HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-7-31, Page 31 Aggressive Advertising is the key to success in merchandising As a medium for reaching the people of Goderich and district The Signal is unsurpassed. gal EQUAL PRINTING 00., LTMITI®, Publishers. Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMiBALMERS • Ambulance s.rvica at' tdi • hoses, day or eight. PHONES: Store ISO R. 211% GODERICH • J. R. Wheeler Funeral sad All calla promptly attaaded !� day or sight PHONaa Imre an Residence SOW - Hamilton Street. Goderich sl V. J. Powe. $tock Bonds, insurance •ed Beal Estate cute ant Fief I.aummae-:_ Nelson Street, Oodiliih Phone 2 2 P. O. BOX 4110 RHEUMATISM? Sciatica? Luthbasot T-&Cssive esde,.pee y',dist from pain end Mr. H. Y. McNealy of ?Mmborro, Ont., writer: "1 have DO 1_it rim in saying that Templeton's Rhplo aeis afoulsa are the only remedy atiaaa me rebel from my psun. good for Mamma, that res No harm- ful drive 11 at your dealer's. let TPR -C.• 41701 manic Yjrr Art.riobil• with F. WOOLLCOMBE < _JAI( lettering, df!sst >+p"k OFFICE: HAMILTON STRE rooms ars J. W. Craigie Bad Estate sari bretea The Amstrong Real Estate D and Issuance Agency R. STAN Hoes« anti LM. Cswimsch .ad Fwd East Street Plume 30 G riCI falx Sal. Largo number mama t• ammo foam Geo. Williams . Dealer in DOaih`YION, PROVINCIAL. 111UNICIPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Pim Aodisat. Asdemeltla mad Gemara! Insurance Agent Office, next to Bank of Qommeres Phone 53 (;oderich GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1930 1 -War Veteran Meets Death in Boiler of Goderich Hotel ASPHALT SHINGi.FS ROLLED ROOFING B. C. WOOD SHINGLES Hardwood Flooring -GET MY PRIGS- suemmeammmi EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR, NO ad James Hanna Gu Victim of the Great War, )Meta Untimely End While eugagert in cleaning, a' ,boiler at the $unset Hotel Mon I.1 tf= ternuou Jame•e Hanna. aged thtrt tour. a veteran of the Imperial army in the Great War, eullapraal and died lwlore he. t:otltl he r.•*a-ued. Ho wall ■ sus victim of the war and a chroaTe sufferer from Ione trouble. body was shipped to Flint, M T1!r celaY _ Snrrutanl.__�RMt'aY bad a mister residing in that effy. \ jury Welt empanelled/warty Tues- day afternexto by hr. A. C. Hunter and the lardy viewed before Rhipmeut to Flint.-•AQjoalreewnt wags taken until next Tuesday evening, August 511., at 8 dllnik. ' . - Called for Help The tubular holler in %filch Mr. Hardin titer -ins 'Ni4it11"'1R atmtor-eight feet Long and forty tn.ite•x iu dtatneter. it had sprung a Teak and Hanna was engaged to removing a portion of the brick lining of the Interior in prepara- tion for the welder,' when overcome. He had 'been in the boiler twenty min - Oleo previous and carr out for a breathing spell beton re-entering. He was working with an extension light. putting the material which be removed into a pall when the suddenly calked asking that for nem be taken out. The laundres.te heart him and grabbed the extension cord, which 'die yanked out of the toiler's' Interior. Lter she took hold of the man's feet and had pulled him half way out of the door whet' aaml.tHu.r• arrived. The moo -gave threw or four gaapa and expired. Net Electrocuted it was thought that perhaps Hanna had mustalned an electric shock from the exten.dot light but this poskihtl ley la po longer entertain.d follow - tag lesM. I Inc ' xplaeatfun of why he wanted th.• light r.