HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-7-31, Page 8tl-- Thursday, July 81, 1900 PERSONAL MENTION COALPORT Kingsware See this lovely ,open tltock Dinnerware in Comport, nine nacos• y K design, at COLE'S BOOK STORE THE REASON Several days ago a customer asked us why we sell a well- known make of washing machine, listed at 1110-00 cash, for $98.00. Simply because our motto U "A quick turnover at a small profit." This 1s also the reason for thew- Speelale Hot -plates ft -LW -Reg. WO from $2.75 -Reg. 13.06 Toasters $3.06 -Reg. $3.50 Our radio repair department is nos_In. Charge of kcoml,eteut radlotrlcian, and we absolutely guarantee all'mr repair work. We test tubes. RADUIIECTRICfib: CUT-RATE MERCHANDISER. -East Rt. -..- Mho Maud Watson, of Toronto, is spending her vacation with relatives In town. Miss Edith Williams has returned fruit] an .extended visit with relatives et ;Vancouver and Victoria, 11. C. u ew or , a the old home on Montresi stmt. Lre. Ed. Tindall, Miss Meta TindaU and Mr. Wilfrid Tindall visited at the (,me' nT Mre. Tindall'' aster. Mast A. 1f. McLean. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. C. Kelly, of Bos- ton. Maas., are spending holidays in town with the former yrreute, kir. anti Mrs. J. B. Kelly. Mr. James S. Hume returned to Montclair. N.J., this week. after spend - lug several weeki holidays in town. Mrs, ,Iluh.e and children will remain here for a time. Mr. Alex.. Smith. of the Capetian Batik of Commerce. and Mr.. Km re- tyrned home on Muadry after a three wi'eks' holiday trip, during whk•h they vlstted Mrs. Smith's relatives at Chat- ham, N.B. Mr. John Galt, late of Rossland. 1:. C.. visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. tidal Galt. this week. air. Gult was ell route It. ('ullhigwood to take over hi. new .iutkw as manager of the Bank of Montreal of that places. For it num- her of prime he bed teen tintem$er of tlr► ,, - IY Mr. af.Mrs.. Hugh A.•T.ustett. Mr mid Mrs. hemmer ,uric ,t.••n Jackie, of Ileum. of Mrs. 1.ua . sister. Mrit. John. A. Ilurrtsun. Om their return they erne necompanied fey Miss Mona Iltrrrewe lobo etw•fee1 awe twee of August(,'aj hher aunt. til ♦ ! Cardjof--•Thanks 1 Tah2 the freT opportunity of ret>irningaty-aitteere;- ' thanks to thoee.electora who voted for me at the polls on Monday last, and more particularly to thole who - wo�rTt8d 16 lfirfi far me during the .campaign. No eau, • -- didate ever had a more loyal band of supporters, and I shall never forget their earnest, self-sacrificing efforts in my behalf. We are our cause will still trinspb. W. H. ROBERTSON Job Printing of Every Description at The Signal PRO-CI- ,glerziam--mwitivsmims GP Til! I • Town of Goderich r MONDAY, AUGUST 4th, 19-30 gavial/ been fixed by By.taw u CIVIC HOLIDAY All ddaeas are roqueeted to govern themselves accordingly L L KNOX,H J A MacEWAN, Town Cerk "-� Mayor GODERICH RASE MEETING at .. Agricultural Park CIVIC HOLIDAY Monday, Aug 4, 1930 - at 2 o'clock 2.10 Blue