators lead' 14 doings -roots Brea!" - - Scientist Says Cats Are Naggiesi .When They Revert to Wild State honestly cat desserts 11, as o, bit`, ssak- -stiterideg ,wrfeet1Y WPM writ . --thilleX14-1 few 4.1.- G. Pike. Y.Z.V.. in - 44.4.1416 w-n-4444.4""Prnniirinn44"-i, ‘, wild spring and landed in a mass o way - well unite shove. The est strin:21.41 out of well looked after: -they had probably It.. diger igeouuu, the th.„uww„bove iwver wen a toeing Iwfore. al- , though they were ,fsiiirty welt grown ......;:indinvtivitLerli iiiiendwetlr"ioseui,i.ottrtilicki:eatinotoorlie and playful On my approach the ott,10,. • four little eresetures put up-Siwir backs ' and iwoatute *II bristle,' and twits.. but - *pert from Mix, they armed Ninnies& TIPS roe SUMMER GUESTS so placed-tny-hand near 'ono of theta. of .11 lllll ier goe.tn ar, Dow • The nelt W"litent 1114' hack 01' .1111, booking Porches mucto cooler than 11;i1"toir*O.ssfor("rthaeretit':InalthlIbittelwdtainaum: Mt. tho*e "itutittuirra.hed tht:t uti:teliiiroi7•7nofi";,u117r. looked so attnietive wee encepnwed of women are now acting in the vapailty what keened 10 he II OMAN of whirling eat lieestesee to theme guests. OrellieN. Winer then I know lawn Iluny guests *re extremely welcome, hut one does not have to stretch the Tiii;ginetion to auggese that others are toolerotiert rather limn appreciated- particitiarly when the teniperatoore I. ttlgis and the hostess feels the eeriest- sity of preparing all elaborate olhoner. "Tliiiiighflit -Karate remember the troouble they are giving their hostess' I_Le the eerly spring It pair of nutter friend,' and make a second visit a wel- were . feeding on the inargtti-of-the-"WW- 46,--10•Ivitig .itte atiittttAA mersit: the female was warebliig for atone small token of their affection food by poking her long, sensitive and apprecisthm. !teak into the soft ground. but the A box of cand7, a book. ur genie 1 • uta e was reunited in showing her lila thine of this kind will more than make feathers. r-jee sizakIng_s_fine tip for a little added work. It Jo the FURNITURE DEALER &ad display, spreading his wings Niel tall, ti attr:-errid not the ritiweeeei.oelike- gift --- FUNFJitAL.DIRECTIOM- and behaving lit pretty but that counts. If there are children lu Phone-, Store 335, Res. Shbor manner of a bini le0011111 hie family. * Mix of timely ehnuld be , mate. A feW tlAyti 'Ater eomy ellintell to include moue tof the retie- Hamilton Street inet-wits built in a tuft of Kress -Melte ti -w -that ehildren partnotlarly like. Margin of a small lewd. It is appreriativa( In the evening tiwre was 'a.-Tiritilaa Nora' who ge-to a return engagement -a1""--11.6.4#91 fill hantilinn--wild lithetw. 9 • -One of these domestic vale fee - tweets -4i a moor: it wax a magnificent •reeture with u sandy eet. and it ay - lambed for many rabbits, ikt the northern partef LW moor was a blur xpoiniw.of marshland, and it was lwre kat pussy isometinws did her limiting. , August T, Cleaning and Pressig Expert service on ladies' and men's clothing. Habertlasker and Dry Cloanar WEST STREET Phase 339 reeineweafteilsownwootammonasmossiamesenar Lawn -and Verandah Furniture Wheeler's GedeseskAig. mound over the marsii Every half. Inute or no a curious note !ma_ heard above, nut 'widow in the apne-twiee- -111;;•••• w (robed Ittt Wilt NNW the mate snipe -go' ax through a remark/able exerview: lw went up til a 'good height, then. diving itle*sys. came down at a terrifies speed. and on that downwardsdiee this entg-drunnattrwax apparently uttered y the bird. Hut it has heel, primed bat it la not a note: It 64 made by the eatiwrs of the tail vibrating rapidly es the bird Volnew 410W11. If we !ski. the 11 trailers of a sailtw. and fix them eon:, anvil, the latter to it string tin atmitt tie sound can be repeated. The cat was lisivinS aiestithili. be- ing roomful not to tget her feet TOO-Tieff, or rifts ate MIT 'twat vf- weer, w wenteal the snipe -4m her tweet. 11* atter set close, watching tier enemy VIOLET RAI" Pelt REPTILES I.ondon.