HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-26, Page 54 '1'hursdey, June Ai, IW.io
• .f
You ger the extra Trousers. abso-
lutely Free.
wemoi/+ PRIMIAM &SON
"The Slats with the Stock" Telephone 57 .
Men's and Boys' Wear. God.riti. oMseio.
Ice cream, Soft Drinks
/and Confectionery
Batter and Eggs
Service is our motto
Harry Mitchell
Corner Britannia and Bayfield
Roads, G.derick.
��., CALL. 486
Afif & Sod
Ulmer Dams Schell
—efeit -
NILE, June 26. -Miss Mary Bogle
visited' with her friend, Kiss BIAS
Morris. of tioderich. several days last
Mrs. Nellie Potter and son Lae and
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. 1Jeter, of Detroit.
were guests on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Stere, James McIntyre.
r,, 1, ,s 1r .1Au- s#.•!=n JitteItr.
yosi`1 odi=tTc . 711SYfed-on nun ry at t t,
limn, of Mr and Mns Telford Nixon.
Quite a number from here attended
the eardeu party held on the Port
All our! 1'u1t.sl church grounds on
4nteslmy evening.
The nnnnnl 1..b nuc et Nile. !'ort Al.
beet sod 1,e.•1uru United churches will
he held at Port ,Albert, on Mr. Myer's
grounds, on Saturday, June 2t(th
Everybody come and enjoy a full after
noon. Program of races and other
sport s.
tralnfug at Victurla hospital, London,
is spending a three wapitis' vacation It
her home here.
Mr. Sydney Decker, of Kincardine,
rpent.,lhe weekend at his borne bora
Mr4. Arthur McCartney and family,
ut Toronto. are visiting at the home
of Mr. sub Mrs. R. L. Douglas.
The girls' softball teas ut tte local
Junior Institute won from the Teea-
water team lu Ripley uu Yuuday
was played lu the arena'. The
was IST.
{tub(. Will Victor liatthews, of De-
troit, are visiting in towu this week,
Mr. Kenneth Thompson, of Cbhmgu,
b' spending the week at itis home here.
Mr. Clukrll'e Johnstone, of Sarnia,
spent Sunday with IAucknow friends.
Mr. Robt. Thompson. of Belleville,
Is spending his vacation at his home
Mr Charlie Rodgers of the staff of
the Hank of Montreal. is rpeudlug a
weal: at his hunae to Exeter. -
Mr. Edwin Smith and Miss Mary
Douglas, who were attending Normal
$rlosol in litratturd, are ht)mc for the
summer vacation.
JULY 3rd, at
!nitrides—'Mari C. Psrisos
Pianist --Gene C. Comes
Class.- for both Children and --
Adult- are now
nd-=Adult-arenow in organization
in Aesthetic. Natural, Tap;
Acrobatic. Rennet -in and (ien-
eral Recreation
Fer iaiermatiw regarding Claw
. and a.aehaentconsult
Weal lbw* . Phone 133
Radio-Lectric Co.
East Street
$98 cash
$135 cash
'the dew Prima Wader
$129.50 cash
Eslu, itrail lraslbOrA
$3.50 each
1'AIt.1hid-NT. June SliSir.
Mr. Struthers and R'lll. 01 Aet tt.
spent the week -end with mewls here
and to Lecknow.
• Mr. Tom Irwin has recovered from
his operation to Victoria neepilal, Lon-
don. and has returned to his. home
Yes. Coleman. of 8et>lettlk !s uit--
lag her mother. Mr. Jae. Weilnter, wLo
Is not enjoying good health. •
On Thursday last members of the
Paramewut U.T.W.O. wended their
way Int deluge of rain to the home
TOWNSHIP, June . 4..
-The June meeting of the Inion
Hon of material, bow and wtNa to
wear." Prise given for the dress par-
ade. Mfrs Madeltue Gaunt in chart.
Hueteve.m--Mrs. Jou. Cameron, $plus
M. Murrey. Mrs. gluts. Duran. AU
the ladles are welcome.
Sibs* W. D. Rutherford lett psi
Thurwlay W take a European trip. She
will meet her . uusln. Minn Flurenee
Stuart of Chft reo. al New York. They
expect to be' away on their tour for
eight weeks.
A noun, rr. ` .1. Miller, M . Juu.
Me4;Jet11tu, Mrs. Jut). Miller and Mrs.
A. Gaunt attended the district meet -
jug of the Women's institute at Au-
burn on Tue eday of last week.
Mr. and Sire. Vhethaw, of Galt,
t iaft.sl a few days with the latter's
her. Mrs. H..1. Wools.
