HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-7-24, Page 21
2 Thurmiay, July 24, 1930
'w" '37 .., 3'
4101 twat
Established 1848
Saab& • ii Came= we= Wsek!.* !'lMk.
papers AsamisSi s
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per year
strictly in advance.
Telephone 35 : Goderieh. O.
q, g, ptobertson. Editor and Manager
. Thdreday, July 24, 1930
What bag the Icing Government doue
__during ate -( U of _office?
It hive made smbsnt
ia{ t'ed-e.t
iu the public debt and in the interest
charges on the debt.
it has reduced the sales tax; abol-
ished the nuisance taxes with the ex-
ception of the two -cent tax on cheques;
redueed pngtage nitre.
The Canadian National Railways,
under Sir Henry Thornton, have beeit
Owed on a paying basis atter years
of heavy deficits.
Tbe' enatems• tariff has been nr-
- raiige to "hear less heavily upon the
workers on the farms, in the mines,
tj►e fisheries, the forest., and the fac-
tories of Canada.
Long-sta_udiug dlffort•11ces between
the Federal Government Lind the West-
ern Prosaism -bags been settled. Dia-
-midget. 1 Provinces has
been removed. OM/Win u unity has
been strengthened.
014 age peurions hate been esteb-
I palled.
improved provision has been nude
for disabled and worn-(ut veterans of
the Great War.
A law has been passel forbidding
ch.araucee of Intoxicating liquors to
the United Staten, removing a wourte
of danger to the pence of border com-
Tariff matters have been dealt with
after thorough investigation by the
Tariff Board. The Dunning bud
The prcmpeet. are that the Kies Gov-
ernment will be returned with a large
er majority than It ham ever had.
Mr Thomas McGillicuddy, of To-
ronto. who spoke at several meetings
a good deetemt'lrnmor'iate lits
es. One of Ida bright sayings, In 'dis-
(vlwhig the Itritigh trade pr1gwMal, was
that "Mr. King treat* Itritaius. as a
Mother. while Mr. ISentIett treats her
as a motlu•r-If•law'."
• • •
Mr. Spotem said at III' meeting 111
G/wlrrk•h Urn Salunlay night that his
opponent had given a money contribu-
tion to a boxing Mut at Ethel, 1p Grey
township. Mr. Robertson denten It and
says the contribution pene given t'o to -
wanly the (est uta msi6ni ty park.
The I.itwral eaudldate declares, ism
ver. that he is willing to take en his
opponent in a boxing 1loiit as soon as
George trains doe Humetlling like his
• •
Mr. T. J. li.houey. .P. P. of
Wentworth. 'G camla:guing with Mr.
Siotto11 In Ashfield this week. Mr.
Mahoney wanted to he the Federal
candidate for his riding, but the Ku
Klux Klan was so strong in the Con-
servative coureuttou that he had to re-
tire from the tontP*t for the nomina-
tion. He is still a good party man, how -
era end is presenting Mr. Spotton to
pita co-relighwlnts in Ashfteld while he
(Mr. Spotton I is wearing his Or auge
ult Waitje out,. .-
Hy R. J. Dracbwau
.Mr. Spotton le a supporter of the
1lesuerrvative patty and of its leader,
s w lik.ouall
Mr. Remelt bas ,le *p'gl9litatr-
ign which
to throughout this tamps
Mr. bpottou ought to auswer. These
statements err *4veptel by a ereat
many of the Conservative candidates.
Ikea Mr. Swottou aeept thorn? Ih*s
he believe thew to be true?
Spweking In Qnelore recently Mr.
Bentwtt staled that 211,11110 Cenadlalis
had gone to the 1'. S. during the first
five months of the tatrrent year.
IVI y did .I r. Bennett not give the
other ride of the queetlou and state
God 22.I01 had corse -to Canada trove
the 1'. S. during the same period, ox -
preening their lutentiou to remain lu
this eoutitry.
with its extensions of the Writleh pref
crenee, has given , a great impetus to
the woverntet_-fat, Eeplre trade.