•faoverd IN that after he had been att.'.leen the bnlb rolled against her. Low re_ h. w'as hedl,!.res to ,hw,e it away. ..r wax workbox at very clime quarters w1wn even the li •at from the ,tet tri, bulb would ni .lee things un.wndnrtat.lc and, more. or, the aftertwon was tone' of the of tier year. if not the hottest. The hollow, wblch silt.;':. the hot wtatr. for the Istel, hall I.rr l eptietl iw -- hefore and ref111.R1- with cull wat"r. It. had thoremghly rw.lel off before Han1a Maros' his work. it is mkt Regarded 'r�ta�, Me*eri',hhx off a TmeC years, taking up his segues as janitor sad gardener at the 'Punnet Hotel oul7 this spring. Ile hoarded with M &racism, East street. and for a time vena engaged aa geed, nee with Mrs. W. B. Inenntng. He was highly regard- ed by Mrr. Dunning and iIP lib. Chas. Lee of the Snook Hotel as a local and efUeleet employee. "We remedied him as one of the fam- ily,' Mrs. Strachan told The Signal. "He celled me his adopted mother and feel as bdty as though I had loot tory owe sten." Mrs. Str.itian said the late Mr. Hanna had a premonition he would be taken in the enamor In which he died. "When 1 go 1t will be just Like that," he is quoted by friends s4 saying, snapping his fingers an ten accompany- ing seeture_ Ile was en Imperial pen- sioner and bail not been in good health for years.. De had at different ibnes kegs.-wymheed by.Jsw4 dost as advised to rest and spend ns ch time ds noontide in fie air a. This Will at times. Native .t Irelnd A native f Ireland, tads reared in England,_ late 1e_. Hanna .came to Canada an age for hie health. icor a time he worked in the` t4'istlwr auto lardy factory at Flint and Ilia poadtion them was welting"for him any time he thought his 4bejtlth per - matted Ida returning. but the paints and (Ma prohibited thin. He• made perloalieml visits to Fut tet vislt his ulster. >rtn. Blacker. A brother In Ire - teed Ix the only other rsn'.5ntng sur- vivor la Gm lamlly. Decease. was Aa Itaptlat and an Orangema5.• Itrnutiful 'wreaths frim (']tax. Ler, Eight -room Cottage and lot, fine con- dition; bathroom, waster, lights; in aboice location. Immediate possession. glee $IM0-1600 cash, balance good *eters. Good Cottage modus convenienaw, 2 lets, fruit. Price 11300; good terms. Choice of number good I K -story bootee bo nod ennditiee Morn 51300 np. Some exeaRent brick louse•, modern, from etsn0 up. Excellent 101. -acre Farm; good build- ings, orchard, good water supply1 some timber, full growing crop of gran`ind "Arden. etc. dituated on -Sne highway with itydrewiros; very close •lei good village, convenient to R. H. station.. -Clinton and Godirk• 1. immediate pnasea- sion. Pries It4S00; or 11300 cash, balance 11-• V dee or write J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Sox M Goderkk We carry a good stock of 11 EI AppI� f Factures, etc. ButiltWiring of All Kieds Fwtimatex• given on application Frank McArthur West Street Electiical Sbop Telephone 82 • Goderieb I e Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada The Wisest Investment 1t I4. adarlltted by many to -day that Life insurance is the wisest in. vett.ne t that e.n be made. Other invretrnrnts may fluctuate in valla. Sure may even tarn Mn,10 be worthies,. Them is, however, a terming to Life Inin,raneethat rwither time nor esircntwrtancear.n alter. It he to create an estate which not only affords protection for to,aay hot -bit tip a rash revenue for the future. Consult us