HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-7-24, Page 10r'',.!14/7"4" 010-TTV>4ay, July 24, 1$ THE SIGNAL WADDINGTON'S English Playing Cards Just the thing for your Party. Try them. tile Pot -.. GOVEARICH, ONT. Fine Turnout For j Calf Remembers The cenwut Nalk around the Nquan• St. George's Picnic its Dring rop•tre' this week. T1s work Former Owners L Delub dace rodeo the trttP•sviatoa the public works committee. Weatherman ie Riad sad )� 1'I ry will meet at the More of AntWer. to 1Yt�e of •'Daisy" Auxiliary will mer[ at the Lome of al ..s. Der O at 1�enogotung Mrs. T. 1t. Rundle. Hurou reed, on While Graining 1n Strange Pao- Pnr -- lf[ajur .•G--_RistDi..w111...ls_ town -''tt Oharge ?oliowi Thursday of [e week on property bustnrate in connection with the Salmi - air "Dielep" wavelet -pee call., Army. Ile will conduct an open- answered 1,, Iter name and was all air service on the Square. white it, ,,,tel Mrs_ Harr' Powell, (tn Thursday. August 7tb, the Cath- Goderlch town -hip. identified the mit- otic R'umen's league will hold a gard- en party at Harbor Park, Supper will n1141. after it hod r°%" l W. the be served from 5 to s p.m. There will be fancywork, candy and ice cream OOIE'S BOOK STORE • VISIT THE Capital Cafe (-ant ruI,- of e, �,, ,[• ) Goderich's Newest Cafe A la carte Aer(tee al all hours, "Best Place to Fat in Tau'n P.O. Box 321 Telephone 272 BRIEFS u St. George's church Sunday .cbool held' its anus' picnic at Menesetung Park on Wednesday afternouu. , Tine levent was a euecess lu every any and then• was a large attendance of young people mud grown-ups. During the at- ouelv dia- teruowt there was a softball game. it appeared from the farm of her bus- Nuugs were sung by members of the; band. As a result of this Identifier- pritnnry depslrtmeut, of, which Mrs. a"'lIia tion in a strange posture field, George MliKlus is superintendent, There was J. ('evil Hewn ton. Listowel lawyer, Cooper, "ltt`ihe same township, was n peanut and candy scramble, for the was tnatoWw" years in In Ontario taken tutu euetcdy last Friday by fro- Isors and girls. A program of sports reforms when found guilty M vinctal Constable .1. Whiteside and was run off. the results belug as fol- inner• pn•trnees by Judge clement at t'otmtJ Constable Thos. Gundry. He Stratford 11eduewday. The conviction 1'rbnsq' •DrNH.nent appeared Saturday mctrnine before lows: is to las appealed. Slaglstrate Rrkl ked waorremamled In • Next Sunday. July _'7th, at 11 writ. w)atedy fo.r a week. 'toys, 7 and 8 peers --Cheater Me- awl 7 p.m., anniversary wrynessw411 i The ,•alt disappeared last November i nuallarde41'a t - under auspices Of W. George's Cburrhwoman's Guild -ON-- the Rectory Lawn --ON- Thursday, July 31st. Tela served from bs30To'clOek Fancywork and candy tables TEA TICKET13.___40 Dents Admission to lawn, 10 vents MIS. MINER'S DONATION The Signal last week published a Ilan of donations to the fund for the are of aa(tected graver 112 M*IUand cemetery, apunsored by Uuderlcb Women's institute. In this list tbe name of Mrs• A. T. Miner, Ctuasy, N.Y., appears as a donor, but without au amount opposite the name. The donation, sur of the beet yet received, arttrSee.ebedielliniia• to &alis contributor [Ale correction 1a finsili wade. FOR SALE TO RENT - RAl1$HED SUMMER COTTAGE 1 to rent for balance of penes*, all Modern cvnvenlentMs, located close to good bathing beach. Phone 367, ur write Box 4* Uoderlch. , PUBLIC NOTICE SSAL'E.--4NEWLY-BU1Ilr SIZ- 8 R ROOM cottage on Cameron street, all conveniences. WUI sell oa mull terms. Apply to T. R. WALLIS, corner Victoria and Picton streets. COR SALR.