Canadian trade bas been enormous-
ly extended by a series of ropmerclal
treaties and by the splendid work of
Hon. James Malcolm. Minister of
Trade and (commerce.
It is a record of achievement -a
record that deserves the approval of
the ele(1ure atjtbeptir_ on Monday
Lively Time at
Nomination Held at
Winaham Monday
(Continued from page 1) - -
knew.' that in 11025 he tried to steal
the seat away from them, while 1 per-
sonally supeortd the F. le ti. can The brtdre over the hrrbol at Syd•
d+itr, the lair Mr. KUIg, In 1923 rpd m y Australia, is` nearing ,eoepletdou.
1!19'8. Mr. Spwttop aims to please every- Tile structure, coedit/ -$10.1100.000 has
l,ody if you don't see what you want a span of 1,650 feet and aceommudater
ask for it. Ise started off h1 his camI a roadway fifty -..even feet wide,
wig'. with the Tory colors, but moon •enlr ele•trl' tracks and two ten -foot
discarded thew fora piebald salt of hotw*ys. It 1s estimated that changes
want• colors. 11e (*1144 hiwwlf ru in- iu temperature will cause a maximum
expansion of fourteen inches.The
bridge is the world'. largest of its
A four -ledged due: lug has been
hatehem steer Exeter on the farm of
Cecil Walker. It is .,41d to be perfectly
normal hi habits and body, except
for the note, fluffy ball from which
protrudes two 'wholes.. legs and feet
WWI whish Is to,.tented 10 the upper
pert of the abdomen. After two days
a f d.rdi
liiti tlutry mil eta^s. -tS
pep mel druApin/ off.
de1wndent- independent lu a pigs
rye." Mr. Robertson stated amidst
It was here that the Literal candi-
date flung hen challenge Ilen at Mr. Spot -
Mr. Bennett said that during the tat 10 state en what (erasion lw had STE4DI PROGRESS
Peet year we had the largest ravers.' toted again't his party. but Iter. Spot tt Iw noteworthy that %hereat. In -
balance of trade we. have ever had iu tun remained silent. "There 1.4 no (ries- dlvldual inventors have suffered ire
this country. ikxs Mr. Spotton believe film an to where 1 stand or what I wetlous lumen in the stack markets.
this? Or dorm tw accept the a(curate I will do and 1 won't have to make any Upper l'rnrda r pe'rts healthy and
and defile tlstical fact that the apologies for It." lir. Itolwrtsar de- steady growth with dividetuls very
dared. easily being earned during each quer-
of MISS Agnes Macptlail. Mr. Robert- 1 Their last dividend was paid on
With regard to Mr. Spottotes praise
wen Bald the Tortes were opp ming Miss 1 June 1st, last. a little over 8 weeks
ago, and It Is interesting to know that
un July 18th they *already had eartuvl
their dividend due Sept'. lat. The bal-
ance of earnings still to be made dui,..
Mg the quarter will be credited 19
the reserve amount.
This Trust iuvtrcts their funds 1e`
thoroughly diversified 1toeks and
bonds dimwit by experts and in accord-
• • •
.tt his meeting in Goderkl on Sat -
entity night Mr. Spotton, to bolster up
his claim to independence, said he had
voted a score of Hawn- against his
party leader et 'Ottawa At the sow -
(nation meeting ,n 2ioodr7 Mr. Rob-
ertson challengel Mr. Spotton to tell
of a single instamw in which he (Spot -
ton ). had voted against his party in
the blouse divisions. and Mr. Spotton
had no reply.
r1 a o d by the Conservative
-Prigs that Canadian export of farm
ptoduct,' has fallen off in some litres.
