The Signal, 1930-6-26, Page 6BABY COMFORTS Baby,, is the king of the home. Why not treat haat all tete.' ci nnf orts to make him happy? We have a full line of baby supplies. Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich WONG'S CAFE CORNER OF MONTREAL ST. AND THE SQUARE EVERYTHING IS NEW New Dining Tabks„New Furnishings, New Chinese Light Fihdures You Will Enjoy Dining at. woos. ,Cate ' A 1a carte senior at, all hours Special Service to tFouriete Qpm lily frau 7 a.m. to 12 lt.s. GORDON WONG CARLOW THE SIGNAL COLLEGIALTS ,J11TITU II Norman Bowler PIOKOTION LIBCharlotte Ltnington 68 all Patrick Page 63 70 Award of Adenoma tiebalarshlve and Edith Corutteld 74 96 et Diplomas and Medals Owen hlillott 65 90 Diplomas Promotions from Forms 18 and 10. la addition to the certificates uud A. --pose passing lh every subject : diplomas awarded on the regular school work there were awards grant - 841 ed by the Office Specialty ruing Co. 81.4 and the Underwood Typewriter Co. as 7838 follows: Office Specialty ding Certifiat ll l i 51 Mary Greene w ,',� iiiiii/S . • t .,. Edith Corntleld _.. Olvarus letter. in 'the Diocese of frit t borough: We mirk you to aci•ept this little 1 token ifIvttu the hands of one who is proud. owl very proud. of the fuel that he le your God -father. 78 signed --holy 'Natrte officers of St i 781 Myth yth and \Vinghut a. 77 The officers of the St. Aatgustlne I GODERICH, ONT. __ ._._. 'Thursday, June 28, 1980--3 -rr 86 anutoP O'OO$JOR vt!!I!'I'a Irene alarek TJ' ti) 71 1 •Honors: , Helen Mallet Alma Sallowe,,s.Ho. Jean Whitely ..'t.- 11 Honors: :tJ'�t !La � 72.1 Audrey Wieland 71.7 Isabelle Tyndall1. Ruth !gurney 77L John Parson 70 7 697 Bertram McCreath r • • 69. Albert Bown 67.7 Mildred Mllllan 7 Alma O'Brien 67.7 67. David Tobin 67.1 Philip Carter 66.5 Frances Thomson S. lei No. a. Colborne. is hrvlug a ill Honore: .65.6 echoed pi ole at Harbor Park on Phyllis Lawrence Friday afh•rms,n. lune 27th.F.veryotte Kathleen Wbateley 65.65.1 Is limited to 1,1111i.sad bring a Iia.- Ernest Crawford 64.1 Let .. Mary' Bisset 63.1 Victor Robertson BI NMILLER Helen Whitely 62.2 Herbert Greene :,61.6 ,: 1n.JRhose promoted conditionally Preeeatadi}i to Mal Jettersao--Ong under conditions indicated in the it1- lluodus evening of this week tide mem- bers of acaool section No. 7 stet at the home of algr..1. Alun and present- ed ass./artesian with a hatsdtla� easy >t'he address was dol nley Snyder and the gift presented by Edith Fisher. Mise Jef- ferson made a very suitable reply. Afterwards an Impromptu program was arranged, including recitations. apeech- ••. community singing. mouth organ so- letions, eta; and luneh was served. A all those good time was enjoyed by present. The address was. as follow.: dtear Miss Jefferson, -We, your many Mende, halve learned of your intended removal from our midst, and hare leathered tonight- to exprena-robe sorrow at your going. During the time GODERIC H 1f you want good interest on your investment, heed this teller's words. Deposit a hostel of Heat Folks in your cellar and you'll receive com- pound beat next winter. Buy now and you buy on a low market and - dity ell ht ,r -»*.r n you put money to work for fou this way you get • high rate of