The Signal, 1930-7-24, Page 3w AWNS TIIIBT TWIT. •a".ale'•:*.' ... ....�ru•'b'1..w..r•M`rtY1.dR' _.,,, i 5....y..r. r- 1811 SIGNAL PRINTING 00•, L/MITED, Publishers. Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at alt lours, day or eight. PHONES; Store 120 Res. 211 OODERICH GODERTINTT 4 10114 r.'RSDAY, JULY ' 24. 1930 Absolutely NO HAY FEVER or Simmer Asthma, this year, If Cyou'll .tart taking RAZ -MAH APSULES before your attack is due. Relief guaranteed from one $1 box or money back. No smokes, sprays, snuff or serums. No harm- ful or habit-forming drugs. RAZ - MAH has stopped Hay Fever where people had it 20 years. DON ',WHAT N Ufttt PRIST M* RAZ -MAH Youth Sobs Bitterly As He Tells of Accident Which Killed Mother • �_ rr; I Mass Los of Sleep Night Be- fog* For Dosing Off at Wheel -Inquest is Held Into Fatali- ty on Bayfield Road -Jury Names Bon of Deceased As Cause. travelled sixty-14pr feet after striking the upright ou the north Nide. Every pillar our marked and two ,racked .by the luItwct. The jury has also viewed the wrecker) ear and found the, ty;O. left wheels and row right sheet broken. the top broken and right side crushed --•- . lir. H. Taylor. • }.tau atteudtrl Mien.- It we■ with the greatest difficulty M,F:were. both at the scene of 111. taer•t- that William McEwen and his Non Al- (dent and at the hospital, -gave. the _ fad. of Highland Park, Mich.. told of eauw• of death as being ',several frac- circumstances surrouuding the death tures of the pelvis. causing ruptures' of Mrs. Elizabeth McEwen, wife cud of inportant arteries. There teas.alsn mother, respectively, at last Saturday a fracture 'of the right tbtgb time morning's tntuest bold bT l'oruner H;. uud abrtitiuns,011 the• left tinkle thigh. \. t'. Hunter to the town hall. Both t, th arms, right ',wenn/6 _rngju_ 1.I. er attended to telt lawny Year Automobile with F. WOOLLCOMBE Lair .Manorer. k v.tl Bank OFFICE: HAMILTON STREET primal am* • r THE COCLIO ! 1 HIPIEI.N SHOP has removed to new quarters on Kingston street j�lamwta awl Repairs. Gwent* Ltgart Us -Aim es all C -shake t M.•al•ary. AHaChaloe.r atpi United T . Woe. 'kerb 1 ASPHALT SHINGLES Aggreui Airsctising is the key to success in merchandising. As a medium for reaching the people itf Goderich and district The Signal is unsurpassed. Popular Scientific Lecturer at Chautauqua Goderieh Ilas Good Fire Record Figures Give Proof Despite Criti- cisms of Fire Under- wr tmlj' Association The report of the Fire Underwriters' Association. following en luspettlou on MS9y 21st last, wsg submitted to emu'- , cid last Friday nkat and referred to the fire cotumlttee. The;. report deaeribe,l fairly cauldele- ly the protection of the Town but sone criticism" and suggestion's for,lmprove- mt'nts are made. With regard to the waterworks sys- tem there are'refen•lF•ea to the !meant th•itomptng tattun fremt_rleYlriral transformers and 'g'a,toltue engines. in the building which are said. to be not o ray safe), ardod. The all in- wltnosses uoloted bitterly end there „f and base of nett, Ile amid they were frtqurut interruptions; its the dor all eruld be cruised by a cruNlthtp•-0s bills of the dlrtnsolug accident were violent 'Impact agpelnst the wets of related. The jury found that the renr•rhe ear. --Me. Me -w1t - Alfred, momentarily fell arlt'ep at the only slight. he arid. . wheel, the drowsiness