The Signal, 1930-7-31, Page 23-Tburrday, Jail 31. 11 Established 1848 jRDITOZLL NOTU It's aot our turn to cheer. • • • BROW let's get back to business. OQDlLR1CH : CANADA Wesldy lisle. _ �- __. t>fa�hsv K Caawdltt Wh rI sills of hatter today? papers &motional • • • Pabllsbed every Thursday morning. Mr [to•Anelfr troubles ere Just afoot �becriptlon price 22.00 per year ctly In advance. to begin TER SIGNAL PRINTING CO- LTD. What will • they think in Great Telephone 35 : Goderteb. Ont. W. H. Robertson. Editor and Manager Britian? • •,. • Thursday. July 31. 19:19 ss*NE'IT WINS • s_ • 'Che mutt still thaw and Sets at •tic a', ointei ttIne's. General Hard Thies IN au oppolseat load to ov.•rtrnne. The battle of the tolls on Monday • • • resulted in a dechrivc victory for the Foe lino promises have Conservative forces, and Mr. R_ .11. wowing home to roost. Bennett will be the next Trine Miu- • • • later of Canada. The overture is a Ren- The mold gneiss. Sud the solid To- ulne surprise to Esterase. .-who erre rent° are Isdh things of tbe past. prepared for some loosen, but not for • • • _the general rout which took place. Gtderich gave Itulertsun Yb�n were misgivings wise Premier vote. although it denied him a habit of e good a major - King announced the dlaaolution of try. relilament 1n the midst of a trade de- • • • pression that put the Government on Will Mr. Bennett waste two mUlioa the detenelve aotwilludoadltag_the tact • dollars on .4 +medal sernie!n q.tmesio- that 1t was • worldwide conditica sent, and one leas severe here than in other • • • v eaetttreet•. These reieeivinga were et -Perhaps Quebec' "did, tool like the' most forgotten. however, [then, as the fibsg Governmrnt'a prohibition of election .•ampafgn praegreeeeQ the GP' liquor ex rt __position had so little t6 present against • • • _ w , the Government's record and against In the electimk returns Mr. itipottoS 110 231 184 the Government policy of inter-i7mpire Im e.vunted as a stnighr tvoirIieristTve, ` Garaib - trade. There 'evillest to be uo reason -ser: a"�- .why the Government should not be sustained by a largo thtljority, and Yavec•aats*from independent sonerea strengthened the feeling of confidence. Ons. again It has been demonstrated that prospects weigh lightly against actual conditions -times were tad and the Government wan Judged on that tact. and not on the merles of the pol- icy it presented for the betterment of condttlons-- There were other factors,. In the Maritime Pruritic -re Mr.._ _Kennett pn.mised funds for the carry- ing out of large public works -long � desired. and held out the prospect of the payment of old -age pensions en- tirety from the Federal Treasury. Both in the Maritime Provinces* and in Que- bec the Provincial Governments had not adopted the old -age pension scheme, representing that they could not afford to do so, hand when Mr. Ben- nett offered to pay the pensions with- out any contribution from the Provin- cial funds the belt was eagerly mesal- -.._-11mrs.41i- •r•.s•••Sda at electors. In ee- + -lash of the United States vial Premier was put out in omen to the Ottawa Government. Markettmd Ibe hew priced of farm I • • • THE SIGNAL GOD•ERICH, ONT. 1926 and 1927 Figures in North Huron Tito bdlawttgt rrsull9 of tits Federal Ashfield ee teat of 1926 and the ye-ele-tioa of _ _ .. Klee 1W.r7 In !forth Huron provide some in- No. 1 -• • • •,. . terenting eow{arbsons with those of No. AI/ 6': 111 91 (` 103 Inst Monday. printed on page one of this issue. The contest of 19L41 was between a Progressive and a l'onterv- ntiew: there were 1'r lgrvsaive, ('uu- ,s rvntive and Literal candidates in 1927. end Monday's election was the first straight eouttst letweeu ■ Liberal uud a t'au..