HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-12-09, Page 9Steven VanAmersfoort knows how to make a visitor welcome as he offers some shortbread at the Craft and Bake Sale held at Blyth Christian Reformed Church on Saturday. THE CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1987. PAGE 9. KNECHTEL CRAZY y Davern Farms F Hot Dog WIENERS k Our reg. 1.19 QQ ^^450 g. pkg.aOQ SCRIMGEOUR’S FOOD MARKET BLYTH VALUESINEFFECTUNTILCLOSING DECEMBERS,1987 SAVINGS BASED ON OURREGULARRETAILS Knechtel Frozen ORANGE JUICE 12.5 oz. tin ■ / Q, F Knechtel TOMATO JUICE nn 48 oz. -OQ Produce Meat COTTONELLE TOILETTISSUE 8 Roll 2.88 Clinton Hospital names new trustee The Board of Trustees of Clinton Public Hospital welcomed a new member, Mrs. Claudia Eastman at the meeting held on Monday, November 23. The vacancy on the Board came with the resignation of Mr. Steve Fraser, the former Royal Bank Manager, who was transferred to London during the summer. The vacancy was filled on the recommendation of the Nominat­ ing Committee who were em­ powered to find a replacement for the balance of the term until the Annual meeting held in June. At that time Mrs. Eastman can let her name stand for election to the Board by Corporation members. The method for filling a tempor­ ary vacancy is provided for in the hospital By-laws. The Board was very pleased with the acceptance of the recommendation made by the Nominating Committee. The hospital has just obtained a new piece of equipment in the Physiotherapy department, a “manipulation couch” costing ap­ proximately $5,000. This piece of equipment will allow the therapists in the department to place the couch in numerous positions to allow the patient to be comfortable and yet receive greater benefits from the treatments that they are receiving. The Board and staff of the hospital are very pleased with the up-to-date equipment the hospital is able to obtain in order to give the patients of our area the necessary quality of care that they deserve and should have available in their own community. At one time the Europeans attempted to make sugar from carrots but the process was abandoned as too costly. KNECHTEL MAC&CHEESEDINNER 2/.78 CAMPBELL’S CHUNKYSOUP 19 OZ. 1.68 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA #1 FLORIDA GROWN VINE RIPE TOMATOES 1.94 KG. lb. .88 PRODUCT OF HONDURAS GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 2 lb. 1.88 KNECHTEL PINKSALMON PHILADELPHIA CREAMCHEESE 1.58 250 G. 1.78 2.98 With This Coupon SAVE 30' o,HhfXc-oise°' V>- Regular. Marshmallow. Semi-Sweel 500 g Lite 234 g XV CADBURY HOT CHOCOLATE Vs Special Price Special Price is Wnn This Without Coupon 30'Coupon 3.28 KV Valid Only A( Knechtel Assoc. Stores _<y Coupon Expires Sal Doc. 12. 1987 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH BROCCOLI_____bunch .88 [MULTI BLOOM] POINSETTIA 6” pot 3.98 Only at Scrimgeour’s FROZEN UTILITY GRADE 2.16 KG. 3-11 KG. [5-23 LB.] YOUNGTURKEYS lb. .98 MAPLE LEAF BONELESS SMOKED ROUND DINNER HAM 5.47 kg. lb. 2.48 VAC PAC OUR REG. 4.79 LB. SAVE 2.31 LB. CANADA’S FINEST GRADE “A” BEEF SEMI-BONELESS BLADE OR SHORT RIB ROAST LB. 4.37 KG. 1.98 CARLTON CLUB POP CASCADE LIQUID DISHWASHER DETERGENT KZZZZZZZZ.Z ZZZ.ZZ:Z:Z;Z. Z:Z.Z.Z;Z:Z:Z:Z.Z;Z.Z:Z. SAVE $1.00 2L. 1.49 12x280 ML. CASE COCACOLA 3.99 VIVA PAPERTOWELS 2 roll xv XV XV .XV XV XV .XV .XV .XV 2224037H XV 1 4 Litre This Coupon Worth CASCADE DISHWASHER DETERGENT UNCLE BEN'S STUFF N SUCH BUY 1 GET xv- z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. .xv xv XV .XV xv .XV .XV XV XV Valid Only m.suc. aio.cs \y Coupon Expires Sal Dec 12. 1987 3404435 ’z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. With This Coupon SAVE 30' Plain, Onion oil lhe Purchase ol 1 ■ 250 g Brick of PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE Special Price Special Price With This ■ J J XT ■ Without Coupon 30‘Coupon J 1.78 lid Only Al Knechtel Assoc Stores ■ xpires Sat Dec. 12. 1987 7 7: 7 7'777 '7'7. 7 7 7. 7 '7. 7 7. 77.'7. 7 7 7 7. 7. 7. 7 77 7, 7 7 Vt h s Coupon SAVE 75' '' XV FIVE ROSES FLOUR ■AY >Y •XX 6.98 773 ■M •YY yY ■\Y t ..i d Only Al I.» Coupor./,p„< 7 7 7 7 7 7 s S.n'oec ’2. '.9b7lj I 3 r 7 -f I r| F 7 7 7 7 7 7 7. ‘7 '7- '7 ‘7. '7 7 7 77 7 *Y 7 Y> XV XV rhis Wook’a Pu Mild Lolion JERGENS BAR SOAP OM VC Ol ,UU One ULTRA PAMPERS ,JZ66/MR54/MiJ4Ij/lG32/LC PAMPERS SM66/MD4B/r,r LUVS Sn..,ii Medium, I 70.58 Weok s Purchase Prlci 4001463H MILKBONE LARGE BISCUITS Av Av 'H or • Of Av' AV ■u. Or.o •* p.,r Per W rchase AV PMl VJD (y £ '■£. Z. Z. 4. 4 6. 1 4 4 4. Z 4 4. ■£. £. 4 Z. £ Z. . t. ,c... SAVE 20' ' HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO 7.38 CHIPS 7.58 .<V AV Ks <V <V AV \V Av Av Av WATCH FOR THIS WEEK'S FLYER IN THE MAIL FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF SPECIALS “Savings Based On Our Own Regular Prices’’ SCRIMGEOUR’S FOOD MARKET “YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD FAMILY FOOD MARKET” We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements. STOREHOURS: Mon. toWed. & Sat.8:30to6p.m. Thurs.&Fr.8:30to9p.m. We’re a Blyth Buck Participant