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The Citizen, 1987-11-18, Page 22
PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1987. Ground broken for Seaforth Health Centre A symbolic sod-turning cere mony in Seaforth on Saturday marked the start of construction for a new Community Health Care Centre, the second phase of a four-phase, $2 million project now underway at the Seaforth Com munity Hospjtal. The project has been a dream for 15 years and all the money for the construction has been set aside by the hospital board over the years, said Fred Tilley, hospital board chairman at the ground-breaking ceremonv. The 8,200 square foot single- storey building, located just north the hospital, will provide facilities for six doctors as well as accommodation for a psychiatric care department and the Huron County Health Unit office. Four of the new offices have already been rented. Ground-breaking for the new Seaforth Hospital Community Health Centre was blessed with glorious weather Saturday when area dignitaries took part in turning the first sods. Fred Tilley [left] hospital board chairman co-operates with Gary Osborne of the Seaforth town council while Huron County Warden Brian McBurney and McKillop Reeve Marie Hicknell and Huron M.P. Jack Riddell and Huron Bruce M.P. Murray Cardiff join forces to get the job done. Majestic Wl sees slides of Brazil The Majestic Women’s Institute ofBrussels held their “Citizenship & World Affairs" meeting on Wednesday in the library. Mrs. Ruth Galbraith and Mrs. Marie Stute were in charge of the Local band plays at Hotel opening Continued from page 1 Bound is booked almost solid throughout much of the year, and has played engagements in Blyth, Clinton, Lucan and Formosa, as well as being popular entertain ment at Family Paradise Camp ground at the annual Jamboree and throughout the year. Drummer Mike Jardin is only 14 years old, and must sit outside between sets when the band is playing at licensed premises, but his high-spirited style adds much to the band’s overall performance, complementing the guitars of both Lisa and Steve, and backing up the popular country and western songs belted out by Steve. For bookings, Steve can be reached at 887-6207, or at 519-451 - 5910, after 6 p.m. on weekdays. program which was on Brazil. Mrs. Margaret McLeod led a sing-song on “Smiles”, a smile is worth a thousand words. Hank Ten Pas showed slides on Brazil and gave a very interesting commentary on them. A few years ago, Hank was in Brazil construct ing buildings for the Wytcliffe Mission which sends Bible transla tors to Brazil to help the natives. The tribes there cannot read or write their own language. The roll call was answered by naming products found in Brazil. The president, Kathy Bridge, presided over the business. It was decided togive donations to the Family Services, the Smith and Sproule families whose homes were burned. The membersaretolook after the birthday party at Brookhaven Nursing Home on Nov. 25. Mrs. Ida Evans, Mrs. Margaret McLeod and Mrs. Jane Devries are looking after the arrangements. The next euchre party will be held on Monday, Nov. 30 with Mrs. Peggy Cudmore, Mrs. Leona Armstrong and Mrs. Jane Devries are the committee in charge of the card party. Members were reminded of the workshop on the new handbook in Fordwich on Nov. 23 at 10a.m. with pot luck lunch. Doris McCall read the report on the area convention which was prepared by Mrs. Edna McLellan. Happy Birthday was sung to the members having birthdays in November. Construction will be by Wayne and Harold Smith Construction Ltd. of Seaforth, whose tender of $767,400 was the lowest of six bids received. Architectural and engin eering costs are extra. The bid is subject to a $28,000 reduction, since the building com mittee decided to postpone asphalt paving of the facility’s parking lot until after Phase Three, an addi tion to the main hospital building, is carried out. In Phase One of the project, an updated fire alarm system for the hospital is in the final stages of completion, and approval for the updating of electrical and mechan ical services in the building, at a cost of $700,000 was received last week. Final drawings for Phase Three, a major addition of 10,900 squarefeettothe main hospital building, are advancing and are expected to be ready for tender call early in the new year. The Health Care Centre is being financed on a full cost-recovery basis, building committee chair man James Etuesaid. Thebuilding is being built by and will be owned by the hospital, with rental costs at a level that will meet operating costs, as well as retire the capital construction costs over a period of 20 years. The new building was designed by Kyles, Garratt and Marklevitz of Stratford. Taking part in the ceremony were Murray Cardiff, MP for Huron-Bruce; Jack Riddell, MPP for Huron; Brian McBurney, Hur on County Warden; Gary Osborne from Seaforth town council and Marie Hicknell, Reeve of McKil- lop, representing the surrounding townships. New Dean for Huron ( (fad S&it ' Diocese Rev. Bruce Herbert Warren Howe, rector of St. John’s Church, Lunenburg, has been appointed rector of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, and Dean of the Diocese of Huron. His appointment follows the election of Rt. Rev. Percy O’Driscoll, formerly rector of the Cathedral and Dean of Huron, as Bishop Suffragan of Huron. Born in 1949 in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Howe is a graduate of Kings’ College, N.S. Made deacon in 1969, he received a year’s training at the Canadian Urban Training Project for Christian Service and was ordained priest in 1971. From 1971 to ‘74, Howe served as Director of Social Services at Fred Victor Mission in Toronto and Honorary Assistant at St. Barth olomew’s Church. In 1974, he became rector of St. Mary’s Church, Glace Bay. He moved to St. John’s Church, Lunenburg, in 1979. 1987 Chev Pick-up, heavy duty 1986 GMC 1/2 ton 1986 Pontiac Bonneville, 4 door [2 to choose from! 1985 Pontiac Bonneville L.E., 4 door 1985 Dodge Aires wagon with air 1985 Chevette, 4 dr. 1984 Olds Delta 88 Brougham, 4 door 1984 Pontiac, 4 door station wagon 1983 Cougar L.S. 2 dr., air HAMM’S CAR SALES 523-4342Blyth •Gas Pumps •Repairs to most makes and models WRAP UP CHRISTMAS^ EARLY>jS away now INTRODUCING THE NEW ©CITIZEN GQ COLLECTION Men’s and Ladies’ styles are a perfect match! Two men’s and ladies’ sets are shown, priced at 375 • ea. V * i .’ j ■' See our complete selection of Citizen watches - as low as 160 • ea. Remember Citizen’s5 YEAR GUARANTEE1 Buy now using our convenient Christmas Layaway Plan. CLINTON, 8 Albert St. EXETER, 284 Main St. SEAFORTH, 26 Main St. S. ST. MARYS, 135 Queen St. East WALKERTON, 203 Durham St. E. GODERICH, 2 The Square MEMBER AMERICAN /NSTETT ® GEM SOCIETY