HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-11-18, Page 29THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 198 GE 29. CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum$2.75for20 words, additional words 11c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. CARD OF THANKS NESBITT. Words cannot express our sincere thanks to everyone who remembered us with cards and gifts and all those who joined us to celebrate our 40th anniversary at the Blyth Community Centre. Thanks to the Princess Street Choir that added greatly to the evening’s enjoyment. Also thanks to every- onewhohelpedinany way, making the evening so enjoyable. Espec­ ially our family who arranged such a special occasion. This will be one of the most treasured memories of our lives. Thank you. Florence and George. 46-1 KELLER. We.thefamilyofthelate Grety E. Keller wish to express sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness, memorial dona­ tions, cards and floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. Pat Nunn of Brussels, Blyth and Auburn Angli­ can Churches, those who served as pallbearers and the ladies of St. Marks who served lunch. Also thanks to Dr. Street, Dr. Flowers, Dr. Watts and the nurses on Clinton Public Hospital. Thank you also to Huronview Day Care Centre. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Harry and Lucille Arthur and family. 46-1 ALLIN. We would like to thank our son Larry and daughter Janice and Rob for planning such an enjoyable evening for our 40th Wedding Anniversary. Also a special thank you to Kathy and Bev Bromley and Ruby Pickard for helping Jan prepare the lovely lunch and sister Elsie for making and decorating the cake and to Allister for his special words of humor. We would like to thank those who gave us gifts, cards and donations of money and to all who came to help celebrate. Without you we couldn’t have done it. Special thank you to the “Star Spinners’’ Clare and Bonnie for the excellent music. Thank you - Clarence and Adeline 46-lp CHAMNEY. A big thank you to everyone who visited, sent flow­ ers, cards and fruit to me while in hospital. Thanks to Drs. Street, FlowersandGrantanda special thanks to all the nurses who were so good to me in Clinton Hospital. - Laura May 46-1 MORROW. We wish to express sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Evelyn Mor­ row. Many thanks for the flowers, donations, cards and food. Special thanks to the Robert Trench Funeral Home, Rev. Murray Mc­ Leod and the ladies of Trinity United Church for the lunch they served. Your kindness will always be remembered. - Marion and Bill Young, Mary and Cliff Morrow and families. 46-lp YOUNG. I wish to thank everyone whorememberedmewhile 1 was in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Ping, Dr. Omole and the second floor nurses. - Sincerely, Marion. 46-lp PIPE. Thanks again to family, relatives and friends for cards, visits, flowers, treats and enquir­ ies while I was in the hospital. Thanks to Rev. Jamieson and Rev. Carpentier, Dr. Hanlon and the nursing staff on second floor. Everything was deeply appreciat­ ed. - Freda Pipe 46-lp CARD OF THANKS WASSON. Iwouldlike to say thank you for visits, cards, treats and flowers while in Clinton Hospital. Alsoa special thanks to the nurses. Dr. Street, Dr. Watts, and Rev. Ramirez. It was appreciated. - George Wasson. 46-1 REID. 1 wish to express my sincere thanks toeveryone who was so kind andsympathetictomeinthe loss of my husband. It will always be remembered.-Annie Reid. 46-1 IN MEMORIAM MILLER. In loving memory of Elsie Miller who passed away Nov. 22, 1977. She died as she lived, everyone’s friend, She was always thoughtful, loving and kind. What a wonderful memory she left behind. - Sadly missed and always remem- beredbyBillandfamily, grand­ children and great-grandchildren. 46-lp HART. In loving memory of a wonderful husband, Jim, who passed away one year ago Nov. 22, 1986. I will always remember you in my heart, The happiness we both knew, As we travelled life’s pathway, It was beautiful because of you. I remember the day I met you, And the day God made you mine, Yes, I will always remember, Until the end of time. But with all my tears and heart­ aches, The one thing that has made me glad, You chose me to share with you, The wonderful years we had. I’d like to think when life is done Wherever heaven may be You’ll be standing at the door up there To welcome me. - Always loved and will never be forgotten by your wife, Lois. 46-lp HART. In loving memory of a very dear father and grandfather, Jim, who passed away one year ago Nov. 22, 1986. Each day we see your picture dad, You seem to smile and say, Don’t cry, I’m only sleeping, We’ll meet again some day. And when we are sad and lonely, And everything goes wrong, We hear you whisper softly Cheer up and carry on. Butifwecouldmakeonewishto night, nd know it would come true, We’d telephone to heaven Dad, And ask to speak to you. - You will always be in our thoughts and very special in our hearts. We love you always, Dave, Donna, Jerry, Cathy, Bev and families. 46-1 p BIRTHS STEPHENSON. Annette and Da­ vid of Brussels are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Tate David, brother for Kyle, weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz. The baby was born October 21 at Clinton Hospital SEEDS. Tom. Jill, Mike, Tyler and Sarah announce the arrivals of their grandsons/nephews, Joshua Andrew, brother of Krystopher, born to Kathleen and Nick Demers, Cold Lake, Alberta, Oct. 10, 1987 and Eric Patrick, born to Jo-Ann and Steve Demers, Trenton, Ont., Nov. 15, 1987. DEATHS FAITZ. Stephan, Joseph passed away October 11, 1987 at Hender­ son General Hospital, Hamilton, husband of Olive (Craig) Faitz, father of Barbara and David Kidd, Hamilton, Donna Rubenstein, Waterloo. Frank at home, Stoney Creek, grandfather of Stephanie, Matthew and Justin Kidd, Hamil­ ton. 46-Inc COMING EVENTS FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: RIBS and sauerkraut served in our lounge 5 to 8 p.m. Phone for take-out 523-9381, The Blyth Inn. 39-tfn PHOTO WORKSHOP WITH Colleen Maguire at the Blyth Festival Art Gallery, Monday, Nov. 23rd, 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. $5.00 To pre-registercall523-4345. 