HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-8-7, Page 3will save you time and money. We can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. 1014 Aggressive Advertising is the key to success in merchandising. As a medium for reaching the people of Goderich and district The Signal is unsurpassed. •taisSO 'arta 'tt -I.iMIT®, Publisher*. • Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND (EMBALMERS Ambulance service at JI hours, Jay or sight. PHONES: Store 120 Res. 21'. GODERICH J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and • Embalmer All calla promptly attended to dao or night • a PHONES Store 33: Residence 355w Hamilton Street, Goderieb UGUST 7 1930 Put a stop to HAY FEVER � Summer Asthma. Yon can - with RAZ -MAH Capsules-tf you71 fust start before the attack is doe. You'll rejoice at the results. People with Hay Fever 10 years have absolutely stopped it with RAZ - MAH. It's wonderful! No spprays, snuff, smokes or serums. No baras- fttl or habit-forming drugs. DON'T HALaVE-�- RA*MAH W. J. Powell ---7 Stotts, Bonds, Ias and Real Estate Car, Lilo and Fire lasnranca Nelson Street, Goderich Phone 292 P 0 Box 438 Imam Your Awteu.oiile with F. WOOLLCOMBE lett Molitspn..16•v,d HM.t: OFFICat HAM112: TREET MOM 1 Witnesses Sure '/. wags Hotel Employee Not Electrocuted Lower School Examination Results C The following Papp. frog ,rural slang of .pertoof Huron, whtheo reclnce esndidrHiteateH et tWeathe asderioh Jury Unable to Deter- Lower School exalniasti„u. Itelol at Mine Oatlse of War Veteran's 1 Death - in the subject u orney-l#a T1s Reunion Is Held Pion - deli. history, geography. art. IM (itny. Seventy-five Deacendanta of Pion_ S, S. Ni. 18, Ashfield !Crewel- ser Families (}giber at Fitment t'roater, geography, art, agrl• culture 1: Mims Trelear,-n, geugra- ()tend Bend piggy. Gal,-rfrh and I.trei usow ice June last. S. S. 10. . ArilfIebl t cedar Ih \tel• . were 'sue•etaful is rAlTaili- riiK - c oaten. b,iHtury. Vhy.iol• The oatrntd iiI►rney Barri, re-lutiva s ladu'and I o•1 w : og7 agriuIture1 : Margaret Johnston, wag behl at Gratld It;•ud .W civic•_ hid• Watery. phyaldagy. ant, Ngriculture 1: Flay. Augustoa lt. The descendants etf S. S. No. 3 4hfL Id 1 Kintall i- Mary I.e.loor, history, physiology, ar the late William, Henry slid James - Cec•tlla Bowler, gratans.1. geography; itlmn•tie. agriculture 1. a5rlcult#tr%_11.. Hersey and, the Isle John liarrle, Just how James Hanna, (-ytwr-old Joseph Hackett, grammar. history,_ S. S. No. U. haat Wawanosli-Edythe settled on tumrssionll. 1�ud4'rle tuw•n- war, veteran, came to his death w•btle geography : , ya.r;regur, hb+tory, McDowell, grammar, physiology, art, twit, Huron county. als,ot the year cleaning out cite fire box, of the htot geography : Grace 1la,+sregor, gram- botany, tot4ugi'. 114:e. tit10 ( veety-fictr of tttewe phtneers' water holler of the Sunset Hotel on mar, blaturl. P (1h1I U I..urill4 Mur . S. S. S. 1:1, East 1Tawuuueli -irlbr dearettdants wen• int attwNlHlsr• at the afternoon of July 3t4th last. will Kay, grammar, Melon-. 1;.