-LADIES' HAND -EM - 1' BROIDF.RED .0 over Aprons 75 cents; pillow caret $1.00 * pair. Em- broidery work done at neansinabl• Charge. MRS. BERT WITTY, Gore Bay, ODI_ Nall Harold Shore, .1ackle Fritzley, ibe lueld-at Nmlth • Hill 1 noted church- us r•ompdo•tely es though it had been KILO - Girls. 7' and 1. years -Hazel itylo11 Stell will:(induct the war swniita•wt up. Of recent weeks, I.ow- NE AND ONE-QUARTER SILO Mildrd S,,hur•ter, Josephiue Bradley. vices and the ['lassie quartette. of ,.err, then ern rumors that "Daals7 1 WATT Delco lighting plant, 5E bat- Beya. ,mud 8 yearn -Bobby Reld, Str itfonl. will hove charger of the mus- aur ,w the farm of Jame' A. Dale, teriea, 110 volts, digbtly used, but 19 lute,• Bradley Silly Harris. Mal tart of the service. who gave Cienwr $5.1 for the auim.l• I first-class condition, for sale- A ber- Girls. 7, and 6 years -Ruby Willis., The'spettal committee of the town The two officers, with Mr. and Sirs gain. Apbly to MR. W. Q ROS$ER, Mildred I Helen Holmes. council will decide whether or not ,'-welt visited the Dale pastun•s Sora. Denfield PO or to SIES9R8 SlitliH Ie ARNIVAL -OF- TIONS y OF-TIONS l'nder auspices of Maple I.e� (chapter I. 0. 1). E., to be held at THE PAVILION TUESDAY, AUGUST Sth at8p.m. Prises will 1* awarded for tbe best National and e..mie cos - tune., ladies and gentlemen: children under twelve years, fancy and comic. - G R a--a-a4-s L1-- p R 1810 _.-- ----DANCIIDI_QL-- FORTUNE TELatia-r LHOME- - CJ1j , MADE DT Admission - 23c "Meet Me at the Pavilion" mont NOTICE '.0E7.2A511INQ RIWISTRATION OF BILA . ;Cotlte is hereby given that a bylaw was passed by the • Huron County Council on the 11111 day of June, 1090, providing for the Seam of debentures to the awouut of $100,000 foe the put - wee of paying Provincial Highway in- debtedness of the County of Myron on the 16th day of October, 19311. and that raid bylaw has been duly regh.tered in the ('ouuty Reyglatry office. Any motion to quash ur set aside the same or any mart thereof moat be made within three mouths after the first publication of Ibis notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 5th day of July, 11/30. GEO. W. IIOLMAN, Clerk, County of Huron. 20ST.--BROWN AUTO RUO. WITiI airtime, 0s ur meat Port beach, July 20th. (finder plea.. w a • P. 0. BOX 864, Oodsrlch. r,OUND. - ON PORT ALEUT BEACH, r gentleman's watch. Owner may hove same by proving _.ami.. ans.ins-•.1ss gals .itch• t4.ement. Apply to THOS. 1'. McOALL, Brussels: Ont. `a\ AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FURNISHINGS, EL. RCTRIC RANGE AND ELECTRIC WASHER. We are instructed by MRS. J. W. SMITH to sell by public auction at her nal - deuce, East street, Oodericb, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th commencing at 1.80 o'clock sharp: Most of the contents of the house, including square piano, (Haines Bros, N. Y.1, etti i - r, eat -oak dining ,.gibe (9 eel. hall m1Ror, hall chairs, 1 r. 3 Y 12:3rugs, each 9z 12; n ea.hnc0:1 rug. Gx9. D TENDi'ES WANTED •xrngolet runt. 9 z 9; 2 chair". n a z 41�a ; couch r,rcki¢g cbalrs, s l tables, �elock, 4 exceptionally a bmf, .9rings and ran beds, /pomp w shades, stat TENDERS FOR DREDGING """caw, cu 6 light oak dining chairs,_ .: ens, pktpRes, .) IfEVf111:Ri1 idllreoiid i :,S Point .lee- praeticglly .curio wasb- ildre -secs, c en - 1 • Boas, 4 rear.-,-Jachle rad- Goderlch will send delegates t0 the an- Powell veiled "Daisy,' end the uulmal � '• Ti � -I)ITH k DAY1D801, Barrister's. etc.. - -- r Howard White. noeTZ�oiuveutiun of The Omtarir Stink- ane to bear. She took it by 1 rear and_ Landoll, OnWrlo_ Girls. 