•rvative• sinew the riding was formed. No. 1 No. 1 No, 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 11 No. 7 ail Blyth 99 • 1 Ifieek:wara 97 441 - 73 77 21► 27 407 122 06123 155 \243 Brussels Mo.: 1A 7'i No. 11: 7 t No. 2 104 104 1D52 246 Poll No. 1 Np 2 No. :t No. 4 No. 5 No. ti No. 7 No. 1 No. 2 Ashfield Bricker Hislop Blanton 23 52 .101 61 34 84 114 42 511 17 34 89 46 73 3 52 53 12 51 80 10 . 316 3414 341 Sbth 20 1(10 194 No. 1 2/ 138 138 103 N0. 2 10 104 64 30 242 167 OaMlM No. 1 31 52 - 60 No.2 5 41 _ 45 No. 3 52 73- 62 No. 4 22 65 17 L in spite of his pose as an independent. No. 1 16 175 pose No. 2 10 191 No. 3 7 154 No. 4 10 222 No.5 9 se N0. • r 12 234 7 97 Adwanee Poll 1 9 Grey No. 1 37 65 No. 2 42 22 No. 3 36 tan No. 4 53 92 No. 5 58 62 No.- 6 20 94 No. 7 67 94 L21w4 lt --4SS - .13 No. 1 71 41 No. 2 131 55 No.3 66 88 No. 4 181- 42 No. 5 72 813 No. 6 71) 17 600 329 Morris No. 1 34 68 No.2 52 33 No. 3 51 50 No. 4 71 70, :Co. 5 48 3'r No. 6 71 70 ' 327 3214 lbniberry No. 1 4 75 No. 2 74' tel No.3 .r.-. 114 29 No 4 09 31 42 :7413 212 29 Kest Wawar►ssb No. l 44 40 21 No:2 !44 29 79 4io.3 7'1 2'I S4 No.4 :e+( io 37 No. 5 46 27 40 :304 154 240 W. Wawaawab No. l 23.. 52 _- 80 No.2 3244 74 No: 3.1 _ 11.---- -B- No.4 NS_ 13 17 No. 5 79 42 • 31 No. li . 46 - • 29 15 • • • Mr. Ferguw►n's predirtien of the defeat of the Wester, Cliiitarlo- lablatt Ministers proved ,te be else handrail per tout. wrong. • • - -• - The Tory phalanx to Toronto has been broken by the defeat 'of Tommy Church and the election of Aid. Sant Factor, w•hl is the first Liberal to be elected to the House of Commons frost) Toronto site 1897. • • • Then' was gratification 'motor bw•al Liberals at the sees of Hon. Jim Mal- colm's victory In North Bruce. The reports of the re-election of Hon. Billy Euler in North Waterloo and of Hon. Peter Heenan In !-senora alma were re- ceived with special pleasure. The Provincial 'Premiers twrhaps have not as much Influence as they think they have. The greatest blow to the Literal party came from the Prov- ince of (plebe... in which the I'rovls., products had ■ great Influence. and for the firm time .Ince 1911 Quebec ygiatairetk=4 z'or.... d - wr' a..ocore of Conservatives*. Is the rural constltuenclee of Ontario aleotbe uneatlatactory market tuncil- tioOs ..acrd Government candidates on the defenslve. In the Prairie Prov- inces the low price of wheat no doubt operated In the same way. British Columbia le the only Province that gave the Government increased sum port. The Cosset Province could see the benefits of Inereaaed trade with other British dominions under the p19-. visions of the Dunning budget sad voted secordingly.- Mr. Mennen wilt' hare a goal work- ing majority end wilt have to assume full respomilidtity for Government measures and their effects while he 1m In office. if he carries out all the promistarhte has made there- will i* a aerere drain on the ria treasury and on the pockets of the taxpayers. which are arteiidy under_.aiiffkient etreiu. Thew! M a limit to what the public can bear In the N,y, of taxations. and tbe mew llifverument wilt be well advised -fd-go "into', to the way of large undertakings involving heavy ex- penditures. v*_ TEZ LOCAL It/MILTS The two Ilurons remain ns they were, Mr. Rpwotton winning In the North and Mr. McMillan In the South. in North Hume the chief factors were the depr.