HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-09-23, Page 19Ministry of Natural Resources Information Services Co-ordinator Dorene Cardiff of Brussels, left, and
Dave Johnston of the Ministry’s Rabies Research Unit at Maple were involved in setting out rabies vaccine
baits by hand in certain areas of the terrain missed by the aircraft drop of34,000 baits across most of Huron
County and parts of Bruce County on Monday. This is the fourth consecutive year the Ministry has tested
rabies vaccine in the area. -Photo by Ron Spurr, MNR.
Rabies drop started Monday
Compiled by Mrs. Mac Engel. Phone 887-6645
Perries honoured
on 50th anniversary
This week, low-flying aircraft
are buzzing local farms and
bushland for the fourth consecu
tive year as they drop some 34,000
rabies vaccine “baits” across 13 of
Huron County’s 16 townships, as
well as across four townships in
southern Grey County.
In perfect flying weather, drops
were made Monday over the
townships of Goderich, Hullett,
McKillop, Stanley, Tuckersmith
and part of Morris; while on
Tuesday the Goderich-based air
craft covered Ashfield, Colborne,
Howick, Turnberry, East and West
Wawanosh, Greyandthe remaind
er of Morris. Today (Wednesday)
drops are planned for the town
ships of Bentinck, Egremont,
Glenelg and Normanby in Grey
Some bait packages being
dropped on parts of East and West
Wawanosh will be wrapped in clear
and green plastic, to determine if
animals react differently to differ
ent packaging.
The MNR says that baits were
dropped at one-second intervals
along pre-determined flight lines,
so that when the drop is complete,
each square kilometre of the test
site should contain 20 baits. Baits
will be dropped only on farmland
and bushes, avoiding bodies of
water, towns, farm and house
yards, and roads.
Local residents are asked not to
touch the baits if they are found.
Each one is clearly labelled with an
explanation of the contents and a
toll-free telephone number for the
Wingham MNR office for persons
wanting more information.
The baits are not harmful to pets
or livestock, but a pet which does
eat one is not necessarily immuniz
ed and should be vaccinated as
usual by a veterinarian, according
to the MNR.
According to Ministry of Natural
Resources (MNR) biologist Dr.
Charles Maclnnes, the purpose of
this year’s field trials is to fine-tune
and determine the most economi
cal methods of vaccinating wild
life, especially foxes, against
rabies, and to develop a bait form
that will be most acceptable to
likely carriers of rabies in the wild.
Researchers hope that wild ani
malswill find andeat the baits,
thus setting the stage for a mass
self-immunization program for
wild carriers within a few years.
Over the past three years, rabies
vaccine was contained in a sponge
cube coated with beef, liver or
hamburger, and sometimes placed
in a plastic bait bag. But this year,
researchers are testing a bait
consisting of a cube of hardened
wax, beef fat and mineral oil. It
contains a chicken flavour to attract
foxes, the most prevalent carrier of
the rabies virus in southern
Ontario, and is colored green to
repel other animals, mainly crows.
The vaccine fluid in the centre of
Compiled by Mrs. Margaret McMahon. Phone 887-9250
Hang on to your doll,
Wl speaker says
Girls hang on to your doll, old
and new as they will be of value in
the future, so says Nancy Bowman
of Listowel.
Nancy was the guest speaker at
the Ethel W. I. Canadian Industries
meeting held at the Community
Centre Wednesday evening. She
makes porcelain dolls which are
more delicate than ceramic ones.
game held
The annual Firemen’s baseball
game between Brussels and Grey
Township was held on Sunday at
the Ethel park. Brussels emerged
victorious (score unkown) over the
Grey team. About 80 people
returned to Gary and Beth Earl’s
for a barbecue.
Sunday School has started at the
Ethel United Church and all
children in the area are invited to
Pam and Alvin McLellan and
family visited with Bill and Sandy
Clarke of Pickering for the week
the bait cube is contained in a small
plastic package, which also con
tains tetracycline, a chemical
which will mark the teeth of wild
animals to provide evidence that
the bait was indeed eaten.
