HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-8-7, Page 6a). AuKnnt 7. 1:Kill
You can
Sunday Afternoon
JUST the sound of Rice
Krispies crackling in milk
or cream makes you hungry.
And bow good these toasted
rice bubbles taste!
Delicious with fruits or
honey. Use in recipes in
place of nutfiiekts: -NUM-
roons, candies. Order from
your grocer in the red -and -
green package. Made by
Kellogg in London, Ontario.
Goderich, Ont.
Esch victory will help you some other
to win;
Fight manfuly onward; dark pas -
,tone subdue;
Look ever to Jesus, He will carry
you through.
To him that oercomrth God glveth a
vrown ;
Through faith we shall conquer,
though often east down;
He Who Ie the Saviour our strength
will reew ;
Look ever to Jesus. He will carry
you 1hrougb.
=H. R. Palmer.
Almighty and must" merciful
Father. forgive everything In our lives
that -lies twee wrong. cleans' away.
.Ieverything of stain. end *sept any
'Withers we have *ought to rtuder. to
'elle•. Gray u* day by day to dwell in
the wrret plain of the Most High.
th.I -Hruw -mei ley- fix the
(low of flu• Alwlghty. Through Jesus -
Christ. our lord. Amen.
place." And no Saul and bl. aervaut Ggal I
hastened up the hill, aud. an they were v
entering in by the gate. they met Nam- !
tel coming out to go up to high place
on the summit. We rand lu verses 15-
17 that fiord had revealed unto Namur)
this very meeting. oto here we have an
illustration of the Divine Being regu-
lating the movements of men. 1n_tMs
sphere of moral freedom. with as muck
of the beasesly
of naturiliil'M:
Jcwephus states that Abe intimation
that Samuel had received from God
led to his making this sacrificial feast,
and to inviting to 11 about thirty of
Ow chief citizens. On account of the
divine cowwun ieatiou the •day before,
he would be on the outlook for the un-
expected guest. And d•hen the two
within t his
Baby's Health
in the Summer
77Ne s"rie u,,,utl,. arc• the moat
daigero a to e�ll•h, „ TIN• evmplalntS
elf that lIes.t , Ni,�•�. „r,• cholera fn- F. C. Pateraun, dtatrkt agricultural
tautpm, sulk, dtrtli�» • ,1i d dyw•ntery, representative at Shame, reports Nor.
ear cm stn y°k•k�,l t1.,' otwn a IitUe folk county's apple crop at two-tthirds
a ter t3.ryoeeee'al•'•411 xxa ....iW:, . y
her hr I1L Ili' 1fl1tWr ttsurt 1>• patently geed. The new t
ea her guard to ,,,,•rout tbttw" t t►166. statue plant at Mower- wits be flu -
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer
Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture
or If they do emu, ell suddenly to ben-
' h thew. No othtt aledieine in of Buell
a� to mo(D�rs d�iriIRl hot weather as
Baby's Own Talmo. They regulate labor Cast Important
the stomach aryl Niece and are ab It 1p mild that the earl of feed 1s
aolutely safe. iiuii h)' medicine dealers
Or by mall at 35 "tits a leas from The
the r6ce+t lmportaut Item In the cost
strangers ease w 1 u rrllge a Dr. Williams' 1lwtic0„ Ives Brockville, of producing milk. It will amount to
visions Ito would naturally fix his game Ont. about one -halt of the total costs. Labor,
on the tall and handsome form of
lied shortly and In readiness to take
care of the apple crop thio fall.
however, is a at)•ong second. Accord -
Yoking with question- Ing to numerous, 17tii`veys On this con -
Maul. As he was
hng wander and snrlorlxr. the hunt said ���• �� up
(insole the average cost of labor In
1 Behold the t whom I
to hint.
too me menu w w MUSE MOST PAPER volved to the production of 100 p1•ttndr
spoke to thee'. thio wan WWI have The I'nited ✓31.,n .ua1 Canada to- ot• milk will etumthntte *lone 2.'i per
authority over my le." • gather p cent. of the selling price. The manse
people." grades.
.h, eft as m ie orld suryey indteates that the labor per
Atter the forst at which Said and from wool as all h• rest ut the world (sow rrttge' trout 150 to 170 hours.
Aervaut were_ _guests of honor. combined, anon! r tic recent rutin'.
