HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-26, Page 7•
Sunday Afternoon
Oeptich, Oat.
While Ilfe's dark maze 1 treed,
Aid griefs ■round asOpritetl •
Of Interest to the Baty Farmer
Furnished by the -Ontario Department of Agriculture
Fully IgoMorsacres to th011ons e e . ver, ]Ir•
flan. Jeanstltes OMNI aid
THECA a recipe on every
package of Rice Krispie
that makes the best meoa-
s:eo.w you ever tasted!
Rice )!tropics are .tttWtant•
. btrbbks. So crisp they
ally crackle in milk or.
enirn. Serve them for brook-
!eat— for lunch of the chit=
tdren's super. Bas, to 4i -
test At grocers. Made by
Kenna in London, Oettt{rit .
Wipe 'morrow* tears away,. ---
Nor let me ever .try
From Ther aside.
—Ray Palmer.
The bailie re's Store
• • -•
inert st'i _ rem
- . in Mens Wear
,r e
Hand Tailoring and
3yscial Order to Yopr
. "i''•
N '
as. Black
Phone 219
Lord, Who art our Gulde, even utsto
death, grata us, Y pray Thee, grace
to fellow Thee whithersoever Thou
Ice& la little daily duties to which
Tashilest us, how down our wills
fir simple obedience, patience under
Iain or provocation, strict truthful -
1/1.41S of word and manner,. humility,
klndneis; In gnat seta of duty„.
shuuldst eall us to them, uplift.'
us to self-racrltlew, heroic courage,
laving down of life tor Thy. truth's
sake. or for et brother. Amen
-4'hrbrtlan Roasettl.
K. N. LENNON YON JL'Ll' nth, 1$3S
Iw.a.w Tepfe—Abrabata
Paseeage--Geaesfs 12:1-3; 13:
Hebrew* 1110 411.
Teal—ttebrew. 11:$.
-*tow the Lord bad said olio
Abram. get thee eat of the country,
and from, thy kindred• and from thy
lather's biome. unto ■ land that 1 will
slew thee.'•
In this verse we find God's claim
upon the individual life. In it is
meted the greetvidential system
under which we Hee. God comes Into
a funnily and brestke it up, separates
one -or more of tlw _ from all,
Id love, and sends twat out as stran-
gers in It strange laud. Even though,
unlike Abram. they may knew whither
they are going, yet the breaking up
of old and endearing associations
Is enough to 1111 them with sorrow
aril ptsaiI,Jy dlsmsy. o doubt these
cisme feetinga were naiad and
heart of Abram w Epm
tame to him. But all wits mot to b
loss, for the tall did not sats Milch
leaving of cotintry. Elndied and fath-
er's house. Immediately, -ate-The
commnd clone a great prolajgl:
"And 1 will matte of thee a great -na-
tion, and I wtp bleu thee. and_snake
Wry Mie pal; ams thou shalt he a
tr ranIng. All 1 will biter them that
Meow the!. lad •eerie him that a-urreth
thee; and 1• thea ela11 all families of
the earth be blushed."
Herr we are given an idea of the
sublime lite to which man 1. called.
In Hod we live, and move, and have
our being. We are hedged about by
(cod- and 'what touches us touches
Him. We are tbe temples of the liv-
ing God. la this promise we see the
influence of the present over the fu-
ture; "In thee shall alt the families
of the earth be blessed." The fall In-
terpretation of title promise is found
In the person and work of Jesus
Christ who is the Redeemer and
Brother of all who receive Him by
faith into their hesrta; yet • wonder -
lying truth Is that one family abould
Mtt Clunk
tart liskite
a tokaL The friend Low
fY>l bus M ass hearted !i
latest. Ai► Mr. Halla eay,
t .assmrind.l{A:•1AAH is shoguns
silts _beta gonna) Dromehitai or
Sem Agana." OrHmtsd Mier
len a 61.00 box or sataey bask. At
t _Y+ _ •
compltheses disttricts amounted to 11year the 1 1•
the Increase thin asa.on
duthe Dover farmers gobs b more hr
tensively for this crop. On the beads
of last year, this yea acreage shoals
yield about woos
Interest Developed starl hDairying
uv r.
tzst an liberalised Intertest in the
rtitti tow which bids eery well Indeed
dairy industry in the Province.