45-2 COACH TO THE ROYAL WIN- ter Fair. Bus sponsored by Bel­ grave Co-op. Leaving 7 a.m. Friday, November 20. Call 357- 2711 or523-4454fordetails. 45-2 CHRISTMAS CRAFTTEA AND Bake Sale, Saturday, November 21, 1987, 11a.m.-4p.m. at the Jack Reavie Vocational Centre, 153 John St., Wingham, Ont. (across from the swimming pool.) 45-2 AN INVITATION TO ATTEND The Huron County Branch of the Architectural Conservancy Asso­ ciation’s annual meeting and Christmas dinner to be held at the Little Inn, Bayfield, Tuesday, December 1, at 6:30 p.m. Cost for dinner, $15 per person. R.S.V.P. Mrs. J.R.R. Willock, Bayfield 565-2469. 45-2 AN OPEN HOUSE OF CROCHET- ing and craft items on Thursday, Nov. 19and Sunday, Nov. 22, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Joanne MacDonald, corner of Morris and McConnell, Blyth. Phone523-9274. 45-2 SKIDOO OPEN HOUSE ‘88 AT Vincent Farm Equipment, Sea­ forth. Hot Deals. Thursday, Nov­ ember 19,1987, 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., 527-0120. 45-2 AUBURN AND DISTRICT LIONS Euchre Tournament, Saturday, November 21, 1987, Auburn Com­ munity Centre. Registration 1-2 p.m. Euchre commences 2p.m. Entry fee $3.00 per person. Cash prizes $50, $40, $30. Held under authority of a special occasion permit. All proceeds for communi­ tybetterment. 46-1 COMING NOVEMBER 25TH - Valleys and People ‘your conserva­ tion newspaper’. Watch for it to be delivered with your regular weekly newspaper. 46-1 CHRISTMAS CONCERT AND Art Exhibition at Central Huron S.S.Clinton,on Wed., Dec. 2at 7:30p.m.Ticketsatthedoor- $3.00 for adults, $1.00 for students, free for pre school. Everyone welcome. 46-2 C.W.L. BRUSSELS CHRISTMAS Bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 5 in the Brussels Library, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 46-3 EASH WAWANOSH AND MOR- ris Township Federation of Agri­ culture Annual Christmas Dance, Saturday, November 28, 1987, Blyth and District Community Centre. Dancing 9 to 1. Music by Anything Goes. Hot beef buffet. Free corsages for the first 35 women. Tickets $8.00 each avail­ able from line directors or at the door. 46-2 COMING EVENTS BUS TRIPS: KITCHENER SHOP- ping, Monday, December 7. The Living Christmas Tree, Toronto, Sunday, December 6. Only 6 tickets left. Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines. 46-1 DARTS - CRANBROOK DART Club season begins Thursday, November 26 at 8 p.m. at the Cranbrook Community Hall. New inemberswelcome. 46-lp GOGGLES AND GOOP CREA tive Workshop for children ages 5-11 at the Blyth Memorial Hall basement. Seasonal Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding Saturday, Nov. 28from2-4p.m. Fee $5, supplies included. Every­ one welcome. To pre-register call 523-4345. 46-2 Division of Gerbro Inc. WALTON BRANCH Walton 887-9261 527-1540 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Beef Producer: It’sthattimeofyearagain when many producers will be facing the challenges of another cattle season. Cook’s at Walton will be holding a beef informational meeting to assist with any problems or concerns that you may be facing in the near future. WHERE: WALTON COMMUNITY CENTRE WHEN: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1987 TIME: 6:00 P.M. -9:00 P.M. AGENDA: 6:00 p.m. Beef Supper 7:00p.m. JOHN FORSYTH E-0MAF Beef Specialist. Feedlot Management-Getting the most from what you have. DR. REG REED - Mitchell Monkton Vet Clinic. Receiving Cattle - Management techniques that are most beneficial in keeping mortality to a minimum. DR. YU - Ralston Purina. The benefit of bypass protein in the ruminant diet - 62% Beef Supplement. ALLWELCOME-BRING A FRIEND Please notify Cook’sof your attendance by Nov. 19/87 AT YOUR SERVICE DENTUHt THERAPY CLINIC A OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 8a.m.-5p.m. Eve. & Weekend-byappt. Wingham police bd. impressed with ADAPT The Wingham Board of Police Commissioners will send a mess­ age of congratulations to the F.E. Madill Secondary School and to the Huron County Board of Education for the recently instituted drug and alcohol awareness program which has been held throughout the county. The ADAPT (Alcohol-Drug Awareness Program for Today) COMING EVENTS ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN Church, Brussels, Saturday, November 28, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., bazaar, bake sale, and Granny’s cupboard. Lunch available. 46-2 A MEETING OFTHE AUXILIARY at Wingham and District Hospital will be held Monday, November 23 at2p.m. in the board room. Brenda Edgar will be the guest speaker. There will also be a shower for the gift case. 46-1 CHRISTMAS BUFFET WILL BE served from 4:30 to 7 every Sunday from November 29 to December 20. Roast turkey with all the trimmings, Blyth Inn. 523-9381. 46-5 AT YOUR SERVICE Horst Feige D.T. GODERICH 58 West Street Goderich [519)524-6688 No Charge 1-800-265-7555 Neustadt [519)665-7818 has generated a great deal of interest among local teens through the use of special speakers and presentations, said Holly Keil of Wingham at the November police board meeting. She called the program “very powerful.’’ Wingham Police Chief Robert Wittig agreed with Mrs. Keil, as did other members of the board.