Well. what does this prove- 3lerely
_ 3p{ g,',_ Ccumhew home market has
- increased to such an extent as to ab-
sorb a large proplltlon of the farm
product. that formerly had to find a
uurket abroad. The remark of Sir
John A. Macdonald Is quoted:
"When there ie a Large body of suc-
cessful and prosperous manufacturers,
the farmer will have a tome market
for his geode and we shall have
making to fear."
manufacturing has been more pros-
perous under the King Government
thou in any preview period of Canad-
ian history. in 11122 the production of
manufactured goods in Canada _
amounted to $2.4/42.000010. in 1925 It yarn duty 1n 1928 line been of treuwn-
t 1 1 9•i 7ti01-..1001 (Figtur...4I dons value to ns in enabling us to meet
r •'
*dverse ha of trade 1n 11113 when
the l'otuwrvativr party was 1n power.
and Mr. Bennett was silent in every
known language of the world. amount
(d to $294,(MW).0111 an against for 9104, llacphail and the Lliberala were not.
000,001 of the current year, and in Mr. Robcrtton t•lo..ed his address
that year there w -as u0 special reason I with a plea for support of himself and
such as the hold-up In the wile of I'au 4 (lie Government on the strength of
sultan grains whiel. we have had the, I the Dunning budget, w-hteh. M• said.
year. - stood head ■ni shoulders above all
Mr. Spotton ought to answer these' other issues to this campsign.
questions. because they are the state- -On the 24tth what are we going to
eta of h1* own leader.
A. M. Edwarde. ex -M. 1'. for South
Waterloo. wan a speaker at one of Mr.
Spotton's meetings "and dealt with the
wool question. The London Advertiser
Mr. A. M. Edwards sat In the House
from 1923 to 1930. and wan *Inert In-
articulate. During the last session be
spoke only twice. once ou An•trallan
wool and oncee- on the budget. His bud-
get speech was mainly an attatk on
the Government for removing the du-
ties on woolen and worsted yarns in
192s. In fairness he ought to tell the
electors -pmt he does not -that there
is a sharp dirt/doe of opinion anseog
woolen and wombed asanafaetarers 0111
this question, and that the Tarlac
Board acted only after exhaustive in.
quiry. This year It beard an applies -
ties for the restorettliaa6 :hie •dots on
woolen yarns. At the Pitting of the
Bland several manufacturers testified
to the value of free Imports. One firm
employing 2.0001 permits Paid that It
had used more worsted yarn spm In
Canada than It did prior to the duty
being taken off, because of the growth
of Its bushiest.. It told the Board that
(t %al very much In favor of the pres-
ent arrangement. and that It the duty
were put tack oil yarns it would want
r compensating duty on finished cloth.
&pother firm declared that free yarns
were a great help in keeping It. fac-
tory going, and that If it did not have
them It could not compete against
European Imports. Still another coal -
wired the Botrd: "Reduction
And Other Q(tastiess
Arid when Mr. Spotton eras flntsbed
answering these he might move for-
ward to answer another ,1nestlnn.
Mr. Sennett asked at Three Rivera
if Canadians should not have a chaser
to work on the raw materials to Can-
What le Mr. Spttlse's answer le
la Isis answer yeti?
It las'wh7 does he 1101 rete Llbwroi?
'lie raw-mltertal used In Canadian
industry In 1928 was 51.950.0110,000
and id 1922 -when the ('onsc•rvative'
were in power -was 91.343,001.1M10.
What does Mr. Spotton say in re-
gent to that?
Mr. Henuett wants to know -and no
doubt Mr. Spotton is equally anxious
to know -if Canadian manufacturers in that newspaper.
