HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-8-7, Page 5THE SIGNAL
A new Gillette Razor given away _with the pur-
-ha•e of a 35c tube of Colgate's Shaving Cream
Palmolive Shaving
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone 90 Goderich
III N ANNON. August 6.-Mra.
('hue. (Arvin, of Goderich, visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Girvfn
OM. day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gtr,. Howard and
claugliter Miss Evelyn, of Exeter,
�� � Mese -visitors at the home of . and
Mrs.) -Furl Rost; last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stotherr, of To-
ronto. emelt the weekend at the home
of Ills fortner's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Ernest KroAsr slant the week-
etttl with bis brother at Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. Wilson motored
.cup from flora and spent tae week -end
with friends here. Mrs. Wilson re-
turned out M lay, but Mra. Wilson 1a
wenatutng for a while.
Mr. and Mrs. (4. M. McKenzie and
Master Malcolm have returned from •
two weeks' motor trip to Montreal. Ot-
tawa and other places.
_ Mrs. W. Hawthorne. anti children,
Mt Bedeeket. are vteltlne friends here.
Mr. and Mem. Chas. Alton and -lam,
Chautauqua In
Goderich This Week
Good Programs Are Being Pre-
sented and Atieadanoe
IIp ?- oft
Jh Gager'
tett and the bis tent in Victoria Park
is basing visited dally by hundreds of
people Intent out entertainment and in-
struction. There has leen a good sale
of a erne t1,•kete, and It looks like an-
other sue va-Ne l meson' financially and
The opening event was on Tue*1ay
evening, when tbe Martin Erwin
Players appeared In the popular
Broadway mwedy "Broken Dishes."
Mayor MacF•wan gave • brief intro-
ductory address and WAS Nora Maun-
ders, who Is the superintendent In
charge here, made her float bow to a
♦iuderlch awwmbly. Miss Maunders'
home is at Portage 1a Prairie. Man..
and she has family connections with
Huron a aunty, her father having been
a former resident of the Brussels dis-
trict. Mises"
(Contlnned fro., page 1
patience. In the IAA heat the horses
passed the ,gamer • acvn' .,f times
without getting •way dad finally t'•I-
mer, driving Great Storm. Nils fitted
$ 5 and chased to tke barnRepeated
evaruings tatted to ismer uu> erre e
the heat (wing W tP0l % awl another
race railed. It was a jnud•ra.w. paver-.
Pat ty. es rt:i
Card Announced
Thursday, Ausast 7, I9at)--1
For Boxing Bouts
Prominent Figures in the Fistic
World to Display Wares
at Goderich
I l .drsa. l: w etyn
first two. J,,•gtrrni7lr t+r tate dCfls-
The Signal had a piesrant visit this
week from Miss Margaret Taylor.
eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs..J. W. Taylor, Elgin avenue. little
MLe, Taylor had Net Dartkhpettyl In
the chlldreu'r Chautauqua -parade at -
tinct as the "Signal Girl," her d-''6
being cleverly made from rupee' O
The (Signal, with the rime u: the
paper and Its creat artbstically dis-
played out the shoulder •Irapa and yoke.
a rt
Mr. *ad Mrs. R. W. Craigia, al p-
ronto. spent the week -sad In taw% tee
guests of Mr. Craigias mother and sister, Mrs. R. W. CraapY
Miss Minnie Cralgte, Montreal street
Mrs. C. A. Natru. Mier Alley Nein
Me*srs. ('Paries aud Douglas
Neiru lett last Thursday o Atholttor
trip to Quebec City._
(Juarrie, of Toronto. who spent sever-
al days iu tows, accompanied
as far as Montreal.