'Samuel took Saul to his esu halon'. lit.'s. The other , ,tulifg producer, The larger the herd the lens labor per
arut ctwuluuwl wllh..ilui vm the rad. are. in order of t nor 1Inht rtouce. Ger- t'ow• 14 a very general rule.
The obscure Partner's sou had sudden- many. Sweden. NorN.,y. "'inland and UalrHerd In Auemtt
become ly the huuured guest of Israel's Japan. The Ian d teguna available; I11e 2
great preldwt anal jlnlgr, and was 011 for all these (onion.- are for 1927 1 August k* the hardest mouth of the
the et-' of ins... ming the first aumduttd and these show t1,H, :'• the production years for the dairy herds. "If tuilk pro-
monar,h of the chosen prgrle. seeking of pulp, caned* •al,i,- first. with.. tbe'duction call be maintained daring this
weswrilse road--a---kimploi l----- • I aittd knishes. Fid .uu,nth little concern Leel leit'lt afp9l_
The "Anneintfng of Saul -11:16. 27: laud and Japan rdpeeing-in that- meinteuruce of the Milk flow during
11:1. der. In the prat O1 paper and the balani'' of the season," declarer
-auust-}a.:.gs es.-1:rawt_+ftiten 4.0044_ the -4ist4M +;..--.kwal:a;firot.-dew' *Meson,- (whoo-has tjovol spod
Titin - Of habit 1111' hers" dealer's
wife who is fond of a geed tine.
1ft. •
13. •LFESON FOR Al C 17th, 1133 to Pier) man the virtue tenger. under- Britain following
• commercial exhibit, and a aut.tan
tial euntrlbutlon from ('anadtaur In
the form of w•lentlfic papers read at
the t;{+ PZl ' raio
tlatIona7 t le..^"••:S•:.
ainti the economic worth.
of tknadtan poultry -breeding stock.
This Is graphically presented in •
novel and impressive exhibit which L
in every sense a masterpiece of ex-
hibition art.
Better Bull Areas
At the chose of last year the follow
big counties had, by bylaw of the
county council, proclaimed themselves
better bull *ream: Bruce, Perth, Oz -
ford, Wellington and Peel. In order
that this bylaw may be paawd it is
necessary that at bast eighty ler cent.
of ' the bulls maintained within tlw
county be purebred. The work has lard
slow, but the benefits accruing are
aueh that public oentlment Is betilud
the movement.
Tlw usual Method 01 making heel
coffer in to pour the hot beverage into
glawree filled with lee -a simple pro -
_which. however. dues out always
give the beat results.
iced coffee should be made in 11,1s
w..--- OWN ..wlu't- h-loa-laaw--lua'w.wl
-• 4 11 hale great talent+: and God Kites j with t'auada', a ':y uud Great :era) high record cows. For meeting the )double strength, for it will lea. approx-
Idlffieyltle's A# 111111 trying month, he llmately half its streugth by dilution
BY m
Lydia E.. PInhIsesn's
'-"Vegetable Ceessisouna
Lessen To1ie�-•BauL . •tandinK taste that lifts hila into life.' in export tr. s„ -,den exports,suggeat,: Coutrul of files. protection when it is potlrat over the hes. 1f It 1s1
25-27 ; 16-1; I4f-11; 31 1-1.
Slkintood's Ice Cream
• nor your protection
.v.wraOo1' wrLCOssw
Spares Grocery
.-11..• wore .of Satisfaction"
HamilbiO n Street _
Goderit�Tt '1lTwtse 143
w E f1iS.iVER Ill TOWS -2
said tete him fall just in the niche lie also 40 per tool .1 rhe• world's total. from tow hot sun. ample supply Of made fresh, huN't•rt•r, Bud of sufficiele
wag uriliiiinel ro toll.- •exported pulp, -'"'••knit'• by -- nada; coni water. and the use of a auc•alent
Golden Text -I Cor. 11.12. e'owler. Norway and Eh. ' . in that order. teed to euupr4ement dried -out palitur'
In theme p,osages are four Important'' Nauru
Decline and Fall - 16:6-11; t 1 r•dnctiowl Shs ti -Lite h 1f st :terrooft an be bestfirst
secured be the use of as
itcteevents in the• lite of au historic char- Saul s Imus jealousy of -David eewtin-' pulp with 36 per
the total, fol- ,suitable spray. The second may be
r. Tltt first two refer to neh'ane uei- to llr(tw IOW, at lauoth psnowsscd Iuw,d by (:real .•.,r, with :$4 per provided by .had. trete in the pas-
r-nr7(fe; tAR`rgt'fcr two to de''�1einn 10 road '. ,T•[riw tinir-Tie tried 17i`ll:ignt. (:onslderin1 . 1 tsr di per ex- ttnee under which the eowt.-arey feed
end death. kill hie ou different „a y ardour. At Irsl, ported b1 all „outrlea of the`nd rest
out of the sun. Another
The lorrrlitish urtica had dcwaud' Uuvid fowl tutu exile wirer be ears_, world am IW is•r , •,11 (1* exports , method Is to stable the cow's during
sal a king "Ie judge us like• alh11".' hunted ter by Saul. Eventually "►avid i45 per cent. of t - ..,laity. followed , the day and let them pasture at night.