Mr. W. Woods and Mr. Arnot:
Roods took a motor trip to F'ergue on
)its t entry.
Mr. awl Mrs. Juu. .Sudersuu spent
the weekend with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Miller. near Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. James McFarlane. of
itinevale. visited .m Friday with their
daughter, idea. Gordon McPherson.
AINGA\_NOrN, June 25, -Mr. and
Mrs Harold Wollkige and Yr. and
Mra. Bert Wollldge, of Toronto, mo-
tored up and spent the week -end at
C. F. R. O. wag held at the home of the home of Yr. and Yrs. G. Y. Me-
r]ti's pan MacLean, of Laurier, with
the president, Yet. Nell J. MaclClmtte. sand Yrs. Rant Davidson and
in the chair. The meeting ulnerledi w'Ith, •
Allan Reed spent Sunday with friends
singing. followed by the Lord's Prayer; at Dthel.
in million. The secretary, Mrs.Duacasl Mrr Johnstone and daughter Helen,
MacLennau. read the minutes of lard ..f Oshawa, are rtettlug her brother.
of Mr.. R. Martin. and were guests of meeting. Patera 'were read by Mra•�Mr. A. B. Pentland, and other friends.
the Kershea Club. A varied program Hector Ma Liao, Mrs. K. MaeLenDan., Yr. and Mra Melville Glean, of De-
limit, solos. readings and ebnruse11 wag, Lake Shore. and lies. l'ulyubouu.
elven he the Paramount Indies Mrs.' troll visited 3 at the home . the form.
� Ml.., Mary MrrKeu:ir danced ttte�eri sister, kirk J. J. Ryan, this week.
MacKenzie demonstrated a steam ,gighirnd fling in a very able way.
e'o)oker and gas iron, after which then roll cull was answered by replies'
hostess served a dainty lunch to qu, uloue on a slip drawn by each sed ■o a:n olive mew,lug rat Yaltlaod
Mimes Wlnnitred Webster and member. The August meeting will bei 1,��Mal at Wtt am en Tuesday.
Grace-'>raelntosh. of Toronto. held 'at the home of )1ni W dfatrr"t The United church are holding t•.s, family relent Snaday with Mr. add
'spending a two weeks' holiday at their nen. Lake Shore. Mrs. ()Bert er of Btoe►ale.
Nspeetfve homes here. MR...Jark ![aeDonaW, of But[alo,1.lan,, garden party on the church Mr. Bert Reed lett last weeta to mull
- --- I lawn uu F ridgy evening of this week. Ilghtnlug fobs In NorLnernOntarb.
The Mrs R. McWhinney. jr., Mrs- Robt.
Davidson and Mrs. Fred Rose
—^.�••:r„:.-.-.... ounds inCreafe
in Canada alone 'L
in last five weeks.
nada ire= $66 '
relent sands, at the homy of b . I'ar The directors and officers of the, Ylis Merle Wllsna refocus to her
etas, Mr. and Mrs. D. MacLennan. of West Wawanoab Fire Itruranee Co. i nursing ►n ytratfurd tipapftal on TINA-
,--• banter• had a picnic at Harbor Park. Gorier- day atter spending her hoLWays at kir
Mr. Duncan Macitae is home for his; kik Iasi Frtday. j borne here.
summer vaeatlou. He has resigned tits _lir. R.Ross and Mr. Jas MoNala,
ecbnol at Yflvetrtoo and may take a Of Amberhy, ladled at the Lome of lI Mr. and Mrs, MacGregory.and Was
University course.Bessie and Mr. Whitley. of Anotia.
The July meeting of for R. M. S. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roes on'TosdaY-I attended the funeral of the late Mita.
will be held at the home of. Mr.. Johan A miming is the Internet of the Addison on- Saturday and spent the
1 Eible Society mal be held to the UIL. weekend with Mrs. Mr)L
Russ. near Lochattd'.