•ograt lee• race Blair. grumttuir, p1IysiolOgy; arlth- this muton, cuulhug free the follow• probably y neve t t 1 r be 'inUN'll t coroner's S o. 1 \ah field M' I .hulsh t- mee. agriculture g_riculture 1• tug {deers • Toronto. Hamilton, Sarnia. jury !Mit:ming a Ino-ltuur aeaaluu 1" lead'•. kgtt,.Kendri' L •••..goap.ic>' hal. {t -�;; � '.1•..... _Inn%u,.,sl _Mt" ilosterich. fIxeter. Hensel!. Auburn, the town hall Tuesday ecwilpg, failed to unravel the mystery. returning an open venilt•I`after a thorough acid most tntcttwtirolo v4atl tiuu_ 'he jury did tical that Hanna Was 111 ••a weakened eniidltlon ranged by tieing g(gaiwa In (lie war." sire "that deaths have resulted from electro- cution. suffocation or even from nat- ural causer, and we also find that no person or peracma were seemingly re- sponsible for him death and that every thing -humanly 1Mw'S'b war..bbNar.-It! revive blm." 1, A. The jury was comptsced ef Humber ( foreman r. Wesley Walker, G. H. Green, F. E. Hingham. Albert King, Michael Flick. WUIb►m Stothers. The late Jawee.. Retinal_ bad been a resident of Goderich on and off You three yesra and had been at the Sun - diet since May let as gardener and porter. He was an Imperial veteran, a native of Ireland ars was In receipt o1 a pension. He was of a reserved dis- position bot held In highest esteem by the friends he made anti. who knew him as "Jimmy." 1)r. A. C. Hunter (coroner) and Dr. H. Taylor, with as- sistance, worked over the body for atter deceased had been rammed fire box, but all ef- forts •t resuscitation f.ttbd. Within twenty-four hours the body was start- ed on its List journey for interment at Flint, 1dleh.. wile- a sister reside.. - W. -Craigs J; e Worsens- . Reel Estate red �sens Geo. Williams Dealer In DOMINION, PROVINCIAL. WL'NiCIPAL AND CORPO- RATION t3ONDS Fire. Aeeleeat. Aatoa.blle. mai (lateral ltlglaase Agent see TELEPHONE 511 Ttie Atastrong Real Est* T and Insvr ce Ag a Homes end Lots is God.rich ami Farms for Salo Largs .umber listed to deems from. Eight room Cottage and lot, tine con- dition, bathroom water, lights; in Price $7.60-boioe $6001 cmash, beiener mediate i i2ra: _ ads renielbelat 2 keg,Geeits. Puce 51300 pod Cboiee of number 114 -story bonnie initood condition from 51300 op. Some excellent brick hostas, modern, from 12300 up. Exoellent 101, -acre Fenn; good bawd - orchard, good water supply, some timber, full growing crop of grain and hay, roots, garden, etc. Situated on Yue highway with hydro wires; very doer to good village,'oonvenientto K. H. station, paw. Price 52000; or 51300 cash, atom goal ;Orme... -_ �.. t 1 - gee or *rite 4. l i ARMSTRONG HgYlti ilial M - vallMallar ASPHALT SHINGLES ROLLED ROOFING B. C. WOOD SHINGLES Hardwood Flooring -ET MY PRICES - _DISH L rtroeution Sr Suffee.I ? Gederleb We carry a good dock of 1 Electrical Applies, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of Al Kinds Fatimates given on application frank McArthur -test Street Electrical Shop 1'&ephone 82 Goderich Post Mortes. Held Thr plat murteh.. conducted by ler. Taylor, with the ns.,udan a of Got •rn- m. i.t and hydro experts in Tor,•oto, revealed that the u .ndltlon of vari .us organs of the 1.,,', was eompet:Ile with thole- caused by both elerii-o- U dose and sutfocatlon. Dr. Taylor elle unable to say turtle -it than tbat. I'l:ere were no burns visible, as might be ex- pected trete electrocution, but not however, from lou cult , a1 curried icy the exrensloi light * t fire box r which MOMS llaasa.1 Caruasstaneee :The day was the hottest of the year and any;t R Jessie Macs.gummier. histurv, Helens t- John Foram grantuuar ra plays- ;ttford ;UAW], t'nr(ITuu. p.limrllta. EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR, NO. TelepI 1115 1r always metier than writing a - letter "-[nd''raaatl7 more satisfactory. Out-of-town Calle are as simple to uulke now as local calls and almost as quick In tratnectlun. The low evening catch on "anyone" calla begin i(t T,Op' p.m'. and still lower night rater at 41.310. You ran apeek a hundred miles or more for shout the price of a movie. • WHY PET GOT PETTISH She: "Anybody would thluk I wall nothing but a cook In this household.. Ile: "Not after a meal here, my pet." -Dublin Opinion. RACK AND THI'MBscIEWS "Du you know the motive In the $Raman 1•oslpubtou - tbey are play - Mgr' �. _ _ - By the mound I Illiquid judge It was rereads." -Boston Manuscript. - - - geography, arithmetic. art. lately. lology. arithmetic. zoology Isobel Mil- A achedute of sports was run off u - S. S. No. 14 "at 'l"nigaiuont-- ler. grammar, physiology. arithmetic. the following prize -whiners: 14.4eit Arideraun- gritkme tic ,art alert t, gy : M itclol..• jj,.,piage granonlr- 1,Supe Jyae. cel drr s _zears-R y culture 1, agriculture :,ContI1 Fitt-pIiyslnitogy...arithtuetle. zoology: 7leleb' thjtny. j)atn7J-Huruce nigan, geography: Marjorie'llelkuald, }'hoot gramhutr. arithmetic; Neely 'Iloys race, 10 years atirI'tinder- geography; Marjorie 11•'Whineiry..Itik rip, history, geography,. hututty: .oeneot I1orllry. Lawreute__Chriltlt, tory, geography. . ugrieulture LI : I 'Richard Warttter4wad, Itlatury-botuuy. Clayton Heldman. - Clairr Pentland, gu•ography, agrit•ul• J S, it No. 12, -%Vest Wawsuush t For- %iris' raax. 111 years sial under - tune 11: Wilfred l'eutl.Hd. i•hys4.ltsgy.'L1y'�" et that== ryhrr.--dslcry,.•._geogr tt 1{ Itpra, rYttwou. arithmetic, agrfrslttrtie Aron Peed. pity!' agrieuiluty 1; Velum(ilnauer, kc.utig Iiidka,,tau Lulu Mcltcwal(., POISONS sun It is admitted by many to -day that Lite Insurance is the wisest in- vestment that can be made. (iter investment* may (loctdate in value. Some may wren tarn ont to be worthiest. There is, however, a certainty to Life Ineurance that neither time nor circumstances can alter. It helpa toerlate an estate which not onlyafforda {trote ta41 for to -day but. builds• up a cash revenue for the future. Cooratlt w about this investment. LONG O@ier H. A. PHONtit: Bs.eidence115 lS/A District Agent Life Assurance Co. of Canada The Wisest Investment f Stanley Young:.me►e+-- race .-to- Christie, art. agrkulhise 11 onuaru - - Crowet1 1._.. his fwom S. S. No. 9 Aet fk'l.l Mitry (' , grammar, history. feu L:why, agricul- ture 1; Dorothy Curran. grammar, history, g.rrgrapb)'• agriculture 1: Keith Johnston, grammar, history, geography. agrfeuhure Building Supplies . In connection with our Planing Mill, Anglesea street. we carry a complete stock of Building o Materials -Cement, Lime, Gyp Patent Shingles, etc., etc. 'FRESH CEMENT ALWAYS ON HAND history. geography, agriculture- Il ; grammar, arithmetic. arta z000logy Celia l'hriafte. t,svv, Wilma Treleaven, hist„Zepoxryltl, Aldine*S. S. No. Aldine*=ltsrgaret Far. tttlalel- . cepa ty, arithmetc, .�s aux • • Marra en's new n."