The Signal, 1930-7-31, Page 7•
Owes O'Nea
Popular Speaker
Here at at utauqua
Will Tell Ili lllhig Story°
Adventures in the Heart
of South Africa
Owen ]Rowe O'Neil, who will give
ilia tbrtlling lecture "Adventures to
Swaziland" at the coming Canadian
Chautauqua hare. tells • true story
that rivals a tale from the Arabian
Owen O'Netl's grandfather atq•
from Ireland and founded the O'Neil
Wally la the heart of South Africa;'
when young Owen grew up In Mese
proximity to the says e.8wazis, •
nation of 300.000 people who were
a egnstanos menace to the surround-
ing Boer villages, At each new
MOOS the late Oom Paul Kruger
IId Buno, the king of the Swards.
y Oeo yoandtl,ta lop the pesos. and
. 4.."
County and District
M►tebeH howltas deb-'14-40111114
tournament 00 A®
Pur the Met time
Harrtaton is shortly to have a Catholic
de'1it I•asnhtg a truck with ■ trailer
1u t1 leaded wftb poles. tine greemeer
totem to audits
the trailer to avoid a collision. Mfg
Thnrton received a badly bruised face
Ya -e: timet• wits thrown agatnet the Mad -
shield and the ear was conslder•bly
dao*Ked by the impart.
Ti'e annual flowershoe held the
horticultural society
August 22
,Indite Lewis bar handed down hie
decision In the appeal of Walker Stores
of Wlugham against their amortisement,
which war reduced by $500.
Tweets}, morning the citizens of tate
town were 'tromped from their slum-
bers by the mournful wall of the fire
siren. when the grain elevator of A.
C. Adams, on the north aide of the C.
N. It tracks was dbtcovered to be on
fire Thr building being of frame struc-
ture• the fire made rapid progress, and
was a wars of flames before
the wat-
er was 1481011g VII the pia
ately there was little or no winds
blowing to carry the sparks to reverie
other frame buildings which were
elues at hand. The elevator was prac-
tically full of grain and a email quan-
tity of flour, witch will be a total lose
all that 1s left of the main part of the
building is a -burnt duel elate-lass-ls
partially covered by taauranee. Mr.
Adams is at a los to account for
the cause of the fire, while it looks
to have had ire engin near the tutor,
and at first K was thought It might
have reeultei from a hot lox, but that
Idea was MOOD dispelled as the motor
bad not been in use for • month.—
Teonyater tax rete1tbla year tal'ltty
mills on the dollar. Otte tall higher
than last year.
The Stratford Engineering (A. Ltd..
lr moving its plant from Stratford to
Blinks, where it tuts purtilaeed a
vacant factory building tad will manu-
facture oil burners.
'pig destb oecurrel recently of one
. 7 Heiman's oldest residents, firs. G11-
1 Wagner, Iu her !list year. She
had !seen living, with her dangbter,
Mrs. W. J Urtdriu. Elle was a pion-
eer of the dtstrk`t.
tl'hlle handing day recently Sam Mc-
Kee.. of Minto tsswaahtpe was severely
iujur.d when the load upset. throwing
1441 to the ground sod causing head
Mita/tea. He was neracw•krua for sev-
eral jou re, Asti no banes 'Fere bro'aen.
Je [arson.
! and,1op. Wesley
1lu4forth, b4tount• the engagement of
t r1 w daughter, Haug Wrote, l0
Rev. Gloried** Addhcot tledcke, B.L.
11.11.4y$ttlltuan Valero, 111.. the mar-
riage to ladle place In Chicago early
-W .►ugttat
A Mite
fore til
his car
he told
man recently appeared -he;
Stratton' magistrate on a
ruing the wromlt hurler on
fter being fined $11) and gists
to magistrate he Wal two cars,
and It bees fixing up t e old one
and wanted to try It out. H took It to
• gasoline elation and theft'. was un-
fortunate enough to meet a eooatahle
IMO knew the markers belonged to hie
other car. -
Shortly after midnight on Honda? of
lad week fine completely destroyed the
residence of Cherie% Kteber located
four miles from Brodhagen. The fire
started In Me kitchen from some un-
known cause and had made consider-
able headway before being dtseoveted
by member"' of the family, who were
awakened by the smoke. Most of the
content* were saved but the dwell-
ing. • frame one. is a complete los.