4 years--Elafete McNeil, en tarn Aswciatiuu to be held iu Torontottuarche'd-it over to where the Officer" - ( w, ',heti. }Toren.. Riley. oti August 27, 7.8 and 29. The water, wore standing. The now seemed -----^ noes., a..d aids __g veers -/Q at andw commi tee 1 , r Bradl .�a delegate iv� fie meal toITir ICYruT'The :44 wan d Ii t hart t will decide 4t'*wa} t.. meet its turner owi(.ra an L Laws. Ronald Patterson, Irene ley .i 8ebpol Lakya Harter Aesoctattun eouventiun ti oke little• reMuilon all ro d- Mira , AUCTION SALE ' to be held in Green i!lay, WI*., on Au- a real pet." . Mrs. Powell aid. end ; GRAIN guar 7 and 8, , " Piga acted the pert. A garden party under the auspices At firs Coarps•r 1434141 ire• heti.I.•nght , We are instruct of the Girls' Guild of Nile church will . the animal but Yrs Cooper an- e• aro r be held on MF. Henry Matthew's lawn .ileo .4..r- Ie•'k Kra('*'iww's chugs -Rey Muneay. . their plate. Thin Infotentice e i l be • to sell by public auction at him.farm. be ('bu ries Powell R Wigle • - I Snupper Nil l On T e r edf JW 31st. half mite east of Loyal, (Lot 7, Con - AUCTION r r ill b served from G to s hlKher e1[larfrcrl up•m at tied S.elur t AUCTION SAI•ES Mrs. F'oster's class --George Brown, vrthur Bradley. Stewart S(-hoenale. \lis' SLtrphy'e .•lass --Lloyd Scttoe- net George Persona hill. Reid • • nubs said. It e;S.:-• -,I to MR. 1.i••OYD `1\o• 'it eratrnd. and endorwd Burlington Cha up w s ' .day rnurrtag'' Irial. Mission 1s, E. D. Colborne) 00 Mrs. pahn.Y* Jae. -M•Ruler, AI•�ptn. A splendid program_willbe given - `- herTSihnre -13erT Hn rilili." -_ .. TUE$DAT-. .5th consisting of orchestra ,musk, read - Sloss Taylor's clasp -Alert Medd. liar Inge, solos. duets and quartettes. Ad Rls.ii SUCCESSFUL' liANO PITIES aIIt'-at% o'clock p.m.:o dlca- old Turner. trent Turner. Mr. laalahls e'rnlenrll, tr et I and teoder can be -obtained ,on at{ The w he no • •.e the; mission :i' awl .:w. , it weather 1.Above 75 acres of growing grain, tion to the umtersitnEL also at the I p,r„I,,, Ant Men sold• Miss Tye'. and Miss l'eek's chew-- unfaverrhle it will be held in the el'alruast••r of N.erth stow[ 1 tilted probably acres of oats and l5 metes ) I'eglry 1•arwme, Nona Harrison. Aud• tahurch. auuuuucrs the tulluwlug onooffice Of we lrititrfct Engineer. EyetBy aN,rte • Anyone mor electric to examlaeS church o. ; cetwful squall' fn flu o'onsrvrtory mid- of barley which w1I1 ate sold In loft to Bulldtvg, Tonruho, (Int. the testi a rauRe or owasher e very Wieland. batt. Tendert must iu.Indr•llne! td pi ao ezaminathma [tend rte `� mal esti an Aogott F i, elf Potter. -• a . fol. mutt tr• Hold. ■r• Imtwi�sl to for employed un T. Gd•N t covered twain trtc range, cab Dredging, nr oa ane . ( aR good as new; • • will be received until 12 s4 er, good .s aew; replete guard* 3- . glxtvgat3ttgl. I'j14.d$7, Alt- burur'r CD( • • reugr with nver-tlu*. bee Amite nd plppi 'hitches table.,A•, Tend. 1 not, N. ,•onetdel i "" t,Lt(, rd, refrigerant.,small leas made on the forms "appled1mesh•, •es. cotrkink•at,•t ;e4t• .:a..• h the lar rtment ncsl in aceordaaao►.xpet lc with. the conditions set forth !bereln. ' •w 4 ; (Taal and so .torous '► :_ epeetfhatirm and form of I oder * `t*eF� and sonorous y aftermaths atter Mr..