HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-7-31, Page 1CLASSIFIED AY, 1J. ft } i 4 If you have loot anything, found anything, seek a peeition, want help, have a house for gale or rent, have an article you wish to sell*. use the classified advt. columns bf 1'bs Ibt EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR, NO. 34 Official Count Gives Geo. Spotton Majority of 233 Returning Officer Bolds Official Court at *Ingham Yesterday WAS CLOSE IN OODWS,WOH Vote Polled_ $History of of the Oott- • atituency Sort) Huron will again -be- repre-- aented at Ottawa by Georgie Spoftan. who wen in Mondays tented at the polls by a majority of 233. The total vote polled loot including rejecter) ballots) was 12,047, nearly 3J>tl mora than to the three eorneved 1)70 1w lino of 1927. and over WIO more n m the g••aeral section of 1926. t(potteln's rote yes 6160 and Mr. Robertson's Wan •'2f. Atthough de- feated, Mr. Robertson polled 35 more votes than the late J. W. King ob- tatt ed 1n nun. when he defeated Mr. MacEwen by a majority of 345. In Mouday'a vote Goderlcb gave Mr. Spotton a -seniority of 26. This vias a ,slight dt.appotntmeat to Liberal sup- porter", who had counted on breaking even in the local vote. Looking at the MacEwan majority of 888 in 1926 and Dr. Whltelf a majority of 604 fa the election ter the legislature in the tau. 'Special $sRiOn of Council in OOH. the redaction of the Conservative fps majority to 26 was a creditable achievement for the local Liberals. Mr. Hlakep had ■ had of 240 over lir. epotton in Goderich in 1927. but it M to be remembered that this was a_bl'yt j election, and many Conservatives :e- rror.) voting or voted for 'the Qrernment candidate_ Mr. Robert- ` non's vote en Monday was actually larger by 21 than Mr. Hislop obtained In 1927.' in aplte of the prretige at- tached to the Government e,adldate In a bye -election. • Wiagham gave Sputum a majorlly st of 2tk1. Sg competed with 126 td 1926 a and '322 In 1927. Ruberte es vote In Wingham on Monday was 457. just • one more than Mr. Kluge in 11m211. Blyth and l%ni s.is ran true to loam. Blyth giving a Conserv tIvb majority and Brussels supporting Robertson. -Grey township heartened the Lib- erals with a lead of 240 for Robertson. Bowlck dfaappolated the Spotton supporters by glebe( their candidate a margin of holy 67 votes, where they expected ,ona1derally more. polls and In Ashfield the ScoUk p0 KIngslrrtdge gave Robertson splendid support. but in the otber polls the Connervatives iucreaaO(1 their vote so materially that tie net Liberal major} it, for the township Rag Dob 32. Colborne also was disappointing to tbeLtbenle. Reberrtaon polled the normal Liberal vote. but tbe Casatuv- aUv,s managed to dig up some extra voters and kept the liberal majority dowwtt to 23. •>tl'ePt Wawansah dM well by keeping tbe Conservative majority to • nest [tap a lead 5. East Wawanoab ger po of 20. . Morris and Turnberry bot* gave Spotton majorltieet 114 and S7 reaper. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDA JULY 31, 1930 114 1 YOUR PRINTING NEEDS C'Wumercial and Society.print- ing neatly and quickly done by • Th Sim Thong 33 and a representa ry will call on you. Quotations glad- ly given. THE SIGNAL. PRINTING co, LIMIT®D, pattoher. The N ws of the Town 1)IEM IN UT. THOMAS !1 The Misses Janet and Elizabeth Ti Ifin revised a telephone message til morning tertrtug Med news of -the dee' of their brother, Rev. A. C. Tito United ,•bunch clergyman, 'and minirt of St. Andrews church in St. Thome The late Mr. -'rlffttt`was a native PERS Q AL MENTION GOOD BUSINESS' ONAL k •I ('berries were do plentiful In these hurts this year that heavily -laden trees Mils Nora Hurley. of earn's,' .