•ssluu in pries of faros products: some remnant of feeling among the 1'nited Farmers at the break-up 4.1 their organization. w-ldch they attributal- wr.lnitly, we believe -- to tie 1.I1er11 party: and the short e demo .M•hfch the Liberal candidate had to become acquainted With the elector- ate. The farthing communities divided almost evenly between the two cnndl- dates. and the towns gine Mr. Spot-. inn just about the majority that he re- (*.We41..La the riding. Why a [ural riding like North Horns lonld elects smiler to tm port a party wh4uwe {policy is dictated by city InterP14Wip hard to nuderstand. The Liberal ratwltdate sntlmtttel bit platform a. a ear y a wax possible In the time at his com- mand. and he cheerfully ettopt$ the judgment of the ele•e•tors. ru 11oufitilurr.n Tlomna MrMNtan fs agaln rctnrnwl. thmlg{l with ■ re- duced majority 'Omani reached North Heron that Mr- McMillan was In dan- ger of defeat, but the twople of Month Huron acre sufficiently eleFl ter wee that a man '.ho has often them sn•h geed aarrice was again .1141.14.11 to rep- resent them In Ito rartimettf of the _potion. Ilia triumphant reeler -11m In a splendid lriirutc• to tit. XrMtRan. The result vindicates the judgment of those Liberals wbo warned the ttrottfailiall to the country et Nati a time as this. When Crisp Wife- 0 lgbt people do od *-- ways, stop to think -,out the matter - they are liable to blame the powers that to and to hit out at anything 1n might. lt ' ..►.•cR'bt►> is AD ewatotfttfna exponent of aW4 Itltral Hew• In the field of pol- itick THE FIGHT 1S.ON ((Tinton News -Beacom) The beautiful town of St .Marys, >ghIch, W up-to-date to many things. still tied It horse-drawn fire engine. The Journal -Argue which 14 one of the oatstandit►g newspapers in the prov- ince. is trying to spur the town to pro- vide more modern fire -fighting ■ppnr- a[nrn and it will likely succeed. iaa- provenwellts which have been broagllt about almost chiefly by the suggestion or etwtwlragement. of newspapers are Ic•glun. In Retrospect Ono of ot1t feeders the other day headed to a ropy nt •'Tile F.,rlwich .Tit W0be,a the first newnpn{wr put. limbed hi that town. 1t is dated Octob- er 25, 16611, and Is In an extellent Mate a preservation. as In the gentle- man, n native of Hawick. who has cared for it all theme years- Pie and the writer were disovmsind the present loll- prices nf firm prosltaw wises be departed for the family atenai laid and produced These Fonlwleh Tele- phone. "Loa here," its mays. 'Mpg were eleven cents a down and pnta- to•s fifteen goats s bushel lark In 1x117 and everybody was happy... sere Nearly MONO blryeles with a mall taaMr aftildhat bow Italy M Oertau*y kb last brava raeatbd ' • enough. under the heading of -Forti- n isle marke•tn" those parleys were listed. TIRItfaL 1«• Wheat was 212 cents. riots 23. ;sees 4s, barley 32, Metter 15. pork (long clear) (Brussels Pent. 9. and picnic haws 10 cents. Tomato The Geederich Nhraal. no.. "f minket pr1cei we I nls4lt tell per eventmolt ehly-edite l Canadbut s•wspa higher. The "telephone' 1% a. a Giem came not whh a new ahr•nt the rdl !qtr?. 'neatly 12rint44 isewsIvil 'r tett!. week ns the result of lin%iag 111ul Hsi", by florid Rnnrwlers. Hleycitwe Clew tptitl{ol. Ih n war. then gnite new and vert" popular. the editor (wing kept inlay recording new rw•ords of dist*n.e covered In a minis et glean time neer the meats del M that day, trips bring. mitnelpre 170 140 143 136 124 86 3 24 24 32 23 32 41 94 270 87 38 162 131 67 63 550 36 33 52 85 80 65 ('eMrne No. I ...