-$r}lwatn*,. cissa .Marjorie-*ummer s There will be no reserve. Mr. Young the plant to and from the wont., a r .amtmaa, Pamine Bradley, Myrtle OBITUARY cantly : leu Grey. Roberta Ju nrledp .tis_ y ru Frank ,.Grey, r Ail who tried to not Dere to harvest re the crop and 1t� The dredges and other ltat`wk1� TF.RMe: Cash. the rxamuwttoet were wcce/s �1 ,h DRY & SON. Miss -Berk'. clans -Helen Harrison.Archer. eeth o a E. B TERMS: ?Tine months' credit will be work. *hall have Men dilly reginterod t Margaret &hcrrnrls, Lucy iers. Tlw <fewth of n torte BELL i i glten nn furnlnhtng approved So1nt In Canada -n or before the 'ITirty- -a AvcUoneer/• Mrs. •lock's slats-Phylll*' Martin, id ut f God i h S theperson of et sum DOWN - to k pts notero final day of n or of l!M_th or .hall i,. Gliders. M. Durnin. Sres r o er , n A quiet summer et -tiding too re Percival E. Bell occurred at Winnipeg. at Hincardine on Monday, Jnly 21st T. GUNDRY •SON, have been .ouetnu•tcel and registered Auctioneers. Mrs. }iarrison's const -Barbara G11• Min., on Tnawlay. July not. Drces's Pearl Farrant, Dorothy Medd. ed was in his eightieth year. Ile had when Steric. third danghtev of Mr. and Potato race -George 1ljrcrwn. Arthur been ill ninon[ a week. He was burn in Mrs. R. Duke, of Kincardine, was Bradley. Raymond Mul'r y. G,rderich and resided here up until ten I united In nurriaae to Mr, Carl 8betar-- Iktys' role -John_ sap __,.. x... a as,e.� }tenwn Prow.. lHe is survived by his wife whose' down, of ;Jammu. Me young coups. We are Instructed by Mr. R J. 11[t� ant of theeontraotpole. but nor ne Girls'. race --Mona Morrison. HeMImaiden name mus [carol. !}sults, stater will rewide In Goderlch. Sleben. whe h leaving Gode'ietr, to to ter for has,. th141 fire hnndrwt dotlarn, Archer. l'eggy Parentis. --of Messrs. B. J. and W. W. Saulta, of sell by public auction at his resldeeate, Itomds ..f th.• Ia.nuinion of 1'anadu coo iloy+' .three-legged race -K. Jnek Guderlcb, and also by One daughter. GOING TO OLD tiOtNTR1 Waterloo ,greet,. Goderich, on 8atnr- I4 041 ..f the c'auradlau National !tail. and W. Hunt. W. Riley and A. Shore, Mrs. W. T►avidwru, of Wiunipeg. TDe Bert Cutt. of Galt, won of Sirs. Rub[ inly 26th, commencing at . ; way company will 1e pt pled aa, L. St-b$'nnle aBdH.iia a. etnnerni hark once on Wreinesday. u. itttt, tt spendlnR hta racatton at eeeIari4A. ••. 1•.uul- .•14,4 a '1Nqu.= it re- ' Married women's nee -Yrs. T Bell. 1 oe neck ,Dara Aft home here. This fell hte will .all Ltvingroom, mom, b•dr Mrs. R. Harrison. Mrs. G. Salkeld. JOHN NICHOL8IIN ;for England as a member of the Cao- ami kltehe l.nnitnreInelttdingBrs*t rich aretidlan choir. of Brantford, whicD wUl oln and locoed., le tier upbtsii -to t'onada .iu•e• the Mild date. Foch tender must he aceompsnled I'LEARING AUi71TON -SALE OT an� ac payable equethe order of HOUlliliiOLDr FURNITURE AND Mia9uter ••f public Works. for b_ iri'it!iI AUCfONEISRENO MAS WIN/DRY, GODET1ICR. LIVE STOCK AND O)ONRit• • .11CTIo 1R , Telephone No 119. albndee to anywhere lad swan effort made to give sa�ttisLfaction. Verniers' bale note. demounted. WESLEY W. FISHER. Auctlooeer. will eor,.uct melee anywhere My terms are renewable and 1 will ees- doevor • to give istlafactl.4► Phone rlow 1314. or addratb s R. 1. 4, Go (ilrl three teems! rate -Perry Par- The death occurred in (:ode sena and Margaret Schoenals, Pauline) wedneselay, July 16th. of• Bradley and Marjory Eastman, Edith � known and .,teemed reelient r: Farutt and Lucv Iarrison. fl ('atguw 1 n d k tables car- ulrt,I, mak.. 1111 au ,Mill amount.• ee 41; order. N. D1 -U.t1ID1XH, S•retaey (-a oke, cried Ottawa, ,Inir.25rd, 1930. ' at a wellglib Be first convert at , ibis, Oftober 20 it will participate to , y .[sure, walnut a¢ oak Ilwepartmeut et Public R'o . the trine n1g. 12''� x 91y and 12 z 9 DI rev- 11lackpool music festival on October electric lattice annex, hot water free[ CLLIOTT MILLER person Of Joan le(1CDOlaOn, In / enty-ninth year. Dec•.