Lather Robbins. of Rochester,
N.Y.. accompanied by her nieces, the
Misses Bertha and Billy Chesney 01
tleafortk, nail on August 1 froom Mon-
treat for Europe to attend the Pas-
sion Play at Oberammergau. While
abroad 'Maes. Robbins and the M'-
Chesney will visit England. i
Scotland. Holland. Germany, A
Italy. Switzerland and France.
lug by way of. New York earl
Mr. fast Hord, of this
Is at permit staying In Toronto with
his son. Walter Hord, celebrated his
eighty-sixth birthday on Friday. Mr.
sad Mrs. Hord met with a surprise
when they learned on short notice.
that they were to be entertained et
the Royal York Hotel on Mr. Hord's
birthday. I►r. McNangbtoon and Mrs.
McNaughton (Gertrude Hord' of Pena
Yan. N.Y.. who were staying at the
Royal York. stayed the party as • c•6m-
elete surprise to her father. On the
seventh of August. 1930. Mr. and Kra
Hord watt have bees married Mktg -
three years. --Mitchell Advocate.
011101 O'RJ:L
young O'Neil was, at t e age of
nina permitted to aoeompaa7 his
ascii. tb• only white man allowed
in awed territory, on the hamardoas
m1sle& of visiting Klag Buse and
paying the tribute. This drat visit
to Swaziland bon strange fruit for
the young Owen. tor he later gained
the title of "Te White King of
*midland." ---0;4-
Owen (Ylfua grew to manhood.
received his edaeattea at Rhodes,
Eldtnbargb and Harvard universi-
ties. and returned to Afrtoa to
praetice medicine. Bash year be
visited the Swazis. King Bono had.
In the meantime. died, and whoa
O7NIl heard of tis approaching
arse)eu*Joa of the aroma prince he
aetet.lned to be preemie TM
geese who bid ruled until lb
vows prism became of age refused
to give up the throne. and a civil
war was precipitated in which
0111.11 played an adventurous part
sad, with a companion. became one
ef the only two white men deter
Initiated late the Sad tribe.
Doctor OlIefl's *mounts of the
tieredibls brutality of old Ling—the ghastly shooting party
staged by this savage emperor in
wblsb .living human targets were
used --the dramatic sad epic wres-
alag match . Whist took place be-
tween' Bums and O'leell'e uncle—
make thrilling ts111Si. sad ars
somas the =My blitt4lihts of bis
picturesque tester,.
• AUGUST Mb to 9th.
Weekly Press
Thursday, July 31. MET
past a elan told the chief he knew It
was there bat didn't have time to stop,
be was too busy. He notated out a dot•
lar and drove on without • reetpt.
()1 t•outee there are other ways of
handling this type of offender. lie
should he yanked up •hurt sod escort-
ed to the pollee station.
• • •
Ail. aver Jlrute county minimal in•
tpreet is being Lospityed10
too s trtptets." s(ttal
4htsi nC ry
Blyth Girl Wins
Garden Contest
Miss Effie Laidlaw First in Her
Group—Lucknow Girl is
. ... • . 'second .-
4 total of about 122.957,000 people—
Just a few thouaawta under 123,000,-
O-prleahly will be shown 00 the
population of the falafel Staten for
li i10 shen the final oeuut is ate
boomed here by Dlreaor W. M. 'Steu-
art ut the (eusus.
The 1021, population was I0u.T1O.620.
Shou 1 ftial figurer dear out the cal -
Jim . ()t•o.rgr wavier. Rwntll:ly Mrs. lbsult. ,.f llun,u . ouut c Inane Kar-.