In Northumberland, the agricultural
representative, Walter H. Smith, has
perruaded Mr. Chambers, the Provin-
cial dairy products inspector at Hell.
Mile, to open an office to ambit his
dairy farmers. At the heglnding of the
work twenty-one rumples were taken
for testing and the new office prom
Ina to become a very useful adjunct
tem tin. department. In Leeds a t,
the lrymen neve arnnaed' to ►old
a number of meetings of tamers sand.
-leg milk to various groups oat factories
with the idea of improving the Mal-
,— sty of the rank eubmltted for cheese-
, making.
- Whim sad Strawberry Planes
A law strawberry plantation b
likely to come to grief It it is on sod
land where white grubs make tbeir
home. At least two vegetable erops
abeuld be taken from the land before
strawberry plants are set out. June
beetles lay tbelr eggs commonly In
T-- r hutch 1. land them white grubs Wadi
_ _ require two or more
aswwJ Melee .ars ins *.elan tin abrs t.talwo. a.mbeb h� .1 hiss tad �tberefo there velop. In newly
be souse
YOU • a wed, alhsrs seq ia 11srL as. sea leen Irwlll fake hgK•t�n larvae. In the year hollow..
log, they will be nearly full grown
. and vadd strawberry
roots are a favorite toed, with the re-
sult that an, entire plantation may be
easily wiped flat:
TWah t'H11I)RE\ RT.A's11W • -
�1-Wield bibs two-dlrec- •–Pea;;lis° ars-gb101IM be '
s�ar1. ea Aitalt.
mfafactsr7 ie10. K altslb
sisals. tt t co�s�.1: ye
tldisiat•Ietle it 40 dot toter tree. w 7—Letter "R" ' o btsfi a� Stock 'tartlet
4 let ]1sCray ferlrma.uee it 11♦
M mien.
+, _ t0 find mea
4—Girl mall jiot Mild tray wlbb ire
hand. -
f.-�Olsad tilde could not bawd ea
angle. -
he • hk adag to all ta®lliet win ec■Is
within its Taft ssam. •
Solslisa t. "What's Wren( and Whser' b abet conlib2, L
rung: -.
M—(las, bilie''mUt a9oartr c, dnettos of titlen. hlgill slug as
fl—Lltdr �'i buliding block
w �-- apd of Utrengtbenl•hg the chop. It le a
lli—Teei - 1r►een; shoals be heavy well-kknown fngt that altalt* makes
at Daae ' : " rfe� potash Dolt
what gdaa(ttles of sultabie tertil-
lnet b will be heti to apply to ItL el
..And" the 'Canaanite esti Perrfaafte question >a w�lh
dwelled thew L tame" tie Lad." They are taen are* entrsat
sad. 1■ , ea
111i1 with as. The world watches the- t0 ansWeT finis taportant
church and takes notice of the strife very ialeewtb.g telt 1s bel g
and discoed and thus is given ormolu out by the Departaeat of
to the enemy to blaspheme. - Oatarle Agricultural College, to emu
What choice did Lot make? He smut etxrstlon wife R Ii wktte agrit�i-
out and looked abort' Mw read, saw the farm off uta ve 1* Now,. nelnt
the $ 1a of Jordan that. it was well
watered everydhere. That be !hese
CR Miall--
Abam"Trnlat,fl>p id lehsdlenee to.