tint ions." •Wen Samuel lin night the
joined the army Of the 1'hilh.tlIW$-by Sweden with :. p", ,-cut., Germany 'Shading and er rernIng the wineJow:p,
saber before the dorsi. the Leon) weld Willett had arrayed Bowl( against Saul -with 10 per tent: NorNay with A per provides added coolness in the barn
iii hl-m:-"TTe•arR .ii 10 11"' T"1 -of 1br t
0 ole in all that they way unci kinin; and the army.uf7rnrl. -At the -r' -LA -[ole Cent., Finland witt'Is'r cent., and tItl and also bride to control the flim. For
Ir'.I of Gilboa Saul met him death. IU'nitel States wet, : per cent. the thin), r slrceulent roughage may
fur they have not re'je•te'el tittle. nut Saul is a uuteMe example of a young .As to the imps: .•f taper consider- toe teal as a suppleanent to pawturrge.
Hwy have re•Jc'tel Me, that 1 should nine of the brightest promise iecoming ed on the same ba-.- rhr_I'nited States Ensilage or eons give very good re-
wtt le king over them."' -,---t• total wreck in character and iatp,rta 56 per e.t.a . Oethe total and sults
Geon had one already chosen 1" le ore
This downfall learn when he began greet Britain 211 1»•r seemt. Germany --
the first king of Israel. His name wits
to 1 age quantities Cm, Saul and he of - all the wen of hla tgricvltural re
time calm• nrarest.tltr people's ideal (•undrused from Saul by TlyowA' Ktrk. Hritafn imports ta
of a king.
It wart a trivial incident that lead t MISSIONS,
In the Far El
to tlw meeting of tissued and Saul; Vitae y Literatureimportant prod
.firs il'link i iw nt,'"lrtidsbThe 1Yrs. y■mt•r dtbnneyt -- ipl�"- There ill -
was the first link M a chain e( frit be met by Cnitec
A young New York physician was visiting
the will of Gel subordinate(imports la aunties of wood for Weekly ( Refect
to his own. the mannfacture ut pulp. while Greatof wood pulp eentativrs of the
considerable b'rf es amours Province have reported during the
I ul•o of e.pwrtM. Ilaet wee that cutting of wheat is moi-
st. Japan is the only end throughout Ontario. In Algoma,
u,wr of pulp and rompo•ts are for r heavy yield. while
nieeir eoars•Ift1An...i9- iprl t)ntferin premature ripening dndl-
1 Mates {roper mann- smaller
un,' irse'llrnts, Iwo t0 ta. some otewl end_ lecturers In syr Lastern markets .'ilea that the crop will to
flayy .' a a.a e' A Lrrvi st.ph y were b a patient. Brilliant p/andev't. largely became she pryer' made by thin D
flaw skis r.' v.' y ,k'a lllg tl Jer•.wiwr, '(.me before him. His practhw and In- tbe Japanese mill- :ore adapted to 11* for a fine yield R b F t
whish were very dear to their owner. come were growing rapidly. Hfs fame Peculiar requirements of the (tricot
wandered out of the peter.. ane) were woo growing '.altos. and his host of and three r• are not a (tr by
lord. Kish, tow owner. lent his sun Say friends were forecasting that .lihnpaper-
with a ,.ervant In Neikirk o1 the strayep Scudder would noon 14. one of New United States mill- There 10 a rather
York's foremost physicians.
