The Signal, 1930-7-24, Page 5sags ' ,ar..iCP► 5' ' .. _._ ...�. _ .r• K '"-. .t.,f:t.'.rt R" ,•7t,.. 4.. _ "-a$i'ssll�. "` ,+;' «"... ;rk':.�M� .:ti.1R4+at .,,ai" _ :-..^'n"�' d,lllAiDvY4i['6X; :ifl"+.'+•f /L�.�hvi: �'. _ _ _aA ..+...,r. -;b. -^S"' ',"°:"'., •�.,.,- �^ros..:r_m,...�e'�zrm�w,a.+n..;,"',11:. �..:'.. be., ,.+t..++ -s ,_ .-..,.-... . 1-•.- � max- ...- - _�:L.•..:_,.ir,,.... • �, ., . z . ,,: .. +,. "„ , •,w . . .._ .. •.fir. - • ... 1 ...... _ �'•'.,,y'•!�' ry ,t, ...,. ,.n•yii, ys �,.^ 1 -. w.:.,r, - ,. . 2'a" -W ,t"�"h.'_,'n"..•v P .;'r:• -Za-.. �..,.:irrsoar -. _ �_ _ ` .._ { b sort tb 4 e - �a - DERICHr.�'4NT. THE SIGNAL - >FI the park. At 6 o'clock - �n Stage All Ot East street Bounded oto the north (11' a ti the suede to OMd y were black with Nelson street : oto taw w�tt� by Cast `• King at Chesley Nast etre.[ SPECIAL std ., can practically the stale adult yoPu' heir 6wd : uu the youth by s �l��E DEAL w �j Iatlun o[ the town was on hand Dy 71 and on the east by the cher ![alt4t0. s Lar es i et, n 7.a0 o'clock every urttti Battle of allots �o. 11 -Thos, Tr(Pit tenderer, ��,a's►Q�� o'clock, and b7 ll'ulfr Nlrtr t. Roundel on the north Py a 1 =1' k • g v was 'taken. - ' With Corruption B7 �� even, street rear the peek Hver Ma n ti; on the west by North + A new Gillette Razor given away with the Put- P was lammed with care, and the Cheeley Returning Officer Makes His stret : an tilt, "•sun by •+ngltwra CL>mARIN(1 BALE OF < alter torte had a traffic problem onI Round of Riding -Where street; and on the east by the rive WASH WHITE IID { IY Maitland.- ~ r' '• chase of a 35c tube of Colgate's Shaving Cream I its hands. Every inch of {atrkiiM \o. IC -\Vat. Ntaplchnt . Shop. Twelve'1' it nsand Attend Greatest pps a within hearing ndlu" u[ [he t0 VOt@ lA (}odench � L1RIIthouse street. Roundel on tilt, I AICD �' CANQ� u r street - !1. count Una of the IKRp►+nces•t un a ettovr crit' , • « le sitting add Stfrnttn[ , itcl(itiu _ -- _-- -- �: A001i1111dd 12.000 yrup----�--,- -' parked it, the area 2. road: aed on the that by Wellington • _ bRi, AT r l'hw+leT, July 28.7 -Premier 1[ackeu- Mr. Malcolm, in a �uemspeecli, auk h, ►w�rfieJ�r•turning ttiver fFrirtrygt. �` Campbells thug Store sic King tonight Victoria Park herej no it that It U not the G eith d%eath utingjiluji-ou, tees laoxes c [hilt sect-% .r- W. HERN'S inent'r Intention to' kill trade with distributing- ballot iNt]tM oust ina11u1 ,f Cll RCH N©TES & spoke to the greatest gatheOng yeti Australia. Referring to the announced mud coaching deputitii ht t,t4• exer•i-re' -Phonia 90 Goderleh held in Canada during the present's abrogation of the (rade treaty, lie rald,. of their duties. There are over tweive� SHOE STORE thousand le eligible to vote lis I Thr oyer Ices at Knox church next I I cumpaisn. More than 12,000 people i "Wt, will negotiate • new one." I ton, Near the commencement of tests aa'•4Korth lluruut There are w4enty tan Kuuduy w•III Iw 1t, charge of nth•, mfu-i' ' t from Bruce, Huron and Gres counties, dress, Mr. King repeater] ills ctullenge t g divisions. Tttrrr ur twelveIhater. rL•rwou ublecta: 11 a.ni, ••[caul. Phone 43w _ gathered to hear the Prime Mlntster, l to Mr. Bennett to name those he would i much iu the foul of Gcslerich. at, tole , the Ywvant �t tYttlbt ;".: A lecturer says that cauntbals knyvr , KINGS$RII)GE I Hon. James Malcolm, Dr. W. s •Rall.i take Intra a abinet or to the Imperial iPotency of Inflnetus.," Sablwll�NrGrN+I »' -- "a only one side of life. The humicide. and Conference, He noted Mr. Beunett'st, N4.1--Nllkrw l:arugt,.'cuPuar Ct,-1'uE 111 a•tjl• Liberal candidate In South Bruce, torte and Elgin etrerls. t'uwprirlu[ at,, At the Baptfet church next Sunday "t KINGSBRI1N;E, July V. - MIsN \.. 