-. 1111 60 2• 64 Ro. 3 1[10 83 No. 4 *2,, 25 313 222 °Whiled 11p No. 1.1 . 4..• 46 Nu. 1B ... 65 No. No. 211 62 No. $A , .. 59 No. 3B 51 No. 4A 74 No. 411 814 eINo. 5A :;14 82 No. .Sit 24 9th No. aA 52 -"""'145 - !'4o. tilt ...:...: r. -i - 77 lel.. Ito 7 l 132 auce P011 3 12 - 760 Grey o. 1 96 No. 2 114 • 1(0 `17 :14 - �lao. 4 r 90 No. 5A 60 No. 51t 7'2 No, t1 11.1 Na., 7 lbw • 116 - 105 119 88 106 - 104 122'• Many Down ►n- on Election Night Pato of Government Not Known Nabil No. 1 No.:t. ..., No. 311 No. '4A No. 4B No. 5 No. 6 748 Hewlett N6 172 39 .59 66 83 13:1 76 003 Norris No. 1 99 No. 2 79 No. 3 93 No. 4 91 No. 2 79 No. 6 ' 151 •• gm 134 No. lA -r�t�..-80 No. 114 .s.:4.•,.. 714 No. 2 . 1541 No. 3 97. 61 50 276 217 ' 273 WINGJIAM No 1 10 46 144 No. 2 2!► SS 133 No :t 10 88 142 15 106 173 No. - -. - - - -:.7110 -- 682 Wraxelar illi 72 No. 1 Recapitulation !tricker 1fishy Spotten Ashfield -.. 319 341+ 141 94 1217 194 931 270 560 341 . 296 Blyth 2n lee► Brussels 340 242 Colborne . - 1111 231 (lowtrricl. .. 71 1171 Grxey w 313 4`e Rowlett Mel Mora* .. '. i:: 7rt7 Traralwiry , - 212 East Wawa-. mob 704' 1..d West Wawa - nosh - . e . 279 217 %imam ni . e:7 :110 Wruaeter e • 1: 123 72 - 273•: 11x1 4331 tiN11'2t ._ Spot toe'• plurality over 11Wop-1216. Majority for J. W. King 345. 1{ottoon pintallty over Bricker -17M 240 273 1!82 474 East Waimea/di No 1 il0 38 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 3 : 1448 - 42 37 40 40 48 47 52 • 30 334 97 ea 91 90 l44 77 86 71 6611 _S4 5R 05 41 41' Oolsbrats • • en, who have Iwen holldaylag with her mother. Iia- 411111es bola rentabl1' to their home to Detroit on Thursday. Rev. .7 Pollock and family are leaving Ibis week 1„ motor to Sudbury and utter northern points on g map - los trip. Mr. EH Jarin.w has misused from and Mtn._Jd1Aatn• gad Mia Clara Willis. of Cedar Valley, .Lent Sunday ,.t the home of Mr. and �lrs. W. R. Furrier. r t.srge crowds thronged the Square Monday eveultlg, when a large per- centage of the population moved down- town to hear the election returns which were being received at Ebbers! nod Conservative .owmittee rooms. it was a happy. gooehoalured crowd, but nut larticularly dewunstrative. Tbe thus result In North Huron was not known uutti about nine u'elock, when Npottou's unofficial majority was air noun. -ed as 7111. 1'rt�w then on the Co- nervativea made *cry. the citlaens falai making its appearance. .float eleven o'clock the successful candidate arrived from Winghant, at, compauied.by a number of supporters! and a boys' bugle find. Mr. Spotton wa. given an enthusiastic welcome. giving a short address from the band- stand. „In which he thanked everyone profusely, friend and tow alike, alai predldtd a change of government. Even at tlut late date the fate of the Government was uncertain. but un- decided. It was not until long after mtdplght when it was known definite- ly that the Contarrstives would hare a majority user all other parties. The re4Anse from Quebec and the Western Provinces proved the deciding factor. but most people had retired by the time they were received. From ,early evening. however, the swig had leen to the Heinen caadldatt'w. first In fire Maritimes, and tater 1* Ontario. As Ow hours poesed . flet ('ambler*t'V ). 