about this investmtettt. YHONF:� : tnee Iib -. H. R. LONG. (f lteeldeaoe849 s District Agent - Building Supplies In connection with otir Planing Mill, Anglesea street, we Carry a complete ;toed: of Building Materials- Cement, Lime, Gyproc, WoOd 'and Patent Shingles, etc,, etc. FRES CEMENT ALWAYS ON HAND oA h� d ssed•Lumber, Flooring, Doorsr. , B s, r •bilin Planing Mill products. • 11 youetiking of building consult us and save money. .,, ng Co.,Ltd. The Goderich 1anufacf (f. E. et3oeehler, 'President) t -- ° Feet elf Angiseea,iratt Goderich Telephone it �i ,•it • MIXT PRIMER Impressive Scene Marks Closing of Summer Schoo • I OBITUARY' i.IAMEl4 I LIOTT Fotluwint a.lhegering illness Jame; :Elliott. of 1 ou, tibia ou Fri - 1 day. July 'Sieh, at Alexandra Murine Elliott 1 :utd General -llosspital. t:.deriuh, 14.'hiti r Stirring Messages Heard From Pulpits on Sunday-Certif- Icates Awarded ' .eights tl at year. Che lair Mt had the Illinfort • to sustain all injury in falling hast spring. two operations following. Mr: Eitiutl wits prwleraseil 1.v his wife four -years. ago. Emyr 'sons and tour daughters survive. Tiher nn' and 'Thomas. in Alberta': James and John. in Siiskatch.•wtui ; Tto•. 1 u01,.1 , bur.111 snlunitt tie•h.wl Mrs. Ed. I'iuke•t. Alberta: Mrs.• ('harlus cbrsrl aI. h•utlt._-.. ' Int on• Sundry 0'"ngnapi, .\•hfbrld tuwlraiiip: airs. Highs -after r -it--raw ta••.fltMMrwswier•V5ar�=�ra' 114•'' 111tItKxuuuu... dual Si rs. ulte•wbiu,.• was g.ail, nod the iusi-nx•- tl,ar..'n. r"111'4with hoer. father !lues F.•laa't•rl ikHf the -eudtyt1•'.wrtt•fin lnutga'nwu. when. Mr. F:IUou was .1ag.•r :nod tih rel. �1iving retired. Ile was :t wewher of the Tillie or the lltu l :adelr••'ter. ,.ver 1 tines]. stn►n-tt, Iihe mi,it.Ii•r of wttK•li. h and iu e;,ale•rirh was that --..f Rcv..i-Rev. 4'. 4'. 'Kuilao, t.s.k the s•rvlety lar: Frank Mussel', ou Thursday even -',hold al-tts. family hon.• .o Moltilay ilia. 111. ad.j.rt ens Mat - the and w-ilich were lamely attended. lnter- -rF'littr• tt--1t irwrtrfr.+tir ltiditl.' tfr I tient _wag _ ia_ 1tuuj wL;Ju .neon_ - •.:.id that tuissiounri.•s n.•r' 'suppnarl Fiery -_ to talk it► 1hcir latflic s a,ldrlost of !heir ,lk4.1nt Nork. lou be wttdwd tot MK$. JOhI IIISTtIW tale 0 la•W Bono. and to show -that 1 .1 reskleut.-.4 4-ts1t•rh•it t.w=Ile- last the. 1unte c1/nr'la i. tul'`ing n great 1 fifteen years, sly.• death .14.1111'1141 ..rt .1111 rim' of Lispinatlion by itoLinfortuingl-Satruday.-,F.rly :Mah,_ 17(10. of .le•ssie' bl.elf ..f this -owl:445.er God in India 1 'Taylor, belutiri .Rata id :lobo Uu.4uw', a Islet felon !ler' .-1utr•la„. 4.'04.. was in lased w to W; taco. al the family 1 tsefwtrlr lw Clown weig IJNeW-.1err:..Kea issr1 t. Bromum iii. is ho !tett, there 1. today a I been in failing health for .is, nNmtfnr;""� HON. R. R. Bx".:Nr T„ baler id the re'lowac to spiritual iuflta•tit- w, laying I was fled e atl4luebe r it• the late Robert to 4'uttticrvati.-c {arry..which aye- re- on (' -on the a Lo 110W rd:•,, of.re- and alurKahtt Taylor. early a'ble'r. in Itirttel Monday with a wajnrity over •l.ousibiilc. Its duly is not only. to I west Wawata.slt. Fifteen years ago all of lt parties rtie. ervbin.41 and who pr•.1. it the gospel. it is lit glee to Ina she and leer husband moved Iran• from will tw -lled eryn to furca the twat every blessing that bs within. eeitx pacer. tingle fare near Xih•.. �(! late airs. government bit "anadm. The Baste ayat.wi, rails t _srbi••w ..4. lrustAne-_errs a --r •iI- st ,.:.tees y,,.t,t- •, plainly swim- less 34.