HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1987-07-08, Page 21Walter Johnston, RR1, Auburn was the winner of a refurbished 1966
Chevelle Malibu convertible on Homecoming weekend in Brussels.
The car was raffled by the Brussels Bulls Junior “D” hockey club and
Walter bought his winning ticket from former Bulls’ coach Joe Steffler
who he works with at the County of Huron Garage.
Ball's service held
The 61st Annual Memorial
Service of Ball’s Cemetery was
held on Sunday, July 5 at 3 p.m.
with Knox United Church, Auburn
in charge. Rev. Gordon Pickell of
Goderich was in charge of the
There was a large attendance.
Mrs. Allan Webster was organist.
Call to Worship and Prayer of
Invocation was given by Rev.
Pickell. Hymn, “O God Our Help in
Ages Past” was sung. Psalm 121
was read in unison.
MVCA hosts shoreline seminar
On Thursday, July 23, the
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority will be hosting a Shore
line Management Seminar for the
general public, starting at 7:00
p.m. at the Livery Theatre, South
Street in Goderich.
This seminar will be of interest to
landowners along the Lake Huron
shoreline; especially those who are
thinking of building shore protec
tion works. The purpose of the
meeting is to explain the natural
processes that occur on the
shoreline and how these processes
limit the effectiveness of shore
protection works.
For cottage owners and perma
nent residents living along Lake
Huron the problems caused by
high water levels in 1986 are fresh
in their memories. Many land—w—
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TheNewTestamentreading and
prayer were given by Rev. Pickell.
The offertory hymn was “Rock of
Ages, Cleft for Me.”
Rev. Pickell’s message was
entitled “The Place of Faith.”
Hymn, “My Faith looks up to
Thee” was sung. Rev. Pickell
pronounced the benediction.
Dedication was made of wrought
iron gates for the front entrance, a
gift of Alvin and Lois Volk. Side
entrance in memory of Amos and
Hattie Ball and family.
owners are now undertaking shore
protection works to prevent future
Unfortunately, many of these
works will be improperly designed
and constructed and will be likely
ineffective as long-term protec
Speakers at the seminar will
outline the most cost-effective
alternatives for shore protection in
light of the natural processes on
lakeshores. Great Lakes water
levels will also be discussed.
Speakers at the meeting will
include Gary Boyd, a Geographer
for the Department of Fisheries
and Oceans and Craig Bishop, a
coastal engineer for the National
Water Research Institute. For
more information, contact the
Maitland Valley C.A. at 335-3557.
Compiled hy Mrs. Mildred Lawlor. Phone 526-7589
Pastor Shuttleworth conducts
farewell service at Auburn
Pastor Gary Shuttleworth con
ducted the Sunday morning ser
vice at Knox United Church.
The flowers in the sanctuary
were from thefuneralofthe late
Clayton Robertson. Organ and
Piano Prelude was by Mrs. Gordon
Gross and Marjorie McDougall.
“Holy, Holy, Holy” was sung. The
Prayer of Confession was read
alternatively followed by the
Lord’s Prayer.
Miss Christine Busch played a
violin selection “Faith of Our
Fathers” accompanied by Lori
Millian on the piano. The child-
ren’shymn “Jesus, Friend ofLittle
Children” was sung and Pastor
Shuttleworth told the children’s
story and the children went to
Brussels man shares
$10,000 lottery prize
Paul Steep of Brussels recently
split a Lottario second prize pool
with three Wingham men, all of
whom shared the cost of the lottery
Sharing the $10,846 prize with
Mr. Steep are Ron Riley, Rick
Stacey and Ivan Metcalfe all of
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Junior Congregation with teachers
Linda Durnin, Margaret Bakker
and Anita Gross. “Beneath the
Cross of Jesus” was sung. The
pastor’s sermon was entitled “The
Style”. The offering was received
by Marinus Bakker and Brian
Ramsey. The pastor pronounced
the Benediction and the service
closed with “Three Fold Amens.”
As this was Pastor Shuttle
worth ’ s farewell service, there was
timeforfarewellsin the Sunday
School for the Pastor, Mrs. Shuttle
worth and family. Rev. Snihur of
Londesborough will be available
for emergencies for the summer
months 523-4477. He will be
preaching at Knox United in
September at 10 a.m.
Wingham. All four men are
employed by Stanley Door Systems
in Wingham.
The draw offered 117,436 cash
prizes, worth a total of $1,636,228,
which included one jackpot prize of
$504,011 and 10 second prizes of
$10,846 each.
Mrs. Lillian Leatherland visited
for a few days in Stratford with
Mrs. Mary Blaker.
Mrs. Verna Doerr of Niagara
Falls spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Chamney and other
members of the family.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Anderson were Mr. William
Anderson of Newmarket; Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Shackleton and daugh
ter, Laura of Kitchener; Murray
Shackleton of Toronto and Nancy
Jane Park was home for the
Sympathy is extended to the
relatives and friends of the late
Clayton Robertson who passed
away last Tuesday in Meaford in
his 77th year. He was the husband
of the former Anne Straughan of
Auburn. Burial was at Ball’s
Cemetery* Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Craig and
family of St. Jacobs spent a few
days at their trailer recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Weston of
Toronto visited her mother Mrs.
Mary Rollison and brother Murray
for a few days.
The answers to your questions
about where to go for help for
everything from family pro
blems to health care
facilities, financial
advice to government
services will be in a service
directory to be published July
29 in