being cauoxrt by ••t didn't bear the acrldeot loos of sleep the night previous. ru,euid,' the doctor said. "I JEAN ikay. Mrs. William McEwen died as a re- 1 lmelrrd0.d it wait Yr. McLuen'i son It 6rinjarfea trcety d th rmtltor n- wno oniedrIM»tE eldest on the Ithw Water highway, mishaps to help his Injured_mother four mils youth of Gudcrich, about and at the hospital I had to tisk Alla one o'clock (noon) oil Sunday, J cels. 13. The jury found that "Elizabeth Mc- ter-ke►p'away: ., - •- -:�:-• renewed Death Car wife. te4.13aki FFi.T.IOTr JAMES. 'mem. - bite sCINNTI3T ANI. LH[TUByw,. w11 - Ewen came _to her &Mk. WILL WWWONSTRATI TRR MAR - of the fracture of the pelvis su a fruit. who were In flue. rite following Vk]1.R or f.IQV'TD AIR AT T}i! In au accident caused by the driver of the: McEwrns, both gave e1+ -witness MYRJ6 CA1VA n1AN CTIA I'TAITQI'A the car, Alfred McEwen, momentarily HIRE. t✓rtTH THE URR. OF COW- In of the x,rfdent. Pits gsgriPIlleXT. MR • JnAmaxi falling asleep and losing control of the - -The car puswvl me on the other PRlBtATB 1111tONSTRAT1uN8 cV. (yeuaing It to strike the bridge and side of the hill." said Mr. Totem. THAT ARE AS *NT5RTAtNINO AS then turn over. We find the road.•.w#s AN AFTERNOON Or IIEAOIiC. --vel 1 reached the top l saw the 'in perfect condition" ear swerve to the right and turn Over. GODERICH CHACT4t'QUA D.1TE8,I *1)2.100 on its and tots ea have only tw,p i The boy • • ' kW than $10.000 a }safe This la just eldresr as Highland Park, Mich., his y Asn �e��I�r shoot *2.00 per capita as rmmpared age as seventeen and his occupation must have been going forty or forty- Town Purchases t mltcs at least It emitted Mme with -the .Provinee s VIM) per milts. was an only Dry and eblld ou had More Property For phemhtms to pity off a big .honk of since be fourteen syuxre'ly .acrose flue toad sufficiency of pumping .rine ty,-than single steeply main from the pimps to the dlsttlltntiou system. the ix proportion of }inch mains and the •.tt..e of ewe coda-ia- the -ass KTifirThe need for additional. hydrant In different. ports of the town. "pmall capacity of the mom to ng engine. elheeeOreptatitdittete=4•44“weirgee-ribe quantify of hese +utd playplpes and of ttpiwthothtg ii t it 104111 otic to the firs; brigade. iielndtig a few paid men.". Thee is a feeling in mons) that the 'Underwriter's are asking for "plenty." Attleelft24 tinderieh hue spent, tier protection ardent •tt Ittrtow10116 OR (rlai ARE POSITIVELY RfLUCV C Cl sY DR.OYSE5 OW MENT WNIC11 res HAIJ lkACENTURY HAS NEEM RECOGNI2EDP THe 5T1041INIO alATMDIT roe T Hte ANNOYIIN AILMENT DR.EIS OINTMCHASENT tie Month. ofitediga briele can. e{.uchre her wedding own and be sure that it is perfect. hitt pa the bride's Bouquet is something %Well 's,- tge only d florist, who is a tow artist..can • arrangie. The Flowed must be arranged aasaadinh-le- uLtha. a bride. --Aft ititte1in be done perfectly by- _ I His Eyes Burned - It swerved as though 1t hit some louse } AH6U$T 5th to 9th. Alfred McEtiwen, gator his gravel.I nes going thirty-five toll• _ r - Y thirty-seven miles an hour and, be printer. lie said he had been noun- two M.auwhtle Goderieh prvtlwrtt owners pl�yed for some months and He that he the ear turned over en its side. Whit It CAMP 10 rest It was on its sldr, •Imotd have o.