wawa, iia. WIItel}a Its shape fur the big Itoxlta tourna-
thlyd and Gourts. re: o T,sl. netted intent to be +teat•. In li'derlch eu the
in Palmerston, started out eat favor- t'wt•uing •'t .ltytust 1:,t1. u*xt. (1u $Lau
Ice but trued to fink', a freer erne*. ,Icy I'row.,n•r J. It. Itµynolds au
uout.rtel the . ti rsonnei of the curd
Robby Chary. Buffalo flyweight. will
met t'renchy Belanger, Canadian
elle tuition. in the main-enete..tf eight ,
••Iiroken Dishes" le a comely of
domestic lite. Pa Humpstead is a
traek14eman whom* wife la txmtinsaidv
reproaching him for Irl, lack of suc-
cess In life and throwing up to him
the ehance she had had of marrying a
min who han
had- afterwards i eeeme a
millloualrt•. Their eon 15 au echo of the
mother. and the only member of the
family who stands up for dad Is tine
daughter, Elaine. Ma Bumpatead is de-
termlued that Iter daughter shall not
make the mistake--shee*d LW.marry-
Ing a poor Ulan, and w ei'-Rfft Clark,
8 -grocery store lay, calls oro Elaine h
gets a very frosty reception from the
mother. Elaine. however, has a will of
Ily'apent the week -end at Muskoka. her own. and one evening, when her
Mrs. Harvey Treleaven mud baby mother and brother are at the movies,
Jam. and
• last week'er at thean. spent a few she home of Mels. R. whotisl1,1 dtread ofer whatthienwifet'er,
say, hie eonsent to her marriage to
'The regular monthly meeting -45-tbe 11111. The eveuing is a rev eventful
Women's Institute met at the home of one In the itumpette'd home. nisi ttrev-
Mrs. Jean Williams last Thursday with eral broken dishes add to poor Pa's
t0 our satin Ilan 1 _a goodly number preaent. The meet- miseries and give the play is l title. A
y lS p tag was opened by ail singing the friend of ltumpatead happens
coal -bin full of Heat Folks and , -(Me," after which all repented the Jug of hand cider 1s produced. and
mlpltlply your heat. Here is the meeting were read and ard's Prayer. The dett of the dopted. It west an her when the mother returns daughter_ married Paand dovete
way to subtract from your, usual
trips the cellar. Here is the'
'decided to sell the poles used for the that she Is not iso terrible aper alt.
coal !street lights, and also to see the weed add to her humiliation, the rejected
suitor whom she had described as a.
millionaire turns up. a fugitive from
;Justice. Pa -etre erg up his tearful
repentant spouse and takes his place
an the head of a happier household.
The play abounds In laughable sit-
cation and In homely humor.
dominating role of Pa Rumpstead be-
ing taken., by Robert W. Strauss, •
Shakesperean actor with a continental
than second. There we+ ate, !. ja•key.
lug for position In etsoing ..al y,uch
hinged on the getawa), h..r"•r plated
fourth and fifth several tine.- •- captur-
ing the poll from tine rounds. to a de isluu.
Geraldine Harvest••r. sterid►- Nettling ug.4,hi I't said of the pane' e...
owned colt. brake her hobble. In the Bttling•n for hr it us, well n,•%%
reeved heat of this rile" and wilt ellen•.
16ated after forcing Frelru 1'ateh .to having met end rh•feattrl the hest in
a driving finish In the fir.t leen The his,i
-lass- nylesdy Wireknows any
elimination of Geraldine took wuch thing 'iii all als,ot lolii;ing knows or
interest out of this rice fr"w a God. Bellinger and -his sp e•tacnlite carter.
-rich standpoint. overnight' lir Jtnul■d illto world-wide
May rsteb • Wiener fame by leetting Nee.ds,y lirowu. tot
lowing it up ey whipping Ernie Jerrie.
The Golden Gate State with sixur'n English champion, aud Frankie t;cu
entries and seven Antlre,, r.. prorabrt aro. Amerest' i•hauupiiun. Iit•etuge' i
some of the beat each.[ of title we'•[, later dropped a very '10m -deviser," and;
honors finally. going \Isy rat h' the world's title to 4 .Marc, but came {
owned by H. Breese: "( Iiotltwehl,lt,•ck awl wva, hw'k his aauudiau 1(11,'
with three firsts in f'ur -tart.. Me- b wlfitpptug Siert• It.s'.,
Heitman, • big trotter from: easketele T
Mean, caught the falser ,dinar etnwd:, • =1n Dobby Clary- Belanger has a ,
weaning the second h• ,.r He made a worthy opponent. nevcoming
is the know
real rate of It, finish og a g.esl ser" state he lute been cominng very fast and
nd In tier lastl;itwo start . la a real threat to the champion. Clary
_. e i astss .I ___ ess_fuught-a score of_tJJaep In Toronto,
There were ate hour. .4 ea,le . it holding a decision over Alex. Iturtle,
being eight o'clock e when I,Itai inewKes 1 and who at onentim.' ga`etBelat Belangerchampion a
way: to divide your ordinu
costa -Theft 1'S no; --"'aero-" -3R--1
Heat Folks multiplication table,
but the can spell "heat"
"cheer" with their eyes shut
If you want to multiply you
winter pleasures and take away
-its wornes, .you want . the Heat
Folks in your bin.