Ood'a call and' In the ceruse m time
be became • very rich man. This In
the brat mention found in the Bide
of aerie: "And Abram was very risk
in cattle, In silver.. and in gold.«.
m�eens he lett hie fatherland his nmph-
eel'iwt went wtth him and of him It is
Raid: . "Add IAA also. which went
with Abram. had flocks, and twills,
and tents." Merely living to such fav-
orable eorwlltIons and having gone
forth at (igdjtcall there need be no
dl.peaee to their sam dations. But
we read of strife beeaule "their nob-
•tater was great, so that they could
not dwell together" 'Abram, as the
older man, took the setter up with
Idle depbew sad: ne Dr. tut. state.
motto holey for the kiecbee,- for t
prier, fur 1b4 leetsre, for the
church: "Cot Wien ;TM no strife. I
pray thee. hang* 'thee and me, and
between -my paillanaold thy herd -
Men: for we,b, brethren." Then he
made • proposal in which' self Is not
seen as the first roaddeatkm.
It 1s beautiful to see in another but
hard to do. He gave Lot first choicer
and was maxims* he should beaatia-
fled, for there weer heathen aelghbors
near who should 54't see any reason
for thinking evil of their way of life.
yr �w•
• .-
Wfth YourNIid-
If yaewill keep your mind OD your driving, you wID�atwaye be
alert to meet and anticipate dannirl ' , . -
141064-atwLye for fault or �e�cr en Use part of other driven.
Yeo cannot do this unless you have both hands on the wheel,
both eyes OD the road, and your mind on your driving.
_ :•.aa -CA UL Keep a margin of safety, between yourself
sod danger. Be COURTEOUS ... give the other driver
riots than his rights. Use your COMM
_*tiding where, how, apd at what speed 're
Celt. ' t
771e Keystone of Safety •
dip the Ktsg'S High
andel! I stf r rose sad atreete
:',--116,110141,CFA. 9. HENRY, °rpo.ses
!Mild eepbatkW7. It pat'ttrea*
that the advice of Mr. Sans IDIOM be
appilabe to other PIM of Ontario.
lab.gMtig s d
Already ■ great deal*3 et iscaasba
has been Indulged 1a by poultry-
raisere ceecerding the use of electro
Ity In producing more eggs per ben.
However, the use of "electric day-
light" le not the only way in whish
lihis useful ryh15aodity can be employed
on the farm. With the increased use
of cheap hydro power, electric labor-
saving device will be In more general
uae, and the day is not tar distant
when electricity will run the farm u
completely as It now rune the modern
boier Cesaty Vltltheg
Farmers' excurelons• from Weiland,
Wellington, Kent, Lambton .ad Mo -
sex are visiting Norfolk county 'olds
mummer. Aa a writer In The -irirmas'
S4s rsmarka : "It the time aesI�
tine ean be apue� `ud the trip le
well-planned, Ude later -minty Vidt-
Ing seems to be a promising devotee
amt. There are few of us who cannot
learn something by observing abet
farmers in other parts of the Prov-
ince are doing and how they do it
Norfolk can Ahoy.' most touches POMP -
thing In growing and selling apples:
Oxford man give must some pointers
in dairy farming; West Mlddlesex
knows how to grow potshots, and
other sectttai_ have tbelg,. aag..as
well u waiiLputnta.
Mew M July .
"Plow In July while ft's dry," le
the slogan adopted by farmers of
Wellington county In their combat to
eliminate the "million dollar menace"
--the sow thistle. The method de -
;scribed by Rolph Clemens. agricul-
tural representative, is perhaps the
best •dspted to the poerly dalned
heavy clay solis•on which mow thistle
beg 'thrives. A modern twofur row
Is used, drawn by four bolter
or a tractor. The bay L got off early
and the land is plowed while dry to
a depth of six or eight inches. The
clod. thus hurtled rap, if left fora few
days, will drf oat. •. .that • the cotta
and air will kill _...l __seventy
per emit. et the atm ititrin. resl..