A joint pleats of tie 1 n Yr. Bowen.• representative of the Mrs. Bruton Tiffin ant Mr. ~Yl
Irving Hunter. Rheexpects to go to [?.F.W.U.. ioehaFeh Clnb, and the Kin•
Toronto this week to mark examine `tall Women's inatlh'te w111 be held a[ Bible will speak Yrs. VIMor Dmerson of Ylnioee.psat
tion papers. Miss Margaret Reston. of Lakeview Park. near Kintall, on Rev. Line preached very ac- `hmday with Mt- std ]lea )>idai dl'
Goderkt. ,also was the finest of heti Thursday. July Sed. A program of stably„ to the Oraoslemen of the. Derham
ann. Mrs.' Irving Hunter. Hers alta other sport+ rill be cons- neighdistrict
.and representatives of the )hiss K
Mr. Alex. finnan was el. lt.sl ..n mrenced. ft Insslblr, at 2 p -m. EarL Her ices_ were oa Sunday evening. IHR this w
1 Saturday to help nurse her sister. Mrs. 4 r.lcei held outside In Me, entrance eatamttatiu
- 1 Owen Moore. .at Carlow. who ova. family Is regneated to bring sandwich-� church yard. there being a very large, Mrs Joh* Fragt>dtx of olyth pest
seriously 111. lira. Moore has since been es and take. also cups required for ��Mi
their owe use. Tea will to arra aged' attendance' the weekAd with her mother, rs
The Oratlge lodge are bolding a pie., Emersna.
LF':F)RrRN. June 'Rl.-Mr/ao� firs.
*rm ('ht'holm have rrht sed from
their wedding tour and are getting
settled ht their new home.
MIs, Jessie i.Inklatrr. teacher of
Ottawa. spent Saturday evening and
pert of Sunday with her slater. Mrs.
1 ed church next Sunday evening. Rev. B. 8. Naylor.
-highest quality
Frits Vegetables
Tslephorts yolor
order to
lan,rrtd terrier L IISMM'
Geo. Price & Se,
sats at at $tlIs>f �ntei-t11.
Telephone 248
:teener of Niters* send North stress-,----
taken to the hospital. undergnlug au
operation. Her many friends hap• she
will soon recover.
Mr. Arch (Horton hal returned from
Toronto. His daughter, Grace, who has
been night name at the Rick Children's
I H..itltal there. was seriously 11I while
he was there. hut had taken a turn for
Improvement before her father left the
city for home.
i d30Lst01■• : 'June Se ---Mins
for. it 1s hoped that all. the mem lac In Mr. Robb. Daridnn'a bush on: Mra. ()flip ltiiiler 1. spending this
will Join lu making this outing a stab edlteaday of this week. week wlttr. Yr. and Yra. Lorne Jotma
- Yrs John 1)•Ie, and granddangb- ton of Cedar Validly.
Mr. gal Mrs. Edward Beattie, et ter. Alice Rich, of Kenney. Sank.. are' 'Mr. and Mn. Amon Cornelius vblted
ieamington. visited Mr. and MR •!. visitor at the home of Mr. N. F. on Sunday with friends Lo Goderleh.
J. Lannon recently. Whyard. Mr. John Steele retu.aed with them to
Mies Thelma McIntyre apish f'M,l penonat- vlrlt with his slater. Mn. Jas. Cor-
. Mrs, M. G. Cameron of Pew York.' nellua
and her daughter. Mia Diana. were;
guests of Dr. and Mre. A. C. Hunter;
e past week. Diana. who has been
attending school at Oshawa. will speed
the summer ,vacation at Iakefleld.
Mr. and Yr% Jas. ,Home and chil-
dren, of YobtAair, :rJ., are yid
east week with her aunt. Ilii.
Lannon. - -
--$& '1BL.D. Jame 24. -Mss. D. •'
Donald. of Sarah, Is visiting lite
Wilson, of ]Ilton, is visiting • daughter. Mss. A. Newton -Brady.
friend, Miss N'inalfred Armstrong. s Mr. W. Johnston gad Vaster Aly In town. Mrs Hume and children will
Mr. Robt. Woods. of Detroit. hl Jobnetnn •faired the format's edsrr remain for the simmer at the hoose
spending a few days at the homed Yrs. C. Aberhart. Seaforth, the t of her mother. Mea C. A. Nairn
hlA Rgodl»�a Mrs. i[rt• '�"`•..... �, ar 1t5fiC . Sept. M . n, ._
,.the* Woo�dat y _ _-4 _ -yftas Mich Mede! s tpeAt A i'. ,
Yr. McKim, of Lyndock, and Mr. days in Windsor and Detroit last week. for a few days (lits week.
Donald McKim, of Jarvla, were guest• Mr. and Mrs Victor Bart and family,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. of London, spent the week -end with
McKim ttth week. Mrs. F. W. Baker.