�inrlro� Verona 1)em,mme. g ogtaphy, anthem- Darla. Mrs. W. M. Maty. • tic, botany; Merle Iw•ptrte, history, geography. arithmetic, ladany. E. 1'. ILEAC OM_ • t.itsL Married men's rata-Alderw'iu Col - Gordon. Davis. - lirandmotheri' race- Mrs. • W. M. W1114ou, Mr's. A. Collingwood. lire. P.M_ A.lat,OD ''W fER HALF ACEN111RY Tung PROVEN PRESCRIPTION HAS BEEN RECOGNIZED ASTHEMOSTEffECTIVE REGUL.ATOR OF THE LIVER,KIDNCYS S BOWELS alarm had he reccirrd :t severe shock. Must Remain \hs4ery -The efrrumetamr..un�oundiug mao's death are apparently clouded to mystery.' said the coroner iu Kamm up for the jury. `L Cr do know, how- ever, that be was is poor health that be bud been gassed overseas real that hit lungs were bound ehwu by ad- hestons, that the 1 Leen greatly lessened es a Molt. We ala, know that the own could not stand venous exertion. There 'are so many strange feature, .in_ronn Tion' with electricity it is haul to say what part It played In this fatality. Why the man abould ask that the light be put out le hard to explain unless( he cr was getting a ahork. The poet mor- tem findings are .misittide with death by either electrocutieai .er suffuxatlen. Mr. Kelly states the owl on the exten- sion light was a perfectly good and proper one. It is for jou men to deter- mine what calmed chi• matt'; death it possible." ,.. Taylor b,terjected to May Goderich Turns. Tables on Clinton Win' at Homs by 8 to 4 and improve Chances for - the Playoffs Goderieh got sweet revenge fur their defeat at Clinton a few days prtvloua when they turned the tables at Agri- cultural Park last- Friday night too won from the (91nt.g,Ii s tt4. The tory. gave then a .r.00 ds•n,•eutage n the league startling -and puts the 1n ■ contending b idling The tom base two uwre gametic with 1iensan end 1f they win lath they cannot du Iworne than tie for boners In the second half of the schedule. The Goderich teats bare bad a new. lease at life.. acting-_laut� .better_ Urn •s. Necktie-raeerE'1`. l'yw and -Citta Christie, Enos Herdman and Mar. W. J. Strathani. - Peanut race --dating renown. Ernest Horsey Slipper . nee-Lyta Pym. Myrtle" Pym. Lulu Mcl►unald. 1110 -yard 'step rate. ipindint 16G -isms nearest to measureC. 1'vm that It was Dot at all ' - they did In the lista batt. &inelta nasal for arena -dr practitioners law of fourtrgrtlt tett- pie 1. _.lptMrailas t lelerwn and .rsiblo - Iwo 411..-. ... tool cause of death- 11. fact such in- Isent Friday night and Murney was In for skin reitistance of a man per- stances ocr•urred quite frequently. The the huspltat .d,... -'Ise underwent a Monumental Works GODERICH, ONTARIO sit latest Designs 1 aro•.Expert VWWpktna"nslup The oldest person of the -Mat NPO All WorkGuaranteed-.. rrresent was Hoary- florneyc- lair whN,14,4a.;t.i..eventkMb year. The a youngest t pre sett was Betty Marie Col- lingwo,utt.. of Hamiltton, aged nine months • The following offbrrs were elected for the emoting year: President W. J. Horny, Klppeo : let vice-president, W. J. Stratltam. London: _'nd vice- president. Albert Spencer, ileneall: secretary-tressurer. Miss C141a l'hrls- tje, Exeter: sports committee. Ener Herdman. Toronto: e. J. I'yna Exeter • Gordon Davila, Toronto C.E. Christie. �_._ Estee,. e1 will be The neat plan ' et taeetb►g (Grand Bend on the. fiat -Monday in August. 11311: The weather wag all test pprkL.by desired and a splendid - was in7S tii��r.11 �[+�'�sae•' /' , .•-y Is1M state- miner o{eratl.on. sold In Rini - 'pelRtilfte--iezr �`�fgt�'.���.w•=...