Kelsey and her-t+ahtrn-wILPe► 'I.' -fie lettruutett have jteu brayaunuutei
leave the County hospital soul the by the cuutlty branch lit the de{atrt•
Women's leetitute stepped forw:u•d mens sf agriculture at Clinton. Mira
with au otfer.tu provide milk for the Effie l.ttidlaw. of Jtlyli. Ia•tug de-
intants. When the mother and hales clun.I winue•r lu 11w Itlyth and ('ol-
e home the grandparents were borne s.iiun and Harold Yea. of Clin-
ton. hl 1114. 1'Iinton rural and Oab•rich
tnwnship group. The comity ors di-
vided lute tine sections, giving rush
Mv-tlou, as uearjy Els passible. epu11
c11O1111. sad Will e..t•dili, 11*. and four
forced W seek a new place of abode.
Several municipal grants have tarn
made toward their
ainte race TThe
latent betug $25 from
babies, all girls. are developing well
and at Gime can produce some pretty
fair "harmony." With plenty of
practice and training th••v should de-
velop into au excellent trio to the
course of years.
A sparrow flew Into • Liebe/eel
ZEVast week and remained during
ice perched tin the back of a
vacant pew,. except when the collec-
tion was being taken up. when it flew
to the top of the pipes of the organ,
returning later to the pew.
The Elmira Signet In tar last week's
keine calls for the appolltnseat of a
royal conmisalon to probe what it
elle • -serious situation." The situa-
tion la that there are more people
pitcbing hormeshoes le Elmira are
petrxuizing then
bowling greens. The
editor thinks something should be done
shoat It.
Former Huron Boys
in Federal Contest
Two Are Former Student* at
Goderioh Collegiate --All
Were Defeated
The first ripe tomato of the season
was brought into The Expiiltor attire
last week by John adrTavish. It }meas-
ured Safi Wiese In circumference and
was In splendid shape.
Effort'. to organize with
ha tennis considerable l
meetinghere are meeting
hill, the Booth of Weddiogs
T1s bride can prepare her wedding
gown and be sire that it w perfect, but
the bride's Bouquet in something which
only a florist, who is • true artist, can
arras . The Flowers must be arranged
according to the costume and grans of the
bride. All this can be done perfectly by
Bruce Street Plume 105 God•ridi
Monumental Works
Rest Materials
Latest i)esigns
Expert Workmanship
All Work Guaranteed
Res.onable Prices
P. O. Sem 161 , God/wich. Ont.
tier holiday will be obSsered on
Monday. August 4th. •
Betty Lou Zappe. while ,Wring rates
aunt, Mrs. Robt. Thompson.
was it -
tea twice on the face hvc•vrral dlttg
Ing to a 'neighbor.
were required to time the wounds. The
dog wad %hot.
Three torture Huron a ,jMga,
two of them graduate.- of 961116 ,11e
Collegiate were enndldater 4. ?Mn -
std bearers, and while all Iamb. a first ten contestants in theClinton
'ic '•1 If
doth of !rewad
tilt. nen year►.
pitxe•s were aw'urohsl in each group.
Ilea%y rains in the spring and early Imam-
rumu.. r endo It rather difficult to
get tire,' in very early. lint on the
whole the gardens showel excellent
care and attention on the Iain of tate
,A.Coal and Wood
contestant's and the w' •rs anadu.lta{-= R-
Pclhw tug is the man -thug .of the
first hen contt•.iatlbe in the Itlyth: aliel
Colborne gr.ntp. Purr Kite* were
awarded lu each group:
-JiW0N•,. tb,..` . ..11
Clifford Ratite. Luek.0al4- 93 } ,
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
Henna tlattier derleb i 9- - C
Cllnt•l4 2 .., et -Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg)
Roney Fulton', Galeich. a . ....r!61
Hcsdla Cunningham. Iyth.-te-"`--f ran -7otft- wants in
Dorothy Curran. Lus kuow, r"... j .-r .M any of the above fuel . Pronipt
David :Kenzie Kintatt ..... 'la service and reasona"hhl ee p r iie rs.