steady market far erred') grade. of
animals. After wan•hing over a .-onsM• I rs made In the l'nited States sad
prattle territory wlth(ni enewss. Saul This day as he waited in the home DaDe shu lien affects the
I opgg•'std Ihr advisability of returning "'f h11. patient. he 91.:kiel lip a leaflet the -Japanese pr
home The .le•rvaot suggeotcd the eon- 'entitled. "Thr I'onvPrsiuti of the World. sale of these only -lightly.
salting ref a may of (:nd living In R rote the Claims of the Six Millions."
e4ty le•ar a1 hand. Saul agr.rri and as t written by those two pioneer mission- LIQIIOR L=PoRT
he and his servant wen. *.rine up 11te arise (Io on Hall and Samuel Ner- LAW WpREIN,j;
11111 on which the city was hnllt, they roll. Dr. rteMer ask.rl permission to _ , ,.
yet aTiili.T-oT y-oultt iaritth•In.; i e the-Feaflet home with him. There RlC.lntlyW - lows ells to kill'
gut to nes water, and they sena TIh 1"d -41 -ewer end over algal": until the export of ldgderr fromCanadatothe
flea..-""_ �.f:.�v Ausl.tltey t }� des -of lheesr six hunlr'd esti
(lh ,r,the ad rt of are pruyiu5 Canada to
label, "He is' Iehokl. he• is before lions without the Gospel and without -I declared by the government officials
thee: make haste now, for he is mmp1medical Bare took hold upon iia heart.
Ihere 1n Ottawa Closing of the export
ay into the city; for the; lila tell un his lenses before the Turd, `hee� at Ottawa.
Wieder. and obit boandr7
7 a Ault •• e, ,.. j',72. -..,:_,..r.„..,
- ► aMMa.i g "Land. what welt thou have me I Ilse points has fort.d the rum sinner
•• •� _•',,,',1.,";;.,•• .-...a�.., ,e.�_ �h'rr.the call which came to
to chars its tackles. He is DOwlar, expected in Itenfrrw, while in
1hlmScu through that leaflet Dr. John change
Scudder went to India eo the first 1 smuggling by automobile. � South Slmcror potatoes are not as
medical mfsmioary from America. Be-Accetrdingl`. United Stat+s proh►bit-Ipromlming as hoped. Welland reports
ion entort'Cemmit beads an• emcentrat early purchases on the market and a
fag customs pot cdns a Ion the whole l early Y grape R
length of the • :, la
men are being -1,
Florida to mese 1 t
usual. All rosDects are excellent
of rain n ron enac•,
while In Huron wheat is expected to
average thirty-five to forty beetle's to
the acre. Marley and oats and fall
wheat have all been est in Haldimand.
Ideal weather prevailed for the hay
harvest in Leeds oandr foment fro there
are obtaining 322 pP
Heavy mini. in Lennox and Adding-
ton resulted In an abundance of pate
tun. aid live stock 1. doing exception-
ally well. in Lincoln about twenty-five
bushels per acre in said to be the fall
wheat yised. Abaeote of-taja._Laa.
canted Middlesex pastures tlr-dry-up
incl [eraser( there ma:Amyt_i Jird.
some other sourer of food. Oita are
not expected to live up to the early
pesditi ns in Oxford on account of
Ileo early maturity, while rain is hoped
for in Perth. Bumper crops of grain
atrepettt you will- find the drink high-
ly sal isfactory.
))tut he sure to avoid another com-
mon mistake -brewing- the -coffer and
then letting it stand' in the pot or peer-
crfatOr fur riong time. Whey the -
done the coffee mkt only loam' Its de-
lightful flavor and *roma. int it *leo
Is likely to be spoiled by a bitter taste
from the metal vessel.
A sew• Mid mimosa' way to make
hod' sofles. is to brew it slightly over
normal strength and - imntrdlatety
phew it. in an air -tight Jar. in the re-
frigerator to chill. When ready to
serve put only a little k'e in the glasses
and e'er In no, already -moil be•yerage.
The re gilt' is delicious.
vaunt• he blazed the way him nine chil-
dren and at least fifteen of h1s grind -
children have followed in M'. train and
given their lives to missionary service.
Thouotluds of lives have been saved,
hospitals have been opened. and tens
of thousands of motile have teen lett to
aur Saviour, to:•e•11110 a htlh1lrel years
ago a woman daitl A ml'.slmary leaflet
on her table.