ought to have the opportunity of asp hart appeared
plying Canadian goods to the -l'im'p- mentioned an article in wbk'h hewail
ion market
say on Empire trade? Ar' we going
to tell the Mother (country that we nom with Iiorernmetrt restrk•thono
w111 stand by her through thick and gi.verniig hivestIueet trusts. Mr. Nor -
thin, or are we going to ten -its" seaman lewd,. has been appointed the
Mr. Bennett would. that It doem't Trusts reprertertjative for Oils (Hetrict,
matter with ,!bow we. Wide? Atter *1141 has full details 4- tuerning opera
all, Mr. Spotton and myself are Just Inoue of investment truant
pawns to the game of polities. The big
Mow In this election is Empire trade." WON SCHOLARSHIP
(appingee 1 Mr. Robertson said he it will Interest Goderlch people to
weed with reductions in the customs learn fiat F. S. RhPm, of Owen
the and males tax, because 114' it root agree
Sound, brother of Harold Riven• of
with the moo. bet he did not etas. town, has jnit been awarded the
cis a the to by er row ettvme tax. 91500 student -teacher arhotareh4P o(
ga advocated by Mr. Bennett. es the University of Toronto and will
(fir' t3Petten's Address attend Edinburgh University In -Seed -
"I wish uh pay my respectsat to the
uumlute and the great family land tors year, leave of atomics with
journal known as The Uoderlch Sig salary having been treated by Owen
nal." Mr. Spotton started out. "I wish Sound hoard of Education. Mr.
to refer particularly to the spurious, Rivers ei principal of Victoria public
libellous anti ioskllons artkles whkh w•bool of that city The Sun Timers
Prt a1 Rinsers ha. had an excep-
tionally eSIMer ,'Ince attending
the L*ni->f''.°to Ile grad•
-mted --4netitetbw la
4, with the degree a Bach"
of Arts, sad was awarded the Prime
of Wale+ medal for general pro0rlen-
47. Immediately g 1..rr his graduatloa
Ile received an adifointnent on the
gaff of the Owen Sound collegiate
vocational inatltate, where he taugbt
English and Heston for a period of
three years. realgning two years age
to •crept the principalship a Vic-
toria public reboot. During the post
0? r hPedagogy.
reeet11 degree of Mecialerl
vvtng Areteld
honors In his Seal .xatathet c:a !
which were written in Owen Sound.
Ha maw friends Is Owen Sousd
and Nowhere will extend their bearty
Congratulations at this time. Mrs.
Rivem will aerompaoy him to Scoter
•{01141 in September
PAIL/)/. July •-solo ree Muni-
cipal council met The tuluutea of the
member,. preen Irr Jose
roust of revision and sego
meeting were adopted as read.
'Che road sup•rlutendent's p•Jtneeett
Si the treaaiUYT for
tug to $1,110.52.
The treasurer reported receiving $10
0u tax sale redewptiou amount.
Mr. Platten waited ou council re
the renewal of the township road 1u-
suranee policy. lir. reason *ad Mr.
Pltblado moved to renew the pulley.
Mr. Thom and Mr. Tyndall moved au
rtnenhweut 10 dl*coutluue the insur-
ance. The neve voted wanwh the
amendment and the policy
op -
The rum of $13 was paid A. Mugford
for lalsor and supplies used In fencing
'w. The
the eenetrry at Varrle 12th
meeting will lw held on August
at p.m.
Gymnastic -the public speaker who,
ending he hadn't a le to
it rd son.b-
Immediately hopped to
That is a -gam- ppF 1nent g0letlou
Mr. t3polton might to answer It.
If he believes that Canadians ought
to supply the home market with manu-
factured gouda. will he vote for the
,Liberal candidate on eleetloo day?
Canadian reanufactnrem impelled
the Canadian home market with goods
to the vain of 92,072.000.(100 In 1922
and they supplied the home market
S3.087.001,1M.) In 19214. end • great
deal more la 1919, though the .'tact
and accurate figures are not available.
aonoun e o
c pw•titkl1 of itop'rt.d a +nes.
for t1i20 are not yet atallable•.l 111 pool ntfll another c9onern, eh. Irigont
--'-'--eilit224betr+•-•serer--e17'1,44UL.9rrsona ppt.,Awl st,,_Limiteed. reputed that 1 'ltrre-
gaged In Canadian manufacturing. in an the nt'eragee unmlwr of looms 111114"
in In 1997 was 40 ter cent. of Um
1 daytime production. the averltkr
11111 risen to 113 per tent. In 19214. 96
per cell 111 1029. and 131 toter cent. 1n
19311. Theme statements *re me hear-
er'''. They form part of the printed
record of the sitting of the Mord on
March 12. 1930, and any permit may
have a copy by applying for it. Mr. D.
