HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-11-18, Page 30PAGE 30. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1987.
Minimum $2.75for20 words, additional
words 11c each. 50c will be added for ads
not paid by the following Wednesday.
Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone
523-4792 or 887-9114.
Mabel's Grill
"Suddenly it's sold"
HIGHWAY 8: raised bungalow on 1/2 acre, 1200 sq. ft.
BLYTH: Building lot on Hamilton St., fully-serviced.
MORRIS TWP: 75 acre general purpose farm, good red brick
home, all drained.
BRUSSELS: Commercial building on main street, oil heat,
apartment above. Store rented.
LONDESOBORO: 4 bedroom, 2 floor home, very spacious,
like new throughout, heated garage.
125 ACRES: Near Blyth, 2 floor brick home, 50 acres
workable, 22 hardwood bush.
LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick bungalow, finished basement,
inground pool, large lot.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: with 2apartments, Queen St.,
COMMERCIAL BUILDING in good condition on main street
in Brussels.
BLUEVALE: Heated shop, 2 bay, nearly new. Reasonable
BLYTH: 4 bedroom frame home on Morris street, large lot.
COMMERCIAL PROP SOLD lain street location.
240 ACRES HULLETT TWP.: 225 acres workable, frame
home, 2 drive sheds. Contact Gordon Hill.
A girl can get distracted when a camera’s around as Jennifer Cardiff [left j and Becky Nethery show at the
Belgrave Anglican Church Women’s bazaar and bake sale Saturday . Jennifer was showing Becky the
prize from a surprise package but when the cameraman showed up shyness got in the way.
Art and Music combine at CHSS
Great things are happening in
music and art these days at Central
Huron Secondary School in Clin
The general public will have a
chance to view these “Happen
ings” at the annual Christmas
Concert and Art Exhibition to be
hcldon Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 7:30
p.m. at the high school. Please note
the change of day this year to
Wednesday from Friday. Those
entering the halls at C .H.S.S., will
bo greeted by art displays. Art
teacher Ron Walker says he is
planning a general cross section of
art work, from all the grades.
Asa result of the art shows at the
Blyth Summer Festival, C.H.S.S.
art students are becoming known
throughout the county for their fine
quality of work.
Once again the Music Club
under the very capable leadership
of Hugh McGregor and Louise
McGregor has an evening of
beautiful music planned for all.
The program features numbers by
the Concert Band, Concert Choir,
Stage Band, and the Grades 9 and
10 music classes. The Music Club
Wingham & Goderich, Ont.
FARM - This farm is located
in East Wawanosh Twsp. on
a paved road with 97 acres,
mobile home style dwelling
on hill overlooking the pond
and shaded with mature
trees. There is a 72’ x 36’
single storey barn and a shed
work area 48’ x 32’. This
property has approx. 65
acres workable, plus 15
acres hardwood bush and
the balance in cedar and
uncleared land. For appoint
ment, call Jim Ritchie 357-
TWP. - with 90 acres
workable. Good barn with
two additions, pit silo, up
right silo, pig barn, driving
shed and good brick home.
Make That Farming Dream
A Reality! Call Kevin Pletch
OntuiK- |J|(u]g|
uui'>ru usnac smci
will be performing at the same high
level that saw the choir receive
many awards last year.
A special treat this year will be a
newly formed Teacher's Band.
Rumour has it that there may be a
competition brewing between the
students and the teachers. The one
stipulation for the teachers was
that they had to choose an
instrument that they had never
played before.
Tickets for this entertaining
evening will be on sale at the door.
Everyone is invited.
Continued from page 4
the GATT people have said Canada
is discriminating against foreign
wines and beers. He was also
chuckling to see how David
Peterson is going to wriggle his
wqy out of this one since he’s been
so'loud in his statements that the
Ontario wine industry must be
protected in free trade.
Julia was wondering why we
elect a government at all if the
Europeans are going to tell us how
to run this part of the country and
the Americans, that part of the
Ohwell, Tim said, if we’re going
tolose the country we’ll at least
havecheap wine to either celebrate
or drown our sorrows in.
J HURSDAY: Billie’s eyes just
about popped out this morning
when he saw in the paper that a
Vincent Van Gogh painting sold for
$49 million. He asked Julia where
you could buy oil paints around
Julia told him just buying paints
wouldn’t help, you had to be able to
paint the way Van Gogh did, and
she showed him a picture of the
painting “Irises” in the paper.
Billie said it would take practice but
he’d start painting with the brush
between his toes and see if he could
get that bad.
Tim told him he’d have to take
some steps to make a legend out of
himself, the way Van Gogh did
when he cut off part of his ear and
Thursday, November 19
at 7:30 a.m.
at the Triple K Restaurant
Everyone Welcome
gave it to a woman. Billie said for
$49 million there’s only one part of
his body he’d even think twice
about cutting off. But Julia calmed
him down when she told him that
Van Gogh didn’t sell a single
painting while he was alive.
Humph, HankStokessaid, just like
farming, you’re not worth a
damned thing until you die.
FRIDAY: Tim was saying this
morning he was amazed and kind
of proud that Peter Mansbridge
turned down that big offer to work
with CBS so he could stay in
Canada. Billie asked who Peter
Mansbridge was. Tim told him he
worked for CBC on The National.
Billie asked what CBC was. Ward
told him it was that Liberal party
propaganda network that cost us
millions a year.
Billie said that explains it
because since he got his satellite
dish he hasn’t wanted anything
Canadian in years. “1 used to
watch Canadian shows in the old
days when they were the only thing
you could get and there were plenty
of bare boobs on the shows but
they don’t show much anymore
and now I can get the Playboy
channel anyway.”
Tim explained to him that
Mansbridge turned down $1 mil-
lionayeartoworkforCBStostay in
Canada. Billie said CBS was lucky:
fortheguy toturn down an offer
like that he must be nuts and who
wanted a nut as anchor of their TV