**.d had been 111125. and will then give • total of nine i and pipes: refrigerator: New Perfec- The fire brigade was called out last' •brat a week. Ile was born 1n the' emcrrt/• Including one at the Royal flan 4 -hunter oil glove, dmw.ere, fwd/ Saturday- afternoon to extinguish a Hebrides Islands (Lewis r, S.otland,l Albert Hall, London. before leaving fort matreeses. toilet seta, CONI oil he,tie•r, grass llre_I the south-east end of, amt osnee-est wken he weak home on November 1 from Southamp-� lawn mower, garden tool. and number ae near the plant of the God- eighteen logs- K aFor upwards ton. Thi/ choir luta already been one other articles. - I beard in several Canadian cities and TERMS: Cash._ erfeb 8tit-fr registered. y. There was one,nt e1rvi est by ter lived to Goderich. Hr las been aeclsimed the nal of any! T. (iUN>)RY A BON, - false clan. re t.terr(1. On Wednesday 18 survived by his wife and two danRA visitet Canada. Auetw_eers.� QF.ALED TEN:twRS addressed to the afternoon the automatk telephone ye -1 fere and three soot:- Mr• R C Mil choir to t nr, - - . ____ endorsed tem which was recently connected up of Toronto: Moet (4. H. Buckman and s for North Pier Reconatrm•tlun. Knitter- in lrte r -in auiue,�nktarwn manner started% I iwwrence Nkholbon. of Rr ckvtlle; a Bate Al Ae--Basebait BAIJs M Usut.." will be received until 12 electric a nen and bell. The b ' John Nlrbdnon, of Toronto, and Don - turned out promptly hut no tree! d1 aid Nicholson. et' New York. The fen,' any person turning in the alarm by era/ took place on Friday afternoon to telepbone could be found. Maitland cemetery. The late Mr. Nlch- Meet was 34 member of the Presbyter - Ian chum -h. Rev. R. C. McDermid con- ` ducted the eervief.ri8d tbe- atlbeereru were the three sone, Messrs. Lawrence, • I)onrld and John Nicholson and Kel- 1 in-law. Mr. R. C. Milne. FOOTWEAR FASHIONS -1930--- Men who wear fine Shoes are demanding cor- rect style and fine appearance in their Oxfords. There are many outstanding features'in the -coming season's style situation. These features are to U -found in the new models for spring_ All the leading manufacturers' lines are to be found here at most reasonable prices. GEO. MacVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE ,.v r. ,.GODERICH "An Evening in Hawaii" Canadian Chautauqua Feature LOSE (ILO8E GAME By the chew score of 4-3 Exeter de- I tented Gisierich in an intermediate 0.B.A.A. ,gain. at Agricultural Park Monday evening. Right up to the last inning It was anybody's game. With one run down in the ninth God- erlch had a man on base and a bit HARRIET E HAYDEN would have meant the tieing run, but It was not fortheuming. The batter - After an filmes" of only five weeks ries for (iuderleb were Tunney and the death occurred at the home of her Murrey, and for Exeter I$uudaa and brother Frank, Nheppardton, Ashfield * ficht. )loth pitchers_ were real good town.bip, ,of. Harriet Elizabeth Hay- with Tanney having a slight edge_ den. aged fifty -uneven. nn Wednesday July 23, 1930..Deemed had enjoyed excellent health until quite mentil} and had many friend. in A'hfleld, where she was Morn and livid all her life. She was a lifelong member of - .('brunt church, Port Albert. and was i t eaaurer and .orretary of the 'rtdies Guild for twenty -.even year.. the guild �adahtrliaft::JSsc ai(.yr .ytnuiveraary..a few Tears ago, thrliffW: Miss Hayden holding the offilX, from fornmtion un- )t1L_tIte__Lime__of her death... Deter was n daughter of the late William J. Hayden, one of the ,pioneers if Ash- fiehl. $he le••ves font ArMhere and swore „f Hengwontingq wonting by - cicwk• w itl inn. William of Vancouver„Jeune,. and winner. of the aetond halt for the Frank of Ashfield township Mrs. Eliz- • en championship. Following Is the stand- Frank alw•th Iinehsnan, of Ashfield find e nd Mn..Mr.. Of the Huron [comity Baseball League, lire[ merles: v -- won last tit lid