inspector resettling the weeds in the
TDs badmen tor the meet-
ing ., were �Esnba. DaEidson, Mrs.
Rare and Mrs. Percy Finnigan.
Mhos Ellett Invited the Institute to
her place for the next meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McNaln, of Mo-
berly, Miss Tens McNain, of Toronto,
and Mrs. D. T. McNaln. of Sandwich,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ross on Tuesday.
Rex. Dr. MacNamara. of Toronto,
preached In the Presbyterian church
last Sunday afternoon. Next Sunday
Rev. Mr. Murdock will oecupy the pul-
Mrs. Hankin, son and daughter.
of Toronto. are visiting at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. A. Votes.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trimble, of
Manistee, Mich.. and Mr. and Mn.
Green Trimble. al Detroit, visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. 8'. Why -
Red last Sunday.
J. B. MUSTARD cony
twos 98 Goderich
Watch this space next week for our
Phone 384
1939---- «--_-___ ...•...,- .
Men who wear fine Shoes --are demandin t ot-
rect style and fine appearance in tFieir Oxfords. There
are many outstanding features in the coming season's
style situation.
These features are to be found in the new
models for spring. All the leading manufacturers' lines
are to be found here at moat reasonable prices.
l a 7• weep. Such • meta bout is good
•t1U fairly well Alltel .rh�u` rhe final"
curtain was dawn- , enough for Toronto and it is certainly
Many considered the :.17 trot. the a fitting one for Goderich.
laLou Marsh, well-known sports au -
going race, tChe boat of the day. honors i therity - and referee -In -chief of the '
John Hartman Chocolate girl, owned bS lub. Toronto. will referee
e•ealrrd four heats to declare a *fie! and abang-up DI'oge'iteft•-of bouts la as-
ner, all three entries capturing a heat. cured. Marsh demands action all the
It was after six o'clock when the first I time or a One or banishment from the
heat of this race was got under way.,ring results.
The tlnisttrs were all ;Jae ' -4n the first bout George Barber will
The Judges weer He.tur Ilaees and meet Willie McDonald. six rounds at
A-. J. Goldtborpie of (k'derikh and Gee. 128 pound*. in the second Tommy
McCall. of Toronto. The timers were Band clastlen ,with Hughte' L. six
Wilfrid McLean and IMn•y Johnston. rounds at 145 poundsFreddie and('iniall thetakes thirdon
or aeml-windup,
"Adve tures im Swazil••d"
On Wednesday afternoon the opening
part of the program was given by the
Metropolitan Artists, a sextette who in
a variety of numbers showed vocal
ability of • high order. Dr. Owen
O'Neil followed with tis first of the
(:bautautivs tecta T_"y_ ventures Ia
awn misread tg This waslitalthough w••eda-
tlon which mads thi dlfflevlt
to follow. Dr. (►'Yell le a member of
• family whit* has bees prominent In
South Africa for seven) generations.
As his name indkatieti, he br B
descent, his forbear' having fled rom
Ireland In ('romwell's time, He Is one
of twenty-four children of his par-
ents and be grew up amidst the arenas
which be graphically deecribee. In
company with his uncle. who was known
as the "White King of Swaziland." he
had aume thrilling adventures with the
native tritwe. He told of one occasion
on which he presented his uncle's
friend. King Brno, with a rifle, wltb
the shocking result that the savage
chief Immediately Instituted a shoot-
ing match with living natives as tar-
gets. Among the Kafflrs ■ man estim-
ated his wealth sa•online to the num-
ber of his wives. One Kaffir chief. who
would be a millionaire aeeonling to
their standards. had fifty-two wives
and more than 270 children. They also
had their own standards of beauty,
double chins and fat wrists being re -
1 gar did with favor. The lecturer s
father, Dlck O'Neil, was an intimate
6•sars. •
nL.of„tlie ldoer Republic at the time
of the South African war, whom the
iecturer deeerlbed as a rugged, lovable
old man who lived a simp a life and The
few' Isnoks except-.Ibe
origin of the South African Republic
was briefly sketched, and word glimp-
ses were given of the rncwtry. to which
the Itoers made. their great "trek" In
the last century.
