HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-26, Page 9sow fel, nal
JUST . _111
We have just re -
monk .f China from
the English potteries.
This is now on dispkay
in out store for your in-
China Store
Muton Cafe
Special Business Men's Lula
daily at IS colts
Ov 3PeeWts - 3rade719017
12to3p.m. 60c
Hugh Wong
Nig mew sons Isimewsn1-
A fresh shipment of men's
fancy Socks sad ladies full- -
fashioned real silk Hosiery.
-Offered .t reduc.d price. -
--Cheer up, folks. Int the dentists do
all of the looking down in the mouth.
Goderich Knitting Co.
East street
You_ are advised thin '
'derl ti�bevr-1[ek
quired to cut the Noxious
.Weeds on your property with-
in ten days, otherwise I will
be required to employ men to
do the mine, theeoat oLw4lt
i1a'1r • yell.
Wiflislnn .StrhUQha.
nsp ctoColborne Township
arning �-
ons nat_'olg,
SIDSWAItill BY DAY LALBOB water, 11ted ghtk aid Meier a tat
(()ontiwued from pare 1) seggelgtee 406 tbe right
thing to accepts'tism lowest t oder
cottage at Maitland cemetery was be- ani he would ar#t aril toy sew tenders.
ung wired and 11"11°eeloo bad beau . Coancllbr tY{r� hsauttDt nD the
made to the Hydro OsomWion for • mallet of mai vegdrs In the tire
700 -watt hamlet service. It sea also hall end this was referred to the fire
recommended tbat'to PM iti'takee oogpvittee•
ea the repent of Chart r ' %,'r�;•. .
.,.sore.. '
in Vats - t mastery, collector's and clerk's Plisse Indteat.
in ;pot the pore, w a11ow Rrb log the oilier and office hours. Tbts
jog unless it is absolnttpiy. _____r7• war referred to the wpeclal committee
All the committee reports were ado)• 7me matter of erecting chains on
ted with the exception of that of the the rued leading to Maitland DoH
water, water, light and harbor -Committee. egad at Lighthouse Point was
Several members of the council took rPR+wl-tO pow -ether to
ob11cacworksonmotion oommtttMof
objection 'to chase one of this (om with power le t,
rnittee's report recommending that the Cuttncillor Bail
Councillor Bailie brought up the
tender of C. C. Lee for plumbing at matter of compensating er. W. -1.
ter rtyt room at the harbor be ac. Forrest In some way for hie services
{ •)ted. A letter frena Mr. Lee was beIn restvlr� toe >t part7 adrift
fore the council to the PffeFt- that he en Take ' a a 1 000. This
w�onld make y allowance of i30 to Was lett le the hates je the chairmen
the Mens at committee.
Agricultural Park were R, the .pedal ati, *3sr. light ape
oaf The ...montes rews.atmend -, ka or rommlttels.
ikon wee to the effect that t.2 was Ream Turner said be had beard
to IW allowed. ' ta regarding the condi ion et
It •Wee polutetl out by several sotto-' ter grounds at the rear of t pttbite
elUririt Hat )ir. hunt bad ..- • ''d library, and the market committee was
the wpec4f eetion. and. although Ma; faet•to have the groatidg4slM
, - ee's testier was the lowest. some eon- :
sldeeatlwn should be shown Mr. Hund n Blare Turner also complained about
for the trouble W hsd'Kllfhr rn'in pre -;'shelf[ gram at the side of the walks!
;`paring the pian*. After as lengthy die•1 ibC saute end of the town and eel
the matter would be
me. -.'t the adoption ot.tbe„ rt. but.�'al A.A to_
the motion foiled to carry. ontrRinrs.lteverai motions. including one for
11und.er and -toner%moyed that new! , turning on of lights at Victoria
tenders be naked i'ot b; the wales PPE for horseshoe -pitching contests
light' -ind harbor edlilmitt*e. Thly.. one for the construction of aids
pjt.tlon carried. the vote being as 1ol''!.walks by day labor under superveion
- -lows. . - Yea --.hewer„ Croft.= - �esaell -
McLean. Humber -6: nay -Turned of the pnElfc works committee. were
Itaflie, Ctalgie-S i ca'r!, `•, .
of ._
The -elan-teen of :the carkma corn -
were instructed too bring In a
of the extwi MttnTa+d o thJr re-
spective commttttees for the
mouths of the gait.
seen at the, Cioderieh pget•t
office. if your names not
on these lists notify A: F.