--N--4eersrrtlels_g: •Mier►- 1.4r--01,7--hcrib-Wreet--l'•rttest-44ttu4•b. of good which %e have failed to see. elioely i'h.itllfk'mi With the W'omelt'a Old Ton• It Imo. preservedrved in trona Ilse llrah Missionary i4.a•ieyy and W'omegi's Aa - es Recalled min. or 'Priestly rate. n1.1,11 stay 1.e_ 'wa•Intlui. Slie_alsu taught fu the ftnn- ,couo• a great instrument in liars haul day .a•h.a& primary_ department. owl had • endl'arerl -herself to the young folk with her loveable .1ialaa+iduu. Thome surviving are her huslwlai. our• son. Clarence. of Nile. alma .544• daugh- ter. Mrs. Alex. (''ober, of Gualerk•h. __aurv'ive. title_ "+idler. flex. Low* itenuett. amt, is brother, Mr. Whiter Taylor. loth of Iktrult, also survive. MRS. JOHN hl'HALLEN At ter residence. e. 121 Jaeksrn Itreet west. Tls, iltou, on Saturday. May . Mtn, Mrs. 111111111111 F:. Re•n&wr, %idol• or'Jodtn .('1/1114.11. plowed away in her • for the salvation of the Hindu mere. ' india'.. Great Need 1 The tqunrch must recognize that 5 - ....Isola): ntygtry_like__ IudIa_has its own iultrrent rigida. _We_ rennet imp se Former manta. of_ GOderieh, t.4 j these !4. • ,. i4 r western trier .of Number of Sixteen, Meet at So• i stialdty. The rtu must inter- pret Jewna 10 them. T1�gr•at teed of !sial Gathering in Toronto IIn.lia today is men Slid wume11 who will flit nut to b• brothers and rioters 1f the mrmieershfp e4•anmittele cr1 tbe.lu the seeking people: preaching and Huron 01,1 }toys -Atanoclation had been I s neglecting are ant enough. Ttse to tur•h Is i,tgIclIug its tremendous eagle. rand In the rk•inity of Moor street anon ( the spirit of Nal is working without Spadini. avenue. 'Tomato, last Thee- year. Mrs. 1'hullen was day ermine they would have found a the Church. It iu un-•u11.rowwuu g. 11.!eighty-eighth veritable gold -mire of mi•mlwri, for to sea nos-kdsur a11 t m;.y ttsding, ran baptized wliem sixteen years old and a moment of leiwrc-eNsmy .• the Nea in her seventy-one. year* of luring some twenty former r•sklenta of Gexl-*•Te•utrnnnt. and to fitsi Imo Ire is trv- erlch had turned their Mena tit this Castes.. living ens worker to her point in renponne to the Invitation of Ihit'ti' folio* its t.•x.'hBag. 'Th.. Master Sud x faithful worker for the Mins Mary R. Howell. does not wain. and will not accept the MIN - Kingdom of ('hist. A charter member i'rtctk'a11y """"*""1"""/"" Finn western type of Christianity, but ire ifl ,et the t'xnjdiati Baptist Foreign a. a beglanlgg, "Ino you remember thei_ rt'at y to accept Jesus (-belie:- tat - slnttary 4a',•ging, she was always Leen k Ari 6Ner'estillg I.reivre at Happy Gathering Lt her.Anif rete it t1ia work, one of "*(St-__ #R-yam:-rrer-lorre -The-evening owe trait on . , e host "Meta seal r contriim- -wnd the MerriMent that- fidlcrwrd mel lit - tlw'iwatrwoma lrut. ..-Bev_ fi 1 ver 1.. -chi•• work- 11-Iwf uwu w4•kstK encu (petition-- with /aurae r ire lit It. R. ('elnuor. of Klppen. W. A. Satin- Although tin Inlalid for atone years start reducing 11 the adage "Laugh ,bergs, oLondon. rndonare an Intrrrstbn WOW (Or is tree. Itwas a pie - , Rg before she went home to b• with her w serutfon 1.. A.