HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-8-7, Page 2• 1-Thur,dal, A'r... 1. ISO Prt eoDW111101 tatANADA 1FWeber of lLaaia Weakly News- papers Aweeli akon Published revery Thursday morning. lFab•cripttoa pries 12.00 per year strictly to advance. TER SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Telephone M : G•derhh, Ont. W. H. Robertson. Editor ■od Manager THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONT. Thuradmy. August 7. 19411 RH-iLECITION or MINISTERS When a member of Parllameut is ap- pointed Government to any office 1 by of emolument, such as the position of a Cabinet Minister, he must under the law go back to his constituents for re- election. Thia Is awkward when a change of Government tikes place, and every member of the new Cabinet must again seek election, and it is proposed that the reetllreeietll -be skol_ - lahed. In none of the comments en the subject that we have seen. however, is the matter dibeusact in the light of the reason for the enactment of such a law. There was a reasons. and a --very good one, for the rule when It was es- tabllahed..and we do not. know _that 1t has altogether disappeared - The tale had its origin in the 'e to emu"' that a member of £.rliasuent, once elected. would not sell- Oat ..[O some other party thpnn diet width be bad been elected to .uppotL To illustrate: Suppose the result of the recent general election had been to leave the Government to • slight minority, Mut before the Prime Minis- ter had submitted his resignation he bad learned that several membere elec- ted as Conservatives or United Farm- ers or independents were willing to switch over to the Government side for a consideration. The Prime Minister might give Cabinet positions to three or four of these members and thus be enabled to carry on -if It were not for this law providing that • newly -ap- pointed Minister must go back to his constituents for re-election. The law is an effective bar against a corrupt bargain of this kind. The member who had sold out would not dare to submit himself to Ills. constituents: or if he should have the hardihood to do so his constituents would have an oppor- tunity •1 spoiling his eckeSR It may be maid tat each circum- stance* could awl -*r Sn thin ad- vanced day. Are we e0/Itm of this? At any rate, before the law a (hanged. the reasonfor Its enactment- lSowld be -raceirddrel. will have • strong Oppodtion facing them in the new House. • • • The problem of what In to he done with' al ot'i'(illidll e-fte a 6s rWii:-+ra 4 settled. With timelier bet erop awe t0.4. tvUW on the market. the question 15 becoming acute. • • • The aggregate wealth of Canada-, ex- clusive of undeveloped natural re - retirees. is estimated at Eri,940,1100,- OMML-abut $2.9041 fur every than. woman and chis[ in tlu.-•IAnuiuton. Soule popple tomtit 1111vr more than their fair share. a Will Mr. Bennett (1u as he threat- ened and (Sneer all the treaties made during recent years by the King Gov- ernment welch a -Ircealite under r 1 ernment bas been and le canjey\ng a splendid trade? Or will Mr. Bennett forget all all about his "blastiug" and Iw' glad to. take advantage of the good work dont-by his perdet•sssoral We. Admit. 1 allalissof THE 'WHY' Or QUEBEC The Province of Quelwc gave the most astonishing reversal of form in the recent election, rod the reasons behind it are !ping much ds•n i5Me(1. !n The Ottawa Citizen Gordon Hender- son, a lawyer of Ottawa, advances the _following am the cruse( of the turn - ever: . 1. The ellminatlon of the Rt. Hon. Arthur Metghwu an leader of the Con- '----•ervatiee party and with him the con- acription battle. fur which he waa no more to blame. if blame there lw for conscription. than the whole Union Government. • 2. The unpopularity of the T•a• (•hereon Government ' in refusing old •sgrns•agasionso and the franchise fur women. 17.e taking aft(, of .the Minis ter of Femme's portfolio frofb gat bee and giving it to the West and re- Rtaclne the loss of a quebec Minister With one w'Itholt portfolio. 