Dick. president of the ('ana(11att Wool-
en end Knit Goods Manufacturers' An-
*oeIatlon frankly mild that 'the An -
aviation could not take an 'official
remittal because of the dlfferet a of
interest among Its members.'
The testimony *bowel also that the
Canadia wool clip had risen from
17,959,ela pounds in 11130 to I8.e72,-
768 pounds 11, 1927. to 19.011,4301
pound., in 19414 and 21,243,1011 pound*
in 1920. The imports of wool rebel.*
into Canada were 918.2147.291 In the
nine months ending Ise emlwr :11.
19214, and 314,258,Wn In the name per-
iod in 1929. eo that 111wm-
ploymcnt in 1'ani Ia ( t ewe
ascribed to increeslnK imports.
In the United State., the nnntlwr of
aboop hap. fallen over 20000,000 mine
the beginning of the century, and the
woolen Industry-, despite 111e highest
tariff in the world, is In r (Iemperg ..
condition. Canada Is well off by nom.
parlmni and considering the world wide
depnaslon of the woolen trade.
'Tete fist Hake 110p. rtme t
postage the rate of
nounces same cinema in
tm for mall
stage sold the r'egu *
to pineow outelde of Canada to take
Flfe•f from Jnly (w1. The Brat its a
int prim tIona I Tate that 114 thel
rate ou lettere to places outside of
ea bi with the exeeption of pleas
.in the Empire, Nance and the
North Hnl South Amerles n (ontln-
entt, to whk•h the Canadian domeette
rate *molten. on let tem weighing
more then one donee the rate will
be !k• for the Aral ounce, and A
cents for etch additional mune or
fraction of an mimes e. The r*t
e on
swot r*r411 to platea outside a
nda. a* shove 41~1164, will he Ike
192/the number had Increseed 0' lilitt,-
01t0. Ther' was a tisrgeraecrraw• ih
Lumber of employee., In the Plc years
from 1922 to tit"' than intim previous
thirty-two years.
-lgricul111ral production hr* not fal-
len off, but bap hwreasd froom a val-
ue of $1,380,000,1MM► In 11922 10 91,1400,'
000,000 in 19.214. With a prosperous'
home nuirket the consumption of farm
products in Cam els ha., thenmsecl, and
In s0nne IIiw. there 1* no. surplus for
`1)O y„m• voting early.
• • •
• [hack vont' ba11ot for Rebertaon and
te boew-tmv n 31 I'.
• • •
Mr. Spotiou way's this paper I,Ha nlis-
repreaw•ottrA hits. but fails to give
-hup(er end %Tree.
i • •
Atter carefully looking ower 1118 two
cand)(hitee, The Signal advisees Its Mid -
ere, to vote for.Roberts00.
• • • t
More Guru one of, Goderkh't imitate
tries la looking (tor_jt•ade,op iil'i a In
British domildons N* a reetdt of the
D'iinning 11141144 .
a'. •
The Globe has dare vallent aarrkp
lioternaPnf throughout
the campaign sod has kept f( Tinct'
of Empire fiiide't0 1MTorefrnnt
• • •
t'amierrat1TP,' are tIi' gn'tet
With 11.- e1t'11 elllim 4' tow*rel.
ltrltlsh •neIP And are tv ting for
(.literal rwn41ta jn thea elctlne,
Mr Isermett waned, yn his fls-
lepleyeeot In Cascada
Mr. Bennett at Three Rheere Want-
ed to know if our toys and girls 'Mould
grow to manhood and womanhood and
then go tet the 1'. 8. to look for jobs.
The slower h i that at the present
none are going and that a larger
portion of the Canadian population
went to the 1'. S. In the Tint eighteen
year,' of the National Polley odder the
Cott*Prvativee than in an, OftW Iver•
led before or glace.
