HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-08-12, Page 22PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1987. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: M i n i m u m $2.50 f or 20 wo rds, addi tiona I words 10c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. | Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED TWO LIMOUSIN COWS WITH heifer calves at side. Phone 357-3607. 32-2p NIAGARA PEACHES, RED Haven canning peaches. Order now for next week, $14.00 bushel. Phone 887-6694. 32-lp WILLIAMS ELECTRIC TRAIN, complete withtrack. One man’s 26” bicycle. A 36” Rockwell Beaver lathe, 3 step pulley with motor and stand. Bill Landon, phone 523-9649. 32-lp PRE-WAR GIBSON MASTER- tone5 string banjo. Collector’s item, $1,350 or best offer. Phone 887-9827. 32-1 TROPICAL BIRDS (FINCHES, Love Birds, Budgies, Etc.), Water Fowl, Pheasants and Chinchillas. Riverside Avaries, phone 523-9418 32-tfn 45 GALLON BARRELS SUITABLE for burning garbage. Apply to Ron Carter, Belgrave, phone 357-2706. 32-4 18 ACRES OF SECOND-CUT Alfalfa hay, lot 6, concession 13, Grey. Phone 887-6907. 32-1 MELBA APPLES ARE READY now. Ideal for cooking and eating. Contact Boyd Taylor, 523-9279. 32-2 CUCUMBERS FOR SALE. CON- tact Keith Richmond 523-9564. 31-3 NEW RIDING LAWN MOWER 5 h.p., pull start, 26” cut, summer special just $1,099. Belgrave Co-op 523-4454 or357-2711. 22-tfn HANK’S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes- boro. Complete service for all small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. 25-tfn SWEETCORN-$1.00 DOZ. ALSO red potatoes. Don Buchanan 526- 7204 on County Road No. 8 - 4 miles south of Auburn. 30-3p PEACH FACE LOVEBIRDS, youngtrainable budgies, canaries, splendid grass parakeets. Phone Adrian Vos523-4294. 30-4 WELL WATER PROBLEMS? New advanced technology for efficient treatment of problem water, offering protection throughout entire water system. Rusty... smelly... bad tasting... water hardness, staining, bacteria and more. No salt or messy chemicals ... maintenance free. See the results foryourselfwith our 6month trialoffer. Call toll free 1-800-387-3423 or write Aztec Purification Systems, 6380 #5 Tomken Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 1K2. *‘The lowest cost system that really works. ’ ’ Area code (807) Call 1(416)672-2300. 32-lp GRAIN STORAGE 47 x 100 for .41 cents per bushel or completely erected for .69 cents per bushel. Call Miracle Span toll free 1-800- 387-4932. 32-lp SUMMER CLEARANCE ON steel buildings up to 40% off. Many sizes to choose from. Call Miracle Span toll free 1-800-387- 4910. 32-lp STEEL BUILDINGS SUMMER Half Price Sale. Buy 1 building at regular price and get double length for 50% more. Phone Pioneer/ Econospan 1-800-387-6896. 32-lp GREENHOUSE & HYDROPONIC Equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality super low prices. Greenhouses$169, Halides $105. Over3,000products in stock! Send $2 for info pack and Free Magazine to Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St., Vancou­ ver, B.C. V6B 3N9(604) 682-6636. 32-lp CHILDREN’S CASUAL WEAR IN mix and match kaleidoscope col­ ours. Send $2 for colour catalogue. Refundable onfirstorder. Galeairy designs. Box 329, Whitney, Ont. K0J2M0. 32-lp MONTREAL MILITARY SUR- plus: Workshirts $2.75; Work­ pants $3.50; Workboots $15. Send $2 for catalogue (reimbursement first order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St.-Timothee, Quebec. JOS 1X0. 32-lp $$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28 x 40 x 14 $3,996; 40 x 60 x 14 $6,500; 46 x 80 x 14 $9,250; 70 x 90 x 24 $21,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery, call toll free 1-800-387- 2115,orl-(416)-858-2446. 32-lp FOR RENT 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT IN Clinton available now. References required. Phone 482-9210. 32-3 3 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE with4-piecebath on main floor. Situated 4 miles north of Brussels. May have possession immediate­ ly. Contact887-6314. 32-lp PETS FREETO GOOD HOME: 8 WEEK old Rottweiler & Shepherd cross puppies, good family dogs, 887- 9781. 32-lp LOST ONE RED DOBERMAN MALE dog from Brussels area. Call 21st Century Dairy Equipment Inc. 887-6784. Answers to the name of Percy. 32-1 WANTED WILLING TO BABYSIT IN MY home in Walton, Monday to Friday starting September. Callafter6 p.m. 887-6701. 32-4 WANTED TO RENT: 30 - 40 acres of land for fall wheat. Phone Stephen Caldwell 523-4799 or Leslie Caldwell523-9324. 32-lp WILL BABYSIT IN MY OWN home weekdays, Brussels and Walton area. Call 887-9242. 32-2p WANTED TO RENT: A FARM COOK FOR MEALS ON WHEELS house between Blyth-Brussels or a house in Brussels. Reference available. Phone887-9843after dark. 32-lp WANTED TO BUY: WARDROBE type closets, any size or condition. Phone523-4366after6p.m. 32-lp WILL DO BABYSITTING IN MY home weekdays in the Walton area. Phone 887-6318. 31-2 WORK WANTED: WARD’S Roofing, 12yrs. experience. Guar­ anteed workmanship. Free esti­ mates. Phone 887-6459. 29-6 BABYSITTING IN MY HOME any age. Breakfast and lunch provided. Cranbrook area, 887- 9827. 