Ooderlcb failed to hit in the pinches otho•rwlee the result might have been different. It was a r*AI goal game �f baseball with a fair crowd pre°Pnt. The umpires were Tho.. Iiawli�e. of Clinton (at plater. and D I. 11111 of Goderich (on tm,w,e e ' The game was the drat home fixture of the aee•rand half .Of the schedule. »ALI. WINS FIRST HALF To d We the championship a the HE et of-ttte-erhednie H.ttwsl1 end Exeter meg at Exeter Friday, July two Modern. They are: Henry of I41 ore of 4 t. Th1. tram stent the Frank t!p.hall of Mturgia, Ha katch- roman. The funeral will be Dtid Friday from ht•r Int.. residence to Maitland eetneteyy. 1b -m. Mr. Gibb.. of Dungan- non. taking the services. Ston. i'pwhall came from the we -at when notified off Geer deter's'ilio,•.,. three we.•ka ago and will remain for the funeral. while her brother William visited home re- ,ratly. - - - INDUCTION .iy .NIL& - Henson .,. 6 - . 0 12 Exeter , .. i 12 (IOderich . ,. 4 4 0 R CIInto.. , 8 8. 2 - 8 •tieeforth .-. 0 1• n - 0 • Seiffortb di,f,t'atted. HENS.U.I. WiNS AGAIN Henan derated Clintonfin TDetslay 4atg11t to `Clinton by a *core of 9-3, ' In a scheduled Huron County lhaae- ;g1Jt1('tioD services were [tela It Nttet. _ en Prfd.y evening, 4Aly la. -tor Rey. • tall League fizture•playe4 at Exeter W. 0. Shaw, new Uutted church ado- this fThursday) evening lloderieh de - Wet: 'formerly e-inter;'formerly of Fingal. Rey. C. lr. tented Exeter. U-1. Tenney pitched a hark of North stniet I tilted church splendhl game f4041to0eHch. preskiert. Rev. James Scoble Of Bel- grnve. gave the address to trio emigre- Bex'ONI) HALF. MCHEI)11.E • dation and Rev: -tt. C., itaMe •the 04- July 21 -Exeter at (iaferieh. dre.e to the minister- There eras a good luny 22 -Hemel' at ('Ildton. [nonan[: J017 24--Goerich ■t Exeter. 1 %IJ4IU 'S HAWAIIANS tog in Ilawall." beautiful-speefas)er vesical production. Gag feature of the &suing Oanadtaw (Chautauqua r* ate/ tels noteb& e'otap& of nation -wieners and mature Hawaiian mule as It shoal/ he played won tame throottltoot llervtp. CM Ant/rlea octloWanwidth givera vivid ds of the Poeta* gttmD•• Bee of OODZIf,IOH a1l&WT QVO DATI $---AtIGU8T 6th to L9th ••. Nett" wawlag 1. Fri. MORTGAGE SALE. OF VALUABLE day. August 1, 19M, for the reconatroe- FARM PROPERTY. - I tion of 200 feet of the North ,Pier. at Kincardine. Bruce County, Ont. Under and by virtue of the pxowere Plans and form of contract eau he contained f¢ a certain mortgage which seen sown specification and forms of will be produced at the time of ale' Gautier obtained •t this Department. at there will be offered for le by pabllc (nrttomf a Bnlldl to condors Ont To a auction on Tuesday, the 29th day of� mato Builders Exchange and-Conatrue- July, 1930, at the hoar of 2 o'clock In lion kultt.trfen 1104 Rays St„ Toronto, the afternoon at the Goderieh Inn.' Ont . and at -the Post Office, Kincar- Golerich, Ont , the following prop- (�1 erty: lot number three In the 12th con- Tedder. .ill not be considered um - remotion, W...tern Division, .d the leass made on printed forms supplied Town.bip of Colborne In the County of 1.7 the i).•lrwrtmeut ats1 in acrordnnr 2 Harem.'- '1 t 111 acre' off the easter- with conditbwa rou(Atm!d theteln. ly end of said lot. rontaiuing :.'113. Karla „tender tone[ ter ae.'ompanle4 by semen of lam/ more or lessau aneptiasi da4(5e on a chartered There is a good frame honee on the hunk. Iwyahle 10 it* order of the Min- .. equal to 10 pI•r t o the tender, ;en Canada or I, 1i I Relt- Imet property end irsme Darn witch may isier of Public W ere inspected by intenrling purchaser rent. of the rs at any time. Bond of attn. Deli The property. hi very eruitable for a ; bund• of the Can, -chicken ranch or as a market garden. way•tjpany-tuUl The farm Is close to the Nile -P. 0. l a1•curi!y, or bonds on -the boundary between Ashfield Fad/qulrc.l to make ala (.blit orne townships. Note.