Does Isuylug goods made in Japan
give employment to Japanw and de-
prive ('an..limns of employment? Dees
II? Will Mr. Spotton mower? Does he
believe that it does? SWAY Ile ere
VOW. out boldly and stnte what he
thinks in this matter.
It his answer be "yes.' flit In
not equally true that when Japan bays
Products in l'anada they give earploy-
ment to Canadians? That would arm
to Iw an obvluun lotldu44lm.
Nell. how much did we buy from
Japan last.78!r, the year ending March
31. 1930?
jgq taught goals valued at 912,337,
11 TI Japaw' bought from 115 goods
raluel nt 931.473,00.
fed we not have the belt of the
Wmfi!-Mv:sttpottonmatel te:eader Mr.
Bennett. like to ask the same about
China. Gertnnny. Argentine or Ams-
quoted as being in favor of -a
tariff, but did not read 1t to lila 'Wi-
ener. a1(1 gh he a, re Its cvn
teuta were correct. He endeavored to
substantiate his claims 14) being an in-
dependent by reviewing his attitude
on titles, liquor export ant divorce,
and recited a lengthy explanation of
why he' supported the tignur policy of
the i'rovincial Government In (i* last
xalgn. Mr. Spotton next took a
out of Megan. Bricker and Her•
of thecl Suited I -Men' movemeneeeded to extol the t
general and Mine Agnes Maephail In
News far Electors
Mr. Spottol charged the King Gov-
ernment with tariff tinkering. and for
the benefit of the wo0Ps present he
told whet the Ifed and table them,
china and silverware sod culinary
articles la the Governor -General's res-
idence at Quebec coat. The firmer
wase all read hat are, a unhook, for
which Mr. Smitten apologized. He
eloped by taking • rap at the T.Ib.ral
caadldate for allowing hie brother to
defend ('evil Hamilton. Listowel law-
yer. in the recent trial at Stratford
Mr. Spotton was given a pod hand
both at the start and close of hie
.s.,a.h_• 9
ll=- Amb owe Lute
The ptrullartty of this election is
that the Ccineert•atives w0111d have the
sideshow* eat up the matn (trema, said
Col. A. T. blunter. of Toronto, wh,o
also spike on the Liberal aide. "There
ie only one bone la this eampaign and
(het G Intra-Fmp4FP tends." Cod. Hun-
ter recounted how 'kleor export. te-
rmer and the like. queetlm$ now ob-
solete became. they had been settle!.
were being drugged into tow campaign.
Ile said Pc -inlet King's attitude to-
ward the Pe'rglt*0n (iovernmept on
r mattes!. war justified If for no
nftlttf ` re t'son "fluke- that .A -the
Forbes Godfrey rpisede in the 1x141 leg -
"in,diiid mf burning the tail -of Pre-
mier King, Mr Ferg lean should quer-
anttne and disinfect 18e. Forbes God -
'trey •a,Mlnlster 01 Labor in his- Cab-
inet," the speaker said. petting (Mite •
"rine" ons of his andlen/r. and he fol-
lowed with a reference to Ikon. Wil -
Ilam Flanlayon. Minister of lamb. and
Forret'', whoa had control of -n ten -
million -dotter fund in Northern On-
"What 'Fin 1* doing with that ten
101111onP would make Vali Snitivan
turn over (n his rave." the Cannel
watt on. "Somebody should write a
book on Ontario Pe H trea*Mre talent.
shut take it from sir this Prin'Inee is
going to pal thmngh the near. for (hie
orgy of *tw•nr1Fug.-
"[peeking of Mr. Bennett Col. hunter
said one of the eieekk't thing,. yet to
happen In ('anadian polities wan the'
1'oneerrative leeder'seandd•n 'streMtns
for the Modem Bay ltellWay. which he
had oppeed In 111241 thereby rousing
the defeat of Hon. Arthur Wight....