-The Mdnslonary Monthly.
Tokyo.- I'an:el
*tsps to dis•on
men 1n British, 1'
e n g e hese • e cru
dlan larder. Patton-
Ifted from Detroit and Decrease M Abate
be.ae w ceonditiosa; In 1929 over 2.000,000 pounds of
`-' slsike owed were sown in Haldimand
T 00 FISHINGcounty. 'but this year *tamely a field
a some years to
ago ss of aleike is to be ern. it was too dry
rage Japanesr fMher• . to get 'a catch lash yearlief clover
°iambi■ waters by re- also has suffered. The growing of
doing the number of Ileenaessin force
- and refusing .i:,paneae the privilege of
WOMEN'S INSTITIITE aerating nee ..nes, and now (Awlet-
WINNING HOSPITAL Bussu has .ad„pted strung meanies .
agalnat .lnpau,se fishermen on fife
Siberian and K inchatka maids.
the alsike of the year following and
During the past six years surliest Japanese• fish• ries interwar; are ennee=• may 7lk around :710 Roe. to the acre.
work has ierrt dod
e by the Vi whit al'anue.l by the activity of the leM
institute In the Peace River country
.e'edo ie important and there are oto
leas than eleven sew) -cleaning plants
Within the county. Itluegrase, of which
1IliK1,010 pounds were produced last
ear, le moistly exported. it come•'. with
RIM/411. ou the;. Kamchatka fishing
ud at the present time the Fairview
Fertilizer F.ipe n,.'ntS
gr(t,rnts ,uud ti,, reported intention of Thirt e field experiments of var-
1 i l i nstihne etN'IIN r hospital }lojp tuay, to In eontnrl over e 1 y are •t<f in Wel- 1-:1 cup butter..'mimed
w n r n wxN .. 's•1er P prop.. �� • � - um {iii% fGo1T'a"'f'[il'�t1PfPf'f1t
Before very Ir111R. enthluNlastle4
autumn leaf hunters will • begin their
annual pilgrimage to the frost-tom•hed
fields aid furrsts, bearing black great
loads nP-oak louvre, maple leaves. and
poison Ivy.
Strange as it -may wean. million.' of
nen and women have fabled to trete
bow to dlstingut.h poison ivy. Beennse
It is very brautifil, they gather it for
decorative purp:ooPs. ltev•au.• it is very
virulent. 1t "tlmorat . the hands and
fate of the average -human who darts I
10 [Much It.
Beware df' tiny creeping vine. that
has a rel omit where three leaves join
the stem -for this is the unfailing
birthmark of poison - Ivy. Virginia
ereeper, with Um flue leavers. in per-
fectly harmless. So are most of the
ether creeping vines. But poison ivy
iN extremely dangerous to moot of ua;
-Use of the_llrst thinga taught boy
.rants de how to distinguish po1Soa ivy,
arid the•+ risdoar•of-aroidt:gt-tt. We eaa-
not all take a boy scout with as es our
none tripe. but H may prove very
profits l{�� ct_fettle Jt1,•
lows IA Su` polies ivy Rome
time. if he is a real ovoid he will give
you an interesting nature lesson -and
probably hook upon the task as his
drily gruel turn.
agb.tnt Odade -• Ya leo ftp oboe
11t•d a rod fatherland a sesta baby
to sore for, 1 flat
rya dews Lydia a
Pleiboot'i Voir
tsiis Uianpo+�
to get airoogab to
ds mmg mask. M-
oab*: Mee at
Chose of Lk. 1
bed mow hood -
mess sad Mitt wad
an Mks lea I took
omen bottles sof
the Vegetable
Omegmen.1 and fait his a sea woman
1 msommoad it to toy weer wow
d is whoa do scale bwit* z;b*
-•-3[aa &$asaarLit 4,Q 01.'.
._ ,iu4 "
August, a Mouth of Weddings
Tl e• bride can prepare her wedding
gown and he Imre that it is perfect. but
the bride's How1iwt is aunelbiagschich
'only adlorist, she is a true artist, can
arrange. The Elva -era mast be arranged
accnrding-lo the costume .tad ere of the--•
bride. All
All thineats be done_perrfecptly by
GEO 8.4.EWART - -
Exhibits from Great Britain. France,
'Cubs. Bermuda. Mexico. India, South
!Miseries and United States will be
prominent at thin year's Canadian Na -
1 Nonal Exhibition. Toronto.
Ham Salad Sandwiches
It I1.. ham
2 small pickle.
