HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-6-26, Page 4The Signal's Clubbing List
will save you time and money. We
can give you a price on almost any
publication issued on the continent.
Aggressive Advertising
is the key to success in merchandising.
As a medium for reaching the people
of Goderich and district The Signal
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1t12 EIONAL PRINTING p0.. LIWITlD, Pub)/labors
Asaoelatlun, whklt will result in Its
hemming, If possible, even more pow -
oriel than it Is today.
THESE are, therefore, to command
you to take the said EDWARD
FLOODY and to bring ham torfore Ise
forthwith et th' Muting* of this Hon-
ourable Court in the Transportation
Building at the Exhibitbw (:round* in
the said city of Toronto, or before
Much other Judge d'Affaires an may be
presiding. ttserpat. there to teatlfy
what he may know concerning the
mitten., hu question hereluM'fore re-
ferred to and that you dentin him in
your custody until Ile shall have given
his evtdruoc' car (114111 "Hoer order s411111
he• made by the Court cvmer ieg 111 Ili
GIVEN cattier my hand this 20th
day of Anne. 1101. at Toronto.
K.J. B. IH'N('AN.
Judge d'Affaires.
Found t)iU11Iy find Sentenred
The Judge in Well teurlIlk Secretary
'lowly, to W1114•11 .lodge McLaren tcn-
"]'01 wen. apprehended o* the
charges resit to von lull for your
defence vuu have had the w'rvlee* of
eminent rulmw•I who lett nothing un -
Berne and malting uttsaid that ,night
tend to rle•tr vuu of these charge's
and we think tit• great ability of your
-defence cournwl was shown in 111.4 ad-
vkw to you to )Arad guilty. for we
may ay without any hellalte". th"t
It is the opinion of this Court that no
charge wax ever •preferred *milord
any •man with more reason car with
, trurlger _evidence In support than .In
yuDhr Ase. ^-
-Your record above* that each time
an opportunity has offered for reach -
lug out In cert5Jn directions more es-
pecially inthe matter of obtai
ning more
members and selling mune ut-home
tickets. you here gragxd 1t so quickly
as to allow that you were 014 the alert
e(ntinually with malice aforethought
and it Is nu surprising therefore that
you have landed where you find your-
self today.
"11 Is to be hoped you will realize
that the senteite about to 1*' passes,
upon you Is, .Coen*18erklg all the cir-
cumstances, $w•h art iu your .-Amer
moments will be eonsldered art not
grater than the conditions warrant.
'The is tenie of this Court, from
which there 1* no appeal, 1* that
you take this key and Mn*ert it in the
small aperftitr--wade for that purpn*r
in the decor of the instrument known
as a "Urandfatller* Clock." and that
you •wIll there and then wind the will
eloiek a(l repeat this operation us of-
ten a* may be neessary, so that In
thIA way you will "do time" for the
rest of your natural life. and you are
KO accordingly *elteleed."
The In*rrlption on the beautiful
Plock. engraved on r brims plate, reads :
i'reeoented to Edward Flo*ly by
the Huron 0141 Soya' Amoet*tion of
Toronto. in re.ognitlrwn of his excep-
tional p�s.'rvb.a a* Secretary tit the
Association from its inception in -the
year IMO.
�La.iawaa ami t4L.G
-- S:clea'11
Ed. Floody union'( .carry the
clock around with him. so they pre-
lented him with a wild gold plot in-
scribed: "Huron Old Hoy. Alexia -
0 o(f Toronto., (_Huron County Brest 1.
• .rr4n*ppre•Iatlon of et-
firlent Mervlee-.1900-1fk10."
The ladles pr'*ented Mr*. Floody
with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Edward Floody, In accepting the
clerk and pin, In defiance of the wen-
ten•e of the Court *aid ho would con-
tinue to *ell ticket* to the judges, the
sheriff. the prlmerntfng attorney and
Mherw. lie Isere np well under a try-
ing ordeal for any man. But the emo-
tion* nearly gained the upper band
'when • he graciously thanked the !adieu
for the beautiful bouquet of flower*
prw•11ted, 41,44. Flyody.