1'. Telford, I,lbenl sand to In' reP17 to tens theca ettallenye, namely toltuw'N:-Bu uded ou the north b "THE - ` j� The French High Contmlrataner for 1 ri: the Rhineland. Germany,' her prohibit- Mrttrl Austin Ip cisting her nuttier, that it iN Improper for •Prime Mfpteter p y the sen Icre at I1 e.m. and 7 per.' lies. A. Austin, this week. North Grey, rhe Square; on tilt- wtr,t by .Youth I will be lis charge of the Pastor, Itrv.' ed the perforwauce at Wiesbaden of a I Ito tell the ranee of ills advisers before on the south, by Itritannia ink+'ts t'V* play based mt tot Dreyfus affair. Mr. Len O'Reilly, of Eden Grove. 1 thought' said the Prime Minister, 6e is summoned by the Governor Gas road ; and north est by T,mm�lo street. lis T,; BiwL Sermon ighlrrtr : Morn �} spent Sunday with relatives here. ;eel to form a cabinet. t�1u Drlwrah the Mighty \Yuman;' ea t t r that at Montreal last night 1 was rd- Rlgiaavenue and King -ton street. evening, "All for Us lis Chrlat." Bible GODERICH 11 r. and Mop. J. liurrfscm and the ,lrerring the largest audience which it L l�lst PrevbAed wtcx"ae- atetraa )learrs. Jac► and Ernest and Min would be my privilege to see before' i trio. _'-Barr J4 _:Wachau led oto cent"L1.J�l at 10 a.m. � aaa g w•a �_. _ Kathleen Morriwnt, of Wittgham, ♦hilt- "But Mr. Bennett Is nut Prime )IUritltw,p, KInRNttu rtreli•t. Boultthrl oto the purlug lilt, ahw•n,•c ..f It-., 12 ° ire, but it has rematned for me to toter, and there Is too usage to prevent, north by East street ; iso the west Ity llclierwW of Knox chur,•h on holidays /r a tel at tile. home of Mr. and Mr . G. come to the town of Chealey , on 1t• him naming them. If he fails to Rive ` (`+w r eS klryur uu Sunday. the l3gnarr: tm fife wa+th•west by-dnring August [h0. pulp([ will hr cup- gulden anniversary and find hen til° rem that information, I say that the, Kln tOn street, Fight avenue, and + +• • oils. • Mew. Jack Magher and her sou. largest crowd which has yet [Tested piled by the following ministers: Aug- p a �_ / Frank. and the Miner Marie and Ag- political campaign." only reason Is that he known he can- i Turattu: fast on ]ht, worth tenet by rtltt RM Rev. Win. Iter icy, ii.it., of -- - rMkrd at Mr. and Mew lis By Po cot bring forward In him own wind uterli_Beltamla lead sad Maitland road. _ rhum.h. Hamilton-;- 1 Conservastve . - Al Tins. l;rrcry's hums. Detwunees equal to those to the preAent Cabinet I 2\0 ; -Tose Hall. unnoted uu the loth -ll •c. James Wllrrm, B.h., oClznz 7�/� % lis vigorous cud forceful. language. sold Mr. King, adding that any Can n wtb b 'awtrou street: rw tike west Brampton; August [7th-ger. 1►. T. a/ a+�` let. Father tl'1r111 and the Messrs. t lis which the Prime y g ' F.d. McDonald, Lawrence Kelly and during a speer[ ad anticipating s Conservattce. cab. by Horth ,fret sod the rSclurre: on MN'ullatgh. M.A.. o£ KluriiyWrt �� *- vt '" D--- John Joseph Kelly, spent the ww/k .Minister rose to [Teat Lela its, Mr. Inet Is deallug with a wholly un Wt, south by Fast street ; &till un tit° ftttst Y{tb -Iter, K. H. Turner, Ph D., sTO HMO "` 'J ;._ w , slug denouncr+d the "cormlit Intro known Quantity. _ ._-_ tyss by Gautbria-Hood------- - -- nfl_Lea]s1tA[tpn.