'ibe fielding lasso d itasr mint haws l, w and ttest- ON 11.11LIGHTTIME The following Ontario centres are now ea daylight saving time: Barrie, Belleville, Brampton, Brantford. ('o- tourg, Cochrane, Collt1gwood. ('orn- walt, Gait, Guelph, Hamilton, Kings- ton. Kitchener. Lindsay, Niagara Falls, ()rails, Oshawa, Ottawa. Owen Sound. Paris, Peterts.ro, Port Colborne:- fort .Hope Preston. St. t'atlurtnea, ?peony, Waterloo iud Welland. BT•ST Nt'RSIE Just returned from ,Meas lntroduc d to the Iso was aetonle singly Mr. Joys the erne, new nn pretty. 1•. • 1 "She is awia1ble and scleaafIe too," acid Mrs. Jones. 4'aM site mays she wet allow no owe to ides tlef baby -while she Ill near." '- "No one would went to,'� r4lplted lir. Jones. 'Indeed!" .napped the %other. "I wean, not while "abe is tear," faltered the father, llsdasearbig 10 maks things better. a_ _ __._ .. _ .._,.-- The nurse .lid not stay long. -Hoa - tun Transcript. ` gained, although reverses which they met In British Columbia came as a distils( surprise. The Liberals heard We returwa Int the Martrw flub roma, there twine a targe turnout. Particular satisfaction was taken In the return of Ontario cabinet ministers, against whop • dead set had been made to bring about their defeat. News of their election was Ioa11y cheered. particularly that ut Hon. James Malcolm in North Bruer.. The Conservative committee romas were crowded all evening and were visited by Mr. Spotton nearing mid- night. when he was again wildly ac- claimed s claimed by his active supportens. A record vote of 2410 was polled in Goderlch. which Is 237 more tkaut were polled In the bye-siectios •t� 1927 and INC more than were recorded in the general election of 192R "The large vote is Indicative of the deep In serest taken in the mutest and of the thoroughsdaa of organization op the part of both Liberal, and Coaaerva- tires. Roth parties were astlt early no election day and about one-third of the total Rote was got oat la the morning. There was mo great rush at any floe of fire day, the vote twine welI spread over the nine hours the polis were Aafa. Fverythlne appeared well In the renal last-minute atam- pede was i noaptenone by its abeence. Tee fact that on Monday there were five more polling booths la (loderic'b at prrvlou0 ration was.* big factor l* ■voldlag naaeeeollal9,tlrsnrd- leg wMle voting. eleettorrd'• being handled with 4eapateh. 0 31 274 218 ' Ne' 04 1103 xa 47 4:4 42 409 273 Wean Wawan•ah ;e.• 110 :s; 97 :lei 02 M5 32 92 31 to SOS Aoii 440 sari' No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 1 - stilt• No. 1 R1 No. 2 9N► 44 No. 4A IW` its 411 442 Na. 5 .4..... 42 j 44666.- Nn. 1 ,.� s. eitu A.hfle4d 'C , Blyth 155 Bnwsefs 252 f ('01l.onw ill e Gaderleh 7013 u (trey 74s Howlck , 1613 Morris NM tt Tnruberry 474 East 5Vuwentesh 44a► W.•.t WawanMh ...*Let Bingham - Wraxeter 'tt44 112 111 72 e f tq)err Vaiuea• m New Furniture We a offer you the best ,slues in Ontario. See to &at. We pos- itively aro you money. GLEYS Mord. pee* ewetr w tib comfort and losladamins sojcse tt•ai°t' Nothing else gives so much hews. tit at w small a coat. It is • wonderful help to work andk cool• vow PVI - repo you calm and fantod. ti EVERY ADDS A ZEST 5- Ct. TAKE HiS riNGER-rOINT$ (constable: "Hare you seem any sot Marna -looking people *ream* bon{ lately?" Ihd : -tor. a Make turn a rabbit ou! of me whiskers ban' eight at the ci ars:'-Omlth'a Weekly. • -400111106114 14 Ile 's Stior+e. �j►thins thee Rem in Mena Weer Hand Taal:n*1 4nd Special Order t1 roar Measure BLACKSTONE'S Fa raitare