An old-timer from aleaforth was at
the picnic swapping yarns with other
rid -timers -James. Wright. who was a
schoolmate with Thoma* A. Edison.
`the 'igiKTtle wizard'. in the village 4rT-
Vienna, f'Igin county.
Judge 1hirwnn fumbled around his
pockets for she clock key. First he
lo/ked at 4lffirer O'Mc4'reath. then at
the sheriff. then at O'll1e('reath again.
He wasn't sure which otle picked hi*
pocket. lint from the severe look he
gave the top Ins ('(kilo tell where hi*
were ready in an ittoirroviaed court. sli*plc(one rested.
for Officer OliteCreath and his prim- ')'Ile i.nl*eely-drama moved quickly.
Ed. Flatly w•},n't given a chance to
inspect the grandfattker4g. clock. He
got a look at It --that wits all. Finally
AP cense tack to "the court"_ tp ezam-
ine. and lo, beheld, *om4'one had
"pinrbel" the elo•k. l'erhap* It was,
the judges, the sheriff, the cop or
i)oug. Wilmnn. Time file* --and *n 41141
the Hoek. it wax found afterward* at
fiK ('irate avenue. where Edward
FlonIly resides when at home.
The broom f(Mdhall match win one
of the best AM tures of the afternoon.
Twelve IN 41 on each *ide were cap-
aptaj)nd. by Mrs. (1. C. Young and Mrs.
14. B. Stowe. Atlrr A Burd -fought
The Members mol l►ffbs'r* of the tattle. a truce wax arranged and much
Huron Old Boys' Amseariatlnn of lady, was pentel with a broom and
Toronto• a bore*
Partite of malt vinegar.
and - !tett Mc1'reeth was *tarter tn.-the
Edward Flowwly. l rleall races and 4'. 0. Vanatnne'. (leo.
To the Sheriff : Ferguson and John Mon acted as
WIIE1tl At proof ha* been Made the judge*.
before hue by the members and aft- Treesnrer Lorne Pringle was the
cera rf THE HURON OLD BOYS' battiest man 0(1 tilt grounds.
A14SUCJATION (IF TORONTO that T. 1.. Blake. formerly of 11ullett.
EDWA-R13 rrAionY 111144 beep cls flit.N
wM early on the ground.,an
und task to
rerlpon*ible-•f*r'IWP"dl'1t31111i(lotri iu till of the evert*.
malntt'uanee for a period of some
thirty years of a society known as the
Huron (lkt (toys As*ea•latlon of To
ronto. which mad Ax444a'latbol Na a re-
sult of him efforts has Mn grown In
numbers and influence nntll today, **
evidenced by this unprecedented gnth-
ering, the said AMso'Intion ham at -
tabus! such 11 state of p•rfertlmo tie
ell 11 4017 be equalled by the great nod
gloriou* c•otlnty of Huron froom whish
the netnterx of the sold Association
have been rpr1lrew1. and It 141 my is' -
lief from the representation* witch
have been merle befoln• nor Hint the
'said Edward F'bsoly doss not Intend
to asps fila energies Ica Mtrencing thu
Interviste of the saki Am...Intim but
Brophey Bros.
Aah.laae. service at all
bars, day wkaight.
PHONES: Store 120 Baa. 11
J. R. Wheeler
Ftanseal Dhrodar sad
All calls promptly attanded to'
day or aught
Store 385 Residence Maw
Hamilton Street, Oa/oriel'
W. J. Power
Sfie�sp Seeds, insures*,
and Real Estate
Car, Life said Fir. Innrraace
Nelson Street, Goderich
Phone 21)2 P. O. Box 438
has removed to new
quarters en Kms.tos --
a.d Repairs. General
:*mks .a all C. dna unt
Aliiii•Chainsers ..d United Trac-
Baer & Strand
The Armstrong Real Estate
and-lasarance Agency
N..... and Lethiia raotow.cti •old Parini
for Sal.
Largo awabor IiM.d to shoo,. from.