4. The appointment of anti -Lender i.therals to offleet. suc1r BM Senate and tench. 1411(1 pltronoge. tartlrnlarly the patronage given to Hun. New_, • o_w: ell K (' STRAY ITEMS FROM THE Weekly' Press' . Straw for Paper Many farmers •re at presenttf sv baling and shipping nt southern counties to a paper will at Trenton. Ont.. where' It will Ire mrnt- faetured into paler. The prhw runs abut $2.90 an acre net to the farmer dud Ow quality was never better than this year. • • • Haw to Keep Coat Motorists driving along (1w water- front to Eswx (snooty one day last week were thrilled 1'.') to are the me that • two womeu slight- ly ht- ly over weight. to keep cool. They placed two barrels on the front lawn, turned the hose In them. then took a seat in the barrel and all fern well. but they found It * great deaf easier to tgPt to thisn--4•-4.14-42111- R. C. WOULD GROW NORTH - V fete nit --R:l .- Ksteaston ++t- - tL• boundaries of British Columbia north to the Acetic In the Yukon it being urged by 1). 1t. Plunkett, M.P. for Vic- toria, who declarer that Ire will make formal- proposafj of this plan to the House of Commons. "(Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec- have extended their territories to the north and it Is time that we took'fir-ter Yukon.' said Mr. Plunkett. "Hntarlo has been made a oew pro- vince by Its new northern territory,. and ro has Quebec. You have heard a good deal about the great development of Manitoba's northland during the past year. We of British Columbia are just as capable of expansion as the other proviwws. Our bouudary in the north shoud fringe the Arctic Ocean mud we Should make that our definite goal." B. The dedication of Itecklea N'il• tnrnl'r' hot* to the Premier: in which reflections were cant on the name of Leerier. 6. The prombee of -:Bennett to pay old age pensions alt of Dominion treasury. 7. The p hltleind empire of some ex- Cabinet Ministers who felt when they were dropped wisdom wan droppig with them. 8. The yelping about Premier Xing's Sympathy with everything American, which the yelper,' know not to be tette. 9. The' United States going to swal- low ns rap. Quebec le anti -annexation, not for tiny love of the mother country, but for fear of losing language and schools. 10. Fergtl.on s bitterest .school p l - key In Ontario gained Bennett votes In Qn. s'e- 11. Thinning budget Is too Imleriel- lgtir. 12. New 'Llilitld fattier and unem- ployment. This may or may not 1* a correct ,r•trtement of the case. but at any rate It Ir interesting. No doubt a variety of.citu*fR egg operating. and no permit can tell will, aocl1racy just a•hTT 6111e or onnr bad the gre ti t effeet. ZDITOEZAL NOTU Fine har?Pa1 Telt tOPI -,,• • Are you inking 1n the ('hanthugla program? • • • 'I'k(i UMW% Vlrtorh - OW* m i/_t nom week. e• -err Ir' Canada's -.,"lis MO (donned lb* aitntle of t•ItyhotMt en Mlwlday of this week. Will It the knows •a Ibbs Mineral City' • • • With Vr Ring, Mr iapstlnte Mr Enter. Mt Waferden. Mr iClllott. bur Voolot and other emerbere of the Mar ,haste King 1Dalleheat tl/ir,tn Parila- Mr itasn•tt sad Me Ministers lEDITORS' OPINION 11 Takes Ow Life at Dungannon Motor Derby at FaU Fairs Various boards of directors of (all fabs It reTyiZlltW atlnut for'nPw attrac- tions and the Norfolk Fair at :jlmrne has loft upon the "motor de1by" as In keeping with the age and apdrlt he times. The derby was inaugurated 1 st year. -The main features of the per- formance are auto polo. in which two Wit ISMS compete, motor'YeIe racing ,rte Aybote***, yl,UlyiuL Horse racing, by tl way. Is no long!, it 'featnle of TOUGH E1.E(TION--- . (Meaford Mirror) It's a mighty hard campaign when Agnes Wtcphail can only get 387 majority in Mouth Grey. • • • WHO CARES? - I twee Somal Mint -Time t Ilarenee i)errow. noted 'hit -ago lawyer. has been in Toronto getting some Information recanting IOntarios liquor laws. HP ion of the c ohm that Canada had no right til" assist the United States In the Pn(onwment of her prohibition law and •Iso feels sorry for F:ngland. Who cam.. any- way, what Darrow my* about these thine' it ariames from