--Uin"e i h111 Terms a sale : 20 per Sent. of the at this D••parta10I t Nurcha.e move] I0 be Rel w'n Riot the alet•yt4 enteene (• - time cd vele end the belatsce ► of Public -Wort: days thereafter. For further pnrtieutar.. and emtdi- turned In the [inc. „Toys of sale apply to a rtegular l id. rFTUS E. DANCEY, I17 ender, • MR. MALCOLM'S TRIBUTE i hen hone. 10 x 24 -en stone tannin - July 25" -(Inst.* at Hertaall. July 2d---Hem011 at heater. Aug. L-(J111i9en at erh•ti. Aug. 1. ---Nae[ at Monis. Aug. 5.--(104 kh at Henault.Ang. 5.-('lintarl at Exett�r. Avg. N.- Exeter at (Mows, Aug: Ii. Dena tr4tThithrrleir.------ Auctioneer s, Piton* 70, Locknow 1 Sales conducted anywhere. Wide ex- perience My very best efforts pmt forth in each and every sale. DRUGLESS PIIACTiTIONEE td as me 1f re- tic[. O'•tnfic d 'nq an CTO 3111) DRUGL1i$S TB HIT Goderlcb, Phone 841 Equipped with eleetro-magnetic baths. Electronic electric treetmeata and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous disease,. Indy In attendance. Otic. hours 2 to 5, sod 7 to 9 pnt_, egeepring Monday and Thursday and by appointment A. N. ATKINSON Resident* and of ice--Corser et South street and Britannia road, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT • j'RANR P. OIBBS, CHARTERED gAccountant. 1, Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 1580. Res, MEDICAL Dlt. 1�J. It. ronsTER, r P'Tr"MAR. NOSE, THROAT. forte Donee Surgeon New York Oph- (8 fl) c an•; Aural 'I7.sldtel, ■e.tsteat ' ,t_ uoor.tlt+H''F.`tBe-b p: tat end-9e1Rea tM Thr•,•i-t If•R pita I. Eversion. Boi- t 'Waterloo • 1!•. S•enrhrnt. T.•)• .1)1404-4 ir.l. .\: flor,•1.11e01ne•!. Godereh. OD the •,"owls•% of t!- rd ole; dny of each 'wetti, 4111 the folios ug day. Tuesday, at 1 p.m. Next visit In Aeptemh.r e `!.1 h• boo... t: N. DEF.; :�' FC SOLICITOR. A•cr•tntc MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE 14rpartmeirt of Pubiie' Works, FARM PROPERTY. Ottawa, July Under and by virtue of the power" .obtained in a certain+ mortgage which will lee produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for ale by public anctlon on 9atnrday, the With doy of July,. 1930, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at Rivett'. hotel. In the Village of Dungannon. by Thomas Gundry.' auctioneer, DM following property, namely. the west half of Lot Nmnlwr Farren In the Second ('onc•esslum, Eastern Division; of the Townablp of A.hflild In the County 11 ijuron: contalnIng one I2ndred (1,110) acres of land, more or les.. Thera LS erected' on the property a modern red brick haute 2R Y 44 with frnmrkitchen attae•he4 16 z,16 in drat .lila14 repntr; a frame tart! with atone 'roundlettm 4S x 00 with aldltlo4 10 z 28 also on atond foundation ; &Dottier barn 30 x 24 nn atone foundation, not fi g('wt repo i r : w•bcrp pen 14 x24 ; "You have s lona hi Mr. Rob- ertson you can f pp0�t with -c whole heart and sold, a man who {believes that the true path to Cantina's greatness lies in the de- Yelopment of trade within the Em- pire. It is not only your duty as 'altisene of Goderich, irrespective of your political allegiance, to give him your Vote, tat it is your duty to take out your coats and ale* lt'la."-ilon .lames Malcolm, MA - Muter of Trade and Commerce, at Ooderieb, Saturday, July 12.- MORN i MARTIN. -At reit, on July The; 1930. Ito lir. - lint, C. II. Martin (n a Violet lack), •a son, Robert Jaisest.. ' DIED BEi,L.