►t�lr{'�ai..L.".3+s- ON to Electr planation of the aide nee d D pe The jury c e oao r Goderieli of away on the right foot withooeutlou, be arid, *sold happen boon before returningglair verdict. and that helps r lot. They right foot a without nerving any mrrkr. The pert quartette of runs right off the bat. mote In did show, however, Guth lunge Archer was bit by a pitched tell. Fritz- etoffects be a dlc whi from the _ ley singled to right. Robertson walked andw h gas doneinhaled while at war k)fitl Woods - came -through with the and which had duce "permanent and L1'1'KN11W, Aug.! -The annual meeeasary ti, score a 'pair. Robertson extensir•e damage, bound down by ed- x healon as they were and with the breathing spear greatly redwood.' Taylorp1 lit labmlal ut half n X Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Doom, Sash, and all Planing Mill products. if you are thinking of building consult us and save money. odenc Manufactitring Co., 1-_ (1- E. Baec filer. President) Foot of Angles's Street . 6edsnch • ram ,'-S ' ...h ,, _• LUCKNOW Ai a Only Eye Witness Somalia Honking, laundress at the hotel, was the only eye-wittwas to the tragedy. She was working ten fret away when Hanna called. in normal voice: "Susan, pull out the light," or "Susan, put out the light." Witness was not sure which. She said she "pulled the eord" ants was ua the act of pulling the man out when assist- ance arrived. Witness' denlel that she had said she received a shock from the estimation cord. "It etas jaat a tingle; It:mttl' have been arlIPP ti r. 1 was esalted" told the jury. Chao. Lee. manager of the tlouset, and -J. B. Kell '.uperintetldeat Of the hydt o. !kith odd -Of Wing -the' ctn d thorough teats while standing on a wet surface and after dipping their bands in water. Mr. Kelly said he got a slight tingle,. -such as would be caused by static. Ile did sty, how frer, that the wet ashes•in the furnace were an exceptionally goad conductor of elec- trb•lty. but that a man receiving a shock sufficient to emote death would not be able to call for help. •'I neve let anybody enter a baler with an extension cord," Mr. Kelly Mkt "It le toe tlmlgerone. 1 make tem use candles."' Jct•. Kelly added. however, that extension lights. prop- erly insulated and encl.-toed, were now used under water. Sunda school mid congregational pic- nic. of the l:u Presbyterian church was held.at Satlor I'aslt..-(icai- eric•h, un Tbur-da i afternoon. July 24th. A large member were present, special provielur, loelag made for thane who did out Mo.( a aseans of trans- portation. (h :orriving at the park lunch basket- and provisions were safely Out ■wa. and everyone turned their attention to the uausl sports. There wan a *e•' nal game in the sf- ternoou before :e races. Competition tlmea nearly preying his undoing was ketm and 1, • races were .•ujuyctil $u4'Ii, et first Inter. heti a terticularlc by. Prises •14, awarded as fol- hid. P44041P44041,11.ws.. lows:all.. fih1tMil 1111li.r1 ii111,181111 1 1 the sir' Girls (dash ' Under five paltry-. loud +i111) sixth and two In the fifth. Ruh), Irwin.. '•n 1'ettersun:.five teerM `'o wwlkevl _ ti'l and couultxl. to seven years. Jest'thine Altcllesonr whet) li,lcrl.om f.s,zlwl n hot one. In ITerete - Ptttetse•tr:teight to teir-reo a t- '" 4810 = :t Jkza! .-l• 11A.f Bolen MsuDonn.1 ntta Belle Manion- the 1e1u1ftJ• 'putt in; 1w «,ixttt-4-is and : eleven to i hitrteea years, 1ausi•n Polled out a long -tow rind ►*'areal Um a 4,amtdteelie-.i4Ptl Malmo: fourteen- .tu.Nlcritisr• fly. - -1 sixteen yearn. 