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The Citizen, 1987-11-18, Page 26
PAGE 26. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1987. Sunshine Unit observes Remembrance Day Twenty-four members of the Sunshine unit of Blyth U.C.W. which met on Nov. 12 answered the roll call by secretary Feme Mc Dowell. The theme of the Worship service, conducted by co-teader Voice for Life promotes TV program The November meeting of Voice for Life was opened with prayer and the reading of the ‘‘Ballad of the Unborn”. Bonnie Falconer reported a very successful information booth at the recent Teeswater Fair. Of special interest this year was a video cassette recording of pro-life messages. Three messages were from southwestern Ontario women who had had abortions, sharing the mental, physical, and psychologi cal pain they suffered as a result. The fourth message related stages of fetal development. Regional representative John Van Den Assem reported a region al conference to be held in Port Elgin on Saturday, November 14. Our area is Region II of South western Ontario. Evelyn Smith and Mary Walden was Remembrance. It featured a White Cross bedecked with pop pies on the table. Two hymns were sung, the verses of which were composed by the noted British poet. Rudyard Kipling who died in 1936, and their message which This fall there has been a raffle of two beautiful crib-size quilts, the draw to be made on December 7. Some members planned to attend the Stratford Annual meet ing on November 12. Mrs. Gwen Landolt, a Richmond Hill lawyer and foundress of the Canadian Pro-Life movement was to be guest speaker. There will be an optional showing of the film, ‘‘Eclipse of Reason”, the sequel to‘‘The Silent Scream”, both created by Dr. Nathanson, ex-abortionist. The film depicts a late abortion with new technology including cameras inside and outside the uterus. Education Chairperson Sally Campeau reported that, as a follow-up to letters sent to all clergy in the coverage area, regular newsletters, both local and national, will be sent to the same aroused not only patriotism but also a heart-felt desire for lasting world peace with lines such as Teach us the strength that cannot seek by deed or thought to hurt the weak” and ‘‘Lord of hosts, be with us yet lest we forget - lest we forget’ ’. A prayerfor peace was clergy. In late March a national pro-life TV program ‘‘Feel the Heartbeat” will be viewed across Canada. CKNX Channel 8 will carry this program, the content of the program will be stories of real people in Canada who have faced problem pregnancies and tell how they chose to give life. The stories will be related in short segments separated by advertising spots by known personalities. Two hundred counsellors will also be on hand for counselling. Voice for Life wholeheartedly supports this project. Monetary donations have already been made. The clergy in the area will be contacted re promotional church bulletin inserts to make their congregations aware of the pro gram just prior to its showing. said and some thoughts presented by Mary and Evelyn in verse and prose expressively carried out the significance of Remembrance. Ruby Pattison gave further aspects of this year’s, study - ‘‘Creation in Crisis.” Fortifying her remarks with statistics, she said that farmers are tired of working for nothing. No one wants to work for profits as low as three per cent on capital. In Saskatchewan hamlets are drying up and stores closing. In the last 10 years the number of elevators has decreased by one half. It does not sit well for governments to buy up and then A Blyth Christian Reformed Church HIGHWAY 4, BLYTH Candidate Andrew VandenAkker, from Michigan Sunday School 11:00a.m. The Church of the “Back to God Hour” and “Faith 20” Back to God Hour 10:30a.m. CKNX, Sunday Faith20 5:00a.m. weekdays, Global T.V. ALL VISITORS WELCOME destroy surplus crops. In an effort to alleviate farm problems, governments presently are putting out incentives for farmers to occupy smaller farms and begin planting diversified crops, however impossible it seems under present conditions. On a cheerier note, Evelyn Smith gave a brief account of the splendid Regional Presbytery meeting a a month ago held at Trinity, Ashfield. She asked each one to help locate the stray travelling apron. The announcements includ ed the next unit meeting on Dec. 10 beginning with a pot luck dinner at 12 noon and the next U.C.W. meeting on Nov. 26. 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