Water Stake - $1000 120 Golden Gate Stake - $1000 2.30 Trot or Pace - - $ 400 2.17 Trot only • - - $ 400 Under the auspices o%thie Long Branch Drioli1('C%tib l;f:l TING PRIVILEGES ALLOWED New Grandstand - Good Track General Admission 50c (TAX EXTRA) J. & Whitely, M.O., E. R. Wigle, W. F. Clark, Y.S., Pitsiltat trsasai r UMW! THE SIGNAL McMillan Again in South Huron Veteran le Returned Tor Fourth Tiate-sty.., ,__.. bduoed Thos• McMillan,_ veteran member of Soon -Huron. was returned for the fourth time on Monday. Although his majority was reduced It to still-.uf. re- spectable proportloaa. namely 887. The results must be most estimate - tory to Mr. McMillan considering that many of his colleagues, in apparently equally secure constituencies, fell by tin wayside. The results follow : Clinton Trewartha McMillan St. Andrew'a Ward 132 120 St- Janes' Ward 166 159 St. Jobu s Ward ,170 121 St. George's Ward 155 90 623 .41110 Majority for Trewattha 183. 1 Cederim Tsw'wky - 2- DI 4 5 4, -545 2 70 a - ., • t" tux 3-- 4x 6 64 Oil spit ity -for McNittan,-iRT: Stanle - 1 4u S6 vl 39 80 3 46 65 -4 150 49 r, err r.rrrr.: -79 - 1L-- - :r 8t - l0 46 146 57 - Itajerety torTgairsallie. 102. 73. . 186 13 82 110 03 --�. 73----- . 59 SO • 78 _ e. 4l5 46 418E 84 38 GODERICH, ONT. BEN M ILLER WANTED Itt:NMILLSR, July 29. -Mr. Harold �AN?>QD:-LIVL POULTRY. �g� EST lmarket prices paid. PHANlD 817, Goder&dt. • Walters. of Toronto. who has been spending his bolklays with his parents, r. awl Mn. E. H. Walters, of Rep- aint-I.. eaainAcr. returned to lilt, home the art of the week. Mr 140 Oke uud Little son Donald. 117 86 * 439 588 ltajority-Tar McMillan, 149. EliiiiIiisp 1 170 2 128 153 3 114 112 4 127 161 403 536 Majority for McMUIa>f, 133. Exeter 1 2 a... ,.t,20? 3 .., 105 4 - -•- r 14 70 127 125 _Abov��,i_s a_r�eproduction of the new Multiple Linotype h} t iitataUart• '.Ne 141TIMITICIII1113.11Wie TE1112, W Lille- ting maehi.rare, incorporating many features not found on Aarlier models. • The aat*ine has already been placed in eommission. - - 1 3 142 - a 64 4 57 0 109 -67 T8 7A . 90 8 50 y- 72 OFFICIAL °°°"T ""` , 0. B. A. A. Baseball (CunitnueQ.frtm Fara nitwit* A GOOD UMPIRE 84 1.1 Clinton News -Record. -Dean. oft 73 118 ] Uuderk•h. handle.. the game ":041.41 118 so ly and with satisfaction to all. 94 MANY STRIKEOUTS 40 la the at Oe$erleb last week, 47 when tl ---tsam defeated the 42 local' 4-3. Deedsa, the Exeter pit.ber. 86 had 'eventeen strillialouts and Tunney, for Goderieh, eleven. a total of twenty - 100 eight 1121 one game. There 1t, no much evidence here that the lively ba11 is .798 playing havoc wltk'the pitchers. In the moms 1 ninth inning when °oderleb Unrest: 67 100 - Pined to tie the score Dundas strati: iOST N FRIDAY. JULY 25tH out three in a row. ,,, i L a ::a:•' �7 998 AT CLINTON 9 Hull pocket 4 !'•� sit, •brown l.ath.