KMthF nuf,1 ipk.ditte . can
' ,'...+. (• ,+' v.w..t, •s -, . is
choice location. Immedia a possearon.
Price 11A60---$500 cash, balance good
Good modem conveniences,
2 lou, fruit. 81300; good tern..
Choice of number gondol 1% -nosy
houses in good condition Iron, 81300 up.
Rome excellent brick hounds, modern,
eRsee lest 10(s -acre Farm; good bui;d-
r - ings, orchard, gond water suptlly, some
timber, full growing crop of grain and
hay, roots, garden, etc. Situated on fine
highway with hydro wires; very doer to
good vi lyre, convenient to R. R. station,
Clinton and (4oderieh. Immediate posses-
sion. Price 84M00; or $1300 oash, balance
good terms.
See or write
Real Estate
B.* 0
The man who would
never walk again.
CIL mild imakie. Its• ,�d�aW Mar Mau
11 s t a ea*N+•
ao aO1Md-adi
Or As rad awes Iwo same . ... 1 *lel
taw As newt Bra.ef 5*.
- My dolladd my adml *yIsq
a:n da that I .nerd
• ever walk aVb.
as-Uum sad wad ao.ed to
•• 1 am .ssAr ts of air. Attar taking
bboitlta 1 so litarcl•/ (0 worn wit work.
Qv ea two ys o I had ba • Caam-
1[arat / I have woo a pito every
I have Bdag as attrdMr bat •
hoar eabolar, It woad take M • wank to write
MO hdM about Rrsdhs Sea" --W. a. B.
.- - "- sass lob• rlr14i. 4a do
stoma la domes es mettle, • ist�rtlt•.
Monde --MAIM uta NMw•M a •ifs
TO 110 1114E' FOR
Honor Paid in Unique Paahion W
Popular Official of
Huron Old Boys
IV111lrNTO, June 2A -It was rrlehiy,
I hr Wit) (a week later than the ISth ),
the, young girls and old M)ye,• . exiles
from Huron, gathered In 'F,ahibitlon
Park. Toronto, for their annuli?,
picnic. Secretary Moody W1is first 40
arrive, or among the first. A *mile
Iasi a warm Huron wrirotne he had
fur every The hoot -and the tick -
eta• plrthvlarly the latter- were.
.ern.4pkuou.4. The Artful InAger hitu-
self .couldn't dodge Ed. Floody. }tut
Floody, Mem Itlyth, 414111'1 know what
was coming to him. but it came.
Over In the Transportation Build-
ing long rows of tables were Ioadeyl-
with good Huron gru1.-the kind of
food mothers taught their daughters
to prepare Tack In the yeatendny..1nd
threr..wai Iota Of IL And we went at
It Just a* we used sit dv at 2rrariL4
Inge. tbrelriags. Minting Ilw,w. and
church socials yonder Ica the old (1an-
Geo. Williams
Miler in
Me. Accident, Automobile. and
Oaeseal Lasa... Agaat
Office, next to Bank of Commerce
Phone 53 Goderich
Hardwood Flooring
We rend?, a plea .hock o1
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of All Kinds ,
Eatilnatoo given on application
Frank McArthur
West Street Electrical Shop
Telephone 82 Goderich
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
The i,'I!isest Investment
Itis admitted by many to -day that Life in,urance i* the wisest in-
vestment that can be made. Other investment* may fluctuate in value.
Some may even turn out to 1m worthless. There is, however, a certainty
to Life Inrorence that neither time nor circumstances can alter. It helps
to crate an .*tate which not only affords protection for today but,'builds r
up a cash revenue for the future.
Consult m about this inve*tment
PHONES : Office 115
Re*idence 5411
District Agent
r -Building
In connection with our Planing Mill, Anglesea
street, we carry a complete stock of Building
Materials --Cement, Lime, Gyproc, Wood and
Patent Shingles, etc., etc. ' t
Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Doors,
Sash, and all Planing Mill products.
11 you are thinking of building consult us and
save money.
The - Goderich Manufacturing Co., La
(f. E. Baeehlsr, President)
Fest al Anglee.a Street . G.derkb . Napless til
for thirty years set•retary of the Huron
Oil. Boys' Association of Toronto.