1: -1* 11u11in.Jissgar- ^Joi•'u Tanney. regular Tifif1PE-Mtn 4. e4 Motel knish! has tarot vt,srkel pretty bard of r, c. nt A. SPOTTON P. O. Seale) Gatwick, Oat. The Leading Men's Store . . e Everything that's neg1. in Msn's Wear -- To- ronto, will open Friday. August 22nd. and continue to tiattoday, September Hand Taelofiiits and toren when lido Carrick dropped !taker's lung fly and Waal* Dame 1 acres. ..n yfATh.srm's...mn. first Misr. The IttyeJyr:Xut-another four cane In the fifth when tow team het• t.51 around. The feature of this inning - was'ltols•rts'n's Tung trlpple to right - field. -'over the rate track 1,1_te omxrt- teat lift of the 5a,w•. t'arriek was given ragged snpie.rt fn this frame. three error's by phis t.atutnaha et rritfrnl 1 Minute Ws Itchd ECZV,"EMI A. "1111 am Baby bad terrible oa. Saha' rodod itching ha 1 minute. Wragg• aura left." - M rag. Laurence. Stage itch, hre. avela in I went( Eczema toes ter iced is hew days. 510 becomes clear. mesa. Bk... Druggists. NM Cry of IHetrraa Recalled. Swum* Husking., the laun- dress. was certain that 1{snnx's Net words., were : "put ont the lights" She was certain the words were not ut- tered In a tone of dlstrraa. When she was In the art of lulling him cent the door of the fire box, after having re- moved the light. he gave two or threw gasp. and dial, she said. Josteph Atnyot, chef, and ,laieph Malrono, gds ercalstant, both told of helping to rescue Hanna from the fire box and of assisting In resuecitstlon efforts. Itnth wltneasst sold, as ltd Mr. Lee. that deressd had frequent- ly eomplelrnd of lung trouble and consequent ahurtnees of breath, also that he was unehle to do heavy.. work. Of Own AMiid • Wm. P. Abell, plumber end electri- cian, where joh It was to repair the furnace. told of drawing the fin• and tomptyin& the hoiler of hot water an Weir before the tragedy. He had twice filled, the bailer with cold water to enol it off sus h'•.d*tIeipetd having to work In It to weld a Making pipe. He acid he gave no In.trnMlo4s to Hanna to enter the fire lav and Mr. Lee, the hotel manager. gave similar avldeisr' Mr. Abell sald-tlle dimmer of the floor of the fire box woad 'isi• con oh.clve to Mutt soden. Ile himself had item "floored" by 110 volts. but he 1111/I 41N'w orotic to '"►it llevti(.taer wettont deceased have been able to rams Hoye (dell.-- tender fir,- years- we -k' Mire %vat' to ler Itzley .in the Loyd Stewart. I Loyd Irwin ; five to *nail.. althen,Xh he WU. gtohlg along seven years. 1N••,=las Altrhewou. (Bennet, fltoc.. Fritzl,-y did, well, allowing but MaelMnald; eigt ' to ten years. ,lobe pine run and threw bite, He nhonld tet K. MacKenzie. .Orland Patterson : ootowel of strength-tq h1. team to rt- eleven to thirtc, ,, yearn, Frank Mac• msdgidg {pane.. Krnzle, ]Bony Mu,'Benxie, ; fourteo io - liolo t'arrt.-k. , former GolerIebite, sixteen years, .tb•x 11aeTMnald. Jack sous very fiineh to the fore for ('lihton. Fisher. A{ert' 'trvrm fh,e fifth boa souflgew Young man's rage• --Gonion Jamlesisn.-alsots prca•ed n pnzzle,tn thr' Beals' �tteellwrrow rsCl--Jerk Flaher grid lillly MacKenzie left-handed hitters. 11e n•plscetl the Single ladles' rate -Marion Half o' lowed 1•111 threw Alts fur the n•tnalnder 1(1148i810 enek In the third and al - Mull. ' .nf Ute'MtuUe+. .,Cc nick Ins nk451 Myr�i tlot heap' U rues-.