-Violet ray treatment has' been found highly 1.41eficial on hu- man beings. So much indeed. that many hospdtala now have special de-_ psrttnent wtttt theme Iran* instalted. And now snakes are trying this abort cut to healtlik! The curator of the reptile house af Ow SOO has beef -- �vtngher rizawaml-211111011--•_ 11` Ohms greatest II gr 11 T- vrr..ree our% ••••••SiotikAffe- litletteNtAttlAteo,r4 A 'Freak trona the mikele The thermometer reabotered !Ni In the _shade in Exeter on the aftermani of election day. Judy 2titto. "Phe Exeter branch of CallA1111111 Can- , ners, finished their pea perk laid week. ITIos crop ties been exceptlintany good. 'The Thneel-Ativoeate has on exhilol- tion in Its windnw a stem of brown; gratis front Alberta that mesterei mw Inch ("ler eight feet. The grill,' grAm sent by Archie 'licks. alto ho out west. .1, large true* eieerturtied In the ditch ItetWeen Hensel! and Zurich ou Tnestlay of last week, being eroPAPA off the road by a riled scraper, the eirlveor of which dill not'know of the approaeh of the truck, which beiongk, to siiverwooda Ltd. It contained only empty (ens and little damage was lir. arid Mrs. Frank E. Johns and sett tire vielting the former'e envie, bating motored from California They retnrn via Vancielver. A lilt/lily esteemed resident in John T. Wood died on Friday. Jtily 25th, in ..t-nintlo year. Ile onee a well• known cattle denier and a Ilfe'-tong 'evident of the commttnity. Velma Mother Passes. -A very sad death took place in Victoria Hospital. London, early on. Monday. July *-Otth, when Ifrot. Mervin Perrin, yolotigest daughter of Mr. •nd Mrs. George Ford, of Exeter Mirth, mooted away sit the age of twenty-four years and nine liars. Mrs, Perrin. whew. maiden name. naps Viola Font was vixitine at the home of ler pneenta ami on Returner Morn- Irtittle POO WAN born In thee.attere wgilit-ags* -Perrin was melted -4s V tuns nowpital In - Mr. Rowel' AM Witte,. suffering from eonvithelons leo and an Maisial!, she Prow( aw.1•41 dreemest had been s reeld.lit of hitt don for the pion eight yskro. the 13e Consistent KEEP YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING AS Up TO DATit AS THE REST OF arget:HOWE . • "ItirMilre choerfetily . 4 Atwood . Itryfield Sept. 19-201 Sept. 24-25 Sept, 25-261 AND RETITHN LIN " MACKINAC $45 CRUISE Mealn and Berth Included • • • Via the Georgian114; -Manitkulin Island and Sault Ste. Mane pomnible. hilt without Ida giving any MY"' looked' of conoiciotmess. Two other doc- !t.r"nmet. n ....„. •,,,,,_ lll 1. -• k tors prieked him with a pin anti topeditr ''Illinth' without effect, when they were pre- inmesemees ..•........ ..eo ei......111eipt. Z3-24 Oct. 7-8 ;wring to put him in a 'dilater cast. Embro Ott. 2, bevame sus i- Exeter 1: ... Sept. 16-17' , shortly deux and later the fraud crleTorTo end -.4neseete arese....fully_dheeloseti, to .0(.1 • lent to Fergus next day awaiting ile- f-ix•ii-K.Z.....__ the doetorslohi 111111 that he would be aUsleardine- --• .. SeptSePt. :et-tb11-7-17 portation. ThAt evening he wax .I.t.."4' - • Gederieh their disgust. "Ott Wednesday rme 01 11111"1411,Mner4-41*'.`-**41ePl 2-1-26 London "(Western ........................ to welk ien of the toepital without The most wonderfui-tw4lay cruise on the Great Lakes is provide:11y- • "Manitoulin" assistance and next mornrng, with his li'llcknnm I 97 • _., amiteasso, made hix departure for other parts. It is maid that feigning 'Briefs; was game he played while working for several other farmer% in this viein- Hy. That is the sort of immigrant that ompitaticaity caned* does not want. - Mount Freres( 4.otifetierate -- ISSUE RULES FOR FAR* PROSPERITY ' OF Mildmay 'Sept. it -24• the Str. Manitoulin's Five -Day Machnac cruise, Milverton Sept. 25-2a mitowil Sept. 24-24 New Hamburg .... seprr12-13 Ottawas (4',-n. Caned i t Aug. 18-23 Sept. 23-24 Palmerston pa rklelll Oct. 2-3 Ripley Marys . Septtk.t. 231.84 Seaforth -r...flept. 18-19 Stratford -----0.91. 1147 Tarlatdelt .... Sept. 20-27 Teeswater Sept. 30-0eft. 1 The following rules bare been form- Toronto (C.N.ii) Aug. 22 -Sept. lasted by agricultural experts et Olt- Wellesley Sept. 9•19 fawn. as an aid to better Mad more Whigtoon .. Oct. 7.45 !menthe farming: Enrich 22-23 1 Farm bream* be loves It few people-sueived in doing things they t 'Erratic nataw...tgataCatewer...