31-3 OLD WRIST WATCHES WANT- ed - Men’s only. Old Rolex & Patek Phillip wrist watches wanted. Also wanted Eaton’s “Quarter Cen­ tury” rectangular wrist watches (25 years service) will pay $1,000 and up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240orwrite B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ont. M5A1S2. 32-lp HELP WANTED BLYTH UNITED CHURCH RE- quires a part-time secretary. Sug­ gested hours: Tuesday 9 - 12, Wednesday 9-12, Friday 9-12 and 2 - 4. Please submit resume by August 18, 1987. For further information contact Doug Howson. 31-2 SECRETARY-TREASURER FOR the Belgrave Community Centre Board. Send applications by Aug. 20 to: Pat Lamb, RR 5, Wingham. NOG 2W0. 31-2 HELP WANTED FOR CON- struction. Phone 523-9640. 30-3 BABYSITTER FOR ONE YEAR old, three days a week, our home or yours. Blyth-Westfield area. Phone 523-4366. 32-lp BABYSITTER TO COME INTO my home in Blyth. Hours varied. Some light housework as well. Call 523-4313. 31-2p BABYSITTER WITH LIGHT housekeeping duties in my home between Brussels and Belgrave, weekdays starting September. Call 887-9409. 32-2 A FULL-TIME BABYSITTER TO come, into our home in Brussels for a 9-month old baby and a 6 and 7-year old. Hours 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. To start August 31,1987. Call 887-9488. 32-lp WINGHAM & DISTRICT Asso­ ciation for the Mentally Retarded is now accepting applications for part-time employment, at the 297 Edward St. residence. Experience in Human Services field preferred. Please forward resume by August 20, 1987 to: Marian Raynard, Residential Manager, Box 1042, Wingham, NOG 2W0. 32-2 FULL-TIME POSITION FOR PUB- lic works, general maintenance and utility job to be filled. Applications and resumes to be received by 5 p.m., August 22, 1987 in the Brussels Clerk’s Office, 887-6572. 32-2 GENERAL FARM HELP WANT- ed - full or part-time available. Contact Jack Cardiff887-6457.32-2 IMMEDIATE POSITION FOR RE- liable person on dairy and cash cropfarm, 887-6313. 32-2 program. Initially in Bayfield. Catering experience an asset. Call Bev Brown, Town and Country Homemakers, 357-3222 or 1-800- 265-3039. 32-1 FARM EQUIPMENT DEALER- ship situated ski/tourist area requires Parts Manager. Great opportunity for young male/fe- male. Must be familiar with computers. Agricultural back­ ground an asset. Good benefits and remuneration to right applicant. (705)428-3130. 32-lp REPORTER/COPIER EDITOR, experienced, required for small weekly newspaper near Windsor - Strong photo skills & layout ability essential, P.O. Box 490, Tilbury, Ont. N0P2L0. 32-lp TRAIN FOR A JOB WITH A future ... with Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Job search assis­ tance available. Kitchener 720 KingE., (519)743-5011, Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756-0223. 32-lp LEASE OPERATORS. Posi­ tions available for qualified opera­ tors who are interested in purchas­ ing fully rigged highway tractors under a unique fleet program. Financing package available. Phone Steve or Grant at: 1-800- 663-6205. 32-lp MA CHERI HOME FASHION Shows Est. 1975. Join our success­ ful family of independent repre­ sentatives in presenting quality lingerie and leisure wear at Home Parties for women. It’sfun! It’s easy! It’s profitable! Call toll free 1-800-263-9183 . 32-lp WE’VE GOT THE JOBS IF YOU WANT THE WORK, especially in babysitting, shortterm farm labour, painting and odd jobs in Brussels and area. We’ve helped over 690 public, high school and post-second- ary students find worksofarthis summer; you could be next. Cail the Canada Employment Centre for Students, 291-2922, today! BLYTH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD REQUIRES A FULL-TIME ARENA MANAGER Information can be obtained at Blyth Clerk's Office. Applications accepted until August 24 at 4:00 p.m. ^qinton OLD MILL IS LOOKING FOR PART OR FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES FOR FALL SEASON STARTING END OF AUGUST CALL 523-4740 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OVERSEASPOSITIONS. HUN- dreds of top paying positions. Attractive benefits. All occupa­ tions. Free details. Overseas Em­ ployment Services, Dept. CA, Box 460, MountRoyal, Quebec H3P 3C7. 32-lp CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1987GUIDETOSTUDY- at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosme­ tology, Electronics, Legal/Medi- cal Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. 32-lp HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS AND interested persons needed immed­ iately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collections. Call (519) 258-7905. 32-lp ENERGETIC, SELF-MOTIVAT- ed salespersons to train as consul­ tants to the automobile industry for a national company. No experience necessary. Salary plus commis­ sions. Forward resume stating file #104 to Box 3254, Station D, Willowdale, Ontario, M2R 3G6. 32-lp AGRICULTURAL SALES. MA- jor Ontario agricultural farm sup­ plier requires an individual with proven record of seed and crop sales for Claremont-Uxbridge area. Send resume and salary expectations to Uxbridge Co-op., Attention Steve Gardner, 4 Victor­ ia St., Uxbridge, Ont. L0C 1K0 (416)852-3321. 32-lp PERSONAL DATES GALORE: FOR ALL AGES & unattached. Thousands of mem­ bers anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1-800- 263-9163. Hours Noon till 8 p.m. 32-lp Pitch-In