- 14114- i4icw• w t _Fibre! Life.. De of uwtad-hs=. -lewd, rim-svoe- tested in re -'1.MI't' iter t'thr.ruglt the ' - .. ress of the Julian street Rapti/it tarty trials WWI tribulations of the church. of which she In; a mender. entrantc examinations and the hater 1 Her pastor. Rev. Ito, Huntley, con osrrio. and wipes cif Collegiate 'life. diluted the funeral, which was largely s•owsyer, on looking beck at It now attended toy' her friends and 11h• body the okl lit. sem.. filled with happy NOP eot.vuytrt 10 Brantford for iuter- bours and pleasant days. At least, watt. She leaves our daughter. Mrk. lhat wax the opinion of those at the t'hallen'1Iopkius: one graud-dinlghter. party. for events connected with Gor1- Mite iMiro Ilt.pkluo, and unit great edit have nothing but fund surround- graudsen, (Irville Hopkins. of Pickford. lugs rotas -tally when one Kam bemow ,, Mich.--Cauudiun Itaptlst. IN LEADING STRINGS Iwwyer: -lied you complete• tutu• molal of yuuraelf at the live•''" gaga- nR willies.. "Nes, sir. My wife wax aoa ser grown 4. -Mary g44te8. A vkytel pre noun _was presente,l , it h ,Ices"- Hulllorlxt 1 Loniliu l - 1 Alam Fraw•r, by the pupils and a ler of fnti•nsut it Chadm.. 1'anyer /kW_ Mg stiffen, dinette -five 44f.lhe_work in A FORGOTTEN ANNIVERSARY_ thn ftmidmy tiler -North atria.? s•luol . Is this all anniversary you have for - wits a11/Ira*.wtl i3' 1►r. Hussein. *1.., aI•arRnt.an -.If ++ie_, there is still tiuw to re - prem. -het! at the morning uhur,h_ ser- deem yourself. Your telephone will pw rtieuinr,. t sntet aw . 1104 pointed out how reel' bird is eipulppd for s•e'uring it. own special food. 11- hialratiut; 1•y the Iiabit4 of the owl, the torwortult and the woodpecker. T1• -n. ,I.aliug with bird murdc. lie ire 1tmterl various bfril tui4 es and gongs. Certificates -Awarded During the week tt.,t. had lawn written in eminectboit with the differ- ent dynast an. Mn Saturday evening vIuntary exile. In case that membership commitsew e,.rtifieNtes wrr.• awarded to sne.wmx- warR.. 10 Ret to work tri' an increased ,fol student.. Thr sbh ld for t!w largest mastership, a lint of thooe present cm registered delegation from one church t5* 11a evcui fMlowk: Mem- (:it- Wais l.r'senteml to the W swhharu (lone , August � --_ • �p --- Saturday, Sept. 6 ALL -CANADA YEAR • iit-tile woeId's largest ANNUAL EXPOSITION, • . "LES VOYAGEURS" -Brilliant, toric'grandstand pageant depicting the glorious romance of Canadian deveopment, a sopor -production by_,. 1500 performers on the world's largest stage. Seats 25c, $1.00, Boxes MUSIC -Thirrttyy• bands headed by - All -Canada 1�erinanent FPtce Band of •event'y-six skilled instrumentalists - specially tetruited from Canada's per- -- mknent'nttlrtary establishments (by special permission Department of Militia and Defence). crtby Westbrttima, Itarjnrlr HetiserlsO- Jlxlin were shown by 11r. Rnymell. and a 'rec ed by ,.Dt. -H. A. Ftackcs, M A. F.R.G.O., is four concerts, Saturday, August 23; Thursday, August 2)4; Tuesday, Sept. 2,_(Yrd Saturday, Sept 6. Sean, 23c, 73c. and $ 1.00. - SPORT' -Marathon Swims, (world's prof somal hampionships) Friday, August 22 (women), Wednesday. August 27 (open). All -America out- board motorboat races. internatiodda) . - spport competitions afloat and ashore. Canada's grea test athletic meet. British Empire Games Athletes in inrcrna• - tional competitions. Trotting and Pic- iag races including 115,000. Futuritiet CANADA FROM COAST-TO- COAST ON DRESS PARADE. This is your year. Arrange to come. Rav:wriost sea• ',kings .4.1.# 1•11 for Esrbiiiliia Chor•t 'roiwrif, .sin Gr•s!• ' .{find Papaw ptrjetsunwei. Send thegai - or owl Prim_ ton, Evelyn btied. iaona!fern, Ernie Pritc•liard, Reg. Williams, latrine' McKay. A. M. Rotwrfsne, Isom. 