- wen offered "as is" for $1.00. One man stM.tiding boltltays in Winnk f picked all he needed for his own home Mr. Jame. O'NeW. .4 Detroit. i. , uhd scald the tu,lxure for "?8.00. Ile aver- spssding his vacation to Goderb•h• 1 aged it im tet on. hour. Mr. T. Prit•harl w'ai•up from 1.ii'. •real davit UW last we•1, I eor -L ('(►\SII11r:R\TF:. Conservatives Are Returned to Power Result of Election Colborne towuxhlls and is very a I eon or ugleunW1 dStnug 1. 1+I+u++tiuR _a . . 1. a -int l,, a 1.,•ulg• t'..,µ l)))awn In (:elerich, havla# lllpel triVto l:M tot Ju$ bl 2ie•tde•m►s•r- i 11 .1 rt•1. tuictiwkip talnr•r. to hnrrest , Me. end Mrs. Siduee Ho•V of 'Tor- • hi.- • rep I»u•. .flLc t„ •imM*+1 Cdr-}/o•cty 1_^ Mr. ate) Mrs. Jac i Clinton. ...pent the w. ++ A PECULIAR ACCIDENT '! John Sturdy. heifer .nisi to have I»ren .t„Inn bldr.ntt A most unusual accident ole•urred Oil I MIMM Ethel Handy Ale spending ' '•• •.I ,-ell ty.11l_wy Powell and new• •'-,auuuuer 'lith her sirte Mrs. 1 i' name • after It had dieippear.d Mr.efe 'tell. at WalketUlt• • ss approa wetlt sought towcut In oNl t 1 1 t t .the brew of a •hill nt►l e i 1 1 heel' l •poet al NI int Ile Freeman. lamb wee' last winter here. The funeral, I to lug_ elate 9atlleda1''- _ to London tory. Ful partkulars wilt be -strew next week's Signal. Ing, CIH• tels•k., to wet• a ,hurl(e f te.iltu' . neigh Campbell. or lN,i'f heifer e,l. t esti• 1» r &id being end with Flo.• a lowed pending final /.I..a1Ii..n:-The OJHiif1R...-Mkt Who • .tri M s reinssssiI N i14 t 1'urli, Yl'T .•-.•uL-.W1nghN , eatue was relleete to ortit llurou In Canada's .me•ut. 1 Asking of Assessment Extension -The reatdts of the Federal contests Gculerich Women's isaUtnte of 19211 and 19are given on page 2 The of t 611 (•omparieon withstle, and are tMMoeday's porpoisesting or vote The Official De/taxation Returning Officer Aler" erter- field made the official declaration of tee North Huron result this (Thure- '}'shay I eeanon. after tntalttng the r'e- turn" at the Wingham town hall 1n the presence of representatives of -Mtn parties. The Vote to detail was Sound to be as follows/ Robertson )(potion Amhfie d 72 115 rSlieT. 61stMt' adz edeas out G•,derkb, Tuesday evening. A motot' i T1iri',•Tl-ptererr1rent-nf-. 1n•i.t Wind Mor. ens miles ewitY ellen she calked' "1lsisy.:" W. Il:.-IittllEIVI'riON, .,I •(it,slerivh, nt, fir. Hugh M.Lnay• OT In loath -Buren Record Gain3 in Every Province Except British Columbia QUEBEC PROVES A SURPRISE But Liber l i All But Hold Own in Ontario-) o0 11 • Elected 1VIth nit mite. fit eeery Province ez- .••pt' British l'elltmbta, the Conserve- :tive porn. led lye ilul.. 11. 11. Bengett• ',limo% tutu tweet edit a total 0 137 ;seat. a. the. r ulin 37ondayd-'itttll lug: TIIN wmuwry 7u: rep.rtet by the aur l Iww(elh,t ly Iain} to tor..uc•.•I.Mfut I nllelsl.- e a , Iroal 1 0 . IC e visitor at the )tome of 1)r. and tl I•*. e 1 CM (anadivia 'Poen L-. Lure white alt ue1 Nr• , o " c add t1WLY_LWr- - - - .udd(•n1y faced a weethound car. Jt 'r _ -- Chun hair ebetivl wewle•rs iu pre- head-ou collision seemed inevitable \I r. utak Mrs. E: V. Ia retie and • be- ROTHN'F11 1►EN'1►NF.\' ' 1 lou• oute/.t... but flat totel._I> Il l a but by quick manipulation the dris¢r dren, of Broc•kvele, were visitor- in 1 of the eastbound ear %queered through. town the pa week..f Ilawiiton ri•tt- A - rriattr officer Mt>t 1t- ei+p{wnte t. ff Nu r~ lt•J» rt nt!. is ar follows : Cents rva11te. 1:37 Liberal I. ei I'nited Farwers - -- 10 - - - Prtetreasirte . i.ilwral•Pro*ressivee --"` 3 I .a Il i- ....... 3 _'Q . Ju•-- -- I udepe•ndent 2 . . • `i✓-_ !needful edful 2 Stadmling at DIaaelutlen Lite•rale ... 