---•. ntevd enough in lusurau.e been driving e was Neither Ile erMeer Teton-eusel + �M tle..natinnai debt or build sfew aky- f and that it was pertnis= years o age a venture an opinion as tan' Ile crate of a per* in Toronto. The flee- how. this sable to do ro under Michigan taws.P C �N year Is 8110 to date. Their doesn't It was a happy party which set out the accident. Muth admtnlMfired prat Cultural NCI at seven to the morning from the Me- aid to the fir}usark --' _ *gem. to wraps, with our fire Hari Crash protection. for a week's camping at Inrrrhtrron. Asdrew itettRvih,-w�MeTawi IA'2t(F" Its Xoved'j� There was no need for burry, he said. )telae the Peelle of the- tfr+eidout,' ams ■sea Seam. la Highland Park. bound GEO.$EWART : s ., .r, Pboso•4M .Cttdeiii -- Cleaning and Pressing Expert serif on ladies - and men's clothing. ;Cadre* 1lialn nl=lflR Inverhar.a: tiny were to is -et an sitting at the window reading when A pretty watik}n azaa-aed.mnirad nscle, who arrts there the day pr!- he heard the crash. He. had his wife Baseball Diamond la hep retry Anglican church, Niagara f d Def re rushing rfoas, awl ...'+in• who w.'re doe telephone for o• or o -- -. Salo. '\ T.. which .was prettily dee- -_ following d..,. ro the ecce.. With the pyn•hase of • strip of orated with garden-. flowers. at -sit w'itne,a ii, o1 panning two as» -'1 tr►uld vee 110 reason for the heti- land adjoining the main gr•ndistand •dost on July Iattk. when -Mary Con- jbefore r•.e lung the bride.. I He dent. The rood Is in good eemd.Rlos ; the lowp eonnefl ou Friday night stamp, only daughter of Mr. and unrhedlve although the shoulders maybe a mite made pottlble iwpurtaut changes at Mrs. A -lower;-2IMt 72nd N.. Niagara utiles as 1,,,,,.hi, ra . hi, - .., soft....-.. WildaI got thert-.t)}e..bey Agricultural Park. 'Clic howbeit vane, yjnte the briar of Wllllam. W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner WEST STREET Plume 339 ROLLEDROOFING was travelling thirty to .B. C. WOOD SHINGLES Hardwood Flooring -GET-MY- PRICES- - r .4- Eight -room Cottage and lot, tine coo- .. _„ clition; bathroom, water„ lights; in _ - • *twice location. Immediate possession. Prior $1560 -♦600 cash,- balance good terms. • - w -=fir- Goad Cosmos, modern e»avenbtnces. J-;'.- 2 lots, fruit. Price $1700; good tenting. Choice of number good 1 % -story boluses in good condition from 31300 np. ' - Some excellent brick hou es, modern, from 32300 up. Excellent 10(racre Fa Inge, orchard, geed water mupply, some timber, full growing crop of grain and hay, mote, garden, etc.. Situated o0 fine highwa with hydro wires; very close to jppd vi convenient to R R station adImmo • g Hewes and Lae is Geila l.h sed Fenno fee Sala Ivrye amonb.r listed to (iw.. frees. Clinton a 'fie rich. Trnmeaiate STANDIS East Street Plasm 369 Gederich We carry a good stock of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc, . . . Kinds irk Wiring of All K nd Estimates given on application Bion. Price $4800; or 51300 clash,. balance Frani Martha' 11ee ot+ wrtilr-- - -Weil Street Electrical Shop •,__ _-R.R- ARMSTRONG Telephone 82 Goderich Real Estate N Goderieh tt i11 I .s Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada The Wisest Investment. • It is admitted by Many to -day that Life iaxurance is the wisest in- vestment than be made. Other invemments may fluetnate in value. Some may even turn out to be worthless. There int, however, a