Mr. 'rloody was horn in Durham
comity and bla parents moved shortly
thereafter to Blyth. He attended Clin-
ton school and later Belleville College.
For three year, be t.eght school In
Goderich township and a little over
(hi -- . , gQ De mared...to„T4+roa n..
i , . ".'s'Sr Melle-
n! venue Branch of the Dominion
Golternment He has been moat active
In furthering the interests of the
.Huron Old Boys' Assodaion, and mot
Lb* 4*1a 1 iii 'rM„Im. �4
the only one to survive a long period
of years as an active Association.
ner county of Huron. Exiles never
forget home. There was no twenty
minutes for refreshment at "the
*top" in the transportation) building.
FA. Floaly was art nervous as a con -
doctor of a limited train half an
hoar late. He sensed there was mom.-
omething doing --a *mash -tip or.aotpething
down the line. Everyone wanted to
talk to the secretary ---t0 kill time -
till .fudge Dnoan arrived; Floody
wanted to get of with the program,
but Mrs. Tholnpwm. and others kept
hitt) talking-somron' told him to holt)
m1. there was to he an exec, tire meet-
ing. He wondered what t isitene a0
executive meeting was fie. ii-
Officer Oath Nabi Floods
.Paige E. YlIrt. Duncan who by
the way was"ile second 'president of
the Huron 4(1,1 Boys, ai'rivei. The
Judge. supported toy Judge McLaren,
sheriff, prosecuting attorney Proud -
foot, defending Mongol Lee, all gowned,
otter 100 Huron !tidiest In the liuepp
for the 100 packages of leu.
The refre*huk'ut evmmlttew, made
up of Mrs. H. Thotnp•tou, Mrs. Stowe.
Mrs G. C. Vanatone, Mrs. G. C. Young,
"Ire 1). Hoag, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs.
Pringle, airs. .1. A. McLaren. Mrs. 1).
floolg te' eel Mrs. J. Mean, deserve
sprtal mention for their exeellellt af-
Mr. and Mrs. Jrek Suter. of (lin:-
ton. were welcomed visitors. and took
in al! the evPnta.
Rev. 11'. Co. Flamm, It native moi
Morrl.4)e/w11Nl1IR, was prewe•nt Hud was
UM Ihely as A sixteen-vo'ur-old.
Rev. lir. Inkster, of Knox church,
was 'sitor for a whorl time and en -
Joy the I•oevMlhlgs.
( nes were iudulg.'d 114, goal
pr) •e4 were awarded. Tile appended
list tells its (PAM story.
Tis Prise -wines,
)Mops tinder S years --1 1t %tilde•u, 2
I). Mt -Quart -ie. 3 It. A. McCreath.
Girls moiler t4 years --1 Mary .fay,
2 Marie Jordan, 3 Marie O'Keefe.
Boys ler 111 years --1. H. Nagy, 2
C. Wiliam:i 1). Mllden.
4;iris moiler 114 years -1 E. Nagy.
2 Elliot Jay. 3 Ituth I'ridlaa.
Iieovs under 12 year', 1 It. Me-
4'reath, 2 11. 1'r*w'fur1, 3 It. Wilson.
(;iris under 12 years -1 F:. Nagy, 2
H. Jay, 3 R. Prltlhum.
-fkrytr-twder 1a i•,'air*-1 F. Thomp-
son, 2 JnW_Crawforl. 3 Jacek 74
girl* under 14 years --1 J. " e-
lYvath, 2 J. i'ridham, 3 J. Urquhart.
-,ladles: up',i rote -1 (;race Stirling,
2-4'. Coauully. 3 11. Staines.
'Boyce boo rate --1 it. Me('re'ath,
Wallet* 'Fluxoly -3 Fwd. McArthur.
!Married ladies. --1 Mrw Hart, 2
Mrs Gut. 3 Mrs. Young.
Toting men's raceme -1 W. (YCb®eii, 2
Earl, Stant, 3 V. Faulkner.