•r book, 5 w fill 11Y Goderich team loot timelier tide containing a nim of money. Finder OF - 6 ice 101' game at (7tdton op Tuesday of this pleas- leave at THE SIGNAL OF - week, the score being 4-3 In favor of FTC?' and revive reward. WANTED TO RENT. - ABOUT three rooms suitable for light bouaekeeplug. Apply W P. O. BOX 652. 's mother. Mn- Ida WANTED. -- POSITIQN ABOUT 4Mte•, reetld to their bona in Detroit August 15, by experienced ceok- e Monday, Mrs. Lottie Dewar, who general. Apply BOX 26, Tem SIGNAL. spent a month v-isltiug in this vicinity, tete a iib them to spend a few days In WANTED--TWQ COLLEGIATE 'IN- Drtroit before returning to her home 'STITL'TE girls to board for craw ta Pickford. Mich. int term. M1LIL MILLIAN, Cambria Mr. Lester Waiters. of Detroit, is road. yewling -kulklay' „t Ilenmuller. 14.- .'Mr. t•umuuug, former 'motor here. with Mrs. t'uwmiine and little FOR SALE daughters, Mary mai Nancy. and mon Wu-ou, called ou friends Moeda, j;OR SALE. -YOUTH'S PLANET 141 - white pasting through on their w • CYCLE, II excellent condition. home from spending bulidaye cam 00 cash. Apply at SIGNAL OF - at Kincardine. . ICE. -mss---- Gt NLRY'S SALE REGISTER VOR RALE.- PUREBRED BICST Tueeh . August 5.-Au4Urls sale of i Tow Barron Leghorn cockerelr- growieg grain, 'property of Lloyd from hens with erg words up to 290 Toting, lot 7, cosmoshr borne so hip.. i.. D. l til• ---314. Lag. averaging 26 on. to dozen. �' - W. J. M.11R, )tvitsunia rosd. e - a FOR RALE. -NEWLY -BUILT SI1C- ■ ROO HOUR 1100N VA. -6 Godehe L cottage on Cameron street !gal In 314 `I all conveniences, Will sell on easy luly '�4 Apply to T. B. WALLIS, corner i., Mreitiey, „ oro 11Jelu,ld• ngtrrl• Victoria and Picton streets. • :�pED i r e U.A NA- Ill Goderkh, l,n Mupday, 'C,OR tIAL11:. - 8'DJEST Cyjy July ti, ,TYUkee A{naw; ..gid 34 a limey, 70 cents per pound In your years, f• l s , own eontatnen, at Y};E N1 RRERY,: DUSTOW n (iode•r"eh, on //IIaaturdky, BTEWART BROTHERS, R. R. ' o, 4. July Jc..je Taytlts, be eel wife Goderich. Phone Carlow 285 01 Justow, _ _, '1PEB4t1JTT.--ln Gcxlerleb, 6 esday, FOR t4.11.F:- 'f`tlt.te'E OVER FIVE k July nth. l'atherine M'Leod. be- ■ hundred Gladiolus and other Flow- '• laved a of Mr. Alfred Tebbntt. ELLIOU.-At Alexandra Marine and iienerao-ita.R .11oderieh. on :- Qay. `TttTc.;B33ilw::y3raearr .di8bir,+iAa+:-roEFri- Dungannon, in his 81st yar. era. A tihw bouquet from 15 to 30 cents, seconding to .ize aud•quality. `. JO/W ► ELL. corner of Calabria rood ¢�-Asafalger smut- ttnderich. /INE AND ONE-QUARTER KILO -s 51 WATT Delco lighting plant, 56 hat - KENT tortes: 110 volts, slightly used, but In 7 -- first-class condition, for rale. A bar -T eARAOE FOR RENT ON TRAFAL- gain. Apply to MR. W. C. ROSSER, - 1lii GAR street. Apply to MI88 MUjt• Denfield, P,0, or to MESSRS- MERE- NINGS, DITH A DAVIDSON, Barrister., etc., London, Ontario. 