Clerk of the coarse. Pare µ I. t lade. flow Burke, the Mitchell boy, four 1 j for •.
rounds at 144 pounds. This mean -t h that are def�etive, lYr.."
( rounds of boxing all told,1
- %IUSIC -
W. B. Rothwell
Organist and Choir Director, Knox Church, Goderich
Music Master, Provincial Normal School. Stratford
Piano = Singing - Organ - Theory
,.TGDIO•)w',.rr Of I4'.A awl 11,11
f'„ •,l,f,.'i'•( tiff, Phu,✓ 0.0
Don't Starve The Teeth -
Teeth have to be built out of foods that
- -_- _oriice-phosphorus and calcium.
Many children take into adult life
'Purse Von. _...
1. Evelyn Patch. .1. llil- -
fon. New 1�_
(Milton) 1 f -2
t Darren LuUwater, Dr. '
J. B. Whltd7.G.d-
erleb (Mensal ' - h
Bingen Todet -4 Fr
Welsh, Palmerston
Welsh') - 421-
E_ICarry Direct. W. L
-Fraser. Forest
- ( Fraser)
5. Geraldine HarvesterDr. 4.(I(n1 Is ;•r.•.!•bsl 1 u.•
Go r k Mu den available at $1.00, :ail rt sl.:rat nisi :nal
Goderich (Mulkn,3 di. ..
8. Southern Acott, C. W (HnR, ids r at !F2 W. Thew prima are I
Anderson, Welland- glans than half what Is charged In To- '1
(Palmer) .1 Ir.
Time of heats, 213',. 2.tatty. 2.151
2.18. -
• ---- cgs Galion Gate Stake
(Purse ilia,
,)Patch. H. Brew- '
Aeautot -
su dealers in this territory
-..,,;jrairt .+ri*�.xa. . .-. ..--..; .
Free Flowing Fertilizers
nv ,n
twenty- aur
over an hour and a halt o[ actino noel job that nature •
iod delays
. snroaaea.
rotmting rent per s or .. _
The boxers tit/the main bout are) wheat with milk helps develop s
*putting a $1584 purse, 81.000 to the i
winner•and 8500 to the loser. The ref -
.t t" 4 .4
's declaMQal 9vern in all. trouts.
The gates at Agricultural -Pa
be opened ■t 7.30 and the show starts
at 8.15. A ring 1s being ere•td is
front of the main grandstand. on the
track and ample llght(ug is being pro-
vided. Ssatnt4_ .accommodation for
Tete Metropolitan Artlats
(h1 Wednesday evening ■ wonderful
modest program was glyen by the
Metroteeih", .trtists Thin sextette of
three male end throw female voices.
with all accompanist, opened their pro-
gram with a representation of e
cathedral 'hoer si
erve. Gowned In
I choir robes, and with an appropriate
stage welting, they sang several be•uti-
cul hyaline and the Hallelujah Chorus.
This was followed by a eeriest of oper-
atic selections, Including scenes from
"The etud.nt 1'rine,'• "The Cho.otate
Soldier." "Inose Marie." and The Des-
ert Song." Interspersal were Indlvkl-
As las been announced the net pro -I
cowls are to be given t0 the fund for 4
the crippled children of Huron connty
Some npp.siti..'. Ie'e tern expresses!
lastly to tine staging of as,iing I1,uh•
Irut Mr. K.yuolds says Ibis nes
1 4 M be et.i*s twl and tint bill
eon) ..to let the bouts, - enthralled by the l
IL Mctbusall, A. leen Athletic Commission of 4 )ntart,. stead
took. Prinee Al-
bert, on their merits. Similar bouts have
I(e.k- -(I.q' gei tinder Lions Club adapices in
ton t -_____,„._;.3 Se Catharines and
T. Gana Orlttftm, 4A #F ,m�I TT�ot�rnpntto.p f a,iniliNt. rr
Idad•ry. ' Atfon. `irk" --a' ',.lid '.`itiJ,:.! its,- �•ry tea!