Chicago. • • • • B&u .W LUCK NEXT TIME (Clinton News -Record) . We offer erntlolen•cw con- frere, tiro. Itobsrsan of . Mel Ich Signal. in failing of 41e•ttot. In North Huron on Monday. We ('an only .ay that he in not toy any mean. tlw first good man defeated. And he should know what a man ought to "if at first he doesn't succeed." Here's to better luck next time. It is long eine Huron had a repre•entative of the press In Parliament. • • • A MISTAKEN IDEA (Amherstbure F:111,,Q/ It IS a mistaken idea that keeping r thing out of a paper Is going to hush It up. New•eptpers are not so powerful that they hold In their hands the difference between publicity and silence. Very often when an event 15 not recorded In the papers just as It took plates the reports that grin circulation are apt to lw more harm- ( foil- df harm there is than n plain penned statenwenl ririaagt._rsymniing the Ie•rurreme. ••• Aged Lady, Spt*U7 U nbalaaoed, Oommlli Haab Act in Her Ova Rome The Melees body ..t Irs. Charlotte Robb, aged aevsaty-t.ter, of Dungan- non, was found to h.., row'', o11 TIurs- day afternoon et last seek. she hat - United church next Sunday, August 10: 'merrier at 10.30 o'clock. Rev. T. C. Wllktnaon 1s taking his holidays. Mr. and Yrs. Ewart McPherson held • reception at their hove on Saturday evening In honor of Mr. and Mn. Lee. Mr. Alan Edward6 (2f .Torattit• and Mr. and Mrs. French, Jr.. of Alma, were the gusts of Mr. and Mrs. Frick Todd during last week. W H ITECHURCH \\'HITEI'Ht'R('H, Aug. 4. -Mr. and Mrs.. Will Conn rod Mr. Hardie Slmp- soU nude a burin' • trip to Stratford Ing taken her own. tit, by hanging- last Thursday. Mr. Welsiey Lott, of Atwood, spent The authorities w. -rt' immediately the weekend at his home here. notifier and Dr. A. 1 it niter. crouer, Mr. Bert Kennedy and three chil- dren. of Toronto. pre vlaittng with her sister. Mrs, (.ane (;rain. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ackley. of Toronto, spent thg week -cwt with Mr. and Mn. Frank Henry. lire. Irvine. who has leen visiting with Mrs.. WIII Conn returned with Mr. Irvine and Jim to their home in Thed cmductet •a invest lg+ttnon, at the conclusion of which he .I.r•IIIer1 an in- quest unnecerwry. s **loose husband The tete Moi d . MII Ti r Bol pr 1IPPParef her sono.' nears ago. had not leen in good health for store time. Last Thursday she ass working In the garden with her daughter. Mary fond on Monday. Jane. sdddeuly *wire to enter the Mr. and Mrs. W. 14. ('urrte and son hotter. Not retar -tow .ixtgthter fol. Bruce are rbilting tide week_ w1ih W Id other ret - lowed half an r"later, only to slater. Mrs. lance tin a make Ow revolting discovery. The aged athes in Winglam. lady had attached one coal of a rope Mrs. lieu Mc('lenaghan returned OD around Let Yak - w o T{'gnding at a $aterday from bee- shit -with. chair and to other lid of the rope In Fergus and Hamilton. to two clothes books .a, the wall, kick- Mrs. J. W. Brown, of l'relglntcw Ing away the ctulr on which she stool. Mines. ba visiting this week at the It 1s stated by authirrities that the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Rosa. late Mrs. Robb, ■ most .-.tiwable lady Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk. of Sea - and In comtortatiw.*, tpstances, bar- forth. Mr. and Mao. Norman Kirk, of bored imaginary gyit,nnces ;'u finau- Fort Wayne. Mich., mud Mr*. F. L. dal matters. 1t Is 641 Hi sir sought to Creighton and three children. of De- w _- get a cash advaneerort some lands and I trolt. spent Wedemday last at the the program. _--- bad been told Oast the loads were home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPPOSES (BOXING BOt'T e"MF gC T(Ie lfttnat • w3 Dear Sir.