4 PVBUC NOTICE flc'E. uN AND AFTER AU- ,_. I'- -• 6('ST 1.,t 1 will nut be resptrldbte THOMAS G1'NDRY, GODERICH, fur any debts incurred by ray see Jerk ]arena. H. t . JI NNKE ' _ LiVa $ AND 011raQAl AUCTIONEER ?e lepboee No. 111. T LOST OR FOUND liaise attended to anywhere tad every A effort made to give Matlatactloa. T. -LARGE SILVER WATCH, Farmers' sale notes dlecoanted. c July 28th, in Goderich. as keepsake. Liberal reward. WESLEY W. TI8UK BIONAL OFFICE. Aoctloneer- will coodo.t s.,1ea anywhere. My - (� , terms pre reasonable and 1 will en- bltvveen hull■ bridge and R. S. Na deavor to give .stlstactloe. Phone Carlow 1314. or address R. R. 4, God- erica oaerica. AUCTIONEERINO • Val 453 _. ...:� Ttmewberr� _ 107 a e09 387 557 the homeeters. This is the same score by which Goderich was beaten at bona 159 by Exeter a week previonn. The locals are showing much better form in the 96 it- Neroud half of the whednle than 111I V __ NOTICE OF PA$8INO AND TEE g • - the first. "Game" Tanney was ag REGISTRATIOI! OF BYLAW. Majority for Trewartha, SI/. a• 09 on etre rtienttod and pitched IoeattAllettl -- r • -4 I♦g� -- 1' hall. Notice le SINa that a bllaw ---- --- 39Y_-- - (iotp+ricb rcorrd to ate rine .!nal . posed y Count .-- __am 70 119 a sfbgIe liesater. bit 1 11pry,. "r"""MOTOR MID DR 74 x �' 108 back with r pair is the second. There peon for the issue of debentures V TH'- 195 • 221 - was no furtbeC, merles until the 8th to the amount of 3100,000 for the pnr- -iajOtilb for McMillan, 26. 8 8 when Nairn Mae Frttaley crossed the pose of paying Provincial Highway in- 4Usberae 11:i34 -platter. This Lett' the (-font at 3-2 for debtedaeas of the County of Huron on 1 74 40 ..6 ..9 erlch. but Clinton overcame the the l� day of Ocipher, 1930. and that 2 • 56 69d in the ninth ,wdtl mane timely raid flaw has been duly regi.tered 8 38 92J 40 jetting: O'Brian of Zurich handled the In the County Registry office. 4 ,,, 42 - Tl East Wswatetak 57 ""T game to the setlafactlon of an. '4, Any motion to quash or set aside b , 106 • 58 1 397 . - The line-ups: the same or any part thereof must be ` 78 - 2e. ' 814 123 , G11. Fab- D. Nairn 2b, C. A e within three months after the ............... �, t. 77 75 OM, M. FYitzley If, E. Robinson Shy, publication of this notice, and Raker ef, G. Tenney p, M. M root be made thereafter. 4 ga 57 1 x0. Matheson rf. N. Wilson e. Dated the 5th dayof July, 1930. lb t 'Majority. for�Tt� 1 • 81.!^�;-�, SO 64 CllntontFnl 3b. McFw 0140, W. HOLIJAN. 4116 408 ▪ ialA 3fq Olew ct, Elliott O'Brien 26, LIC Clerk, County of Huron. CHARTERED ACCOUN'T'ANT ! 1 71 119 Presort. lf, Snell 10. Hawkins rf, ,��_ 2 7e. P. Perri.* Twyford. sparees a l U0�KTI It, EXETER I . AUCTION SALES 2 As reported in there column* last 5 5 48 3 week (hxlerleh defeated Exeter at Ex- AUCTION SALE OT GROWING 58 _., b7 48 5A 90 .err last Thuredar by the score of GRAIN. O 4A 11'1. Following Is The Exeter Time,' - 83 ' 348 668 5. s, Advocate's report of thegame: We are instructed by 4. Majority fo'"""' AD, 310. O "' -in a rather poor PxWhItton of bene- MR. LLOYD YOi1Nti ]�T(. F. J. R. F'ORfTTEB. tAdvast. J.t11 .+ y. E - ...,. T.