------- QVE its �x �i at the tenon• or lire. M. o'Nrlll. i ^ ,, acrd into the Federal campaign by q .. , Ye � � Dr. J. l+ttaper and the Misses M TnrnlnR to the entrance of Pte®Mt No, 4-Stotherr \\'nod Shop, Yktor- Next Sunday imornln[ Hsi. W. a 1 r a Ira std iiettf O'Connor are holiday- renter Ferguson of Ontario and by Fergnsun into the campaign. MP �-! lis stMrt. Bounded on the north by Ila -peas. B.A., o{ iia Ilton, will, TO T� ���i SEA ing at M. J. O'Connor', homestead. other Provincial Conservative Govern- preach fn the Victorts pvret 'United' - - -- enI Premier said he did not Intend toll ; \nglesea street; ; on til°"west` b7 church. )tr. ButVict le. torr of the •- - 'fY - lltlf Hr. Charlie McCarethy, of Detroit, menta -The Ontario Government. he P•7 mneb attertton to lir_ FerRutaun,t Kortk•etwre:; ors tbr- - + is spending a tow weeks here. cturged, bad dellt4entely withheld the nut he dist with the lt4) resented by^ s rat ftT" }}IF"tnftemet 1 d I r stations Until P street and oto the east by the cher wined and has wide experience In then Mr. M. J. O'Connor has returned ding of road app op Mr. Ferguson'& entrance. There Is a i Maitland. y - home atter her Illness In St. Joseph's I a few weeks before the day set for the lite of the church. The Sunday serious ettuatton arising with iter ex-' ra 5- Mies Walton'& office, Wert' itatri• T ' hospital, London. - Feder8► elerdon Ir -order *at th"W tenRfott of Conservative machine ing- Versos-. Is henna. wlthdrawol r IrtrrK. Buwntlwl on Uu• north ray' [lie' •• y — funds m4h1 -zred to "buy" •°ata liolltks. i[T lTerg»scan, he said the Victoria ,tenet run rrRr�iirn--�' - for the Bennett Party. "It is eortttp every right as a private cltizt,n to tut;_stn t w,u �2_ _ .P err, t° worship with the sum , Y r whorl In tier North street - hur'h at • • t / p ; [ton pure and simple, end I make my opPome the. Liberal Government, blit he Colamrg street, ■ N'artt strr� and 7 p.m. _ Corner of 8gaare and ttetKit tit appal to the people of Ontario to see lisp no right to may he will take taxpe wt the east 11Y the V4 re and orrll ;. ` - that Premier Ferguson and bb _tea ut North et let s t neer el chilly •it next. from the purple of t)utarlo to o Piro- Nsstt stetert: 6 -Frank - A the s -4111 m.iwill be twid. l summa. w•Ttail rill b eRlne are taught a lessor.' ardent Liberalism. \a 8-I- Boun don the dtoby an HuwM•Il, B. o Craool ' w'• +ala tadaq atsf Political Machine a censer He has no right to oftlxaie g Indra. wllslsof�a of MhSumllisr elttg err- I will be held. At 10 a.m then will - -- -- •s•�e•a"�• Machine are a anxious Only for by mem, ftM wert-y} Britannia India. 11 uc•ttak. The Ukrtg rerpluu -__ pas •YR�t so., Fr neon by government. somethlaR nit At,- �� : �•t rtter. a,tfs.,6,radr..r.atewosi who are an:loos only for power ands turn heats of in Ontario politics." paid t� "KTeret+ on wt, suyth liy� Brltarnla � a. -a trp�drs at place. are endangering the whole fabric "soT $$$ I plc � the Premier, declaring that the (`oe- Iiwd; and on the east bytdaihtth ,newt _ • pt Canadian political life, said the owl fife tdyurrr.tl`' �]� ��� I senatives are not sadist{wl with me.