- At Winnipeg. -n 'I'm-sday: Jnly 72mi, Percival F. Bell. farmer 1y of (iolette's in his at)th ]rat. nAT11lEN.- iw *41111014 township, on • �.s,�..--e-Al y, - July 23rd, Harriet E 11�RI'tten, daughter of the lute Mr _.1116-.lir•. W d ..1.. Usudon... '--The Moors) NM tete place frmn thi'J raldeec• of het brother. Mr. 8. rel 'Hayden, Aahfleid, on Friday, Jvly 26th, at 2 o'clock, to Maitland come G'ry. Service at 1.30 o'cleek. [kin : implement Riled 3Si•x 2fh There 1. an °retard of mixed ARE! Ninety acre. of the farm torelettTM and In goof state of multivatinn 'Ifrtd ishout )4 sere. of hush. The soil 1t a grw'xl rls4 loam: Ah nhnndLnt .nptpty M water from a well and .,totem' let the house end n never billing .prong ree(ak clove In barn. The harm I. 0104. to Dtmgannem and the Nile. Term. of Rnle 10 per rent of the purchn•e money to for mid down at the time ^f anl,• and the Islame of the pnrehn.r mnnee within 30 days thereafter. A Inrge port of the purchase monerthny remain on IAetehtlFRgr-ht A .per ,Cent. iter fnrtia.r .pa- rtlenlan'asci'(101111- [lot.o of male apply LOFTi'R E DANCBY. Vendor's Solicitor. ' dated July 15, 19(10. A ..i' y. -1444 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the . undersigned, and entbrrsed "Tender for Wharf, Sarnia, Ont." will be No- celved until 12 o'elork moos (dgligbt aat8sg)t, Tue.day, July 29, ]2, for the conalructlon of s wharf, dtaBar- ohs, Larabton County, Ont. - 'Mane and form of nentract can be seen •q4 epec{flentlom sad forms a'• tenor obtained et tort?department, at the offlc•es odos Milk -let Engineer, Customs Itulldtng, Wad'8, Ont., Tor- onto Builders Ex d' Cometntc- Uol' Indnetrie , , 1O4 SC Tdro6tn. 04.0sed at th! P (Nils, -Sarnia, Ont. Tenders not heeaMtidered un- less mule on iut.d forms supplied by the Department and in accordamrq with.condltlone eontalned therein. amender moat be .eevrnrpa by an accept (TiegnX-ossa cham1i bank, payable' to Rute order of the Mla• biter of Public Werke, elle' to 10 per Hent_ of the amount of tins 'leader. Ronda of the Dominion of Canada 'or bond. of the Canadian 'Nathaniel Rail- way Company will alae he accepted an ..entity, or 11011(111 and a ehrequf' If Qnlrg) to walk. up en (Ad amount,' Note. Blue pt%nt•e con 1w• ,dots at Ms Department hr depositing accepted cheque `for tow elm of VS).' , pe tide to the nrder of the Minister at Pgblic Works, which will be rn IMINIP 'tf the ?Aladdin; h:14Ar� sbteltc tarsier bid. 1I1�' ....� ... ........o 111. iH$7ARD1N0, aeeretan • LEGAL Q'RNE9T M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Son ur. minting. Adelaide tad Victoria stt!ets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. DUDLEY E. HOLMEU, Barrister, Etc. Matte--Ba*flton street, Godertek Phone 2'1•• Q. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, do Yecesor to J. _L• Killoran. / . ' Pbor:e 97. „ . • Office -The ibuare. Uoderlo4L. '1 w• Maps R daps 'I*' B• aaarrirrt,Ilker. R.C.HAYt4-R.C.HAYS in.. H.A Hamilton St, Gndsrien e 0.411. 4 t; a. 1 URANCiI. LoAAa. gee, c • . • - uleel ,liectvIAP of[yftg, TIES IN - frit enftAi5lel' a0. ,F'.Its • and leo- • tared town property iii e Officers --Jae. Connolly. Harm, God. It P.O .lea. 188111111D 19180PDOL. hwond PO. ; D. 8', 1McOrttgsf, rens., tisrforth P.O.. •. tore- -A. Broad/anti R ,Silo. a, • h; Jolson Ah Vivre;; a, Inn, R 0 No. 2,. ash-' Hnrlrrck; .1 new4i4,-- (tela M , R.R. Obit Agent- T -A Nn,$, tea; James 'act ; e. - s ▪ . Is ,. assafar•th r Jahn room 1L--•_ 140hi -.�. Polley-holdew Can. we a '1fR/T Bet tuft etfMlt .rwwHltee at R " •,,•_.'T t*ovriah't. ('looting St' (Ingots 1 e • Calvin Over*(Irnery, .la sires, (i(wlerleh, or .1 .0. R Y ';.nc111bJ • raters. Bayflst& 1'kWtea(NoPublic worts. , Mime, 31117 15, i9Atf