About 13,000 of the bait cubes
will contain rabies vaccine, while
21,000 will not. Results will be
compared to see if the presence of
the vaccine itself has any effect on
foxes eating the bait, with results
obtained during the trapping
season by studying samples of
blood and teeth from trapped
Nancy led the group through the
whole procedure of making a
procelain doll from the greenware
to the finished product. Canadian
porcelain has a smooth finish and is
not rough like the Japanese
product. China paint is used for
colouring the dolls’ faces.
Doll collectors are increasing in
number with doll shows being held
all over the province. An original
Barbie doll is worth $300 or more.
Barb Grube thanked Nancy for
coming and presented her with a
Doris Jacklin will be the voting
delegate at the area convention in
Atwood. The Huron County rally is
being held at the Londesboro Hall
and Joan Smith andJean Fraser
are the delegates.
A report from the District
Directors meeting was given by
Margaret McMahon. A work shop
on the new hand book is to be held
by the Huron East District in the
near future.
The next meeting will be held at
Pat Keffer’s on October 14.
Jean Fraser adjourned the meet
ing giving everyone a chance to
look at Nancy’s display of porcelain
On Saturday afternoon, Sept. 12
a special occasion was celebrated
in the Community Centre when
approximately 125 relatives and
friendsof Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Perrie gathered to honor them on
their 50th wedding anniversary.
John Perrie and Clara McCall
were married on Sept. 11, 1937 in
London by the Rev. Moorehouse
and have spent all their married life
on the 12th cone. Grey Township.
They have been life-long residents
of the Cranbrook and Walton area.
Congratulations were received
from the Governor General, the
Prime Minister, and Premier.
Friends attended from Halifax,
North Carolina, Hamilton, Toronto
and the local community. On
Friday evening their son John, his
Kathy's Corner
Queen's Villa
residents enjoy bingo
Last Wednesday, nine tenants at
Queen’s Villa attended bingo
being held in the lounge. Everyone
returned to their apartment with a
Winners included: Pearl Craw
ford, Ruby Philips, Mollie Grant,
Patricia Hallahan, Cliff and
Blanche Hoegy, Dan Hallahan and
HarveGarniss. John Young and
Pearl Crawford received prizes for
having the marked saucers, while
Patricia Hallahan was sitting in the
lucky chair. Lunch was served and
enjoyed afterwards. It is hoped to
continue with weekly bingos. Any
prizes you wish to donate, call
Kathy at 523-4497. It would be
greatly appreciated.
Another satisfying event occurr
ed at the Villa on Friday. The
We are now ready
to receive your 1987
For more information contact:
Brussels Huron Cty. «Henfrvn
Rd. #16 Twin *
i County
i Grain Elevators—L4
PHONE: (519)356-2292
Manager: Glenn Thorpe
wife Mary and family entertained
their parents to supper and the Old
Tyme Fiddler’s Jamboreeat Blyth.
On Sunday, Sept. 13, new
collection plates were dedicated in
Knox Presbyterian Church by the
minister Rev. Steven Webb. They
were presented by Mrs. Lois Hart
and family in memory of the late
Jim Hart. Following the service
relatives and friends joined the
family for a smorgasbord lunch in
theCranbrookCommunity Centre.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler
spent several days the past week
camping at Craigleith and Sibbald
Provincial Parks.
original pendulum clock recently
underwent repairs at Anstett
Jewellers in Clinton. This unique
clock had been given to Queen’s
Villa, on behalf of Blyth Council,
when it officially opened in 1979.
Familiar chimes and ticking can
be heard once again.
It is very noticeable that fall is
quickly approaching, in more ways
than one. Not only the leaves are
turning, butsoare the cards! What
I am referring to its the return of the
card parties. This weekly event
begins in the Town Hall on
September28at8p.m. Everyone is
welcome toattend. Donot pass this
opportunity, or you may be
mind over matter -- if you don’t
mind, it doesn’t matter.
-----"^Perth Cty. Rd.
#6 • Silver Corners