('I1n114'1 hard cooked egg
'! cup mayonnaise er cooked naiad
'4 "Ili 4".,laratwl u:flk
Sandal. li bread
Brew Shoot Ph... 105 God.rieh
Geo. Westbrook & Son
Builders and Contrarlors
We specialize in the laying
of new
Hardwood Floors
for sanding new and old
Window Caulking
Geo. Westbrook & Son
Phone 366w
Trafalgar St. Goderich
•Mppprs traffic' police are mounted on
i 1 hntctun this summer r -rem,
. - ,,.Y4 elf. ..h1.OLIA a1_L1Wlted and _operated by IDX lre . �. t rK._JmpsoremPJDt.. Awalatlon. chopped Pickle. egg, :salad dressing and
a Women's in.tlWte. 1t 1s reps•rtetl that the Iuwdwaa an 'Two fields d atiy lrtxnsaad.a number 131n. Cut Dr(3fl 'Thr P-r'tRtlttls of It
At a time when Canada's high mater- 10 inks user- u. ere thou fifty per rent. ,d table tuttltp'exp rimeMP are being inch thick. spread with rreAnne1 better.
nal death rate is • much discussed of .y _ Ljshing acme• on Kam- •Anted clot- 5140 4-ff.' D-OLIDrt111>oet tm.t.ten with haps mixture. !'lace on top
ender -
problem al Nvomen's sec ing...t 1R fn- chutkN. I ,-s ,lir tht•y held xppno'.S"-f 1 Rnln are tsrbng xtudhd pntMrlot tits A IPttuH! leaf And anrith'r slice•
teresNng to nate that this scelety has mately fni'e> 1... r`bent. fes anpenislon M 1'ro(. 11. O. Ilett -and of bawd. Whet rexdy to NP0Pe tent he
carried 011 en attack sgalnst maternal Every )',sur elle authorities at Kam• I Mr. J. Rryden of the O.A.C. On oar trlaugler,, Yield: 10 Randwkhes.
death by opening r h,wpltal. For in the ,,•hatkx In•i r section at which hide farm a mixture of cots and Marley -1 Or
ange iee.B.a tCakethe
Opens Friday, A.ug. '22
-LES VOYAGEIJRS"-Brilliant Rnndsrand spectacle "Les Voyageurs"d0$lit*g
ihrr glorious romance of Canadian d(selupmrn, Sears 25c, $1 00. Bose. tl.50.
irUSIC - Thirty hands headed by the All-(lnaela Permanent Force Bend specialty
imensited from fanada s pctmancnt military establishments (by special -permission
4_ p.Innent of Militia and Defence).
VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS, trained and directed by Dr. H. A.
M.A., F.R.C.O., in four concerts. Nat , Aug. 23; Thurs., Aug. 25; Teas.,
2, and So., Sept 6. Seats, 25r. 75c. and 31.00.
1 AGRICULTURE in"all itl branches.
'4 • T-Maratb0n Swims, (W011,14 professional championships) Pri., Aug. 22
Wed., Aug. 27 (open). intertwined sport competitions float and
Wanest athletic meet. Tra(rine•a.4 Poing rat g
Miff „�,y,ed
ta.(rr ' dad
genet prr-
M ,ataae7
many vexes he herrn Of a hon- are offers,
the fishing n, ,nes. TfPf
t 1 PettlP 1 b t 1 h teed time I ways waw n in two, strides. ane -half acre i
The nMNresr Kap sixty miles awI3• with the re:ui that Japan lug been 3 lege
1n the village of fees Inver and inable to obtum most id the territory'.
other 4 25to 1 eggs et- batter
West Meatier and winter the. roads
were practh•ally impassable. The
railway was then an unfulfilled dream.
• The very fact that Fairview was an
organized municipality was a hindrance
for very little help could be expected
from outside. It was too far away and
too much of an uncertain flnkneial re-
*pnnslhtlity for any large nntside vol'
1 ent5re server organization.