"Seem Mr. RrnM(t develop.. n sudden'
et .•a affection for the workingman and h1*
and the
Steven {speak._ hcmrl blrwls for the unemployed. Thew
are the Het. of a degw•mtP pttTitlMnn."
he seed.
"Yes. Mr. Bennett is H man of
many parts. He tells the people of ('o -
Burg •Yes. 1 will hnIld the St. Law -
t. het pre -
1 ra n liner
propeller*enaor east de -aware saki they wouldrenee canal at Mee.. J1110 build the
Icy • B liner iris. len are beteg
by • British Arta. J. Stone and Co-, Trent Valley canal. lint when Mr. Pen.
Ltd.. at their ,.feria at Charlton. S' teLawrencegtoaMrw le retl. itle favor. ere heSt.
It offers pwpvthat Drrto he immediately proceeded tiff forget all
Attest tod. new vowels -pt.eNPal- festa abon his Cotonrg petunias By next
0v4'ted. Mat1s7 Mr, fiPnttett wfft hive maiF
*1114' a lona p14ricl(1 ran rte mta4tt 'rbf- a 1.111100 dnllari worth of promisee,"
able designs be decided upon. The spPake+r geld.
correct design for the Rrenlen'H pr*- (col. Beatles appealed to Ole andi-
pc11Pn has been drawn up ape the re Pitsea t* Ilk the rampalgn ems o/ the-
sir " miter • slier that er Nie lettot# for a ','I caM *r sleek atif 9i a
[Rates, where tees* m wiliness of uu 1 for t ra oiaie nlik gf'>Canad prat1
err t0 ptat•P1 onts+id. eft ('anaAa will
Il. le. for seek two minces or trrc-
Hew of two °Micee. _ _.
empinyel workmen shit millions Of
deep&Iring farmers..
(inertia •41 over t'anada tic fight
a violably" bald. 1141 the "sunning
b.dges ae4 the Empire trade• policy.
"HeeM4 know, Mow ease mel
make their aa P " say* a welter. Per-
haps dist 1. MA. hey look an ndaer
Well, let hill ask R.
Here's the-Aatlawer
Ism :ire the import,. *1141 exports
from *ad to eaefi of (Ilene (onntrten
In 11010.
I;xpnrts to Imports from
China 9111,ri'7.(100 $ 2.972.000
Germany 2^.:x43.010 21,506.00
Argentine 19.2100.00 10,'Xi2.1100
Au,tralln 141,3'22,000 4.111,001
New is -eland 19.16(1.000 18 ,On0
There Is still time for Mr. `Spottom
soul lir. !Sennett to answer thew ques-
t ions.
Df enure. there Is still tlwp for them
to answ•e'r them and to ask more quem:
Ilona equally a1,unl. though that
might mem a ;mrticularly difficult
'The fact hs bite arguments acid con-
tention', of the lading 4 4,nerrvativos
111111 the' public. platform In this con-
nection are absurd I*17onl the p01sl-
bIlit • of worths to depict and now tow
publicIs aw•*ke.(0 the fact. The voters!
are taking the 1114a14ure of aura who
k as Messrs. Bennett. Menlo...
Steven'. tial :11(11/41
reto of of the ballots cast e
n an accurate
flint the mrasnre haw iwe
snit of her voyager .cram 1h.
tea. hue* secret
J. Stonesad C4
plplaningoieaclslrr w M!h no Other Arm
possewhich coaha them ases,
to 23totn
nold p615 1er1 weighifr,mi a with towwith Made* pleased t0 pug.
They have made protwi
hits for famous liners •II over the
Vie _____rye - its the Mateltlnfah
the ceeo retaking Viewed User.
were wade h. this Arm. aa well as
those a the Majrwtir, the targoat
liter Is the world
8.1.. est mo. American make of
automobile In France at mown' ere
the tireseset is ars years
*lough of ward' patties and to tam
their rennet on the Dunning Midget
as Canada's nate* tonna In the retain
to ntrm•1 rendltlmrw anti prormerlty.
