HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-07-22, Page 13THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1987. PAGE 13. Auburn Rev. Pickell conducts Knox service Compiled by Mrs. Mildred Lawlor. Phone 526-7589 Auburn's sympathy Rev. Pickell of Goderich conduc­ ted the morning service at Knox United Church with Lori Millian as organist. The minister gave the Call to Worship, followed by prayer. Hymn, “O Worship the King” was sung. “Onward Christian Sol­ diers” was followed by prayer and the Lord’s Prayer was said in unison. Offering was received by Bill Seers and Peter Verbeek. The hymn, “This I My Father’s World’’ was sung. Rev. Pickell chose for his sermon “Steadfast­ ness and Change. ” “Breathe On Me Breath of God ’ ’ was sung. Rev. Pickell pronounced the Benediction and service closed with the three-fold amen’s. extended to Bai! family W. Wawanosh gets recycling grant Visitors with Ellen Johnston and Laura Phillips last week were Mr. J. K. Young of Mitchell, Mrs. Ron Rathwell of Blenheim and her mother Mrs. Gordon Taylor of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson of Clinton. Congratulations to Bob and Shelley Worsellonthe birth of a daughter born on July 11 at Goderich Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. A wee sister for Graham. Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of Mr. Stewart Ball who passed away in Clinton Hospital last week in his 78th year. Burial was in Ball’s Cemetery, Auburn. WMS meets at Hazel Reid's home The July meeting of the Presby­ terian Women’s Missionary Socie­ ty was held at the home of Mrs. Hazel Craig. Mrs. Martha Daer the president welcomed the members and three guests present. She opened the meetingwithapoem. The devo­ tional was taken by Mrs. Viola Raithby. The scripture portion was Nutrition matters Easy to swallow BY CATHY THOMSON NUTRITION CONSULTANT HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Some people may not be eating a healthy diet because they are unable to chew the foods they like and need. Chewing difficulties can be caused by poorly fitting den­ tures, recent loss of teeth, or gum disease. Nutritious foods such as meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and fibre rich foods are the most commonly avoided. This can result in inadequate intake of nutrients like protein, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and iron. What can you do to avoid these possible nutritional deficiencies? The first thing to do is see your dentist to check if he can help with gum disease or denture problems. If the chewing difficulty remains a problem, it is still possible to eat a balanced diet. There are foods in all four food groups of Canada’s Food Guide that can be prepared for easy chewing. Meat can be made tender by boiling, stewing or roasting it. Thinly sliced meatis easier to chew than larger chunks. If you still find that meat is too tough for your teeth, you can get easy to chew, high quality protein from meat alternates like eggs, baked beans and fish. Hard fruits and vegetables can be very difficult to bite and chew, Wingham pushes private service Wingham Town Council has endorsed a resolution submitted by Councillor James McGregor asking for more private involve­ ment in the distribution of mail in Canada. Copies of the resolution have been sent to the councils of other Huron county towns and town­ ships, as well as to Huron County Council, for consideration. The motion asks that Harvie Andre, the minister responsible for Canada Post, consider legisla­ tion allowing private industry and M iss Y vonne Bean of St. Thomas is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bean. Mrs. Gordon Gross, Anita and April and Marjorie McDougall attended an open house last Saturday for Miss Carol Cope, bride-elect held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Le Clair of London. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Craig and family of St. Jacob’s spent last week at their trailer at RR 3, Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLarty of Goderich and Frances Youngblut visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawlor. from St. Luke, chapter 15, verses 11 - 32. The meditation was on “The Prodigal Son”, followed by prayer. The Study was led by Mrs. Frances Clark who read about “The Old Time Religion” today. The next meeting will be at the home of Martha Daer on August 18 at 8 p.m. but they are an important source of vitamins A and C in our diets. Try grating them in salads. Cooked vegetables are always softer than their raw counterparts and cooked fruits can be a great dessert topping. Don’tforget that lots of fresh fruits and vegetables like toma­ toes, peaches and bananas are soft enough to eat without any special preparation. There are many easy to chew breads and cereals. Soft crusted breads, cooked whole grain cere­ als, brown rice and pasta are just a few examples. Milk and milk products are a great source of calcium and most arereadytochew. Aglassofmilk, a chunk of cheese, or a bowl of yogurt is simply prepared and easily eaten. Knowing what foods you need for a healthy diet is the first step to good nutrition. To actually be able to eat those foods is the next step. At first glance, chewing difficulties may look like a hinderance to healthy eating, however there are plenty of nutritious, easy to chew foods available. Instead of by-passing tasty foods in the supermarket because you can’t chew them, pick up some of your old time favourites and try preparing them in a way that you can enjoy. institutions to have more involve­ ment with mail delivery, “as it has been aptly demonstrated that no longer should the citizens of Canada be held ransom by irre­ sponsible postal unions and by the Management of Canada Post, who have difficulty in managing the mail, with or without a postal strike.” At its meeting on July 14, Blyth Council unanimously endorsed the resolution, which has not yet been discussed by other North Huron councils. The Township of West Wawa­ nosh has applied for a grant from the Ministry of the Environment which will enable it to begin a recycling program at the township landfill site. If granted, this Stewart Ball dies at age 77 WILLIAM STEWART BALL William Stewart Ball of RR 1, Auburn, died July 17, 1987 at Clinton Public Hospital. He was 77 years of age. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife the former Ada B. Hunt and two sons: David of Missis­ sauga and John of Toronto. Also surviving are two sisters and two brothers: Jessie, Mrs. Leonard Card of Boynton Beach, Florida; Sadie, Mrs. Stanley Jack- son of Carlisle; Hugh and Eliza­ beth Ball, RR 6, Goderich and Melburn and Margaret Ball, God­ erich. The funeral service was held at the Ball and Falconer Funeral Home, Clinton on Monday, July 20. Interment was in Ball’s Ceme­ tery, Hullett Township. MVCA plans 'fill line' meeting The Maitland Valley Conserva­ tion Authority will be holding an OpenHousefor the reisdents of West Wawanosh Township to review the proposed fill line mapping and regulations on July 27. Landowners in West Wawanosh are urged to take this opportunity to review the areas where the dumping of fill will be regulated and to discuss the policies govern- ingtheplacementoffillin these areas with Conservation Authority staff. ' * The Open House will be held in the Township Office, from 1 - 5 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. The purpose of the proposed regulations is to control the dumping of fill in areas where it may cause flooding, erosion or pollute rivers. These regulations are intended to help protect the rights of upstream and down­ stream landowners who could be affected by these problems. The regulations are not intended to prohibit all filling but rather to control the type and quantity of fill being placed in order to avoid flooding, erosion and pollution. In some instances the dumping of fill would have to be accompanied by appropriate erosion control mea­ sures. The fill regulations will be applied to all those lands that are located within the river valley of the Maitland River, its tributaries and headwater areas. Generally the types of lands that are affected include flood plains, wetlands, steep valley slopesandbanks of streams. Anyone with questions regard­ ing the proposed regulations or the Open House, can contact the Maitland Valley Conservation Au­ thority at 335-3557. program should extend the life of the present site by at least 20 years, says councillor Rhea Hamilton- Seeger of RR 3, Auburn. The West Wawanosh program will be the first of its type in Huron County, according to Mrs. Hamil­ ton-Seeger, although several lar­ ger communities, such as Kitchen- er-Waterlooand Stratford have initiated similar projects. Mrs. Hamilton-Seeger says that the grant money will enable the township to rent large bins which are left on the landfill site, into whichpeople dumping garbage can separate items such as metal, glass and newspapers, all of which can later be sold back to a company outof MountForestwhich rents the bins out. “In time, the program will pay for itself,’’ the councillor says. “The available funding is on a five-year declining-scale basis, but at the end of that period, (the program) should be entirely self- supporting.” She says that the largest obst­ acle in making the project success­ ful will be in educating the ratepayers of the township into doing their own sorting before bringing rubbish to the dumps site. However, she feels this won’t be rCLip"NSAVE“cUP“NSAVE“CLIP'NSAv”’cLl“NSAVE...l -I Tools g Equipment HOME-FURMCOHTRACTOR •fhtso sot out t so* hr future fuforeOCO. □ Sanders & Saws □ Painting Equipment □ Post Hole Augers □ Auto Tools □ Compaction Equipment □ Concrete and Masonry [Power Trowels Drills and Saws] □ Hoists and Jacks □ Ladders □ Lawn and Garden Equipment □ Handling and Moving Equipment □ Plaster Sprayers MANYOTHERITEMSTOO NUMEROUSTO MENTION!! Two great locations to serve you better! NEED IT? RENT IT! B&M Rentals and Sales We’re Located: Main Street, N., Wingham [519] 357-1666 After H OUrS. shop Hours: 7 a m.-9p.m., [519] 357-2335 OPEN Sundays9a m. -9p.m. !? i? ! CLIP N SAVE.i_C^LIPJ£SAVr__CUP difficult, as many ratepayers al­ ready segregate some garbage. Mrs. Hamilton-Seeger spent a day working at the landfill site in the early spring, and was impress­ ed by the willingness of most people to put different kinds of rubbish into areas already desig­ nated, although she says that providing removable bins will certainly alleviate the pressure on the site. “If this is run properly, we should be able to maintain this site foralong time,” she said. “People will quickly realize that they can either be part of the problem (of waste management), or part of the solution.” The idea of recycling waste was initiated by Tony McQuail of RR 1, Lucknow, former landfill site supervisor for West Wawanosh, according to Mrs. Hamilton-See­ ger, but the idea was quickly backed by the entire township council, as well as by Bob McAllisterof RR2, Auburn, the present site supervisor. “West Wawanosh is a small township, and lots of things are outside our control; this is some­ thing valuable we will be able to do all by ourselves,” Mrs. Hamilton- Seeger concluded. □ Scaffolding □ Heaters □ Fastening Tools □ Saws □ Water Pumps □ Generators □ Drills and Rotary Hammer Drills (□Grinders and Sanders □ Miscellaneous □ Demolition Equipment □ Canoes □ Floor Sanders □ Pavement and Concrete Breakers