Exchange •1a iM atsaaw M tallstlV WAITEC HURCH W HiTPICII IRCH, July n. -W'4 and Mrs. Heart' flodkfa and Gordan and Mims Sauna Dawns motored to Kitchener and Gait oe Retards T and *spent the day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ¥[cGfo Mr - and Mrs. Ewart gcPheraoe to Toronto and visited with t ttarb minder. Mr. Jamar SutheHand returned home from %Ingham hospital on Sun- day. atter a seven weeks' stay there. Rev. and Mrs ('las. WIlklnaom are hoildaying this month. Mile Doris had her tonslla removed 00 Wednesday last in Wingitam hospital. Mrs. George Tiffin and Mlanes Melt Vivian. of WIngbant, are dahlia t the one of Mr., and Mrs. W. i •rtteer. • • • t Chas. $lack • P}� Sly) God -m.14 5 74 407 245 246 14914 334 6414 384 274 273 :3411 5242 74 5547 b.fmrmtt newtons {emctutn•s anti It - .otw• of t to m 14441. The new nlnchile co*.t the mice of five or six aut',ta..bllee. Fltntn. ►rug a weekly newspalwr Is a different prgwweltloa from whet 11 was n few years ago. 4•P AND CliMI (ti Pol.rwmen . "311am. yon were doing .iota mile', an hoar!" sir. -e oh, isn't that Yr! rful. i uly.„I arwt'd N deltic 7l'wterda''"-- l4de Rfpoftete - AIL 'quail -EN rltgrsteote : "Hut If yen were dbing nothing, wmax, why did you nil) When the officer apirnached year','. Prisoner' : "1 thotaght that he wanted to +•11 no a ticket for the ps.liremen'r Il s. nIlMill rnnteet." els Item n'tw•ud• -Harry i TIM MUM HiBT THING HSE' heals wheeled I:t miles °n A visit by tele - Babb and 4 ll •4148 11 the next } [1LOW Pl 1E '1• Hristo e ay * ,u-4luey- eealhal_s►nItem- � w.,p,.rsnlsaLrbilt.__11.Ia it - "fa t nn '--•Rt9wtr affil •bene *42 friends In ('linton. ll'il. tglarty. l m. Gow•bt gntcker!wafer sad were personal than a, hRter. Ant ° f•lets esti. arc n. hs eeMw fnomr ar n amt l.lstow-e• .nra.ey l as - Idle to Clinton, crank to Jyfh, chea.st;wr to rrbt• towage. The front them dmvm.� woos ended. j, haul turd to !turn momas . a low•al call and Tend Guide: "The glaciers hroujjd tat ° to Wingham. 2244111e. crank *Mt pages of your tetephoundirectory coo- t which piece thaw I Mnsr weer I fain a LMt of places add Wee. ended. When fifteen Miles from Ilan i WATCH 'OCR KTEP long walk of fisc mile. to w A builder who was king to Int► [eked up by a firmer nod driven to sic far the tires ti N: "I am nn-. a ro isrou'th' the pbuyesl out. and after 1 , s ll I as uw"11. where a friend tanned him n ceustnm,rl to pllalk• *peaking. 31y new rubber. woad rafter fixing another ar lore its on the w-*ffedd.•' erna•tece reached home 11 -afa'ty. Ile Proper rlstlan rYot'itf.• tlr t tilg" Sorely y Purl ,y,p 9 " an e, )Lill. n e(11 1 _ how• .ceI9' 1M1117, What flew w An fte•m lottery/at lotte/at to le•rlch sot1L(fO�Y�1(M'' F1tM font fs one r*erding 14* ,turn of (be ate M 0. t'.am•ron. berrlater. to Gest re rich after an alwenco' of eight arm Tonilal°. Thr Hein ,2af4s he set np ptyethw In Morton's blank. Han1110n street, sad that "he her served for council on the town cncil end c'onsty boa rd *12.4 to • moat popular tall �- 11r spirited man ' filen el .f wale* _ ha/n-1pp ' may pretty' smart. The gift its 4'e M ehtwiw4atervt-he • 1•'*011 severs, prism in erne* word L'nrd of InlbhI4 nw. InylMfiona to and erten-'airfare eomprtltlons lately.