Sturdy or Harold B1uck8ione
at once.
Weeds must totdhwith--be -
-out or det.tr
pro'eeut loll will follow.
R C ->rbdlfi�wiite
the Dominion Day celebration were
left with the -public works and ceme
t1ryand lar4 ommittees M be dealt
Bylaw No. 11 of 1930, appointing the
chief of police as weed1na�ettor under
the .provisions of the Weed Control
Act of Astarte, waa..7ead -Hair
And and third timet
The Wigle vs Town of Ooder
was referred to the committee r,
the whole council. which dealt with llxeter 1$-deiertjds 10 R. 11. 3. Clinton.
"'`Inspector the matter -the sates evening, but it The Godertch Blackso dropped lir
. ---greed-er Holmesvtne cel. Bah day of 7rBOYAS (�C1VatX. OOD1i:SiC)v. •-_-- .
M isyseted blot ae.i�te a/reemeet second home game of the season et -_ j 1n Li iii y'1tpG7r Aa►I► AIiN
• - - •� '- _, Ties ovealag. when the Exeter nine ' 11W�"
The ra reer Meting ori the Seitford
Hospital Auxtltary will be held at the
home of Mts. Oso. Baxter on TMire-
otay, July 3rd, at 240 pa.
Special fasters for evening of July
1st -Asps and and Madam,
for best
Don't inlet • •
The Kincardine Tart Club purpose
holding a race meeting at Connaught
York, Klncardtue, Ontario, Tuesday,
July 1st, with a purse of 3900. There
will to• in thew (gasses, 2.14, 2.20 and
2.214. trite in each class, divided 160-2.1-
1610 per cent, Entrance tee 6 per cent.
of purse and 6 per cent. of money'
earned from winners. Three beats in
five, mile heat.: shoo u ruuubug race
with a purse of eft" divided lute four
money-, tan•-;-elf-rile Leat... two in
three. Good music and other special
attraction.. Beet lwlt•esile'track in
13ev: C. F. Clarke will conduct the
morning service in Vktoe streak
united church next Sunda,.
tor, Rev. G. -Butt. will prefab ` the
evening Ou the theme, "Thc,0069:.1.
the World."
At boo* eharch neat Sendai= 1tev
R. C. McDermld will preach- at lath
morning and evening services Sermon
anbjeast:. 11 Lip•, "The Optimism of
Faith:" 7 p.m., "The Changeless
Amidst the Changing."
The pastor,iter. W. T. Bunt, will
leave charge of the_ servicee at the
Baptist church next Sunday. The ser-
mon subjects wi11 be as follows: 11
a.m., "The Holy Spirit Ia Ills Relation-
ship to the Baierer f' -'I' pm.. "The
Epistles of Christ." B1ble school at
10 a.m.
t!uri * l'eitearse next
Sunday there will be a • '140F1
siren's dry eerie. at 11 a.m. Rev. rl.
W. Butt. pastor ; of Victoria street
church, will preach at this service. 1n
the evening the pastor. Rev. ('. F.1
Clarke. will preach. Men's Club, Mla-
ddn Bend and fellowehlp elan at!
amp - TO t'�RDRl�
OKS.-Jt 'iLsaadlra �OalltsL der`
leis, ao wader, Jaw 'Mk to lir. 11OTIOZ TO
eM l/ra Irvine Oke. a dinditer. A
r.aatwi'Jr-0s Jane 391b, to ,$r. and
Mrs firseerick Robertson I,artls.
Riverside, oat., a son (Jame. Fred-
Ube 2211 .23 ge
3 deya. West a O . of qtr, and curs.
A. L Maxwell of O'oderlch.
The fuAeral was held oa Yo°da7,
Juue 33rd, to 'Preston Oemeteri•
COMPURRED woman by day
week aingfillat 81OQt1AL omaE.
Aur of June, A. D. 1W0.
HAY ti « HAYS, ,
tioderieh, Ontario,
$Oticiton toe the administrate".
Nutter is boreal laves te all
Wiring.*ate claims aphid /1t
Rachel Alice Moble, . id
of 'tleaferth. in the ' 02111=
widow, who died oa tits 111th
k '
tion. to the
the lith day et July,
after'thet del/' the
the raid ertate,will Make
thereof, hada' regard • ' the
claim. of width be then shalt Mir
not lee. d
DATED at liuderk•h this 23rd dap
TO Rink
1) 113111111E.--CHHE1i1FLTL - ROOM,
1 saleable for one or two; boleud le
destted, also garage. Apply P,
416. Goderkb.
1 ABLE.weiI-furnished bedrooms to
private home situated one block from
the Square. Bath, lights sad garagi,
Apply at $I AL OI1F10E.