But In 11x24 some of the pioneer wards the 11 --ban fishermen and ram- Sow T6GtM Spreading
vrorsen, handed together since 1917 In petition Au," c ntative% ,•f the
the "Fairview Women'* Inutltnte" in two 'intim,. ,o rival territory is be- I. Tae) at es the perennial
vvorldw thistle r
the ,mAll s•ttlemetit of Waterhole, dr (tontinR in„ r -iu�lr bitter. I.
.1,10.1 to take the Initlallv.. for the
women were the greatest sutferers es-
peetlally in maternity cases. At first a
cottage wart rented and one of the mem-
bers, s wife of a soldier Settler with,
four yearn experience overseas nursing
hook charge and was dependent on the
teen of the patients for her eatery. The
venture proved *o suce'e1'
the end of SIX month* the eottege was
purchased. Ex tensible,' have been
g1�atinally made and It U hoped soon
to have a ten-hed hoopltal. The
hospital la now on the approval )kit
anti receiver' the 11141111 grant of 50 rents
ter day tier patient.
Last ver 176 patients were ad-
mitted. There were :t baldeo horn
there. 40 major Operation'. and '25
minor performed it es the proud
Neat of the jnstifute that there ha*
not been one Instance of maternal
1,(� cup sugar
alta) ill the runt ler
'Soviet w e pas restricted each. The flet had been van an ser
mint was N merlons handicap.' a(•tlTlty of poi, ate Itis sign' operators, plieatlon Of It -14 -6 fertilizer
ami the
1(1--5 In both cases
pounds to the acre. The fertilllxed oats 1 1-3 cup orange juice
and Kerley were der loledl7 stronger in Grated rind 1%a orange
the II.111Ale ey.•RatOr" to go sires and
and taller than the nnfertli- 24 ladyfingers
{seal portleyna of the firlolo. At harvest 1 cup cream
Pwun• u- Ill MI,' ik(•us•s as they de- time Pgtal repreRentathe• ares of 1 Hie sugar and flour and add to
min(. in order to further favor the Lbw, pprts will le csrrfnlly hxnestwl rlsates PO( yokes; add milk and but-
finhe ins iTn Ikrnne for JapanPaP' and yields compared. Whether ur not ter and :cook eye"- hot water lentil
fMhennru 6.,- been lucrexscrl' it -will {sty to use nitrogen will be
'thick and smooth: add' orange juice
The Ions• .,nv are Nall to to eery gathered from a ('omto•rIs la of the ' and rind. Itcmoc•P Prem fire. cool "light -
mob of(.-nI»l M the Strict measnlwr. `salt■ of the two flenlltx r.. re-
ly and odd Ntlfly-beaten whiter of
ednneel h .,pan 1n Its territory to --- PIMP. Lhnp bottom and older. of rprint
form with Indy fingers. flat Nide tri,
ward the line and chow together. ('over
lady fingers wick as layer of fllitng;
�_, • Npteading at an alarming nto-.ln ekes* plate ladyfingers on top of thls„ an-
� Wtin of Warn. IN the statement of other layer of filling and n top layer
of ladyfingers. Place in le.4mx for 12
sr. hours to harden. When ready to aerTP.
Ontario sdvi...'s fnrmera 1a be on their remove to . platter and cover with
guard. Mr. Smith reports thst many
fields sown to spring grain in district.'
when. the geed was hitherto t•ompltra-
tiv,'Iy unknown are at present a Retiree
of worry to farmer.. 11.' prints out:
"If • perennial sow Thiene plant
The Soviet ha» apparently changed its
po lit %. 1..44.•4, r, and has Anthorized
SAM 1tAltil--"'^. "
H W mATRRGomm! Moment
The purity of the in-
gredients used. plus the
expert baking, assures you
the beat quality bakery
1IF'I'Y ACRES A. R. G. Smith -of New Hamburg. who
(3. 1.. P,'nr••.. in New York Timeal •
Ives ue.. IoePn to London,
district weed hsps for for W'e'stern
i'c. • r been to Rohn.',
Ihtt ,n, fifty acre.'
1 true• I.em at home.
The ilii fiat looks upon me
night h.•re where I was born
Shall Is• lily mighty Jangfrau.
My Alp Matterhorn.
A little fund Of Egypt
Mx tm -pl t shall be
With p),.e of lyyr.tackU
Alone 114 *alt*r'rd Me.