•. ',erre on It have been rent. among Employer: "1M. Mit 1 want moat* others, to former Prime Minister Stan ern. whc► nim he smart during offlee ley Baldwin. Mr Jnaleh IMamp. the hour." great financial expertand to John Ito, : "This wan daring office Buchan, ',Mellott and :number of Pat'• lament Mr. and Mrs- Goodman and hie - end Mr. and Jem*er nod two ehildren. of T spent last week-enl.arith Messrs. T. R. and Ar Bow Moore. Mia Ruth HoaR'e r'etnrne.I with theta to Toronto' for few week.. Mimes on heiif'IWtif$ t an Catharine 4hew. of Toronto, i1b with their graurimotlle4. Mrs. MacGreEur and Miner relative*. I(Iss Robins Henry. of Toronto Iv holidaying at the home of her par pots, Mr. and Mrs- Frank Hetero Mrs. Ilan iitt;U+n1ghan u apenlleg ,1 few weeks oath relatives at Feltos and Hamilton. Mrs. Donald Wallacetatnl two dill dren. ei+a Mr. Malcolm Finlayenn. of itetroit. spent a day with their Met, Nr' S1ne41regsle, and other rrtat1 here. • Mrs. Elgin Wellwoa1 and R aril. of twana5VNle. ate ag bothria with her parents, Mr. •alta • Mr's. John /Sienese. Mr. John Mowbray left on Ttwiu.1*q with Mr. and own. Alec Mowbr*y. of Itiuwvnlo• fel or to Bay `i y, Mich.. to 1-1142 hie sinter. Stewart Me,r► pe1•y all other friends (here. • 31r. ,Jensen !elan. Mlas Jean and Mrs. 71'tank Coulter and i.rdel. and idlr. William Penton left on Tswana, fo motor to Lanark and Perth mem lies to visit relatives. Mr. Frank i'atensoon. ham boron vlsl(Fwg with his rather MIK returned to Detroit last week. aaa order of merry-picks►ng hue heels tbe the tiny 'ironed here f t the past week. • Mr. and Mr*. Allam'litnter and Web - art. of lalcknow.-einife•t Pi the home of Mr. and Ree. Mnc MOW oat '1'h dal' la it Mrs. Elwyn Moore cod (44114 w*, have been visiting with relative* eefnn*d 10 Toronto on Aaturdq- anA Yr. 111111 Mrs. Fr4lsk Ptlltevaex• Jack. (if ietroft. and Mt. F. MFR' Paterson. visited leaf win* with relit hires at Niagara. Tdeontn, (►spoon and Itlg star Point e Mr. and Err Mac Hews. 1�Icd es ani Frank, and Mlae Mice Ti-rrtff motored to Dundalk. on RateedIrs end attjl(rs. Neil -1 N cl Lady : "Hut w1'r! -'SW tab glaciers (Aside,. "They've grin' back for .more roam." • =1S.I1M'.ISS FOR WORK The London Daily Herald. Govern- ment -organ, mays that Edward Hark - mous. or New York. American Matsu. thropbd, ho. offend 12.(.11.11(x1 (shoot 12,810.110000114 for the endowment Of ..s sal anal ellhratirakia•tro►k fn 11MOt Vrec itIihers III ES have changedI No mare wait- ing for fertiliser delivery! For your Fall Wheat we will carry cr. I. L. Mixed Fertilisers in stock, Come in , . get the facts about these improved. Free Flowing Fertilisers that can't do in the drill! W. FL NcLE,II Goderiob, - Ontario --�talsalsttl.a-- CW 3D AN - "Broken Dishes,i'-'--fit Comedy, at Canadian Chautauqua ho --'Ser, nrtl afro" '. 41113iF':. ?.ii- _rje1S8"L'diit. - �`;-vii.._ �..0 VP spent thy day with Qilld• afaii.trisiterb at MIs. G Murray, of (asw*itI. main a few (Nye laid week with Mrs. Mun#y here Mrs. Alar• Held spent a feel days laid I week with her daughter. four. In I.ncknow Yr. sad Mys. Hoy ('ria%+. sea Het Welts P940 t "Rs who casein la*gb at the pal lad ' 7' pblafelan, add which 0111 be ths Pre•aenehd at tbe coming Oaaadtaa tw 'fork Sun of 'tarot's Dalias." ►e 'T bora by .lho 'Mortis Rrwto Players of Casella. -11rok lahas replete with hllarioas laughter, tames Ansa and vivid • then Avery real tba��M newt ewt 11 oat lite. The MOW an appealing tlsam I171111a, the baby oh' tla fast acrd tba villas* lirnnee►f'issy. seem no Moats w411 lair hams. . Pet lid MMus 0041 - grin together with suratislag and dramatis results. ' Broksa Dishes" b a se. •f a Nal. a*atasbr taovlag mall *P1'0$r11107 funny. OODIDLIW I ONAUTLUQUA DATE- £U0UMT Rh to tan