-ln your pater 1-rau Item to the effect that we were to have • boxing tournament staged here In aid of the crippled children. Surely our town will not eouutenance such a thing. To say the beat that can be raid for much ■ tournament there is noth- ing In It that la elevating or had re- finement for any who may attend. To motor It will he demoralizing and de- grading. To our boys cud girls as on- lookers of much ■ display the tendency can 1w only for evil. It Is the prize tight In miniature and ought to 1e banned from our eommuuity. A FRIEND OF THE BOYS AND G MIA". shortlj to nature -when Alfett olld ha re+ Re*. Mr. Watt will --preach to the The 1•tlag et Muleteer the amount In full. l'nfortunately she United church here on Sunday next. Mr. Victor Porteous. North Grey's interpreted the letter as Ieewrtug bv. Stanley Monist, of Hamilton, b (few M.P., may he the youngest mem- holidaying with Mr. Jimmie Weir. her of the House of Commons. He is Only thirty-five years or age. He was tarn in Derby township. Grey county, on the farm which him grandfather took from the Crown hack in 1850. He Is married and has three children: two daughters and a sun. He headed the poll for eouuclllor in the munctlpal elections in January. He is regarded as an excellent farmer. • • • Cee of Cream Cana ('ream cans Supplied by dairies are handy tblogs to bare !bout a farm, but creameries are finding out that they are being used for other things besides cream. l (Ile creamery le prose- cuting a farmer in Siwcs• county for using one of Its cans as a receptacle for gasoline and the same e.onpany b pro o uting another creamery for put- ting buttermilk in the cream cans. The maglatrate said the prn,rr•ntious were completely new to him and is taking time to think things over. The use of cream cane for other purp044ew than for which they are intended.. -Jar -of course, an offence. • • • Libel Action in Essex An echo of the recant ele•tiOn las sounded down in Ewe: Month. where EceIes J. Gott, sweetest -Ill t'uuservative tanIWate.laa lamed a writ for $100.- 000 against John H. Rodd, K.C.. of Windsor. Liberal candidate tw (/sae* West and one of the active supporters of a t a dictate In Eapwx South. a writ-ile- clares that defendant had said that plaintiff was preparing a "roorlsek" dealgnel to play on the prejudices' of the Boman ('etholl•e In that riding. Mr. Risk1 In a statement lammed de- clarer he la not retracting the state- ments charged agalnot him and that he has proof to supe rt his allega- tions. And all the fight Is on. • • • Plea of Insanity insanity to likely to ion the plea In the defence of Robert Freeman, near Llmtowel, who Is maid to have admin - lettered poise to the young von of his employer. No reason has been ad- van•e(1 for the alleged melt met. Free- man was arrested on July 12th after the lav had taken violently 111 follow- ing the eating lot ■ chocolate far givp6 him by Freeman. The latter ie .aid t have confessed giving the chocolate bar. ht which he had placed t ch-. nine. to the youth. The conifees 1lf (M secured by the Provincial pike fol- lowing Ow arrret. -Thr laky im Gordon news that she could not get the money she sought land that the bonds were worthless. When the daughter • bide lthe dla- eurery she ralpett •n alarm and kind neighbors- gave what amistrme they could and the local .hes tot was 141511ly summoiwd. het the hut! had been dead for ten or Mem minutes on his ■rrl- rat. Deceased SSpsPsI her usual self on the morning ad the tragedy. doing 54)104' shopping in the morning. Whin she left her daughter to the garden rhe told her not t• MUM I II longer than half an hour. The funeral of th.• late lits. Rohl) took place last Sunday afternOes and was very largely attended. The Nervier Wap conduel,.l hj Rer. C._ C. Keine Of'the 1'nitel church. n_ tee• mails were interred in I)etngaasea twnwtery. The people of the commun- ity regret very mach the tragic death of the elderly lady. ST. HELENS ST. HELENS. August 4. -Mr. and Mrs. Snldon• er.. Mr sod Mrs. Fred Muddon and son Kenneth. of Toronto, Mini Merle Gaunt 111111 Ru,'Srl, ac - spent the holiday at the home ltd tati mnted by tlwir littletwphew, Har- latter's tele. Yr. i) it. Murray- dd Wilkins. motored to Marton on Sympathy Ir tit/tNlel to Mrs. ]•mus Sunday and vleltel with Mr. and Mn. Derain In the i th of her brother. Wilkins. Kr. Tisa f r, of The - WM steed. Pries Scent on* Oen. Me - whereremain. Tlsektla► Medal the Mat ` rtt'h . nor of threw of the euro lwsIL but where lnterme i •as-, de. It b 0111, ' r II J 11,,1 n ,Ap.. Iunclay, ,,.t «,.. JImdJJtr firm whom Ivy leaves are 5.14S13;:"- BGilpts7lt nn t `AfltaLfdAlp pdW (raykt• Master Jobe Simpson, of London, has leen holidaying with his uncle, Mr. J. J. Metier.