certainty to. Life Iaistranee that neither tithe nor eircumatar can alter. it helps to create al ems which not only affords protection for tit -day but-bnilds up a earth seven for the flare. Commit no in jjris investment. PHONES () id Rerid e 15 11 H. NG, 'strict Agent Ijgw ill Id jazz be played?' Sake a' -writerIt shouldn't be. to )tut ■ wlua•ses has swore lit+ was wax hysterical. I didn't know w he bleachers are to be moved onto the IAror LtrsSm[re. elder son of Mfr. ` '~ wr"7448,7; witness related. newly nkveUing tbkrtl' 'lye to th(rty-e"" t117tns: gs, an a laud eN are several and •yrs. John LrnuWeee. erf r med By 1'p All N1ghl! buildings, and a new hgxelwndtalat►sd ostarit% t, nH. Wre•ki prrforrne4 $atrry L.Salkeld. a motorist, drew it to be laid out In front of the main trrpmony . The bruit• was girt la- tep-tO tlfas tirrnr oT tae airltleni ire_ grandstand. Mundt pard *200 for Its 'marriage by her rtrpfather and looked ire -yeas deiving Ie10 tbsirtwaaty- ly aequir-d property..- ddek-M k.1 in her wedding,-Tflwrrtr= five 1111100 an hour when the McEweu under option. - "C of wbtte georgette. -with a shower Iem- rarpastwtl him. the ctrl Friday night on motion of Dep. bouldered veil of silk net. She cur- . ar- tie wrar•k ttov told his in- uty Reeve l'rttigie and Councillor Hum• t1ctiedgngtet of Americium Maiden hair fern. The Mhuws Laney And Murgaret Tiles were brkle,malds. prettily attired In flowered chiffon with hats and sh,N•s to match. add car - Wed bouquets of garden flowers. The t was . w, carte r the at (groom was supported by Mr. Stephen un option from T. Sturdy tw our- Car►ab . After tit- ceremony. • rrep- chawd and that the public works and ' tion etas held at the hottte of Mr. and Imrks committee rompletr the deal at ante. This was carried ununimously. The property in question consists of fifty feet off the west end of Mr. Mtnrdy's property. situated on the west Ade of Mi•1k,neld street. tying between lien E4ans property in the Wirth tun) Frills. \a'. Agricultural Park on the wroth. - - The lie►elrrteh 'fretting and racing Aoowelatlon was granted termissfon to Slimmer -Complaints move the old aa►eltinevy lobi. yna " Slimmer mp aints kitche6 ant Agrbroltural Park to the - south or tin• new attritive and to Bort - )alba au hour. mad) you passed bun," Crown Attorney Holmes remtnd.sl him: "1 may have trent faster while pails reg, but 1 JM neer .lowed dowb to tResdy gall." wtit»Irlr answered. -1 felt the ear some. I ooetitd *y lyes and found 1 wan too far over 5. th! Ttslst: l i eta same time I opened my eyes. I didn't have time to get tke car back over. 1. didn't get much +deep the night befog., my eyes burned and 1 clawed then." "How- ttaseb sleep did you base the- ntgbt before?" asked the crown at- torney. "Perhaps • couple of hours. I was all right as long as the windows were down, but mother complained of feel - .lag cold glpd 1 put them up. I guess I got tog close to the edge. I don't know bow the accident happened. It oust ASHFiF:I.1) TOWNSHIP, Jttly 23.