120 e'mw rrvativesl A'• Unite) Furnwrs of Alberta 11 Hary . TDe driver of the sato he had just Mr. whi.4 ancl_aual, lar• ant Jars. ter .. a to W. It. Bothwell s-)ps.Hlieaf•ie4/ud. intiabj, ,paw t•t e r, lost control in w1 hie 1 to swing out of-lhe ditch it John Story, ter plot _;incur Wacr . at the manse -of St. Atl• returuesl 1 rPw's Presbyterian church this morn- /►1 it has 1 - The 1 autotoell ilia* her- eualn. Miss er Re t ith at Ben - crashed into the MISS Catherine weetbothe reed aqd after vie- lug 4Moiidny. July 211 at ton oclo•k.' w-ealround ear, causing eunelderablp to her home Pt Kingsbridge damage to both. only t' ale O \rill. 1! G. P. Dtm(•an a• urhilrl the't••re-, Bible M and'Mra. Hamid Maedel of De- mon)_ T1iev were attended by ss cape damage was the one responsible Coed Month r• [1)e Derotity .. Rider and Cyril Colwell' (if and the owner accepted liability of tpoit, area Ml Moedel Landon Stratford Reecon-Her hi. at + Ou+ st E75 y e was injured r • Wiled to. t nt vieiting former e miller Mr. John 4. Robertson allot. 5e . -1, ... . about o on - _YwR irre .- ldlwrul-L'rllgreseivee 8 aur. n. Registration of Visitors Exceeds !slew 3 Th annual civic holiday rale meet Toronto, • on Tuesday aft spending organist f K Independents 2 un,ief the anaplcee of the Goderich two weeks with his uncle,' Mr. it' H. SCOUTSHOY CAMP Same j onth Lagt Year Alwust front the first the ewturna ae Trotting anti Pacing Aeseciatlon will Robertson. - to k to Twenty-four 1 t (' 1 rb h 12 m RACES MONDAY NEXT 3tr organist of vrlt"i.Thiene tt'-n udin . n "nus Presbyterian Ot a Figures Show they come over the wire on Monday be held at August Agricultural Park on Mon Mrs. Frank 124044 e •acme before 1boyNS, s[ut (troop., under scoutmaster. ' night showed ('eneerrative gains. The proda next, Altitust 4th Thio year's meet "pend a few 1 fr .e chew- Maritime Provinces did not give the her sister. to pfviskatchewnn to TIMI[ Robert Henry. are this week 1n camp 1111. tOuria> orlmp, situated on the her sister. on the farm.of David Elliott on the like .hors northeast of Harbor Park. Liberals Itis ex{Meted Nup{ort, and Mr. O. W. Sturdy `has left for Sault II Bayfield reed. 1'.wterday afternoon has hetet visited by N great many tour- when Quebec re 611 successive Llb Ste. Marie. where be will tw employed Mine a nitmlwr took tea- opportunity Ira) loom -the, fate • the Government 1tt} 1"tx dnrink the mouth of July. Ever! was well t0 beep the lane.-. Ontario with .lam' . C. S. 131mme Dredging and lei it od i attended tet. Natttntt ferenoe With Western Canada y promises to be the beat ever held here, Officers as many of the beet horses in the •-- Province are entered in the various A aneclaL faceting Se Morn t_ classes. There will be two stake races -210 Bine Water and 2.20 Golden ell was tris d'-'ltieeday evening 101 Belie a deputation ot eseeetivee of Western Canada }lour Mills, who presented a rtgues1 for a ten,4ear renewal of theft* feed aaseasrient whfeh expires flit* Seer. The eon/KA went into xsinsrliltee t at the .•on- elltsha-t of nn leans rwual4able eon- ferennw the eq. -.191 canudtttee. tem - posed .,f els• Mayor and f oenn•1riors Croft. Worsen, Humber and Cratgit. wee instructed to have x bylaw• pr.- parvel. Thlr is hemg delayed Awing to the sleeues from tinted of Dailey Holmes. er, eimpi nolletter. ,• The present fixed ae,essmertt of the W .tern Canada }Teel MIIIe in Ain - Gate, each for $10etl, and two class 2.30 trot or pace, purse $400; 2. trot only. puree etr•0. Be.ddee the new covered 'grandstand bleacher. ere being ere -ted. so that here we: be seating "immunise:MOM "tor ape-Ten*- ot 3 Henle, 'I':.e halt -tulle tea.., is 4.. , note.):•:nit and the 1•;Ibtlic it. :."son+) .of Mo,^ of the best l news ever held Western Ont 11(0. T1o• afternoon's will ens - melee at 2 o,-1ns- . aces are '•yn- ducted under tie• al.n sea of the Ming Braucl. Driving ['lab atilt beetling 'is- tlegea are allowe4L ` - erieh le $70.000 on the mill, divided nisi POUTS -COURT ,s 843.750 property and 826,250 b.erieets July war a fairly busy month with t► T Yiifi1trafe )Istat. disposing of t fly- visiting her uncle.aaa aunt. Mr. and day. A local rink_co Qca.vu of Rots. Thea a r% atnd was fixed tog hap ' * I • le 011ustou. Jon. $wi id: (ro. mien ten year" and renewed In 1W111' M a three town .ata) +wnl.t7 eager. the onik Mrs. James I)od ideon, and will cave eiediar period. The cumpaay r of which were •'•fences under the test week on a holiday trip to the t Mt I-.reet 1 and- ?red u --(- l• h trt fourth Tir(tAM , pays Nlhool tax.