HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-12-02, Page 3Eleven new members of the Blyth Beavers were invested Tuesday night last week. The new members are:
[front row, left to right] Kevin Bernard, Ross Clark, Aaron Bakker, Jason Fidom and Russell Bromley;
[back row] Allan Gibbons, Ryan Montgomery, Matthew Clark, Dean Wilson, Shane Hesch and Jamie
Bea Houston new Threshers
president Vincent steps down
Advent service
led by teenagers
The annual meeting of the
Huron Pioneer Threshers and
Hobby Association Inc. was held
on November *21, at the Blyth
Legion Hall.
The president, Bill Vincent
opened the meeting and welcomed
everyone. There were 35 members
The treasurer, Carman Craig
handed out copies of the 1986-87
financial statement. The club had
another good year. Many improve
ments were done at the fair
grounds with more improvements
planned for next year.
Mrs. Bea Houston gave a report
on the Annual Steam Show meet
ing held in St. Thomas. This
meeting is a yearly event where all
clubs get together and discuss
many items pertaining to their
A motion was made by the club to
have a number from the Huron
Pioneer Threshers and Hobby
Association attend the meetings of
the Blyth Arena Board.
Election of three new directors
was held. They are Lloyd Josling,
Londesboro; Findlay MacDonald,
The Blyth
meeting has
been changed
to December 15
Lucknow; and Raymond Hallahan,
Blyth. Retiring Directors were
John Ellacott, London; Tom Lei-
per, Londesboro and Bruce Thom
son, Lucknow.
The president expressed sincere
thanks for the past two years and
handed the position over to Mrs.
Bea Houston of Moorefield, as the
club’s new President for the next
two years.
with 2tractors to serve
you better
toarrange times
The Advent service in Blyth
UnitedChurchwasledby mem
bers of the teen club. Those taking
part were Karen Philips, Heather
and Cathy McDonald, Kim Medd,
Shannon Snell, Shane Snell and
Julie Howson.
Leslie Philips, Ricky Howson,
Krista Lawrie and Mike McDonald
were the ushers. The choir sang the
anthem, “Thou did leave Thy
Throne’’. During his conversation
with the children Rev. L. Rameriz
explained the meaning of Advent.
He also told them that the word
Christmas means Christ’s mess
age. They talked about the Christ
mas lights and their meaning as a
symbol of life in Christ. Junior
congregation leader was Linda
Meier. Rev. L. Rameriz titled his
sermon, * ‘ Life is the light of new. ’ ’
In September 1988, the Blyth Business Tourism Committee, in
conjunction with Huron County and the Ministry of Industry, Trade
& Technology are bringing a group of investors into the
community. These people will be looking for local investment
opportunities in commerce, industry or tourism.
The Committee in preparation forthe Investment Tour are happy to
identify these opportunities. These may be of the following nature:
1. The establishment of a new business [including anyone who may
have ideas for a new business and is looking for capital].
2. Purchase of an existing business [including anyone who may
have an existing business and wishes to sell].
3. Joint Venture with a local business [including those interested in
expansion or business improvements].
The Blyth Business and Tourism Committee welcomes comments
and inquiries from any members of the public or business
community who may be interested or have ideas relating to any of
theabovethreeoptions. Allsuggestionsareencouragedandwillbe
treated in confidence. Prior to December 11,1987, please contact
Bev Elliott, Chairperson, Blyth Business & Tourism Committee, at
523-4820 [business] or 523-4323 [home].
He based it on Jesus’ words, “1
am the light of the world, he who
follows me will not walk in
He said “The world’s need of
light is ever increasing.’’ He stated
that for growth, light is very
necessary and that light is very
important for many things from
green houses to laser surgery. He
said, “Jesus is the light that will
guide us and this light will give us
vision and illuminate us so that
none will be lost.”
It was announced that Sunday,
Dec. 6 will be the Sunday School
Christmas pageant and White Gift
Sunday. Also on Dec. 6 at 8 p.m.
the Interdenominational Advent
Service will be held in the
Missionary Church in Auburn.
Harold and Adeline Campbell
were greeters.
Lillian Letherland was the high
lady and Graeme McDowell the
high man when the weekly euchre
party was held at Blyth Memorial
Hall on Nov. 23. Low scores were
recorded by Ida Procter and Ted
Mills. Marjorie Ritchie and Ted
Fothergill had the most lone hands
and Edythe Giousher won the
special prize. There were 13 tables
in play.
At the Lost Heir party on
Wednesday at Memorial Hall,
Evelyn Smith was high lady and T.
Murrayhigh man. Edythe Snell
and Edgar Howatt had the low
scores. Bert Daer won the special
prize. Seven tables were in play.
The Blyth Festival Singers
presented their “Christmas in the
Village” concert this past Sunday
afternoon and evening in Memori
al Hall.
They sang a combination of
familiar and new Christmas selec
tions and the audience was invited
to join in several times during the
programme. The Choir was under
the enthusiastic and lively direc
tion of Angus Sinclair, with Louise
McGregor at the piano.
Also participating were the
Exeter Public School Choir, the
F.E. Madill Brass Quartet, Harpist
Mary Hearn. Flutist Linda Hearn,
Piper Rick Elliot and soloists Pam
Shaw and Phil Telfer. Readings
were given by Duncan McGregor
of Carousel Theatre. The perfor
mance concluded with choir mem
bers, using tiny flashlights, leav
ing the stage, and joining the
audience in the singing of Silent
Night, Holy Night. Hot apple cider
and cookies were served following
each performance.
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