interest and hold all security too. CALL THE you have been with us you have proved yourself worthy of esteem, both as a teacher and as a companton, showing your interest and helping fa the many Margaret Sandy enterprises of the section, ami have 'Myrtle Pfrimmer baht up a bond of friendship which Kenneth Jnek/ 55.3 wl l be long lasting. To say that we ('411n Young 55.8 wit Was you la only lightly express- r. --Those elder further coeeldera tug r feelings, and we hope that If at [low 3 --- any In the future you would - Edward Jeffrey 53.9 Itke to t us you will feel that our Burke McLeod 52.8 many hom `aye open to you. As a' Albert Wehh. who was prevented by %tight token of our appreciation we ask' Illness from writing the final examine yes] to accept Min trarell g case. hop- thin.. Is granted promotion on ht hog that 1t may go with you filled year's work -with a mark of 72.8. with pleasant memories of the time, Promot1o� troet•Fotma IIA and IIB 'Went in good old No. 7. (Signed on be- i .t.-T11eel pasetlag lagvery subject batt of the section) WILL SNTDEit i Honore: .•nd ARTFICR FISHER. - 4 Eileen O'Brien 82. Madeline Nattel 78. __.. 41.-011/1* - 1 irete Stoll 7T. News has been received of the death Douglas Middleton TT. at C•hilliwack, B.C., of Mrs Robert Margaret Mason 76 Cotllgaon, a former esteemed reeldent II.Honors: g at Wingham on Monday atterotsln, of Goderleb, and aunt of Reeve Gold- Roy Errington 7 4 horpe of Colborne township and Mrs. John YcMehen 74.5 George Spttton was nominated as the N. .1 A. Yae'Ewan of town Aire. Col- Douglas Feagan 70.6 party candidate for the Federal elec- lirww's son. Edward. predeceased his Rnby Errington 70.4 tion In North Huron, hie name being! mother only a few bouts. The follow.'Sohn Howard .-.•-69.8 the only one placed before the roe - Ina reference to the double bereave-- Effie Jewell •t 66.2 ventton. Speeches were given by Dun- ttsAlt 4s freer The Callltwa k Progteaa III Honore: can Sinclair. of 'North Wellington. and of June 12; Witham Barrow • 65-6 Alex. Y. Edwards of South Waterloo, A double bereavement came to tha Margaret Foster ALS Conservative members of the last family and. friends of Mr. Robert B.-Tbose pc: mooted ootdttloaally Parliament. OMnem of the North Cssiltmillll5Vlltoilt Mame, doring the under coodltiona Indlested in the .re -''Huron Conserve!rt Association were e weeknd. his only sm. E:dward, pass- ports tent to individual student's and elected an follows: Ilton. president. E Ing away on Saturday at Chicago. their parents: .V. Scott. •Beigrkve; president, Dr. G I vice -Prete - 64.6 ' et 1- 64.5 68.7 divtdual reports sent to the student? and their parents: 72. .Howard Wilkins Cots Dickson , ...69.1 ymond Dean y Lawrence ..... 66.4 - Herbert Palmer 64.9 'Fred Ross _ 64.4 Eleanor Tyndall 68.2 Marjorie Madge ..- 61.7 'Elaine Burrows t 60.4 - Lennard Maelkonild 59.6 --Jessie I(athleson 50.3 Lulu Croft 58.3 Betty Jenner 5B•3 .Margaret Raines 57.8 __ Madeline Geromette 574 ---Atlsta Burke - r . Keith Saunders .•� 96.7 58.8 58.3 56.5 *'�T (Continued from pegs 1) of achievement uusurpa,w•tl in mama tttde. We feel c•rrtai:: Ilial those divine gifts which have carried you far In the service of lid Will 'continue to lighten the heavier burden whir+ Itis now Inwn platrl opts your 11rele,s shoulders. Aud eu we offer you Ibbs hut, puree, as a symltol of our enleeW. tit .