TAGES on Lake lank. Godserk
All furelebed, ale trio light's sire
plates. bathroom. hot and Bold water.
et•reentvt Tern tufa h.. M111414 I.1.:W111.
Box S,i'Pin.ne 163, G.alerl.K
- PUBLIC Nonce
Muriel' TO OS0DITOlt$.
IN T.f� ] OF the estate d
`1Cltsat�id D� e oe the township _
of Hutted, in the ooenty of Hama.
widow, diseased.
Notice Iklicreby given pungent to
the Trustees AM, R. P. 0..'19221, Chap.
100, that all creditors and others bas. -_
*' elelme agaisa �he estate he
Eltaabeth Daer, Wbo dlei of ros or
the 9i1b day of Maseb, J.D.
at the township of 'Hallett, are ne-
on or before the 4th day of
July, A.D. I9�J0, to aeDd by pow• pier
paid, or delver to the Executors of the
.slate of Ib a M1d dere sed,
iarticulawt * writing of their=
a •tate nes$-St their accounts,
nature- of the security; It any, bell by
than. verified by deeleratfon.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
such last meatloped date the said ex-
ecutors will proceed .to distribute the
WEEDS CONTROL assets of the said deceased among the
-- t Inrai.menb d-inetrsNlons franamelage eek thereto, bovine sSSS -----
the Weeds Control Branch of the De- -oily to the entitle of whish they shall
pertinent of Agriculture to enforce the thee. have notice.
Weed. Control Act. I do not wish to CATt1fEBLV•t YOUNGSGUT, and
take drastic action, but those wishing SILT ROSE WILLi$, ]mfecdtora,
to keep their property dean tenet be bJ DUDt®Y 1 . HOLYEB,
I.rotected. Weeds must not De allowed SoUettor for the said tllzecntore
to go to teed, eserially sow thistle. DAT51) at Oo4sr1 this 10th day 01
fee of this Actaetans a
B�1lRAi_i. td 320.00 to $60,00.
D. (.I.1 DDOX.
Weed Inspector.
1sele�A D 1936 - -
tet. :t ' 00
irtlhere. It was the same old gb-z-«•-•-- p' g
d hakes for the locals pMN! - 1
thew fall
Was otber*Wa .' bls01Iy Ur
- to_ the sev.n the osseek
--' llrs�ass lino 11tt.
)>ic st glia
▪ S.W. SUM noel 1,1011110W eau setas dMcoantsd,
eni011aiBta iwillu-_" EIBAKIt$ D17PE roe '$ALE
- Thrfa4L al -live rind sad � ' Aoctloneer.
Then came the u.easth, the Iaelnre
ho *hold science judging competf blit wpb the rhea ef boeebaU 1af a renewable terms., Apply will eeadod sales anywhere. My
Bras, u d at i' di rip on Friday. Jute �4iipl�$'S GARAGE. St. Andrew's tesla eve renewable and 1 win sa-
20th, ander the direction of ➢Int, t once • nape and lmporttlag
Lite Bartok street. ._- .dpeee to give MtlsfaMlo°. Pisces
Bounty brancA of the O.taaete lis ltrigt: the .innings whim all the hoodoos ---g ♦ W-1314, or address R. Y. 4, God-
p.rtetteut sot Agricdture. F two d flame seem to hover over the dia. ��-' R' BALE.-BILVES RULL Bum- adeL
boys and'twenty girls took waiting their chance to sweep FOR .R. J. GLEN. MIL N0. a..
ee®petitlon, whish -made it 91e Lrg- ia� and bring chaos where once wt_ OtNkrMD• Telephone O ]6x14 Dnpgasnes �*OTr iIILIil;
awinierlathe tnyda7,, ,: ,y,..tfom�.
Some call the seventh . el""'
/be resalta of the girls' cosspet_ja11 the "lucky seventh," but to armee- _suctiopow
__,.. ; Phone 70, Lseknow
Ilet'vitalew.' fan who witnessed this game the ram
• -
MSLE.-SEED BCLIKWaLT. !alas condo_ eted aarahare. Witte ea-
1'ropi>r foriltWee/t 1ilr-tro
yper qualification would be j'
"tired `+horrible sevsetk" Alae cockerels, one swath old. A. periene ' My very boat oda* pig;.
nutrition -411m Elva _111!oss.._:Bosd.y. -Skater, taking oxer; advantage of ail. . R R 3, "Roderick teeth fa each and every Raw , - .