- of the wmteter ,ghost wBl take peace• ` Prime Minister, and they are threaten -I trolling five Provincial GovernmPntp, N•• 7-Al°z. YCCullongh's reefdenC°, In the evening of 7 o'tla•k, with ttte MCU' Step up and place your tng the rights of Canadian ctisens. cut iter William Had Cayley streets. nut ttKy now want to monopolize all DrrsidenL Her. �a A. Bremner, in 2-tS On the Heat FOIICS. If yOtt X �1�6r l�is�r Tammany methods. which have cor. governments I Bounden uu tilt• north by Britannia charge. Rev. •Ja it,,' of Belp7gr. ] want to win the main heat next ruPted municipal and state govern- rood: or the west by Lake Tinton; °n I will preach. • • meets In the United States. end whichh�°" An Reay the south Dy Goderlch township; and winter, Order this thoroughbred s� P jCt �aNA lave their eomitetparG in the Con- ;held it,. regular. meeting t he lecture l Coal now. Here is coal that 'The g �er�b Dal nt King said that Conservative o,� 'o. - by Mit Ntrs s Ia u 11 mnnkipat and political machines tnI No g_ cry Mitchell's store, rnr-'rootu � �}g f p �ratch and wins in a '�M (&ervative political mpchlree of Toronto mens on a mail*- evening. Arman -- ra . and Ottawa. are being Inttbduced inti Ottawa and Toronto are ht the cam-' nee Bayfield and Britannia toadp.� neons were made for packing the an: n inside _ t__ _ V �y mayor t0 Poeato toy the <. as yr,n, _� sot_ iter - $tttaRnla niwt tN1ie slut ca(aatlttiser _bAY a 1 tie a ° a are3be-C+,npervstive eandt• rod; on the west by 800th street: onto take charts tot the various tables at and w y odds if you stable paid Mr. Ring. '"There Is nothfn[`detes. Tammany methods originating tile p the bazaar to be held in Octolwc.. Mir. tilt Heat FQtks'in your cellar now. NO Sprayer rFtxasary tteei J;,r so mach a the mouth by the townshl o[ Godesry Eludkat fat�5tifeatilr'Eathen In the city fulls at thexe places are 14.11: unit on the north .•nor be it' I M. Mar tv7 A ezttbt•fw true[ 'Yiiad I 'r M ' '> NO water t0 carry pollticef monopoly, w1hieh would• ine.•i � Here l5 ,a 514re tip. v Bathing House located oil itably curtail their liberties aril their, iwing linsbwl Into Provincial and Fed-, Huron road. t' 1 %Irs. C. A. 'Reid read p j �t tiv+vea.c �r era 1. No. Iii-Jou. eFtllluw•r terldeucw, Cor elutplel from 00 study bolt "Courfe'ra' CALL TgE ''9 yrs+ �d 5t tie t i " citizenship," he said. Noimzing . south pier. H..a i3laei Wim, C,m� -- - tier Iluron road and Oxford street. of the hour." 11114m• K. Revell had] '1"t•� e of this All ready for um BA SUITS TO R The meeting tonight was a truly I motored to Stratford to bear Premfer'I lniar 11md ;'td on nou he souththwest bye the dent, boldnessMrs. para tot tlelr1tp contducttetlng and the p�t• ; •�"' - � -_ _ Quite a number from Goderich; tile north "est by —moi --- e. Certainly it was the large•tl 10111110p, Au• T fy4� I Booth la CM• ever i= In this part of Ontario, and King this evening, seats having Ixwn Hu Ta and MUSTARD J /lata a Yea itserved by the Liberal association. AI Mill road or Goderfch township;-- - 'I COAL a; ft even ezeeeded the [teat Montreal) \ three -wheel {wrawbulrttr —i J. B• MU COMPANY WEST STREET i weds • meeting of Tuesday night, according to huge Parade escorted the Premier on the north rapt by the ricer Malt �y tr,� r�� from the station to the arena, which' luncl slt(s•Nrtrl wit the market.. A trawl WE bEUVFAt plrf ilNoelJVt7C�. Mal', Mt: Krug. Thi hour tor.lt was set at soloted 9,000 People, \o. lis I:. J. it..... l's reuidrnce,l in-ariog cry -cycle. pMwe 18 ri8ir y8 •8 o'clock, Five thousand seats had , Ira Benne _ UP ar�aI-e e �,:,�,,.p.se�ra • i&-r1r+, 4:,` '-�.