-slings i.•t III...Creel Master apo Victor 'Elliott 91 Dorothy Walter 88 Emily G. Steatite 86 Naomi Mcl)ermtd ' 86 Della A. Murney Charlotte ,Linlugton Gladys Shore Ida ('arrlek.._ Margaret Shephard Irene.l. M. Marsh Edward Mettler Normuu howler I'utrtek 11. Page 75 Underwood Ty'pewiiter Medals Mabel Brownlee was awerdetl the ❑ -curacy gold medal for typing at the rote of mixt words per minute for fif- teen minu es about a mistake. Dorothy Kit p obtained a gold' medal for typing at net rate of fifty words per Info e f fifteen minutes, mak- ',lig o tltrt errors. disseen Sfrmarial Scholarships In the Lower School -subjects, ar1tlunetic, literature. composition., thanked the people for their gift and *rummer and British history -titer their woods of appreciation. rash Acluner of the first scholarship lel The school children of the W Eileen OBrlen, with 82.8 per cent.; of Ate second. Douglas Middleton, 80.2 per tent. Madeline Naftel and Irene Stoll are worthy of honorable mention with 79.8 :u:d 79.3, respectively. l In the Middle School-aub' ecta, p :eometry And algobra-Arthur Brown r wins the first acrholertthip with 89.5 t Verna lOdward Hilda Finnigan Mildred Hallows 771 duly Name Society are: Michael Cnm- EAT RIGHT and KEEP COOL Access baggage is hard to handle any time, but more burdensome in Sum- mer when vitality:is-:low. Keep up - your pep and bodily poise by eating Shredded Wheat with milk. Just 'fa I _. .. president ; Ambrose Brophy. • 75' vice-president , Raymond -Redmond, 761 secretary -treasurer. rr Bishop O'Connor'r reply was .Wird with keen interest and great appnecia- tlou. He spoke of his early years In the pariah, of hie father and wether. e andaffection and of the Lev tf tluu for tl associates of his youth which he at k cherished. Ile was always glad to enough carbohydrates to build the come back to St. Augustine to vlelt the grave of his parents and renew the i flesh you need -just enough proteins old associations, and he intended so far as would b possible to continue --- to insure muscular strength. A well. these netts tote home pariah. He also made a presentation to the op. an address being read by Mary Brophy and the children's gift, a rosary, being preseutei by Noreen Kitt - a han. Rev. Father I'aciuette, the parish siert. _then Invited the people to the ectoiy, where His Lordship received he parishioners and vteltore. Four ler cent. and William Sutherland the former pastors of 8t. Augustine were second w1Ut 80 per rent. present • Ytfr. lgdi:esre tit i,.eatl,tn.}_ - iinea 4t,therlaod Is eetffiA to"7rnrr a r711i11eulton. with 86.5 -per cent. n The value -of the first scholarship Is r_ ,.00; of the second. 115.01. J. P. 4HttM8. Principal. i 1VIii ham. Sullivan, of Clinton, Flan, t{e114..wa tape captain IMwt nt fu1N1un. Itriel'i tir,""fl!"7fotnie:+iertA oWF.N SOI ND. ,fits.• 1...''•rpt '.f tenforth, Phalen. of Chatham, t:1b-. -1 Robert McIntyre. or thin v-e,eltt 1_1")"' tt[ Loudon. Marchlaud. o[ 71rys- i years a Greet Lance captain and oneami' �'� ' _Ootutnban. Por -I of the best-known eaiittirii on the lakes. rr, ot.