* only on a 81Z40e11 11. 1. A. and L. (" F.2lneaievte.t re- R. `Stonehouse and daughter, Wecln•rday, August 13th. ie the 411440- fourth fixed assessment ou the elevator, teed IMO.of the 4iode[Jrh Lawn Howling Clnb'A grouted by the town twenty yearling°. Iasi Satatday eras a w stable Ifeld M. Lida Btoneboame. and Mr. 41. days The official /arty of company @tee- day" n ()abeam court. with • edit Johnsen. of Chatham..pe tournament utivee which waited on councii "NNW ease" listed. F. M Senses, a Detroit wttb Mrs. R. E. Wilson. Cameron day night was nompoaed of D. B. man. was eentenc-et to seven day• in street Hanna. president. fernier vice -peed- Ian for driving a ear while intoxicated Mt. R. 1. Megaw. of Vancouver, L dent of the old Canadian Northern and in additive was fined $109 tied vtiitbq his friends in Goderich, He Railway and Ontario. first commis. mato for "having.' He was arrsst/d pude tee trip east by motor. aeconip- et.loer under the Liquor•Ooetrol Ant- A. by Sergeant Cox of the local pollee anted by hts brother-in-law, Mr. H. B. J. Mitchell, rector, and John Page. ram whsle elgnagging around Me Ponoek of Vancouver. general manaltsez, a former resident of Stems! in has eat, bis .-onditioe being Mr. and Mee. 0. E. Donaldson and crippled children of..alt$•un county. Mr. Goderich. apparent Cls a11. A bottle wee urn "Tod" are returning to Toronto, Hallett hes informed Mr. Reynolds in 11* posaawion. It will be an after two weeks' vacation spent with that he has teen successful in sighing expen'llve and empleaMknt vacation Inc Mrs. Donaldscm's parent*. Mr. and Mrs. '•Frcnehy" pielsttg*'r, ex-ehxmp,ion of the American 1-Jarnee A. Strachan. West street. the world- and present chaulpi..0 of Returning from a 'winked mecttin* Mr. ar1q Yrs. Norman McRrlen and (entitle. to lox eight • commis in Stratford. where they had visited tamely, Ague. B. Meltrlen and Mr. and tit Gol.•rlch on the --evening of the vendor'" liquor em{s.rIum, ties)opponent will Iw men no foul of the law. The man who purchased the refreehventa was fined $100 and Doris avid four cospae- loos 110 and cans each for consuming in a public -place. All ADEN were pgl6 Another who was e onvicct*d ou a sec- ond uffenc•e 'having" wale aeatet)Std to three >i Tit1ie"1* jitIT." "t* lite option at a fine under this section by the L. C. A. Hja eounmel served 11 - tire of appeal and ball of x21100 Aged pending the hearing.' Four cases of recidees'drivinR were talso_dlepneed ae-lard "(eek. fines of $10 and coats b elterienparell to each case. .Done of tbeae °Pen.es were committed 1n Goh•rkb. • le1Rng alumna .t the .,o. 1-r anit Wilbert. of i)etrott. also Mie. Wil- Palat12l ac t C gf'ri'iting the ramp. it being- vIM eels aevomm atfon a held #-14to int returns-. of - '-''aij; IfiT -1Tie7 Y01incY-tete tarps ser}-, ;.umTwrM. who euWe Yr81 a1T pend. of Manitoba continued the et/ry M ertacta of Toronto, spent the inset end Llesder Is Glen Iseige and leader of the I visitors hate ieen more ngmerous at the camp than during the came month 'ere'. Pettish Columbia, on the other hand, reported several Rains for the fe++k tear but such to not the ezpwr senor• with ritfrls offering . gicrommu- LonR"'During the past week registrations before the returns from the dation in their7ttHta•g., ..,... x• farthest West were 'known, however, repeated *unit/lades indicated beyond doubt that the King Government ga.trltetion 119 ht, but Mr' sad Ml's. i sits Robertson- oar, cow(wtably located ata) enjoying iiW the I ominhin and the -United States. of ('otleeryatlye•yk•tOrler, with further Orton Rgbertaoo and MIs. Mary Rab- outdoor life to the tall. The troop I Contrary to what- might be expected additions In Saskatchewan end Al - with their relatives here. The Miura Ann and Beagle Feee- rnan, of Windsor, are spending their. vacation at the home of their parent'. Ile. J. and Mrs. Freeman. Mrs. Calvin. Mrs. Bremer and Mrs. Kett patrol 1e EMI= Butt. Itev.. on 41dIt, who was intrunsst l.