--.. Mai tdaya.w tour M L..tiiamoad ua.t<tos ecU M Ouhile awMien at Abs farm. av EYE re-'sOEE. TTiROAT.' gg w w Thursday ,e fast acwk the (icorric6 half m11P east of i.oyxl. (Loot 7. Coe.- $nate Howe Sar cop New TurlLopk• trrjl ....4.....,........••••••;••••••••44. ., � � defeated t2x 1„ealw bort ttteore "---P 1:l.'.....-,.... - =t,3 ..-......•.-»---•-�''+� .- J>k e•esslrryf T(: 11:: Tar'Coihernet on rtl,,.a11c no nrn� iinmpltal, taelettant t fin- gay les n 9potton 1 1. The wow did not produce the TT'ASi)AT," IC111iT11R nth t Mrare�eibt Eye H.splrala(tad Golden kaw•ba11 and not up to the at 4 o'cfoek m (S. nnM 72 •]48 Aolrfieltl 488P• I 11n tf lie rel, Lutldon, 5 175 22- rd. t41,14 PR Nt on the motanb About I aerie #f Femme grain, tri tirbo Mt. 5., Stratford. Tal . 8 M -- Blpth 232 194 • but wee relieved by Dundas fel the probably A0 serer of Mite mid 11 acre'«yRu !lila. ,I -- Brussels323 fewtrih imdng. r wp in the•ts,4 of barley whi••h wi'11kr114g-011if{ato At eleF Ludford, (leleridk, on the 8 87 Colborne 11512 12 for the winners turned Ina good 'pit. vening of thirA l4ondnF of ArCA 7Z gg (ialrrl4, iw•rfiug i nee. b started the 9 Grey 674 434 T1terP will be no ase:i•vn- Mr.'Toost smith till fife toll"wino day. Torelar, 7�( t)Oli sorhfg In the innlatt• with One I Is not here t.i harvest the erop abed it at 1 m. Next visit ht HowickA September. Fi41 ial TnroMorriw 4:0 ♦ .143425:8. 667 run. They carne back with two in the I roost bre 'olA. Majority for McMillan, 70. Morria•rry :Nt7 39R third anal fourth, one in the Nlxth TFRMS: Ni to months' credit vrtfLtbet May Wr•'t Wtewanrx h 307 4tYl and In the ninth added Rve tuns. in I LEGAL - 1 40 •5g this frame E. R lnaee lilt for four given mon fnrnishlag approves. joist East Wawano'h .... aa0 869 nom,_ 2 23 72 , Leeman with two men ton Ikn Atha. 3 90 208 Wingham 4.,7 TZA 111 T. GUNK/RT A RON. �T M. L14E _ Exeter s•ored their lone tally the Barrleter and Solicitor 4 100 144 fourth inning. Medd *poring -sleben Auctioneers r,1. Oletlr . tides Lodi* BolMing, AdsTalls' and 5 iR g6 Dundee bit for two M L O'1♦!i!m Npottou 4 majority. 2ii. AiItTION SALE F HOUSEHOLD Victoria attrete, Toronto 2 g { 102 100 __ and H. River' were the tlwppl1t•w•" Telephone Elgin 6801. 7 9(1 42 (1AMF P'9UDAY NIGHT TURKITURE, FURNISHIN(# IL- g Mr. W. D, +Rothwell. new nrgaulat *4 - 32 e{ Knox r`hanh, and his bride, have -------- Clinton plan( here tomerrrrw IFri- IOCTRIl7 f[AjVGE AND ELECTRIC/ UDLEY E. HOUR , - arrived in c(«IPrirfi and taken up reel • day t night iq w trgnlariy aettedtllPd tVASHER. Y Irl D garylrter, Etc. 4!e.. 770 dencee in the house of Mt. George Una- O.R.A.A. i,,tertnerlfxtt f1xMre. Tbfe Majority for M. afillsn. 321. lop Walt mtrret. Mr. and Mr«. Roth- Iota1N have Ioct two of their last three We are Isetrueted by OlSee--se sUeet. GoderMh.. Recapitulation me by one run and ire oqt to crap 1Ql$ J. W. SMITH Puone 7r. well have out returned from their one- 'ice �u 'Frewarthx McMillen the count with another victory, to sell by blit anctipn at ha[ rsM•' hnarrenoson tgeet►t in 1'hnutaugn,,. N.Y., C. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. Clinton . 623 49$1 and nae points. If r. Bothwell teal teem lois been playing good bell and dente, rrttPet, Ooderich, dlt tiowl•rieh nrwn.hip 5471:',4 3211 recovered their t allfag eye at (.hlnt(m 8A AY, AUUUST 9th dure�or to J. I- Killoran. f<4R $,in tf• at thee,'��pRg�rn at J►tiox reel Tuesday when tli. won it -1. rider commeneln t 1.30 o'clock sharp: Pko°r 97: linnets Sunrlav for the licit titue. q lltanler 439 47R r night's game will 7karr at 5.41. Rr Most of thA contents of the batten OMct'..Tae Seaan. GodPrfch, t tiefw[orOt 430 '> mining games of the seenuA hiwlt of, lnchtdtag equal's plane, (Haines Bros, I t McKillop 403 349 � IIT'a AG' tAe,wltPtlnle re N. t.l, quarter -cut -oak dining rune Haply Haps Exeter .021: 349 AVIBL )assn Aug.. lInMa at Goderich. (* reticle), hall mirror, hall cast !e Hansell ,193 221- Aug. 17 -,it ileheall. hall runner, 3 x 12; 8 corm, eacb 9 - BA*RIw'rinit, F)rc•. I'sl'orn 4(14 Amcri, n iN growing up. The dal Aug. b-OtMPrk h at Hansell 1'l : 2 nom, each 9 x 9: I nig, 0 x 9; 1 a O.HAYty--R.6.IiAYS re... N. A TIn'ker'mlth KR 8Gt( A11R. R-4'llinton t Exerer r,tigolenm rug. 9 s 9; 2 mongolism Stephen 841 • 791 when ii ontlnent was a yohng span' Aug. S -.-Exeter a C9lntoro • 455E 776 land IN behind. Latest een(v' etatleties Aug- -.- Exeter at Goderich tugs, 3 Y 4j4 ; conch, welting choirs, Hamilton SR, (iederlcn Hay ___ reveal that wh aces TO years ago only A f email tables, clock. 4 ereeptlonally ''4 " - twin 8191 per treat. of the -people were over fifty gresi dreamers, 1 hnw(t8 i1. Nprineaasy a� --+ .••�-- - gal yeArs of a today 16 per cent. are rid- i r .nil ALBEgsa mattress; a 'white leen bt *� LYNIiRANCE, MANS. ETC. �. Moil a 9->T !pray.• end Z ltreereA: wtaeiew i ar ern Met. 1_-____ WE1.t.Al!rD °A1gAL While the advance made by medical PORT ALBERT. July 31.---Mr/and a:ttlaMsa rurlafn mAr, 6 ilgBt sat McKLIJLptp ?i1i1'FTAi. A'iRE IN- talPmr have been a factor in thio eon Mrw. ('. E. Taylor And ehlldrrn,let dttaf�ebairsjbeddlag, tineas ',letup.,BLJRAN4JE �. -Far and Iwo- $IIBVEYED IIS 1918 Aftlen, Life ettp*etatlon has not Man Ethel. are .ponding theta holiday.' at Ms1llelf�Odd bedroom hep Hot Pettit elect Fated town property Imo it is Inter ting to many people t0 In(rPaNnt to such an extent aN flies the home of Mr. and Mae T. DlPkaon. irk mince. PaMnet awe. practically Offkst7e-riot Comn(tl]{ „r God - {know that the flat turvgy for the flgnre'N n'Pm to fndicafe. Rut the de- Mr. and Mtn. Thos. Sandy. also Mrs 91 gond as new; Oonnor Herttle wash- er$ch JK ��!! j Welland "nal wit. made 1e. 1818. cline In birth rate' and the le'a'ning of W. Reef and Wm. Intim of (lnderteh, ern good ae new; firrpinPP �Oard, a P.O. in the Domiilon archive' there Til immigration have mrxh to do with the Nlrnf Sunday •1 the home of Mr. and hrfrrter gsNrolhte range with oven. Qin. Sec; w., Sita an acrnnte plan of the level of land. Mr*. T. Dick'on. her dieter Fred piper, kltehPn