- - Mr. sad Mrs. Harry Lee. of Toronto. ■re visiting at the latter's home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Rin- toul. Mr. and Mrs. Dobbins. of Rochester, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Colter. and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs'. Wlghtmao spent Sun- day with their daughter. Mrs. Jas. Brigham. of Blyth. The Lucknow Women's institute are ting with the Wh Ite hurrh frrancb herr on Friday and will /supply the program. Every lady In the esommunity jm cordially invited to attend this teeming. Mr. Jack Johnston was very badly hurt one day Inst week, when he was kicked by a hors•. He la Improving nicely lures. Mr. and Mrs. %Veld) and family. from Paisley. were Sunday elslters with 1(r. and Mrs. Johnston Conn. Mrs. Toyuby Iamb and Miss Ruby Kennedy. of Galprlch. visited one day lad week with their parents, Mr. and Mee. John Kemeny. r 4 . 119. 1r. ' ripp ANOTHER OBJE('TOR Editor Signal,- By meant, or a paragraph in last week's papers we learned that a box- ing bout was to be staged in town 011 15th. From the' fact that the proceeds were to be devoted to the aid of the work among the crippled children of Huron we draw the Infer- ence tart If It did not originate with the Lionsl'tub,-tbo bouts LilrIt least their sanetien and approval. By their Interest In the crippled children the Lions certainly gut In right with the general public and they proved them - Delves amidst.willing to amidst. We were sorry, therefore. to know that this method of raising funds had herr adopted. Against the art of self defence we Day M not ■ wool. fur It has often an found convenient even for • prearher to know 1)014 to defend hlunwlf against some enraged bully •rn1 to deliver him• welt from unreasonable and wicked men. This. however. is entirely differ- ent from eowmerciallzing a perform- amw which has a brutalizing and de- grading tendency, 1 present my protest an • citizen and inopee It Ia not too late for the differing sentiment among the people to crystalize itself into an oop- powlt1on which may lead to a reron- Nlderatlon of the project. thus keeping our town clear of this unwholesome advertls•ment J. 1:. FORD. NOW WE SHALL SEE .Ixck1(n. 17 -year-old Son of Herbert 1 The Farmers' Suns Jackson. The origltal charge has been 1t est n(s to ue that the major eerylce t Is -doled to "admiulete't'fng Poison" Mr. itenuet1 lona pledged himself to from attempted ranine. perforin Is that of providing everyone' • • • with work at ,ntftrientlp 111(11 wages Under the treading "Too Moth iron to enable them to pay the higher pries Heel" The Ripley- F:xprere attacks, the farmer* •-Mrve 1.1 pmnniwrt kis Fruvitwellal iw*tro•-•'40r`...esen t>M dTieli p its pfs. MP feflill" er pricer' motorists to court end having thecal to be dk'k,ly Intel If batter pricer' final bectins• they happened to leave don't quickly tike oto hp and the tin - their driver's Ilense at home. The Fx- empivyed are Rnln' to he furiale it 511 pass says: ••Wet are Informed that they get out of the new linter of thing's *time pretty stiff fines have been hxnd- IN the privilege of paying .f 111.. ed out In this district to routorltte were pries for the herr n involves ees of life. roetkln't 'unglmw their driver's licence l'he tariff, whether It Involves. a'ditty (•turd when called newt by the traffic on butter or any other commodity, is an attempt to (Ix the price arbitrarily at a high figure. inuring timer• of de- pression such as trevnll at present, the hlglwr the price the lower the demand. Miss Agnes Maephail's majority in t(twttwest Grey In lad week's election was 219 am compared with 172St In 191M. - As early as June 15th there were over II,IMM1 requests from I'.S. citizens for particulars of the forthcoming Canadian National Exhibition. DENTROi'1NG