-Zµrieh, Cgrronn, of Mount is dead at lila home here. Ile was I Carmel, and Brophy. of Joplin. Mo. stricken suddenly with Itr..rt trouble - on Friday and died a few (tours Tater. Gerald Newton in Tennis Finals a He was in his fifty-eighth -car. He was master of tlw steamer M,u9ian.'1 of the 1'anada $teamshtit nines. fur : teat years prevlout to 1029. ale was master of the - steamer Acadian when_ 210.111. was driven ashore in the big storm 6:ot 1913. lie was unmarried and !pares 41 three Amthess awl-tecu�tlaters.` E enervative Nettttdnathag Convention balanced food, nourishing and easily digested.. Delicious for any meal with fresh fruits. r '-F Fathers f Port- 1ambton,-Sed-Mc1'ardle, of* T - Kingsbridge. ` There were present also F .V 1-w ' ,owery. a Goderich. MuRugh, of s i Ni iAIN'D N. June .-In the eontin- uation of the 184 Boys' tennis tourna• 'No' woman should Imitate mea; "What we glue to our rhlldren they stent here defeated .Newton, DeWitt ly Row: to ate not worth 11." -William Won will give to thein to a few yearn." ell.foch. defeated Verne 'DeWitt Row- t'lietps. - .. - - Kathleen -Nettie. rid. torture champion of the Igndou semi Township League• 2-4. 03. re.. in the Like other idealisms. patrtottem one thing wrong with the country V flniit f.„ j hut was detidon, r the .aut.- trust a noble devotion to a that most of it las moved to the put oe 3 iib J: 1'• .0. 64. proml t. moral Ninacy."-Oren Inge I r.•ity.-Thomaston (I1.S.A.) Times. (• seas rut local player. 6•A, 6.3. 6.8. Yr. - Pethh-k got into the finals by defeat - At the Conservative cotsventioo held Ing Clare pear. WITH ALL THE -#AN s OF THE WHOAT THR CANADIAN $HR&DOED WHEAT COM!•ANY. LTD. white en Sunday evening Mr's. -Collin- Ruth Curwen tteosg.sitio.t[sa been ill for name thug, Mary McKinnon Hon G 8. Henry at fiineatallne Mnyor MacDwan beaded a deputa- tion of fifte.,u In.m t:.derl. who at- tended the bouquet held at Kincmrdfne, last -Friday night in h.,00r of Hon. G. 8. Henry, Previndal Minister of Hlgh-I ways. on the aecnsloo of the opening of a new bridge I44 (bat town. Tbe' proposal for the Airing of the road ) letweea-JGtacardlne end G,dertch, to, connect Provincial highways Nos. 5 60.g es Atmstrd.gt ors r ice pr and 9. was placed before the Minister„ held out no hope of any im- mediate _ mediate action in response to tbe,re- 71-ritesr't `, ""IrW loner c nasi rI"vrsw portant one and said that It mlgitt receive special consideration. - Mayor MeeEwan env one of the speakers et the banquet. • Mrs. 'Fred Taylor, Gorrle; first but he ttr•d Lmlly had llo MOW- ;1taa' ur t. A J. Goldthorpe. Col- l* IM f�'te nine ie ti tAcutis',.. Pita ial orbl' until the mesaege conveying the news Dorothy Horner 62.3 Its, East Wawanoeh:-ttesatrer, J. RI of bb• death trached here on Sunday. Thomas Page era McKitthon, Wtngham : secretary, 11. J. .Mr. Collinson was about fifty Fears Jean Hunter 61.3 A. MadEwan, Goderlt i of age and had resided at Chicago for .fin Culbert 61.4 the past forty years. e was a Mussel Pfrtmmer 668 Hcon- atruetlop engineer and unmarried. Rets lrysher 59. The funeral took place on Wedneda7 Hobert Groves tt the Mat.00ld ortirr, of which WE;S'T R'AWA�(18H ` be encs r TI west W w•ano nh "council bend F� charge• of the arrangements and con- - 'Harry Babb all mrmIwrs present. The minatee off Samuel Waiter Mr. A. E. Johnston was present and -a 59.1 57.3 57.1 58.6 56.9 55.9 61.4 5 afternoon. TOWNSHIP COUNCILS Beatrice Campbell prominent member, having J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY. ducthog the service. Mos M - Goderich The latae Mrs. Collineon was born la Huron tonnry, Ont. Aster her mar- Paisley,1 int V1•!