day's election all ('unservativ stand- I Following is the ,•tandine of
tl I'll
splendid showing. none were su.ess- rural Hsraldnl 1,, hers t totwns 1 {, c , I .
fur. The three are C. H. Russell. of Hart.• Gayle). t>u asttm4-1
Wetisklwtt. Sauk.. 1)r. M. R. ltiakp. Aie(,milia Bawler, sea noel, 1
who ran in North Winnipeg. and
George Braden, who ran against l're- Will Grigg. Clinton, :t
osier King in Prince Albert. , ._..-_. . Harvey dole. Dungannon
C../11. H. Kus,wtl. Wetaskiwla. tuts, Evvrt tt Craddock. Ooalerich. I
M at. mon of Wm. Russell, Exeter. and Edgar Rathwell, l'Iintos..1
Jean Rall. Clinton. 1 72
ee (Tinton, :t 111
• • • •
A two-year-old child. Lloyd Clayton,
whose parents reside 1a Eller town-
ship. Perth county. drank • quantity
of gasoline with fatal results. He put
his mouth to the tap of a 25y11on
barrel. the heat of the barrel being
eat to force the gasoline into
eve child's Iles: The little fellow Lived
fee' • few minute's only.
• • •
- liektelag strikes freak re -
milts obtain, but perhaps not in so
marked a form *S ea the farm of John
Setrieber. Sullivan -township: near
(hreley. Mr. liebrleber's barn was
struck three different times in oqe
storm. There wen no rare resulting. but
three hoses were Instantly killed. TMa
freakishDtsa has *tat yet been ligand
out by Mr. Svhrleber or hie neighbors.
• • e •
Notice -to ' Water
"Tal '
• -Sidle Water and Light Com-
npft,iis pleased nnoanec
tam of oneoar per
ant.og , house w rates
fteorstMolVe.1 wing to
..large Sher f takers
- rh n means oori-
+7t11►a revenue, • and
roninitMell are asked to ',no-
d/erste i4- the economical
op*ration oMile plant by see-
ing that tate witef is not
wasted Ind tbat all R'7•"mare tilted at oneeety pe
L. Irate, W. T. Marney,
;e y Chairmen
wee -:-[tots is the township' of Hay.
where be received his public acbool
educatiea. Afterwards he attended
Oodetich Collegiate Institute and grad-
uated from Toronto 1'nlversity. He
went West and engaged tp teaching
in Fort Saskatchewan, Edmonton end
the Provincial Normal school in Cal-
gary. After a few year» employment
as a publle behool Inspector he studied
law in Edmonton and then located In
1 and his partner
Trw-lq,Tntc uovv. 2 ... ....117
Harmer, GoderJclt, •1 .. • .
Small buckles or polbdnel 140111.11els
modernistic odertic d Gm
lyn err or aenting
wmett-.-. b iitw • arar•aa-
1f this is a birthday, you have for -
milieu until just now --turn to ylnir
have a' prperoue law bualorw+. lar-
Weta'ki pe where tWept .A greeting by, long-elistISCU
sirIW htobi la, a- fore•Lt reuembrauee
fore going West be taught three yenta r s spilt 4- OPItrerlstet ns a rom-
in the Thames road school in Usbortte the h 1" and. It will take von only a
end also studied law for some time In tea wiuutew. for au-of-toau calls are
Dickson t Carling's otfke, Exeter. fe rlmple a, make now .ts local nae•.