After.* we�� rail bas_ not• idtsc-
- sa>rrime!,�� to *f.-
QiieaMMtrandr drentlik
and the land of Canaan tell to Abuse - Grips tams Mang Bumo
std they each west his way. Hat *fa the
1 1n Sem, �ntChamber owenn" I
choCities osing Lot overlooked floe thing
Who were hid pe4ghbore? 1!e peened mance, at a recent meeting In Estes
his tents towards Sodom -•"But Abe county said that it would be well for
men of nodosa were wicked and sin. that cowmty to go 1n for cultivation
men before the Lord eseeedingly." So '01 •07 helms and gapes, which am in
we tnet-bp had a gnat eagior, but htom.dbe had lea�imedthat
tad . nelgb n . Maserial 'glory. but 7
moral shame! Noble dseaus; but a Border winery had brought In Ave
mean nen! And wed are damn tidal hundred tons of grapes from the
Nat. wait 1.4.00 thea. -Abram rev Niagara district last year. bol beans
arm . proposition. The value
ries- a valuable ell which U awed in
the manufacture of paint, etc. And the
Chaim NI Pnashig
Expert service on ladies'
and mien's clothing.
it L r' .r and
Lawn and
tRllrLitAI DiLC rOR
bones: Store 888, Res. 366w
.Shoat &arid, Oat.
ligion. -Mo-was t6M to: "Arise, w
through the land in the length Of
ams in the breadth of 1t; for I
=to m11: Mthee." GROWING IXTJrt larr
The writer of this epistle, and par- IN SZABONAL COs
Ocularly In this chapter, goes into an
extended accosat of the nature and DhreetevMesee the asuman
effect. of faith, -,:'hose to whom the botssewtves are taking greater interest
epistle was written were evidently in seasonal dietetics is provided by
suffering frogs
ttoneandd blssome form - et researches made for isles purposes
purpose ts-wrltidg as thele Canadian Shredded wheat Com -
did was to prevent Clem from relap- Z Z. the results of which have
sing again into Judaism. 1be apedle been
faith "tbe a as substance of while for business reawma !)tilt
thine bped Inc. the evidence of if�u,re. cannot be quoted. ft Y -
tin tistealti net ams Theo he proceeded ..that la the lanae majority-
��etflc•iey sad power " there is • definite tesdene>rng
referents to baberoas imtanceeo rich Lae haled, diet daring the _
as Mrnm: =-
itis .hea
j.et w.. to show season and as cold weather
that there le power 1. faith to keep leer to the year. The results of the
the mind shad heart In the midst Of rennerebes can bat be told In chi
lrordu of an official of the Shredded
-- } - . Wheat organisation..
WOOLIVINIBIONS • v "Whether it L eetlrely�-e to the
('o wholeh �kkdd
Christian alsslonarles to Indio r•per- wbether'bouslwli ` g largely
pickiest. unfruitful, Mastic. •11 is op- d b other meae we do not
posed' to ■11 reason and endangers know. for certain, but there f. an nn-
the peace and security of all posses doubted trend for lighter, more df-
slons.' lloaoe "11114 years! ago 81e gestlble and better balanced family
lilver5 '1'boaapaa, Ilenteupnt-govern- meals In (`,atudlati homes aa- hot
or of Nrtlgal, .aid, "('hHK1y 15151100-: weather appra.mhee," ..pad_ the ofti-
arles hare dune more �¢1 and -lasting elet of the Company. "Housewives ar•.
good to the people of ladle than all ail paying more attention to the
other agemclee cosbIned."—Selected. echoee of tbelt i•b• tban they did a
few years ago."
1Sndeubtedl7. �seL - tendencies"°
all to the good. The eating of light,
whole wheat foods presented in an ap•
petWsg and digestible forth, as in
Shredded Wheat, Is endorsed by the
medical piotaslon generally: Doctors
are constantly explaining that there
are certain elements needed for body
building and that these are presented
In whole wheat foods."
"Me day of the big meal seems
definitely to be pt(asing, Whether In
summer ar winter, quality food value
is being realized at its tree worth as
being more essential than bulk."'