-•tu securing the location. is the chaplain. MacDonald and daughters, of Detroit, • LAWN BOWLING NOTES Iu Monday night's local tmtnament eat the motor eau*, we a" follows: Mt. Clemens; Mr. t the Piston Weeet gnetne the `prize - [George H. \h bol.• `gess doweell, "azul the only question t the past week here with the winner" wen : sera[. Dr. H. R. Hall and Mrs. Wm. Stuck, Mt. (lemma; 1 as as to the sou of the me]ortty Mr. 114414nett would command in the n1•w 111tuw•. - The Lib.'rals receive) the returns at the committee rooms on North street, wher+• a Usage owd gathered. Though in the main the returns 5Pred14*1" pointing• there were opportunities to rhr4;'r. There was enthusiasm over the snivelers of the Ontario 4'ahiuet Min- hoinIerl. Howartl Ferguson defeat -Euler fa North Watrrhet, Newnan in _Xenon and tai i11eulariy Mateelm in North Bruce. The break In Tory Toronto by the victory of Sam Factor over T. L. Church was another o•cadon for re - 4,41.•)014. Ilou. C. A. Intuiting. Minister d--; Finance, bed his seat in Regina; Hoa T. A: ('rv•rar, Minister of Railways, loot at ilrendon; lion. Lucien Cannon, Solicitor -General. was defeated in Dorchester, flue., and two pewly-o•reat- e1 alinlsters, Hon. Cyrus Macklin/01 In l'rinre• Edward Island, alai Hon. F. W. Kay. In Quebec, aloe went down in defeat. lin the .ether hand. such Conmervative notables as 11ou. 11. It. Stevens *01) General A. 10. McIto c,' general organizer for the petty. fell by the w•ay. l> salt W. Meru; 2nd. Geo. Andrews and ladies' slater, lire V (`olclouRh• Mr alma air., it...tl'..Uetxorue and tbU- M ltd Mrs Walter Hick, T Biter R dr n, a 1i dsxntwt. Alta.: end Mew. George Richards. Toronto; J. r. ac Mr. and e1 On Wedne'dnv- evening A. .• ,% Ikerv111e; Dr. M. A. Meru - Mat Albert Oke, and Mian Alice Wake 1'. MneVivar (Torontul and SWuey tyre ttss1i*st f, Mr field, dedted their niece, Mrs- Thome. 1•.111 1 won the prize". Amy at Bile/ord.over the week -e1"1 Three Goderich rinks I.I.oopart in lyrkee, Windw.r: It. It. I)iek,"eu. Tor• Mies Agnes Ernest 'of Toronto, is u toirnnment at Stefnrth'on Wedsew-- tr6 --ret-=.-t7atreit 'fo*M+lo; W. 1. .M -ell, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. warda, Toronto:- Mr. and Mre. WARP' avid -family- Toru tu-:-QCs., and Mrs. Williamson. Toronto; Wm. ilo1R- tarn. Toronto; F. A. Lankin, Detroit; of SciNi h' dornhle:. 1 Th's Fltesta.ssiiionseflle ; S. Pflance. Stratford: Mr. and. Mrs. C. 11. Thbmp- .ou, Cambridge: Mr. and Mrs. Jas, BOXING T1)1'1TNAMENT Swenson, Ntratford ; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. It. Reynolds ham sevens] the Mould. Toro[ to: Mr. and Mrs. iL. A. services of Mr. Thee. Hallett. match- Milton end namily. Dutton: Mrs. G. quaker of the Shamrock Athletic Chits Iaanbe•. 111/1011112): MIMS Ruth faro of Toronto, to assist him in staging 'l 1,.w. Chatham: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. boxing tournament in aid of the Ward end Miss Florence Ward. Chat- ham: Mr. and Mrs. Reinhart and Mr. and Mrs_ L. Rennet(, Ohlo: Mr. and Mrs. 11. 11. Harrlson: etrolt: Mk. and Mrs Andrew -teaks, Mai•the City. Mich. Her. 4'. 1 . and Melt Clarke left on M Inc du 0 motor trip to Halifax Yrs. R. of Detroit. and Mi"m August 13th. Hki ue. atm) .4h. -r p,iut$• They will lin juiu- Kate G e of Toronto, visited with name) W ural inset's issue. Ile is ••x• Irl at Y,-, -.. i br linea Esther Hume Mr. and Dirk A. C. JaekAon, neer the' m,,gel to be 1111 American boxer. Th.