2 i ., charitable purposes are am lnstltu-
iLladM>r)' I1 kavas [l,e 1111*.
4. RUIy WOOL C. Rod- The hand will bt in attendance S::d
C1•mdrlgye the bouts will he staged rain or shine.
IHalalnii%.% Boxing enthusiasts from all parts of
5. Peter O.,4r•.'J. Well- the vuuntr3' and beyond are coming to
WellwMerinGoderich for the Louts. while a *tin-
( Wetlual 1 7 'Irreferred ,Wat.
gent from Toronto and Buffalo have
R. Eva( f.ntta•, •t amen
McManus. ,:der -
l _._-
kch, (McU$i-) 5 dr. ..
T. Great Stores, , A. - 4____-__ -- -
Anderson, R' W. ! and
( Palmer) 4 4 ills
Time of heats, 211%, 2.123e, 2.12.
Daisy Patch, llu_hle Grattan. P1111
Jeno, Star Peter. Peter Moi;regor.
Jean Ganot Tim,- Grattan, Single
�. oo muscles and seod bone-.
Itis rich in the bone -making salts. •lila
_cr-isp, crunchy shredS..augte 'cam
R�cessary and that develops healthy
gums and good digestion.
■■■1-1-1111■i11ililal■■■/■a■■Ill1■■■1■■■■■■■SINN■■ 1
Grattan and Septend'er Morn .11.1 not ■
Mart. III -
2.15 Bilge 1VAtte Stake III
Ramona Crafts', Dr.
J. B. Whitely .ext. 111
2. Silent Grattan , • A, .
Litt. Ge.!•'1'in`- '
iLitt r • 2 _ Rr-
R. Yrinrn•n Attires R. 111
Scott. Toroot-Ill
ISeottr 3 7. 2 II4. Bill Patch, 1k
Fraser, Fore-' ■
(Fnaerr 41111., .. .
Time of henna, 21 1111%, 2.10%.
(1►iien PifbL awl tonne Pori did ■
411)1 start.
• 1,17 Trot QM, , 1
( Purse ' 100►
1. Chocolate Girl. .I"but
Hartman, sew
Hamburg. t art10
mavl ll ' 1 8:2 1 .
2. The Sandman. , W.
An arson. W. band
(Palmer) 2
:t. Matilda Brooks. Olt -
ver McKean. ken-
( M(dl•u , • 3 2 1 3 mt
Time of heats, _ 17,e, 2.1e, 2.1e. andLMl
IIlnulb ars by the diff- eat members
of the company. and alt tier a very
wide range of music, Including comedy
and dancing numbern, wee presented
}'in. the eoi rse of a delightful evening.
The ensemble effect was particularly
good, the voices blendfug ndminhiy,
atoll gorgeous rontuming and elalornte
staging lent their aids 111 producing
tithe deeirel effects.
Mr. James iCvans of Tor to, Man-
ager of the Ontario ein•ult o Clientele
'punk was present and give a hrief ad -
(Irene. atoll afterwards met the local
guarantors for a talk over pians and
The gearentors are: 11. J. A. Mae.
Ewan. T. H. Mitchell, F. R. Miller, G.
L. Parson's. car. I. M. Field. F. 11.
Martin. 111. 1►. ('raft, Wm. Bailie. W. H.
Roberteoa. W. F. A. Mattel, J. W.
Taylor. A. ('ornfleld, 11. 1). Mooney, E.
1'. Itearom. Rev. J. N. H. Mills. H. R.
Lang, M:. 1►. Brown. T. Pritchard, W. C.
Prltlhavt, Attred TeKMitt, Gordon
Voupg. 11. 1'. ihm'o-'. C. M. Robertww',
A. M. htnbertanv. J. Jewel W. O. Mac-
W. Bisset. W. T. l' 1
(i. pVeetheuek... L 1. 8rtifi, 13A T.
Fmrneraml. F_ Ir IllMNrt. J. W. Moore.