'W11 room and 11111 R,in. vire, giving his hearers stirring de- fake you 111 any place you want in n w•riptions of the people of India sut114ew minutes and n greeting by Jong •+ henget for the word of .,li.aarter 1.11 form of reu.untbranci•'tSnt ch■��^^te�'�„ captures Iffe. .. uveryuue nppre.•l tt,•x. Una of -town . alis n• ton Captures �la.lout.a#r_verrrt.,lnrtk,-fica.•-11,Elltlls►swift,e,ap*gt!nY to nnikc I.p•nl Robertson Cup duos gath••rrlin.Nerth street chore, :at 71.,1 p m.. anyone •.•IIs. _Burgess preached at the 114.4 atoll they lire •hi•rtls•r"than etet service, In the _evening loth nmgro•gn• 'before. Ikdnorrt eveningeveningrtrfv+-i+••ciu when Jura.. di. it es --1 tis . -44 1h4g -p. t - ' was the-1s•nker.,Aial.dng In the sr - Softball Trophy Donata�d' by -1I -+M.- 4.1s tf. Whirl of Clin.vill.•; Uer.-C..1-.Slat ... nal Editor to Be Competed corm. tit 1•:g0t010011v: Hot. r. F. 1 for Annnally t'larka. Hey: 11'..1. !trimmer. of Below - field. and lies. l;. v: Itult. The sub }wet of Mr. Scalae's wthlre.a *FP In Ow teottbiil tournament held lR "J✓stts. the MexiiSti." t1c i'-im•lu.iou_of.i connection with the great wear sister- the wrier he had given un "The 1'btlma 1 tans picric at itayfield last W,dnesdny ••f .twits •' It was H11 eart,e•.t. forrfnl,' 1'lintpt euie•rgel vieforlata, winning message. ptuticularly- appe•grriate fur the beautiful sliver. trophy dottHlet by the hist meeting of the_ s•htol. After W. 11. Hobertqun, editor of The Sig- the sermon it 'Ample Mowl -toe was the hotel staff and fano the (fraugc' nal. nap tourl1��wal is to r .ata on- . ••.i•c,-feviingly by t.. •W'. Butt.'1 melt ■o -n paniudl tb , alns to their ,mull affair.Fodfowi,t i' the full list-Itef`r• the ser 11 Mrs. Miiin'. of Mom i Ia.restlnlg place.ort 'sooners of games WO athletic trent. mann "Len.1-'1, I. Father, by - I' '+j;r.�+i. `'" Baseball) t I To barn whether tHdvtotmfty Knows fur ...runty triad's!Cltwb P'xetrkw grads-. ate•4 make bettor,ia1t wen """1"P"*"presented by W. iI. 1tiotm•-twin. (leder- I 'I11.• ejnodng exer.d•e of 111.1, r•eh-• . re areem•utrtl3 than those' who have 'eh: First genie: ('Ihit on rs. Sento' 1, 1 .yM•-t1 Yalenani. ,nod in,pr s jr yu 11, w• by 4'Hnt,ai, 7-12: second cgs atLthy, retiring prrwotsntd lt�;. lire -genion repeesteted 'Joon. termed mills Of Palalev, /(Ithatat. rer4 nth rte- is. thorn es. O�4 gieh, won by \1'. .\. L'remta•r. The rwwlt .Ieil.Yt tot played a nnmtwt'thf ,'foul ,n.l-('nm- 1111, i 11 ; 1h1a1 pin«, ('1luton v.. -'-^finer>. and the tm'e ion '4 fI oil sit' bridge Men. retch, west by Clhunn, 1:'ri 1,. � wens -11111M to the plethirtu. then. 11�• Ladies"'TRotr"'ItRtraats' wirer., Vra.'.is1ndcnl+.taute'..�futwanl *ISI focus' l .. F_ 1*tsol•• Mts. Bingham. stew, tuitt.n, itmasiit eirate..-Vonit- .11m• (runt Of ih. e_4. miller:. boys' rare, Racier 10, •rbnr4•h:,n lrvwn .v'ns .111)0 afat•r .'5r11' events: Fvilhe. in n very pi. 1.idg !Mints.. (OOT imm. NUMBER., MrARHlisni Morgan, who resides sV Rob Nwfi.ger, ( Jt,woh 4g11104,; Roy Farr •u .oT 1!'�M�,�jlent prayer Its. tet 1•114.P 11147411 of-Aalkerfem, d•• 'toy IA•ppiugttm-: _7M'n'm lest -yd. dash. 1.