•re awl Miss Ne.r}' carie.. who bare own -BRIEFS - The civic proclamation fixing Mon- day. Angina 4th. BM c1vic holiday to Golerlch. has. been Issued. 1 2 8 4 5 84 e ...'i ... 100 7 520 1 Blyth 1 L` 72 Ile 55 109 61 8844 45 103 88 25 25 488 \ 2 e 175 222 Bru.sebs 82 78 2 'n a 61 - 6749 3 89 _ 2;12 194 Colborne 1 ..i 94 101 2 41 73 3 121 4 67 - 323 Gediriob ,,3 • ' 1 2 1117 131; 3 1 .... ,, 80 '129 4129 132 1, 116 130 MO F. D. p .1-............e..............--'148 1 be remind_ o6 122 as usual. % ....... • 113. •61 9 •Fr•.-..' • 70• cit le 300 6* will hold their regular movithly seet- Ing on Thured*S, August 1441), Instead of on August Ttb. The regular me4k0Lg of the Seltfod Hospltal Auxiliar will be held at the home 0 re. W 1$.7itWell li T11rA4i1311R August 7th, at 2.30 p.m. The annual garden party_. the Goderleh township b lacy will be held on Thnt•i Aagllst •llttr;-- on Mr. George Matte's grounds, Huron road. -- The C.N.R. office wan the men of a large crowd IMnday night.i* hear the rellirne, htmdreds awaiting the final bulletin at 1 a.m. Tuesday. be- fore retiring. There were Ave tele- graph menneuger overviews nut pro- grennire reintni. Doti) committee ropes, Liberal and Conservative. had large crowds to hear the returns and the same applied at 1!W dans acether. Two peSvate parties received the tel- egraphic returns at their beton. CHURCH NOTES4. At the Baptist ehmeh next Rev. Wm. Rnithby, of 11t. Thomas, have charge eif the uxvlees at 1 ant. and -7 p.m. • At the Sunday evening service at tbe Salvation Army citadel rept_ P. B111 - Inge will Ite the speaker and the sub - jet -It : ''The Seven Words elf the Crew))." Crane." St. George's rr•tory is to he ,w0m- pletely t•lnnitat'l '11nd redecorated, work to alert during the next week or tel days Title will neeesitatc the tempm'ary ali.wa.e from his r,•"idenee of the rector, Rev. .1. N. H. 14111,.. To get in touch. with him In Panes of ex- treme emerge/ley, members ere asked to telephotos) Pen. Arch. V0. Jomaa-itate- man. No. IO, or Mr. 1. Terson, n. Wit N. Ma w teal_ at IF IY ,,..:1,., 12 >i adwace 151 Dnrlpg for 1 congregative". of Vktorta Atria _it !North attest 1'hlted eburrteet '47 unite fur the regular acrvlc(s, fon AM- INO 3rd. 10th and 31st the mhrnttir we're will be held In North etree1 Vic - 241 VIA eh of Attgsat -A- 1218 T9 51 44 630 Ri church and the evening aervtce 1 toric 'street; on Altglwt 17441 a thle order will M• revering. chum). wilt c•nsdOM its Ona !When! and midweek aereke as It et the hour of 19 a in. The local tors will be . r niceties and w111 1 week -ASS. will 1.• fihr Ie.uti_ the first contesting hollducina utOttawa. Mary Howard and Jean Flick. /ntpils !of four rounds. the ,ewcrnd "rat -third d M1bs Lauri* Jack/inn A.T.C.M., were , cnl•asti,lg u( .Ix rouuda each. and the ul in the recent Toronto /bn- (mirth and final cerndmfing of Dight tory of Music examinellens, tin'' rounds to 0. ia.md bilk/anger. 1T.ie tellei eehr^eissreo fwrt«lynwi ntaatead tt.o i b- g .. ..naauent _win 11 slogoii t! p$ latter In elementary piano. g,.tcruel tinder the rule. o the Atli- Ines Mr. Lem Wong. well known meteor- )elle l'onunissi 14 of Ontario' which Ng- Ing •,( the nen MiiIvatlun .Ins}• hull. 1n ' ere! (nnd1dnte In Negtworth. antemeed Leedom, tile'wife as _f1t`.wN1ea a high e4swl--cewtawt•: nwmta. u..f.w. w•..e. Iw :- 1 N',. il. Mcore. Will/ nwignetl his pool- ehildrrn. tour daughters and One wen. and weights of the Islser• wilt Is' piss- - - -- m i17. i'hafrman of ffiir"ptif 1ltR1• ''""•" -.i were intettieing visitor. ill (:Itderfl•h limbed ill next week's 1..11.•. 