'As far as this company is con-
cerned, we are naturally carrying on
propaganda through. the advertising
rolumn5 of newspapers to promote
the eating of whole aunt teed 1n the
ahem of shredded Wheat at- Ni .ea-
•00. "
"Bat advertising apart,,whole wheat
footle should certainly term part of
the daily meets la every ,durhn
the winter months. In spring and
aummer It la ideal to baud np bodily
Meth without overloading the di-
gestive organs. Partkularly is this the
whet with cltlldre-e. And the growing
tendency with housevrlves to regulate
diet and to provide quality rather
than bulk In family meals 1s an *met
In the future policy of the Canadian
A hun1rwl acorea ago the -Boat I igirr mend at advertising ea qqa _ by
rmpny ckelan•cl '•The .coding 0f wheat food mad0facturerli or
An American, cheque with dt tJll-
Ing whiskey. said be/did It to distract
bis thor/kltts daring fits of depression.
He wan 'Only ,plating the clouds with
moon.hlne. •
_Hest Friend—"Mary, where did you
get that gorgeous diamond ring?"
Yon Widow — "Tonpenember
when .tohn dear died he lett; 81.800
for a memorial atone? *Nell this
i i
Des - to West, Wates Blood
Asaemia — impoverished blood —
.0 .tealthuy that It to -often
wadi ode#tired Were recognised. Ye -
!Mu and digcodilort, the Sternest man-
Ifestatlats of the 'trouble, are seldom
taken sweerrjJou.ly. Soon the tieeset'nmem
pale: enerves jaded; the heart pal-
pitates violently atter the .lightest.
exertion ; the appetite becomes fi le
and before you realise tt_Nra • I a
;Terrible plight. •
At such time, by enrk'hing ins ea
tying the Mood Dr. Williams' Piot
Pills will build up the a cells sad
correct the run-down condition. CU -
earning them Mina Margtiet 'lbrlsy
Toronto, (bnt.. ..y.:—"1 raft a
complete hreekdown My heart wouM,
palpitate on tbe leatit exertion. Noth-
ing i ate agreed wltb me. 1 started
taking Dr. Willlargs' Pink P111• and
by the time 1 hal taken .even, boxes
1 was ready for enythtng; 1 bad gain-
ed in weight sad „every dlsti'!Mtng
symptom had lett tae." -""•
_Tau nen _At Sim I111i from re
d�oMv !e obedient, or urn at 60
data a M►x room TM I>r. Milpitas'
Medicine Co., lerocMOM, Cat. e
%Nittse : "Jimmy,n angel has
brought you a baby Tether. Would
you like to see him?'
Jimmy: 'i'd like to see the angel t"
Lecturer 1 in loud vett.) : "1 vent1ir'
to assert there isn't a man in Ibis
■udtsocrs who has Iter done anything
to prevent the d.struetion of our mg
Man In amdls,wc (timsdly) : "I've
Nott woodpeckers,"
1111 !!_...
Comities, remedies are advertised
for constipation. Many relieve for
the moment bet they are habit form-
ing and must be contained. Others
contain eaomaJ and d•dgeroas min-
-ersi drum which remain ir-tbe Sys-
is `tins nti clod
aches and pains. Some are harsh
pu• s leave a depressed which
cramp and grape
epressed after effect.
Avoid lubricating oils which" only
grease the intestines add encourage
nature's machinery to become lazy.
A vreb vqretable laxative such
as Carte?. Little Liver Pills, gently
touches the liver, bile starts to Sow,
the bowels move gently, the intestines
are thoroughly cleansed and constipa-
tion poisons pass away. The stodtat�
liver and bowels are now active asl
the system enjoys a real tonic effect,
All druggists 25c and 75c red ping., . ,
e r.
For convenienceancitravel comfort
Csnadi s.,..premier trans -continental train
_eave will serve you for the twelfth season.
11 gaze.
D5. T.
10.15 ass.
8.45 ca.
9:00 aa.
THIS YEAR ... summa social centre of '
'the Canadian Rockies : , and Lake
Louise, only forty miles Airway.
Through -the- Canadian Rockies in day- - '
All seeping car train, din-
ing car, wowtd's lounge and
beth, men's bade/ s soldn9
room, bullet} observation
lounge; solarium, whet
service. Open observation
ratat=sn Csieary ..and
. •# ' e- '.i.