Mims Wlnterrred Dongla'e, nurse-be
■ ■milaaaemimmmirlitis anamw■masswaw■ ■m■ Nmmmm■
A - rn ■
■ Two -Specials j i• in; Ladies' and
■ ■
■ 1
■ Misses' Sum,mer-Dresses
and lire. W. D. Stephenson a
III —"
"""'� , family, of Toronto: are spending t
■ • i nmtuer at their cottage.•
A .new shipment- of Dresses in -printed voiles just ■ lir. "anti Mr. Mo.Pr and ramly. or
• ._.�, _ .. Oil t>r11PpCL, - aye_pccupying Mrs. R.
■ - ▪ Scntchmei'a cottage,
• ami Aveda They come in dainty-' patterns These - ' .,- Mr. and Mrs. Lent and. N♦ and
S[rs. Mallett anent Sunday with Mra. J.
■ Dourless.isMr. and Mr. . Pinotit and famlly. of
Mrw. J. Galbraith. Miss Mary Grey
and Mr. f M1ttbell, of London, app' Ftittcatfon.
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. tial- Judge Garrnw and family, of To-
wards rontn, ire occupying their summer
h°11"Miss Lily Martin. who spent the horon Worth ',trek -
peat week with Yrs. Ada Reid. re- Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Roblnnon and
turned to Toronto on Sunday. Son. of Detroit. spent the week -end in
Mr. O. Kalhfletseh sipernt the week• town•
end at his home at Mildmay. _ Mc Spencer Gnat of Winnipeg, vls-
Mrs. A. Newton -Brady spent a OMItM friends In tows at the week -end
days In Toronto last week 1 - -
Mr. and Mr. Freed Fowlle and Law-
rence .Fnwtie: ref London. wpent'tb.
Miss L E. Durolo. of Fort Frances'.
Is visiting her twisters here for a few
days before proceeding tto Toronto to
mark papers at the Department of
Dresses are offered at $5.95 for. special selling._.be-
D fore the holiday.
■ Crepe Ensembles in several shades and styles. These are offered at special
i ▪ prices before the holiday.
■ The balance of .our stock of ladies' Coats offered at less than
X cost. These come in tweed, tricotine and broadcloth materials. This
Xtunity to secure a Coat at a very low price.
Bathing Suits for ladies' gentlemen and children in correct styles.
■ p▪ rices
is your oppor-
■ NOV /■■r /!•■m■emmE1•■■EIMEEE mmw■emlimsis IEEE■
All men's Suits are offered at special prices. Secure, yours now for the holiday.
Note ---
This store will remain open Monday evening and also on
Wednesday afternoon next week, on account of the holiday
on Tuesday. -
"Shop where you are invited to shop"
West sire of Square - - _ hoe 418
W1HITECri/URCH. June 2t. -Mr.
Will1i!r ale spent a few days last week
with frbeel. In Toronto.
MIPs Mny Weir. nnrtrIn-tr^Ining
In Hamlitnn hogdtal, is ltMidsving st'
her huts* herr.
Misse. 1Mroth, and GwemMllne
Garbutt. of- Winnipeg. who have been
visiting w Ith their mint. Mrs. Jae.
Netherland. returned home .-nu_TnP.-
„ ■ i Flint. Mleh., errlverl on Monday to When Mr. .Vfrat F.tner.on was let-
siend the summer at their cottage Inking the horse. out to lwature on S'(t-
■ .lewett's Grove. ,inlay evening. one kicked him orer
MIs/1 Sadie Hirschman. Mr. Jesse the left rye and threw him n consider -
m I Hlrsehman. Mr. and Mrs. Sam filo- ahle di.ttw'nee. The crit ne.erultrtnl
gower and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mendell,- quite n number of 'titch....
'ohn. of Detroit. sprat the week-ead Mb.'. NI -arcane Robinson. second
i with Mr. and �Ir. �P. Martin at their daughter of Mr. sod Mrs. Thos. Robin -
"Rnnlefer iodge.'
arm of Feat WnwnmMh. had the tule-
Mr. and Mrs. 1L. Walmsley and foe tune to break her left erne cot the
daughtet, of Nlagars Pslla. visited
relatives to the village last week.
Mr. /:eo. R'hitewldes. of the O.A.C.,
Guelph was d a workeravisitor with
wrist when ahr fell from a school
swing on Friday morning.
Mr. and MrBranham. JnBranhamof Bel -
erne... spent Wetneedey lest with Mr.