- - hare been the gravel... i If 1 had Mies Auuu M. Maetninald, of Detroit. had my eyes open this would never is home for her summer vacation. have happened." Mr. Italu Stewart. of Toronto. Is Here the lad broke (least complete- visiting at. present at his hone [tear ly and was unable to continue. Il lIt. hxlsh.' - tween sobs he said his mother lad Mrs. .1. MacDonald and daughters. told him she was not going to die. Mimes Lwlse and Flor•tuc Maclion- Continuing. witness ret•allid that on aid, of Toronto, are spending the NUM - another «version, the ,aloe day. his neer tat their cottage near luchal.h. faster had checked him up for nn- Mrs. M. C. MacKenzie is at present steady driving, buLaothing w -ns Bald in Guelph. attending the funeral ,of about hia_jsjp��out late tL�ntght Ile- her uncle. fore or notTs�ingla a fit coitTiti,n"T A vert a euugregnti. delve. field Presbyterian church. Eta -know .Be'jaat sand 'Aute _ Jia_ 1 -was and rpr,-...uadit tuuar•uo. opening my eyes. 1 was tired and open air serape at (limp Perry, -Kin - sleepy. and again et the strident 1 had tail. on Sunday evening. air. KaApl- tny chole between the Mull ori the win add road and 1 took the roped.' r kindly Mr. and Mrs. Macintosh, of Reryall know how it happened, it wag all so Oak. Mich., and Mrs. King and family. quick. The right fender caught the ;of Detroit, vinited at the borne of Mr; abutment and swung the near ..t the ,lack Donald. concession 10. Aahfieldh car, where mother was sitting, into -the concrete upright." The lad was led from the Mobbing bitterly. Father is Ignorance metber_J►e had hardly ant sleep ire r it -w... csrrled Hut- the clad oL last night sad was afraid something moving the stands and fence he first was going to happen. His father had taken ort of the pr.Needd' of lath Mill he wanted to wee the countrythle stand, on August 4th. and that the and for that reason did not want to balance be divided fifty-fifty with the drive. The mother asked her son *What racing awuteiation as usual. were you doing'' The boy will drown - 1 1 i d that tt land on his knees and was feelings pretty lad," Mr. Salkeld said. ASHFIELD • Uuildip;_Sdpplies Iii eoetrection with our Planing Mill, Anglesea street, we carry a'complete' stock of Bdilding Material$_Cement; me, Gyproc, Wood and Patent Shill • etc. . L 4 FRESH x 1 �.ALWAYSIMIAND ' Tl )Enough and Riess ,a$asl� antial ber, Flooring, Doom, ning Mill products. Ibtosi ars thinkit ■■0* v � tt / building consult us and Maniatturing (I. E. fineehler 'President) court rotor William Melia -en sand he had not learned of his mos being mithrtr un- til after the accident. He was riding last week. Mr. ana Mrs. Joseph griffin, of De- troit, are %loafing with Mr. and Mrs. Ih Maclntyre. ( 'mere tnintinns err extended to.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton on the birth of a daughter. on July -1*. 1111101 The monthly meetM`' of the is the frost seat with his son and bra Women'is Institute. will be held at fife wile was alone 111, the rear seat. Ile hone of era N. O. MacKenzie on did not think the car wax piing over Tlntrwlay. Auellyt 7. Kt 130 tkm. th ty-five miles an' hour at the time Mr. D. t an operation of inIlialsh. w•ho underwent an operation Kincardine of the illectelent and twpld give no rell- stow for It 'ejtempt that the t•nr got ton un the'edge of the foot, In the. _ iatafl that if" struck the bri' '""t' M able to night it. He sn 4 ` sup wtla it good - living hoy.sad kt•tatimoi r peny- Tte rather Insimteed it must hitt- flue let gravel which cannel the etc it hit was told that the road at that grolnt " was lit perfect ,condition. that there' was trot sufficient gravel on Oa edge to j� 0 car out of eon- t,etl - rovhindal ('ufhttahle Whltieaidc mots ,MIIed to verity tide putt. The 'constable said the right rear wheel of the, car crag oft the travelled por- tion. of�hs. rea¢*drty feet from the bridge, a Coronet Hunter toll the Jury It wag for them to deed,• wether flisealibhe fare has teelb iserffae+l. ?rindVats Not Present When the adjourned Inquest con- *pat at the town hell Friday sfter- aenn at 2 o de'a'lt It ,leve•aeopsl slat the two prlde•hyal w,itntessrs. William and Alfred McEttt'tt. huthhnd final sop re- H,sftftal, is�e�� refacing favorably, Iiia many frira/lit iah Iilm M -speedy re- covery. Miss Saab Mnel�rani; tH t'hh•ago. Is home for the wtmuwr vacation. Mrs. Reil rt. IIfbtN•n is heti). after spending flue past two week.. with frio-ndo at St. Catharines. \Ilse Annie Mat-Dtsixld. home from Hamilton. East-Q11iok-Cheek Cunmtant improvements in telephone .etiyiretrare made outof-town Vallsws simple and pearly es qnl. k as a call to your next-door neighbor. and the root is lower than ever before. After, 7.1*) -p.m.. when evening rates latch, ymr can talk a hudlrerl mitee,or'nore «ts.et- V1.1111/1 has lilt upon an exeellent housing plan for yontig people of mod- erate 11)PH PIP. It ham erecter! a moni- elp011 11011'1' The tamping In] ore arranged in dormitory (mildest. - not tires...lit sitter taking the evidence tables In 'the dinIngrooni t.s. are in of avallal.le* Aritiostant further ad- tiortomery styte-rioug tables with long journment was made milli 10 o'elorit benches.. 1111V.The Wee part of the system is that thy young working told vialtirrg 1,11(` .1.1•11.' of the acel numb.' al hotel in comfort and ctea,ti- rot nineteen le ening through that bat Perhal dent_vrit4r The Jury en M • «,.. the reed at that point w . I or twenty feet and that of .sr culvert even wider Th Mrs. Aon. Miller. 102 07th street. after which the happy couple left un a hon a-ym.ten trip'to ptNoohkx welt In ttutarl•o. The bride• trarellerl In x *Mitt knitted ensemble and a white_silk lent. After their trip. they will reside In Niaggtlra vert it Into a horse stable. all at till, own expense. TLtt.Jown agreed- to al- low the. aswtriation to tree the lumber ---- In the detached portion of the burse tfir111•,4 • n of Inyt erose durin_t p1"t'"t-ttibtP m17 the riot weather jIM Me Itis.' Me The stable it to be the propertr'uf the 'tally's Own Tahlels or in it for ..tf tlr.Jlt 1 :9314s&t , rhet: 4i ererr-Cep--ease ese-Mort riot -ii ldar IiYaMYt ple•asufe• of the council and is to, (s will prevent summer ce ytti vacated by the rate, association during plaint if given ,N•catloiially to the the fill fair and at any time. r4vinrtt- 1 I(•11 Little Ones i•tT fly tie c eutodt. tes.attarr' wet xtrustion to he appr•ovi'jl by the public .forks reommittty. H'ho'II Nan the Wanda• After considerable ,f(,«•ti,elon as n who would have charge of the grand- stand on Civic holiday ' the entire council. with power to cams• ■ chair- man, was named to art aM •tleket=srl- lent, ticket -takers and ashert. 1t was first moved that the commit- tee be ottnpiaied of flee eh-tar/nen o1 the public works, finance add parks tom- mlttees,_ An amedlmemt was moved that the whole council act. taut year tie finanet' eommittee had charge. • "1'be brains of this. council are,not contained ,In any three of its member". Why ' ti(,luld other sweater.. ts• ig- nored:' It's all rot and n,lotery.'