}Married men -1 B. H. Me('resth,
2 R. Hart, :t 11, Wilkinson.
Peanut rice -=1 A. Flynn. 2 3.
St* 14, 11 `11, .i'unnolly.
Fat sen's'nta-1 A. Jay. •2x1).
lYawford, 3- A. Currie.
Mer, one Fwlwant Flossly. The offleer
had the s'e•retary in true cop style by
the collar of the colt. In the arrest
F14exhf M straw 11 f e niii-,a,,1 -
dander grahM4 1f
The complaint w• N laid by Presi-
dent r1. 11. W11soh. The Warta t.
signed and sealed With a big rd veal.
res d :
The Huron 4')14 hops' Association of
Toronto '
Canada. f'rorinc'e of Ontario,
4'minty of York.
City cat Toronto",
To Wit:
Between: -
Rost. Holmes wet chairman of the
retention committee and dk1 Ida work
well.. -
Doesn't f.,P}idi4fen? make in ideal
(crown prtaset•utor, it •yon don't be -
neve It. ask tlmretivy Floody.
W. Elliott hRichmond, an old school-
mate of Secretary bloody at K.S. No
7, Hallett. (tuft fifty yearn ago, ens
present And as lively RAS kitten.
Preside )t D. D. Willson wax In hi*
glory, and partlenlNrly when taking
part In the staged drama In the
'rranaportation Huilding.
4..A. Meioren And E. J. 11 Duncan
looked very h*scheme In their huttelal
baser*--* •
lee -
"sill continuo to rfsew sweet+ rat* M Ilett M(4 r1Ith m11de' 4411 Ideal PIle-
W Ctasw. Berne of gntr..T*rrnrrn mope (night
w111 further Infl,enee thftJ,rm4r tea --.take a ttp`4rnm inert.
Mentls of t11e mail county of Huron,¥ The refreshments wore up to dote
and new resiling in the Pity of Tee: and one Tetter. _
onto, to become members of tlk -said The.. I.Ipton tea race' brought out
dire YOU _
IF so, carry e .o more actual
cash than your ' ust.
KINCARDINE, June 20. - Wham
Murloeb McKenzie, proprietor of amt
Walker House in Kincardine, tailed to
appear before Pollee Magistrate Walk-
er in Kincardine at 10.30 o'tiock this
,,ming on a charge of having liquor
illegally In his poaae*slvrl, a search
was instituted for 11111, and he was
found by his hostler In one of the
stalls in his barn, with a had gash 1n
his throat. Ire wax rushed to rhe Kin-
cardine ho:•p/tal and melleal attention
given, but he is In A very serious con -
dation from Mae of Wood He used •
penknife. which was f (1e him,
In an endeavor to cut h jugular vein,
but narrowly mimed it. t lir made •
nasty gosh in his throat.
_ sad Tei
have been.deeignated to watch him
day and night until he fa able to up,
pear. He formerly operated a hotel at
Tiverton and has been in Kincardine
but a Mort tine. The Provincial police
rightist lobo place a little more than a
week ago end found A quantity of
swamp whiskey in his poaserweion,
We can sum • you with Trav,•
tilers! Che s, accepted by'
banks, hotels, way company`
and others, or, equired, with
a Letter of Credif>,,`,
There are other ways also in which we
can assist you in your away -from -home
financing. ao nutter whether the amount '
• kivoived be large oe small.
Insure Your Automobile with
1.,,. a�„s,sp^, ,4.y'el Reset
00014* acid
Dominion "Endurance"
-maximum mileage
ENDURANCE is a remark-
able tire at a remarkable
price ... a splendid tire for light
cars. Its carcass is strong, rug-
ged, durable. Its tread is scien-
tifically designed for traction
and non-skid safety.
Endurance is low in price, but a
marvel in performance and du-
Your nearest Dominion Tire Depot
can supply tires for every purpose
and every purse; Royal Masters,
the world's finest; Dominion
Royals, finest tires at standard
prices; Endurance,'a wonderful tire
at low cost; Royal Heavy Service
- Tires for trucks and motor coaches.
. v44t111We'