•••IMO O• MODELTHEATRE Week of June 30 to July f1 ! week, and Mrs. E. J. Room. of ham.; vented writing the Jnne examinations, Loops. The funeral took place Wein.- is granted promotion with an average Mond. and Tuesday- 'tidy afternoon. Shrvlte was iun'h ed of 70. Monday in Cooke's Presbyterian church by i -Harry CAak lei-Ynr similar ronda- "k Henry Wadsworth Longfellow sae in C. thevtia.0O.F.icemetery. b. tion granted (omditlonalpromotion. 1 romotiona from Form IA (kat year -wrote the immortal love epic- eympeter if many friends hese Roes4�otmmrrciaTS, to 2nd Yt<kr Commercial g`EvQngeline" set to the nwrahere bereavement of the family m i A. -Those granted full promotion: their double bereavement • 1 Honore: and now the beautiful - 1 Margaret Ellidtt 77 8 II 'Honors James Redditt to rs • James Sheardown its regular meeting on May 27th. with a Joe 1'riddle lent m ng were read and accepted. at In ring(' she resided t where themembersors of the family were C. --Those Mildred Wilson ' ad „t r the Iningantn.n Agricultural g a Dorn. Later Mr. and N, d eleven C.JThos• underae further totsshdara I Society. The council ordered grants to alovei M (1otlerlIIsi, and eleven tion with the perenta: #t paid to the Ikuyta $taiety and years ago eer'r tit Clitlllwack, where._ Bessie Bere . .1.- ,352.. _ - they have resldel mince.. The sandy- Ralph Walters .. .-.- ,.-51.8 the St. Helena acliio1 fair. The coding' tog members of the fancily aredmMarjorie Inver „+„ gelladJouruel to meet Monday. June :anti.; ceaaett's aged husband. and two Ruth Woraell 4R,7 at 7 p.m. daughters. Mrs. J. I,. Stark. Chilli-, Stanley Taylor, who also was pre -1 DUBNIV I'HILl.1PS. Clerk. OBITUARY 1 1 FOOTWEAR FASHIONS 1930 Men who wear fine Shoes are aemanding cor- rect style and fine appearance in their Oxfords. There are many outstanding features in the coming season's style situation. . - These features are to be found in the new models for spring. Ali the leading manufacturers' lines are to be found here at most reasonable prices. CEO._ . MacVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN GODERICH NORTH SIDE SQUARE 1 r' Ile`■■■■//■■//■/■■�fi■/■■//■L///�/■I•'r/■■Ig SUPERIOR Sit ■l Delores 'Del Rio has made it into an epic of hhe,• screen. A picturesque page • tory revealing a _stirring tragedy and a romance that smiled through , tears. • "-EVANGELINE" v) picture flint you will long re- -Tr-- Footwear and the keeping of your Shoes in constant good r.fpair means the waving of your health and money. 