•_.. ('oune111tr Bn111e- •That's -•not Par- liamentary Ixngtragt." The years end -trays wive called for Mayor Mael.:wan vuttnp istiftary fol what he Offended. irat.ing big t in the wrong rntttmmn after tulle vote had re stilted: rilfmt•flYtl limber tried to hold MIS to it. Nis 1V,orthip finally a tee tlw_whote euesncU acting as er't•em- tuner'. although , es -versa old they mulch Iwrferrtd FO w•wrteh the mast. The modern girl is Simply hohe- lege, says a writer. heat Dot Nelle- lessly �timple! ,ww ••• TOA ROKIN -7►�L�.....- - .elf itemit Yttu�YtltR or sweet after beteg *Maly tb'an-el of 44rd. ,yoote weld y.av altar t'p-111 the tree polo love 1het-J t.' Wipe! enttttnp cow's. alat tits. wand.. • a 00111 w tower,' d"e t blebm Its) the tore neer dcofs;. Dear rulaln_.trlbreast, when dtte. are Jugs titytntr soar, don't htirrx,.ewee. Wht (Wren fly Itigh-sisty; the blue, 1 hear your (mho, "Cheer up. 1.11 be true, .I�C�DIfIC' I'tJl:,. ylion. QitL 1, w tit your song Mu py. .. ,.-Bessie N. Steinmann. di child.,anti.:will pfihrhplly relief tlew.:-troubles If they es is. on ims1•L THE SIGNAL'S Clubbitig List TA. sipd sad The Tsess$S Globi- - , • 36.50 ila Signal ayl,•N. Lereate Daily Star ..... 6Ji0 Th. Signal and Tim leaden Advortes.v 6.50 ^'rh. Sigee.riiia Tbd tandsa Fe.. Prean _ .. 6 60 The Signal and Th. Teretaan Mao and Empire 6.50 •T'her Signal and Th. Farmers' 'as 3.25 'itie Sigoal all Tb. Family He»Id and We.kly Star .. 3.00 The Signal awl Saturday Night 5.50 Tb. Signal and The New Outlook i 90 The Signal and Home. and Gati.a. 4.65 The Signal and The Catholic Record 3.75 The Signal ad McLean'. Magazine 3.76 The Signal and Montreal Wit- nes renewal 3.85 new 3.50 Th. Signal and World Wide rea.wai 415 new . 3.85 The Signal and Youth's Companion . ._....--.__.. 3.80 The Signal and The Toronto • Star Weekly 6 75 ►. Signal lrJ 4 and i ply. Palsy's Own '1'n ohms sluntld a1H•ays to kepi in every 'hone. where there al•e: young i•hildren. • Thier. 1,. no other unrlli•itte 9a Roes) and the ttiother bus the gu11r ntte that titer: are altrolateIf, Mfr. Tttery are sods bS air druggists or -by -mail at 25 cents Per" box, by Thr. I1r. WIIlkitott• Medi- rine t'u . Itr,s•kvllle, Ont. Gta�• 3.85 Th.e Signal and The Canadian Ceentryman` 2.95 Clubbing Rate . ttIt O I P.ri- odicels May w MONEY AN. IDEAL INVESTMENT FOR YOUR Safety of Capital egular 7 per cent. Income Appreciation In Value UPPER Canada Investment Trust 1,imited, provides a safe in- -.1lnetits am+ at impoastble for the average Investor to seeoasplish with his own limited funds. The t'timulative Preferred Shares with par value of 325.00 nett yield 7% pee annum, payable quarterly on the 11rst di) of Deeember, Werth, June and Septem- • ber eitch 'ear snd are redeemable at 103% of the par value. Pur- (+a...re of tIse Company's shares have an opportunity through tite Common Stoek to share in the earnings of the Trust over and above the regular dividends on the 1% Preferred static Tana ttie aszmajor requirementa are immured. • re are charter restrictions on investithetitill and authoritative 1 our eapital male. lett receive • make i% alease. And )our mone) appreciate* in value. Write for further particulars eneveerning Has ideal laiestaiiiik for your money. SICK NORMAN ARM 470 -OR WRITE DIRECT TO- LEWIS Hamilton Strettt,, • UtfER CANADA INVESTMENT TRUST 1.111f4rE!)7,:iip tu