POISON iVY ('ultivatlun ba the limit effective means for the eradication of prietn ivy, obverses H. T. Gtos)w, Dominion t.oanist. l•olsm Ivy grows generally throughout Canada. and It /RUMPS VOW ,llrrable annoyance and laysveuience to people wino are Sltseistible to the poison nil which oomph from Iia leaves and berry when Injure) toy contact. It can be readily identified by its leaves whirl' neer to threes after Ow ems - U dater hese. oar day Iait week with hie.fda Mc- Wyly (says•-ttotheil. Thr use of salt. home over the A....k-end and holiday. -Mr. Furl Cnrslon, of Stntthmy, la I Otiold. kens•ewe and cheap furl Dila are help Mr. and Mrs. Irvine and Jim and fol lu killing the vine about camp Abu: or Its roots may he dug or pulled up- Many people are Immune from tow effects of wham Ivy. but with all 1t Is a plant which Is well to avoid Mr. erantoa .tad the misfortune to have hie dwwt.l.•r bone broken tart week. . Mr. and Mrs John ('lark. the Mie• - ea Annie and l'olena ('lark end Mr. and Mrs. Iowan (lark attended the marriage ed tiwdr .ought. Mime Jimmie McKenzie. at Kininll en Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Refine ■ed )ire. Koine. Nr.. of Hamilton. were holiday 11 r. en1 Mr.. Evans and Wilfred, visitors with Sic and lin, ('m For-' Teri atwl Margaret, of Toronto. visited heli. Mrs. Kelm•. or.. Its remaining' 1 .nen tow weeklrod with Mrs. Murray while firs. ('nn t'orhan will return for lir. and biro. Robett Philip., of (lod- a week's visit with her Irretber and t•rlli, rim" lad week with Mrs. W. friend,' In Hamilton. R, Irarrk r. Sir. and Mrs. W J. Fortino and Mia+ Mr. awe Mn. Wilmer Nlchol/stoi of foaryrm ■ttealcl the marriage of the A%charm. spent Sunday with Mr. and furnw•r's Iwpbew. Nr. Larne BMelmont- on Mat. Jas. ttntheelanl. MINI Mian Eva \\'kill. at I(elmon- ttn Tuesday. .July 1.t Mr. 111111 Mrs. Con Yttrium and \ltaiii,L,olohn attended the reception in the ••veeleg. Miss... Eliz,tledk. - and Marjorie e'wwptbelt• - -i4-•Nlalis w.•r' vlaitors with thelr'wtatttn: -Mrs. I:eo. S1wwYt! 11urin( last week. lit. -and Mrr. Donald Clark. of. L)tt • fyywx. are sp•,aling their Maid -rya elth wear. tiw•1r uwrdwr. lir>. P. Clerk. Made of pure areem - 1.:. 7n warren snout bt4tol igy- No cap- pp tad •a b..11 dean. wbolees a sea gill tit oeed. M lir. and Mrs. Vi III Conn spent Ituaday with Mr. and Mrs. Randle Simpson. a Tewswater. Mrs. Taylor. of Harlo•k. visited last week with 111w, Laidlaw amt Mrm. Mc- Brlten. Mr. and Ffrw: -WNd Reid sad Calvin MMI Jetta. of Paris. are visiting with his mother here. Born --In Myth. tin Friday. August 1. IMO. to leis. Fane Brigham and the SW ies...Jirkaheaa , a sou., Home freebiomuble women (rave two wedding rias- one Of plain gold or platinum Inc clay naw and soothe? nil around w kk dds.00ds for evening b wrapped and aselsd to heap k as good as when it lames the factory. WRIGLEY'S l• bound to be the beet that men and machine and mower tan make. The delicious p•pperdot favor freshens the t .seh and aids dlgatdose Ula' lie T1iD IT MIuIOIvs Sian Notice T b Water * The Water and Light Com- mission is pleased to announec a reduction of one dollar per agnum on house watar rates from January 1st. Owing to the large number of takers this redaction means con- siderable leas revenue, and consumers are asked to co- operate in the economical operation of the plant by see- ing that the water is not wasted and that all leaky tyk or services are fixed at onrly.. L. L Knox, W. T. Mum.", Secy. CbaitMts. Super Values in New Furniture BLAt 1bli 3 Furniture Exchange -* 111 RI1a11 tJ esasrttir A number of neighbor( and friend," attended the f a1 of the..late Mea. ![lfMitPlP 11'9 1n f orknow on Mon- day. Mrs. Woods s as • former resident of the 1)414 (1411 essitoa- lar. xud Mrs. Those. Campbell and danghter Jean, of Stanley township. also Mae Helot i',taphell. of Fort Wil- liam. were week -end vieltors with Mr. ail Mac. Kub.ins.,,, Wn.ds. Raw. John Watt. of I.me Branch. nfflc•r, tl Rh they had purch•sd on twill 1111 11s• Pulpit In S1. lichens In the regularw-ay and had changer their cat er aomethimt end dirt not happen to have It with them often they erre unfortunate Mould: to Ion High prints mean that thea. nnem /stopped her the traffic -cop.