Ie. break, shoved men Amy the '.hoes "NM* 1414. ---
FoR $ALE'" nue Wt -.00ED•1---- DRI -4"88 !$SCTITNI�.
wkh. First prion, 114,11011114,11011 furnish!ng-4
Miss Bible Itoetder, Fordwick-,4'lrut:
.prise sJnthing-Mise Woke Mattb3wa,`
;r+enolts of terFeneepetitloe ill
lits► hock judging areas foUv*s. .
7tort '�42seoosd, -Mervyn Cudmore.
sou ; third, Clarence Down. Heu''ppaail.
The ironse for the two highest
`acorea were awarded to Mervyn Cud -
more and Clarence' Down, Bill Arch!
bald, who bad the highest score.
sea the trophy two years aao and for
• this reason refusal to accept It again
this year. -
't'he high man 11 sack claim I1 live.
Peek was as follower _-- - > • 'order Mane.. --in own. HRNT ,UO..
Heavy horses. Deophui Ca ' ♦'=�- e.,.r..t",.' 132 Parknsmnt Reed. Tweets G. •
'lamb : beef r e tt lF, ISO Arebbelir
+Berth the Warren Ze
home plate in a manner whkh re
trembled the "Be Parade.",
The locals rallied In the eighth, batt- _W leering ear. 1'tlee
their effort fell three runs short end 12''•4pp1J to J. Wter aeb Daly
e game ended there 13.10 in fa Real Estate Dealer. Ouderkk • 'PSBHA PIOT
A new bQt. familiar face a�_..� . -Ir:
vie ��
who appeti o ♦ enees. Wijlii goer «almp and cbiroCts t 0
Tenney started 1n the ban I terms. Apply to T. R. 'W.A•LLiiS. rafter sereoms-11ia.s es Lady In adenose, •
rtefL. OlAoe boon 2 to 6, ttsd 7 ►' pa
f6T the lira time this all c n eel
local lineup was that of Glen Ttrnbe7, ROOM cottage on GmEeas el/a.. batt.. Zit/Wreak
'1O°' VirtfHn and Fktss at
ter its the .e but was relieved by Frits -1 0013Pting Monday add Th eat.\
ley 1n the seventh
Jack Woods alae appeared lila local SPECIAL _ SALE. - il$HD PHONO by : emolument.
•hnninl con-. _' ! A N.
grew tela j (i.APH1t_litreirat mac
voltam for the first year
A17FiN00N " t- �
amid. miring was a `slaters o[ the clition. oak and asabng*ay finish.T Residence .and ewe-- d
From .517.30 -ftp. Write for photo sod :Nib street lad Brunet* 1 .
.hire. 3b.
dairy es - ef, J. W -- -.----
porn(: sheep, John Pothe eel If, C Archer a*, Pi•, w. e, Q TEIkFD Jerw►y ro to klttB. Lr.
1lrnaeffeld: swine. 'tole. Connell, Pal- Showdown Jif, G. Torsos, I
__ _ __•- .olio. _. �._ ,'
mer oa. Mete! -Medd ib: ' elf Ph Ra�_. -q _..
The teams to n'pn-e'nt the candy' H, Dundas pe ltWkse:2;i. ,nuc r. and
at the Inieraowntl, competitions wig tl'kht c, Boyle ea, WSlartl'rt;•.
ie selected from the high contestants. .core by Inas• ._/r- - _ -
and, judging, from the result. of th1. Goderlch • 2 3 0`04 0 0.6--10,
competition. Harm manly shosild be
rrepreeetrte'd_t►y rotas ntsling teams at
AC esinswq
_; -, CBAQT:tRRD
`a nes 1 !. 0IBI�,.
e Jgnwr7--+seise. Fir'eaa.
,A. R. ancestry. Would Image _
-.s eeaW end Welt* Le I► s,..Wli� liltjllti+l I► s
The regular -meeting of the Ooderl$
Women's Ytiatitute will be held le
"Meter 30001004=13
timyiree-O'Btlen, Zurich; Z. Dean,
sty (ewe. Herd tuft se -
Teems to matt Pareballr. -L 11MWJICAL
V. LAWSON mile* eget of Carior •
Phritte Car • R. F. J. R. FORSTER. - .