Rev. F. FT111141 Mrs Paull, a and Mr. Frank Henry. _
Mr. and Mr. We•ekee and son, of Many from here Attended the fnn-
iwnndon, are occupying Mrs. Dolga ern' of the late Sir. Addison of Wing -
>• ham She was nn old resident of {Near
Yrs. Almay. of London,fa vtsttltig Ytawnnosh. For the pant few years
her sister. Mrs. W. Cnttr,n, at her cot- she had iived with her daughters,
tags. id r. It. %. Naylor and Sirs. Will
Mrs. ;Ferguson and famlly. of Lon- •Fraser of Winghn o 1)ne brnSi.•r. Ile
don. are orro pying the •Heath (dttt)ge. vI F.t1w'Stt sf Cotnv-tw still snr-
Mr and Mr. R. Peek. of London. vlttE?o tit was (War n°. ystill old -
spent the week at Itelle Yu* cottt interment troth piece In Wlhtlnnm
Ifie• meMry on Satnrdar. This cmmntun-
Mr. and Mn. Fred'Tnbell and fans- ty ect.'nda ayntl>Athc to the den•nved
ply, of Toronto, sr* hnitdn,in1 in Jew-
ett'. (trove. ,
14T. HELENS. Jun.' 2.1. - t1M. Sada
IFahhlek, of Toronto, Ie a visitor1Hth
her sister. Sirs. John Si.♦Jtr,'lllu. tended the fimer,I of the Tate Sirs.
Hs. i 31. Ainrill, r.tnnneil from Addlsnn tm Saturday.
Annlverwsr, nervier. will Ie held in
the United church here rn) Runde!.
July H. when Rev. Walter R. Craw,
R.A.. B.D., will be present. He will
aMo assist with the program st the
strawberry feet Ivel on the ,•Intreh
town nn Turwdiy. July 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson sad
fatally, of Mitchell. visited on Sunday
11t the Immo of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs That RnMn*w1
Little Kliegs Dorsa Watson. Helen
Chnrll and Rath Pentland of Cedar
Valley spent the week -end with Mina
Wlnnlfrwd Farrier.
Mr and Mrs Nelsoln Patterson. of
Autism's' Oast Sunday with his sister.
Mw olsrence (lax.
Mr and. MIs. lei wood Rarhnnr and
Mr. rand Mrs. WM. 1'nrdnn and lista
gent Monday taint with Mr. end Sirs.
Aller' ('sm.•rnn of A.MIPld.
Many were plc ted to see Mr. Mac
.Ross able to be out akin atter hb
long aerlotne Illness
Mr. Fred Newman, of Hamilton. at -
Capital Cafe
(eat•t side of the Square)
"- 6rreric`ts Newest Cafe
'� !1 ca!tt wrw e
hours. -
"Best Plat*40 Eat in Town'
P.O. dna 321' Tt>Isphsee 272
Toronto atter vielting with friend. for
n week.
Mr. end Mrs. ins. Dentin. sr.. and
son Earl attended the-WblMter picnic
held rat Hayfield .m Saturday.
Sir. Itnlrinwm Woods end MIs. Char-
lotte err visiting n few days with the
latter'. 'later. lira. Campbell. near
11rae efleld.
Mr. Jaw, Wella.. end nta•r. Miss
Mergsret Miller, returned to Mr W.
t. NIIIer'a on Satnnle, after a three
.veekle Mtent trip Monne frhende np
arottn4 Vielkrrton, Port Elgin and
otter points
fit Hetotu. Wamrn's Imetltnte wit/
hoed 11. mAnthl, meeting ■1 the home
of Mr. 11.•o. Stuart on Than•,.
:IM. Roll roll. "Hints for Sewing."
thlisiset, "Ansae dreaa-makhig. telee-
Monumental Works
Rest Materials
. Latest Derigrte
Expert Workmanship
All Work Guaranteed
weammable Prices
._i L:. .SPQTTON
Goderie .
June, the Month of Weddings
The bride can ppmoire her, wedding
gown and bemire tat itt is perfect, Mit
the bride's Bouquet is something which
only a Rorie, who is q true artist, ran
arrange. The Flowers Mum b; arranged
according to the cnettune and grace of the
bride. All tbie earl he done perfectly by,
Braver, Street Pboas 105 Goiariedt
SRulQanoa of
Men's ._fine Straw Hats
in the znewest shapes and
styles clearing from
85c to $ 1195
Men's SaRior Straws, au
Men's Fancy Straws
' ruin , ate:. size..
=1.25: to ;1.95
M. Robins
Agent for Tip Top
Phone 384
Summer Millinery
New and Original Models
in assured ityles for summer 1
Showing the Vogue for Straw, Hair and
Fabric, in all the -latest shades.
Costume Jewellery, Scarfs and
Children's Hats
You are cordially invited M inspect our stock
Miss M. R. MacV ica r
Kingston Street