- If our in- plapod moat use Sutwtituto, or go tt,rmntiun 1, correct and RP our t P wlthont. The effect is to narrow the it Is- we >,rr of the opinion that the market and insGmd orf --the farmers Ire- ,.pits - nmers that bon" In His matter ern Ing helped they are worse aft than Ion- showing very poor judgment. We are torp. No we think, really Iwlleve. till In ,f.to' to regpdating motoring as Mr. Mennen ran dJ what he must now mai am prrs.rllde, and making the at least mike it show of , lt*' rut nadw•eyt su • int wr Mlthmit that 11 ereryunoe Is curlottw to son how' lot 0'111 s motorist los +.s'nrtrl his artver'N • • • permit and can Prove it. it Is too high - THE RURAL ('Ht'R('H hand,rttn fine hind Isere. Ion h$Sn't ,,, If with him o1 all a'rasio011 1 FMrrmer'' 141144t --- The rural chnrt•h In Ontario Pncengow Venice is 1)m111 on eighty Iolanda aad the attention of the nnthurities of the has 4(111 bridges. United ('hurch. The consolidation of the 3101,401st. I'resbyterhnt and ('otic gregattonal rhombi' ham not effected shat w•Mw hoped to he *v ompllshed^ Thr rural church dwindles. its congre- gational life. WO are told. loses ent1111m1 nam ars Its financial support draining ft.) nisei( it. Ask lm tornter years, rethilwll raUtray. S4tllc4n-Inn em. airways aid 1WNMip Tates will ion effective for the Natio 1 Etl1UlTticrtn, To? KNIFE TRICK COSTLY unduly the Income 'rat the farmer, the µ'tselw11r,1. o ok1n. atlse - a local burden devolves more and more on the tov wens „Hide 00 open a knife belong - home imitation field.. That Is. the imp •h dependp , more and more to the rich of the cities. That roan Iwo the Iwo- he could not opoPn theott . tra s SO the Ip1j`g oeoato daily se a tinaki. Windage, , . R.gina. heskatoon, Riasaelmjamer and Vancouver. lOttlweaT Buffet Car with Valet Services 9mdardSteep- legiernes. ..kk a•m,,i ig. Cass. Car and ■tdb4• lu•Mn tl+ lwa RELATIVITY WewHlver' "What M the diffe,euce ba- twe en a flea and an elephant." Tommy : "Well. an elephant can Ism flea. bet a fie• can't have elp- ROAD IS RENAMED [wosltu.--Re.id.nts of the village of insafol,1 nhjrdc•d to the name of Asylum road and changed It to Hitch- in road. anadian a-tional TO IIVIIRYWHIIag IN CANADA port of the rural chorcIng to It. H. Minnie enrol W. B. Cook the p'tan men day,. 1n.fs•rvsol fie dannll. The offend*. of course. the rural spirit of independence. The United ('ha,ch has too commissimml at work to find an P7tptan•tion sad • splutlon. An ex plans kve:we .IMetlrr. mina -bas Nag nte, •.pt.. ,uttd In the record. of oars' • kon1 attendant*. Ff them aro few children. three -arab Ise few young people to hake-siprlgrvRations I 1Ifa. 'lithe/de•ttt•. Three (•t\mmisplons will. no doeht. end • sid,tlon. which It U to he hoped ill he whiter than that which commie,' In mtes.ttres to keep the hoy on the farm. The .Oi1ti0n b. we mhaild .•y, M Thereon the •.►arca of Earth Indnntry. To (het pod, for trade reaction, of which everilMh0 rompletne. Is probably w'nrking. It to working. at 111 events. to 11n poneltV•ttmt of the rowerd• of Malay their knife. The youth (not n dollar when he failed. .o he elgnel a cum - 'Saint ageless• them. They were Jailed 1141 elsost e•s of obtaining money nnderN !else prolHt*Wlk (NDE 1111%/4DIPi(d Yllt! "Ilgatirtb" .+lttt1 thetiglils of What to hroadntt Piet between ns two'. What more for love to *peak - - when ems ago Our earla divined their mystic radio? $eadhlt Or Ildenlnt In --- M mu or land Oh small. t•nng world for hearts that u)der.tand The Bank of Montreal is in con- stant and helpful contact with hundreds of thousands of cun- t throughout Canada d i otherof theles cus- tomers t rung out na a an 1N n parts world. iilll l I, iI;IG ... i {1 I Ilh llllliull it III ,"dol.: IIIt 1I L1l il.ullil III ,1.1il iiiI I111I. 1p sl i .001, IilalI It ► nIt1NIINI. 4 r. -- LAURA SiMKO1f* , 1 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF :'00,000.000