If they did that. he said. he had so
dada as to what the result wield be
-the King Oot•Irnment would (M
renamed to power with a haistanme
• ••A
tkawelfileel peramhwMty r has
. pee r•,1 on the market.. A heart.
bearing ('ryieM•
A woman who appw.rod en a wltnesa
1n eoutt Ma told by the Jrdge to talk
e s 1c wee el home Tho vaso ti
01111 g On
• .a
When 7a ssad ssry esaap•
whys yoe ape bot ttsld s!tk b
moissess mooch asd
The iscreseed boa of maw
feeds new streogdsso the bksad•
ps ma do meow fes
bSMar ` ,11111'1
lll...It1i,1::.. F F2U i
1l. t 1 I
• IoM A
( „r
1 n
AN Moltke ,eapaddim
which aatLi.s fibs shake sows
the eassa.l sad theasrraemttrsge>r-+a
gdse d features
'LAY. goo imet1
ori a&ese Amwlese develops •
mat, preowned Weedy by Me pis
fsteeas es +w worlds largest
Swim 2Sc. OAR&saw. d1 -9e•.
Thirty Ueda. isVilze,
Mame. Form
1[ _ tehso•7 M
free l asM C > fix.y 11
how s•.Y116.11.a.tir rir
•eswN •edMC10111,
.f saw,
eras j
eigw •r we,wy e+ar.
This ti root 100...4
Work and Lower'
Living C sts'f f
EMPI • : 1 M ' >y
have been created by many'
restricting the outlets for Canadian
$rich restt(tiofls naturally ',teed -to
reduced buying power on the part of
the people, in turn affecting manu-
facturers and producers in every line.
This problem has demanded the high-
est qualities of statesmanship for its
solution and, the trend having been
early recognized by the King Adminis-
tration, a non-partisan and highly com-
petent Tarriff Board was appointed.
The result of the tireless efforts of this
Board is the King -Dunning Budgets.
In the past ten years new
The prment of trade
within the empire titre logical solu-
tion of the enormous problem
involved; and the enthusiastic manner
in which the King-Dunniing Budget
has been recei vedtfirotT{ftliClut the
Empire ensures Canada a most
favourable position at the imperial
Conference for the interchange of
products. . -
Providing a market for Canada's
products, ensuringthe buildingup of a
home market for her manuactured
products, the policy of the King
Administration offers assurance of
Canada 3 future prosperity.
King Budgets during the past nine
years have kept living costs down.
Tariffs have been lowered on many
commodities and implements of pro-
duct(onrteducing living costs, and coeds
reduced over 3596
Salp Ten-- Abeam 6% to 1%.
Podel Rates- cid from Scents to 2 cants;
peamy pottage re-established.
Chegre Tar -Reduced froto 2 cents on mere
910.00 to 2 cent/ ova 910.00.,
Receipt Tax- Abolished.
Tran•portatio* Taos -Abolished.
Insurance Tar Abolished.
Telegraph Tar Abolished.
Rednctioe in five years estimated to amoaat
se 4 f 16,000,000.
of production while at the same time
helping Canada to bu ild up the greatest
export trade per caps4in the world,
manuctured aniemi-manufw
• red goods.
• 1922 -Sugar, agricultural implements, textiles,
hoots andfhoe.. '
1923 --British preferential tariff reduced by 10
percent, whet* goods Imported by Ceaudir%
141natrutnem/t df DrO sam
agriculture, sodding, forestry d -
192S ' Wei l-drang a aehia.ryeaddsieellowe•
19,' •-Sugar. wm
eaobika, tl • "vtalg. .
1 9ql& I .n is is
and h+h fag i fd'{ilhl.fwea frac see list,
1930 ---Tea, ehti,a,vegoodel e,fruits,
fila under p efeew ee.
YJsetbt M d iw prior: •
Bennett CAN'T
Approve "the King-
t',isa•.rl. Ukase Ceittpalgw cwnelasn,. Tweeoe.