DAl 1301f& -4T AL LOW r -at. Renee H mare
n Ngal 1,
ene YorOpr-
- _
midsummer rlaa tbalmk and Atm d* to a sant
Go'ilorlei 14_80.140 s ,. Rocks, 314.00 per 100; 3ffelle_Oi.tl at Mitorefle14 Eye Hospital and Golden
''its Tuesday evening of this week White Leghorn", $12.00• Our !!ills'Square Tttroat Hoefftlfr tendon, Eng.
afternoon. twe its were fbnamy seemed ui---ts.- are aILproduced from egpi laid, on ea f ' la -Waterloo 8' a.. lard- Tel -
July 3rd.' :The . roll call is to be their efforts' to win a home game when own farm by selectal, dl.easedree, hiesL. siphon/. 267.
Chet7ored by hints on canning. Mrs. T. they bwamped the .•Seatorth pine to This means something to Yang want - At Rotel Bedfotf, (iodfil1i , `en the
G. Alien will give a paper on current the tune of 16 to 6. ttnying chicle --they live and grow. evening of third Monday et ane!
events. A salad demonstration will be The Lame In itself was not as exclt• Above prices are effective on and attest month till the followlte(F b7, Pnssda7.'
e! I .iii: -;,----
given by one of the members and a
report of the district 'convention held
at Auburn will be given. by the dele-
Witt the Lien Bowlers
7ltr,>(ir.d(i (t i+e.wldnR club, heli it
open ' ' ' spat of the game.
tN Boal eletio tart "%kiwi even -
lug as 1t might bare .been, but at least
the result was gratifying to the sew
turned t in t t th
,us vibe o° .pppor o e
.ne tests. v
June 9th. Don't forget to see our
vantsed feeders. Q G. CAMPSBILi
R. R. No. 11, Auburn. 'Phoebe BIyt1t 10.14
The end was never much in 1loubt, ; TENDERS WA_�iTED
as the locals obtained an =fly lead'.
eiters•tSul rink toornament l and erressed it throughout the re '
-Io ty AlrwiCts taking pint l nlen
ErTmtn started the' buring::..
Cat. tis
1n"the events. pix-weU;,aa many mem-
I* the toctil e$nh, howler. 1rigqts
Lock/sow. Myth. ilenseit'
pit Prwft,rth Week I °"°t. Three'
Ratner. were played • and eighteen in-
dividual -prizes were awarded. The re-.
eult,,of the (onNwt was wb! follow.:
First. 3.- t-'att, 1 q2h 2nd, Ur..l'orter,
Wingbam; 0td i L.1$nnf,' Galeeicb;'
4h, A. Crawford W 6th, Ir.
111Ne?in, -t1.wierlkh: 6th, 1'.`111Me1' God- I
Crich :
7111, H. T. Edwards, Otwlerteh ;
Rth, E: Bright, tleaforth ; lith, I
Fisher. Wlnithem; 16th, letiert Taylor,
0nderk'h : 11th, O. (Ilan. Ooderteh
12th. J. 111' l't. Aalerklt; lath. It. Me-
ta•,m, Wingham ; • 14th, J. Henna.
Wiigham: lath. Dr. H. R. Heil. N)ei-
erith : - 16th, M. 1K1!Cfae.E Intekuow:
11th. 0. lbte. Wittdhe*; filth, 11. Ag•
Lucknow. Ijp►. off '* howler
teetered tq h Wingha!t'm llegAsl even -
Ittg and � part in a4 t. tourna-
went. !meal hoidlen►� who brought
heck prises were ':hes. Bleck, Jaa.
Bisset and A. L. tole.
A tournament of mixed doubles
1001 held at the greens oe. Tuesday
sight. Seven rinks took part In the
events and the prise -winners were:
First,. era J. MoNevin and T. ,A(i)rs•
mot; Sad, Mra. Charles Black And
rtoht. Joieetbe.
On Wedueadey evening the tnarna-
seem took the form a -singles, Hoist.
Johnston and H. MoNee winning the
first and second prises re.pectiveiy.