„ott- are not interested in. hag prematere ."Iftnitel tIdat't n sound fin- rhino. e'en all he effete attributed to • °Willi Indic). his fans the t7se „t the wrong tale of plums - - operatiott awl invesotment of any sour - plus funds which he accoinouleites -- vonverted quickly into VII Oa when nee.1- $110111d be ifi itecurttles which van .Peo k "Ai I Nerves • ed. f corporation* or lenelmeee men - tilty inveav their mumble Ponds In good eiteekoe end bombe riot necessarily at, lits1 with their own !Moline/et, With St„i. dolly market slur no they can he Im- mediately ...inverted into cash need- ed in their. husinexas. Fartnera. when pnwelble, abould follow this principle. ttft rtatt him 'cm*: keep in close toilitii'wtta provincial agricniturai tbemsei rem tired. • bontalliplrittvi ottir colligicfrprettient onetime and (sweaty unable to keep their nrinel on an altellf!" s_ thing. Any midden noiele startles. ,.to (4) save his Soli anaiyaeft and cub nets the .ileart pidciating viotentiy. tivate'enix prialuctive band: biome ilia They cannot. sleele well et night plY3111ellonn on (temente. near as pots- their linitis trenit.te :11.1 legs APii-111 i111Ibto, and s -educe quality products. 'ship to ollppOrt then, SI411 e Olt Join with him ueiglityou In or- 141 111114.00 pitiable. gonfalon a .00perati V4. marketing ax- !het Ilrliti the With netin- . stwintion throllgh Aeli lino pro. liven terrible The only ducts isPrause I» Onion there b. reel nerve tout.- fi of good et revisit) 1/14W11. Thereteiro• 4horlepoitonent lvrni.rseonemetilirlffiliviitittelown tweetth The eelinenin and Stock peril le lerwit at the Conadtraw-1stimal fivhibi- promptly build. np. aid enrich thee nil 1. the world'. Idinitest exposition Tlw revived appetite the Wrist theeelsir l*Mp 'aash-- wiesetweakewe4 vevr‘ww...Meigwarreit mud l•trPthittlit meow • flew • Automotive Itnildtew world** l'orgeet ,cotarne ef these willdelight 1sto r7 I flne.t motor allow etrneture. will aufteeer„..„„.. play advant• innards of the 19311 . You (Ail- 71441 111-4. pilla trot,' any otor fere end a!iteonstive product/1 niedicine dealer or PSI. man et 7,4o feet^ the anadlan N•tlestal ExidhitIon, hos from The 11. tliffillanis Medi gnat 22 to September 6. eine (.'o., Itroettville. Shat To Do if You ?hid Yourself '1*Thh Condition '.• The ,aort of thins Chat specialists nervonev-dedttlit. la the rooto.dovlii* tentlithen (IMAM OTer•vrork Rod horwebeid wirriltta, The attf&.rcri. find During July and August this rine steel steamer leaves each Monday from Owen Soundr.aCi086-thebeautiful,eorgian Ba.y u) Killarney, then to Manitoulin Island, and among the islands of the North Shore, calling at Man- ito*aning, Little Current, Kagawong, Gore Bay, Blind River, Thessalon, Bruce Mines, Hilton and Richard's Landing to- Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Flom there Str. Manitoulin runs via St.*.Mary'a Rivet. to Mackinac Island; where ample opportunity Is provided -tor seeing all the points of interest on this picturesque island -the tourist centre of the Great Lakes. ' The trip provides One the most wonderful and reStftil holiday outings in ittnericar- • - Round trip.from Owen Sound to lifseynac sad retarn, including mealu and.bsTili is $45.00. John Pinder greater port of the flaw employed at Penmans, factory whore she had 111110 sti Malty friend,. itealdee nes parents. ale Phone 127- Box No. 131 a tial...1 and little AM (Hanalei Wil we Ilam remelt who 10 tlarvireri ?Mt At •, redinn• ani four • eiviterV A ----_-.11""r4141r4r6 teseepot4i4,,, Modern. tomforabk. Ship , torte -hie ebip. of steel cofistruction• 190 faft ion. rrool,,rn in *very respect. and IleeM- Th/. Sir Manitoulin In s splendid corn modating 150 paseengers. The stateroom, are large and well -quipped and all have running hot and co44 water. . From the observatbin' Saloon OA the hur- ricane deck a full view may he had In ant •Ittsf, at weather: entrtfortshte cabins, and a wida-windowld dining -room from which paa- 'sneers may watch the arrnw. while the,. _._•Aloy their meals, Knohlet• and • Meer- vattmis Jr 0 el any qteernahlp or Rallwat Agent or from Owen Sound Transportation Company Ltd. Adlg WeekEnd Trip -To- Mantoulin $ 1 2 Eve-ry Saturday evening during July and August the Ste. ."Man tou lin loaves Owen Sound es • week -end trip • 21111 miles to Msaitoolls Islnd. The 41•111.01. calls at Nifilf/If. then on maw Os Is- lands to LAMM 11613. rant. and 11.6111111/116 calls at llanftemmodmi and KIllarnod eaorrile- frig in Ovum Monday m�1• I'les ITS man .tInwineing mad beret is MAO. • • .A lie o---