taWelti 1 c. f R A No. 8, between ('hlppoira and 12 -mile Cheek m Toe1R(al flay per (ant. of the poDtttta• Mh"c Maris rot Hawklnr, of Forint/kitchen cupboard, re+frigeMwtor, gasp isf altenml which was the (rriRlnal aapprvey mode flora of r'attada and the United States ha' returned home after imp a•sles. rflubes, (whits ntensila, cut- IL R.A. by OeorrgP Keefer and W1111am Hsmtl w" under twenty years of age. Ther mndt HMO with (tont{ W. lery, fruit jun, mol scuttle*, esrpat 'IrI Mrdp H(triof(' tun Merritt. A.-araopei of the surrey 7SYf 7TMUD1'� 41i 11lNnw (iraF w sweeper, /rnAPn traria anA nat�oTOttr :Sdtllsrten; (len. 1 . ..... to written by Hon. Mr. Merritt sod it for re ttagr h(t' n Mr. '• r -i a Joey, 7K other articles Mier' h, the crude InNtmmenG used 4n p,'r rent. The dor Lin In file AiriA j trait have rein ' Art 0118941191 there will he no nearer; lMafo�th ; Jatil o. & I tni8MPid Int" Inttklryt the ~roe 1e whMM-10 rate wore largely InrtrwmentaT-hoes, two weeks at the h0 Of their Meterproperty `-- `-L --•. iia the Agents -•W. J. Ito. RR. R. i(� 8. Olin pelsrt(tIly mentr4na the water ic-vel etwaiwtiellate forint out. _ - Mr. 0441. Na4MItt. �..W� ,..Murray,treed at..lhsl time it I•. remarkablyThi•. .tate of affairs will Inevibadrly Mr. and Mn. nen. amtt abed fan• ,•••�- - v. •••, ......, ... .�c.a.•.,o- have an P{fN•YRw ti►e frtAtn(ttria}iife'wCi the electrta MAO et' electric li sAer Policy -holden eon make an payments • accurate and Meer', portrayed is. spent 7tibwlay to afar (tt-jTie may can any a rhonn niiR" and get ttieMt Ards recd/ftM 7T'!t. J. IT In 1837 an impression of an aerial this continent, ft is predlMed Thiwe ulama of fhe latter'' at. Mr and C,tA. ••.' ,MorrMh'w Clothing, Store,' Clinton; i vim M' the Welland Citing, stowing a Industries which refuse to employ Mee. Standish. \�' TERMS: Cash. Crivlf Oa't'a Grocery, IMtegrtoro ef►est, birds PrP view of Niagara Lake Oe people of mos than fifty year' will Mfr+ Etta Qtlati anent a few days T. (iUNi11lV b SON, (todvMcb, or 1. 11 Reid's Elan.lel tar*,la shown which was drawn by find It Inerwrtngly difficult to find the la't week at the home of her aunt, 8014, avert (loris Ttel►fts1A W R CMfingten people they desire for their pay rolls. lira Jas. MeRenal. P1'1;1 -IC NOTICE lit, L'LLIOTT MILLER AutltaaM Phone 70, Luckaew _ a Salsa--essdnctsd nowhere. Wldr ja= JO eery best efforts pot feed, 1e. and sale PRACTITiONER 1 Goderich, Phone 841 Equipped wltb electro -magnetic bathe. Electronic electric trod annta and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous diseases. lady In attendance. Once hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 pm., excepting. Monday and Thursday and by appointment A. N. ATKINSON Residence and once• --Corner e[ South street and Britannia road. 98 197 126 108 106 Oe 186 96 150 Ill . SMS . tT9 06 CRANK P. ()IBM, CHARTERED Accountant, 1,2 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 1580. Rea 1830J. • MEDICAL & regnr. Prue., • `