The teems continues_ until Saturday
th., g . s.. seat 4rinr. 2
programa each day.
Mr. and Mrs .tan. ('unseen end
daughter Kathleen t town, nonan- E
1,111,141 ey mina'Inn°thy Fames and
Mr. Jerk McMurru> of London. mo
tonal to 1'tica. V 1 the past week. ■
They also clsited Rochester and
Niagara Falls.
What Lon Marsh Says
of the Oodarieh Bouts
The first step toward general prosperity depends on you. If you make your grocery purchases at oue
spend at these stores
of the Superior Chain Stores you age directly benefiting yourself. The money youpe z
stays right in your community, �oa- every Sup•rior,Illore is owned by. an independent grocer -a menther 1
cad u corn local enterprise -when he prospers the community {roe-�
....-< ",-es..."-_ +a n ......,.._.
pare, and as it goes with your commie y • Totr.""-'�
Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 for 19c
Raspberry Jam 40 oz. jar 39c
■ _
■ "a,•a..
Chateau Cheese "Wholesome and nutritious. Marshall's Hawing ip Tomato
s 19c 1 s 23c
it spreads or slices" 1/z Sauce
Canada Dry Ginger Ale..-:... pints 20c
Chase & Sanborn's Coffee.. %'s 31c 1'3 60c
Green Giant Peas No. 2 tins, each 25c
Lux Toilet Soap "For a smooth skin"
3 cakes 25c
Princess Soap Flakes "Use Princess Soap
- Flakes- don't have red hands" (Trial Pkg.
Free) large pkg. 23c
H. S. Chipso large pkg. 19c
"For quick, lasting suds-
Libby's Dill Pickles per bottle 25c
Lealand Sweet Mixed Pickles. 30 oz. 47c
Crown Corn Syrup 2's 17c 5's 35c
■ Clark's Potted Meats 1/4's 3 tins 25c
Lou Marsh. In him Pick and shovel II
,r►Intnn of the Tore,. Star has this 1"
nay of tlw protrssl, J boxing toorn:: ■
un•nt in Go dertch tie.; week: ■
"Then (lndererto ••�teflf aim high
Their latest venture :n keep the town 1
on thNsporting map :• i hang up fight
card with no Its' .: hes.-liner than 1
"Fren'hy" Who niter . usi! Hobby Cllr} ■
of Bnft.l°. j Royal York Tea 1-2's 28c 1't Sr5
"Not a Mta,'n pis.'' ti (iahadr .mild (1
afford a 'Mitt of til• allbve sad some- ■
onNe 1s dlggtn' deep, 1t that. its the
only way to them the UNA. 1
' If Western Ontnli do not fan for a i i-IOiVE YOUR: ORDER TO
Welch's Grape Juice, Medium size
per bottle 33c
Marshall's Kippered Herring -" 1's 230
-Crisco l's
"Bast for frying, far shortening, for
cake risking•,
Choice Quality Canned Pears
2l/2's, per tin 25c
H. S. Columbia Silent Matches,
400'a per box
Brillo .... Small 4 pad, 2 for 25c
Large 12 pad, 25c
King Oscar Sardines 'pier tin 17c
Vinegar -Canada Vinegaf Co. Cider or
Spirit 18 oz. bottles 19
Seeded or Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 25e
• Prunes, Medium Size 2 lb. pkg 29c
this eard. they're n.'t the wise al no
we have .given tlwm .:edit for.
"'pine'- teary .11e/. Js 1 -..se at ah*
enol its an. even mono' het either way.
Charlie Hallett has Ihed cap three
;teen ee,.,wrapee serge- teasel
to ow
-TI propene are ppied ch
ninewr hdadred peri«* ta
Daft in the Canadian National.-alahlblti
tow pigment.
J. ••
se' . .y• pvaa,tuvva..rT
PHONE 46 PHONE ..r..,, .,.w.,...�..,,;..,,,<
dam rIn Herod m ) which ahonldn t N • .
■ tm -* w R D ■ M ■ u I r O/ A ■ ■ ■ ■ n A ■ si■ ■ LI i11♦ ■ 121111112
hart the gate. n !ceteot4. of 1:01 ■ •
erl.•b In In areata an , that thea ns a• , I t 2