-Mary'kiugleh., and shoulel devj•inp. 'Following 1 111. ('esst rare -I' egy klarlk.nald ,stilt Dset'scr,re: ' Jack Fisher. flout.,, Managers and alsalom race- W,,m. - fyrlfArd.:11, F'Ish,-r.jdcF;wru. ss [.allies' plu rar.•••..lsotel Chestnut. 1yilcw,-,, rf Grandmother, rase -Mrs. H. Mull- Elltutf „. ` 4 11 1 7; .T lin, Mrs. it V. yle.!'Sggsle. i►'ltrlen al.' - • 4 0. 0 tf •2 Grandfathers' '1 -John :lamination,SUll it, __ 2 L' 0 In, A Neil Campbell. . Shoe rack -Aylmer Attchesost. Special race ii(M11 Patteremi, 1,10,4 Irwin. , Tile races were followed by n men's softball Rune, site!' which lunch waA w-rrerl. Prizes were then given td (3wendulyne StewunQ 4 youngest baby ars to Mr, and Mra. George GLUTst foest r• 1. Eryone rar•ived tiendcream .emnitple iiR. ver .Opter..T1M erewtlRR, - left for home shunt R (felot=, gft'er'it very enjnvITsilt irrrlil*M4. - - W0140r4t0 - Special Order to Your sasare • -•• • • Chas. gad?. Phone 219 Goderieh THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON - ONTARIO • is the only Commercial School in Western Ontario where: EVERY member of the staff has Professional Teachers' Training as well as Commercial Training. r BOOKKEEPING is taught by Bliss Actual Business from the start. - rinsawitzziND is taught by both ,the erwood and Remington Credential Tests. -Write particulars particular concerning the course "ill w 1 you are interested. - M. A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, W F. WARD, B. A.; - VICE -PRINCIPAL: - VICE-PRINCIPAL. PRINCIPAL. PHONE 198 A;11. R. 11. P.O. A. 4 0. i -M. --.:A .- A i' 3 1 1. 1,- 0 t„✓ Uvermore, If 4 0 0 ._2 l'arrlrk, rf and JI 3 1 ' . 1 (P ' 0 Steck, p. . - '1 -* ft •'t 3 llawkipa. roll- .1 (t 0 0 0 ilraht •_ 1. 0' 0 0- `5 34 4 A..21 10 (ialerk•h A.R. R. H. P.O. A. Tristlan, rf 4 0 0 2 0 Arches. an 1 Pr$4*key, f4& p .:--- FAIL F \Irl DATES ;taker. 111 '4 1, 3 5 `0 Itsyfleld Sept. 24-25 llafltt'atta. 11F- ` 4. O g 1 0 myth . ...•,••.14.•pt, 2:r-20 Ttltllk'x• P 4, 0 . o .....4 h , 4 Irungsnnon , Cil (kt. 7-14 Maflile'ratwl, c i _Y a .9 0 Eimer 4ept. 10.17 - ... ' 0 ti4 A f:oderleh Soept.i f -M Klncardlne .. Sept. 17-114 • MOtapary Error*. G.sleritb..i% (ltn- f.ueknnw ' ....... fL• s 2620 inn 3; tht're.t*Mr• hits, Ilolerts.n, Sett. lit 'title!! .Me t 4 dimwit two -haat' hit', ('arrlek : bases St Marys , . 1 7•8 MI haul*, off Tnnuey 2. (e'arrlck, Nei/forth .Msph'1$40 Gatch s : -44f- Ft -Haley U•'nitord) : off rntt1111Yt' . , c: ..... Meer- fit; 1tk--47 Stos'k 2 Blaboreown•►.r,fIL.ariltf!' .!` an'. Zurich .,,, . .. Rept 22-2: densest,: hit by pitcher. by Mtea k I o,n.lnn $ pt. I to' 11 1 Pt•ti4'f'f ."i13 Ttruns7' 14'4 twtt..ua tioderh•h 3,flinT611Mi, wirlw .. _...._ ..... }rept- zl- . _�r11101Y tIffMto NIs. 22. to 1lPpA a ► 11 -• s `*'r thoiji-' tie Farmers Mt a ANY years alp it -was-4�idai.•- ��� ' that the fortunes of 'The, Canadian Bank of Commerce would. be largely -dependent on the growth and development of agriculture. �e4 • P • . • t reason it " has always I the pcj icy of this Ba to ' i ow ' fanner East and West, -to give hood atlegnate banking service, -to sup 44 - MI port hitn to -the fullest possible extent. .h31i' THE 'C NA ?IAN BANK O% COMMMRCB - ' .y �wmit�6/��So�bttaialpt/m�g '� s - inprer a' Amen wee C CIRPmp