•••••1 Tile ben,rlt,•Iiou w.a. prowinni•t.l 1 41 rutinu,os,m alonrlay from. line 1!.t rule! :1 Nati, Js*.. Inness. Ed. Garton; .lid rhe sh,nl uflit:ti 43.1sover. st NetilFriult itsenu•th.g him 'Myra under 1(1. Frank !fettled, M. 1tob- •'Ilse' New (Ifflrrr. - - to titipolice court in that town . cruor, .1. Hankin, Tom Barlow ; girls' The offit•. rs for the ensuing year' t -•t a churn id mpeeding In- races, undert_Mice Jlayw•wrd, Mar- tire. 1're.lei.mt. Myr. IL ft.. Connor, •iliM•a>bywaahip of sitturcfll,. 3htse gory iQe.tt.; girls' race. tinder 20, Stay Kiplk•ri : vt..'.pre.fdent. 1ie.'.' A. E. Et. A r nr.n a to.tahle. who Inki i1M Jewett. Cattwrlm' Murray. E. .Henry nisei. Mut. he'll • dean IL v. ,•t•r•tRe•.% 4' A. cotenlaints meta forth that Mr_ Morgan *frim, 1111der4 s, JMAY Templeton. Helenr lilitte.:EtritiOli . , Avlyi sas d.tjrl4 fifty •mibr. an tjonr at. the Hertaat, Itchy it*JWan, ik'tj Agni- at�e tlmelie et h1s ntlmlwr. . EV or- a -hie Jegpd race Margitr•t - !,erts 14 1. 1Ayad,whw•o; 'Waist re r. Mill w,.s stlending a 011ie at i`ormns Step umd Mar ret [leant isirg wit-•a,,MMlf�si Ntn1.Ill Itnllie, (;nd-rieh . srtvi on the afternoon in r iwwtfrtn um j 7Iyttfustna _ _weir Mfiay . Tri libourne, Pori, awn- Pd. 'ii...t..' -0-.--r. 1"inr%.e."=•y �■ Hever erossrl the lemon ikrinadat�,p Irmo Ranee and Jenny lllewlr: trot's. ustder' 11utt.-i;.ale rich. Rev:. 4'. W. I$jJWIltl'.• iloavlek flint day, he took an affidavit' w, hilly Counter. Iti11y 1►uckworth, Stratford, itev.j Stint- toal. Stewart. St - to th14 effect before a trait lawyer Tonin !(tempgan. , itnty ttutort]. t *' - a141 had ttw smtnr forwarded to 1501 1'alrrans' amid...: Baby of a fes;--hfr- At Rome t.f Ulti, ..evening steak issttcs moll at Inwlerlrh ori Tnelalflv it. an -{ J, .• 1040/0,111.014.•1:0111.114.11: Mrs. Dr. of lbs• es•hnui pettier were retail nlohd, a1111 why lie 1w pmt to ifie ttOmr.. 31 rm. Brown, 2 rwnilhs: • Mrs, prm...king loth thnaght woo mem rxp•tuwe Had tnrsrwvenie.we of having W'lltby. 4 minutia. len this contest there. ''he aflernowraa ser'' "Win In. -1;strr.41 to a.tsMtd the provers! pollee eolirt was- were nine entrha,antr the Polite* "had and !deflation of e,rbmrs kind*, Aline elm In 4;.,lelich. The '.rnp" apparent- Vnhr m dltllrult tiRk a. the ilifiveth mftrrmxmi'15.' sR•heol e•njny.'d it 41riv'e 1y,,1dtd,AtAt his eyertgtlt teatM. ap ttma oak so keq,.ni4 ti,. farm -of c erives. Ihevr to • be got tie wrung numt.e't of the etlpsed The Mixing conteat ts•fSre•,i 1w .re they 1•leweel leis eolleartiem of twsMdwl Itv._If,LM der/tw."^'" -• _. . - ^.. flrel on rhe ()Meet, Witt' el , ..+ � rt some humor out of the Pi R&tl%% t+aril'jillijappamM•^•tlitl►'1 aiffIielttt'' ' 5nf as 110 eget putt M Inline et,f"iviise pmtag burls. lIr. Mclhfy re• k'Ifkt New F;nI sIAer "So you had and snnoyarwe over the error he i4 The (`1lnton kitties bind mad f1* 'rel nperallon tin your nova' " nht exactly wearing the simile that (Opera lend very kindly donated their tussled New Englander. ' -Yet.. it won't come off Walkerton herald t•rrl.w Phil furnished oil.- during war g�(lag eb,,.l.cnubl hardly talk Times the 4.y. m - thro (t:". --Christian Reepister I t SAj. HARRIS, ferniest F1. W. WATERS, a t y. 'My Wife dandles :. t1ieMolze�" f. l %11A NAI 44i..; SHE caft'do it better than,1. •, Every pAy•d.y she deposits our ' iavmgs'6f et, and we ..never buy anything unless we h.tveJ1 a cash . •... , Oatt_----_.._� ♦ •_ 1 "With money in the' hAnk we are free- rnrn etrrry etc no yea"r bui.si-viNS arc growing." • r' The Royal Bank Budget Book vtrtH help you in the dsstnbution of your income -both in spending and in laving, - 1 ASK FOR A COPY The Royal Bank. Omierlc'h Branch L n Faatlman, Manag. • r