The 0odericb lawn howling club
trAl held Its amoral rink* tournament
en W.dneedal. July 9tb. Play will be
for the Purity Flour trophy and .ix
sets of priers. The draw will take
pines at 11.10 e't Mid May will
lssm4ns st 1 asses. .
for tae Blackaox, but hurt lie arin --' -
wben he attempted to put too much'
stuff on the ball, and once more mike ' SEALED TENDERS ADPRES1F.Ir
Frttzley was called to the rttsesfa ,, the aaderyaggsd. and sndoraed
ftntehed the game 1n* fine '.1 let i' J `fir tsr Revetment Wall, -Ba
Line-up: ' , Rher. (lit," will Ise received until 12
Oodertcb--D. Nairn 2h, W. relit es A''4110,_.n (.k !l 4 aavla{), Thor.
3b, Al. Frltaley K. -�' Vitrify' iia iN'1■Ir:-N4 M lit fitsr the coiwitrnetios
Archer ea. 4;. Tnnney p, N. Mb,* e,1S t s.,t'r♦etment well and timber crib,
hi. Bloomfield ef, M. hakes lh. lMaai'pn ntlhampt.Nt. Brine
e. Nichols rf, l(alifaall �. tintIllv*r, at S.
+l. Hart Jb. MoGr.gor If. Parke 1116.
•Beim.. cf, Trott lb, Mason p.
Store by 'Koine» �
1leatorth (i 2 " O 1 -1
J'tnnr and fore of t-mtrtet eat. hl.
then : nd 7;0kwtlon and forms -01
"tvd obtad at Ii0a ite•latnleent. at
the t)letrk-t Il.gtn.•ei,
tide� h - � Ilding, i.nrsino. Obit.. Te-
G yo•
y..0..1.0..1.. . le Ms - - .r. 'P:veha nee sad Oew.
11st{.Ire*--O�tisleae lmaltil; , , sltttIrkw. 11114 Ray Street..
Ooderkb. • Oat.. alae at the Peet Offle4
i. Ont.
will- sett 1.e cnneiderd nn -
en forms asAtled
-the ih aererda�ce
The /tardy 141114. -the bright_ h tissall- -
Ire Utile chat* --i( the OOP er Each ler-
loves'. 0 `f only the sickly. by an •.4.w5 .'baler tss
child who LIANA attraettve. It tp blink• peyaMe to the gr ilii
birthright of -saris child f. he 1rbt1ter ^t PiMtr Works. 1e 11lw
asd'well-to. be ably to make swot. of-fMrapawat gi '+der.
sae edger* bim. Therefore, ietlAr of the ilnraI.11ig1 of Cram& or
Ityour* le not attraetivee 1111 iM Of the Committal *Miami Rail-
latili, first h1._Iie most be alllsig c4- Wee Company w)11 .tan be .ecepted 3.
it 1. up to you to see that he Beta rfe'.o city• or bond* and a cheque. 1f re-
lief -that
►lief---that he 1* given medleine shit aired to make np an odd al.n.nt.
will qulekly make hltn well and keep Wel..- Rine prtset an"bs emelt
it Otte Tp•IwtrttnwA M, tl a
Baby's Own Tablet/ am pimpled (M'atwlbr'.the of giadsl,
deafened for intents and young pi mablr to the twder e['Ms11f f 1141!et
dre,,. There is nothing to equal on Pnhlt' Warkk, *Undo will 1* n'tarned
for rorrertlpg the Irngularlti.a of the 11 the luten'llis' irltidr.r submit It i1
etstbach and bowels -the came_of near bid.
most of the Ills from which little ogee •
/utter. The tablets are /old by medi- N. DII13JAiIPINS. .
eine deslere or h; mall et 211 cents a Department q Secretary,
hex from 'j'he 11' Williams' leedkine (Iartmen of 10, 1930. ark..
Co., Brockville, Ont. ,
Barrister and Solicitor
Sun Life Building, Adelaide and
Vittoria streets. Toronto 2.
Barrister, Etc.
P1100e 2f.
Baltit111141114, Etc.
4117147/11.' boa n4-,
-00.-term sat ire
Mod property tenured.
Directere-A. Broadfrat, RR. He. 14
fleaforth; Jethro flbolfIlee. Waken;
ot Perris, Barioelt; John Benneweis,
Inseforth ; Jobe Never,
Akente-elr. J. Teo, it.lk.f40.
ton; Jetties Watt. Beth; S.
kw. Seefor'b; Jobe MIMI, Welk `Ill
Policy -bolder. can mato all eltylraele
tWir eowlerroolptiod-o. R. J.
Mori4th'e Clothing Steen Olinteu;
Gotterieb, or 3. R. .Retil'a
Store, fityllat