-..a t '.5 i �' �': `H?sm,...:. ,.,.'t,4: k-)nue ;r. x.a a:.. °`e,i:•A .. , • _ . U�� crease � Xt aa n c e 1 _. kl ,`� ,mss•,_ " - • - � � �� - •� �� ,• tom, _ .. T� 4�'1%'i.•t''C �i•�'�� .tfbl�,r....- tionto,e • ' _ .• 1. iE ..� axeC�'�IE�y - ! tii4ar Ih' ales » i'I. at•17�.fie'., r . - e ... _ .•F oure�.° .. . ewa.r•. so- roe,. ..•t4�x•--w_m%' .rn=, n. _ -; may; _..- __ 7C":as, .e s:w�c int ,. .'n] -_ stud that _ .. BevarlsLtitlas -- - O - t -- r R� -�-•--- •• --- --- -••-- .r..`,�-_=ate" uta in* matter with Wham ws - -- _i/NrRa� ahoult Pt _ S i ,:. ` f, jos ♦ ,t ie present ordinary rev I'the_ Domini�ri-'1 9"0,-82.000 a Parliament the fall•-• luti� �?P� :°Ods dutiei ori .pronused t +. i a; ,,`. year. It has been estimated that to fulfil the promises fndde,-by RELIEVE THE RICHy d x -P ¢ h x r, , �A�� • �� • a`� . ' Mr. Bennett would require over twoyears' entire revenue. • ai ��•s...n ����•°+�TAX THE POOR <, For example, Mr. Bennett has proposed an all -Canadian St, Law •`� � �< " •'I say filet Osaada is not going serve waterway that would cost Canada over $500,000,000. = .. add! 14n to this un�arallelt� programme of extravagance to bh ' y y . paid for by,,e'ta:payer. Mr:-.Bennett-pTopo wit to the Imperial Confrr'enos with the income tax and replace itwitha turnover tea. !'In other He has promised to increase Port Facilities on the Great Lakes, words, to relieve the rich men and add to the tax burdens and to �= closed flats but with outstretched Hudson Bay, Atlantic+,fist Pacific oceans -promised a Peace at; - Pacific the coat of living by the people. hands, The people of Canada_; _ River outlet to the Pacific slope—promised the Mafeking railway "^ ♦ �ifttve made their gesture of good- cut-off to provide a shorter railway route from Brandon•to -Hudson Tax the bread, the butter; the clothed; -lax everything that itl ' k- 4> -- son uses, saytl hk• Btinflect, ao that . "every person" will a e vt will to the mother 'eannttyragl! Bay—promised a second ferry to Prince Edward Island- -bridge to Halifax, another to St. )oho, N. B. -promised that Halifax and St, sontt�contributilin eo the state. -tax �re looms tom What ' John should be free ports --promised Dominion contribution to How, Mr. King. on file other hand has already reduced the taz - aponse will be. Premier Ing Provincial racial highways-- promised a National Trans -Canada ithigh, burdens; -and promise', if elected, to,-c`oo lnue -the businesslike, •' ht at Ottawa, way-- promised that the entire coat of Old Hae Pensions would be econemical:Aciministration that has c,%larectrrized the past rise. x? ]rat Saturday tilt y-- p - L"1%►en he ass given the grstiest borne by the Dominion Goverment --promised a special session of feats of Liberal G ernmettt, •--- a ovation ever accorded a Ct}1,ta- � "� a Handsome 1Vl ajortt- " dian Prime Minister. tort hoderichr'�'Roll up 3'A., i` ��T-_b y'"its Native orn • �--�- �., i _ - -for HU, a T of N 4,� i­ ND .•fit .. ` ' �• �O M J{ it r e n. .I. , 7 - - r.;T'.. w�Y• ..:.. - _r. r .- .--,iia,- • "` M e'' , �+ . {tial eo �ritlllpaisln Co1M [tee, N LibeM Associat __ y r __ _ _ _ .► ` , _� . the %w ttrolt .; ,•.tet w . • � `. - • 't,„1 #a♦� :1t, - __ E3rSnrtFas rg-M a,ratA3 .dints- �s� {�kYr`alYki-_ •11Y•s er49�a. ,' . �� y"., 1 ' ' ;,,•act , i.. ., '• ,,:.a,:. � � . � � w _ W w.