1 "To be a friend of yoln' feet 1s to be a friend indeeu" .wannµ" Ti *itch over your and your family's. Footwear is to watch over your health and comfort. ler la 1 ! The careful selection of your member . Western Drama -'"Playing False ADMISSION ON ABOVE: f ADULTS 35r-. CHHDREN 25e. 11. Wednesday and Thunday- HOOT GIBSON in the thrilling drama of a lone man's tight against a whole town full of desperadoes Ann Christy it the beauteous gal s "T6e Lariat Kid" liniver+wl C(mewdy- - 'Just the Type Friday and litatdrday- - Lois Moran. Joseph Waftaffr Di rothy Burgess, Douglas Gilms'. present a comedy love story with the classic Kentucky Derby as a background. A corking story and a hang-up race. "A Song of Kentucky Kpitnde No 9 ""The- Diamond Master" lea Cartoon Comedy rf Matisse sourday •e $ p. fit. 41OOr�041410•t#,,O We have given satisfaction to marry critical htlyers, and we feel Pure we cnn do it for 79u. We (-tin not dig or plow, but ocean serve you and your family" with . Footwear that will tend make your -daily task more comfortable, and as to priceP, we can compete with any mail order houses, considering (jollity. --Prolong the life of your ahoea by bringing them itrTot repairs in good time, and we guarantee you a good and neat job. To serve von ie nar pleatttP The East • Street Foot - *'par and Repair Shop p�lite Rex Chorea COMMRICH - ONTARIO Win Abl. Free Oldies Eva.Mes Votes McLeod `Phyllis de Peudry Dorn' Kittou ..-1....70. Erie (Maid 68.8 Marjorie Prowse ` ..60.4 Annie Linfield 66.8 Credits: Bernice Moore . Jame Murphy e9.2 Port 'Huron sad John Porter at imms ■ ■ IT'S HOLIDAY TiME AGAIN • And it.iata l W kmrw thatyou don't have to worry about shopping ellen your time ie taken ul! with store ail nt tjtitnRer it is ens rewy to 'phone the Wil t r -t t t h! b prtceA. h ifejon n 00. 1(0i 11 order it :sr:ere; f. r tithe tsumn Pcr..- worry -3 r7 y are it ft d a of taus to ttIet tittto y don't ,rprty, you will u-ktperior n.isue hear yon- tl►en arecider to set slit htTndtR:t "ire the Pnn dues and ehve �ttt HE BEST FOR LESS-- - - - SELL T CLARK'S -"SIRS. JOLLY PORTER- � - - One of the oldest residents of God PORK &BEANS 19C erMh township In the parson of Mary , taet+ed away on Saturday, 14th Medium adze .... Matho•ia 7'»Wife of Mr. John Po I r June Dereaned, who was torn on October' 27th. 11418, was a daughter of the late $ - W1111ath and leabella Matheson of (god- • ■ OLD DUT • erlch township. She was matrled in the year 1814. Mot. Porter had hewn in ■ - falling health all winter. She leaves it CLEANSER to mourn her loss her husband and ■ "Chases Dirt' five chllthren: Mrs: Aleiander Forden, Of Brantford; James Porter, of God - Prim rx ■ Mrs. GeorgeSowerhy, of Goder- 'eh township; Mrs. m. McKee,. ot 2 tins 19c 65.61 W ■ QUAKER 2 pkgs. B. -Those promoted conditionally am Thaw minters and three brothers else isPUFFED ,WHEAT' 25c indicated in reports sent individually „tirvtve: Mrs. Jaimtw istewart. Mr s to students anti parents: Alexander Matheson, of Goderieb; Airs. ■ Jostle MacKay 614, John erwen, of Brantford'■ set(Vldean 61.3: John Frw'ingm of Millbank • l(r. . Jean Morgan 50..1 Marton Lamprey .545.3 Ian MacKay 54.8 Second Year Commercial Awards Diplomas are granted to those mak- ing 75 per rent. 1tf'eeeh of the book- keeping and stenography grant* find in typewriting, with 11 honors for 80 Lin 04 per cent. and I honors for 85 pal ;cent. Certific*tea are granted to those obtaining t10 per cent. In at Intel two ' nt the three departments. i The following 1s the standing of the Students entitled to diplomas, ranked necording to the average percentage of all subjects Written, together with the percentaie obtained to eaeh group: Rt-kp. Sten. Typ. Lulu Jewell 0...110 cul R6 Mabel Brownlee' A0 A6 len 90 R2 -58 ss 78 106 R4 81f44 A5 7R R7. R6 77 3 79 7, 82 90 78 79 79 . 