In North Winnipeg Dr. M. It. Blake. E;reutug Tate',make
no?darling rt 7.1al p m..
another Huron hay, ran under the are cheaper than erre before. banner. He is a cousin o1
The name of Mbee Esther L. Tree
wartha and Miss Ethel I. Hogg end
j.Glenn Ferguson appear In the
Inst of mmtessful College of Education
etuolente. Miss Trewartha as •High
wheel specisllst in French and Spen-
iah Mr. Ferguson as High school see-
Mrs. W. H. Johnston. of Exeter. their -
fathers being brothers. Dr. Blake was
born In Ashfield township, wherein
S. S. No. 9 he received hie piddle
. bool educatlmt, atterwsrd study -
leg for hes matriculation in Ooleri.h 1
('ollegiate. After graduating from To-
tooto Medical School be studied sur -1
gery for some Tears in England in the
London University. He practised sur
cesafnlly for shortrials in Luckn,w•
and Fort Francis then located in
Winnipeg. wltevw thhhDAAA- aaa111sss a laces medi
cal and surgical practice. In the I'ntuu
tiovernmelt ted by ex-PremtFr Borden
rte rearCfY`g, igmber for rad constituency
` filo strenuous has the gtaid Ofd tash-
fo,e.+ game of totting the boraesboe
me In Teeawater that the boys eau
longer get through with their 'bus -
on twelve hours a day. They
have been forted to erect electric
Witte 'thrive the quottte plot mid -'an
now proceed to arrange • twenty -Mur
hour schedule. With the Provincial
and Dominion championships in the
offing the lads rare stepping on
gas and things are getting real set -
lows, the Shwa of that town report'.
• • •
etaltst in Agriculture nn4E- M1"-A4gg
as High who're nssisn.nt. Roth alter.
young ladles are now In Toronto tak-
ing spst•I*I summer course•.
This town is melting -1 name for It -
eel( In the growing of trete and vege-
tables. A giant speelmen of head let-
tuce rivalling a preview" sample was
brought Into The Newrite•ord office
last week. w -)tile Chief of 1'ol o
had a reeoni-breaking crop of
bMok cherries. The cherries were leo
■bnntlant he got tired picking them
and vatted Iry his friends to help them-
selves. ----
Thos. Fade.Z tt Efeter. has been
elected district dti$Ity grand mated
of the Maturate Large for the district
of South Hunm, as a restit of mei-
*Inns cat the grand lodge in Toronto.
Quite a number of Masons from here
and Hensall motored to Toronto for
the eu't'aeltln.
lid age {sesalcns for 1030 t•nat this
Wove the Muth rat 11•'011.11;.
Mrs. W. T. Acheson stet with An
unfornnnate accident oldie In the act
of getting Mut of so automobile at
Ilrend lien on Worinesrbv itfternonta
of lad week. While sleeping (loon
from a nlmitle teat she slipped and
sprtlgal her knee. She thought little
of It at first Mut toward" night 9 was
gnite painful' aqd for eier4g1 dualt.
was aoafined to .her bel. lie h
proving and ie able to he ardtind pert
of the tlmw--Tlmee•Adv+sate.
On Friday of lett week Molest
of t'shortte, nhaerved s deer in •
swamp on til• 2m1 eoncesel.w of Hay
township. At his ttppt'atrh the animal
;nm{nvl the reeve nand disappeared.
Mader Berry E'rayne. on of Mrs.
William Frey's. hall the mi.fortmo' to
have hie rigid arma,fractnred Sunday
1 morning when the Mig(ne harkfir`d as
he waww•nnking an tutoht1fl e.
Met. Oliver Inas hurled mother
Rids. Dais p ltllth year aad las
' lit. Idyls orated++
hero living in Tuve--'- •-
W td11GHAM -
Chatham way the pollee mag-
istrate lois resorted to old-fashion-
ed %yanking tt1• panbnlrment ! way-
ward youths. Moe vaster strap ap-
plied at the '•Witetal" spot by let'
e1Rwliee'r "official spanker." TIis lads
lot as they
in the Prince Albert mnstttuen•y
Premier Kind a opp,nent t wet George
Braden. of Roethern.
another cousin of Mrs. W. 11. Johns -
their mothers being sisters. 11e
e Morn and elliest.,l in Bruce
unnay and. Listowel Collegiate Instl-
thte. After teaching for Sore. years In
Me West he opened a .real estate and
agricultural implement agency in KnM-
there, Itask., in which he hits been
eminently sueetwful.,.