My Inwd,ed Frill of I Qi 11let
. Nhh11 t,ney'S faith maims
And br n Rhine. my Avco,
Mt Bon. my Nile.
• In Jeer I find the Tropic's
Cafnprd all about the olaewi
A =RIP SAVED Then oboe December shows me
A .se.esut isJaphona call t0 WIPP! Tiff • .\r,•Hc'a frozen
is tripe :1r► trittwrise. met -
My wpm let grown
My frond a (4aplaa goo.
AlWFWIety fifty ,Roma.
Are sit the worm to In''. - '-
Ftere on Ing Fifty Aerew
i lots At Maw remain,
t 7 till lower
And inter tafy own Bermuda,
My $keilp, my gna111.
pez a
rhRlml a4 *154111 to dress for the Rest
ripen he learned.. by telephone, that
two Western a410114a1r•a 1VDT4 raising
Fart in a week'* time. Of cour,w one
mur.t travel. bet the telephone meket
one* trip Meth timely and effPetiva.
kirdwcvd evening rate* nn "anyone"
malls now begin a pm. -R
plght rates at 5.50 p m.
whlppld cream.
Lemon cake Me
ealee .
:1 tattles;NS5IIN lemon julep
1'teaatwon1 grated lemon rind
1 rnp ;Maar -
enmcs to bloom 1t w111 malate Its *eeIu I f8' tablespoons flour
unlewe the plant is horned. Farmerw)+ 1 tea*prm Sall
.'hould not th fer.h their %rain out.ldr, I 1 tehlrepo n melted butter
sesame the bloom* will *peal OSP,
adjoining irons. each Peed having a
'parachute bloom' which will carry for
miler, and *fay up in the air for many
hears," Ile ads -Weft farmers to culti-
vate gang plow or plow Immediately
after harreed .'rtes feeld* that are not
needed down. It I. Important to keep
Mow thistle from blooming or ening to
pearl wherever pos.tMe. More than Ic50
weed Inspectors are now at work le
Ontario and every farmer shottd make Until filling 1,
.ysint to report the prreetese0 of thie
the; nearest repreaentattie.
('aauala to tin Tari-
'taa;,-.,tourth World i i'egltr7 4 -14"1 -
' 41-
grim, which ha* fee fit "Moet Mt
the ('rystal Palacee. Lmmdnn, Eng.,
held; a spe.•tal Interest for Canadian*,
/airfieldsrly poultrymen. Thle teem
try's. part*'tp.thfn taken the form of a
national ....titbit, a .five stock exhibit.
1'/4 cups milk
(teat egg yolks until thick and
lemon -colored. Add lemon Jilts *nM
rind. Mix sugar. flour and teff and
add to lemon mixture. Stir In melted
butter and milk and fold In 'stiffly-
Molten eg5 whites. Turn into pie tin
lined with erupt and pet Into hot Oven
1450 degrees). After 11) Irflnliteu rehnw
heat tO meolerete .:t50 degr.ve. n and
continue baking 20 minutes longer. or
Phone 114 Waist
Clubbing List
Tl.. Sight sled Th. Toronto
GIsM ..._... OLIO
The MOW aim' TIN T.mas,
Day Star .... • 6.50
The llgnal and The 1.ad.o
Advertiser .. 6.50
T1. Signal ..d Th. .Lesion
Pr.. Pres 6.50
Th. signal Bnna+ The Temente
Mail an4 L,Iapirw 6.50
thol - s Sign.) entail T . ?m..oa' 3 25
T11. Signal sad TM Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.00
Th. Slgaad .tad Saturday
Night 5.50
Tu. ora d Th. New
Oat 3.90
Th. Signal and Comedies
Homes .d C.rdors 4 ;R
T1. Sigaal .d Th Cuestas --
Record » .............. 671
Mag.ild�" ~. 3.16
T1. Sigel M4M..tmai Wkl
..aa . is1.. 3.68
..w,..... 3.60
Ti. Signal a a d W04d
Wide „t•Maottldt 4.26
sow ."_.386
T►. sig..l_
Cesspools. t..., 3.60
Th. Signal .ed TM Tono.e.
Star Weakly 6 75
"T6. Signal .d• Red and
Gear ............-3.66
Vibe Simai shelf fl. Caaariti
Countryman 2.116
e •
Clahbing Rates With Other Peri -
sh.ata May t'). Had ear
lir--.....Scits.ra i