75 78 R6 Mra.' Nen Matheson, of Florida,, and r. Anglia1 ■ Matheson; of Calltornla. t fugeral ■ tusk place on Monday. Ju 16th, to ■ Maitland'rimetery and as largely' attended. In • religion tit Inte Mrs.! Porter wax a Preahyterl o awl'her, tnialeter. Rev. R. C. Mc rmld, con- f II (Met t411 the• serctces. Th pa1Mee rene vyere Alexander llatheee lir. Angnu' ■ ltafh,tstatn. Simon Pewt . Dr. Sim. 3■ I•ratt. Win. Burke and Geo. Wlltoo Many heitntiful floral rlhutett testi tied to the esteem ip 'hlch the de- ceased was held. Amh the friend+) II present .at the funeral tan n di since , ■ were Dr. A, 3fttliestm.7of California ; WIMrs. John Fe . 141111011 ?MC IItij�m,-Mra. Newlin M , Mr. and rs. W11Ilam limit. Mr. and Mre Wm. Burke, of MiII nk ; Dr. Pratt, of Listowel; Mr. and re. Gordon Me- c'loyr amiss (leorge M Kellar. 'Of Strat• ford : Mr. end Mrs lexander Forams. Mr. end Mrs. Wil iibrdsn, Mimes t.orrainr and 'Ren iee rumen arta Mrs. iFrel Moshe, f Brantford: Mr. and Mrs. Will Me ee, of Port ;Huron, and a !erre nitro r from Wingbalti and Rayfield. i Marie Ryan Dorothy Ate•ep Dorothy Walters' Victor Elliott (tells Attorney Annie Tah) M. Matt/snald Mary Greene . The fnllnMne ere entitled to refill - testes granting the standing stated Io at leant two departments, ranked se- corellnk to total p•Nrntage Rk kp Sten. 'l'yp. Emily 'ieClure .. A2 70 61 John Nacl.wn fit 75 92 ttlrpevofen' nitl Q`n!,,•man: -And whet happens to little hos who tell Ilan!" 1'rebit►a.:"hay get In half pi1^e. KING OSCAR SARDINES per tin 15c ROYAL YORK i2 Ib. pkg. Orange Pekoe Tea 28c SEEDED RAISINS 2 pkgs. 25c BORDEN'S CHOCOLATE MALTED M II .K 53e •Pit G. White Naptha Soap. ...6 cakes 25c , ■ ' Gold Soap`c4ef 27c ■ -, Chipso, large size . . • • . 2 pkgs. 43c / - f xydol, large size 2 pkgs. 43c ■ Coley Toilet Soap .3 cakes 23c ■ Ivory Soap Flakes 2 pkgs. 17c ■ P. & G. PAIL DEAL ■ 2 cakes Guest Ivory Snap. 1 pkg•. ivory / Soao Flake., 1 large pkg. Oxydol, 5 cakes ■ P. & G. Soap, 2 cakes Gold Soap, in one ■ large No. 16 Galvanized Pail. . a;l for 9Cc Sherrig'sJelly Powder, recipe pkgs 4 fon 25e 11 Egno Cake Floc-, vanilla, chocolate and spite 111 Niro (Just acid one Blast of water) 2Sc • Kelloggs All Bran - • !arse i. kg. 13c 11 Lealand's Sweet Mixed Pickles, 1Z 11 oz. . .. .. per jar 29c Lealand's Sweet Mixed Pickles, 30 111 . per jar 47c ■ , 9 nz.. per jai 2`c , 19 oi... per jar !cc a 1 lb. :9c . per tin 21c 2'a . per tin 23c 8 oz... per tin 23c eats, aseorte' McLaren'. Stuffed Olives McLaren's Queen Olives Speria Family Blend Te Lily (!sicken Haddie Red Pitted Cherries Ca 1 pfire Marshmallows Clark's Potted M s Red Cohoe Salmon . 1 •.'s 19e 1'(3St ■ Centre Pull Wax Paper, 10c sizer .. pkgs. 2Sc XL Picnic Plates... ..... per doz. 1 Oc til S. O. S., small size 2 pkgs. 25c es is PHONE YOUR ORDER TO J. J. McEwen, Goderich, J. Calvin Cutt, Gederich fs ■ PHONE 46 PHONE 116 ■ WE DEl-IVER •■ ■■af'!•■.t■%I RRB■■to■■r■■f>r1■f`iili■elli■\■111•111r