. Mr. 1'. H. litusgelltaiind lir. Blake
are torture pupils o! w. H. Johnston.
. iYwvn
A tgrw eleetr{e typewriter with entouch?'ortouch?lie
' Is to lManufactured
eater. N.T. Pressure of 1w"
ounces, moving a key one tgttflt of an
Web, le sufficient to -run themachine.
All operations. including enrriage re-
turn, shifting for capital letters, and
backapatAng are power dri.en. Au'
atR xillery equipment permits wriIIna
ortniniver of letters autotuatitnl}'
frem a perforated paper roll.
filed opt' the police station To fake A stihttantbtl IurreTinP fa tate
"the back route home and indications of hotnestead entries and soldier grants
were that they would long remember , made
a(Icrmdurin wlteutileth of eams pery. 1930,l
their experience. The Amherstbnnr roe p rednoteha the eater
figures tied last
Echo re.v„untetwts title "cure for the b the mdldha lands ides cA ration
obstreperous boor of Its commttsdty Y 110
and guentntees that Its chief of pence of the illipartaent of the Interior. The'
colo ritive table follows:
can wield it mea a ran` strap. V• Sold)
..Mr, 11111! Mrs. George Ar . M,d- Humet'd'I
trier tow•rMhlp, near Harrl%tun. etre In- 15K920-103,419203-1101
deet soured Memel's. T1nev go (o heti 1
with the chickens and•this can 1O• tnk- 34341r, 50S r434:i !1 2R
en in its 1ltwreI %ens•. for the other
night they retired with 145 baby
clicks. neatly tucked nway in crate
and covered wfth an old coat. in their
1s•1lrcarm. When they awake they
11 ght the clicks strangely quiet.
Things first didn't seem natural. When
they lifted the covering they got the
surprbce of the lives-- the crate had
Mott clouted been --a bid thief lad
,In /quer 5'htdow, lifted the'
cover. removed the baby chicks mud re
rvt Totals for May 19211-1,504; for
*Reed lir rover. alt without lire Mno. 1930-=-2.j42.
Grande I'n.lrtr .... 211,5 glia 12 2T 1
Kbmlagt 3 2 .. ..
Lethbridge 21 ^J1 .. • .
Monty Jew117 91 :, t
New Westminster 1 5 5 •
Pence River 2thc 404 le; 25
Prince Albert.. :t41' :tom P .I
Revelstac.• , t 41 .1
1:051 2035 55 Uii
IV14IIe .tri, tug to Wtnth•m last
Nes Anson Thr.entat.
reel in an auto•octl- left. Aa American who saps' right
Mrs. Armlet awaking.
• • 4
Increasing ae•ldents golf courses
tow giving the In'lle eu nlpnnies
much e ,ern. but .One ors not have
tit be it golfer to cash In on ■0 and -
dent hnennnu•e policy. All yon have
to do is to snots'' at the edge of a grav-
elled higliway4lld watch the cars go
by, 11. O. Sooleett. of Exeter. can at-
test Igo this. for the .other day he wan
ttntc in the eye by Is stone "pinohel"
through the air with lullet-llke,speed
by a passing motor ear. It all happened
to gnlckly )ir. ilenth•ntt dneen't know
Merit abort It. the ever t*tng iir dews
the toad by the time he gained his
composure. He 1* having. sons• diffi-
citify rnonntlttg for the discolored ep-
tk. tw • his 'eery. of rmree,. 1. moot
e • •
Amher.U.nrg also has boil It. trouble
enforchtg the stop sign bylaw, se, retreat
art that 1t lir trying a waw' aeltemw-in-
stead of bringing offenders -Mtn pollee
'stet the We of pollee Imo twee dm
powered to fine the violator. IIHI. no
collecting anti Elting a netrlpt "ow the
epM." Shire the new civic law went
into effect the chief of elle ham Men
halting offsetting motorlos right anti
Some Form of Nervous Break-
down Always Threatens
of Rleevsle. nee
Pale people are almost always nary-'
nun. 1'alenest denotes lack of Wood;
■rad ton, little hl.adl usually rraplts lit
laded nerrea, sleeplea"neee, headaches.
or neuralgia.