1416111dM 81,/l`F.r1riPI1. Ii.t%RI)EN PARTY to rill) 111 IIIIINI'bl Iwlllllf, WWI elll'1••ys.ego INat Sunday, callingu un Mr. Wottg'n w'i11 toe'..re'It't to scat 41No,. Nr. Hey-._._fj, wru(hcr facers) Knox church full dPfcrllfng the former CeMml•itutive The "ale of work_ and homemade• e.okip _it ull.h qAM 1., 11.441. been held tarn, who nun as 0 1.IIM•r11 M North SaturTay, AHgua 2nd. In the building $imrote. failed of e,e• ' . as did also , a iw j..auterrLy .stwnt+ttd by, the lk,, ul think. tip'.,_.', Iti14{;.. to former m m!e r t s^ ^-- IMr•I1 1st 40144.141 mutt* the risge•ri: minty` 4' St7rn -Y 1'. -)burl, fl,ra.•r Pretpier of On- • (eetsin, Gordon Wang. of'von(Cs ('41fe. nulls wtales the -401-4•. will fetid gard••u 114rty. 414.141 )amt Tnt1('mdnynlPmher. . . i< Mrs )lililan. ('ambrhl r.•nd, ham as $. CNN). _vel hyC tinder thk. all n ". atnc ,hail won aloin lc ... _.,/ aflenoM.0 atli'1 11!•?elgl_ .. - I guests this week her sons. Tom, teas- 9t • pic•w of the latdkw' 1141. the • t1 nl roulheast Grey Iu,.T N -lift rile- 111-1h'W'`i - f tl R k Motor ('o - ' proving thoroughly-eitji.yable Hied Mlm•- oHly t•1•preeentative of •her eel In t 1te cessful. AI».ut $150. including dons- J_llouse of. ('ommons. She_ Is ads ottlte tion wns renlieed. reeipts being (livid- oldy United _Framer ' iii ' .-smell e F P For ine rogrram. the Chautauq • 'Starts Next Tuesday l9vening Continua for Balance of the W, l and Next week wWg,bo• f!nyutaagna week ill GoderMh. 06114encing on Tulsdny evening. Almost '1104 Pad continuing until Saturdey (jsei> R• August Ile . he Million and daughter June and , Mr.. Arthur Clothier and family,' of Introit. Mims lily McArthur "i`a bere fro QueTac on a holiday volt and is the guest of her sister, -Mn. Robt. Bisset, St. 1►avId's street. Ilex friend Malmo Maekensie. of the' teaching staff Oi Montreal General `Hospital. abent a day here with her. )'hist and Mrs. i otewlew•a to e on Tuesday morning for Hamlltbn. left t Cant at t if _ ns teflons br cream and 3ngdy ■w/ SyM P e1L, f+tp-n11Di . tell. hi •them.• 1.• baking. *2.3.5: meals. 1444, Those inchargeof the various booths TS ft b General'' were: huoo•nulde !oakum, Mrs. Ah•x. from 1►utxrlo. -- - Dr. 11a11 holds South Bruce by a g."el majority. • ')'hos. Mealtlhul 111M ,1 11145rgin of 01d y *bent 4181 after a hard fight Ill 50th Nolan 1 str4 Here on M(tl., A. MIs Mnrdo•k Miodomld. Iluron. Mrs A G \I u•duuald.vluel Mrs 11'..1. North Perth ehsiel D. M. Wright. Sunday -Lost • ifaker' .•., wry at141 ic•t• ere/1111. Mr".'11' d Gating lir. ltnvhf Smith. -- Abell and airs. A. FONIIe: ' i MANY DIMAPPOINiTED the 1TNrtxor this week. (Neth catRe1' le'- Iterltf4 Mr.. eiuxffleld,'there Were f.4li /nndbttts in Medlar where• the l hl •f is In attendance at the •-day's election' content. with 24,', skeet - There were two almoner arrivals et !work. Mr• '4 Swanson, Mrs. F. co Chief". ge of the irominion Isence ink for the 6 0411•rb•h 6 )4 4 Moe. The Chiefs AI(sbdatlun. During lila abscise ('ns`'" disc11argel 35,1NNI bn.hel» 01 WEEK -ENI) WAS HOT l(er, Mo that :knl met with reverse at th11 Sergeant A..('. Item. is acting chief and sereerriIRs, 4(1(NNI bushel. ,fi bi.rley 1 " lu.t Nondny (election dry n was nd• Itoothe. The eandlttatee were divided a( ", . rR duet 4l./Nal hu.hrlg sif null K. •No-'I'o,wlNy. indeed by meet ;swede to be the hot- follows: LIM•rele, 223. ('nn.prentfh•< f.+ daily protRru1' All prreliIs v n M. Kennedy night patrolman. 1144.[ ' Mrs. Eva Mcl.oeed, of Iktfcrtt, . The iSrlcold,M• Nx" in port,ou. LV.Iglma- tea dry of if. year. hat offMisl fig-. 'l3(►;• PrngnssfveM. 7:- Lile1•ral•Prgtrc. the Tent at Victoria Perk. T11bt yrer'1' dadpfhter", the Mlmws May said J du) wilt De (NMI let 11 of bnrlgy affi,Nees of 11'••ilth,',luan J. F. Match do tliYel, 1L': 1 1,41.4 I"armer', 11; Sa• program promises 10 (io one Yd the best and' her sons Mr. John Mel cad and his 112(1(14) 4,51045 of wheat. H,AI surgewe net sul.»tnntlate thin violet ..11 Was kulrhewnn Farmers, 0: i,abnt, 12: In- ever presented to a Gcxlertch nnrtl.nre. wife and'i.utl of Sahli ate. Mahe. Out. were from the held of the hikes. just its hot on .line 18• hat there was depteeent•. 