Its. Will tants' Pink 1•Ille Fire differ -1
ant from moat other medicines—It Is.
impoaslhlc to take them and not feel
better. Their *holt. misshm h to
make rich, rd hind. This new Alas] •
strengthens the nerve, and Orem vital
in' to the whole /wary. e'n,wsrn►ng theta
Mis O Tank. liber street, Toronto.
saga: "Two years ago I timed 11r. Witl-
lame' Wok pill. for a. nervous *make
down. with the result that 1 have ?wont
well and strong ever since."
YOU lean get Melte Pills frim any
dealer in medicine or by mail at 5e rents;
A NEI from The fir Wllllmms' MO.II.•ine
Co., BrockvIib, tint
Telephone 178j
Cleaning and Prsasili
Expert service on ladies'
and men's clothing.
C. Snazel
Haberdasher and Dry Ckaaer
Lawn and
Pttonata 5tore 335. R, ., :i:,:,w
Hamilton Street
Coterie's, Out.
is the only Commercial School in Western Ontario whams:
EVERY member of the staff has Professional Teachers'
Training as well as Commercial Training.
BOOKKEEPING is taught by Bliss Actu,il Business
from the start.
TYPEWRITING is taught by Mtn the Underwood and
Remington Credential Tests. --
- Write for particulars concerning the course in which
are interested --
*$40N5 toe
CRUISE Berth Included
Steamship "Manitoulin"
Via the Georgian Bay, Mai oulin•- lalana ..and _ SaIt -Ste. Marie
The most wonderful five-day cruise on the Great Lakes is provided
the Stritanitettliigs Five -Day Mackinac cruise.
During July and August this fine steel steamer•=leaves each Monday=
from Owen Sound, across the beautiful Georgian Bay to Killarney, then' to
Manitoulin 'Island, and among the islands of the North Shore, calling at Man -
Little Current, Kagawong, -Gore Bay, Blind . ' River, Thessalon,
itawaning, g
-Bruce Mines, Hilton and -Richard's T.anding-to Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. From
there Str. Manitoulin runs via St. Mary's 'River, to Mackinac Island, where
ample opportunity is provided for seeing all the points of interest on this
picturesque island—Abe tourist entre `rf the Great Lakes.
The trip provides one of the most wonderful and
restful holiday outings in America.
Round trip from Owen Sound .to Mackinac" and -'f tmrn,
including meal* and berth is $45.01.
Modern Comfortable Skip
4—"The Str. Manitoulin la a splendid com
tortable ship, of steel construction. 190 teat
long, modern to every restleet. and sums -
modeling 110 passengers. The, ltateroema
are large and well }quipped and all have
running bot and cold water.
From the observed/in saloon en the hur-
ricane deck a full view may be .bid In Gey
kind of weather; comfortable cabins. and •
wide -windowed di5f1111-,ante tram which pee
mengrtdmel wateh the memory white they
ewtey i1Mlr me.l•.
Booklets 'an& Reiter -
rations f r 0 m any
*M•amahip or Railway
Agewt or from
Owen Sound
Company - Ltd.
Week - End Trip
To Manitoulin
Every Saturday
„evening during July
and August the Str-
"Manitoulin" leaves
ea a
week -end trip of 27I
-"Amato ao Manitoulin
Island- The steamer
calls at Killarney,
then on among the la -
lands to Little Our -
rent, and vettaesislt
call* at Manu
and Killarney, &rely-
ing in Owen Sewed *m
Monday mends&
Midas, Ingle `a fSr
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