34: ('nmmuniste. R: Wo i The daily grog y. IM as fullcrwg: O I it t'otn n he re en Ilea day end not 4.1.541 a men 4,,ndidat,s, 10 IQnele•c 2. (Marie Tnerllsy. 4nkust belt l 'MAIM a o Md friend,. Jt11,s {Nine. I,'lunt urns r, mould to . n ab t 1 NI,•II Ii11•n•N11• are in )own today on a friendhg trip The t . S. Ilam.• nr g 1R _ ' 4 alt sena Its elf one Ise► Monthly, Ice i, MnldtI411N t, halo"kit Ll'h.-w'N 11 i• 1 ilvenllir Yopnhlr 1trMldway Com- Je are t Ste Mull!' un Tnrs,la)'. The fug" Mite -40144d Vol nprla,l•v. n lig. 1 - - --- --- Wen Mrlwel will tench nest term at MY- " en I►Ish.-M"-- Martin Erwin Wlretbrox/k, URL calonge and (MOH towel the dredge a drop ..f twenty d,ypnr•s ►Ndore the :\ (yu, yeti• nom. it this week toeing Play Recent visitors at the homes of Mr. 1" the' Stine. un new wort tttrdIniug T1' thertuotne ::kid in the fit, hall: a .(bg'• inrprove- • edtswday. August )hit At' tt•rwtgt-t' odN•I 14011 544(1• W•I,w's to 1.• , 1(11 . s _- Several very fine pie -enure yachts ter registered i0 degreN et Us peek anent badly needed- ,--,...• - I ...„ rl ( o all rl o v N.-tropolltan Artist* t O(i+, The figures for the pest six days Mr, ural airs. Jots i.attq, of (oak- 1a•eMvp "Adventure' in Nwps- •Aro• lanai. Cera,` vIdt/d Mew. A., Walters : - ' flatd Dr. Owen O'Nett MAXIMUM Minimum ....Renee serreL• thin wek. --se Ila d d his Virginia, Nr. iMryt m. R ( 45 1i2 , Ing)-Ortglnat u'irwl Spectacle-- f tl _ JNIy ii i .iuip '" l1 wt MI ! The'hinse of Mr. NRAMtn). Thos. As 'fires htlTrt-Nacre d Ili Al O 1 alde.tOs and Mr on loth t1.o 74th and 244h. an n. ex. PHI • I t IhiM sort during the week. and Mrs. A. J. Wilkins, BoIwe ster ,j,l F • e.•• ort ,li by ('bas. Ked - Clarence Terrace, were Mr. John Dawson, Mr. ling• of Geu.•rat Motors C,Hloratlnn, Clarence Dawsnn, Mr. and Mrs. Chariew o 01.1, was 1n ort on Corporation. Daman as daughter, n ' It is exert that this were one o W „dames par(pQ_gnd now, Itarold and t s yachts that seta Mll.rl hPr•. it Andrey, ra. airy-ie..wwr.;-. all of ,N' we❑ over 1510 tri to c t t Detroit: Mr. John Tewsley and Mr. Orey of WIndeor; Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,nnmbered twenty-four. Other plenshre was modern in erpry detail. ,The crew Park Hetet at the week -end Were: 1.1ttle Current to Termite...tenet -here E W.- Hewn, Montreal ; William J. en Tueeday night. l'aentore and Mr. Litwin.. of Chkego Sunday told M 140 were two of Heights; leurle Newton. Hamilton; the hoteet day.. of the .eitenti and Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Martin and Mtge throttles of peete.• visited tile da - Thorollay, August 7th The Garay Sisters, !wetter. "With Mutwolini and the Itlackeltirts.- Friday, August 121. moon -Popular En tette in mete - flee IhuttIngn' Marionettes 111111Pdlay, August -4; Sierra's Hawaiian.' to, Wiry, London: link W. banditti; lir. sad Mrs. 4: k. Porker. bathing botch. ,Ijarboy , Vied Was treated to her tepee of txrvia this MOM is io the tierood ant thatAihi bib inly -2,4 110 711 , a noneber of pleasant minium the pa ..., or. I week when oh.o.i..w.• -a their family Hein fell on ene day Anly. In.4 Sat- ' were -Mr. end Mrs. itntiert A, -Coleman 'inlay. Jule 26, during the past Weck. :awl three ..lillilr.si, of Abbey. Sank: month ,of Jul'y le otily 1.13 as corm 'derson and three children, of 1.011414111, purest tette 5.72 inehes, in June. a eon. !and Mr. R/Ill Mre. .1 1 Alex. Anderson. siderable difference. TIle /11.0101111. a of Dayton, Ohio.' reatiag and weather during the aemth L. SIIRALING rain, however, aided grestly in har- vest' about the finest In )11/Art, I OW 011 I Midair I Mr. Witch the ' Iliirnami year so mut